Orsucci Conversazioni Complesse

Post on 06-Dec-2014

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Presentation at the Complexity Festival, Tarquinia, Italy, 2011

Transcript of Orsucci Conversazioni Complesse

Franco Orsucci

University College London

Cambridge NHS Foundation Trust

Festival della Complessità, Tarquinia 2011

Ontological definition: objective complexity

Epistemic definition: subjective complexity

Complexity Theory states that critically interacting components self-organize to form potentially evolving structures exhibiting a hierarchy of emergent system properties.

Static Complexity (Type 1)

Dynamic Complexity (Type 2)

Evolving Complexity (Type 3)

Self-Organizing Complexity (Type 4)

Pierre Bourdieu: capitale economico, culturale, sociale

Robert Putnam: capitale sociale come social network

Francis Fukuyama: promuovere cooperazione sociale

GS Granovetter: la forza dei legami deboli e casuali

Investire nel capitale sociale e’ incubare nuove relazioni














Smart economy, mobility, environment, governance, people, living

Capacita’ di intelligenza comunitaria collettiva

Partecipazione al governo locale

Qualita’ della vita


Risorse della comunicazione (anche ICT)

Capitale psico-sociale

Capitale sociale e culturale di una comunita' ed un territorio

Strong vs. weak links

Dimensione citta’, effetti relazionali e di rete

Hubs and superconnectors

Dinamiche di rete fra SL gerarchici e WL semi-random

Ruolo della nuova rete nella crescita di WL

Kurt Lewin, Lewin, who was well known for his terms "life space" and "field theory”, proposed to view the social environment as a dynamic field that affected human consciousness

HS Sullivan Wertheimer, Kohler, & Koffka Karl Popper Benjamin Libet, CMF Sir John Eccles, psychons Bohm & Bohr WJ Freeman

Matter, mind, brain, body and society emerge from the same stream in the complexity of nature: we call this energy ‘Mind Force’.Connections of genes and molecules, neurons and hormones, thinking and language, people and organizations form a continuous flow of synchronized interactions.Interactions between networks across many scales, from molecular, to biological, to cognitive and social, sustain its scaling and cascading.

" So you are saying that human agreement decides what is true and what is false? - It is what human beings say that is true and false; and they agree in the language they use. That is not agreement in opinions but in forms of life."

Wittgenstein (Philosophical Investigations p. 241-§309, 1978)

Language is a manner of living together in a flow of coordination of consensual behaviours that arises in a history of living in the collaboration of doing things together

Humberto Maturana

Here forms, here colours, here the character of every part of the universe are concentrated to a point; and that point is so marvellous a thing ...

The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci