Download - I nuovi anticoagulanti nel paziente oncologico - · Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016 I nuovi anticoagulanti


Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

I nuovi anticoagulanti nel paziente oncologico Anna Falanga, Bergamo

Cancro e Trombo-Embolismo Venoso (TEV)

Il cancro è un fattore di rischio indipendente per TEV

I pazienti oncologici hanno un rischio di TEV (trombosi venosa profonda, embolia polmonare) di 4–7 volte maggiore rispetto alla popolazione non oncologica.

L’incidenza di TEV nei pazienti oncologici è compresa tra l’1 e il 20%.

Negli studi autoptici l’incidenza sale fino al 50%.

Il 15–20% di tutti i casi di TEV si verifica in pazienti con neoplasie.

Falanga A et al. Thromb Res 2012 Timp JF et al. Blood 2013

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Fattori di rischio generali

• Età

• Etnia (rischio più alto negli afro-americani, più basso nelle etnie asiatiche)

• Comorbilità (infezioni, malattie renali, malattie polmonari, tromboembolismo arterioso)

• Obesità

• Anamnesi positiva per TEV

• Basso performance status

• Trombofilia ereditaria

Fattori di rischio specifici della malattia neoplastica e del suo trattamento

• Tipo di tumore

• Caratteristiche istologiche (rischio più alto negli adenocarcinomi che nei carcinomi squamocellulari)

• Periodo intercorso dalla diagnosi (rischio più alto nei primi 3-6 mesi)

• Chemioterapia

• Farmaci antiangiogenici (talidomide, lenalidomide)

• Fattori di crescita eritrocitari, trasfusioni di sangue

• Catetere venoso centrale

• Radioterapia

• Chirurgia oncologica maggiore

Marcatori biologici di trombosi (in corso di studio)

• Piastrinosi (conta piastrinica >350,000/µl)

• Leucocitosi (conta leucocitaria > 11,000/µl)

• Anemia (Hb < 10 g/dL)

• D-dimero, Fattore Tissutale, P selectina solubile, Proteina C reattiva

Falanga A, Russo L. Hamostaseologie. 2012

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Aumentata morbilità


Terapia anticoagulante

Sindrome postflebitica

Aumentata mortalità

Aumentato rischio di recidive di TEV (21% vs 7% nei pazienti senza cancro) in corso di TAO

Aumentato rischio emorragico (2 volte più alto) in corso di TAO

Ritardo nelle terapie antineoplastiche

Aumentati costi per la gestione globale del paziente

Importanti conseguenze del TEV nel paziente oncologico

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Treatment of VTE in cancer patients

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Optimising treatment of VTE in the cancer patients


Recurrent VTE


Quality of life

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

LMWH is recommended for the initial 5 to 10 days of treatment of established VTE as well as for long-term

secondary prophylaxis for at least 6 months.

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016


Xa, Va lipid

Thrombin Prothrombin






Fibrin formation

Platelet activation

Fibrinolysis inhibition

Cellular effects

Direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC)





Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Principali caratteristiche farmacologiche dei nuovi anticoagulanti orali diretti (NAOD)

Dabigatran Rivaroxaban Apixaban Edoxaban

Target IIa Xa Xa Xa

Hours to Cmax 2 2-4 1-3 1-2

Prodrug Yes No No No

CYP metabolism No Yes (CYP3A4/A5, CYP2J2)

Yes (CYP3A4, CYP1A2, CYP2J2)

Yes (CYP3A4)

Efflux transporter P-gp Yes Yes Yes Yes

Bioavilability 7% 80% 66% >45%

Protein binding 35% >90% 87% 55%

Half-life (Hours) 12-14 9-13 8-15 8-10

Renal elimination 80% 66% 25% 35%

Dosing Twice a day Once a day Twice a day Once a day

Bid= twice daily; od= once daily; Tmax= time to peak plasma concentration

Pengo V et al. JTH 2012.

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Metabolismo e Eliminazione dei DOAC


Metabolismo • Convertito da pro-farmaco in farmaco attivo dall’esterasi nel plasma o nel fegato;

• Eliminato dai meccanismi di trasporto della P-gp nei reni e nell’intestino

• Metabolizzato da: • CYP3A4, • CYP2J2,

• meccanismi

indipendenti dal CYP450

• Eliminato dai meccanismi di trasporto della P-gp nei reni e nell’intestino

• Metabolizzato da: • CYP3A4, •CYP3A5, • meccanismi indipendenti dal CYP450

• Eliminato dai meccanismi di trasporto della P-gp nei reni e nell’intestino

•Metabolizzato da: • CYP3A4, •CYP3A5, • meccanismi indipendenti dal


• Eliminato dai meccanismi di trasporto della P-gp nei reni e nell’intestino

Eliminazione 85% Renale 6% Fecale*

66% Renale 33% Fecale

25% renale 75% fecale

35% renale 62% fecale

*= Eliminazione del profarmaco non-assorbito

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Metabolism of novel oral anticoagulants

Lippi G. et al. Semin Thromb Hemost 2014

Efflux transporter P-gp

Cytochrome P metabolism

Renal elimination

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

DOAC in Patients with Cancer

The new oral anticoagulants offer an attractive option because of their oral administration, fixed-dose, and lack of routine laboratory monitoring.

The results of phase III trials support the efficacy and safety of the new oral anticoagulants in the management of VTE in the general population.

However, generalizing these findings to cancer patients with VTE is difficult since very few cancer patients were enrolled in those trials.

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Use of novel oral anticoagulants is not currently recommended for patients with malignancy and VTE.

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

1. Schulman et al. New Engl J Med 2009. Schulman ASH 2013. 2. Buller et al. New Engl J Med 2010. 3. Buller et al. New Engl J Med 2012. 4. Agnelli et al N Engl J Med 2013. 5. Hokusai N Engl J Med 2013; Raskob ASH 2013.

The DOAC vs VKA for the Treatment of VTE

Cancer subgroup analysis from phase III randomized controlled trials comparing DOACs vs

conventional treatment with Warfarin after VTE

Trials included very few patients with malignant disease. The strict inclusion criteria limited patients with end-organ dysfunction (e.g., renal and liver dysfunction) and elevated risk of bleeding from enrolling, resulting in an overall study population likely not-representative of patients with advanced cancer.

Wharin C. and Tagalakis V. Blood Reviews 2014

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

DOACs and Treatment of VTE

• There are insufficient data to show that DOACs are non-inferior to warfarin in patients with cancer. The small number of highly selected cancer patients in these studies precludes the extrapolation of the available results to the general oncology population.

• A head-to-head comparison of LMWH with DOACs is necessary to determine if DOACs is an acceptable alternative for the treatment of cancer-associated thrombosis.

A. Lee and M. Carrier. Thromb Res 2014

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Efficacy and safety of DOACs in patients with active cancer

Use of





Use of






Vedovati et al. CHEST 2015

The efficacy and safety profile of DOAC for VTE treatment in patients with cancer is similar to that observed in patients without cancer. A favorable trend toward reduction of recurrent VTE was observed without concern in terms of clinically relevant bleedings.

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Forest plot of relative risks across clinical trials comparing DOAC vs VKA and LMWH alone vs VKA for recurrent cancer-associated VTE.

This meta-analysis evaluated 9 randomized trials involving 2310 patients with cancer-associated thrombosis treated with DOACs.

In comparison to VKA, LMWH showed a significant reduction in recurrent VTE events (RR: 0.52; 95 % CI 0.36–0.74) whereas DOACs did not (RR: 0.66; 95 % CI 0.39–1.11).

LMWH was associated with a non-significant increase in the risk of major bleeding (RR: 1.06; 95 % CI 0.5–2.23) whereas DOACs showed a non-significant reduction (RR: 0.78; 95 % CI 0.42–1.44) compared to VKA.

In summary, LMWH monotherapy should be used for the treatment of acute cancer-associated thrombosis. This review is in-line with current clinical practice guidelines and further recommendations regarding the use of DOACs cannot be supported until trials comparing them to LMWH are conducted.

Carrier M. et al. Thromb Res 2014

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Recurrent VTE Major bleeding

LMWH alone vs. VKA


LMWH alone vs. VKA


M. Carrier et al. Thr.Res. 2014

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

• Low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) and vitamin K antagonists (VKA) are current treatment options for cancer patients suffering from acute VTE.

• The role of DOACs for the treatment of VTE in cancer patients, particular in comparison with the current standard of care which is LMWH, remains unclear.

• In this network meta-analysis, the relative efficacy and safety of LMWH, VKA, and DOAC for the treatment of cancer-associated VTE are compared.

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Treatment of venous thromboembolism in patients with cancer: a network meta-analysis comparing efficacy and safety of anticoagulants

Relative risks (RR) for recurrent VTE

Posch F. et al. Thromb Res 2015

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Relative risks (RR) for major bleeding

Posch F. et al. Thromb Res 2015

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016


In this network meta-analysis estimates are provided of the relative efficacy and safety of DOACs, LMWH and VKA for the treatment of VTE in patients with cancer.

LMWH and DOAC appeared to be comparable with respect to prevention of recurrent VTE and the risk of major bleeding.

This finding prevailed after adjusting for potential heterogeneity between DOAC and LMWH trials.

A future head-to-head comparison between LMWH and DOAC for the treatment of cancer-associated VTE is warranted, and may be best performed using a non inferiority design.

Posch F. et al. Thromb Res 2015

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Guidance for the prevention and treatment of cancer-associated VTE

The efficacy and safety of DOACs in patients with cancer-associated VTE remains uncertain.

Guidance Statements:

We suggest that patients with active cancer (i.e. known disease or receiving some form of anti-cancer therapy) and VTE be treated with LMWH for at least 6 months.

Ongoing and planned studies aim to determine the relative safety and efficacy of DOACs in cancer-associated VTE compared with LMWH.

Khorana A.A. et al. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2016

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

DOAC Clinical Trials for treatment of Cancer-associated VTE

SELECT-D TRIAL Prospective, randomized, open-label, multicentre pilot phase III

study dalteparin vs rivaroxaban x 6 mos placebo vs rivaroxaban in patients with residual vein DVT at 6-12

mos To assess the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban versus dalteparin for

the treatment of VTE in patients with cancer not currently receiving chemotherapy

RIVAROXABAN TRIAL phase 4 multicentre, open-label, study in treatment single arm prospective cohort treated with rivaroxaban x 6 mos

EDOXABAN TRIAL (Hokusai VTE-Cancer Study)

phase 3 multicentre trial in treatment of CAT edoxaban vs dalteparin x 6 mos

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Patients with cancer have multiple factors to consider:

They are at high risk for hemorrhage for reasons including

chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia or receipt of

antiangiogenic therapy.

Limited trial level data are available to clearly define the

role of DOAC in patients with cancer.

DOAC may cause drug interactions with

chemotherapeutic agents, which may result in less

efficacy and higher bleeding than that observed in

patients without cancer

Sardar et al. Am J Therap, 2014

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Drug Interactions

inhibitors and inducers of P-glycoprotein and CYP3A4:

antifungals* ritonavir*

amiodarone dronederone*

quinidine tamoxifen

anastrozole lomustine

cyclophosphamide bicalutamide* abiraterone*

imatinib* & TKIs cyclosporine*



rifampicin phenytoin

carbamazepine phenobarbital

dexamethasone* prednisone*

vemurafenib* paclitaxel* doxorubicin etoposide vinblastine

St. John’s wort


Short & Connors 2014; Lee. Blood 2013.

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Conclusions: VTE treatment in Cancer Patients

Treatment of CAT could be improved with oral agents over LMWH use

Current evidence does not support the use of DOACs in patients with active cancer

underpowered, subgroup analyses

poorly and inconsistently defined cancer populations

methodological heterogeneity (dose, duration, FUP)

lack of comparison with LMWH

The results of properly designed cancer-specific trials are needed

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Prevention of VTE in cancer patients

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

The role of primary prophylaxis of VTE in Cancer Patients

This role has been established for:

High risk Cancer Surgery (peri- and post-operative prophylaxis)

Acutely ill hospitalized cancer patients

This role is not yet established for:

Ambulatory cancer patients receiving anti-tumor therapies

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016


In spite the evidence that VTE occurs in the outpatients setting, however, the guidelines agree on:

not recommending routine thromboprophylaxis in ambulatory cancer patients

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Prevention in Patients with Cancer: focus on Drug Therapy

Surgical Cancer Patients: An ongoing trial is evaluating the efficacy and safety of apixaban versus enoxaparin in women undergoing surgery for suspected pelvic malignancy

Hospitalized Cancer Patients: Trials on VTE prophylaxis with DOACs in hospitalized medical patients have led to disappointing results, and data are not available for the subgroups with cancer. Therefore, the use of DOACs in these patients cannot be recommended at this moment.

Ambulatory Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy: The use of DOACs as thromboprophylaxis in ambulatory cancer patients was evaluated in a dose-finding study (ABLE trial) and in the ongoing AVERT trial.

Nick van Es. Drugs 2016

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

A randomized phase II trial of apixaban for the prevention of thromboembolism in patients with metastatic cancer

In this phase II trial, 12 weeks of APIXABAN appeared to be well tolerated and acceptable for the prevention of VTE in ambulatory subjects undergoing first-line or second-line chemotherapy for advanced or metastatic cancer. Symptomatic VTE was diagnosed in 3 of 29 patients (10%) in the placebo group and in 9 of those on apixaban.

Levine M.N. JTH 2012

In this phase II trial, 12 weeks of apixaban appeared to be well tolerated and acceptable for the prevention of VTE in ambulatory subjects undergoing first-line or second-line chemotherapy for advanced or metastatic cancer.

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

Apixaban for the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Cancer Patients (AVERT)

A Randomized Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical Trial, which randomly allocates cancer patients with a high VTE risk to either apixaban 2.5 mg twice daily or placebo.

The primary outcome is symptomatic or asymptomatic VTE during 7 months of follow-up.

The targeted sample size is 574 patients, and enrolment is expected to be complete in 2017. Identifier: NCT02048865 https://

Carrier. Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016

• Safety and efficacy study of apixaban to prevent clots in children with leukemia who have a CVC and are treated with PEG asparaginase (NCT02369653)

• Evaluation of apixaban in the prevention of thromboembolic disease in patients with myeloma treated with iMiDs (Myelaxat) (NCT 02066454)

Prophylaxis of VTE in ambulatory cancer patients (cont’ed)

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016


DOACs could have a role for VTE prevention in ambulatory patients with cancer who are receiving chemotherapy and for the prevention of central vein catheter thrombosis.

The novel anticoagulant drugs seem to be more convenient, as they are orally administered at a fixed dose without routine laboratory monitoring and seem to have fewer drug interactions, in particular with chemotherapeutic agents.

It is imperative that the potential efficacy and safety of these agents is evaluated in prospective trials in the cancer setting.

Anna Falanga - Grandangolo in Oncologia. Focus su terapie di supporto 2016 - Bologna, 9 maggio 2016