Web 2.0

Post on 12-Jul-2015

624 views 2 download

Transcript of Web 2.0

WEB 2.0

Prototipazione & Produzione WEBA.A. 2008/09

Andrea Andreini - Maurizio Caporali - Elisa Rubegni

Vaccarelle Letizia vaccarella.letizia@gmail.com

analisi di un sito assignment 1

•NOMEMiddle Spot



middlespot.com è un interfaccia di ricerca per insegnanti, ricercatori e per chiunque voglia

interpretare velocemente i risultati delle proprie

ricerche, annotare e enfatizzare i risultati

rilevanti, e condividere questi risultati con altri.



see your results as screenshots that you can pan and zoom like a map


•interpret results faster

middlespot.com's interface is broken into two areas,

the traditional, linear text based search results on the left, and a new map like interface made up of a gallery of screenshots of those same results on the right. 


• save and annotate relevant individual results to collections in workpads

4• You can rename them to better reflect what they contain.• add any url you want.• leave a comment describing the contents of the workpad.

•share workpads with others who are looking to you for your expertise You can email or even just copy the unique URL of your workpad and send that to a friend or colleague.


Shared workpads are read only and whenever you update your shared workpad, your friend automatically see's your changes but can't make changes. You can share your workpads publicly on a blog or website. It's completely flexible so you can decide how big both the embed frame is and the size of the screenshots


• tools that allow you to add to your workpads even when not using the middlespot interface

