mexico futuro.pdf

What Does Mexican Reforms Mean For The Future? Introduction In order to talk about the actual reforms we need to understand the political background of Mexico, rst of all by the year of 2000 the Mexican people elected for rst time in almost 70 years a new political party known as National Action Party (PAN) to held the power of the nation, this administration started with president Vicente Fox a continued with Felipe Calderon in 2006 in all of this years the administration was focused in war on drugs, p ublic health and po verty , it face th e nancial and health crisis cause b y HN1N1but do nothing to increase the GDP or income precept of the Mexican people.   After this political experiment of 12 years Mexicans where hoping that the elections of 2012 will save them with a new political leader or party, but any of the candidates where as good as they expected and the old ruler party on the country known as the PRI won the election returning to same old power who has controlled Mexico for almost half of its independent history. The PRI managed to convince Mexican voters that the party had changed its corrupt, authoritarian ways during its twelve-year exile from the presidency. Not only did Peña Nieto win the presidential race decisively by nearly eight points over his nearest opponent, Andrés Manuel López Obrador of the leftist Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) but the PRI was also poised for a strong showing in the legislature and the capture of state governorships. This victory was no well received for the majority of the Mexican private sector but the working class elected the PRI because they thought it means stability. Pact For Mexico  After president Enrique Peña Nieto was elected, it presents the Pact For Mexico this document it´s the background for all the political and economical reforms on its administration an d was pr esented de 2 of December of 2002 and was signed by th e three major political parties of the country.  The primary purpose of the pact is to create a consensus that transcends political di"erences to enable Congress to pass the reforms necessary to promote democracy and economic growth, as well as lower poverty and social inequality.  The negotiations for the Pact began shortly after Peña Nieto´s election was certied. His transition team held informal meetings with the heads of the political parties. After initial negotiations, a working group was formed consisting of Luis Videgaray and Miguel Ángel Osorio of the president-elect´s transition team, Gustavo Madero and Santiago Creel representing the PAN party, and Jesús Zambrano and Jesús Ortega of the PRD.   According to the Pact For Mexico , the working group determined that entrenched political and economic forces in the country would put up obstacles to any reforms. So the decision was made to deepen the country´s democracy by basing the Pact on three pillars:

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