Il nostro Progetto -...

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Transcript of Il nostro Progetto -...

Il nostro Progetto

« Everybody’s school, a school for everybody»

Rif 2017-1-IT02-KA101-03-6052

Focus sul nostro Progetto:contributo accordatoci

52.713 euro, per 17 mobilità nel Regno Unito:

- Viaggio

- Supporto individuale

- Supporto organizzativo

- Contributo per il corso

Quando andremo ?

1-14 Luglio 2018

Dove andremo ? (1)


La Lake School of English è stata riconosciuta la 3°miglior scuola di lingue del Regno Unito! E quest’anno festeggia 40 anni di attività

Chi lo dice? Loro citazione : «Lake School is currently number 3 in the UK top 100 English language centres 2017!

“The latest 2017 ranking list of British Council accredited English language centres has been published by the EL Gazette. These rankings are based on the summary statements of the British Council inspection reports. The Lake School was last inspected in August 2017. Find the Lake School of English currently at number 3.”

Chi ci accoglierà ? Susan Barber Carmel Engin

…seguiremo le lezioni le lezioni c/o…

Quanti siamo ?17 docenti :

3 di scuola primaria

14 di scuola secondaria

Nr docenti secondaria

lingua inglese 2

lettere 3

matematica 4

tecnologia 1

educazione musicale 2

sostegno 1

arte 1

Chi siamo? Docenti di scuola primaria (3): Silvia Giovannini, Irma Staderini, Melania


Lingua Inglese (2) : Fiammetta Rossi, Maria Sarica

Lettere (3) : Marco Cesta, Paola Como, Stefania Panichelli

Matematica e Scienze (4) : Cecilia Baconcini, Mara Dalla Gatta, Lucia Mancini, Marcella Menichetti

Tecnologia(1) : Andrea Guglielmi

Educazione Musicale (2) : Mara Di Teodoro ( VicePreside), Anna Cara

Arte (1): Adele Bucci

Sostegno (1) : Maria Claudia Sotgiu

Come ci stiamo preparando? (1)

Corso di preparazione linguistica per 13 docenti ( 40 h)

Progetti già in corso collegati al Progetto generale: - classe IVB Placido Martini “ Stories and ……other stories: our contribution to the Erasmus Plus Project”

- Classe VA Placido Martini “ Famous Oxonians: our contribution to the Erasmus Plus Project”- attività CLIL nelle singole classi in entrambi i plessi ( collegamenti con scienze , geografia, storia, tecnica,

arte, matematica )

Come ci stiamo preparando ? (2) Costituzione Gruppo di Coordinamento Erasmus +

( Dirigente Scolastico Carlo Rinzivillo, Vicaria Maria Di Teodoro, DSGA Loredana Zamporlini, docenti di lingua inglese Fiammetta Rossi e Maria Sarica, impiegato dello staff di segreteria Fabio Amico)

Disseminazione alle scuole del territorio : incontro 18 gennaio u.s

Disseminazione alle famiglie : incontro 15 febbraio u.s.

Cosa faremo alla Lake School? (1)

Docenti scuola primaria (3)

Corso di Formazione Professionale:

“Creative Teaching in the primary classroom “

Programma/contenuti Creative Teaching in the Primary English Language Classroom

Course Objectives To improve and extend the teaching techniques and English language ability of teachers at Primary school, to children aged 5 – 11.

Course ContentParticipants are asked to complete a pre-course questionnaire. Tutors plan the course to meet the needs of the course participants, who are often of mixed ability. Course content typically includes:

Introductions, ice-breakers, warmers and fillers Stories, drama and roleplay with young learners Communication in the Primary classroom; getting children to speak in English Developing personal language skills and communicative competence Understanding concepts of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL); creating classroom activities Theme-based learning and cross-curricular teaching Songs, rhymes and chants Digital media, film and ICT with young learners Reading, writing and using simple texts Language, life and culture in the UK today Sharing vocabulary games and quizzes The British education system and visit to a Primary school Practical pronunciation; phonemes, stress and intonation Teaching grammar and making it fun Using images and imagination for language development

Cosa faremo ? (2) Docenti di scuola secondaria: Lingua inglese (2)

Corso di Formazione Professionale:

“ Creative teaching in the Secondary EL Classroom”

Programma/Contenuti Course Objectives

To improve and extend the teaching techniques and English language ability of teachers at Secondary school and teachers of young adults and adults.

Course Content

Participants are asked to complete a pre-course questionnaire. Tutors plan the course to meet the needs of the course participants, who are often of mixed ability. Course content typically includes:

Introductions, ice-breakers, warmers and fillers

Being a teacher; being a learner

Opening doors; diversity and inclusion

Developing personal language skills and communicative competence

Teaching grammar and making it fun

Blended learning, ICT and digital media

Songs and music in the English language classroom

Vocabulary, phrasal verbs, collocation and word partnerships

Using film and images as a creative stimulus

New words, idioms and the importance of language in context

Learning preferences, multiple intelligences and teaching students with learning difficulties

Classroom challenges; improving motivation, engagement and results

Writing, feedback and error correction

Working with texts; exploring and creating, engaging tasks

The British education system and visit to a secondary school or college

Practical pronunciation; phonemes, stress and connected speech

Critical thinking; learning transferable skills

Cosa faremo ? (3) Docenti di scuola secondaria di discipline non linguistiche ( 12)

Corso di Formazione Professionale:

“ Creative teaching in the Secondary CLIL classroom”

Programma/ Contenuti Creative Teaching in the Secondary CLIL Classroom

Course Objectives

To improve and extend the CLIL techniques and English language ability of teachers at Secondary school, to students aged 12-18.

Course Content

Participants are asked to complete a pre-course questionnaire. Tutors plan the course to meet the needs of the course participants, who are often of mixed ability. Course content typically includes:

Introductions and ice-breakers

Understanding CLIL concepts

Communication in the CLIL classroom

Opening doors; diversity and inclusion

Scaffolding, planning, delivering and reflecting

Task-based learning and cross-curricular teaching

Subject-based vocabulary, collocation and word partnerships

Learning preferences, multiple intelligences

Teaching students with learning difficulties

Classroom challenges; improving motivation, engagement and results

Writing, feedback, error correction and digital resources

Working with texts; exploring and creating engaging tasks to meet real and specific needs

CLIL games and activities; vocabulary, pronunciation, movement and drama

Using graphics and images as a creative CLIL stimulus

Developing personal language skills and communicative competence

The British education system and visit to a local Secondary school

Cosa prevede il corso di formazione?

21 hours of session input per week

a guided historical tour of Oxford

a guided tour of an Oxford University college or punting on the River Thames

weekly social evening

a visit to a local school (where possible)

welcome pack and WiFi internet access

course materials and 1-year’s subscription to the Lake School e-Learning Centre

….. Le nostre due settimane a scuola !!!

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

09.15 – 10.30 Welcome Session Session Session Session

10.30 – 10.50 Break Break Break Break Break

10.50 – 12.00 Session Session Session Session Session

12.00 – 12.15 Break Break Break Break Break

12.15 – 13.00 Session Session Session Session Session

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

14.00 – 15.00 Session CulturalActivity

Session Session Excursion or Free

Afternoon15.00 – 15.15 Break Break Break

15.15 – 16.00 Session Session Session

All courses usually follow the same weekly timetable:

E dopo…? Rapporto Finale attività svolta

Ricaduta didattica sugli alunni e le classi

Disseminazione attività di formazione

sul territorio

Monitoraggio del feedback

………… e i genitori? sostengono la scuola nel diffondere le finalità del Progetto e ne fanno

parte attraverso

- la partecipazione agli incontri

- la diffusione sul territorio

- Il completamento di questionari di gradimento proposti dalla scuola

- La diffusione a mezzo sito nello spazio dedicato all’Associazione Genitori

E infine……….

Grazie a tutti per l’attenzione!!!

Fiammetta Rossi

Maria Sarica