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Invest Agrar: Sist Recur For (2004) 13 (1), 161-177

The history of elm breeding

L. Mittempergher and A. Santini*Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.

Piazzale delle Cascine, 28. 50144 Firenze. Italy


Breeding elms resistant to Dutch elm disease (DED) started in the Netherlands in the year 1928 on the initiative ofa group of women scientists. They were active until 1954, when Hans Heybroek took over at the Dorschkamp Rese-arch Institute and carried on until his retirement in 1992. Two more programmes were initiated in Europe, in Italy andSpain, in 1978 and 1993 respectively, under the impulse of Dutch breeding activities. Elm breeding in America beganin 1937 in the USDA-Agricultural Research Service Laboratories and is still being pursued under the leadership ofAlden Townsend. Another programme was set up at the University of Wisconsin in 1958, led by Eugene Smalley andwas closed after his retirement and death in 2002. A third programme found birth at the Morton Arboretum, Chicago,in 1972 where activities are still carried out by George Ware since his retirement. The number of resistant elm clonesreleased on the market and the scientific progress fostered by breeding activities indicate that the long work neededto carry them on is a positive one. Among the key points considered are: elm germplasm collection, elm species cros-sability, inoculation system and disease evaluation, building up of resistance, and the possible consequences from in-troducing foreign species and hybrids to native elms. Because of shortage of funding long-term research and the per-ception that biotechnology will provide rapid solutions to long-term problems, traditional elm breeding activities seemnow to be in difficulty. In this context, it seems wise to take all possible steps to avoid a loss in the precious gene re-sources so far collected and not to give up on traditional elm breeding activities, which so far has been found to be thesole means in providing tangible results for controlling DED.

Key words: Dutch elm disease, elm pathology, hybridization, inoculation methods.


Historia de la mejora del olmo

La mejora genética de olmos resistentes a la grafiosis se inició en los Países Bajos en 1928 debido a la iniciativade un grupo de investigadoras que estuvieron activas hasta 1954, año en que Hans Heybroek se hizo cargo del Dors-chkamp Research Institute, donde prosiguió con los trabajos hasta su jubilación en 1992. Otros dos programas se ini-ciaron en Europa, en Italia y España, en 1978 y 1993 respectivamente, contando con el apoyo inicial de las activida-des holandesas de mejora. La mejora genética del olmo en Norteamérica comenzó en 1937 en los USDA-AgriculturalResearch Service Laboratories, y está actualmente dirigida por Alden Townsend. Otro programa, establecido en laUniversidad de Wisconsin en 1958, fue liderado por Eugene Smalley hasta que se clausuró tras su jubilación y muer-te en 2002. Un tercer programa surgió en el Morton Arboretum, Chicago, en 1972, donde las actividades siguen diri-gidas por George Ware desde su jubilación. El número de olmos resistentes comercializados y el progreso científicoobtenido gracias a las actividades de mejora indican que el largo periodo de trabajo necesario para desarrollarlas me-rece la pena. Entre los elementos clave a considerar destacan: la recolección de germoplasma, la posibilidad de rea-lización de cruzamientos, los sistemas de inoculación y de evaluación de la enfermedad, la obtención de resistencia,y las posibles consecuencias para los olmos nativos de la introducción de híbridos y especies alóctonas. Debido a laescasez de fondos para trabajos a largo plazo y a la percepción de que la biotecnología podría proporcionar en el fu-turo soluciones rápidas a los problemas, la mejora tradicional del olmo parece estar actualmente en dificultades. Eneste contexto, parece prudente dar todos los pasos necesarios para evitar la perdida de los preciosos recursos genéti-cos acumulados hasta el momento y no abandonar las actividades tradicionales de mejora que hasta el momento hansido las únicas que han proporcionado resultados tangibles para el control de la grafiosis.

Palabras clave: grafiosis, patología del olmo, hibridación, métodos de inoculación.

* Corresponding author: a.santini@ipp.cnr.itReceived: 11-09-03; Accepted: 09-12-03.


The activities of elm breeding for resistance toDutch Elm Disease (DED) date back quite some ti-me, and most of its initiators have either passed awayor have retired, as is the case of one of the authors.Furthermore, two of the programmes which can bedef ined as historic have suspended their activities.However, other research institutes have collected theevidence and are still continuing the activity. Thislong march has been possible because the elm is aplant of great beauty, has signif icant historic and ar-tistic value, and adapts exceptionally well to stressand to diff icult sites, such as those occurring in ci-ties, alongside roads and in windswept coastal areas.Thanks to these features, the elm used to be an im-portant and characteristic component of the cities’tree-lined roads and of the rural landscape in severalEuropean countries and also in North America. Star-ting from around 1910 in northwest Europe two des-tructive pandemics of DED caused by the introduc-tion of two very different fungal pathogens,Ophiostoma ulmi (Buisman) and O. novo-ulmi (Bra-sier) afflicted the elms in Europe and, after 20 years,in North America (Brasier, 2000). The gravity andimpressiveness of the damages caused by the disea-se stirred up the interest of researchers and the pu-blic opinion, such as to necessitate a solution to theproblem. This is why, rightly, we can speak of the his-tory of elm breeding, which began in an extraordi-nary manner, namely through the initiative of a groupof women scientists.

The idea of searching for resistance to DED inelm species and elm populations, associated withthe hope of enhancing resistance through breeding,arose early at the Willie Commelin Scholten Phyto-pathological Laboratorium in Baarn (The Nether-lands), in the course of studies on the etiology of the disease that had been killing elms in western Europe since the end of the First World War. The causal fungus was f irst isolated by Dina Spierenburg of the Plant Protection Service, thendescribed and named by Marie B. Schwarz, and thiswas followed by the development of a reliable ino-culation method by Christine Buisman. The path-breaking research conducted by the two latter scien-tists —both of whom were working at the aforesaidLaboratorium— constituted the fundamental requi-site for starting up a breeding programme (Holmes,1993).

The Dutch programme

In 1928 Christine Buisman and director Johanna Wes-terdijk began gathering elms from every available sour-ce and making selections among them by means of ino-culation. Upon the premature death of Christine Buismanin 1936, the intense activity of collecting elm resourcesand the far-sighted improvement programme were left toJohanna C. Went, who, in 1936, started crossing elms andcreating hybrid progenies. She took over the programmeof elm improvement during the dangerous and difficultoccupation years of World War II, and worked throug-hout these years. Even during the hunger winter of 1945crossing work was not halted! She left in 1953; her suc-cessor Hans M. Heybroek headed the programme untilhis retirement in 1992. Between 1956 and 1965 the pro-gramme was gradually transferred to the DorschkampResearch Institute in Wageningen (Heybroek, 1993).

A long-range breeding programme cannot be pre-cisely designed from the beginning: rather, it is orien-ted to be re-considered at different stages on the basisof discoveries and of on-going developments. Fromthis point of view, the Dutch programme is paradig-matic. At the beginning, research focussed on selec-ting resistant individuals within the native species. Du-ring this phase, a couple of clones were selected intothe species of field elm (Ulmus minor Miller) and na-med «Christine Buisman» (1936) and «Bea Schwarz»(1947). However, these proved disappointing becauseof their slow growth, poor shape, and susceptibility toa branch canker caused by the Nectria cinnabarina fun-gus. In order to combine resistance mechanisms of dif-ferent species and enhance the growth rate, Dutch re-searchers started crossing different elm species. Inaddition to resistance to DED, the long-term goals ofthe programme were resistance to coral spot (causedby N. cinnabarina), to frost and to wind. Fast growth,good form, decorative leaves, and valuable timber we-re also considered. The first two releases, the «Com-melin» (1960) and «Groeneveld» (1963) clones, werefirst-generation hybrids between European elm spe-cies. Initially, they proved to be a great success. Ho-wever, the arrival in the late 1960s of the new more ag-gressive species Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, to which«Commelin» was particularly susceptible, inflicted ahard blow on the Dutch breeding programme.

At that time, the best and most resistant clones avai-lable were second-generation hybrids which containedone grandparent of Asian provenance, an individual ofU. wallichiana Planch., which, when crossed with the

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Exeter elm (U. glabra «Exoniensis») in 1938, yielded ahardy and quite resistant seedling. This selection beca-me the mother of many outstanding clones. These we-re ready for release in 1970, but were held up for threeyears, in order to obtain additional information on theirbehaviour with regard to the new, more aggressive pa-thogen (O. novo-ulmi) (Gibbs et al., 1975). It was thenascertained that resistance to this fungus was under thecontrol of many genes and could be accumulatedthrough subsequent crossings. Therefore, the prolongedwork carried out up until that moment had not been invain. The decision was thus taken to release on the mar-ket three elm selections of similar parentage and shapewhich presented a set of good properties, even if the le-vel of their resistance was not yet fully satisfactory.Thus, the «Lobel», «Dodoens» and «Plantyn» cloneswere released with certain recommendations in 1973.Ten years later, a fourth clone, «Clusius», was releasedwhich was related to the former three in parentage, sha-pe and resistance level (Heybroek, 1983).

At the same time, Heybroek continued to broadenthe basis of the breeding population in his programmeby proceeding to further crossing generations. In or-der to collect additional genetic material, he engagedin a number of study trips in Europe and Asia (Melvi-lle and Heybroek, 1971; Heybroek, 1981a and 1993).Several other species were also taken into considera-tion by the Dutch programme: Japanese elm, the U. japo-nica (R.) Sarg., which is morphologically close to U.minor to the point that it is regarded as the represen-tative of this species in the Far East; the Chinese U. la-ciniata Mayr, morphologically related to the Europe-an wych elm, U. glabra Huds.; and the Siberian elm,U. pumila L., although that species and many of itshybrids do not perform well in the Atlantic climate ofthe Netherlands. As the work progressed, abundanthybrid elm material with an interesting level of resis-tance was gradually accumulated in Wageningen. Hey-broek gave a part of this material to colleagues whowere setting up elm breeding programmes in Ameri-ca. The international significance of the programmewas acknowledged by British Forestry Commission,which, in a rare move, funded the post of an additio-nal technical assistant in the Dutch institute during fouryears to help development of resistant clones.

In 1978 the European Economic Community fun-ded a research project on elm and DED, one of the go-als of which was to test the adaptability of the Dutchhybrid selections (68 clones) to the various Europeanenvironments (48 trials in 9 countries) (Heybroek,

1983). The Community project achieved some inte-resting results:

1. It demonstrated that the different species andhybrids do indeed interact with the various environ-ments found in Europe, indicating that they can be usedsuccessfully in the appropriate areas.

2. It also showed that certain parasites which ha-ve a moderate or negligible impact on native elm spe-cies may turn out to be damaging to some hybrid se-lections built up with foreign species or with clonescoming from a different climate.

3. The project furnished material and impulse forother breeding projects in Europe.

In 1989, encouraged by the favourable results ga-thered in the European Community adaptability test,Heybroek released the «Columella» clone (Figure 1and 2), which was characterized by a high level of

Elm breeding history 163

Figure 1. Fastigiate shape of selection «Columella» built up byH.M. Heybroek by selfing the clone «Plantyn» (U. minor, U.glabra and U. wallichiana are among the parents).

DED-resistance and an elevated ornamental value and,more recently, the clone «Lutèce» released along withthe French partner INRA (Institut National de la Re-cherche Agronomique). Since the collection and eva-luation of data from the adaptability plots is still inprogress, it is possible that other clones included in theEuropean test may be named and released.

The long task of elm improvement carried outthrough advanced generations of breeding at Wage-ningen placed emphasis on the European elm species.Thus, the released clones have no more than one quarter Asian «blood», while other good and resistantclones are 100% European (Heybroek, personal communication). Crossings were made every year from1936 to 1983, including even 1945. The best and mostresistant seedlings of the early crosses were includedin the crossing schemes. As a result, about 200,000

seedlings of the F1-F4 generations and 2,000 cloneswere tested for resistance to DED in repeated inocu-lations and for other traits (Heybroek, 1993). Severalhybrid individuals built up in Wageningen entered various breeding programmes in Europe and in NorthAmerica, in an international effort to prepare resistantelms for the market. With Heybroek’s retirement in 1992, elm breeding activities at the DorschkampInstitute were suspended.

The Italian programme

The second elm breeding programme in Europe wasset up in the late 1970s in Florence, Italy, by the Ins-titute for Forest Tree Pathology (now the Institute ofPlant Protection) of the Italian National ResearchCouncil (CNR), when the second more destructive pan-demic of DED caused by O. novo-ulmi was invadingthe country. The idea underlying this project was theconviction that the Mediterranean environment wouldneed its own selections. This could be argued by thefavourable adaptation of Siberian elm in Italy, where-as this species did not thrive in the Netherlands, andby the unsuitability of the Dutch selections to the hotand dry areas of central Italy. The Italian programmeis indebted to the work of the Dutch researchers andto the European project for much of the material usedin the crossings. Other materials came from native spe-cies and from extant plantations of Siberian elm, aswell as through exchanges with foreign research ins-titutes. The inoculation and crossing techniques usedin Florence were also derived from the Dutch expe-rience, with the introduction of a few improvements,such as for example the realisation of pollination wi-thout having to lift the isolation sack, by blowing thepollen into the sack (Mittempergher and La Porta,1991).

One of the interesting aspects of the Italian pro-gramme has been to point out that the introduction ofnon-native elm species from different continents mayinvolve the risk of susceptibility to local parasites ofminor importance concerning native species. For ins-tance, a disease which until 1985 had been regardedas disease of American origin was found to be dange-rous and even deadly for a number of Asian elm spe-cies resistant to DED and for their hybrids. This dise-ase, named Elm yellows (EY), is caused byphytoplasmas. It kills the American elm (U. america-na L.); therefore, its outcome in this case does not dif-

164 L. Mittempergher and A. Santini / Invest Agrar: Sist Recur For (2004) 13 (1), 161-177

Figure 2. The curiously twisted leaves of «Columella» are in-herited as recessive character from U. glabra «Exoniensis»

fer from the results of DED. Yet in Europe, EY is to-lerated by the populations of native elms, with only afew individuals showing symptoms of yellowing (Fi-gure 3), witches’ brooms (Figure 4), growth retarda-tion, or a general decline (Mittempergher, 2000).

Numerous insects are also known to damage Euro-pean elms. Among these, the elm leaf beetle (Xanto-galerucha luteola Müller) (Figure 5) and the goat moth(Cossus cossus L.) have a very high ranking. The va-rious Asian elm species used in breeding programmesbecause of their resistance to DED show varying sus-ceptibility to these insects. For example, in our expe-

rience, the Chinese species U. laciniata (Trautv.) Mayris so susceptible to leaf beetle that it is very difficultto raise it in central Italy without chemical control,whereas U. parvifolia Jacq. and U. wilsonianaSchneid., are scarcely damaged. The Institute in Flo-

Elm breeding history 165

Figure 3. Symptoms of Elm yellows on U. villosa grown in Pi-sa, Italy.

Figure 4. Witches’ broom caused by natural infection of Elmyellows on U. «Lobel» in the Apennines, Italy.

Figure 6. The fast growing clone «San Zanobi», bred in Flo-rence, Italy, by crossing the Dutch clone «Plantyn» with U. pu-mila, gives hope to be grown also for timber production.

Figure 5. Dried up leaves eaten by the elm leaf beetle.

rence has thus set up a rating programme to assess theextent to which the commonly used Asian species maybe susceptible to EY and to the elm leaf beetle. Thesusceptibility ratings are taken into consideration whenpreparing the crossing project (Table 1). It is very con-ceivable that the Mediterranean climate may be morefavourable than the Atlantic climate of the Netherlandsto the build-up of insect populations and to phyto-plasma infection, which is vectored by some speciesof insects belonging to phloem-feeding hemipters.

The first results of the Italian programme are the«San Zanobi» and «Plinio» clones (Figure 5), whichwere obtained by crossing «Plantyn» with two diffe-rent individuals of Siberian elm (Santini et al., 2002).More than 50,000 hybrid seedlings have been raisedand tested, of which 80 individuals totalled a very highscore. Other clones with different parentage are due tobe released in the near future.

The Spanish programme

Recently, another elm breeding program was startedin Spain by Luis Gil and his co-workers at the Unidadde Anatomia, Fisiologia y Mejora Genetica Forestal ofthe Universidad Politecnica of Madrid. Starting of theprogramme was prepared by an extended literature re-view, an inventory of the host on the Spanish territory,as well as a characterization of the pathogen, and astudy of the vector (Gil, 1990). The Spanish program-me has likewise greatly profited from participation inthe European project which materialised later, during

the course of the second contract. It, too, relies mainlyon the Siberian elm (whose presence in Spain precedesDED appearance) as a source of DED-resistance, andaims to introduce this resistance into the native U. mi-nor species. The first breeding cycles were started in1993, on a number of genotypes chosen for their resis-tance, ornamental value, reproduction success, andgrowth. These researchers followed the standard pro-cedure set up in the Netherlands and Italy, and have re-ached the concluding stages of the selection processfor resistance of the first hybrid generation. Prepara-tions have now begun for the second generation cros-sing (F2) and for evaluation of clones to be released(Solla, 2000). In order to speed up the process of se-lection for resistance to the disease, some early selec-tion techniques were studied, including the use of cul-ture f iltrates of the fungus and measurements ofanatomical and physiological parameters in elm see-dlings (Solla et al., 2000; Gil et al., 2003).

Other European programmes

In order to complete the European panorama on ac-tivities designed to select elms resistant to DED, men-tion should also be made of the work carried out at Vol-gograd and at other research institutes in southernRussia. Siberian elm is a species which thrives well inthe arid steppe, and is a valuable tree for shelter-beltand farmstead plantings, as well as a source of fodder(Heybroek, 1981b). A selection for disease toleranceand adaptability to the local environment was carried

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Table 1. Rating of some elm species in decreasing order for susceptibility to EY (Elm yellows) from natural infection, toDED (Dutch elm disease), and to ELB (elm leaf beetle) based on the Italian breeding work (from Mittempergher, 2000)

Species Susceptibility to EY Susceptibility to DED Susceptibility to ELB

Ulmus americana +++a +++ ++Ulmus villosa ++ + +Ulmus chenmoui ++(?) – –Ulmus laciniata ++(?) + ++Ulmus wallichiana ++(?) + ++Ulmus japonica ++ / + + +Ulmus parvifolia ++ / + – –Ulmus laevis + +++ –Ulmus carpinifolia + ++ ++Ulmus wilsoniana + – +Ulmus pumila + – ++Ulmus glabra + +++ ++Ulmus macrocarpa – (?) +(?) –(?)

a Level of susceptibility: highest (+++), lowest (–), ranking unclear because of the low number of the tested individuals (?).

out, and the best genotypes have been planted in an or-chard for seed production (Mattis and Mukhaev, 1979;Uvarov and Butorina, 1986). However, the literatureon this project is not easily available.

Mention should also be made of the activity of tes-ting Dutch and other elm clones for disease resistan-ce carried out in a few laboratories in Europe, parti-cularly in France by Jean Pinon. This has already ledto the release of the clone «Lutèce», while other clo-nes may follow.

The American programmes

The arrival of the DED epidemic in America wasnot unexpected. Therefore, 3 years after the first re-port of the disease in the state of Ohio, an attempt ateradicating DED having failed, the collection and tes-ting of the germplasm of American elm for resistanceto DED was begun in 1933 within the framework of acooperative programme between Cornell Universityand the Boyce Thompson Institute (Sinclair et al.,1974). The results of this experiment were then trans-ferred to longer-lasting programmes. There are twovery important programmes as far as the effort of fa-cilities and the duration of the research efforts are con-cerned. Subsequently, a third breeding programme wasadded. As of today, only the programme carried out atthe research institutes of the Agricultural Research Ser-vice of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA-ARS) continues its activity at full capacity.

The USDA programme

The USDA-ARS has been involved in the develop-ment of genetically improved elms since shortly afterthe arrival of the disease in America. Initially, in theyear 1937, attention was concentrated on the objectiveof saving from destruction the American white elm (Ul-mus americana L.) that characterized the lines of tre-es of North America. More than 35,000 seedlings we-re screened for DED susceptibility upon inoculation ofthe disease at the USDA Laboratories (Smucker, 1944;Clapper, 1952). It was soon quite clear that susceptibi-lity of this species to the disease was extremely high(out of the original population, only two individualswere selected as being resistant), and that, on the otherhand, the introduction of resistance through hybridiza-tion met with enormous diff iculty in the barrier to

hybridisation with the donor species. This barrier (Agerand Guries, 1982) was not due solely to the fact that theAmerican white elm was the only tetraploid within thegenus, because the creation of haploid American elms(Lester,1970) or tetraploid Eurasian elms (Derman andMay, 1966) failed to improve crossability. Even me-thods based on protoplast production and fusion of pro-toplasts were not successful when American elm wasinvolved (Redenbaugh et al., 1981; Townsend and Mas-ters, 1984). In passing, we wish to note that the lateFrank S. Santamour Jr. (who used to work in the U.S.National Arboretum in Washington, D.C.), in trying tomodify the ploidy of the American elm or of the diploidspecies that are carriers of resistance to DED in orderto obtain hybrids, was the first researcher at the begin-ning of the 1970s to consider the Chinese elm, the U.parvifolia Jacq. Despite its great variability, Chineseelm has acquired considerable importance in the Ame-rican improvement programmes (Santamour, 1973). Ithas a high level of resistance to the DED fungus, a formof vase-shaped tree behaviour which approaches thatof the American elm, as well as high resistance to theelm leaf beetle, Xanthogalerucha luteola, which inAmerica —differently from Holland— occasionally re-presents a problem.

During that same period, due to the difficulty of wor-king with U. americana, at the Delaware, Ohio, Labo-ratory, breeding work was concentrated on determininghybridization potential among diploid elm species andhybrids and on screening hundreds of seedlings of theprogenies. Barriers to gene exchange were generally notpresent among most diploid species, although the suc-cess of many crosses depended on which species wasused as the female and which was used as the male. Inaddition, differences between reciprocal progenies we-re evident as to height, diameter growth, and time offlushing, which suggested that these differences wereattributable to some extra-chromosomal inheritance(Townsend, 1975, 1979). By also using many hybridclones produced in Holland, more than 60 combinationsof hybrid elms were created and various types of kno-wledge on the transmission of resistance were gathered.

In 1980, the group of researchers headed by AldenTownsend initiated advanced generational breeding,using a factorial design in which they made many com-binations of crosses among their best selections or cul-tivars (Townsend and Santamour, 1993). The proge-nies were evaluated for their resistance to theaggressive species of DED fungus and to the elm leafbeetle. During this phase of the work, it was shown that

Elm breeding history 167

the male and female parents, and their interactions in-fluenced the expression of the disease symptoms(Townsend and Douglass, 1996), and that clones fromwithin the same full-sib family differed significantlyin their resistance to DED, as an effect of the hete-rozygosis of the parents and also of the existence ofspecific combining, or non additive, gene action. Thework of hybridizing and selecting among the progenyfor disease and insect resistance continues at presentwith the non-American elms, with emphasis on the pro-duction of sterile lines by crossing spring-floweringelm with selections of Chinese (or lacebark) elm, U.parvifolia (Figure 7). Prevention of the introgressionof genes into the native elms and of seed productionare reasons for the development of sterile lines.

In spite of the rather poor preliminary results, thework of American elm breeding, i.e. selection and in-tra-specific crossing, was carried out by the USDA La-boratories on materials coming from previous alreadymentioned experiments. Evaluation for DED resistan-ce of the promising American elm clones was carriedout at Delaware, Ohio, from the 1960s through the1980s, and at Glenn Dale, Maryland, during the 1980sand 1990s. This led to the release of two clones with ahigh level of disease tolerance: «Valley Forge» and«New Harmony». Controlled crosses were again ma-de among selected American elm clones in the 1980sand 1990s. As a result of the work carried out with thismaterial and with survivors in areas hit hard by DEDepidemics, another comprehensive test was preparedwith 20 American elm clones, including Eugene Sma-lley’s «Independence» elm and Jim Sherald’s «Jeffer-

son» elm. From this test, in which inoculations tookplace in May 2002, Townsend’s research group hopesto achieve better results in the levels of resistance thanthose of existing selections. A programme of Ameri-can elm breeding is also being conducted at the Labo-ratory in Delaware, Ohio, by J. Slavicek and S. Eshitaof the Forest Service of the USDA in collaborationwith D. Townsend. Townsend’s group recently joinedin collaboration with Dr. Wayne Sinclair of CornellUniversity, in order to determine the relative suscep-tibility to EY of the American and non-American cul-tivars and selections. So far, 11 elm clones resistant toDED have been named and released on the market.

The Wisconsin programme

The development of an elm-breeding program at theUniversity of Wisconsin, in Madison, has dependedprimarily upon satisfying an educational/basic-rese-arch function while responding to a mandate from theWisconsin State Legislature to «solve the problem ofDutch elm disease». The most important product ofthis programme was the training of graduate studentsand the discovery of basic facts about elm biology andthe nature of host-pathogen interactions. The produc-tion of improved elms alone could not justify the con-tinued involvement of the University in selecting andtesting elms. At the beginning of the activities in 1958,the practical goals were two-fold: a) to develop a DED-resistant American elm; b) to develop hardy, pest-re-sistant, and ornamentally-useful Eurasian elms.

Thousands of seedlings of 87 accessions collectedthroughout the whole growth area of U. americana we-re assessed for resistance to DED. Controlled crossesamong selected survivors as well as resistant indivi-duals from the New York and USDA-ARS program-mes began in 1969. The repeated selection effected onthe progenies resulted in producing the named «Ame-rican Liberty Multiclone», consisting of 6 individuals,one of which was later patented as the «Independen-ce» elm. Overall, the parents of «American Liberty»elms are the survivors of over 60,000 inoculated Ame-rican elm seedlings collected from many locations overthe northern range of American elm. In fact they in-cluded superior survivors from the Wisconsin scree-ning programme, as well as resistant individuals fromthe New York and the USDA programmes (Smalley etal., 1993). Beginning in 1985, a second generation bre-eding was started, using as parents the few survivors

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Figure 7. The clone «Frontier» (hybrid between U. minor andU. parvifolia) is among the several selections released by theUSDA programme (photo by A. Townsend).

of the F1 parents, the most vigorous of the survivorsof the F1 progenies, and a few previously unselectedparents.

The improvement work with Eurasian elms also star-ted in 1958, with the grafting of 13 clones from theDutch breeding programme and the introduction of se-eds from various parts of the world. Except for Japan,the collection of elm genetic resources in Asia wasfound to be diff icult for political and logistical rea-sons. Around the year 1980 Eugene Smalley, the lea-der of the programme, engaged in a couple of adven-turous trips in China searching for native elm material.U. pumila and U. japonica were the most reliable sour-ces of resistance during the first years of work, alongwith clones coming from the various Arboreta andfrom the Dutch and USDA breeding programmes. U.minor seed accessions contained resistant individualswith a frequency of about 13%, essentially the sameas the best U. americana accessions coming from thenorth-eastern USA, while Hungarian and Polish ac-cessions tended to be better than average. The situa-tion was the same for U. glabra, with a special perfor-mance of accession from the Ural Mountains thatshowed 39% of resistant individuals. In all the Eura-sian species, variation among provenances was ob-vious, thus making the choice of accessions for bree-ding an important consideration. High variation wasfound in particular among accessions of U. pumila andU. parvifolia (Smalley and Guries, 1993).

At the beginning of the hybridisation work with di-ploid species in 1968, three species, U. pumila, U. ja-ponica, and U. rubra Muhl., were designated to becombined in order to replace U. americana. Later on,the last species, reputed to contribute vigour and or-namental value, was dropped because of its extremesusceptibility to DED. U. pumila, U. japonica, U. par-vifolia and U. wilsoniana were the major sources of re-sistant genes for elm cultivar release in America up un-til the early 1990s. Starting from 1984, the Wisconsinbreeding programme relied more and more on U. par-vifolia because of its resistance to DED, to black leafspot (Stegophora ulmea), and to the elm leaf beetle towhich U. pumila was very susceptible. This was alsobecause of the possibility of obtaining a certain num-ber of hybrids with U. americana when the Chinesespecies was used as the female parent. Hundreds of U.parvifolia X U. americana hybrid seedlings were ob-tained with the prospect that vigorous resistant elmsliable to preserve the structural characteristics of theAmerican elm could be glimpsed. Nine resistant clo-

nes of Asian origin, of which «Sapporo Autumn Gold»(Figure 8), a natural hybrid between U. japonica andU. pumila, is the file-leader, have been patented andare sold also in Europe (Smalley and Guries, 1993). Inaddition, in 1993, Smalley and Guries wrote that, atthat time, they had sufficient material under test to pro-vide new cultivar releases for several decades. At pre-sent, following the retirement in 1994 and subsequentdeath in 2002 of Eugene Smalley, elm breeding acti-vities have been closed, and there is concern as to howto preserve and utilise the abundant genetic material,which he accumulated

The Morton arboretum programme

The third structured elm breeding programme inNorth America originated at the Morton Arboretum inChicago, Illinois. Here, the largest elm collection inthe US has been built up, due to the interest in treesthat tolerate the adversities of urban tree-planting si-tes. 23 Asian species, 6 American species, and the Eu-

Elm breeding history 169

Figure 8. «Sapporo Autumn Gold», a natural hybrid betweenU. japonica and U. pumila, is the file-leader of nine selectionspatented by the Wisconsin University and sold also in Europe.

ropean species and subspecies or varieties appeared ina recent list of elm material at the Arboretum. Com-pletion of this elm collection was made possible,thanks to the increased availability in recent years ofelm seeds from China. Among these species, severalare little known. Generally speaking, the elms fromChina are found to be resistant to DED, leaf beetlesand, in some cases, also EY; in addition, they show gre-at variation in growing habits, ornamental characte-ristics, environmental adaptability, and pollution aba-tement. Therefore, they offer great opportunities forincreasing the diversity of tree species within the ur-ban landscape and for avoiding the reconstitution ofthe monoculture of American elm which proved to beso vulnerable. The elms from China represent a pre-cious resource for providing answers to the most va-ried requirements. In this way, they expand the placethat is traditionally reserved for the elm among cityplants (Ware, 1995).

The breeding programme began in 1972 (Ware,1992; Ware, 2000) with the finding of an outstandingtree resembling the American elm on the grounds of theArboretum near the Thornhill Educational Center. TheThornhill elm was identified as a natural hybrid bet-ween U. japonica and U. wilsoniana, and was named«Accolade» (Figure 9). It became a parent of many ofthe resistant elm selections built up in the hybridisa-tion activity of the Arboretum. Five hybrid clones ha-ve been named and released containing U. pumila andU. minor in their parentage in addition to the named U.japonica and U. wilsoniana. New crossings have been

carried out in recent years involving seldom-used Chi-nese species, e.g. U. szechuanica Fang., U. macrocar-pa Hance and U. propinqua. Breeding activity is stillcarried out on a reduced scale by the leader of the pro-ject, Dr. George Ware, who has retired.

As for North America, in the USA and Canada the-re are also other, less important elm breeding pro-grammes. These have had a shorter life, and in gene-ral have been limited to making selections within theframework of the species. Several of these resistant se-lections have been named and released on the market,as for example «Assumption», a selection of U. ame-ricana obtained after X-rays mutation treatment (Oue-llet and Pomerlau, 1965); «Discovery», «Jacan» and«Thompson», selections of U. japonica; and «AcrossCentral Park» and «Prairie Shade», selections of U.parvifolia (Santamour and Bentz, 1995).

A few highlights of the activity

Collection of native and foreign elm geneticresources

The first attempt at elm improvement for disease re-sistance was from within indigenous species selec-tions, both in Europe and in America, where the ope-ration was promoted with more determination, on agreater amount of material and for a longer time. InEurope, the collection and testing of indigenous elmswas resumed recently, essentially for conservation pur-poses, and is illustrated by Eric Collin in this book. Inthis regard, however, we must report here the conti-nued sparse knowledge and lack of material relative tothe species indigenous to the eastern part of Europe,from where several highly-resistant clones collectedin America originated (Smalley and Guries, 1993).

Although the value of foreign species (in particularAsian ones) as a source of resistance to DED was re-cognized very quickly and although some of them ha-ve been used since the very start of the Dutch pro-gramme, their utilisation in a more intense mannerbegan only around the beginning of the 1980s, with theopening up of China to scholarly interaction and com-munication. Indeed, the adequate use of these speciesinvolves the introduction of seeds and, thus, of popu-lations having different geographic origins. Only in thismanner is it possible to evaluate —and thus to makeappropriate use of— the great variability present in thespecies vegetational and physiological characteristics,

170 L. Mittempergher and A. Santini / Invest Agrar: Sist Recur For (2004) 13 (1), 161-177

Figure 9. «Accolade», a natural hybrid between U. japonicaand U. wilsoniana, is the first of several releases of the MortonArboretum (photo by G. Ware).

therein including resistance to various diseases (DED,black leaf spot disease; EY; elm leaf beetles; the Japa-nese beetle) (Miller, 2000). Unquestionably, U. pumi-la, U. japonica and U. wallichiana are the best knownand most used species in the breeding programmes.Many other species with Chinese origins have been im-ported over the past 20 years at the initiative of the Uni-versity of Wisconsin and the Morton Arboretum. Thematerial introduced has been evaluated only partially;it therefore represents an interesting potential for thework of breeding (Smalley and Guries, 2000).

Species crossability and self-sterility

Several elm breeding programmes have exploredcrossability patterns among elm species, because thiswas an opportunity to produce a wide spectrum ofhybrid progenies on which to make a selection (Hey-broek, 1968; Santamour, 1972; Townsend, 1975; Hans,1981; Mittempergher and La Porta, 1991) (Figure 10).From these tests it was found that crossability barriersamong elm species are generally weak or are absent,but that the success of several combinations dependson favourable male-female interactions. This resultmay well explain the variable data reported in othertrials. Strong barriers to hybridization were found withU. americana and U. laevis Pallas, which belong to theBlepharocarpus section which seems genetically iso-lated from the other sections of the genus (Heybroek,1968, 1993; Townsend, 1975). Nevertheless, hundredsof hybrid seedlings were successfully obtained by Sma-lley and Guries (2000) from U. parvifolia used as thefemale parent and U. americana as the male parent. Arare case of post-zygotic sterility was noted by Mit-tempergher and La Porta (1991) in crossing U. laevisused as the female parent with U. villosa Brandis asthe male parent: thousands of seedlings, some of whicheven showed hybrid vigour, started dying at the age of2-3 months, and none survived the following year. Onthe contrary, the frequency of spontaneous crossing innature is so high between U. pumila and U. minor inItaly and Spain and between U. pumila and U. rubra inthe northern USA, that it is highly probable that an in-trogression of the species will occur.

Self-sterility is a common event in elms, a fact thatmakes it possible to effect crossings without recurringto emasculation, i.e. in the presence of self-pollina-tion. But the phenomenon is not always complete inthe different species, and varies from year to year and

in different genotypes. For this reason, in every cros-sing experiment some pollination bags are kept tocheck self-fertility. However, in cross-pollinated fa-milies a number of seedlings were suspected —formorphological reasons— of coming from self-polli-nation, while the control bags yielded few or no see-dlings. The explanation is that the presence of foreignpollen acted as «mentor pollen», thus facilitating self-fertilisation (Heybroek, 1993).

Inoculation system

The availability of a reliable inoculation system thatincites disease in a large number of plants is funda-mental to proceeding quickly and surely in the longprocedure of forest tree breeding. The Dutch inocula-tion method (Figure 11), which introduces the inocu-

Elm breeding history 171

Figure 10. Insufflation of preserved pollen for controlled crossing.

lum directly into the large vessels of the lower trunkby cutting into the new sapwood and letting two dropsof the conidium suspension, placed on the knife bla-de, be sucked into the rising sap, guarantees approxi-mately 100% infection of the treated trees. For this re-ason, even it is an unnatural method remote to theinfectional courts made by the bark beetle vectors, it hasbeen adopted by European breeders and by the ForestryCommission in Great Britain. The latter has promotedfundamental studies on the genetics of the fungus.

At the beginning of the activity of selection for re-sistance, Fransen and Buisman (Heybroek, 2000) trieda complicated inoculation procedure in which the ino-culation was performed by bark beetles artificially lo-aded with fungus propagula, in order to compare this«more natural» inoculation with the easier and moreuniform «slit» method. Because of its complications,the method did not have success among breeders. Inany case, it must be stressed that an inoculation tech-nique that bypasses the work of the vectors disregardsthe possibility of disease escape being shown in spe-cies and in individual elms that are not preferred bythe bark beetles while they are searching for a place inwhich to dig their feeding groves (Webber and Kirby,1983). The lack of attractiveness may be so strong asto confer a rather successful protection from infectionon elms which otherwise might be very susceptible tothe fungus, as occurs in Italy and other parts of Euro-pe with the European white elm (U. laevis) (Sacchettiet al., 1980; Heybroek, 2000).

We should add that the slit method devised in Ho-lland has been considered to be overly strict, and thushas been modified over the past 20 years, by both thepathologists and European breeders, by raising the ino-culation point on the trunk to one-third of the waydown the crown, and then introducing the inoculum

into smaller vessels. Even in this case, the method suc-ceeds in causing disease in almost all cases, so thateven genotypes with a reasonable resistance level mayshow some leaf symptoms before making a rapid re-covery. It makes it possible to distinguish differencesin the resistance level of the host and in the degree ofvirulence of the pathogen.

The Dutch method was judged to be too severe inAmerica, where the principal vector of the disease isScolytus multistriatus, and the more aggressive and ef-ficient major scolitid, S. scolytus, is not present. Thus,for the USDA-ARS project during the 1970s, theTownsend group made a chisel wound in the trunk andintroduced the conidium suspension into the woundwith a syringe. Beginning in 1992, they developed anew inoculation technique that mimicked the bark be-etle transmission: the conidium suspension was intro-duced into a 2.4 mm slanting hole excavated by a bat-tery powered drill and located in the bottom one-thirdof the main trunk (Townsend et al., 1995). The Wis-consin technique is similar to the latter , but is evensmoother because the holes are drilled in branches ap-proximately the size upon which natural twig-crotchfeeding occurs. But Wisconsin researchers found thatfield results almost always overestimated the geneticresistance of the host. They therefore developed a pro-cedure for inoculation and for evaluation in a contro-lled environment, in the greenhouse or plant growthchambers (Green et al., 1984; Smalley et al.,1993).The procedure provided for raising strictly standardi-sed plants, and for evaluating the disease mainlythrough the volume of xylem discoloration occurren-ce. Even if Heybroek (1993) found that the relationbetween the internal and external symptoms could vary(with the extreme case of Hemiptelea davidii, whichdoes not wilt upon inoculation while the twigs growalmost black internally), the researchers in Wisconsinclaimed that the ranking of the clones, families, andaccessions were in substantial agreement when scree-ned in a controlled environment or in the field.

Another critical point is the selection of isolates forthe preparation of inoculum, owing to the extreme va-riability of the fungus which is present through theDED-infected area as different species, subspecies,hybrids and populations. At present, in one part of Eu-rope (as, for example, in Italy), two sub-species of theso-called «aggressive strain» are present: O. novo-ul-mi subsp. novo-ulmi and O. novo-ulmi subsp. ameri-cana [formerly known as Eurasian (EAN) and NorthAmerican (NAN) races, respectively] (Brasier and

172 L. Mittempergher and A. Santini / Invest Agrar: Sist Recur For (2004) 13 (1), 161-177

Figure 11. The Dutch slit inoculation technique.

Kirk, 2001) and probable hybrids. In the Italian selec-tion programme, therefore, two isolates belonging tothe two sub-species are used. In America, where onlythe americana sub-species is present, a combinationof aggressive and non-aggressive individuals is oftenused for preparing the inoculum. This procedure se-ems incorrect to us, because the presence of non-ag-gressive biotypes could induce resistance in elm clo-nes that resist the non-aggressive species of the fungus(Scheffer et al., 1980). In fact, we know that the pro-tective effect of induced resistance does indeed workin DED control, even if it is with several limitations(Hubbes and Jeng, 1981; Sutherland et al., 1995).

Disease evaluation

The evaluation of the amount of disease is the sco-ring instrument of the susceptibility/resistance of thehost or of the virulence of the pathogen. For this, du-ring field trials, the percentage of defoliation of thecrown and the percentage of dieback are generally me-asured. Measurements are made during the year of ino-culation and also during the following year, when it isimportant to assess the recurrence of the disease. Assymptoms in the more sensitive genotypes usually in-crease during the inoculation year, it is important tomeasure them more than once during the period. Thetotal symptoms are strongly influenced not only byhost and pathogen genotypes, but also by the environ-ment, understood as a whole: i.e. effect of soil type andsoil moisture, the season, and age of the tree, decli-ning when the plant becomes older (Smalley and Kais,1966; Sutherland et al.,1997). Symptoms are also in-fluenced by air temperature and hours of sunshine fo-llowing inoculation (Sutherland et al., 1997). Resis-tance scores often differ from year to year, so that eventhe ranking of standard clones of similar resistance va-lue, which ordinarily are kept as controls, may differin different years (Heybroek, 2000). In fact, Smalle-y’s research group found that the time of greatest sus-ceptibility and the duration of the susceptibility variedgreatly among elm species and even among seed sour-ces in a given species. Thus, the favourable period forinducing the disease may be short in some species, be-yond which a lack of symptoms may be mistaken forresistance. To obviate this shortcoming, if requirementsof space and time are constringent factors, it is re-commended to determine the peak of elm susceptibi-lity for the location of study and to inoculate at that

moment. Repeated inoculations may be needed overseveral years, in order to establish a true interactionbetween host and pathogen. The importance of esta-blishing very detailed protocols which take into ac-count all the variables and the necessity of always ke-eping several control trees which have known degreesof susceptibility, in every inoculation trial, is evident.Considering that the inoculation systems may be dif-ferent, as well as the isolates used for inoculum pre-paration, it will be understood that evaluation of sen-sitivity to the disease obtained in the course of variousprogrammes are not comparable: in fact contrastingevaluations are shown in published works for the sa-me clone and for the same species. Several standardi-zed clones are presently available which could be usedas controls together with well characterized isolates ofthe fungus, in inoculation experiments, favouring me-ans of comparisons for evaluating resistance to DEDof the selections at stake. Sound, long overdue com-parisons are of prime interest to potential users. A pro-tocol for inoculation and symptom evaluation is goingto be published as some of the results obtained as anoutcome of the EU Res Gen CT96-78 Project on the«Conservation of elm genetic resources in Europe».

Building up resistance

In order to produce by breeding elms resistant toDutch Elm Disease, the elite trees must possess a levelof resistance, which in the progeny is not always the me-an of that of the parents: in fact, some individuals in theoffspring may have a higher resistance than either of theparents. In contrast, a resistant individual may give ri-se to a mainly susceptible offspring. It has already be-en reported that resistance to DED is polygenic in na-ture but with the presence of major genes. There isgenerally considerable variation in resistance within onespecies, so it is important to use properly chosen ac-cessions and individuals. First-generation products arerarely satisfactory as regards the level of resistance andtheir vegetative traits, because Asian species often carrysome negative traits. The possibility of gradually accu-mulating favourable characteristics in subsequent cros-sings suggests that breeding work should be carried onover several generations. As research proceeds to ad-vanced generations, it is possible to broaden the gene-tic base by adding genes from diverse elm species, inaddition to vegetative traits close to those of the nativespecies, and thus to achieve a satisfactory level of di-

Elm breeding history 173

sease resistance. This may be inferred by the graph inFigure 12, which shows the genetic origin of the fourth-generation hybrid clone N° 1234 produced by Heybro-ek, in which four species were used.

It is relevant to recall that introduced exotic elms re-sistant to DED may become affected with problems ofpresent minor importance for the native species, whileother diseases, such as EY in America, can destroy theelms preserved from DED attack (Lanier et al., 1988).It is therefore primordial to select for resistance to otherdiseases and pests at the same as to DED, depending onthe area in which the programme is being carried out.

The biology of elm reproduction and pollen con-servation is well- known, as are the techniques of flo-wer isolation, pollination without removing the isola-tion bag (Mittempergher and La Porta, 1991), andprotection of the growing seed from insects. We cansay that there are no major problems in this sector.

At present, the genetic bases and physiological res-ponses that confer resistance to the host and virulen-ce to the pathogen are not fully understood and remaina goal for the future. Such knowledge would improveand speed up the long work of breeding which still re-mains more an art than a science.

Concluding remarks

The balance of many years of work is positive, be-cause up to now genetic improvement has given con-

crete results and found to be the sole means for con-trolling this serious disease Among these results figu-res the release of a moderate number of resistant cul-tivars. In 2000, 18 resistant elm clones were inproduction in the J. Frank Schmidt and Son Co. Nur-series in Oregon and a further 12 cultivars were beingevaluated for commercial production (Warren, 2000).In addition, several clones are at present in an advan-ced state of testing and will certainly be released in co-ming years with the aid of still active breeding pro-grammes. At Darmstadt, in Germany, the ConradAppel nurseries list nine resistant elms in their cata-logue, all coming from the Wisconsin programme. Asa consequence of the breeding activity programmes,there is today a revival of interest in elm in the nurseryindustry. The introduction of Asiatic material has ma-de elms available that also satisfy requests for orna-mental trees which were not covered previously by ourindigenous elms. For this reason, the space reservedfor elms among the plants used in cities has potentiallybeen enlarged.

A second advantage of the breeding activity is thatof having favoured accumulating and made availablea considerable wealth of knowledge relative to the bio-logy of the elm and DED, as well as knowledge relati-ve to susceptibility to DED and to other diseases andpests in a large number of elm species, which up to re-cently were unknown. This knowledge, together withthe availability of precious genetic material which hasbeen accumulated in several of the laboratories men-tioned, represents a valuable treasure to safeguard, be-cause it could be a reserve from which to obtain a lar-ge number of new cultivars. Developing new cultivarsis warranted as an opportunity of creating new selec-tions that are more suitable to local requirements andwith a different genetic background. Genetic diversityis indeed the only route to build up defence againstvery variable pathogens and parasites, such as the DEDpathogen, and against unpredictable risks. The largeinteraction between genotype and environment has al-ready been mentioned. This open up on the need to eva-luate how selections adapt to new environments, in-cluding of other continents, which may affect the levelof resistance to DED and other parasites present lo-cally. Another positive effect of the breeding activityhas been an interdisciplinary interaction with otherscientific fields. For example, the need to know the re-action of native elms to the disease has stimulated theex situ conservation of these species during the as-sembly of core collections. This material and materials

174 L. Mittempergher and A. Santini / Invest Agrar: Sist Recur For (2004) 13 (1), 161-177







560 1234 720





1U. carpinifolia

P39U. wallichiana

P265U. glabra «Exoniensis»

P39U. wallichiana

49U. glabra

1U. carpinifolia

P28U. carpinifolia«Hoersholmiensis»

U. pumila pinnato-ramosa

P261U. laciniata

Figure 12. The genetic origin of the fourth-generation hybridclone n° 1234 built up by H.M. Heybroek, in which 4 speciesare involved (from Heybroek, 1993).

collected from abroad were at the onset not only of stu-dies on breeding, but also of taxonomic, physiologi-cal, and molecular genetic studies. The need to au-thenticate the hybrid nature of the offspring hasstimulated the study of genetic markers. The precisedefinition of both inoculation and selection techniqueshas brought about a more attentive examination of theaspects of the Host-Pathogen-Vector interaction withthe environment.

Despite these positive results, the traditional bree-der has to face several difficulties in pursuing his work.Firstly, the mentality has changed, as reflected in thelack of interest in and, therefore, in the shortage ofavailable funding for long-term applied research pro-jects. Secondly, there is a propensity by many to be-lieve that biotechnology will provide a rapid solutionto problems of the sort. In particular, genetic trans-formation is considered as an ideal alternative to con-ventional breeding, by introducing the desired resis-tance genes into locally well adapted elite elm clones,without disrupting their better genetic features. Whi-le the expectations of biotechnology are yet at a stands-till, it is expedient not to abandon the traditional acti-vity proven to provide concrete answers and the moreso the results are reliable as the selection progress.

Finally, one of the concerns of foresters and conser-vationists is that resistant selections generated from exo-tic material may pollute the genetic sources of domes-tic elms, due to the well-known ease of elm interspecifichybridization. This concern may be mitigated conside-ring the behaviour of complex hybrid selections ofDutch origin raised in the experimental plots planted inItaly within the framework of the European adaptabi-lity test. No seedlings were found growing naturally inthe field, while plenty of seedlings of Chinese and Ja-panese elm are in fact growing in the same field whereaccessions of the two pure species have been planted.These observations, in need of being confirmed by ap-propriate trials, suggest that the complex hybrid natureof the Dutch selections involves a certain loss of ferti-lity, in open air, which could nevertheless be partly over-come in pollination bags, where the particular environ-ment and the presence of two pollen sources could giverise to a number of successful crosses.

The question of interfertility does not arise with ste-rile hybrids obtained with U. parvifolia, but is currentand important for hybrids containing U. pumila, theSiberian elm, which crosses very easily with the fieldelm, U. minor, in southern Europe (Italy and Spain)(Figure 13) where it has been introduced abundantly,

and with U. rubra in North America, giving rise tohybrid swarms that show morphological traits typicalof the two species. Favouring the introgression of Si-berian elm into the two aforementioned species, whichotherwise is occurring in nature, would be an easy ope-ration, that could foresee a solution to elms in foreststands as well, to which traditional breeding cannotrespond. The negative aspect of the operation wouldbe a loss of identity for the native species. The dis-cussion about the pros and cons of the operation wouldtake us too far away from the history of elm breeding.Nevertheless, we though it right to raise this matter asanother possible solution in a moment in which tradi-tional breeding meets with difficulties, biotechnologystill has not produced concrete results, while DED pro-secutes its destructive progress among the re-sproutedelm populations.

Elm breeding history 175

Figure 13. A spontaneous hybrid between U. pumila and U. mi-nor in northern Italy.


Authors wish to thank Ir. Hans M. Heybroek and Dr.Alden M. Townsend for reviewing the manuscript andproviding many helpful suggestions, Susan J. Wiegre-fe for the help and Alberto Fagnani and Fabio Ferrinifor over 25 years of precious technical assistance.


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