Italiani Checklist dei Tricotteri - di nazioni limitrofe e con “EI”...

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  • Omar Lodov i c i e Mar co Va l l eA cura di:

    Checklist dei TricotteriItaliani

    versione Aprile 2020

    Checklist of Italian Trichoptera

  • Copertina: disegno di Sericostoma italicum realizzato dal Prof. Alessandro Sensidoni in occasione del III° Simposio Internazionale sui Tricotteri svoltosi a Perugia nel 1980. Cover: Sericostoma italicum design made by Prof. Alessandro Sensidoni for the IIIrd International Symposium on Trichoptera in Perugia 1980.

  • Indice Introduzione 1 Struttura della Checklist 1 Ringraziamenti 3 Bibliografia 3 La checklist dei Tricotteri italiani 5 Lista dei Taxa esclusi 25 Bibliografia della Tricotterofauna italiana (ordine cronologico) 29 Bibliografia della Tricotterofauna italiana (ordine alfabetico) 59

    Summary Introduction 1 Checklist structure 1 Acknowledgements 3 Literature 3 Checklist of Italian Trichoptera 5 List of omitted taxa 25 Literature on Italian Trichoptera fauna (chronological order) 29 Literature on Italian Trichoptera fauna (alphabetical order) 59

    Il presente lavoro deve essere citato come segue: This work should be cited as follow: Lodovici O. & Valle M. 2020 - Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani. Versione Aprile 2020.

  • Per ulteriori informazioni sulla distribuzione delle specie italiane, per errori o sviste nell'elenco, per favore contattaci ai seguenti indirizzi: For further information on the distribution of Italian species, or notification of errors or oversights in the list, please contact us at the following addresses: Omar Lodovici Marco Valle Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali “E. Caffi” Piazza Cittadella 10 I-24129 Bergamo e-mail:,

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani


    Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani Checklist of Italian Trichoptera

    Versione Aprile 2020 Lodovici Omar e Valle Marco

    INTRODUCTION The checklist was compiled as part of a wide-ranging project aimed at producing a catalogue of Italian caddisflies based on scientific publications. A reference bibliography has been created including all the published scientific works that concern the Italian Trichopterafauna, together with other articles containing data on Italian species. The checklist was drawn up exclusively on the basis of published information regarding adult caddisflies, since although in recent decades the number of identification keys for larval stages has constantly increased, the number of taxa for which larva descriptions are lacking remains high.

    STRUCTURE OF THE CHECKLIST The list follows the hierarchical sequence: families, genera, species and subspecies, each in alphabetic order. The nomenclature is that used in "Distribution Atlas of European Trichoptera" (Neu et al., 2018); in disputed cases see notes for motivation and/or bibliography. For each species the synonyms used over time have been checked.

    For each taxon are given:

    ● Presence in mainland Italy (It), Sardinia (Sard) and Sicily (Sic). Archipelagoes and minor islands are not specified; in these cases reference is made to the region with local jurisdiction.

    ● Indication of limited distribution areas: “E” (endemic) species are those whose area includes Italy and extends to other neighbouring nations; “EI” (endemic Italian) refers to species whose area is entirely within Italian borders.

    INTRODUZIONE La checklist è stata compilata nell’ambito di un progetto più ampio volto alla realizzazione del catalogo dei Tricotteri italiani basato sui dati pubblicati nella letteratura scientifica. È stata creata una bibliografia di riferimento includendo tutti i lavori scientifici pubblicati che riguardano espressamente la tricotterofauna italiana ai quali si aggiungono tutti quegli articoli che contengono dati su tricotteri riferibili al nostro Paese. Tutte le citazioni prese in considerazione si riferiscono solo ad esemplari adulti poiché, nonostante negli ultimi decenni il numero delle chiavi di identificazione degli stadi larvali sia in costante aumento, resta elevato il numero di taxa dei quali non sono ancora descritte le larve.

    STRUTTURA DELLA CHECKLIST L'elenco predisposto segue l’ordine alfabetico in sequenza gerarchica: famiglie, generi, specie e sottospecie. È stata adottata la nomenclatura presente in "Distribution Atlas of European Trichoptera" (Neu et al., 2018), nei casi in cui non vi era accordo è stata riportata nelle note la motivazione o la bibliografia di riferimento. La nomenclatura adottata è quella riportata da Neu et al. (2018), per ogni specie sono state verificate le sinonimie susseguitesi nel tempo.

    Per ogni taxon viene riportato:

    ● la presenza nell'Italia continentale (It), Sardegna (Sard) e Sicilia (Sic). Gli arcipelaghi e le isole minori non sono specificati, in tali casi viene fatto riferimento alla regione italiana di competenza;

    ● l'indicazione di areali ristretti contrassegnando con “E” (endemiche) le specie il cui areale comprende anche aree di nazioni limitrofe e con “EI” (Endemiche italiane) le specie il cui areale è interamente incluso all'interno dei confini nazionali.

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 1


    Inoltre, sono stati inserite ulteriori informazioni e note che riguardano:

    ● La località tipica e la distribuzione per tutti i taxa endemici.

    ● La località tipica per tutte le specie descritte su materiale italiano.

    ● La rarità per quei taxa noti di poche località

    ● Taxa che presentano difficoltà di identificazione

    ● Taxa noti solo di vecchie segnalazioni la cui presenza in Italia deve essere verificata.

    Infine, è stato realizzato un elenco dei “Taxa esclusi” dalla Checklist in cui vengono specificati i motivi di tale esclusione; si tratta generalmente di specie o sottospecie inquirendae oppure erroneamente identificate o escluse in seguito alla verifica della determinazione degli esemplari riportati in bibliografia.

    La checklist riporta 459 taxa relativi a 437 specie, 52 sottospecie, 93 generi e 21 famiglie (tabella 1). In Lodovici & Valle (2020) sono disponibili alcuni approfondimenti relativi alla tricotterofauna italiana nel suo complesso.  

    There are additional information and notes concerning:

    Type localities and distribution of all endemic taxa.

    Type localities of all species described on Italian specimens.

    Rarity of taxa with limited distribution.

    Taxa that are difficult to identify.

    Taxa reported in old documents whose presence in Italy needs to be verified.

    Lastly, an “Excluded Taxa” list has been drawn up, which specifies the motives for their exclusion from the Checklist. In general, these are species and subspecies inquirendae, mistakenly identified species, or those excluded on the basis of identification checks on specimens referred to in the literature.

    The checklist contains 459 taxa relating to 437 species, 52 subspecies, 93 genera and 21 families (Table 1). Further information on Italian Trichopterafauna are shown in Lodovici & Valle (2020).

    Tabella 1: Ripartizione di taxa, specie e sottospecie nelle singole famiglie Table 1: Numbers of taxa, species and subspecies in each family


    Famiglia / Family taxa species ssp.

    Apataniidae 3 3 - Beraeidae 20 18 3 Brachycentridae 7 7 - Ecnomidae 1 1 - Glossosomatidae 15 15 - Goeridae 8 8 2 Helicopsychidae 2 2 - Hydropsychidae 28 28 2 Hydroptilidae 53 53 - Lepidostomatidae 5 4 2 Leptoceridae 37 37 3 Limnephilidae 131 127 8 Odontoceridae 1 1 - Philopotamidae 29 23 14 Phryganeidae 6 6 1 Polycentropodidae 31 27 7 Psychomyidae 25 24 3 Ptilocolepidae 1 1 - Rhyacophilidae 41 37 7 Sericostomatidae 14 14 - Uenoidae 1 1 - TOTAL 459 437 52

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 2



    La prima menzione va certamente rivolta al Professor Giampaolo Moretti che fin dai primi momenti della nostra collaborazione, iniziata negli anni ’90 del 1900, ha stimolato la realizzazione degli studi mirati ai tricotteri. Un sentito ringraziamento anche ai figli del Professore che hanno donato la collezione giovanile del padre al Museo civico di Scienze Naturali di Bergamo, una collezione ricca di dati storici, essenziale per la verifica di alcune citazioni della prima metà del 1900.

    Un ringraziamento particolare alla professoressa Fernanda Cianficconi per aver sollecitato la realizzazione di questo lavoro e per aver messo a disposizione la sua competenza oltre alla sua collezione personale, ora depositata al Museo di Scienze Naturali di Bergamo, e di grande utilità per la verifica di un gran numero di segnalazioni riferite al centro Italia. Fernanda unitamente alle professoresse Elda Gaino e Carla Corallini hanno inoltre consentito l’accesso alla collezione del Prof. Moretti ed alla ricca bibliografia presente presso l’Università di Perugia.

    Grazie alla dott.ssa Elisabetta Bertuetti per essere stata di fondamentale contributo nelle fasi iniziali dello studio della tricotterofauna presso il nostro Istituto.

    Siamo grati inoltre alla dott.ssa Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber per averci messo a disposizione i dati italiani presenti nel database del Distribution Atlas of European Trichoptera, al dott. Riccardo Pantaleoni per le preziose indicazioni bibliografiche ed al dott. Leonardo Latella, del Museo di Storia Naturale di Verona, per aver consentito la consultazione delle collezioni del Museo.

    Un sentito ringraziamento va alla sig.ra Luciana Costacurta che in questi anni con la sua preziosa collaborazione ha consentito di digitalizzare gran parte della bibliografia.

    Ringraziamo John C. Morse e Ralph W. Holzenthal per aver reso disponibile a noi e a tutti i tricotterologi i loro siti Web "Trichoptera World Checklist" e "Trichoptera Literature Database".


    LODOVICI O. & VALLE M., 2020 - La Tricotterofauna in Italia: considerazioni a margine della nuova checklist. Rivista del Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali E. Caffi, Bergamo 32: 55-64

    NEU P.J., MALICKY H., GRAF W., SCHIMDT-KLOIBER A., 2018 - Distribution Atlas of European Trichoptera. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands; 84.Teil. ConchBooks; Hackenheim. 890 pp..


    First we must express our gratitude to Professor Giampaolo Moretti who, from the start of our collaboration in the 1990s, has stimulated our study of trichopterans. Our heartfelt thanks also go to the Professor's children who donated the collection their father made in his youth to the Bergamo Civic Natural Sciences Museum, a collection rich in historical data, and essential for the verification of some references from the first half of the 20th century.

    We are particularly grateful to Professor Fernanda Cianficconi, who prompted this work and made available both her expertise and her personal collection, now deposited at the Bergamo Civic Natural Sciences Museum, which was most useful for the verification of many reports regarding central Italy. Fernanda, together with Prof. Elda Gaino and Prof. Carla Corallini, also gave us access to Prof. Moretti's collection and the abundant bibliographical material present at the University of Perugia.

    Our thanks to Dr Elisabetta Bertuetti for her assistance, which was fundamental during the early stages of our study of the Trichoptera at the Museum.

    We are also grateful to Dr Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber for providing us with the Italian data in the Distribution Atlas of European Trichoptera database, Dr Riccardo Pantaleoni for valuable bibliographic indications and to Dr Leonardo Latella of the Verona Natural History Museum, for allowing consultation of the museum collections.

    Our heartfelt thanks to Mrs Luciana Costacurta whose precious collaboration in recent years has enabled a large part of the bibliography to be digitized.

    Thanks to John C. Morse and Ralph W. Holzenthal for making available (to us and all other trichopterologists) their Websites "Trichoptera World Checklist" and "Trichoptera Literature Database".


    LODOVICI O., & VALLE M., 2020 – La Tricotterofauna in Italia: considerazioni a margine della nuova checklist. Rivista del Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali E. Caffi, Bergamo 32: 55-64

    NEU P.J., MALICKY H., GRAF W., SCHMIDT-KLOIBER A., 2018 - Distribution Atlas of European Trichoptera. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands; 84.Teil. ConchBooks; Hackenheim. 890 pp..

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 3

  • Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 4

  • Checklist dei Tricotteri ItalianiChecklist of Italian Trichoptera

    Apataniidae1Apatania fimbriata (Pictet, 1834) 1 - 1 Central Europe species, in Italy is reported for

    Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta (Alpi Cozie, Graie and Pennine).

    -It -

    Apatania muliebris McLachlan, 1866 2 - 2 Reported in Italy uniquely for Bardonecchia (Piemonte) by Malicky (2004: 252).

    -It -

    Apatania volscorum Moretti, 1988EI 3 - 3 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Lazio, Frosinone, Lago di Fibreno, rivoli sorgivi. Distrib.: Italy, Lazio. Known only for the type locality.

    -It -

    Beraeidae2Beraea aureomarginata Mosely, 1930E 4 - 1 Loc Typ: France, Corse, Bastia. Distrib.:

    Sardegna and Corse.-- Sard

    Beraea botosaneanui Moretti, 1981EI 5 - 2 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Cagliari, Gutturu Mannu. Distrib.: Sardegna.

    -- Sard

    Beraea crichtoni Moretti, 1981EI 6 - 3 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Calabria, Cosenza, Camigliatello, La Sila. Distrib.: Southern Apennines.

    -It -

    Beraea dira McLachlan, 1875E 7 - 4 Loc. Typ.: Turkestan (probably mislabelling, Neu et al., 2018). Distrib: All authentic specimen are from Orobian Prealps to Istria (Neu et al., 2018).

    -It -

    Beraea iglesiensis Malicky, 1981EI 8 - 5 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Sud-Sardegna, Domusdemaria. Distrib.: Sardegna.

    -- Sard

    Beraea ilvae Moretti, 1981EI 9 - 6 Loc. Typ: Italy, Toscana, Livorno, Isola d'Elba, Monte Capanne, Fonte della Chiava. Distrib.: Isola d'Elba.

    -It -

    Beraea maurus (Curtis, 1834) 10 - 7 SicIt -

    Beraea morettii Malicky, 1981EI 11 - 8 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Nuoro, E von Badde Suelzu. Distrib.: Sardegna.

    -- Sard

    Beraea pullata (Curtis, 1834) 12 - 9 -It -

    Beraeamyia gudrunae Malicky, 2002EI 13 - 10 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Liguria, Imperia, Vignai. Distrib.: Italy: South western Alps.

    -It -

    Beraeamyia schmidi Botosaneanui, 1960 14 - 11 Known for Friuli Venezia Giulia.-It -

    Beraeamyia squamosa Mosely, 1930 15 - 12 Widespread in Italy, it is known for French Alpes Maritimes and Pyrénées (location of the typical material).

    SicIt -

    Beraeodes minutus (Linnaeus, 1761) 16 - 13 -It -

    Beraeodina palpalis Mosely, 1931E 17 - 14 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse, Vizzavona. Distrib: Sardegna and Corse.

    -- Sard

    Ernodes articularis (Pictet, 1834) 18 - 15 -It -

    Ernodes botosaneanui Vaillant, 1982E 19 - 16 Loc. Typ: France, Alpes de Haute-Provence, m780, national road 207. Distrib.: Italy and France: south western Alps.

    -It -

    Ernodes nigroauratus nigroauratus Mosely, 1930E 20 - 17 Loc. Typ.: France, Corsica, Corte, Bastia. Distrib.: France (Corsica) and Italy. The recognition of the subspecies of E. nigroauratus is unclear (Neu et al., 2018).

    SicIt -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 5

  • Ernodes nigroauratus romaniulus Moretti, Cianficconi, Campadelli & Crudele, 1999

    EI 21 - 18 Loc. Typ.: Unknown. Distrib.: Italy, northern Apennines. The recognition of the subspecies of E. nigroauratus is unclear (Neu et al., 2018).

    -It -

    Ernodes nigroauratus siculus Malicky, 1981EI 22 - 19 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia, Palermo, Castelbuono. Distrib.: Italy, Sicilia. The recognition of the subspecies of E. nigroauratus is unclear (Neu et al., 2018).

    Sic- -

    Ernodes vicinus (McLachlan, 1879) 23 - 20 -It -

    Brachycentridae3Brachycentrus montanus Klápalek, 1892 24 - 1 -It -

    Brachycentrus subnubilus Curtis, 1834 25 - 2 Known for few localities for Marche and Umbria (Di Giovanni et al., 2002).

    -It -

    Micrasema dolcinii Botosaneanu & Moretti, 1986EI 26 - 3 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Abruzzo, Teramo, Montorio al Vomano, Fiume Vomano, m 260. Distrib.: central and southern Italy and Sicilia.

    SicIt -

    Micrasema longulum McLachlan, 1876 27 - 4 Known for a specimen sampled on the Ponalestraße on Lake Garda (Trentino-Alto Adige) (Thienemann, 1904: 210).

    -It -

    Micrasema minimum McLachlan, 1876 28 - 5 -It -

    Micrasema morosum (McLachlan, 1868)E 29 - 6 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Udine, Raibl Valley. Distrib.: Alps.

    -It -

    Micrasema togatum (Hagen, 1864)E 30 - 7 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse. Distrib.: Sardegna, Corse and Isola d'Elba.

    -It Sard

    Ecnomidae4Ecnomus tenellus (Rambur, 1842) 31 - 1 SicIt Sard

    Glossosomatidae5Agapetus cyrnensis Mosely, 1930E 32 - 1 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse, Corte. Distrib.:

    Sardegna, Corse and Isola d'Elba.-It Sard

    Agapetus delicatulus McLachlan, 1884 33 - 2 -It -

    Agapetus fuscipes Curtis, 1834 34 - 3 -It Sard

    Agapetus laniger (Pictet, 1843) 35 - 4 -It -

    Agapetus nimbulus McLachlan, 1879 36 - 5 SicIt -

    Agapetus ochripes Curtis, 1834 37 - 6 Known for few localities of Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Malicky, 2004; Malicky, 2014; Neu et al., 2018).

    -It -

    Catagapetus nigrans McLachlan, 1884E 38 - 7 Loc Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Pistoia, Appennino Pistoiese. Distrib.: Alps, Appennines and Isola d'Elba.

    -It -

    Glossosoma bifidum McLachlan, 1879 39 - 8 -It -

    Glossosoma boltoni Curtis, 1834 40 - 9 -It -

    Glossosoma conformis Neboiss, 1963 41 - 10 -It -

    Glossosoma femminamorta Malicky, 2010EI 42 - 11 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia, Messina, Torrente Tordi S von Portella di Femmina Morta. Distrib.: Calabria and Sicilia.

    SicIt -

    Glossosoma serravalle Malicky & Graf, 2004 EI 43 - 12 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Umbria, Perugia, Spoleto, Serravalle di Cascia. Distrib.: central Italy.

    -It -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 6

  • Synagapetus krawanyi Ulmer, 1938E 44 - 13 Loc Typ.: Austria, Niederosterreichs Scheibbsbach. Distrib.: Eastern Alps. Known in Italy for few localities of Friuli Venezia-Giulia.

    -It -

    Synagapetus liguricus Malicky, 2011EI 45 - 14 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Liguria, Savona, Verzi, m 240. Distrib.: known only for type locality.

    -It -

    Synagapetus padanus Bertuetti, Lodovici & Valle, 2004

    EI 46 - 15 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Lombardia, Bergamo, loc. Astino m 250. Distrib.: Italy, south-eastern Alps (from the Prealpi Bergamasche to Prealpi Venete and Colli Euganei).

    -It -

    Goeridae6Larcasia ligurica Malicky, 2014EI 47 - 1 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Liguria, Savona, Loano, Verzi.

    Distrib.: Alpi Liguri.-It -

    Lithax niger (Hagen, 1859) 48 - 2 -It -

    Silo mediterraneus mediterraneus McLachlan, 1884

    EI 49 - 3 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Pistoia, Appenino Pistoiese, tra Villa Margherita e San Marcello. Distrib.: Italy, central northern Apennines and Sardegna.

    -It Sard

    Silo nigricornis (Pictet, 1834) 50 - 4 -It -

    Silo pallipes (Fabricius, 1781) 51 - 5 -It -

    Silo piceus Brauer, 1857 52 - 6 Reported from Piemonte (Navàs, 1932), Veneto (Thienemann, 1905) and Trentino-Alto Adige (Dalla Torre, 1882).

    -It -

    Silo rufescens Rambur, 1842E 53 - 7 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna. Distrib.: Sardegna and Corse.

    -- Sard

    Silonella aurata aurata (Hagen, 1864) 54 - 8 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse. Distrib.: Sardegna, Corse and north Africa.

    -- Sard

    Helicopsychidae7Helicopsyche revelieri McLachlan, 1884E 55 - 1 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse, Porto Vecchio.

    Distrib.: Sardegna, Corse and Isola d'Elba.-It Sard

    Helicopsyche sperata McLachlan, 1876E 56 - 2 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Campania, Napoli. Distrib.: Italy and Switzerland (Canton Ticino).

    SicIt -

    Hydropsychidae8Cheumatopsyche lepida (Pictet,1834) 57 - 1 SicIt Sard

    Diplectrona atra McLachlan, 1878 58 - 2 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Trentino-Alto-Adige, Bolzano.-It -

    Diplectrona felix McLachlan, 1878 59 - 3 -It -

    Diplectrona magna Mosely, 1930E 60 - 4 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse, Corte. Distrib.: central Italy and Calabria, Sardegna and Corse.

    -It -

    Hydropsyche angustipennis angustipennis (Curtis, 1834)

    61 - 5 -It Sard

    Hydropsyche botosaneanui Marinkovic-Gospodnetic, 1966

    62 - 6 Known for few localities of south western Alps and Northern Apennines.

    -It -

    Hydropsyche bulbifera McLachlan, 1878 63 - 7 Known for few localities of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.-It -

    Hydropsyche bulgaromanorum Malicky, 1977 64 - 8 -It -

    Hydropsyche contubernalis contubernalis McLachlan, 1865

    65 - 9 Known of few localities of Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Veneto (Neu et al., 2018).

    -It -

    Hydropsyche dinarica Marinkovic, 1979 66 - 10 SicIt -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 7

  • Hydropsyche doehleri Tobias, 1972EI 67 - 11 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Calabria, Cosenza, Sila Grande, Camigliatello.

    SicIt Sard

    Hydropsyche fulvipes (Curtis, 1834) 68 - 12 -It Sard

    Hydropsyche fumata Tobias, 1972E 69 - 13 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse. Distrib.: Sardegna and Corse.

    -- Sard

    Hydropsyche gereckei Moretti, 1991EI 70 - 14 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Siracusa, M.Iblei, Sorg. Gesso. Distrib.: Sicilia.

    Sic- -

    Hydropsyche guttata Pictet, 1834E 71 - 15 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Gèneve (Lectotype, Kimmins, 1957). Distrib.: Alps. Known for Trentino-Alto Adige (Moretti, 1937) and for a specimen collected in 1869 in Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Malicky, 1984).

    -It -

    Hydropsyche incognita Pitsch, 1993 72 - 16 -It -

    Hydropsyche instabilis (Curtis, 1834) 73 - 17 -It Sard

    Hydropsyche klefbecki Tjeder, 1946EI 74 - 18 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Campania, Salerno, Amalfi, penisola sorrentina. Distrib.: Appenines and Sicilia.

    SicIt -

    Hydropsyche modesta Navas, 1925 75 - 19 SicIt -

    Hydropsyche morettii De Pietro, 1996EI 76 - 20 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia, Messina, Francavilla di Sicilia, F. San Paolo. Distrib.: Appenines and Sicilia. H. moretti and H. pellucidula are difficult to recognize.


    Hydropsyche ornatula McLachlan, 1878 77 - 21 -It -

    Hydropsyche pellucidula (Curtis, 1834) 78 - 22 H. moretti and H. pellucidula are difficult to recognize.

    -It -

    Hydropsyche sattleri Tobias, 1972EI 79 - 23 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Oristano, West Sardinien. Distrib.: Sardegna.

    -- Sard

    Hydropsyche saxonica McLachlan, 1884 80 - 24 Known of few localities of Piemonte and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

    -It -

    Hydropsyche siltalai Döhler, 1963 81 - 25 -It -

    Hydropsyche spiritoi Moretti, 1991 82 - 26 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Umbria, Perugia, Marcite di Norcia.

    -It -

    Hydropsyche subalpina Botosaneanu & Giudicelli, 2004

    83 - 27 Loc. Typ.: France, département Var, spring of the Siagne, 630 m. Distrib.: France and Italy from Pirenees to western Alps. Known for few localities of Piemonte (Malicky, 2014; Neu et al., 2018).

    -It -

    Hydropsyche tenuis Navás, 1932 84 - 28 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Torino, Sangano.-It -

    Hydroptilidae9Agraylea sexmaculata Curtis, 1834 85 - 1 -It -

    Allotrichia pallicornis (Eaton, 1873) 86 - 2 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Torino.SicIt -

    Hydroptila acuta Mosely, 1930 87 - 3 -It Sard

    Hydroptila aegyptia Ulmer, 1963 88 - 4 SicIt -

    Hydroptila angulata Mosely, 1922 89 - 5 SicIt Sard

    Hydroptila angustata Mosely, 1939 90 - 6 -It -

    Hydroptila brissaga Malicky, 1996 91 - 7 SicIt -

    Hydroptila cognata Mosely, 1930 92 - 8 -It -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 8

  • Hydroptila cornuta Mosely, 1922 93 - 9 Reported for Piemonte, Toscana and Lazio. For Neu et al. (2018: 261) records of Hydroptila cornuta in south of the Alps are doubtful and should be verified.

    -It -

    Hydroptila cortensis Mosely, 1937E 94 - 10 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse, Corte. Distrib.: Italy (Sardegna and Liguria) and Corse.

    -It Sard

    Hydroptila fiorii Malicky & Moretti, 1987 EI 95 - 11 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Sud Sardegna, Domus De Maria. Distrib.: Sardegna.

    -- Sard

    Hydroptila forcipata (Eaton, 1873) 96 - 12 -It -

    Hydroptila giudicellorum Botosaneanu, 1980 97 - 13 Known for Sardegna, Sicilia and Isola d'Elba.SicIt Sard

    Hydroptila insubrica Ris, 1903 98 - 14 -It -

    Hydroptila ivisa Malicky, 1972 99 - 15 Known for Friuli-Venezia-Giulia.-It -

    Hydroptila martini Marshall, 1977 100 - 16 SicIt -

    Hydroptila occulta (Eaton, 1873) 101 - 17 -It -

    Hydroptila phaon Malicky, 1976 102 - 18 SicIt -

    Hydroptila ruffoi Moretti, 1981EI 103 - 19 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Abruzzo, Teramo, Monti della Laga, Rio Castellana. Distrib.: Italy (Bergamasche Alps and Prealps, Apennines).

    -It -

    Hydroptila serrata Morton, 1898 104 - 20 -- Sard

    Hydroptila simulans Mosely, 1920 105 - 21 SicIt -

    Hydroptila sparsa Curtis, 1834 106 - 22 -It -

    Hydroptila stellifera Morton, 1893EI 107 - 23 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Pistoia, Apennino Pistoiese. Distrib.: Italy.

    -It -

    Hydroptila tacheti Coppa & Malicky, 2005 108 - 24 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Udine, Cornino, fiume Tagliamento, m180. Known for Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

    -It -

    Hydroptila tigurina Ris, 1894 109 - 25 Reported for few localities of Lombardia, Molise and Sicilia.

    SicIt -

    Hydroptila tineoides Dalman, 1819 110 - 26 -It Sard

    Hydroptila uncinata Morton, 1893 111 - 27 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Pistoia, Apennino Pistoiese.

    SicIt -

    Hydroptila vectis Curtis, 1838 112 - 28 SicIt Sard

    Hydroptila vichtaspa Schmid, 1959 113 - 29 Recorded for few localities of Lombardia, Veneto and Umbria.

    -It -

    Ithytrichia bosniaca Murgoci, Botnariuc & Botosaneanu, 1948

    114 - 30 Known for Fiume Simeto (Sicilia, Catania; Cianficconi et al., 1999).

    Sic- -

    Ithytrichia clavata Morton, 1905 115 - 31 Sic- -

    Ithytrichia lamellaris Eaton, 1873 116 - 32 Known for Lombardia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Toscana and Campania.

    -It -

    Microptila minutissima Ris, 1897 117 - 33 Recorded for Lombardia and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

    -It -

    Orthotrichia angustella (McLachlan, 1865) 118 - 34 SicIt Sard

    Orthotrichia costalis (Curtis, 1834) 119 - 35 -It Sard

    Orthotrichia tragetti Mosely, 1930 120 - 36 -It -

    Oxyethira falcata Morton, 1893 121 - 37 SicIt Sard

    Oxyethira flavicornis (Pictet, 1834) 122 - 38 SicIt -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 9

  • Oxyethira hartigi Moretti, 1981E 123 - 39 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Sassari, sorgente Monti. Distrib.: Sardegna and Corse.

    -- Sard

    Oxyethira pirisinui Moretti, 1981EI 124 - 40 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Livorno, Capraia Isola, Vado del Porto. Distrib.: Italy (Isola di Capraia) and Sardegna.

    -It Sard

    Oxyethira simplex (Ris, 1897) 125 - 41 Reported for Canale Brunese (Puglia, Lecce; Cianficconi et al, 1991).

    -It -

    Oxyethira unidentata McLachlan, 1884 126 - 42 Known for Sicilia (Cianficconi et al., 1999).Sic- -

    Stactobia alpina Bertuetti, Lodovici & Valle, 2004

    E 127 - 43 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Cuneo, Garessio, affl. Fiume Tanaro c/o Trappa. Distrib.: France and Italy (from Alpi Marittime to Alpi Liguri).

    -It -

    Stactobia beatensis Mosely, 1934 128 - 44 Known for Sicilia and Toscana (Lodovici & Valle, 2013).

    SicIt -

    Stactobia caspersi Ulmer, 1950 129 - 45 -It -

    Stactobia cianficconiae Lodovici & Valle, 2013 EI 130 - 46 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Nuoro, hygropetric road Gavoi-Ovodda. Distrib.: Sardegna.

    -- Sard

    Stactobia eatoniella McLachlan, 1880 131 - 47 -It -

    Stactobia ericae Malicky, 1981EI 132 - 48 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Nuoro, Gairo. Distrib.: Sardegna. Known only for the type locality.

    -- Sard

    Stactobia furcata Mosely, 1930 133 - 49 -It -

    Stactobia fuscicornis Schneider, 1845 134 - 50 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia, Messina.SicIt -

    Stactobia maclachlani Kimmins, 1949 135 - 51 Known for Piemonte (Neu et al., 2018).-It -

    Stactobia moselyi Kimmins, 1949 136 - 52 SicIt -

    Tricholeiochiton fagesii (Guinard, 1879) 137 - 53 Reported for few localities of Umbria and Marche on larval stage specimen.

    -It -

    Lepidostomatidae10Crunoecia fortuna Malicky, 2002EI 138 - 1 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Liguria, Savona, Piampaludo.

    Distrib.: Italy, Piemonte and Liguria.-It -

    Crunoecia irrorata irrorata (Curtis, 1834) 139 - 2 SicIt -

    Crunoecia irrorata sarda Malicky, 1981EI 140 - 3 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Oristano, Quelle nordlich Santu Lussurgiu. Distrib.: Sardegna.

    -- Sard

    Lepidostoma basale (Kolenati, 1848) 141 - 4 -It -

    Lepidostoma hirtum hirtum (Fabricius, 1775) 142 - 5 It

    Leptoceridae11Adicella balcanica Botosaneanu & Novak, 1965 143 - 1 Reported for few localities of Friuli-Venezia

    Giulia (Malicky, 2004).-It -

    Adicella cremisa Malicky, 1972E 144 - 2 Loc. Typ.: Austria, Austria inferior, Senftenberg, am Ufer der Krems. Distrib.: Italy (few localities of Alps and central northern Apennines) and Austria (Austria inferior).

    -It -

    Adicella filicornis (Pictet, 1834) 145 - 3 -It -

    Adicella reducta (McLachlan, 1865) 146 - 4 Known for Liguria, Lombardia and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

    -It -

    Athripsodes albifrons (Linnaeus, 1758) 147 - 5 -It -

    Athripsodes aterrimus (Stephens, 1836) 148 - 6 -It -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 10

  • Athripsodes bilineatus bilineatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

    149 - 7 -It -

    Athripsodes cinereus (Curtis, 1834) 150 - 8 -It -

    Athripsodes dalmatinus Malicky, 1980E 151 - 9 Loc. Typ.: Croatia, Dalmazia, Makarska. Distrib.: Eastern and Dinaric Alps. In Italy is reported for Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Malicky, 2002: 11).

    -It -

    Athripsodes genei Rambur, 1842E 152 - 10 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna. Distrib.: Sardegna and Corse.

    -- Sard

    Athripsodes leucophaeus (Rambur, 1842) 153 - 11 Reported for a specimen sampled in 1932 in Lombardia (Moretti, 1936: 159).

    -It -

    Athripsodes morettii Cianficconi & Salerno, 2000

    EI 154 - 12 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Marche, Pesaro e Urbino, Cagli, Certano stream, Pianello. Distrib.: central southern Italy and Sicilia.


    Athripsodes taounate siculus Cianficconi, 2001EI 155 - 13 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia, Siracusa, Noto, Cava Grande m 300. Distrib.: Sicilia.

    Sic- -

    Ceraclea albimacula (Rambur, 1877) 156 - 14 The specie is reported for northern Italy.-It -

    Ceraclea aurea (Pictet, 1834) 157 - 15 Known for localities of Piemonte, Lombardia and Trentino-Alto Adige.


    Ceraclea dissimilis (Stephens, 1836) 158 - 16 -It Sard

    Ceraclea fulva (Rambur, 1842) 159 - 17 -It -

    Ceraclea senilis (Burmeister, 1839) 160 - 18 -It -

    Erotesis baltica McLachlan, 1877 161 - 19 Reported for few localities of Lombardia and Umbria.

    -It -

    Leptocerus lusitanicus (McLachlan, 1884) 162 - 20 Known for Fiume Paglia confluenza Fiume Tevere (Umbria, Terni; Di Giovanni et al., 2002).

    -It -

    Leptocerus tineiformis Curtis, 1834 163 - 21 SicIt Sard

    Mystacides azurea (Linnaeus, 1761) 164 - 22 -It Sard

    Mystacides longicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) 165 - 23 -It -

    Mystacides nigra (Linnaeus, 1758) 166 - 24 Reported for Lombardia and Veneto.-It -

    Oecetis furva (Rambur, 1842) 167 - 25 -It -

    Oecetis lacustris (Pictet, 1834) 168 - 26 -It -

    Oecetis notata (Rambur, 1842) 169 - 27 Widespread in central and northern Italy.-It -

    Oecetis ochracea (Curtis, 1825) 170 - 28 Known for Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna and Veneto.

    -It -

    Oecetis testacea (Curtis, 1834) 171 - 29 -It -

    Oecetis tripunctata (Fabricius, 1793) 172 - 30 Known for Toscana (Neu et al., 2018) and Umbria (Moretti, Taticchi, 1966: 113).

    -It -

    Parasetodes respersella Rambur, 1842 173 - 31 Known for Po basin.-It -

    Setodes argentipunctellus McLachlan, 1877 174 - 32 SicIt Sard

    Setodes punctatus (Fabricius, 1793) 175 - 33 -It -

    Setodes viridis viridis (Fourcroy, 1785) 176 - 34 Known for central Italy.-It -

    Triaenodes bicolor (Curtis, 1834) 177 - 35 Reported from Lombardia (Supino, 1916: 108; Bertuetti & Valle, 2001), Piemonte (Moretti, 1934: 94) and Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Cianficconi, 2005).

    -It -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 11

  • Triaenodes ochreellus lefkas Malicky, 1984E 178 - 36 Loc. Typ.: Greece, Insel Lefkas: Kaligioni Distrib.: trans-Adriatic species, known for Italy (Puglia), Greece, Albania and Croazia. Known for few localities of Puglia (Corallini Sorcetti & Moretti, 1981; Cianficconi et al., 1991 e 2002).

    -It -

    Ylodes conspersus (Rambur, 1842) 179 - 37 Known for few localities of Sicilia.Sic- -

    Limnephilidae12Acrophylax zerberus Brauer, 1867 180 - 1 Known for few localities of North Italy.-It -

    Allogamus antennatus antennatus (McLachlan, 1876)

    E 181 - 2 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Canton Ticino, Mendrisio. Distrib.: Switzerland (Prealpi Luganesi) and Italy (western Alps, Alpi and Prealpi Bergamasche and central northern Apennines).

    -It -

    Allogamus auricollis auricollis (Pictet, 1834)E 182 - 3 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Canton de Genève, Genève, Crets de Champel. (Neotype. Malicky, 2016). Distrib.: Alps. In Italy is widespread in alpine region.

    -It -

    Allogamus ausoniae Moretti, 1991EI 183 - 4 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Marche, Macerata, Visso, F. Nera m 608. Distrib.: southern central Italy. We consider this taxon as a valid species according to Olàh et al. (2014: 44).

    -It -

    Allogamus botosaneanui Moretti, 1991EI 184 - 5 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Liguria, La Spezia, Cassego, Passo del Bocco, Appennino Ligure. Distrib.: Italy, central northern Apennines.

    -It -

    Allogamus corsicus illiesorum Botosaneanu, 1980

    EI 185 - 6 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Nuoro, Fonni, R. Aratu, m 1000. Distrib.: Sardegna.

    -- Sard

    Allogamus hilaris (McLachlan, 1876)E 186 - 7 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Canton Ticino, Airolo , Gotthard. Distrib.: Alps and central northern Apennines.

    -It -

    Allogamus mendax (McLachlan, 1876)E 187 - 8 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland. Distrib.: Alps (western Alps, western Alpi Retiche, Alpi e Prealpi Bergamasche) and Massif Central.

    -It -

    Allogamus moretti De Pietro & Cianficconi, 2001EI 188 - 9 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia, Catania, Maniace, torrente Saracena. Distrib.: Italy, Calabria and Sicilia. We consider this taxon as a valid species (Olàh et al., 2014); sampled in Calabria in the same locality of A. silanus (Valle & Lodovici, 2018).

    SicIt -

    Allogamus periphetes Malicky, 2004E 189 - 10 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Torino, Coazze, bach Sangoneto bei Prieto. Distrib.: Italy (Piemonte) and Switzerland (Kanton Waadt).

    -It -

    Allogamus silanus Moretti, 1991EI 190 - 11 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Calabria, Reggio di Calabria, sorgente Materazzelli, Aspromonte m1780. (Moretti et al., 1997: XXXIII). Distrib.: Italy, Calabria. We consider this taxon as a valid species (Olàh et al., 2014). In Moretti, 1991 the type locality is wrong.

    -It -

    Allogamus uncatus (Brauer, 1857) 191 - 12 Known for the Alps.-It -

    Alpopsyche ucenorum (McLachlan, 1876)E 192 - 13 Loc. Typ.: France, Alps of Dauphine. Distrib.: Italian, French and Swiss Western Alps.

    -It -

    Anabolia brevipennis (Curtis, 1834) 193 - 14 In Italy the only record from Piemonte (Vercelli, Alpe Piemasura) dates back to 1936 (Cianficconi & Moretti, 1992: 283).

    -It -

    Anabolia furcata Brauer, 1857 194 - 15 Reported for few localities of Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Valle, 2000).

    -It -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 12

  • Anabolia lombarda Ris, 1897E 195 - 16 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Canton Ticino, Mendrisio, flüsschen Laveggio; Italy, Lombardia, Pavia. Distrib.: Switzerland (Canton Ticino) and Northern Italy.

    -It -

    Anisogamus difformis (McLachlan, 1867)E 196 - 17 Loc. Typ.: Austria, Kärnthen, Stelzing. Distrib.: Alps.

    -It -

    Chaetopteryx euganea Moretti & Malicky, 1986 EI 197 - 18 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Veneto, Padova, Vò Euganeo, Fontanella del Mottolo. Distrib.: Italy, Veneto.

    -It -

    Chaetopteryx fusca Brauer, 1857E 198 - 19 Distrib.: Eastern Alps and Carpathians. Known for few localities of Trentino-Alto Adige and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

    -It -

    Chaetopteryx gessneri McLachlan, 1857E 199 - 20 Loc. typ.: Switzerland, Canton Ticino, Airolo, Gotthard. Distrib.: Western Alps (France, Switzerland, Italy) and central northern Apennines.

    -It -

    Chaetopteryx giuliensis Oláh & Kovács, 2012EI 200 - 21 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Udine, Sella Carnizza, spring area of River Uccea. Distrib.: Italy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia. The taxa appear to be very close to C. goricensis (Malicky, 2014: 52).

    -It -

    Chaetopteryx goricensis Malicky & Krusnik, 1986

    E 201 - 22 Loc. Typ.: Slovenia, Nova Gorica, Deskle. Distrib.: Slovenia and Italy. The specie is known for few localities of Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Valle, 2000).

    -It -

    Chaetopteryx major McLachlan, 1876 202 - 23 Reported for few localities of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

    -It -

    Chaetopteryx marinkovicae Malicky & Krusnik, 1988

    E 203 - 24 Loc. Typ.: Croatia, Istria, Kompanj. Distrib.: Croatia (Istria) and Italy (Friuli-Venezia Giulia).

    -It -

    Chaetopteryx morettii Lodovici & Valle, 2007 EI 204 - 25 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Veneto, Belluno, Cesiomaggiore, Val Canzoi spring. Distrib.: Italy, Veneto.

    -It -

    Chaetopteryx trinacriae Botosaneanu, Cianficconi & Moretti, 1986

    EI 205 - 26 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia, Messina, Sorgenti del Vallone Pistone, on the northern slopes of the Serra del Re. Distrib.: Italy, Sicilia.

    Sic- -

    Chaetopteryx vulture Malicky, 1971EI 206 - 27 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Basilicata, Potenza, Lucania, M.te Vulture, dint. Laghi di Monticchio. Distrib.: Italy, southern Apennines.

    -It -

    Consorophylax consors (McLachlan, 1880)E 207 - 28 Loc. Typ.: France, Haute-Savoie, Col d’Anterne. Distrib.: Alps. Reported for Piemonte, Valle d'Aosta and Lombardia.

    -It -

    Consorophylax corvo Malicky, 2008EI 208 - 29 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Cuneo, Briga Alta, Navette, Torrente Corvo. Distrib.: Italy. Known only for locus typicus.

    -It -

    Consorophylax delmastroi Malicky, 2004EI 209 - 30 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Cuneo, Paesana, Pian Munè. Distrib.: Italy, Piemonte (Alpi Cozie).

    -It -

    Consorophylax lepontiorum Graf & Vitecek, 2016

    EI 210 - 31 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Omegna, Campello Monti, Valstrona valley. Distrib.: Italy. Known only for locus typicus.

    -It -

    Consorophylax piemontanus Botosaneanu, 1967EI 211 - 32 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Torino, Avigliana. Distrib.: Italy. Known only for locus typicus.

    -It -

    Consorophylax vinconi Graf & Malicky, 2015EI 212 - 33 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Torino, Traversella, Fondo Valchiusella. Distrib.: Italy, Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta.

    -It -

    Cryptothrix nebulicola McLachlan, 1867E 213 - 34 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Canton of Valais, Maienwang (Grimselpass). Distrib.: Alps and northern Apennines.

    -It -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 13

  • Drusus adustus (McLachlan, 1867)E 214 - 35 Loc. Typ.: Austria, Kärnthen, Inder Stelzing. Distrib.: Eastern Alps. Reported in Italy for few localities of Alto Adige (Neu et al., 2018).

    -It -

    Drusus alpinus Meyer-Dur, 1875E 215 - 36 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Wallis, Ursernthal und Unteralp am Gotthardt. Distrib.: widespread in western Alps (Savoie Prealps, Pennine and Lepontine Alps and Luganesi Prealps).


    Drusus aprutiensis Moretti, 1981EI 216 - 37 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Abruzzo, L'Aquila, Jannaghera, Parco Nazionale Abruzzo. Distrib.: Italy, widespread in central Apennines (Abruzzo and Lazio).

    -It -

    Drusus biguttatus (Pictet, 1834) 217 - 38 -It -

    Drusus camerinus Moretti, 1981EI 218 - 39 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Marche, Macerata, Camerino, Fonti di Selvazzano. Distrib.: Italy, central Apennines (Lazio, Marche and Umbria).

    -It -

    Drusus chapmani McLachlan, 1901E 219 - 40 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Ticino, Locarno. Distrib.: Switzerland (southern Alps) and Italy (Alpi e prealpi Bergamasche). We consider as a valid species in according with Olàh et al. (2017: 134).

    -It -

    Drusus chrysotus (Rambur, 1842)E 220 - 41 Loc. Typ.: France, Rhone-Alpes, Haute-Savoie, Chamonix Valley. Distrib.: Alps. Reported in Italy for Eastern Alps.

    -It -

    Drusus discolor (Rambur, 1842) 221 - 42 Reported for the Northern Italy and few localities of Toscana.

    -It -

    Drusus improvisus McLachlan, 1884EI 222 - 43 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Pistoia, Appenino Pistoiese, near Boscolungo, Slopes of Serra Fariola and Valle Sestaione. Distrib.: Italy, central and northern Apennines.

    -It -

    Drusus melanchaetes McLachlan, 1876E 223 - 44 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland (Gotthard; Monte Rosa; Furca; Ticino); Tyrol (Seefeld). Distrib.: Alps. In Italy is known for alpine regions.

    -It -

    Drusus monticola McLachlan, 1876 224 - 45 Known for Trentino-Alto Adige.-It -

    Drusus muelleri McLachlan, 1868E 225 - 46 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland (Hospenthal; Monte Rosa; Susten Pass and Val Sella; Hospice St. Bernard); Savoy (Mont Buet) Distrib.: France, Italy and Switzerland (Western Alps and Alpi e Prealpi Bergamasche).

    -It -

    Drusus nigrescens Meyer-Dur, 1875E 226 - 47 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland: Dischmathal und Davos, Lucendrothal in Tessin; Unterhalp am Gotthard (Uri). Distrib.: Alps. Reported in Italy for few localities of Lombardia e Piemonte.

    -It -

    Drusus trifidus McLachlan, 1868 227 - 48 Reported for Oropa (Piemonte, Biella; Navàs, 1929: 46).

    -It -

    Ecclisopteryx asterix Malicky, 1979E 228 - 49 Loc. Typ.: Austria, Karnten, northern slope of Loiblpass. Distrib.: Eastern Alps. In Italy is known for Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

    -It -

    Ecclisopteryx guttulata (Pictet, 1834) 229 - 50 -It -

    Ecclisopteryx madida (McLachlan, 1867) 230 - 51 Known for Resia (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Udine; Cianficconi, 2005).

    -It -

    Ecclisopteryx malickyi Moretti, 1991EI 231 - 52 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Trento, ruscello Sega di Ala. Distrib.: Italy, Trentino-Alto Adige and Veneto.

    -It -

    Enoicyla costae McLachlan, 1876 232 - 53 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Campania, Napoli. Southern Italy and Sicilia.

    SicIt -

    Enoicyla reichenbachi (Kolenati, 1848) 233 - 54 Alps and central northern Apennines.-It -

    Glyphotaelius pellucidus (Retzius, 1783) 234 - 55 -It -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 14

  • Grammotaulius nigropunctatus (Retzius, 1783) 235 - 56 SicIt Sard

    Grammotaulius nitidus (Muller, 1764) 236 - 57 Known for Piemonte (Moretti, 1954) and Veneto (Marcuzzi, 2003).

    -It -

    Grammotaulius submaculatus (Rambur, 1842) 237 - 58 Reported for Sassello (Liguria, Genova; Moretti et al., 1999).

    -It -

    Halesus appenninus Moretti & Spinelli, 1979 EI 238 - 59 Loc. Typ.: Unknown. Distrib.: Italy, central Apennines.

    -It -

    Halesus calabrus Moretti & Spinelli, 1979 EI 239 - 60 Loc. Typ.: Unknown. Distrib.: Italy, southern Apennines and Sicilia.

    SicIt -

    Halesus digitatus digitatus (Schrank, 1781) 240 - 61 Known for alpine regions.-It -

    Halesus nurag Malicky, 1974EI 241 - 62 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Sassari, Tempio. Distrib.: Sardegna.

    -- Sard

    Halesus radiatus (Curtis, 1834) 242 - 63 Known for alpine regions.-It -

    Halesus rubricollis (Pictet, 1834) 243 - 64 Reported for the alpine regions.-It -

    Halesus tessellatus (Rambur, 1842) 244 - 65 Known for Lago di Mezzola (Lombardia, Como; Moretti et al., 1997).

    -It -

    Hydatophylax infumatus (McLachlan, 1865) 245 - 66 Reported for Friuli-Venezia Giulia.-It -

    Leptodrusus budtzi (Ulmer, 1913) 246 - 67 -- Sard

    Leptotaulius gracilis Schmid, 1955E 247 - 68 Loc. Typ.: Austria, Stiria, Krieglach. Distrib.: Eastern Alps. Known for Trentino-Alto Adige.

    -It -

    Limnephilus affinis Curtis, 1834 248 - 69 -It -

    Limnephilus auricula Curtis, 1834 249 - 70 SicIt -

    Limnephilus binotatus Curtis, 1834 250 - 71 Known for Magras, Val di Rabbi (Trentino-Alto Adige, Trento; Moretti 1936 and 1937).

    -It -

    Limnephilus bipunctatus Curtis, 1834 251 - 72 SicIt Sard

    Limnephilus borealis (Zetterstedt, 1840) 252 - 73 Known for Trentino-Alto Adige (Moretti, 1937; Marcuzzi, 1948).

    -It -

    Limnephilus centralis Curtis, 1834 253 - 74 Recorded from Piemonte and Trentino-Alto Adige by Cianficconi (2002) sources not available. The presence in Italy need confirmation.

    -It -

    Limnephilus cianficconiae Malicky, 1980EI 254 - 75 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia, Catania, Etna-Nordseite bei Randazzo, m1100-1300. Distrib.: Italy, Calabria and Sicilia.

    SicIt -

    Limnephilus coenosus Curtis, 1834 255 - 76 Known for alpine regions.-It -

    Limnephilus decipiens (Kolenati, 1848) 256 - 77 Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Trentino-Alto Adige.-It -

    Limnephilus extricatus McLachlan, 1865 257 - 78 Northern Italy.-It -

    Limnephilus flavicornis (Fabricius, 1787) 258 - 79 SicIt -

    Limnephilus flavospinosus Stein, 1874 259 - 80 -It -

    Limnephilus griseus (Linnaeus, 1758) 260 - 81 Known for Calabria.-It -

    Limnephilus helveticus Schmid, 1965E 261 - 82 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Bern, Lenkersee, Lenk im Simmental. Distrib.: French, Swiss, Austrian and Italian Alps, Apennines and Sicilia.

    SicIt -

    Limnephilus hirsutus (Pictet, 1834) 262 - 83 SicIt Sard

    Limnephilus ignavus McLachlan, 1865 263 - 84 -It -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 15

  • Limnephilus incisus Curtis, 1834 264 - 85 Known for Calabria (Cianficconi et al., 1986; Valle & Lodovici, 2018) and for Tarvisio (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Udine - Malicky, 2004).

    -It -

    Limnephilus italicus McLachlan, 1884 265 - 86 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Pistoia, Appennino Pistoiese, Lago Nero.

    SicIt -

    Limnephilus lunatus Curtis, 1834 266 - 87 SicIt Sard

    Limnephilus marmoratus Curtis, 1834 267 - 88 -It Sard

    Limnephilus rhombicus reseri Malicky, 1985 268 - 89 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Canton Ticino, Gudo. Distrib.: Alps (France, Switzerland and Italy) and Apennines. After examination of material we confirm the presence of the taxon for Apennines.

    -It -

    Limnephilus rhombicus rhombicus (Linnaeus, 1758)

    269 - 90 -It -

    Limnephilus sericeus (Say, 1824) 270 - 91 Reported for Trentino-Alto Adige.-It -

    Limnephilus sparsus Curtis, 1834 271 - 92 SicIt -

    Limnephilus stigma Curtis, 1834 272 - 93 Northern Italy.-It -

    Limnephilus subcentralis (Brauer, 1857) 273 - 94 Reported for Malè, loc. Magras (Trentino-Alto Adige, Trento; Moretti, 1936: 159).

    -It -

    Limnephilus tauricus Schmid, 1964 274 - 95 Reported for Calabria on the Sila massif (Malicky, 2004; Valle & Lodovici, 2018).

    -It -

    Limnephilus vittatus (Fabricius, 1798) 275 - 96 SicIt Sard

    Melampophylax melampus (McLachlan, 1876)E 276 - 97 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Canton Ticino, Airolo, Gotthard. Distrib.: Alps and Apennines.

    -It -

    Melampophylax mucoreus (Hagen, 1861) 277 - 98 Known only from Piemonte, Lago della Maddalena (Cuneo) (Malicky, 2004).

    -It -

    Melampophylax scalercioi Valle & Lodovici, 2018EI 278 - 99 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Samo, Pantano di Montalto m 1800. Distrib.: Italy, Calabria.

    -It -

    Melampophylax vestinorum Moretti, 1991EI 279 - 100 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Abruzzo, Pescara, Fiume Tavo, sorg. Vitello d'Oro, m580. Distrib.: Central southern Italy.

    -It -

    Mesophylax aspersus aspersus (Rambur, 1842) 280 - 101 SicIt -

    Mesophylax impunctatus impuctatus McLachlan, 1884

    E 281 - 102 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland (near Zürich, and in other localities); Italy (Lago di Como); Germany (Bavaria). Distrib.: Alps. Reported from Lago di Como (McLachlan, 1884) to Alpi Giulie.

    -It -

    Mesophylax morettii Malicky, 1997E 282 - 103 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Cagliari, Domus de Maria. Distrib.: Italy (Sardegna, Isola di Capraia) and Corse.

    -It Sard

    Mesophylax sardous Moretti & Gianotti, 1981 E 283 - 104 Loc. Typ.: Sardegna, Sassari, Grotta "Su Coloru", Laerru. Distrib.: Italy (Sardegna, Isola di Capraia) and Corse.

    -It Sard

    Metanoea flavipennis (Pictet, 1834)E 284 - 105 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Wallis, Val d'Iliez. Distrib.: Alps. In Italy is reported from Alpi Marittime to Dolomiti.

    -It -

    Metanoea rhaetica Schmid, 1955E 285 - 106 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland. "Elle habite les Alpes de la Suisse orientale…" (Schmid, 1956: 70). Distrib.: Alps. In Italy is reported from Lombardia to Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

    -It -

    Micropterna fissa McLachlan, 1875 286 - 107 SicIt Sard

    Micropterna lateralis (Stephens, 1837) 287 - 108 The species is reported for few localities for Norther Italy.

    -It -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 16

  • Micropterna malaspina Schmid, 1957 288 - 109 Known for Puglia (Cianficconi et al., 1991).-It -

    Micropterna malatesta Schmid, 1957 289 - 110 Known only for Sardegna.-- Sard

    Micropterna nycterobia (McLachlan, 1875) 290 - 111 SicIt Sard

    Micropterna sequax (McLachlan, 1875) 291 - 112 SicIt Sard

    Micropterna testacea (Gmelin, 1789) 292 - 113 SicIt Sard

    Micropterna wageneri Malicky, 1971 293 - 114 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Passo Abetone, Pianosinatico m 950. Northern Apennines.

    -It -

    Monocentra lepidoptera Rambur, 1842E 294 - 115 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna (mislabelled? - McLachlan, 1876: 178). Distrib.: W-Alps (Italy and France), N-Apennines and Apuane Alps. Don't consider the species described by Olàh at al. (2017) valid, the characters used don't allow a clear identification.

    -It -

    Parachiona picicornis (Pictet, 1834) 295 - 116 Northern Italy.-It -

    Potamophylax cingulatus alpinus Tobias, 1994E 296 - 117 Loc. Typ.: France, Chamonix, Quellbach bei Les Barats m 1030-1040. Distrib.: Alps. Widespread in Italy for alpine region.

    -It -

    Potamophylax cingulatus cingulatus (Stephen, 1837)

    297 - 118 Reported for Trentino-Alto Adige by Neu et al. (2018).

    -It -

    Potamophylax cingulatus gambaricus Malicky, 1971

    EI 298 - 119 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Calabria, Reggio di Calabria, Aspromonte dintorni Gambarie. Distrib.: Italy (central southern Apennines and Sicilia).

    SicIt -

    Potamophylax cingulatus inermis Moretti & Cianficconi, 1994

    EI 299 - 120 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Lazio, Rieti, Fonte Velino, m400. Distrib.: Italy, central Apennines (Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo).

    -It -

    Potamophylax latipennis (Curtis, 1834) 300 - 121 Doubtful as the data date back to the beginning of the 20th century and aren't verify in the collections.

    -It -

    Potamophylax luctuosus luctuosus Piller & Mitterparcher, 1783

    301 - 122 Known for Liguria and Piemonte.-It -

    Potamophylax nigricornis (Pictet, 1834) 302 - 123 Known for Alps and central northern Apennines.-It -

    Potamophylax pallidus (Klapálek, 1899) 303 - 124 Known for Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Valle, 2001: 75).-It -

    Pseudopsilopteryx zimmeri (McLachlan, 1876) 304 - 125 Reported for Eastern Alps (Alpi e Prealpi Bergamasche, southern Alpi Retiche and Dolomiti).

    -It -

    Rhadicoleptus alpestris alpestris (Kolenati, 1848)

    305 - 126 Known for alpine regions.-It -

    Stenophylax bischofi Malicky, 1992EI 306 - 127 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia, Messina, M.ti Nebrodi, 20 Km NW Cesarò. Distrib.: Italy, Sicilia.

    Sic- -

    Stenophylax mitis McLachlan, 1875 307 - 128 SicIt -

    Stenophylax mucronatus McLachlan, 1880 308 - 129 SicIt Sard

    Stenophylax permistus McLachlan, 1895 309 - 130 SicIt Sard

    Stenophylax vibex (Curtis, 1834) 310 - 131 -It -

    Odontoceridae13Odontocerum albicorne (Scopoli, 1769) 311 - 1 SicIt -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 17

  • Philopotamidae14Chimarra marginata (Linnaeus, 1767) 312 - 1 The presence in Sardegna (Costa, 1886;

    Moretti, 1940; Moretti & Cianficconi, 1983) needs confirm.

    SicIt Sard

    Philopotamus corsicanus Mosely, 1938E 313 - 2 Loc. Typ.: France, Corsica, Corte and Vizzavona. Distrib.: Corse and Sardegna.

    -- Sard

    Philopotamus liguricus Malicky, 1984E 314 - 3 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Alessandria, tributary of torrente Erro above Malvicino. Distrib.: France (Alpi Marittime), Italy (Piemonte, Liguria, N-Apennines and Calabria). The type locality reported by Malicky (1984) isn't in Liguria but in Piemonte.

    -It -

    Philopotamus ludificatus McLachlan, 1878 315 - 4 Central and northern Italy.-It -

    Philopotamus montanus montanus (Donovan, 1813)

    316 - 5 Known for few data of northern Italy. Necessary further investigation.

    -It -

    Philopotamus montanus siculus Hagen, 1860EI 317 - 6 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia, Messina. Distrib.: Italy, southern Apennines and Sicilia.

    -It -

    Philopotamus variegatus flavidus Hagen, 1864 318 - 7 Known for Corse, the taxon is also reported for two localities of Piemonte and Trentino by Neu et al. (2018: 615), needs confirmation.

    -It -

    Philopotamus variegatus variegatus (Scopoli, 1763)

    319 - 8 Northern Italy.-It -

    Wormaldia bosniaca Botosaneanu, 1960 320 - 9 Reported for Liguria and Umbria (Di Giovanni et al., 2002), needs confirmation.

    -It -

    Wormaldia cianficconiae Neu, 2018EI 321 - 10 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Lazio, Rieti, Cittareale, Sorg. Velino loc. Cupello. Distrib.: Italy, Lazio. Known only for the type locality.

    -It -

    Wormaldia copiosa botosaneanui Moretti, 1981E 322 - 11 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Marche, Ascoli Piceno, Monti Sibillini, Sorgente del F. Tenna. Distrib.: France (Alpi Marittime) and central and northern Italy.

    -It -

    Wormaldia copiosa copiosa McLachlan, 1868 323 - 12 Northern Italy.-It -

    Wormaldia echinata Tobias, 1995E 324 - 13 Loc. Typ.: France, Dauphiné, Département Isère, 34 km südlich Grenoble, brook above St. Michel-Ies-Porles on the regional road D8A, 1300 m. Distrib.: French and Italian western Alps. In Italy is known for few localities of Piemonte and Liguria.

    -It -

    Wormaldia gattolliati Malicky & Graf, 2017E 325 - 14 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Cuneo, Val di Pesio near to Limone. Distrib.: France (Alpes Maritimes) and Italy (few localities for Piemonte and Liguria).

    -It -

    Wormaldia mediana mediana McLachlan, 1878 326 - 15 -It -

    Wormaldia mediana nielseni Moretti, 1981EI 327 - 16 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Calabria, Cosenza, Fossiata, Sila Grande. Distrib.: southern Italy and Sicilia.

    SicIt -

    Wormaldia morettii Viganò, 1974EI 328 - 17 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Pistoia, Fosso I° Acquerino. Distrib.: central Italy.

    -It -

    Wormaldia occipitalis meridionalis Vaillant, 1974E 329 - 18 Loc. Typ.: France, Var, small spring that pours into the Vésubie, above Notre-Dame-de-Fenestre, m1950. Distrib.: France and Italy.

    -It -

    Wormaldia occipitalis occipitalis Pictet, 1834 330 - 19 -It -

    Wormaldia pulla marlieri Moretti, 1981E 331 - 20 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Alpi Apuane 150-800m, Lucca and Massa. Distrib.: Western Alps (French and Italian Alpi Marittime and Alpi Liguri), Apennines and Sicilia.

    SicIt -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 18

  • Wormaldia pulla pulla (McLachlan, 1878) 332 - 21 Northern Italy.-It -

    Wormaldia sarda Graf & Malicky, 2015EI 333 - 22 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Nuoro, Gola di Gorruppo. Distrib.: Italy, Sardegna. Known only for the type locality.

    -- Sard

    Wormaldia subnigra McLachlan, 1865 334 - 23 Central and northern Italy.-It -

    Wormaldia subterranea Radovanovic, 1932 335 - 24 Reported for Eastern Alps.-It -

    Wormaldia triangulifera McLachlan, 1878 336 - 25 Reported for Piemonte (McLachlan, 1884: 49; Moretti, 1954: 263) and Toscana (McLachlan, 1884: 49; Cianficconi, 2005).

    -It -

    Wormaldia vargai Malicky, 1981E 337 - 26 Loc. Typ.: Slovenia, Gorenjska statistična regij, Trzic, Jelendol. Distrib.: Italy and Slovenia (Alpi Giulie, Koroško-Slovenske Alpe and Slovenske Predalpe).

    -It -

    Wormaldia variegata denisi Moretti, 1981EI 338 - 27 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Livorno, Isola d'Elba, Fosso della Leccia, M.te Capanne. Distrib.: Italy, known only for Isola d'Elba.

    -It -

    Wormaldia variegata maclachlani Kimmins, 1953E 339 - 28 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Val Anzasca. Distrib.: north western Italy, Alpi Apuane and France (Alpes-Maritimés).

    -It -

    Wormaldia variegata variegata Mosely, 1930 340 - 29 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse. Distrib.: Sardegna and Corse.

    -- Sard

    Phryganeidae15Agrypnia pagetana Curtis, 1835 341 - 1 Known only for a specimen of Vigolana

    (Trentino-Alto Adige, Trento) sampled in 1932 (Moretti, 1936: 158).

    -It -

    Agrypnia varia Fabricius, 1793 342 - 2 -It -

    Oligostomis reticulata (Linnaeus, 1761) 343 - 3 Reported from Veneto (Pollini, 1816 and Garbini, 1895) and Trentino-Alto Adige (Malicky, 1996). We consider the records doubtful as the material isn't verifiable.

    -It -

    Oligotricha striata (Linnaeus, 1758) 344 - 4 Northern Italy and Toscana.-It -

    Phryganea grandis nattereri Brauer, 1873E 345 - 5 Loc. Typ.: Spain, Algeciras. Distrb.: southern Switzerland and central and northern Italy. The species was described from Algeciras, labelled incorrectly (Wiggins, 1998: 140). All known specimen are from Italy and southern Switzerland (Neu et al., 2018).

    -It -

    Trichostegia minor (Curtis, 1834) 346 - 6 Reported for few localites of Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Calabria.

    -It -

    Polycentropodidae16Cyrnus crenaticornis (Kolenati, 1859) 347 - 1 Reported for a female specimen collected in

    1969 Sirmione (BS), Lago di Garda (Lombardia, Moretti et al., 1992).

    -It -

    Cyrnus insolutus McLachlan, 1878 348 - 2 Known for Lombardia (Lago di Endine), Veneto (Lago Fimon), Lazio (Lago Ventina) e Umbria (Lago Piediluco).

    -It -

    Cyrnus trimaculatus (Curtis, 1834) 349 - 3 Central and northern Italy.-It -

    Holocentropus dubius (Rambur, 1842) 350 - 4 Known for a female specimen to Castelnovo né Monti, Fiume Secchia (Emilia-Romagna, Reggio Emilia - Di Giovanni et al., 2002).

    -It -

    Holocentropus picicornis (Stephens, 1836) 351 - 5 Central and northern Italy.-It -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 19

  • Holocentropus stagnalis (Albarda, 1874) 352 - 6 Known for few localities of Emilia-Romagna (Zangheri, 1966), Umbria (Cianficconi et al., 2007) and Lazio (Moretti et al., 1972; Moretti & Tucciarelli, 1978).

    -It -

    Neureclipsis bimaculata (Linnaeus, 1758) 353 - 7 Reported for Northern Italy.-It -

    Plectrocnemia alicatai De Pietro, 1998EI 354 - 8 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia, Catania, Maniace, torrente Saracena. Distrib.: central southern Italy and Sicilia.

    SicIt -

    Plectrocnemia appennina McLachlan, 1884E 355 - 9 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Pistoia, Appennino Pistoiese, between Villa Margherita and San Marcello, Central Italy. Distrib.: Alps and northern Apennines.

    -It -

    Plectrocnemia brevis McLachlan, 1871 356 - 10 North Italy.-It -

    Plectrocnemia conspersa conspersa (Curtis, 1834)

    357 - 11 -It -

    Plectrocnemia geniculata calabrica Malicky, 1971

    EI 358 - 12 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Calabria, Reggio di Calabria, Gambarie. Distrib.: Italy, Basilicata and Calabria.

    -It -

    Plectrocnemia geniculata corsicana Mosely, 1930

    E 359 - 13 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse, Corte. Distrib.: Sardegna and Corse.

    -- Sard

    Plectrocnemia geniculata factiosa Moretti, 1991EI 360 - 14 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Messina, Fiumara Sinagra. Distrib.: Sicilia.

    Sic- -

    Plectrocnemia geniculata geniculata Mclachlan, 1871

    361 - 15 Central and northern Italy.-It -

    Plectrocnemia kisbelai Botosaneanu, 1967 362 - 16 Known for Garessio (Piemonte, Cuneo), Cesiomaggiore (Veneto, Belluno) (Bertuetti et al., 2004: 25) and Camposilvano (Trentino-Alto Adige, Trento) (Neu et al., 2018: 660).

    -It -

    Plectrocnemia praestans McLachlan, 1884E 363 - 17 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, near Bannio, Val Anzasca. Distrib.: Italian and French western Alps.

    -It -

    Polycentropus cianficconiae De Pietro, 2000EI 364 - 18 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia, Messina, Monti Peloritani, Fiumara di San Filippo, Misitano. Distrib.: Italy (Calabria) and Sicilia.

    SicIt -

    Polycentropus divergens Mosely, 1930E 365 - 19 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse, Corte and Bastia. Distrib.: Italy (Piemonte, Liguria and Calabria), Sicilia, Sardegna and Corse.

    SicIt Sard

    Polycentropus excisus Klapalek, 1894 366 - 20 Reported for Lombardia, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

    -It -

    Polycentropus flavomaculatus flavomaculatus (Pictet, 1834)

    367 - 21 SicIt -

    Polycentropus francavillensis Malicky, 1981EI 368 - 22 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia, Messina, Francavilla di Sicilia, 7 Km NW of Francavilla. Distrib.: known only for type locality.

    Sic- -

    Polycentropus ichnusa Malicky, 1974EI 369 - 23 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna. Distrib.: Sardegna.-- Sard

    Polycentropus ierapetra slovenica Malicky, 1998E 370 - 24 Loc. Typ.: Slovenia, Mini, Sočerga. Distrib.: Italy (Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia), Slovenia and Croatia.

    -It -

    Polycentropus irroratus Curtis, 1835 371 - 25 -It -

    Polycentropus malickyi Moretti, 1981EI 372 - 26 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Marche, Ascoli Piceno, F. Tronto, Ponte d'Arli. Distrib.: Italy.

    SicIt -

    Polycentropus morettii Malicky, 1977E 373 - 27 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana. Distrib.: south eastern France, Switzerland (Canton Ticino) and central and northern Italy.

    -It -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 20

  • Polycentropus mortoni Mosely, 1930E 374 - 28 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse, Vizzavona Distrib.: Italy and Corse. Reported for Piemonte, central southern Italy, Sicilia and Sardegna.

    SicIt Sard

    Polycentropus pirisinui Malicky, 1981EI 375 - 29 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Livorno, Bibbona, east of Bibbona. Distrib.: Italy. Known for Alpi Liguri, central northern Apennines and Basilicata.

    -It -

    Polycentropus radaukles Malicky, 1977EI 376 - 30 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Cagliari, Can. Gutturu Mannu. Distrib.: Sardegna.

    -- Sard

    Polycentropus schmidi Novak & Botosaneanu, 1965

    377 - 31 Known for Lombardia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Valle, 2000) and Veneto (Neu et al., 2018).

    -It -

    Psychomyidae17Lype phaeopa (Stephens, 1836) 378 - 1 SicIt Sard

    Lype reducta (Hagen, 1868) 379 - 2 SicIt Sard

    Psychomyia fragilis (Pictet, 1834) 380 - 3 Known for Liguria and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.-It -

    Psychomyia klapaleki Malicky, 1995 381 - 4 Known for Friuli-Venezia Giulia.-It -

    Psychomyia pusilla (Fabricius, 1781) 382 - 5 -It Sard

    Tinodes agaricinus Mosely, 1930E 383 - 6 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse, Corte, Bastia, Vizzavona. Distrib.: Sardegna and Corse.

    -- Sard

    Tinodes antonioi Botosaneanu & Viganò, 1974 E 384 - 7 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Umbria, Perugia, Torricella, Lago Trasimeno. Distrib.: Italy, Switzerland (Canton Ticino), south eastern France, Slovenia and Croazia (Istria).

    -It -

    Tinodes apuanorum Moretti, 1981EI 385 - 8 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Massa Carrara, Alpi Apuane, igropetrici, Passo del Vestito. Distrib.: Italy (Toscana, Alpi Apuane).

    -It -

    Tinodes bruttius Moretti, 1981EI 386 - 9 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Calabria, Catanzaro, Brognaturo, Le Sezze, T. Macchinante. Distrib.: Italy (Calabria).

    -It -

    Tinodes cinereus sardonius Moretti, 1991EI 387 - 10 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Nuoro, Rio Biddissariu. Distrib.: Sardegna. The nominal species is known only for the island of Madeira, it is an unusual distribution, the similarity between the two taxa is surprising (Malicky,2005: 554).

    -- Sard

    Tinodes cortensis Mosely, 1930E 388 - 11 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse, Corte. Distrib.: Sardegna and Corse.

    -- Sard

    Tinodes dives consiglioi Botosaneanu, 1980E 389 - 12 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Lazio, Rieti, Paterno, Sorgente Peschiera. Distrib.: south eastern French, Italy (Piemonte, Liguria and Apennines).

    -It -

    Tinodes dives dives Pictet, 1834 390 - 13 Northern Italy.-It -

    Tinodes locuples McLachlan, 1878EI 391 - 14 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia. Distrib.: Sicilia.Sic- -

    Tinodes luscinia Ris, 1903E 392 - 15 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Canton Ticino, Mendrisio. Distrib.: France (Alpes-Maritimés), Italy (western Alps and Alpi e Prealpi Bergamasche) and Switzerland (Canton Ticino).

    -It -

    Tinodes maclachlani Kimmins, 1966 393 - 16 SicIt Sard

    Tinodes maculicornis (Pictet, 1834) 394 - 17 Known for Liguria (Casanova, Savona; Malicky, 2002), Toscana (Palazzuolo sul Senio, Firenze; Cianficconi, 2005) and Umbria (Piegaro, Perugia; Cianficconi et al., 2000).

    -It -

    Tinodes maroccanus Mosely, 1938 395 - 18 Sic- -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 21

  • Tinodes pallidulus McLachlan, 1878 396 - 19 Known for Veneto (Santa Giustina, Belluno; Neu et al., 2018) and Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Cianficconi & Moretti, 1987; Valle, 2000).

    -It -

    Tinodes rostocki McLachlan, 1878 397 - 20 Known for Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Valle, 2000).-It -

    Tinodes sylvia Ris, 1903E 398 - 21 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Canton Ticino, Valle di Muggio. Distrib.: Alps, from France to Slovenia. Known in Italy for Alps and central northern Apennines.

    -It -

    Tinodes unicolor (Pictet, 1834) 399 - 22

    Tinodes waeneri marae De Pietro, 2000EI 400 - 23 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia, Siracusa, Canicattini Bagni, Cava Cinque Porte. Distrib.: Italy, Sicilia and Calabria.

    SicIt -

    Tinodes waeneri waeneri (Linnaeus, 1758) 401 - 24 -It Sard

    Tinodes zelleri McLachlan, 1878 402 - 25 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Udine, Raibl valley. Distrib.: Alps.

    -It -

    Ptilocolepidae18Ptilocolepus granulatus (Pictet, 1838) 403 - 1 -It -

    Rhyacophilidae19Rhyacophila albardana McLachlan, 1879E 404 - 1 Loc. Typ.: France (La Grave, Hautes Alpes);

    Switzerland (Simplon, Everts). Distrib.: Alps, central and southern Appennines.

    -It -

    Rhyacophila appennina McLachlan, 1898EI 405 - 2 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Firenze, Vallombrosa. Distrib.: northern Apennines and Alpi Apuane.

    -It -

    Rhyacophila aquitanica McLachlan, 1879 406 - 3 Northern Italy.-It -

    Rhyacophila arcangelina Navas, 1932EI 407 - 4 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Cuneo, Pian Merian. Distrib.: Italian Western Alps.

    -It -

    Rhyacophila aurata Brauer, 1857E 408 - 5 Loc. Typ.: Austria, Vienna. Distrib.: widespread in the Alps. Known in Italy for Eastern Alps.

    -It -

    Rhyacophila bonaparti Schmid, 1947E 409 - 6 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Canton du Valais, Grand-Saint-Bernard. Distrib.: Alps, from Switzerland to Slovenia. Known for Moso in Passiria (Trentino-Alto Adige, Bolzano; Cianficconi et al., 1993:257).

    -It -

    Rhyacophila dorsalis acutidens McLachlan, 1879

    E 410 - 7 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana. Distrib.: France (Alps-Maritime) and Italy (western Alps and Apennines).

    -It -

    Rhyacophila dorsalis pantinii Valle, 2000EI 411 - 8 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Molise, Campobasso, Castropignano, fiume Biferno, svincolo per Oratino. Distrib.: Italy (Molise, Campania and Calabria).

    -It -

    Rhyacophila dorsalis persimilis (McLachlan, 1879)

    412 - 9 Northern Italy.-It -

    Rhyacophila evoluta McLachlan, 1879 413 - 10 Central southern Italy. Further investigation requested.

    -It -

    Rhyacophila fasciata fasciata Hagen, 1859 414 - 11 Known for Friuli-Venezia Giulia.-It -

    Rhyacophila foliacea Moretti, 1981EI 415 - 12 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Marche, Macerata, Camerino, torrente Scarzito. Distrib.: central southern Italy.

    -It -

    Rhyacophila glareosa McLachlan, 1867 416 - 13 Reported for the Alps.-It -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 22

  • Rhyacophila hartigi Malicky, 1971EI 417 - 14 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Aspromonte dint. Gambarie. Distrib.: southern Italy and Sicilia.

    SicIt -

    Rhyacophila hirticornis McLachlan, 1879E 418 - 15 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland (Zurich); Austria (Carinzia); Slovenia (Carniola); Italy (Gorizia). Distrib.: Alps. Reported from Trentino Alto-Adige, Veneto and Friuli Venezia-Giulia.

    -It -

    Rhyacophila intermedia McLachlan, 1868 419 - 16 Reported for Alps and northern Apennines.-It -

    Rhyacophila italica ilvana Moretti, 1981EI 420 - 17 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Livorno, Isola d'Elba, Fosso Pedalta. Distrib.: Isola d'Elba.

    -It -

    Rhyacophila italica italica Moretti, 1981EI 421 - 18 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Marche, Macerata, Camerino, Fonti di Selvazzano. Distrib.: Italy (northern central Apennines).

    -It -

    Rhyacophila kelnerae Schmid, 1971E 422 - 19 Loc. Typ.: France, Alpes-Maritimes, Val Boréon. Distrib.: France (Alpes-Maritimes) and Italy (western Alps and northern Appenines).

    -It -

    Rhyacophila laevis Pictet, 1834 423 - 20 Known for central and northern Italy.-It -

    Rhyacophila meyeri McLachlan, 1879E 424 - 21 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Kanton Bern, Gadmenthal. Distrib.: Switzerland (Canton Bern e Ticino), Italy (Alps and northern Apennines) and Austria (Kärnthen). Known for Piemonte, Lombardia and Trentino-Alto Adige.

    -It -

    Rhyacophila orobica Moretti, 1991E 425 - 22 Loc. Typ: Lombardia, Lombardia, Bergamo, Taleggio, Peghera. Distrib.: Italy (Lombardia, Trentino-Alto Adige and Veneto) and Switzerland (Canton Ticino).

    -It -

    Rhyacophila pallida Mosely, 1930E 426 - 23 Loc. Typ: France, Corse, Corte. Distrib.: Sardegna and Corse.

    -- Sard

    Rhyacophila palmeni McLachlan, 1879 427 - 24 Reported for Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Cianficconi & Moretti, 1987; Valle, 2000).

    -It -

    Rhyacophila pascoei McLachlan, 1879 428 - 25 Reported for Bollengo (Piemonte, Torino; Nàvas, 1933), for a female from Mattarello (Trentino-Alto Adige, Trento; Moretti, 1937) and Orte (Lazio, Viterbo; Moretti & Cianficconi, 1984).

    -It -

    Rhyacophila philopotamoides McLachlan, 1879 429 - 26 Reported for females from Trentino Alto-Adige sampled in 1928 and 1933 (Moretti, 1937: 46).

    -It -

    Rhyacophila polonica McLachlan, 1879 430 - 27 Known for Rive D'Arcano (Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Udine; Malicky, 2004).

    -it -

    Rhyacophila praemorsa McLachlan, 1879 431 - 28 Northern Italy.-It -

    Rhyacophila producta McLachlan, 1879E 432 - 29 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Udine, Raibl Valley. Distrib.: Eastern Alps. Reported for Lombardia, Trentino-Alto Adige and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

    -It -

    Rhyacophila pubescens Pictet, 1834 433 - 30 -It -

    Rhyacophila ravizzai Moretti, 1991EI 434 - 31 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Cuneo, Valle Stura di Demonte. Distrib.: Italy (Liguria and Piemonte).

    -It -

    Rhyacophila rectispina McLachlan, 1884E 435 - 32 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Val Anzasca and Val Cannobbio). Distrib.: Italy (Liguria, Piemonte, Lombardia) and Switzerland (Canton Ticino, Canton du Valais).

    -It -

    Rhyacophila rougemonti McLachlan, 1880EI 436 - 33 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Canton Friburgo, St. Aubin (mislabelled? See Morton (1906:106). Distrib.: central southern Italy and Sicilia.

    SicIt -

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 23

  • Rhyacophila schmidinarica Urbanic, Krusnik & Malicky, 2000

    437 - 34 Distrib.: Eastern and Dinaric Alps. Known for Trentino Alto-Adige and Veneto (Neu et al., 2018).

    -It -

    Rhyacophila simulatrix simulatrix McLachlan, 1879

    438 - 35 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Veneto, Belluno, Agordo, North Italy, Venetia. Distrib.: Alps, Appennines and Dinaric Alps.

    -It -

    Rhyacophila stigmatica (Kolenati, 1859) 439 - 36 Loc. Typ.: Austria, Kärnten, Grossglockner. Distrib.: Alps.

    -It -

    Rhyacophila torrentium Pictet, 1834 440 - 37 Northern Italy.-It -

    Rhyacophila trifasciata Mosely, 1930E 441 - 38 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse, Corte. Distrib.: Sardegna and Corse.

    -- Sard

    Rhyacophila tristis Pictet, 1834 442 - 39 -It -

    Rhyacophila vallei Moretti, 1997EI 443 - 40 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Cosenza, Calabria, Civita, Gole del Raganello. Distrib.: southern Italy.

    -It -

    Rhyacophila vulgaris Pictet, 1834 444 - 41 -It -

    Sericostomatidae20Notidobia ciliaris (Linnaeus, 1761) 445 - 1 Reported for Friuli-Venezia Giulia.-It -

    Sericostoma cianficconii Moretti, 1978EI 446 - 2 Loc. Typ.: Unknown. Distrib.: Italy, western Alps and central northern Apennines.

    -It -

    Sericostoma flavicorne Schneider, 1845 447 - 3 Further investigation or revision of the S. pedemontanum/personatum/flavicone group required (Neu et al., 2018: 819).

    -It -

    Sericostoma galeatum Rambur, 1842E 448 - 4 Loc. Typ.: France. Distrib.: French, Italian and Swiss western Alps and Apennines.

    -It -

    Sericostoma italicum Moretti, 1978EI 449 - 5 Loc. Typ.: Unknown. Distrib.: Central Italy.-It -

    Sericostoma maclachlanianum Costa, 1884EI 450 - 6 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Nuoro, Aritzo. Distrib.: Sardegna.

    -- Sard

    Sericostoma pedemontanum McLachlan, 1876EI 451 - 7 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Torino. Distrib.: Italy. Further investigation or revision of the S. pedemontanum/personatum/flavicone group required (Neu et al., 2018: 819).

    -It -

    Sericostoma personatum (Kirby & Spence, 1876)

    452 - 8 Further investigation or revision of the S. pedemontanum/personatum/flavicone group required (Neu et al., 2018: 819).

    SicIt Sard

    Sericostoma romanicum Navas, 1930EI 453 - 9 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Emilia-Romagna. Distrib.: North western Italy and northern Apennines.

    -It -

    Sericostoma sasbaddes Malicky, 2010EI 454 - 10 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Sassari, Sasbaddes. Distrib.: Sardegna.

    -- Sard

    Sericostoma schneideri (Kolenati, 1848) 455 - 11

    Sericostoma siculum McLachlan, 1876EI 456 - 12 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sicilia. Distrib.: South Italy.SicIt -

    Sericostoma turbatum McLachlan, 1876 457 - 13 Reported for Piemonte (Navas, 1932) and Trentino-Alto Adige (Moretti, 1937).

    -It -

    Sericostoma vittatum Rambur, 1842 458 - 14 Reported for Umbria.-It -

    Uenoidae21Thremma sardoum sardoum Costa, 1884E 459 - 1 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Sassari, vicinanze di

    Tempio. Distrib.: Sardegna and Corse.-- Sard

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 24

  • Lista dei Taxa esclusiList of omitted taxa

    Glossosomatidae1Agapetus incertulus McLachlan, 1884 1 - 1 Distrib.: Iberian Peninsula and Morocco. Sampled in 1984 in a single

    place in Campania on a only male (Di Giovanni et al., 2002). Further investigation required.

    Synagapetus dubitans McLachlan, 1879 2 - 2 Known for Liguria (Malicky, 2004).

    Goeridae2Goera pilosa (Fabricius, 1775) 3 - 1 Known for Lombardia (Moretti, 1936: 160), the data refer to the larval

    stage and are doubt because Moretti (1936: 160) considers uncertain the determinations.

    Silo mediterraneus saturniae Moretti, 1991

    EI 4 - 2 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Umbria, Perugia, Spoleto, T. Marroggia. Distrib.: central Italy. Specie inquirenda: in the description the characteristics that differentiate it from the male of the nominal form are not clear (Malicky, 2004: 563).

    Hydroptilidae3Agraylea multipunctata Curtis, 1834 5 - 1 Central European species whose presence in Italy is doubtful as

    reported in Sicily for a larval case (Di Giovanni et al., 2002: 90) and in Tuscany (Cianficconi, 2002) but data is not verifiable.

    Leptoceridae4Leptocerus interruptus (Fabricius, 1775) 6 - 1 The species doesn't belong to the Italian fauna, the recorded data

    isn't verifiable.

    Limnephilidae5Allogamus corsicus corsicus (Ris, 1897)E 7 - 1 Loc. Typ.: France, Corse. Distrib.: Corse and Sardegna. Reported for

    the first time in Italy for Limbara Mount in the northen Sardegna (Olàh at al., 2014). Further investigation required because for same locality is reported A. corsicus illiesorum.

    Anabolia nervosa Curtis, 1834 8 - 2 Widespread at the North of the Alps; we consider the presence of the species in Italy as doubtful because it is reported for Piemonte by Navàs in 1932 and the record isn't verifiable.

    Annitella obscurata (McLachlan, 1876) 9 - 3 The presence in Italy needs confirmation because it's sampled only for larval stage in few localities of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

    Drusus annulatus (Stephens, 1837) 10 - 4 Reported for Valdieri (Piemonte, Cuneo; Nàvas, 1932: 38) and for Madonna di Campiglio (Moretti, 1937).

    Drusus arkos Oláh, 2017EI 11 - 5 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Cuneo, Crissolo, Pian della Regina, fiume Po. Distrib.: Italy, Piemonte (Cuneo, Torino). In according to Neu et al., 2018 (17) we consider the validity of the species doubtful.

    Drusus cianficconiae Oláh, 2017EI 12 - 6 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Marche, Macerata, M.ti Sibillini, Oberlauf Tenna, Gola dell'Infernaccio. Distrib.: Italy, known for few localities of Marche. In according to Neu et al., 2018 (17) we consider the validity of the species doubtful.

    Drusus fabbrii Oláh, 2017EI 13 - 7 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Emilia-Romagna, Parma, Corniglio, Bosco Lagdei, Torrente Parma di Francia. Distrib.: Italy, known for locus typicus. In according to Neu et al., 2018 (17) we consider the validity of the species doubtful.

    Drusus horgos Oláh, 2017EI 14 - 8 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Lombardia, Bergamo, Valbondione, Lago Malgina. Distrib.: Italy, known for few localities of Lombardi (Alpi e Prealpi Bergamasche). In according to Neu et al., 2018 (17) we consider the validity of the species doubtful.

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 25

  • Drusus konok Oláh, 2017EI 15 - 9 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Lazio, Rieti, Cittareale, sorg. Velino loc. Cupello. Distrib.: Italy, knonw for locus typicus. In according to Neu et al., 2018 (17) we consider the validity of the species doubtful.

    Drusus leker Olàh, 2016E 16 - 10 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Cuneo, Vinadio, Col de la Lombarda, lago. Distrib.: few localities in south western Alps for Italy (Marittime Alps) and France (Cozie and Provence Alps). Possibly a synonym of Drusus discolor (Rambur, 1842). Further investigation required (Neu et al., 2018: 18).

    Drusus letras Oláh, 2017EI 17 - 11 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Biella, ruscelli Tributali torr. Viona. Distrib.: Italy, known for locus typicus. In according to Neu et al., 2018 (17) we consider the validity of the species doubtful.

    Drusus magas Oláh, 2017E 18 - 12 Loc. Typ.: Switzerland, Canton Uri, Furkapass, N46° 35.314’, E8° 25.814’, 2348 m. Distrib.: few localities in north western Alps for Italy (Alpi Lepontine) and Switzerland (Berner Alps). In according to Neu et al., 2018 (17) we consider the validity of the species doubtful.

    Drusus neltel Oláh, 2017EI 19 - 13 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Lombardia, Bergamo, Valbondione , sorgenti fiume Serio. Distrib.: Italy, known for locus typicus. In according to Neu et al., 2018 (17) we consider the validity of the species doubtful.

    Drusus sarkos Oláh, 2017EI 20 - 14 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Udine Resia, Uccea, rio Uccea. Distrib.: Italy, known for locus typicus. In according to Neu et al., 2018 (17) we consider the validity of the species doubtful.

    Ecclisopteryx kunkor Oláh, 2017EI 21 - 15 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Calabria, Cosenza, Spezzano della Sila, Vivaio Sbanditi, 1350 m. Distrib.: Italy. Known for few localties for Calabria, Basilicata and Emilia-Romagna. In according to Neu et al., 2018 (17) we consider the validity of the species doubtful.

    Ecclisopteryx legeza Oláh & Lodovici, 2017

    E 22 - 16 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Cuneo, Vinadio, Alps, 1200 m. Distrib.: known for few places in French and Italian Maritime Alps. In according to Neu et al., 2018 (17) we consider the validity of the species doubtful.

    Enoicyla pusilla (Burmeister, 1839) 23 - 17 The only record for Italy (Piemonte, Vercelli) by Cianficconi & Moretti, 1992 is a misidentification of Enoicyla reichenbachi (Valle & Lodovici vidit, 2019).

    Limnephilus doderoi (Navás, 1929)EI 24 - 18 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Biella, Santuario di Oropa. Distrib.: Italy, known only for locus typicus. Nomen dubium according to Malicky, 2005 (570).

    Potamophylax fureses Olàh, Lodovici & Valle, 2013

    EI 25 - 19 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Toscana, Firenze, Marradi, Monte Bruno m700. Distrib.: Italy, Toscana. Known only for the type locality. Morphological characters of the specie are in range of variation of Potamophylax nigricornis. Possibly synonim. Further investigation in the Potamophylax nigricornis gruppe required (Neu et al., 2018: 18).

    Potamophylax peremes Olàh, Lodovici & Valle, 2013

    EI 26 - 20 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Liguria, Genova, Mezzanego, Passo del Bocco, Parco Aveto Foresta Demaniale M.te Zatta m1000. Distrib.: Italy, Liguria. Known only for the type locality. Morphological characters of the specie are in range of variation of Potamophylax nigricornis. Possibly synonim. Further investigation in the Potamophylax nigricornis gruppe required (Neu et al., 2018: 18).

    Potamophylax tuskes Olàh, Lodovici & Valle, 2013

    EI 27 - 21 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Liguria, Savona, Bormida, S.P. Colle Melogno. Distrib.: Italy, Liguria. Morphological characters of the specie are in range of variation of Potamophylax nigricornis. Possibly synonim. Further investigation in the Potamophylax nigricornis gruppe required (Neu et al., 2018: 18).

    Stenophylax elongatus Navàs, 1932EI 28 - 22 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Torino, Moncenisio. Distrib.: Italy, Piemonte. Known only for the type locality. Nomen dubium according to Malicky (2005: 579).

    Stenophylax mistus Navàs, 1932EI 29 - 23 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Torino, Moncenisio. Distrib.: Italy, Piemonte. Known only for the type locality. Nomen dubium according to Malicky (2005: 579).

    Philopotamidae6Philopotamus pedemontanus Navas, 1933

    EI 30 - 1 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Torino, Bollengo. Distrib.: Italy, Valle d'Aosta. Considered by Schmid (1949: 315) synonim of Philopotamus variegatus and nomen dubium according to Malicky (2005: 550).

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 26

  • Wormaldia lambda Navas, 1933EI 31 - 2 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Piemonte, Torino, Bollengo. Distrib.: Italy, Valle d'Aosta. Considered by Schmid (1949: 315) synonim of Wormaldia occipitalis and nomen dubium according to Malicky (2005: 549).

    Phryganeidae7Agrypnia obsoleta (Hagen, 1864) 32 - 1 Doubtful in Italy, the species is reported only for a larva of Lago di

    Misurina (Veneto, Thienemann, 1904: 209).Phryganea bipunctata Retzius, 1793 33 - 2 Doubtful as the records for Emilia-Romagna and Trentino-Alto Adige

    (Cianficconi, 2002 and Cianficconi, 2005) aren't verifiable.

    Polycentropodidae8Polycentropus kingi McLachlan, 1881 34 - 1 Reported a small male from Sardegna (Porto Torres, Costa) with

    doubt (McLachlan, 1884: 53).Polycentropus sardous Moretti, 1981EI 35 - 2 Loc. Typ.: Italy, Sardegna, Nuoro, Orgosolo, Alto Cedrino, demaniale

    Orgosolo. Distrib.: known only for type locality. Species inquirenda (Malicky,2005: 552).

    Rhyacophilidae9Rhyacophila dorsalis dorsalis (Curtis, 1834)

    36 - 1 The data reported for this taxa refer to reports prior to the revision of the dorsalis-nubila complex (Malicky, 2002); therefore this taxa is not present in Italy.

    Rhyacophila occidentalis McLachlan, 1879

    37 - 2 Known for Iberian Peninsula, reported for Limone (Piemonte, Cuneo; Nàvas, 1928), specimens females from Rio Porassino (Liguria, Savona; Cianficconi & Moretti, 1984) and Chiusaforte (Friuli-Venezia Giulia-Udine; Neu et al., 2018).

    Sericostomatidae10Sericostoma subaequale McLachlan, 1898

    E 38 - 1 Loc. Typ.: North Italy and South Tyrol. Distrib.: Reported for Trentino-Alto Adige. Species doubtful which was only mentioned once in literature and for which no type material is available (Neu et al., 2018: 16).

    Sericostoma timidum Hagen, 1864 39 - 2 Species doubtful which was only mentioned once in literature and for which no type material is available (Neu et al., 2018: 16). Reported for Trentino-Alto Adige and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

    Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 27

  • Versione Aprile 2020 Checklist dei Tricotteri Italiani 28

  • Bibliografia della Tricotterofauna Italiana - ordine cronologicoLiterature on caddisflies Italian fauna - chronological order

    2019Oláh J., Andersen T., Beshkov S., Coppa G., Ruiz Garcia A., Johanson K.A., 2019 - Revision of European Wormaldia species (Trichoptera, Philopotamidae): Chimeric taxa of integrative organization. Opuscola Zoologica Budapest 50(1): 31–85.


    2018Malicky H., 2018a - Rhyacophila evoluta in Italien. Braueria 45: 14.1

    Malicky H., 2018b - Über die Unterscheidung der Weibchen einiger europäischer Trichopteren: Brachycentridae, Goeridae, Crunoecia (Lepidostomatidae) und Metanoea (Limnephilidae). Braueria 45: 23-30.


    Malicky H., 2018c - Variabilität bei einingen europäischen und asiatischen Trichopteren (Psychomyiidae, Limnephilidae, Philopotamidae). Braueria 45: 35-42.


    Neu P., Malicky H., Graf W., Schmidt-Kloiber A., 2018 - Distribution Atlas of European Trichoptera. Die Tierwelt Deutschland. 84. Teil. ConchBooks, Hackenheim. : 890 pp..


    Oláh J., Andersen T., Beshkov S., Ciubuc C., Coppa G., Ibrahimi H., Kovács T., Oláh J. Jr., Szczesny B., 2018 - Unified phylogenetic species concept: taking subspecies and race out of science: postmodern theory applied to the Potamophylax cingulatus group (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae). Opuscola Zoologica Budapest 49(1): 33-70.


    Valle M., Lodovici O., 2018 - I Tricotteri di Calabria (Insecta, Trichoptera). Rivista del Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali "E. Caffi" 31: 139-186.


    Waringer J., Malicky M., 2018 - Larva of Halesus nurag Malicky 1974 (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) and diagnostic key for the limnephilid larvae of Sardinia. Zootaxa 4425(3): 555-566.


    2017Malicky H., Delmastro G.B., 2017 - Der Männchen von Larcasia ligurica Malicky, 2014 (Trichoptera, Goeridae). Braueria 44: 45-46.


    Malicky H., Graf W., 2017 - Eine neue Wormaldia (Trichoptera, Philopotamidae) aus Ligurien und dem Piemont. Braueria 44: 47.


    Neu P.J., 2017 - Description of a new species of Wormaldia (Trichoptera, Philopotamidae) from Italy. Lauterbornia 84: 113-116.


    Oláh J., Beshkov S., Chvojka P., Ciubuc C., Coppa G., Ibrahimi H., Kovács T., Mey W., Oláh jr. J., 2017 - Revision of Drusinae subfamily (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae): divergence by paraproct and paramere: speciation in isolation by integration. Opuscola Zoologica Budapest 48 (suppl.1): 3-228.


    2016Cianficconi F., Corallini C., Tucciarelli F, Bicchierai M.C., 2016 - The genus Hydroptila Dalman 1819 in Italy: Ecology and morphogy. In: Vshivkova T.S. & Morse J.C.(eds.). Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Trichoptera (Zoosymposia 10) 10: 117-147.


    Corallini C., Bicchierai M.C., 2016 - Trichoptera larvae and gregarines: Host-parasite relationships. In: Vshivkova T.S. & Morse J.C.(eds.). Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Trichoptera (Zoosymposia 10) 10: 148-164.


    Corallini C., Marchetti O., 20