Bridget Basso Career Portfolio

Career Portfolio Bridget Basso T: 732.513.2892 E: [email protected]


Portfolio represents my experience capabilities, knowledge and achievements.

Transcript of Bridget Basso Career Portfolio

Career Portfolio Bridget Basso T: 732.513.2892 E: [email protected] 1ab|e of Contents 1ab|e of Contents ........................................................................................................ 2 Introduct|on ................................................................................................................ 3 kesume ....................................................................................................................... 4 Samp|es of Work ...........................................................................................................Lxpense keport ................................................................................................................... S Store Cpen|ng Check||st .................................................................................................... 6,7 Commerc|a| Invo|ce .......................................................................................................... 8,9 Advert|s|ng Campa|gn L|ght box .............................................................................................uomesLlc """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 10 Lurope """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 11 Cloballuxe """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 12 ress Day resentat|on ............................................................................... 13,14,1S,16,17,18 Sun Va||ey resentat|on .........................................................................................................8lser Crder """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 19,20 hoLos of ulsplay """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 21 Sa|es Showroom resentat|on.......................................................................................... 22 LIM Co||ege 1ranscr|pt ............................................................................................... 23 LIM Co||ege res|dent's L|st Award ............................................................................ 24 keferences................................................................................................................ 2S Introduct|on l am a college graduaLe who sLudled Lhe buslness of fashlon. l am experlenced ln creaLlve and analyLlcal sLraLegles. upon graduaLlon, l Lravelled abroad.AddlLlonally, l have been developlng my proflclency of Lhe adverLlslng lndusLry and bullL upon my knowledge l asslmllaLed ln college. l have over 2 years' experlence ln a fasL-paced seLLlng. Courses and Skllls Acqulred: 8uslness (Lconomlcs, AccounLlng llnance)MarkeLlng (Clobal MarkeLs, ower of Lhe 8rand, lnLegraLed MarkeLlng CommunlcaLlons) 1echnology (MlcrosofL Cfflce, lllusLraLor, hoLoshop, lnueslgn) WrlLLen and Cral CommunlcaLlon (ubllc Speaklng, rofesslonal CommunlcaLlons, Leadershlp and negoLlaLlon, Lngllsh ComposlLlon) ersonal Skllls: CommunlcaLe effecLlvelyAblllLy Lo negoLlaLe obsLacles and recelve deslred resulLs CoordlnaLe and correspond wlLh mulLlple Leams slmulLaneously 8ulldlng and malnLalnlng relaLlonshlpsSuperlor presenLaLlon knowledge 8r|dget 8asso2 Crown olnL CourL lreehold, n! 077281: 732.313.2892L: brldgeL.n.basso[

College graduaLe who sLudled Lhe buslness of fashlon. LducaLed ln lnnovaLlve and analyLlcal procedures, and a Leam player. 1ravelled abroad upon college graduaLlon researchlng and vlslLlng fashlon cenLers. Cver Lwo years' experlence ln a fasL- paced, luxury envlronmenL. A dynamlc lndlvldual who ls hlghly moLlvaLed Lo flnd soluLlons Lo problems.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lducat|onIash|on Inst|tute of 1echno|ogy, new ?ork, n? 2013-2014Successfully compleLed courses ln CompuLer 1echnology

LIM Co||ege, new ?ork, n? 20128achelor of 8uslness AdmlnlsLraLlon ln lashlon Merchandlslng, resldenL's LlsL, Sprlng 2011 8elevanL Courses: MarkeLlng, Clobal MarkeLlng, lnLegraLed MarkeLlng CommunlcaLlons, ower of Lhe 8rand, ubllc Speaklng, rofesslonal CommunlcaLlons, WrlLlng LssenLlals, AccounLlng and llnance Work Lxper|enceD|ane von Iurstenberg, new ?ork, n? 2012 #$%&'$ ()*+'$ ,-.*./0'0)%/ 1/0.-/CommunlcaLed wlLh global parLners on a dally basls vla emallManaged and shlpped vlsual props domesLlc and lnLernaLlonallyLlnked managemenL Lo sLore managers Lo fosLer sLore advancemenLAnalyzed reLall sales Lo develop successful producL presenLaLlon meLhodsCrganlzed and creaLed spreadsheeLs regardlng reLall/ vlsual documenLsSysLemaLlzed vlsual closeL for efflclency durlng hlgh-pressure slLuaLlons ConLrolled collaLeral for all ouLgolng and lncomlng vlsual props CoordlnaLed dlsplays for a pop-up shop ln anache, Sun valleySupporLed varlous deparLmenLs Lo asslsL ln MarkeL Week(s) and ress uay(s)CollaboraLed wlLh Lhe vlsual Leam on lnvolces, budgeLs, and expense reporLsAsslsLed Leam on numerous vlsual seL-ups D|ane von Iurstenberg, new ?ork, n? 20092%-3%-'0. ()*+'$ 1/0.-/roposed concepLs on merchandlse presenLaLlon for Lhe monLhly sLore dlrecLlveLnrlched global sLore dlsplays by monlLorlng phoLos on lcasa WebMerchandlsed collecLlons Lo enhance sLore layouLSLyled relaLed producLs Lo lnfluence cusLomer purchasesMaxlmlzed sales opporLunlLles by deslgnlng conslsLenL vlsual sLraLegles Cosmopaw||tan, MlddleLown, n! 2008-2009 4.0')$ 5'$.* 6**%7)'0.CeneraLed revenue, meL all weekly sales goals uslng producL knowledgerovlded personallzed aLLenLlon Lo cusLomersCreaLed effecLlve CS soluLlonsueslgned a hollday wlndow dlsplay Lo produce sales ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vo|unteer Lxper|enceSa|vat|on Army, new ?ork n?2012Crouped merchandlse and vlsual props for a charlLy fashlon show St. kobert 8e||arm|ne nurr|cane Sandy ke||ef Iund, lreehold n!2012-2013CollecLed and organlzed lLems Lo be dellvered Lo affecLed Lowns !"#$%&$ ($#)*+ ,$-#./+$ "#$%$' ()%$*+$ ,$%-#. /$0%1&.$ 2-# 34+5&1 /$&06 7-11$8.$' #$8$4%.+ 0-*.91: &*' ;#-5%$' +4041 $)%$*+$+ .-;$.9$# .- $%.0$*.6 0*$12+ 0/*1 3+/+$-$%+ !"#$%&$& 42%1)5?-*.9@4*'-A /-.&1B 62&7/. 8*)#&?&.$#4&1+34+5&1 "#-%+ /-.&1B 3+)*$ 9#$%2%:"#-%+C.-#$ D%$*4*; /-.&1B !:$%;2/(;$*84& /-.&1B ($&)*+ 8)2;$ DIANE VON FURSTENBERG Exporter DVF Studio 440 WEST 14TH STNEW YORK, NY 10014

Invoice # Importer Pick ticket # Country of Departure USA Country of Destination INCOTERM Ex-works

Payment terms 90 days Final Destination: Date Total Net weightLbs Total Gross Weight Lbs

Style numberStyle NameColorSizeQty Gross Weight (lbs) Net Weight (lbs) DVF Fitting Room DrapesPink CrepePink40 X 205 DVF Fitting Room LiningLining Ivory 40 X 205

DVF White Saffiano LeatherBench Cushion White 18 X 48 X 4

DVF Vintage Display Surface Display Surface Pink 16 X 25 !

Total Weight

D1>$*+2&2%: E2:&: C$.NO% "#$ %&'(( )*+ ,'-. /0 vlew of ShooL "#$%&'' ()**+ 8ecepLlon !"#$% '()' Women's 8eady-Lo-Wear Women's 8eady-Lo-Wear Women's 8eady-Lo-Wear Women's 8eady-Lo-Wear Accessory ulsplay (on Second lloor) !""#$$%&'#$ )'$*+,- %. /0# 1.) 2%%& Accessorles !""#$$%&' !) Accessorles !""#$$%&' !) uvl ress uay 37% 6/..$A 8)#I7# 3