Catholic Parish of Warringah · Chi avrebbe mai immaginato, sia pure in sogno, che Dio sarebbe...

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Transcript of Catholic Parish of Warringah · Chi avrebbe mai immaginato, sia pure in sogno, che Dio sarebbe...

Catholic Parish of Warringah Diocese of Broken Bay, NSW— Scalabr in ian Fathers

Office: 50 Oaks Avenue (P.O. Box 467) Dee Why, 2099, N.S.W.

Tel. 9982 6536 - E-mail:

Website :

St Kevin’s Church

50 Oaks Ave, Dee Why,

2099 , N.S.W.

St John the Apost le Church

57 Waratah Pde, Narraweena,

2099, N.S.W.

3rd September 2017 : 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time — Year A

Parish Administrator

Fr. Reinaldo Vassoler c.s.

0435 870 816

Fr. Fransiskus Yangminta c.s 0406 086 432

Fr. Norberto Ochoa 0437 324 227

Parish Primary Schools

St. John’s - Narraweena

Principal: Mr Mark Bateman

Ph: 9971 9297

St. Kevin’s — Dee Why

Principal: Mrs Lorraine Vincent

Ph: 9971 1644

St Kevin’s Church

Weekday Masses:

Mon-Sat:8:30am (Holy Rosary 8am); Fri 12 noon

Week-end Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 6pm

Sunday: 8am; 9.15am, 10.30am (in Italian);

6pm Youth Mass

Filipino Mass: 1st Sunday of the month 4pm &

3rd Sunday of the Month 11.45am - in Tagalog

Every 4th Sunday:

Chaplaincy Youth Mass at 6.00 pm

Reconciliation: Saturday: 4pm - 5pm

Mass & Anointing of the sick

First Friday of the month at the 12 noon Mass

Cenacle of Prayer:

Wednesday after the 8.30am Mass

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

First Fridays of the month: 7pm Mass

Eucharistic Adoration:

Fridays after 8.30am Mass till 11.45am

Legion of Mary: Every Wednesday at 2pm

Brazilian Mass: Monday 7.30pm

Spanish Mass : 1st Saturday of the month at


St John the Apostle Church

Weekday Masses: Tuesday—Saturday: 9.15am

( holy Rosary 8.55am )

Week-end Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 5pm

Sunday: 8am & 10am (with Children’s Liturgy)

Reconciliation: Sat: 9.45am-10.45am

Cenacle of Prayer: 9.45am Wednesday

Eucharistic Adoration: Monday 7pm –10pm

Anointing of the sick: 4th Sunday of the month

after the 8 am & 10 am Masses

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus:

1st Friday at 9.45am & Anointing of the sick

Indian Prayer Service 4th Saturday of the month

at 7.00 pm.

Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

1st Saturday of the month after 9.15am Mass.

Rosary, Litany & Consecration to Mary.

‘What will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits

his life? “ These words of Jesus changed the lives of many great people, like St Ignatius of Loyola and St Francis Xavier. There is a proverb that

says “ To gain something we have to lose something “ Our early missionaries who brought the Christian faith to many

parts of the world had to forego many of the comforts and luxuries of life in order to spread and share the faith. St Teresa of Calcutta left her job as a teacher of mathematics in order to take care of the poor, the needy and the marginalised. This won her the title “ Saint

of the Gutters” What am I losing and what am I gaining ?

Am I willing to sacrifice something in order to gain what is lasting and eternal ?


If anyone wants to be a follower of mine,

let him renounce himself, take up his cross

and follow me “


“Non pensi secondo Dio, ma secondo gli uomini”. Pietro sco-

pre così la vera identità di Gesù. Egli fa l’incredibile scoperta

che questo carpentiere di Nazaret non è altro che il Cristo,

l’unto di Israele, la realizzazione dell’attesa, lunga duemila

anni, del suo popolo. Ma Pietro interpreta la missione di Gesù

in termini politici. Gesù ben se ne rende conto e spiega che

tipo di Messia sarà: andrà a Gerusalemme per soffrire, essere

messo a morte e risorgere il terzo giorno. Ciò è troppo per

Pietro: nel suo spirito, l’idea di sofferenza e l’idea di Messia

sono semplicemente incompatibili fra loro.

“Non pensi secondo Dio, ma secondo gli uomini”. Se Pietro

potesse solo rendersene conto, sarebbe pervaso dalla gioia! Il

Messia, che si sarebbe immerso nella sofferenza, che avrebbe

incontrato l’ostilità degli uomini e che avrebbe subito tutte le

conseguenze dell’ingratitudine secolare di Israele verso il Dio

dell’Alleanza, era proprio lì! Davanti a lui c’era finalmente

colui che avrebbe sconfitto Satana in uno scontro decisivo e

che avrebbe, in questo modo, portato a compimento il piano

divino di salvezza per l’umanità.

Poiché Pietro “cominciò a protestare dicendo: Dio te ne

scampi, Signore, questo non ti accadrà mai”, Gesù gli disse:

“Lungi da me, satana! Tu mi sei di scandalo, perché non pensi

secondo Dio, ma secondo gli uomini!”. Voltaire scrisse ar-

gutamente: “Dio fece l’uomo a sua immagine e somiglianza e

l’uomo gliela rese proprio bene!”.

Nella nostra tendenza innata a resistere a Dio, noi deformia-

mo la sua immagine, ci rifiutiamo di lasciare che Dio sia come

vuole essere. Il nostro Dio è troppo piccolo, troppo fragile e

troppo limitato, mentre il Dio di Gesù Cristo è letteralmente

troppo bello per essere vero. Gesù si affretta a percorrere la

via che porta a Gerusalemme per svelarcelo sulla croce.

Sulla croce, infatti, Gesù rivelerà l’ultimo ritratto di Dio nel

dramma della misericordia che vince il peccato, dell’amore

che supera la morte e della fedeltà divina che cancella il tradi-


Chi avrebbe mai immaginato, sia pure in sogno, che Dio

sarebbe intervenuto nella nostra storia in questo modo?

Sfortunatamente, per molti, Gesù è davvero troppo bello per

essere vero. “Se tu conoscessi il dono di Dio e chi è colui che

ti dice: Dammi da bere!” (Gv 4,10).

Fr Reinaldo and Fr Norberto are inviting all Acolytes and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist to a meeting on Thursday September 14th at 7:00 pm in St Kevin's Church. This meeting is for all those who are serving at both churches, St Kevin's and St John's; as well as for those who take Holy Communion to the sick in their homes, hospitals and nursing homes. Prayer : Affirming the Relationship

You are warmly invited to this ENCOUNTER course which highlights the necessity of an active and vibrant prayer life for fostering a personal relationship with Jesus. It will cover the nature, aims and ways of pray-ing, thereby giving a sense of confidence in “how to pray.” Please come along to appreciate the great richness and diversity of Catholic prayer practice which speaks deeply of our life in God. Presenter: Most Rev David L. Walker, Bishop Emeri-tus, Diocese of Broken Bay. Date: Thursday 5 October 2017, 7:00pm – 9:30pm. Venue: Sacred Heart Church Hall, 1 Keenan Street, Mona Vale. RSVP: By Monday 2 October 2017 or 4332 9825 / 9847 0448

Confessions: St. Kevin’s: Saturday 4: 00 to 5: 00 pm

St. John’s: Saturday 9: 45 to 10: 45 am

Baptism Workshops. The Baptism workshop for this

month will take place on Tuesday 19th September at 7pm in St Kevin’s lower hall. Please make your booking through the parish office on 9982 6536. This weekend we welcome the Fifita family for Baptism. Congratulations.

Mass Intentions for the Week

St. John’s, Narraweena

Saturday 5.00pm 2

Sunday 8.00am 3

10.00am Dec Clarrie Golledge

Tuesday 9.15am 5

Wednesday 9.15am 6

Thursday 9.15am 7

Friday 9.15am 8

Saturday 9.15am 9

St. Kevin’s, Dee Why

Saturday 6.00pm 2

Sunday 8.00am 3 Recently deceased Ana & Fernando

Matheus. Special intentions of Cardinal

Gerhard Muller.

9.15am Dec Lucia (Lucy) Franze (2yrs). Recently

deceased Ana & Fernando Matheus

10 .30am

Dec Umberto Galluzzo ( 1st Anniv ) , Dec

Michele Guzzo, Maria Guzzo, Pasquale

Marcellino ( 2nd Ann) , Christopher Paul

Mamone ( I month) , Giuseppe Maruca,

Bruno Raso, Bruno Calabria, Achilli

Calabria, Sauro Batistina, Munizza

Giuseppina, Garmela Vescio, Vitorio

Mauro, Mariastella Mastroianni, Nicola

Polifroni, Domenico Rodi, Rocco Polifroni,

Salvatore Chiarella, Rachela Chiarella,

Antonio & Umberto Mugnes, Fortunato

Piccirillo, Antonio Polito, Frank Calabria,

Vincenzo Formica, Antonio Formica,

Domenico Panetta, Giovanni Larozza,

Felice Mele, Vito Pisto,


Monday 8.30am 4

7.30pm Brazilian Mass

Tuesday 8.30am 5 All Souls in Purgatory

Wednesday 8.30am 6

Thursday 8.30am 7

Friday 8.30am 8 Dec Amado DeVilla

12 Noon All Souls in Purgatory

Saturday 8.30am 9 All Souls in Purgatory. Deceased Amado



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• Two new priests for Sydney

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First Eucharist Rehearsals at 7pm St John’s Narraweena – Thursday 7th Sept. The sacrament of First Eucharist commences this weekend. Please keep the children preparing to receive the sacrament in your prayers. Prayers for people in our community Please include in your prayers Betty and Sue Beencke, Henk & Mark Verhoeven. We would be happy to include any parishioners who would like prayers from all of our Community. Please contact the office with the names of the people who need prayers.

Adoration at St John’s . Every Monday evening between 7pm - 10pm. All welcome. Adoration now finishes at 10pm. Information for Acolytes/Senior Servers. Just a reminder that it is now a legal requirement for all Acolytes / Senior Servers to hold a Working with Children Check Number ( WWCC) and to have their number recorded and verified by the Parish Office. Thank you to all Acolytes who have now passed their details to the office. Please contact the office if further clarification is required. Thank you.

Two Bishops in Dialogue 2017

Bishop Peter A Comensoli (Bishop of the Catholic Dio-cese of Broken Bay) and Bishop Peter Stuart, Assistant Bishop in the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle will en-gage in an Episcopal Dialogue this year. The topic is: “What unites us is much greater than what divides us” (Pope St John XIII) . In your view what are the areas of faith and life in which we, as Anglicans and Catholics, are most united, and in which are we most divided? And is what divides us greater than what unites us? The evening will be held at Christ Church Anglican Church, Mann St, Gosford on Tuesday 26 September at 7.30pm (concluding by 9pm). All very welcome.

RADUNO MENSILE Martedi prossimo alle 7-30pm






TRIDUO Mercoledi 6, Giovedi 7 e Venerdi 8 Settembre alle



Sabato 23 Settembre alle 6-30pm

$40-00 per persona

Per ulteriore informazione rivolgetevi da Angela on 9401 4374

o membri del comitato.

ACYF Youth Participants - CYBB Group regis-trations will close on Friday 22 September. This is the last opportunity for under 18s to register, as well as any parish leaders over 30. Registration is $280 per person, plus $5 CYBB merchandise fee. Individuals can register at

Charitable Works Fund continues this weekend

Our Appeal continues to take place this weekend, we would be grateful for all donations which are 100% Tax deductible . Our quota for this financial year is $ 35,058. Please give as generously as you can. Thank you in anticipation.

DISCUSSION/BIBLE GROUP. On Wednesday mornings

after 9.15 am Mass at St. John's Church a small group of

Parishioners spend approximately an hour discussing a

relevant book of their choosing. They have just complet-

ed Pope Francis' Exhortation "Amoris Laetitia".

You are most welcome to join the group.

Next Week: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

St Kevin’s Cleaning Team : A

Entrance Antiphon

Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I cry to you all the day long. O Lord, you are good and forgiving, full of mercy to all who call to you.

First Reading: Jeremiah 20:7-9

A reading from the prophet Jeremiah You have seduced me, Lord, and I have let myself be seduced; you have overpowered me: you were the stronger. I am a daily laughing-stock, everybody's butt. Each time I speak the word, I have to howl and proclaim: 'Violence and ruin!' The word of the Lord has meant for me insult, derision, all day long. I used to say, 'I will not think about him, I will not speak in his name any more.' Then there seemed to be a fire burning in my heart, imprisoned in my bones. The effort to restrain it wearied me, I could not bear it.

The word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 62:2-6. 8-


R. My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.

O God, you are my God, for you I long; for you my soul is thirsting. My body pines for you like a dry, weary land without wa-ter. R.

So I gaze on you in the sanctuary to see your strength and your glory. For your love is better than life, my lips will speak your praise. R.

So I will bless you all my life,

in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul shall be filled as with a banquet, my mouth shall praise you with joy. R.

For you have been my help; in the shadow of your wings I rejoice. My soul clings to you; your right hand holds me fast. R.

Second Reading: Romans 12:1-2

A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Romans Think of God's mercy, my brothers, and worship him, I beg you, in a way that is worthy of thinking beings, by offering your living bodies as a holy sacrifice, truly pleasing to God. Do not model yourselves on the behaviour of the world around you, but let your behaviour change, modelled by your new mind. This is the only way to discover the will of God and know what is good, what it is that God wants, what is the perfect thing to do.

The word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

Gospel Acclamation: cf Ephesians

1:17. 18

Alleluia, alleluia ! May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our heart, that we might see how great is the hope to which we are called. Alleluia !

Gospel: Matthew 16:21-27

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew Jesus began to make it clear to his disciples that he was destined to go

to Jerusalem and suffer grievously at the hands of the elders and chief priests and scribes, to be put to death and to be raised up on the third day. Then, taking him aside, Peter started to remonstrate with him. 'Heaven preserve you, Lord,' he said. 'This must not happen to you.' But he turned and said to Pe-ter, 'Get behind me, Satan ! You are an obstacle in my path, because the way you think is not God's way but man's.'

Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me. For anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it. What, then, will a man gain if he wins the whole world and ruins his life? Or what has a man to offer in exchange for his life?

'For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and, when he does, he will reward each one according to his behaviour.'

The Gospel of the Lord.

Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Communion Antiphon

How great is the goodness, Lord, that you keep for those who fear you.


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