Macchine per la lavorazione del marmo e del granito ... · pneumatic piston compensator. The...

Globo Variaxis

Transcript of Macchine per la lavorazione del marmo e del granito ... · pneumatic piston compensator. The...

Page 1: Macchine per la lavorazione del marmo e del granito ... · pneumatic piston compensator. The translational motion of the beam is performed ... drilling, ˜nishing, pro˜ling, pocketing


is a brand of Industrie Montanari S.r.l.

Via Fondo Ausa, 23 - 47891 DoganaRepublic of San Marino

Tel. (+378) 0549 908926 - Fax (+378) 0549 [email protected]

Macchine per la lavorazione del marmo e del granito

Machines for processingmarble and granite


Page 2: Macchine per la lavorazione del marmo e del granito ... · pneumatic piston compensator. The translational motion of the beam is performed ... drilling, ˜nishing, pro˜ling, pocketing

Globo VariaxisMacchina multifunzione automatica a 5 assi interpolatiAutomatic multifunction machine with 5 interpolated axis

Page 3: Macchine per la lavorazione del marmo e del granito ... · pneumatic piston compensator. The translational motion of the beam is performed ... drilling, ˜nishing, pro˜ling, pocketing

Teleassistenza attraverso collegameno internet per la risoluzione di eventuali anomalie.

Teleservice through internet connection for the resolution of any anomalies.


in quanto unisce le lavorazioni da fresatrice a quelle speci�che di centro di lavoro.

Macchina multifunzione con 5 assi interpo-lati gestiti da controllo numerico di ultima generazione che gestisce le movimentazio-ni automatiche di tutti gli assi.


which combines the saw processes with the ones of the speci�c work center.

Multifunction machine with 5 interpolated axis managed by new generation numeric control that manages the automatic movements of all the axis.

Page 4: Macchine per la lavorazione del marmo e del granito ... · pneumatic piston compensator. The translational motion of the beam is performed ... drilling, ˜nishing, pro˜ling, pocketing

Macchina multifunzione automatica a 5 assi interpolati. La struttura del carro verticale a forma di gabbia, è realizzata in acciaio elettrosal-dato che garantisce alla macchina piu’ stabilità e rigidità eliminando le vibrazioni generate duran-te le lavorazioni.

I movimenti ad alta velocità degli assi X, Y, Z, sono ottenuti con motori brushless e lo scorrimento avviene mediante guide con pattini a ricircolo di sfere lubri�cate automaticamente.

Il movimento dell’asse verticale Z avviene mediante vite a ricircolo di sfere supportato da pistone pneumatico compensatore.La traslazione della trave viene eseguita attraverso un motore posizionato tra due pignoni che scorro-no su cremagliere di precisione a denti inclinati.

Automatic multifunction machine with 5 interpola-ted axis. The structure of the vertical carriage in the form of a cage, is performed in electro-welded steel which ensures the machine more stability and rigidity, minimizing the vibrations generated during the processings.

The high speed movements of the X, Y and Z axis, are obtained with brushless motors and the movement is performed by automatically lubricated recirculating roller balls slide guides.

The movement of the vertical Z axis is performed by a screw with recirculating balls supported by a pneumatic piston compensator.The translational motion of the beam is performed by a motor positioned between two pinions which scroll on a precision rack with inclined teeth.

Speci�che / Details

Guide lineari con pattini a ricircolo di sfereLinear guides with recirculating balls

Struttura carro in acciaio elettrosaldatoCarriage structure in electro-welded steel

Globo VariaxisMacchina multifunzione automatica a 5 assi interpolatiAutomatic multifunction machine with 5 interpolated axis

Page 5: Macchine per la lavorazione del marmo e del granito ... · pneumatic piston compensator. The translational motion of the beam is performed ... drilling, ˜nishing, pro˜ling, pocketing

Pulsantiera remotataHand remote control

Fotocamera Photo System

Presetting discoBlade presetting

Rilevatore spessore lastra Slab thickness detector

Attacco utensile ISO 40ISO 40 tool connection

Aggregato lama per disco Ø 350 mmAggregate for blade Ø 350 mm.

Page 6: Macchine per la lavorazione del marmo e del granito ... · pneumatic piston compensator. The translational motion of the beam is performed ... drilling, ˜nishing, pro˜ling, pocketing

Banco di lavoro in alluminio con ventose ferma pezziAluminum work table with vacuum lock pieces

Cambio utensile automatico 17 posizioni+ aggregato lamaAutomatic tool store with 17 positions + blade aggregate

Sistema basato su piattaforma Windows, integrato da scheda di controllo macchina CNI coadiuvato da un sistema di monitor touch screen e controllo remoto a display i quali assicurano la facile esecuzio-ne delle operazioni di gestione in modo semplice e intuitivo.

La componentistica elettronica della macchina è costituita da prodotti di brands riconosciuti a livello mondiale che garantiscono la facile reperibilità in caso di guasto.

Hardware / Software

System based on an Embedded Windows platform with an integrated control board CNI machine supported by a touch screen monitor and remote control display system ensuring the easy execution of management operations in a simple and intuiti-ve way.

The electronic components of the machine consist of products with recognized worldwide brands easily availabile in the case of failure.

Consolle mobile con interfaccia 17” Multi-TouchMobile consolle with 17” Multi-Touch interface

Globo VariaxisMacchina multifunzione automatica a 5 assi interpolatiAutomatic multifunction machine with 5 interpolated axis

Page 7: Macchine per la lavorazione del marmo e del granito ... · pneumatic piston compensator. The translational motion of the beam is performed ... drilling, ˜nishing, pro˜ling, pocketing

Il software Cad Cam gestisce e ottimizza tutte le fasi della lavorazione: dal disegno e/o importazione dei �le, alla de�nizione delle strategie di lavorazione, sino alla stima dei tempi e al controllo delle collisio-ni con simulazione 3D, passando dalla disposizione di pezzi e sottopezzi sul banco di lavoro.

- Generazione automatica di cicli di sgrossatura, carotatura, foratura, �nitura, pro�latura, svuotatura e lucidatura.

- Disegno libero di entità geometriche: archi, bi-archi, rette, rettangoli, quadrati, ellissi, cerchi, poligoni regolari, raccordi, smussi, piani di costruzione.

- Disegno da modelli parametrici prede�niti: top da bagno, piani da cucina, tavoli, compresa la gestione dei ribassi, dei canaletti e del lavello, ecc.

- De�nizione di super�ci tridimensionali di base in forma guidata, partendo da sezioni e/o linee guida disegnate nel piano XY (cornici, piatti doccia, lavelli concavi e convessi, lavelli a più sezioni, colonne a sezione e torsione variabile).

- Scrittura nei vari fonts anche su pro�li sagomati inclusi i caratteri in corsivo, i caratteri con foretti, le lavorazioni di ribasso, di rilievo e d’incisione con spigoli vivi, arte funeraria.

- Nesting manuale, facilita e ottimizza la disposizio-ne dei pezzi sul piano di lavoro.

The Cad Cam software manages and optimizes all the phases of the process: from the design and/or import of �le, the de�nition of machining strate-gies, to the estimated timing and control of collisions with 3D simulation, through the provi-sion of parts and underparts on the work table.

- Automatic generation of roughing cycles, coring, drilling, �nishing, pro�ling, pocketing and polishing.

- Free drawing of geometric entities: arches, bi-arcs, lines, rectangles, squares, ellipses, circles, regular polygons, joints, chamfers, construction designs.

- Drawing from prede�ned parametric models: vanity tops, kitchen tops, tables, includingthe downside, the canals and the sink managing, etc.

- De�nition of guided basic three-dimensional surfaces, starting with sections and/or guidelines drawn on the XY plane (frames, shower trays, concave and convex sinks, sinks in multiple sections, columns section and variable torque).

- Write in di�erent fonts also on shaped pro�les, including characters in italics, characters with drills, downside, relief and engraving with sharp edges workings, funerary art.

- Nesting manual, facilitates and optimizes arran-gement of the pieces on the work table.

Cad CamCad Cam / Nesting

Page 8: Macchine per la lavorazione del marmo e del granito ... · pneumatic piston compensator. The translational motion of the beam is performed ... drilling, ˜nishing, pro˜ling, pocketing

Struttura su spalle zincate Y 2.650 mm.Structure on galvanized steel shoulders Y 2.650 mm. (104,33”)

Banco �sso con piano di lavoro in alluminioFixed work table aluminum surface

Laser segna taglioLaser for cutting line

Protezioni laterali �sse e porte anteriori scorrevoliFixed side protections with sliding front doors

Sistema automatico di lubri�cazioneAutomatic lubrication system

Attacco utensile ISO40Tool connection ISO40

Magazzino utensili automatico 17 + 1 posizioniAutomatic tools store 17+1 positions

Kit coni ISO40 (10 pezzi)Kit cones ISO40 (10 pcs.)

Kit ventose (10 pezzi)Kit suction cups (10 pcs.)

Aggregato disco Ø 350 Aggregate blade Ø 350

Pompa del vuotoVacuum pump system

Pulsantiera remotataHand remote control

Quadro elettrico con aria condizionataSwitchboard with air conditioning

Cad Cam BaseCad Cam Basic

Muri in cemento armato Y 2.650 mm.Concrete walls Y 2.650 mm. (104,33”)

Banco �sso con piano di lavoro in legnoFixed work table with wood surface

Banco basculante con piano in legnoHydraulic tilting table with wood surface

Sovrabanco in legno aggiuntivoAdditional wooden work table surface

Copertura piano di lavoro in gommaRubber work table surface

Rilevatore spessore lastraSlab thickness detector

Presetting discoBlade presetting

Cad Cam PremiumCad Cam Premium

Fotocamera per acquisire foto della lastraCamera slab capture

Nesting manualeManual Nesting

Accessori / AccessoriesLavorazioni / Processings


Page 9: Macchine per la lavorazione del marmo e del granito ... · pneumatic piston compensator. The translational motion of the beam is performed ... drilling, ˜nishing, pro˜ling, pocketing

La struttura monobloccofacilita le operazioni

di carico, scarico, trasporto e posa in opera.

Easy to load, unload, transport and install

thanks to its monoBlock structure.

Dati Tecnici / Technical Speci�cations

* Solo versione UL/CSA - UL/CSA version only.I dati tecnici di cui sopra e le foto contenute in questa brochure, sono da considerarsi indicativi e soggetti a variazioni senza preavviso.The above technical datas and the pictures included in this lea�et, are for general information only and they can be changed without notice.


Corsa max. longitudinale (asse X)Max. stroke X axis

Corsa max. trasversale (asse Y)Max. stroke Y axis

Corsa max. verticale (asse Z)Max. stroke Z axis

Rotazione automatica testa (asse C)Automatic rotating head C axis

Inclinazione automatica testa (asse A)Automatic tilting head A axis

Max. velocità dell’asse XMax. speed X axis

Max. velocità dell’asse YMax. speed Y axis

Max. velocità dell’asse ZMax. speed Z axis

Potenza motore disco (S6)Main motor power

Velocità rotazione discoSpeed main motor

Diametro Max. disco / Diametro foroMaximum blade diameter / Blade hole

Massima profondità di taglioMaximum cutting depth

Attacco utensileTool connection

Magazzino utensileStore tools change

Dimensioni banco di lavoroWork table dimensions

Massa complessiva indicativaApproximate Weight

Ingombro macchinaDimensions

Dimensioni imballoPackaging dimensions

Tensione standardStandard voltage



















Volt / Hz




0 ÷ 370

+5 / -95




13.2 / 18




ISO 40

17 + aggregato17 + aggregate

3500 x 2000137.80” x 78.74“


6586 x 4635 x 3540259” x 182” x 139”

5900 x 2300 x 2300233” x 91” x 91”

400 / 50230 / 60*

Model on shoulders

Page 10: Macchine per la lavorazione del marmo e del granito ... · pneumatic piston compensator. The translational motion of the beam is performed ... drilling, ˜nishing, pro˜ling, pocketing



/ 23


. 354

0 / 1



mm.3500 / 137.79”



5 / 1


mm.6586 / 259”


/ 78




0 / 1




3 / 9


Muri in cemento armato Y 2.650 mm.Concrete walls Y 2.650 mm. (104,33”)

Banco �sso con piano di lavoro in legnoFixed work table with wood surface

Banco basculante con piano in legnoHydraulic tilting table with wood surface

Sovrabanco in legno aggiuntivoAdditional wooden work table surface

Copertura piano di lavoro in gommaRubber work table surface

Rilevatore spessore lastraSlab thickness detector

Presetting discoBlade presetting

Cad Cam PremiumCad Cam Premium

Fotocamera per acquisire foto della lastraCamera slab capture

Nesting manualeManual Nesting


Page 11: Macchine per la lavorazione del marmo e del granito ... · pneumatic piston compensator. The translational motion of the beam is performed ... drilling, ˜nishing, pro˜ling, pocketing


To provide innovative services, Emmedue constantly holds training courses for its operators, customers and dealers, providing them with active support to meet their needs.

Our numbers

6.000 mq of production area

Over 10.000 machines sold

Over 70 countries covered

1 branch in USA

Over 35 collaborators that with passion, constancy and determination, are working every days for the realization of this extraordinary vision of success!


Emmedue intends to consolidate its leadership among the best producers of stone processing machines, through the achievement of the following goals:

Full customer satisfaction, competitive prices, �exible solutions, highly quali�ed and solid support service.

Continuous technological innovation, essential to optimize the productivity and the supply capacity of the Company.

Full involvement of the whole sta� in achieving the winning results.

Emmedue, a brand of Industrie Montanari, was founded in the early 90s.Its founder, Mr. Al�o Montanari, an expert in precision mechanics entrepreneur with a great pioneering vision, was among the �rsts to realize bridge saws machines with monoblock structure, bringing a deep innovation in the marble’s �eld.To date, the Company occupies a prestigious position in the market, producing a wide range of highly sophisticated and technological products.



Men, values, ideas, participation, courage, devotion and hard work.

The family soul of a great industrial Company.

Christian and Ylenia Montanari, today at the helm of the Society, are following enthusiastically and with passion, the path set out by their father.

Proud of their roots, with an eye to the future.


Peculiarities and strengths of the company

Design and construction of precision mechanical parts directly inside the Company.

Accurate selection of raw materials, mostly made in Italy.

Assembly check of the components during the whole production �ow.

Testing of machines through constant and scrupulous tests.

Highly quali�ed technical service.

Remote technological support, through remote connection.

Quick and reliable after-sales service.

Widespread commercial network around the world.

Peculiarities and strengths of the company


Emmedue o�ers numerous solutions in order to cut, mill and polish natural stone and agglomerates.

Emmedue can provide customized machines, from monolithic to on steel shoulders or on concrete wall versions.

The products can be subdivided into four main families:

BENCH SAWS: simpler and slimmer typical of construction works.

CNC BRIDGE SAW MACHINES: available a wide variety of models with or without manipulator.

WORKING CENTRES: with 3 o 4 interpolated axis good for pro�ling, polishing and for realizing bass-reliefs.

COMBINED MACHINES: able to perform the work both of a saw machine and of a working center.


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Member of:

is a brand of Industrie Montanari S.r.l.

Via Fondo Ausa, 23 - 47891 DoganaRepublic of San Marino

Tel. (+378) 0549 908926 - Fax (+378) 0549 [email protected]


Industrie Montanari S.r.l.Via Fondo Ausa, 23 • 47891 Dogana • Repubblica di San MarinoTel. (+378) 0549 908926 • Fax (+378) 0549 [email protected] •


