Inglese di diabete

The possible correlation between diabetes type II and vegetable/fruit intake. INTRODUCTION The pathology that is diabetes is currently present in 6.4% of the population: in particular, one must cite the fact that there has been an overall increase in the diagnosis of the disease ( diabetes type II ) in the past two decades. A general nexus between diabetes and some dietary factors has been established: while the role of carbohydrates and fibres has already been studied throughly, the potential effects of fruit and vegetable intake in relation to the specific pathology are yet to be fully understood. Indeed, while the latter are known to have beneficial effects on cardiovascular diseases and neoplastic developments, their influence on diabetes is still partially unknown. It is thought, however, that any if all effects of fruits and vegetables are due to the antioxidant activity of their contents ( V itamin C and Beta Carotene for the m ost part ). The aim of this study/review is thus that of determining whether or not the intake of determined fruits and vegetables decreases the prevalence of diabetes type II. It is important to reiterate the fact that this is not the first publication to analyse this possibile correlation: made in 2007, another work did not find any nexus between the aforementioned foods and pathology. METHODS T o start with, a broad search was done using both medical and non-medical terms ( for example, impaired glucose tolerance” in comparison to simply “ vegetables”) on 6/7 informational engines; finding no language restrictions, one took into consideration studies that included an individual measure of intake of fruits, vegetables or fruit and vegetable and an assessment of the development of type II diabetes. Two reviewers independently assessed all potentially relevant studies and resolved any uncertainty through discussion: furthermore, a scoring system of 0-6 points was used in order to describe P ARTICIP ANTS, OUTCOME, INTERVENTION, ST A TISTICAL ANALYSIS and PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. On a more statistical note, one must mention how hazard ratios and relative risks were used as a measure of the nexus between fruits and vegetables intake and diabetes type II; hazard ratios and relative risks were transformed by taking their natural logarithms and calculating standard errors and corresponding confidence intervals. A random effects model was utilized. Finally, it is important to cite the fact that the study standardised all data into “ servings per day” rather than using the various measurements for intake used in the different studies; however, this was not the only source of possibile heterogeneity of the study: sex, length of follow-up, location and quality of the studies also have to be taken into account. RESULTS From the initial broad search mentioned above, 3446 articles were identified: nonetheless, some had to be excluded immediately due to their having information regarding only dietary patterns, having similar information to other works ( in this case the older study was excluded ) and having data in the form of odds ratios ( which, combined with the relative risks, lead to a misinterpretation of the results ). All in all, only six studies met the inclusion criteria: thus, one had at his disposal 223512  participants of 30-74 years of age who underwent a length of study which ranged from 4.6 to 23 years. Other details regarding these studies must be cited: for example, none of them gained full marks on the scoring system, three provided information on fruit and vegetable intake separately and combined, two provided information of the aforementioned separately and one provided only combined data, only three adjusted for age, BMI and family history of type II diabetes and two did not use a validated

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