Materi 1 HTTP

HTTP Pemrograman Web  Antonius PG Manginsela [email protected], [email protected]

Transcript of Materi 1 HTTP

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HTTPPemrograman Web

 Antonius PG Manginsela

[email protected], [email protected]

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Company Logo

Topik Bahasan

5. Versi HTTP

4. Connections

3. HTTP Messages

2. Overview HTTP

1. Terminologi & Definisi

6. Komponen Arsitektur Web

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user  ISP


Web server


Internet & Akses Web

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[email protected]

1. Terminologi

Internet :

Interconected Network (jaringan komputer yang saling interkoneksi.


World Wide Web

Web Page | Laman Web

Halaman world wide web

Web Site | Situs Web :

Situs World Wide WebHome page | Beranda :

Halaman Utama / Indeks


Hyper Text Transfer ProtocolHTML :

Hyper Text Mark Up Language

Browser :

Chrome, Internet Expolorer, Mozilla/Firefox, etc

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2. Overview HTTP

HTTP: The Internet's Multimedia Courier 

Jutaaan data gambar .JPEG,laman HTML, File

Teks, Video/ Film MPEG, WAV audio files, Javaapplets, dan bentuk-bentuk lainnya berjalan dan

berpindah melalui Internet setiap hari 7/24.

HTTP memindahkan paket besar informasidengan cepat, tepat dan reliable dari web server

ke komputer atau telepon pintar setiap individu.

[email protected]

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Web Client & Server 

[email protected]

1. Membuka sebuah laman : ","

2. Browser akan mengirimkan permintaan HTTP ke

3. Server akan meresponse dengan mencari objek yang diminta,

halaman awal adalah "/index.html“, jika ada maka objek akan

dikirimkan ke klien dalam bentuk HTTP, bersama dengan

informasi data panjang object dan informasi lainnya.

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Web Client & Server 

[email protected]

Komponen-komponen komunikasi Web Client & Web Server

1. Resources – Jenis, isi dan lokasi dari data / media pada laman web

2. Transactions – Jenis Transaksi antara Client & Server 

3. Messages – Pesan yang di kirim dan diterima4. Connections – Koneksi

5. Protocol - Aturan / tata cara

 Arsitektur Komponen Web

1. Proxies

HTTP intermediaries that sit between clients and servers

2. Caches

HTTP storehouses that keep copies of popular web pages close to clients

3. Gateways

Special web servers that connect to other applications

4. Tunnels

Special proxies that blindly forward HTTP communications

5. Agents

Semi-intelligent web clients that make automated HTTP requests

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2.1 Web Resources

[email protected]

Jenis Web Sources :1. Media Types

2. URIs

3. URLs

4. URNs

 A web resource is the source of web content

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2.1.1 Jenis Data/Media

[email protected]

MIME type. : MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)

Digunakan pada protocol HTTP untuk memberikan keterangan

dan label mengenai isi multimdia dalam halaman web

• HTML-formatted text document : ”text/html”

• ASCII text document : ”text/plain”

• JPEG : ”image/jpeg”• GIF-format : ”image/gif”

• Apple QuickTime : ”video/quicktime”

• Microsoft PowerPoint : ”application/”

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2.1.2 URIs

[email protected]

URI :Universal Resources Identifier

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2.1.3 URLs

[email protected]

URLs: Uniform Resource Locator 

1. URL scheme, memberitahukan protocol http yang digunakan : http, ftp,

mail etc

2. Nama Domain ( adalah lokasi server/hosting3. Lokasi Resources (//index.html)

scheme server location resource path:// /

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2.1.3 URLs

[email protected]

Component Description Default value

scheme Which protocol to use when accessing a server to get a resource. None

user The username some schemes require to access a resource. anonymous

password The password that may be included after the username, separated by a colon (:).<Email


host The hostname or dotted IP address of the server hosting the resource. None

portThe port number on which the server hosting the resource is listening. Many schemes have default

port numbers (the default port number for HTTP is 80).



pathThe local name for the resource on the server, separated from the previous URL components by a

slash (/). The syntax of the path component is server- and scheme-specific.None


Used by some schemes to specify input parameters. Params are name/value pairs. A URL can

contain multiple params fields, separated from themselves and the rest of the path by semicolons




Used by some schemes to pass parameters to active applications (such as databases, bulletin

boards, search engines, and other Internet gateways). There is no common format for the

contents of the query component. It is separated from the rest of the URL by the "?" character.



 A name for a piece or part of the resource. The frag field is not passed to the server when

referencing the object; it is used internally by the client. It is separated from the rest of the URL by

the "#" character.


Syntax :


Tabel Komponen-komponen URL

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2.1.3 URNs

[email protected]

• A URN serves as a unique name for a particular piece of content,

independent of where the resource currently resides.

• These location-independent URNs allow resources to move from place to

place. URNs also allow resources to be accessed by multiple network

access protocols while maintaining the same name.

• For example, the following URN might be used to name the Internet

standards document "RFC 2141" regardless of where it resides (it may even

be copied in several places):


• URNs are still experimental and not yet widely adopted. To work effectively,URNs need a supporting infrastructure to resolve resource locations; the

lack of such an infrastructure has also slowed their adoption

Uniform Resource Name

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2.2 Transactions

[email protected]

• Methods

• Status Codes

• Multiple Objects

Transaksi HTTP :

“request” (client to server),

“response” (server to client)

Disebut “HTTP messages”

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2.2.1 Methods

[email protected]




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2.2.1 Methods

[email protected]



Extension Methods

Method Description


Allows a user to "lock" a resource—for example,

you could lock a resource while you are editing it to

 prevent others from editing it at the same time

MKCOL Allows a user to create a resource

COPY Facilitates copying resources on a server  

MOVE Moves a resource on a server  

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2.2.2 Status Codes

[email protected]

Kelompok Status Codes :

1. 100-199: Informational Status Codes

2. 200-299: Success Status Codes

3. 300-399: Redirection Status Codes

4. 400-499: Client Error Status Codes

5. 500-599: Server Error Status Codes

Setiap pesan balasan dari Server ke Klien berisi “Status Code”.

Status Code adalah tiga digit kode numeric yang memberitahukan klien jika

permintaan berhasil atau kondisi/aksi yang diperlukan.

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2.2.3 Multi Objek

[email protected]

Jadi, "web page" sering merupakan

kumpulan dari berbagai resources bukan

hanya sebuah resource.

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3. HTTP Messages

[email protected]

Request Messages Response Messages

HTTP messages adalah paket-paket data yang digunakan untuk memindahkandata/informasi keberbagai tujuan.

Terdiri atas :

1. Start line

Untuk memberikan informasi awal atas permintaan/ request atau apa yang terjadi

atas permintaan / response.

2. Header fieldsSetiap header fields terdiri atas nama dan nilai yang dipisahkan oleh titik dua (:)

diakhiri dengan 1 baris kosong.

3. Body

Berisi berbagai jenis data (teks, gambar, video, audio etc)

Requet body membawa permintaan data ke Server 

Response body membawa data ke client

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3. HTTP Messages

[email protected]

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4. Connections

[email protected]


2. Connections, IP Addresses, and Port Numbers



HTTP : application layer protocol.


Error-free data transportation

In-order delivery

Unsegmented data stream

Sekali koneksi TCP telah terbentuk,

pertukaran messages antar klien &

server tidak hilang, tertukar maupun


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4.1 IP Addresses & Numbers

[email protected]

Before an HTTP client can send a message to a server, it needs to establish a

TCP/IP connection between the client and server using Internet protocol (IP)

addresses and port numbers.

In TCP, you need the IP address of the server computer and the TCP portnumber associated with the specific software program running on the server.

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Koneksi Browser 

[email protected]

a. The browser extracts the server's

hostname from the URL.

b. The browser converts the server's

hostname into the server's IP address.

c. The browser extracts the port number (ifany) from the URL.

d. The browser establishes a TCP

connection with the web server.

e. The browser sends an HTTP request

message to the server.f. The server sends an HTTP response

back to the browser.

g. The connection is closed, and the

browser displays the document.






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5. Versi HTTP


Support GET method, tidak support MIME, HTTP headers, atau version


HTTP/1.0 1.0 was the first version of Support tampilan grafik dan form-interaktif pada halaman web


Dikembangkan mid-1990s kebutuhan penggunaan web komersil, Fitur 

ditambahkan "keep-alive" connections, virtual hosting support, and

proxy connection support, dan menjadi standar de-facto.

HTTP/1.1 ,

Fokus pada perbaikan architectural flaws dalam disain HTTP,. HTTP/1.1 is the

current version of HTTP.

HTTP-NG (a.k.a. HTTP/2.0)tambahkan disini

[email protected]

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6. Komponen Arsitektur Web

Proxies [Server]

 Alat yang terletak diantara clients dan servers


Tempat penyimpanan duplikat dari laman, dokumen/ file di

dekat klien (Proxy Server)

Gateways / Portal

Web Server khusus yang terhubung dengan aplikasi /serer lainnya.


Meneruskan komunikasi lain melalui saluran HTTP atau



Web Client yang secara otomatis mengirimkan permintaan

HTTP secara terprogram, ex. Search engine

[email protected]

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6.2 Caches

HTTP proxy server yang menyimpan

laman/dokumen/file yang sering diakses (Web Cache)

yang melewati sebuah proxy server. Cara penyimpanan ini memperbaiki kinerja jaringan.

Client lebih cepat mengunduh file/laman/dokumen

[email protected]

Topologi Cache Private & Public Cache

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6.3 Gateways

HTTP/FTP GatewayDapat berfungsi seperti penterjemah atau penunjuk jalan

untuk menuju/mendapatkan resources

[email protected]

Sebuah Gateway HTTP/FTP menerima permintaan data ke URL FTPmelalui HTTP Request, tetapi mengambilnya dengan menggunakan

protocol FTP dari FTP Server.

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6.4 Tunnels

Tunnels meneruskan data/laman http melalui

 jaringan non-HTTP

[email protected]

Salah satu penggunaan HTTP Tunnel adalah membawa lalulintas data ter-

enkripsi atau encrypted Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) melalui sebuah koneksi

HTTP dan mengijinkan lalu lintas data SSL melewati sebuah Firewall Jaringan

LAN sebuah organisasi.

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6.5 Agents

 Automated search engine "spiders" are

agents, fetching web pages around the


Komputer yang secara otomatis

mengakses laman web tanpa diawasi

oleh manusia disebut “ spider” atau

“ Web Robots”

[email protected]

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Peran HTTP's sebagai tata cara

mengirim dan menerima file multimedia

Mempelajarai penggunaan HTTP,komponen dan struktur.

[email protected]

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) dimanfaatkan banyak

tugas selain untuk hypertext.

HTTP adalah bahasa komunikasi antara web browser dan

web server, dimana kebanyakan komunikasi ini di luar

perhatian pemakai web browser .

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Tugas Individu

Buka 5 (Lima) Situs Indonesia (.id) :




Buka 5 (Lima) Situs Luar Negeri




Capture Tampilan Halaman Utama masing-masing


Buat kesimpulan anda sendiri mengenai : Layout / Tata Letak

Navigasi / Petunjuk Laman

Fasilitas / Fitur 

[email protected]

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Referensi & Sumber Internet

1.  Anon, “ The HTTP Definitive Guide” ,

O'Reilly & Associates, USA, 2002

2. W3C web page contains many great

links about the HTTP protocol.

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