filateli 2

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fj t \


Postage Stamps,ENVELOPES,



< 5ait6 gulotiDe Illustrations.




LONDOX, 1889.

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TNVKSTIGATION into the history of the various ami successive issues-L of labels, wrai-pers, and envelopes connecte.l with the Postal systemsof the British Colonies in North America does not present the ditliculties

which had to be surmounted in ilie case of tlie Australian Colonies, andperhaps does not therefore include subject matter of so interesting' acharacter as that comprised in the

recent (Oceania Cataloiiue.

Keference Lists of the North American Colonies have neverthelessbeen hitherto crude, as well as deficient, and even incorrect in detail,thus allording but superficial aid to the I'hilatelist: and the cnduav,.ur ofthe Society in the following; pages has been to amplify the infoiiiiation atpresent in the possession of collectors; and l.y the c.llation of contentsof recent papers in Canadian and English journals, as well as by referenceto otlicial gazettes and correspondence, to present as far as possible acomplete history of the Postal Service ii; these Colonies.

In this endeavour it has derived a large amount of assistance fromthe researches of its late Secretary, IMr. E. 1). liacon, whose Notes atthe

head of each Colony were originally intended to have been readas a paper before the London Society, but which, by the desire of theConnnittee entrusted with the revision and publication of the accompanyinglists, he has consented should be amalgamateil with them, tlius adding tothe completeness of the present work. The Society is also largely indebtedto Mr. Donald A. King for the permission to reiir.jduce the valuablecontents of certain papers he contributed to the Ifidiftu- riiilakUst.

The lists of Canada and Newfoundland, the only two of the Coloniesnow using distinct stamps, have been completed to the end of June, 1889.

The same mode of illustration by the Autotype process, which provedsuccessful in the case of the Stamps of Oceania, has been adopted on

the present occasion, and is undoubtedly the most satisfactory of all

methods of reproduction in fac-simile which have come under the noticeof the Society.

Augttst, 1889.

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cent (ir cents.

iliilliir, [lenny, it pence.

.shilliug, or bliillings.

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l)KI''Ol{K liivili',' llii' iiiciiilii'iH (if the, Hdcicly (li<. f.w (idicial nipliccH f

-U liiivc (Millcctcil ill irfcrciicc 1(1 till, JSUliips (if Die Xoilli Aiiiciiciiii (JdldiuCs,

1 iiiir|i(isc iii(.f;i(iiif. what r uks I Imvu to iiiiiki' in (micIi kiw. with ii mIkhI irmnw oftlic iii,st(iry of i^iich nf the |ii(iviiiccs. Tlicsc liisldriciil piiHiculiirs iinr taken fur Uk^iiHwt part from Thv Volnnhil OjHre U^l fur ISH'J, and uiu siiiipiuiiifutuil l.y adililioii.s

from oiii or two olhur W(irkn of rcfcicnci'.


I'.ritisli Coliiiiiliia is situated on the norlli-wost eoasi of North America, andcomprises tlie territory lietweeii Iho Koiky Mountains and the I'a(i(ie Coast ;

hniiiided on till- north hy the (iOth parallel, and on the somIIi liy the I'nilcd Stat( s,

tlie av( ra','e hrcadlh liciiij,' alumt '.'.''lO miles, and the leii^'th of coastline . >() inilcs.

Tiio area (iiRhidiiif,' Vancoiivur and (,iiieen Charlotte Islands) is about ;i 1 1,000Mijuaie mile.s.

liritish Colunihia wa.s (•oiistitule(l a Crown Colony in Ifiri.S, owin;; to the lar^'u

immi','rati(jii con.ttvpient on th(^ di.scovery of j,'old in that year. Vancouver Island,

dLseovered in l.')92 liy Juan de Kiuta, was leased to th(^ Hudson's l ay Company in1KI3, and niiulc a Crown Cohuiy in 1819. In 1800 tin; colonies of llriiish

Colunihia and Vancouver Island were unitod, and on July UOth, 1871, IJritish

Colunihiii entered tln^ Dominion of Canada, Vancouver I.sland it) sometimes caHcdQuADUA, after the S|iaiiisli commandant on the coast of the mainland, at the timethat the i.sland was visited, in 17 )l', hy the naval olli(;er, Captain (ioorgo

Vancouver, from whom it (leriv( .< its iiKJie usual name.

TIk earliest issue of Tltc Ouvrnitiirnl dtvullc, llrilittli ColiimJiia, 1

ahh- to lind in this country is that of .)aiiu;iry 7lh, 18(), ). This number c(

following notices ;

I'UnidC NOTICE. mtirmii col umiiia .


BetwekN liritish Colunihia and Vaiicoiiver Island, delivered at

Victoria or New Westminster, lor each I.ctler under ^ ounce .

And for every additional h ounce or Iractiuual e.Ncess

For each Newspaper . . . ...On all Letters iuid Papers to or from abroad, and delivered or mailed

at New Westminster, in addition to Foreign l'osta;;e, fur eachletter under J ounce . . ...


have lici ii

uilains the



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ItlliriSII fii/.tWUi/A ,i^v/> \AMnriK/l t.SLAN/K

Ami Inr cvny aiMiiniiiiil ^ iiMiiir ,,1 11,1, liiiiuil ixi'c«« , , , ;j,|.

V«r lii' li Ni\\>.|i,i|jii'. _ ... Ill

lUlWrill 11 |',,>| Ollin- ill ,ill.V nil.' \<U<r iu Hi,. l,',,|„|iy 1111(1 It l',„l Olli,,.Ill Miiy nlli,i- j.Imcc ill 111,' CiiliHiy, In all ciikh In Im' pripali , IVir uulil.illi'i iiiiil,' ' 4 laiiu'i' .

. . ... Oil.

Ami I'm iviiy ailililiiiiialJ .111111, III riiiiliiiMul cxicKK . . , (lil.

Kill' larli Ncw»|iii|i«'r ., . . . 6il

N.B.— l'iuka;;(» iir Paivils ,illui lli.iii NeWHpiiiitTK, ami iml ixi'ouillii^'

H iiiiiias ill w,i-lil, »|l| li,. iliai-iil at iil,. ,,1' Oil. pur k imucu. N,,riici'l can ln' lakfii im ifilinn 8 iiiiii,', < in wti;^lil.

(>*iKm''l) W.Mt.siMi I . SiAl.DiMi, l'.,..lmi(iiln'-h'.:nmit,

(Jkm;| .u, I'lisi Ori'ii r,, v/i Jim,; imiII.

l'riil,H' NdTICK. 0,\ .mil alter tin- limli ,|,iy nl' .Inn,., |s(i|, ,,11 l„ll,.iv aii.l mail inallir li.ilil,.

I.I piwtaxr iiiiisl In. piv|iai.l. I'lilil ,i|Ii,t Mamps rtliall liavc li.rii «nliMilnl,iltlifiv will )<v issncl liir llir invpiyinunt of piisla^'i' llie p,is|a-i' Maiiips alprcsiiil ill us,.,

Iiiarin- tlu' inaik 2\,\., Inr wliiili tlif .-inin ..lijil. will in liunreIU I luiKi'i .

(,Si;.nuil) \V.vnNKli n. >^VM.WSii, l'osl,n(i.^kr-(l,:m:i<(t.

'• (iKSV.K.u. PiiM On II K, W/i Jiiiir, l.sai.

Till' alidvi' III. ilniilil lii'st appi'aivil in T/w ( ,i.r<ffr al.Diit llu- niiililiu of-Iniii', l^<(;l; lull, as is I'listi.niary witii siinilai' imliui's, uojiiu-s wui'u pulilislini insnlis(',,ii,'iil minilH'is, ami in this lasu uontinmil to appear until lliu lattur endiif 180 ). Xnt liavin;L,' liuun fuitnnalc i'nniij,'li In liml a tile ,.f n<' l,',i;yt/c for 1801 —tin- year tlie Two I'l'm-e Ilalfpinny stamp is sai,l i,, have lii'eii liist issneil in— I ,uuunable to -ive the cNait ilay this .stamp came into use. I am iiirliiieil to think tlicstamp was, solely ns.'il t.. prepay letters sent l.etween New Weslminsler, the capitali<l ihilish Coliiiiiliia, anil Victnria, the capital of Vancouver Islaud. If this was «o, wusee from t li e ( li st of ||„. aliove notices that this riito was riii.

' -e halfpenny inJune, 1801. It is upparenl from the .scconil notice that wimtuv. i- uistaiice the old2id. rate formerly paid, it was dune iway with or raised in the ahme inontli, as thoKtami. was to be sold at .Hd., pemlin- the arrival of a new one bearin- the hi-her valup,Perhaps it is as well for eollectors that the idea of sureliargiiifj the Two Pence Halfpenny stamp 3d. did not ,'iiter the Po.stniaster's head, or there i,s no telliiif

' ow manyvarieties we should have had to add to our albums if the suicharj,' '. dilFerod intype, as it iirobalily would have done. Tlie escape was no iloubt due to the factthat at that time siiirhar-es on stamps were few in imndier, and likely altogetherunknown to the Postal authorities of liritish Columbia. This Two Pence Halfpennystamp is certainly admis.sable into a coll,.ctioii as a iirovisional Three Ponce, provideilit, or the jiaper it is attached to, is ])o.stmai'ked after .luiie 19th, 1801. Anothercurious point in coniiei'tion witii the aliove notices is to know how the newspaper rateof one penny was prepaid. The .second notice distinctly .says, All Letter.] andmail matter lialiie to posta-e must be |,repaiil. . . . There will be is.sued for tlie

lirepayment of postage tlu^ postage stampsat present in use. AVas this ThreePenny provisional divided in any way like so many of the other Xorlh American

Colonies stamps, or was the postage, even in face of the notice, prepaid in coin?One of these two alternatives naturally .suggests itself to have been the Iliave never .seen or heard of a coj.y of this stamp divided; but as it could havebeen only employed for ne\vspa]iers .sent by two special routes, the use of tlie stampwould probably be small, and the fact that it was found upon newspapers alone

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Mlc of



1801 ——I MM

ink tlio


HS so, woy in

till; old

as Uiu



w manyod in

lic fact







for the


n coin 1 I







iiimisii co/.i-.uii/A AM) i:\xn iry/-;/( isr.Axn. 7

M aciMMinl |..r the di.s,|,|„.,,|.,n, ,• nf -pe, ii,„.hs. W,. sjmll see f, the ne.xt' ' -'^ '^'''' • l'i visiHi,;,l Th Penny -lamp vv.h in nse down to the-NoVemlH.,, |,S0.-,. This nnliee is taken f T/n (l„,lt. Ini (Vtohei iUy,I, and runs as fc^il.iws :


'•ilXKIIM. I'o*r OKKltl-,

••Ml, Hl^lrinlHi; ISO.'..

Ir hi.viii- l,e. 11 r,mi„l i,ece«.s,uy lu i,Mi,- ,i new poMii},'.. hIimim. Im meet the 'I,' ' ' • '' ' 1 O-dinaih'e, isdt, ,„„i,,. i, i,,,,.,,y ^,i„,„ „,,,i |„„„» ' alter the 1st Neveinl«.r next t ,.. ,s|,,n,p at present in use will ,.,,1 l„.reeeivd hy the I'osl Olliee Depaitluenl. IVrsons in passesMon ef th,. -lampat pivmnt ,n use may excliaii-e the same „„ ai.pliraliui, at anv ut the I'ohI-ollites .'I Ihilish Coluiiihia on „r alter the 1st N'(,veiiiher.

(Sillied) W.MINIIII It. Se,\LMINO, /^«^HI.(«^ ,-(,, «,)„/.

Tile new pusl.i;.e st„nip nniiliuned in the ahov is ohviun-iy llie Tiiiee Pemebhm, large fancy letter v and Clown in the ivntie, which is eatah.K'ued hyM. Moens a. issued on the 20th .[„ne, |S(;i, the d.lte, we have seen, the provisionalIhree lenuy stami. 'ame into „se. I.ik,. that provisional, 1 think it is possil.lothe Hire., Pence, hlue, may also |„iv.. I.ti, divi.hd to prepay the .aie pennynewspaper rate; hat future research will, 1 l,„p,., d.linilely del,.niiii.e ii. ,.Meiiinstance whuthor or not such \ras tin, case.

The f„nowinf,. list „f Pust-ollices, with the names of the Postma.ster.s, waspublished in The lin::r,lr fur April 1 Itli, ISOO. The list is ehielly interesting asshowniH upon what a small scale the Postal Service of ihe craintry then wa.s, as utthat lime there were only sLxteen opened tlirun,L,'lio„t the whoh' colony.



Now Westininntet

Kojie • . . .

l'onf;laa ....Lillooct

Yale . ,

''byitou . . .


Asheiul't ....(v'linton ....Lake La Haciic .

Sriila Creek


Van WinkleWilliam's Creek .

Fort Slie|ilierd . .

Columbia Kiver, Big Bend District



W. R. SpaldiiiK, r.M...,

A. H. Hall.

Richard White.

T. H. Sharwuod.L. Aj^useiz.

W. M. C(. i...ji.

C. F. Cn.iittall.

J. Champness.W. Aiidersnu.

J. T. Sanay.

F. Mevor.

L, Calm.

John Jane.

• Aslicroft t'ost-ollioe is tlio jmictioii whence mail matter for llic Ilcn<l Districtwill l)u forwariloil.

On March 20th, 1807; an Act was passed which dian-ed the currency of thecolony to the ilecimal system of cents and dollars. On .^[arell 13th, in the same

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« unrnsii (•(H.r.\iisi.\ asd VA.wnrvh.ii isi.Axn.

y.'av, a new I'nslul ( l|,|ii,.m,c A. I aU,. \h;a\w law. Tln' full.. win;; . laiin.-. niv taki'li

fi'i.iii till' l.iiii'i' :

IX. Tlial i.iiiAfry l.illi''iii.«ll(..l iii,i.ri>iiHMiiiK tlirinixli.any 1'im.I-iiIIIi'i'

ill llii' ('.il.iiiy, iiriil 11.. I ixiriKlin« liiill iiti oiinri' in wvif,'lit, tliuri.' hIiuII In' imi.l

It lii.»taj<i' lUcihliiiK t .i t il l' r..lliiwiti> «.iilc ; lliiit in ti. Kiiy ;

Al .. I.iawicn Vi.l.aia, III ,iiiy Piwl-i.llln' in Vuiiniiivi r NIaii.l

mill Ni'w \Vi-liiiiii4i'r, nr any I'.nt in lliu C.ili.iiy . r, CVntn.I'ltWfcu Vaiir..iivir Munil nr NfW WcHtniinMter anil Clinton

or Siivana'i Wny . , . . . I2j fVnt.».

I'.i'yiinil lllnili' .li-l;lliris , , ... • '> CflltH.

lii'twt'iii any Iw.. INi^l-iiHiiTs almvo Yiilr, llniic, aii.l |(.m;iliiM. lij C'liit^.

Aii.l rvi'iy a.l.lilii.iial liiilf an i.unoc, nr oC half an iinncc ImtimuIIhf al.Dvr wiij^lil, lliiiT hIiuII l.|. paid on iwli nm h Lvltcr an ail.litinnal iioMla.,' .,

acconlinj; lo tliu l'iii('(,'oin« lali'fl.

X. That fur cvory Hin^lo NcwspnpiT ilcposilfd in or passiii;,' tlinni^ili

any riwt-ollicu in llic Colony, iIiitc shall lio paiil a iiostaKL- of Two Cents,

I liavo liocn unalilo t.. (iinl any imtico in The Oaxelle of tin; isMuo of slanipHsnrcliai'ji'il with tin. valni- in ivnts, Imt tliry pn.lialily cainc into use at tlu' tiim.' All was pi,, or sln.rlly iiftcrwaiiU. In Tin' Gnziltn. for .laiini y I8tli,

18(18, thcri- y a noti.i) Kivin-,' crfain I'oKtal ratfs in ci'nt.H, ninl Htntinf,' that MrttiMH,papers, kt\, for Creat Ilritain, Caiiaila, tlir Unitoil Stairs, I'rinci. K.lwanl Isliiml,

am Ni'wfo'uiillaiiil, mimt In- prrpaiil in llii' i'oHta.,' ' StanipH of tlio lolony. So it

Im cviili'iit, from tlir pliiinl w.inl Msnl, tliu Cfiiln .stainpH woro thm in usi . Thin HotiiH wi- know, loiisistnl of tiiu fiillowinf,' vahios : i, .'>, 10, 'lU, TiO runts ami 1 ilollar.

It is possililu all tho values nmy not luivo nppcnreil at onco, but thoy aro usuallyeataloKUoil as our issuo. As wo spo from Clause X. of tho Postal Onlinuneo 18G7 Aet,tho Two Cents value prepaid newspapers ulnne, which aeeounts for tho stamp heiiig

so rarely met with postmarked. Lonkiii',' at tho list of letter rales in IX.,we should expect lo liml a Twelve and a Half Cents stamp, hut, as wo know, nojuchviiluo was issued. Iloro again I can only au^'Kost that the Twenty-live Cents may haveln'on divided, or the Five Cents cut in two, and used in conjunction with a TenCents or two Five Cent stamps to nmko up tho reipiired ralo. Tho stamps ofliritish Columbia were withdrawn from >iso on July 20lli, 1871, on the admiltancoof the colony into tho Dominion of Caiuula. Mr. N. Shakespeare is tho presentPostmaster of Victoria.


Issue L 1861.

Omvalm: Enj{mveil and type-printed by Jlossrs, Do La Hue and Co., ofI/indon, on white, un\.-alermarkod, slightly -surfaced i.ajier; white <,'iim. Design-Diademed profile of Queen Victoria to left, on ground of horizontal lino.s. Aboveand below the head are a stralfjlit and a curved label of solid colour— one withconvex, anil the other with concave ends. Tho upper hdiels are inscribed nmiisii—coix'MniA fc, and the lower ones vancouveiw —lsland respectively, nil insmall white Unman capitals. On either side iw. .straight white labels, with roundedends, in.scribed in colourei'. Uoman capitals— i-o.STAdii on the left, reailin<,'

upwards; and two pence-iiai.kpknny in two lines on tho right, readingdownwards. The remainder of th stamp is (illed in with reticulation.s, and

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nri> tiiknn




tiiiji' till-

.v lUth,



S« it

TliiM Hi't,

1 dollar,





no iiiicli

may liiivu

a Tt'ii

lllS of




Co., of



Ahovone with


all in





nitirisll fiH.IMIllA .\\/) VASnit'VEII l.<l..\M). •t

two oilier liiii'H of ruloi ii ini ii |i l( |e till' i |i ., ; ii . . s| i. i| i, ., ii|,ii-lil i'«'i'taii','iilar.

(llliiHlruliim I.)

(,\) /m/iir/i/rad', I (II) iVr/w,(/..M I.

iijil , riwy-liniwii.I 2Jd., ruse, iipHy-l.nnvii («lir .i .),

Jli'iiiiirl,y.--Su |iiwtiiiai'ki'd lopy of the ini|ii'i'fiii'ati' variety in known to the

Soeiely. The |i.'rforated Hlaiiip, allliiHiKh heariii^^ the fare value of Two reiiee

llalf|H-iiny, was sold at Three Peine, and did duly proviNionally for IIiIm latter

value from L'Oth June, IHdl, until Int Xoveinln r, If^li.'i, wlii'ii it was I'lplaii'd

l>y the Three I'eiiee, hhie, of the next iiwue.

Issue 11. 1st November, 1865.

Dnfl ratw. Kn(,'raved and type-printid hy Messrs. He Ln Kiie and Co. on wliilr

Hlij,'litlysiirfaeed jiaper, wateriiiaiked Crown and (-' C ; v.lii'e f,'iiiii ; niaeliine

jierforaled 14, The sheet is eiaiipuseil of 210 >lainps, divided iiitu four panes, laili

eontaiiiiiij,' sixty stamps, arranged in six Im «oiilal rows of ten. llrsij^n: ( Iriiaiiiental

letter V, representing Victoria, with heraldie rose inside, thistle on the left, andRpriK of shamrock on the riKlit, Hurinoiinti d by ( Juthic crown ; is enclosed within a

white oval hand, inserilM'd iiihtihii ciilummia i-ostaok'' almve and tiiiikI';

PKNi.'e lielow, the two inscriptions liein^^ se|iarati'd liy a star like ornaiiieiit at either

side. The remainder of the stamp is Idled in with u diaiK'r puttern, the corners

iM'iiiK riainded, and the dcsijjn is c<iiiipleted hy a sinjrj,. outer lini' of colour. .SIia|M;,

U[)right rectangular. {ll/iiKlra/iim 2.)

;iil., Iilup, deep lilue.

Issue III. 13th March (7), 1867.

Si'j- vafiipa. All nf tlie same desij,'ii, and printed from the anme die as

the preeedini,' issue, lait with the values in the altered currency, surchar^'cd in

a strai). lit line across the lioltoiii of the stamp. The jmjier is white wnve

watermarked Crown and C C, and the perforation is 11 cr 12J. Like thepreeedin},' is.suo, each sheet contains 210 .stamps, which are similarly disposed. Thevalues are printed a.s follows; two tknts, in lilaek block tyjie ; .^ cent fi, in

black Roman cai»itals ; 10 cents 10, in blue Roman capitals ; 2.') ce.vth 2Ci


violet Roman capitals; .10 cents 50, in carmine Roman capitals ; i noi.t.Ait 1, in

green Roman capitals. .Shape, ii))i'ij,']it rectangular. {l/fiintnitiiiiiH I , -I, .''i.)

(a) Perforated U.

2 c. on M., bistre, black sni'charKe.

5 c. on 3<l., vermilion, black surcbai'He.

10 c. on 3il., rose-pink, blue „2.j c. on lid., orange, violet „50 c. on ;iil., luaiivc, cariiiiiic „

1 d. oil ;itl,, ^reeii, ^jreen „

(D) Vafumtal 12J.

2 p. on 3d., bistre, black surclirtrt,'e(/).

.I c. 1)11 3il., veriiiiliuii, black surcharge (shades).

10 c. on 3d., rose-pink, lilue „ ( ., ).

2 .0 c . on 3d., orange, violet „ ( >. ).

OO c. lai 3d., mauve, carmine „ ( „ ).

1 d. oil 3d., green, green „ ( „ ),

Remarhg.—T]\i' Two Cents hr.s not been met with perforatecl 12}, hy tlie Society.

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10 I'.Lvt'ori'/;/? isLAXD.

VANCOUVEi; ISLAND.Issue I. July, 1865.

Into ,^,vc. .a,H.r. watornHuk., Cown an.l CC; wl.ito «,„n. ]),.« .„«. k.,,.Cknth. ,a.l..,„c.. p..o(ilo of ..)uo.n ViCona ,„ lof,, on ..oun, of horiJn^

'11-1 in c,u.,„e,..s. Ten Ckmu ,Sa,u. portrait of ll,.r Majesty in,.•

s a,,h .olo,,,., laI.ol ,.hovo. inseril,., witi. whit. l,lod< Ht.ns; Jhitf labd v h..u«.l..l ends below, eolonrc.l l>loek letter. Floriate ornan.ents in span.lreAn outer line of colour co,M,,lete.. the .lesi,., of eaeh value. Shane uprightrectan-ular. (I//u.-<fm/wii,, C, 7.)

.iiu, uiuight


(a) Imj/crfomte.

•> e,, rose.

ill c, blue.

(ii) Paforaled 14.

f) c., rose (aliailus).

K'c, blue( „ ).

8/13/2019 filateli 2 16/79

ilid Ci). nil

ns: FivK



utor liordiT

ill cin.],.;

label with





/ jAXADA i.s sai.l to liavo Wmi di.scovoicl by Suba.-^liaii Calioi iu 1 11)7 l.iil liiis

Y1.S nut uertain. Iu 152.5 tlio Fnmch took possfssion of ti.c countiv iu ll„. uam..

of tho king of Franco, au.l ten ywir.s later Cartiur (.xplorcl tjio .St. Lawieucc, .sonamiu- Dial splendid river fmm liaviuf,' entered it on St. La\vrencc',s Day.

In IG08 t,)uel,ee, the lir.t .sottlement, was founded. Tho . . succumbed tothe ]>ntish forces under General AVolfe, and iu 17G3 the whole , ,tory of Canadawas c(Mled to Great Britain Ijy the Treaty of ]'aris.

Iu 1791 an Act of Parliament was passed dividing Caiuula into two Provinces,Upper Canada (now Ontario) and Lower Canada (now (Jueboc), and ostahlishing aconstitution for each. The [.rovinees were afterwards re-unitcd iu 1840.

THE DOMINION OP CANADA.The Proviuecs of Ontario and (.hiebec (formerly constituting the Colon\' of

Canada), Xew liruuswiek, and Xova Seotiu, were hy The Xortli AmericanAct, 18G7, fimucd into ,aie Dominion. This Act was brought into force by KoyalProchimaliou, bearhig .late the

27th of May, 18G7. On the I,5th of .July, 1870,the uewly-f„rmed province of Manitoba; on the 20th of July, 1871, the colony of

lintish Columbia; and on the 1st of July, 1873, that of Prince Edward Island,were successively admitted to the Dominion, Xewfoundland now alone, of all thoNorth American Colonies, relainiiig its iudependcuce.

As far as I have been able to discover, Post-olfuT notices ndating to tho i.ssuoof stamps were not published in T/w Camvla Guxettc with other ulli.Mal matterThe number of The Owxtte f,u- March 8th, 18.M, contains n long uotice, statingthat on April r)tli following the managemeut of tho Inland Posts would be trans-ferred to the control of the Provincial Government, and that the new rates ofpostage would then come into force. We learn from tho report of the I'ostmastor-Genoral of Great liritaiu for 18.-)7 what those rates wore ; for we read ;

111 1851 a reduced rate of postage wns established. Payment in advanceis optional.

Oil ordinary Lctim .... per J oz., 3d.Oil Letters posted and deliveicd in the same tuwii . eiiuli, ^d.

Newspajiers are conveyed free.

Books are charged h\. per oz., the weight of a aiiii-lo Packet bein-limited to 411)3.

I should add, the local rate of id. did not conic uito use until 1S.')7. In iviii''these extracts from the Poslniaster-Generars Keporl, I have invariably altero'd the

8/13/2019 filateli 2 17/79



riituH t(i tlirii' iifoprr ciinciicy valiio, ns tlicy arc j^ivcn in llic list, at alpnut tlic

stiM'liiiL,' ciiiiivali'iit.

Tlic rates to I'.ngiaml in t)iicrati(iiL uii Jlay 1st, 1850, iirnbalily oarlicr, wvtc :

C'ldsi.l mail, lid U.S., Iiy British Packut, not t;.\ceeainf ^ oz.

17<( Halilax . . , „ I oz.

Iiy U.S. Packet . . . „ ioz.Ami on October, IS'iO, by Canadian Packet „ i oz.



Is. ,^.ii(l.


We know fnini tiie extract from the Keport of the Po-itma-ster-Gcneral of Canadafor IS'il, ^'iveu further on in tlio Hoeiety'.s list, tliat the lirst stamps con,sistc(l of aTiirc( Penny, Six I'enny, and One Siiillinj,', and that these throe values were is.sued

shoitly after April 1st. Taking' into consideration the notice 1 have mentioned, it

seems prolialile the issue took place on Ajiril nth, 18.51. I can <;ive no new infor-

mation about any of the later issues, and I shall conclude my remarks on this

pnnince by giving; some postal .statistics taken from T/ie Colonial OfficK List, 1889,

which i>rove to what a hnye .system the Post-ollice establishment of the Dominionhas grown. We tind, however, the present cxiicnditure greatly exceeds the revenue,

owing, I am told, to the desire of the tluverninent to extend jiostal facilities ua

widely as possible. I understand .some changes have been nindo by an Act passedthis year, one of whicli alioli.shes the privilege hitlu^rto granted to Canadian new.s-

\)i\\K\-f of free transmission by post to sub.scribers from the publishing oflice.

The number of letters sent in the year ending 30th June, 1887, was 74,300,000;of post cards, 10,356,000; and of newspapers (other than sent from the otlico

of publication, which are all carried free), periodicals, parcels, &c., 31,160,000.

The innnber of newspapers sent from the office of publication was about 00,000,000;the number of letters per head of population was 15.21 ; the number of offices was7,53 1 ; the revenue for 1887 was $2,603,255, and the expenditure $3,458,100.

There is weekly mail connnunication with Great Britain vin Quebec or Halifax, andtwice a week vkl Now York. There is a through daily service by the Canadian-

Pacific Kailway to the Pacific Coast.

The present rates of postage are as follows


Canada and United States

Newlijundlaud . . . ,

Europe, Kgypt, the West Indie.-i, and British Guiana

South and West Africa, Cliina, Indies, Slauritius,

Straits Settlements, South America

Australasia . . . .

IJitto, lid Brindisi . . . .

Letters. Per J oz.









J CMcll.

-1 each.

1 per oz.

2 ])er oz.

2 per oz.

3 per uz.

There is a Parcels Post to Newfoundland, the United States, and Europe.

The present Postmaster-General is the lion. J. G. Haggart,


Issue I. 5th (?) April, 1851.

Thri'f vahief. Engraved and printed in taillr-ihnice by Messrs. Kawdon,

Wright, Hatch, and Ed.soii, of New York, on thin white paper; laid horizontally

in the case of the Three Pence, and vertically in the otlier two values ; brownish

8/13/2019 filateli 2 18/79

iilHUit. tlic


of Ciinnda

si.stcd of a

wcro issued

cntioiu'd, it

0 new iiifor-

s on this

List, 1889,

Dominionlic revenue,

facilities as

Act passed

dian news-



m tlie oflico



offices was


Halifax, and


|in Iters.




per oi.

per oz.

per oz.

per oz.

d Europe.




; brownish


gum. Dosisn.c*: TimEE rExcE.-lieaver nn bank of river; trees i„ the .listancewith .-iun .shining

above tliom ; oval colour, , fiaiu,., broken at ihe top by a K,.yaiCrown, benoatli which are IieraMic llowrs, with v'on the l,.ft and u ,mllieri-lit. The oval i.s in.scrib,., with wliite Roman capitals. In each spandrel is anarabes,pie and th, Araliie numeral of valu, . Tw,. plain ,mt,'r iiuia c.mplete tiicUesif.,,. ,Si.x I>K.VCE.-Xearly full face bust portrait ,.f Prince Alluut, in militaryiUMf,.rm, looking to right, within ,„lo„rc,l oval, lett..rc,l in whit.. R,..iian capitals.JleraMic flowers on eitlu'r si,Ie s,.parat,. the upp,.r a„d lower portions of theinscription. Arabcs,pies ami Arabic ntim.ual ,.f value in each spandrel ; borderof two plain outer lines. Twei.vh PENOE.-Thi.-e.piarUr fa,., bust portrait ofQuoon Victoria on groun, of horizontal lines, looking to l,.fl, with .lia.lem andnecklace witlun c.loure.l oval, ins,.ribe,l in whit.. Roman capitals; a Crown .,neither side s..paratii,g the u,.per aiul lower parts of th,. in.scription. Arab,...,,u..sami Arabic numerals of valu.- in ea.'h span.lrel ; bor.ler of tw,> plain outer lines,bhapes: small oblong rectangular for the Three Pence; small upright rctangularfor the Si.>: Pence aii.l Twelve P..i„:e. {I I lust rat ims S, ), 10.)

T. .'ANADA POSTAGE. D. tiIUKE rE.VCE, SLXl-KNCE, TWELVE PEXCE.3il., vcnnilion (slia.Ies).

6d., purple-lilai.k( „ ),

12.1, Mack.

R,marhs.~hx no. llall/a,.- Plulnlclist for July, 1888, a of the oiricialorder notifying the issue of tlieso three stamps is given. It is as follows :

P.O. DEPARTMENT. (Ordeii No. 1.;

'. O. Dia.MriMK.Nr, Touont.), \sI April, 1851. iStamiis for J'rcjiKijmciU of J'astxyc on Ldlrrs.

Postage Stami)s are about t.. l,e i.ssiicl, one riiprcsenting the beaver, ofthe acnoinination of ;} pence ; tl„. secoii.l representing the hea,l of PrinceAlliert, of the aennniination of G p.-nce ; and the third repr..senting the lica,lot Her Majesty,

of the denomination of 1 shilling, which will .shortly hetransiiiitte.1 to the [lostniastcrs at imixirtant points.

Issue 11 1852.

Three vuhte,. Identical in type with the pr..c.,,Iing, but print... npon whitewove paper. The paper varies ..msLlerably in substanc,., especially in the Threereiiny value, wliieh ranges from st.)ut to nearly pelure. The latt.'.r value is alsofound printed upon cl,we y-ribb< , thin paper. {I/liistratiom 8, 9, 10.)

(a) Ware jKijier.

3d., vcrniilioi , ,imiige-vermili,,ii (siiadcs).

0,1., Mack, o ive-l)lack, .lull prnplo, .lull vi.ilot (sha.les)12.1., Mack.

(n) Clnsdii-rilihcd Ihin jiKjm:

3,1., v.riiiili.iii.

i?wia)fe—The Twelve Pence has n..t ben .atahiguod as fouml uponwove paper, but undouhtc.l u.s,.,l ,.opi..s hav.. b..en seen by members of the


Issue III. 1855-57.

Tliree vnhies. Engrave.l an.l print..,,l in lu ll,:-donr,' by Messrs. Raw.l.Mi,Wright, Hatch, and K.lson .m whit., wnv.- .ir clo.s..|y.ribbeil paper; br.nvnish gum'Designs: Ten pENOE.-Pr.,lile bust portrait of .Ia..,iues Carti..r to right, nn irrmuulof horiz<mtal lines, within an .ival, col..ure,l b..r,ler, in.scribo.l with white Roman

8/13/2019 filateli 2 19/79

14 CAyADA.

cni)itals. A iilustor of leavps on tlio li'ft mid a honvov on U\o li^lit soparato tlio

upper ina('rii)tion from tlic lower ; <ross-liat(IiLMl spaiiilicls. In the uppcf S,l. sto.,

or sterling;; in llin lower 10 cy., or iiincncy, in wliito. Outer lioriler of twoplain, edloureil lines. Skven I'ENfE'knny.— The same j.nrtrait of (,)MeenVictoria as in the Twelve, I'onee of the lirst issue, witli'ii ((ildurecl oval frame,inscribed with white liIo(tk letters, the upper inscription now reading,' ianadaPACKET rosTAOK. The u|)per and lower left spandrels are inscrihed Gd. sTd., orsU^rlin-,'; and the upper and lower ri^lit spandrels .Jd. cv., or currency, all inwhite, on coloured cross-hatched f,'round. Outer border of two plain lines. JIaf-f-

PENNV.— Diadoniod profile of tjueen Victoria to left, on ground of luirizontal lines,

in oval frame, lettered with white Roman cai)ilals; reticulated spandrels; outer borderof two plain lines. Shape, small upright rectangular. {IthtxtmlimiK 11, 12, 1;J.)


(a) Wove paper.

1st April, IS'ij, UW., Prussian-lihic (shades).



2ud Juni', lHr)7, 7|il., grass-grucn (

IHth July, 1857, M., rose(

(n) Close ij-ribbed thin paper,

id., rose.

Eemark8.—T\vo sni-disant provisionals havn been chronicled ; viz., the Half-penny surcharged in black— one with an Arabic numeral 1, and the otlu r with 8d. STG. The Society can furnish no information concerning these two stamps


but supposing the surcharges to bo genuine, tiiey are probably only notifications ofinsufricicnt iwstaijc applied after tlio letters wore posted.

With regard to the portrait on the Ten Pence, tradition has always assignedit to Jacques Cartier; but in the Catalogue of the Collection of Stamps, S:c., in theMuseum at the IJorlin Post Onice, it is given as that of Sebastian Cabot. However,as the

same catalogue pronounces the portrait on the Six Pence of issue I. to bothat of Lord Elgin, it is probably equally incorrect in the former case, moreesiwcially as a writer in T/w IMifcu' P/iifaMuf for July, 1888, .says it is

identically the same as that of all the existing portraits of Jaopies Cartier, andtotally unlike those existing of Sebastian Cabot.

In the .saiiK article on Canadian Stftm/is in Tlie II<d f(u- PhiialcHst anextract from the Postmaster-Ccnerars Report for the year 18.').') is given, showingus the rcison for the i.ssiie of the Ten Pence value. It was, To promote thegeneral convenience in i>ivpaying letters to Great Ilritain at the new rat(>, postagesunups of the value of 10 pence currency, equal to 8 pence sterling, were procureilanil issued for .sale. The same article gives the following extracts from therostmaster-deiieral's Report for 18r)7 : To faciliiato the prepayment of letterspassing from Canada to England by the Canadian steamers, a new stamp l)earingthe value of fi jience sterling, or 7.} pence cu.rency, being the Can.adian Packet rate,

has been secured and put in circulation. The article goes on to say, This stampwas renilered necessary on account of the contract between the Canadian Govern-ment and the Allan Line of Steamers in regard to carrying the mails, and by whichcontract the postage reduced. The other extracts read: A now stamp hasalso been introduced of the value J penny to .serve as the modiuin for prep.iyingtransient newspapers. Moreover, the Department has been led by the increasinguse of postage stamps to take measures for obtaining the Canadian Postage Stamps

8/13/2019 filateli 2 20/79

6'.I.V.I/>,I. 15

spparntp tlio

Hil. STO.,

l'ilcl' of |W(I

(if <,>iiccu

Dvnl fraiiic,


Oil. HT(3., or

iiry, nil in

ines. Halk-

itiil linos,

(iiilcr lididi'v

1, 12, l;J.)


tlie Ilalf-

otlu r with

two .stiini|)s


fications of

ys a.s.ii;,'ned

itc, ill the


n(i I. to lio

casp, moro

.oay-s it is

Cai'tior, and

lafo/idt an


miinoto the

atp, i)o.etaf{0

e prociirpd

from the

of lettPi's

mp iKarini,'

Packet rate,

This stamp


d liy whicli

stamp has




on sheets perforated in the dividin- line in the manner adopted in ] nt;laiid, to

faeilitato the seiiaiatioii ofa siii-ie stamp from the others on a sheet when rwpiired

for use.

Issue IV. 1857.

T/iivu valued. Trevioiisly deserihed, Imt iiiachine-iierfoiatcd. (lUustnUiuns 8, 9, 13 )

(a) Luiti piijier, Pirfomtal 12.

(id., dull jnirpk'.

(n) Chaely-rihlicil thin jMiicr. I'trforakd 12.

id., rose.I

3J., vermilion,

(c) JFnvc jmpcr. I'crfnralcd 12.

Jd., ruse (shade-s)|

3d., vermilion (shades)

6d., violet-black (shades).

Hub-varklij. Perforated 13.

3d., vermiliun,

Iii:m<irJ,-i.—T]iiiSeven Pence Halfpenny, f^recn, and Ten Pence, hliip, pprforatpil,

exist in the colleetion of a well-known Parisian collector. The authenticity,however, of the perfurations appears to lie donlitfiil.

Issue V. Ist July, 1859, and 1st August, 1864.

Six values. Printed by the American liank Note Co., and consistinj,' of theprevious desi;,'iis, slij,ditly iiiodilied in order to ehan;,'e the currency from ])encp, to

cents. (t.NK Cent.— The same as the One llalfiienny, save for the alteration in

value. Two Cu.nt.i.— Almost the same desi'jn as the One Cent, but dilferin;,'

somewhat in the siiandicl.s, each of which eoiilains an oval, with Arabic numeralof value. This stamp wa.s not issued until 1st August, l«Gt. Five Cent.s.—Same design as the Three Pence, with substitutiim of the new value and numeralsof value and small ornaments between the two portions of the inscription.s.

Siiandnds cross-hatched. Te.n Cents. —Same design as the Sixpence, with substi-

tution of the new value, and the Roman numeral X in each si)an(lrel. TwelveAND A Half Cents.— Same design as the Seven Pence Halfpenny of 18. ) , withsubstitution of the new value in the spandrels only. Seventeen Cents. —Samedesign as the Ten Pence of 18.5.5, with substitution of the now value in the oval,

and in the lower spandrels. The leaves and beaver which separate the inscriptionin the Ten Pence are replaced by small oval ornaments. The jjaper of this issuevaries considerably in substance, and the perforation is 12. Shapes; small oblongrectangular for the? Five Cents ; small upright rectangular for the other five values.

{Itltutratiuns U, l. -), IG, 17, 18, 19.)

1 c, rose (sliades).

2 e., „ (shades).

.I c., veriuilidn (shades).

10 c, brown, black-brown, browii-lihic, reddish-lilac, purple (many shades).12A c, green, eniei-ald-greeii (shades).

17 c., Prussian-blue (shades).

Var dkii.—{\) The Five Cents has been met with imperforate, (d) TheFive Cents is also known cut in half and used with a Ten Cents to make up the packet rate of 12J Cents.

ENVELOPES.Two vnhiex. On paper laid obliquely, watermarked Ca aliove p.o.n.

(Canadian Post Ollice 1 )epartnient ?), in double-lined letters, repeated twice in each

8/13/2019 filateli 2 21/79

10 OA.\A/JA.

envd..i,o. Sue,^.J

x 3| inchrs. Yollc.visl, «„..,, .xtculiny nearly tl.e lonyth ofl.c lai, The staini. is oinl.,.sHc.l in the ,.1.1.1 up,,er

e.,rnt.r. DcsiKu; l)i«,l.,.nu..llieadof Queen Victoria to loft in whit, relief, on .ronn.l of «oli,l .olonr, enclosuduitlnn a_ narrow oval ban.l inseril.e, in capitals, in white relief, ca.nada10«TA0E u the to,,, an,l the value in wor,l« at the bott >n, Shape of «tan,p, Hmallupright oval. (///(w/m//'ww 20, 21.)

(a) (hi ;itllom«li-u-hiti: laiil jitnicr. FUii> ruumlcd,5 c, vermilion.

| ki e,, brown.

(u) 0„ hluM-vhik hi,l paper, t'h,, nmn puinM than in Varkty A.5 c, vermilion.

|lo ^.^^ ),ri,w„ (().

T1I1<; JJOMINION OK CANADA.Issue I. March and April, 1868.

Seven m/uex. Engraved an.l priMte.l in tait/r.luwc by th..,ank ^ote Con.pany, of Montreal an,l (Jttawa, on white wove paper, varyinffgreatly -n .ul.tanee, or on white lai.l paper; white gun,; nmehine perforate,ll2

Des.gnn: The central .leMgn i. th,. .sune in each value, an.l consists of a aiadenu,..prohle portr.a>t of Qneen Victoria to right, on baekgronn.l of horizontal lines,enclosed w. tlun a narrow circular white line. The border,., the shape of thelabels, and the position of the numerals, vary in each value. Shapes, small..pnght recta,,gular for the Half Cent, large upright rectangular for th otherSIX values. {IllMtmtkm» 22, 23, 24, 25, 20, 27, 28.)

T. CANADA roSTAOE. 1). IIAM-. C'KNT, one cent, TWO,''six, twelve AND A HAM'.


^ C, black.

1 c, brown-red (shades)

1 c, orange-yellow ( „ )

2 c., green, yellow-green( „ ).

(a) WhiU: Viivc paper.

3 c, red

(i c, brown (

12i c, blue (

15 c, lilac (


(n) U'hiU horizonhd laid paper.

1 c, brown-rod.| i c, yellow.

3 c, rod (^^hade9).

(c) ]llv lull-white nme paper,

i 0., black.

RemarU-Th. One Cent, yellow, on lai.l paper, is not known to the-Society. It IS tak..n from Ue Halifax Philatdist for July, 1888, page 74. Someof the .stamps on wove paper have been catalogued with a watermark, consisting ofvarious Icttei^. It is probable these letters are portions of the name of thepapermaker, which most lik.'ly exists in the margin of the sheets. The HalfCent, on bluish paper, is tak.-n from the sixth e.lition of M. Moons' Catuloyue.

Issue II. 1870-1874.

Fivevaum. Engraved nn.l printe.l in tallk-dowc by the British-AmericanLank ^ote Company on white wove paper, varying in substance; white ^i-m •

.nacl.ine perforated 12. Tlie entire .sheets contain 100 stamps, each in ten rowsof ten. The size of the stamps and the designs are similar to that of the HalfCent of the preceding issue, except as regards the bor.lers of the stamps, which

8/13/2019 filateli 2 22/79


io IcDsth of

: Diiulciiu'd

ur, L'iu:los( il

aS, CANADAslaiiip, smuli


Amciicanur, varying

'if(jiatc(l 12.

u Jiadunicd

tal liui's,

hape of tho

apes, small

tiiu oliict


wn to the

74. Sonic

onsiHting of

nio of tliu

The Half



white gum;

n ten rows

f the Half

ps, which

(liffer for each value. Tlie Six Cents was not issued until .lanuaiy, XXVl; whilethe Ten Cents did not niakc its appeiiranci until the end of 1871. (Illiuitratwiin

29, 30, ai, 32, 33.)

1 c, orange, yellow (sliiwles),

2 c, green, yellow-gruen (shades).

3 0., vurmilioii, red, rose, Veruiiliun-red (shades).c., brown (sliiuleH),

10 c, lilac-rose (shades).


(a) 3 c, iniperrcjrate.

(n) -Ic, perf. 13jxl2.

RamirK-ii.—Tho IlaH/ax Ph lHtd l, in its nuniher for Fehruary, If^S', mentionsthat the Three Cents exists in very dark hrown, almost black. TIk' speeimi'ii seenwas unused, and purchased among others from the Post Oflicc. Probably the chan-eill colour is due to oxidation, or some other accidental cause.

Issue III. 1875-1876.

Oiw Vdlm. Similar in design to the stamps of the two last i.ssucs. Thestamp first npiK-ared on Octol)er 1st, 1875, with large dimensions, like those ofIssue I.; but in March, 1876, the size was reduced to that of the stanii)s ofIssue II. The perforation of both varieties is 12. {Illuntratioiw 3i, 35.)

(a) Lanje ske,

5 c, bronze-green (shades),

(n) Small eke.

5 c, bronze-green (shades).

Issue IV. 1877-1880.

Oiic mine. Tho Fifteen Cents of Issue I. printed in modilictl colours. Theperforation remains 12. (IllustratiuH 28.)

January, 1877. 15 c, grey-violet (shades).

End 1880. 15 c, slate( „ ).

Issue V. July, 1882.

One value. A Half Cent .stamp of similar design to that of Issue I., butof much smaller dimensions; printed ui)oii white wove ikiiwt, and [icrforated 12,The stiimp was produced by tho same firm as the preceding issues, and tho sheeteontttius 100 stamps, in ten rows of ten, as before. {Illustration 36.)

I c, black.

Issue VI 1888,

T/iree values. Consisting of the Two and Ten Cents, Issue II,, and theFive Cents, issued in March, 1876, with the colours modified. The Two Centswas described in the Philatelic journals of the above year as printed from anew die, but on comparing the stamp carefully with that first issued, no alterationcan be discovered in the design. (Illustrations 30, 35, 33.)

2 c, emerald-green (shades).

5 c., greenish -grey ( „ ).

10 c., carmine-red ( „ ).

8/13/2019 filateli 2 23/79

18 <JAX.\/>A.

with i.KTTiiii «r.\Mi',

in tliu ujipui' cunit'r.s.

REGISTKATION STAMPS.Issue I. November 15th, 1875.

nnr valuer. Kn^.av.., „„,1 print,., in Ml/r., ,,,,,., l,,y tlio l riti«l..Aincricanl.,.nk JN„t,. C,.. uii whit.. w,.vo imiH.r; whit, Ktini ; iimuhinc-|M.if,„at..,I ]2. D.M.r,,.

al. enKino-tUMK., rartnur/,,; with .sn.ll.,,.,., ...,1«..« ;tt t,.|. ,,..,1 h„tt, and with'

valiR. II, f„ll, at th,. lw„ ,.,uk S,„all sfai^-ht iah.. ah„v. in«cril,.,l caxa..a-lar^c ,M,rv..,l lal„.l in cw, ,,., with liiCMSTK.u;,,, a.ul «n,alic... cuivcl hihul h«i„w,

' '''' ' K'<nian cai.itals. Larg,. Aialjic nuinural of vuluo

«haiH., iianuw „hl„n, , ivctangiilar. {Il/u.ilraliuu 37.)

2 ,. '., uran.vfu-vi.rniiMiin (sliailus).

•2 c, brown (ciriii' /).

2 c, vciiiiiHiin-ri/,1, 18HS( „ ).

.'> c, gri'en, yi'llow-Kreon( „ ).

8 c, bhie, dark liliie ( „ ),

y<tndii. c, (,'rcen,iniiicrlorrttc.

7?p/»a//x— Tho I'i-ht CVnts was withdrawn fr„ni circulation in January, 1S78

i 'l T,r'r^'iiniicrforatc i« taken from T/w Ilali/ax Philatelist for i\o'vcn>l«.r,

1888 regard to the much .l-'sputed Two Cents, l,r„wn, the n.cmh,.rs of the.Soe.ety thnik tl>ey cannot do l,ctter thati rcpro.iu,.. h,.re the interesting articleimblishud m the abovu-menti,mc.,l paper for January, 1888, upon this stamp.


in )h','.'''lv,? '

i ' '^' .'^ ' ,' VJi''^ ''ti ». i'^ It tl'i« ti'Hi^ mentioned frciuently

n ,i i 1 ,;i'; T'i '' • •'' '' ' '^ l'>'hli,.ations. As there .seen.s' to bon>„U,,,l,l,. lonht as to th,; origin, an,l as I was in tlie main instrumental in

1';:;:; :::; il;ir^.;b,2';, 'K;;'-

''^- ^ '--^ ^^^^ '« ^^^ «. infom^ti^

frm„ <},'

^t'- '. r; ' ' ,''^'^ '•^'' ^^'''''> I »''^ '*''o«'» i' rogistorcl letter received

frmu Ml cou Ligh liouse l-ost-olli.,., in Xew IJrunswick. It liad a urown TwoUnt registration s amp on it-a ,.|ear unmistakal.le ,lark brown. I immcdiatelvwrote the pos n.aster there for information relative to them. He ans ai dai,l that he ha, twenty-three ,m ban, ; that he had or ginally rec •

fi Vum the 1 o.s Olhce Vpartment at Ottawa; an.l that they were , ,owx\Sr,.eive,l them This h,. .state.l I then sent to bin for th mon y ;i::;u;iJr '

' •*' '• ' ^ ^ '' ^^™ ^ '- ' - ^'-t i - i-u

Th,«o stamps I sl,ow,...l to ,sev,.r,d i,hilatelists, aii,l ,.oul,l n,H -et two to

S al \i 'v,i7 ' m 'If' ' '' '' ' '^ ' '• 'Atmosphere froi,

IC V o : ^.

•'''' ''' , ' •'' ''• ''• J tl'c meantime Mr. F. C.Kaye came a,-r,.ss another nrgisterd letter with bniwn registration stamn Tl^^tunc It was from the Post-otlice of New Ross, in Lunenburg S Xs' Frimthis ofhc al,out fifty were ol,taine,I. The postmaster at this office was doIK^sitive ..s to having receive.l them from the IVpartment at ( )ttawa in I r,,w



ohj,.cions were raise,l to those as to the others, as to whether they we nuspnnts or not. In this .'as,, the atmosph, of salt water was m.ttle

colour. It ,s peculiar we ,lo not get more of th,.m. Changes by chemical mea

re aso tr,e,l. The .my thing which woul.l turn the red of tl e ge ui ecolour to brown was sulphuric aci.l mixe.l with water, an.l this did not Xo ago..d clear colour, having a somewhat greyish sliade in it. Tli,.se experiments

™.^e rr,:;irr ;', tr ' ' '•'' s- —- An.i ..ow as if 't^r ;;:;£assurance in i,.gar.l t,. their g.muniencss more sur.-, w.. lin.l a tliir.I I'ost-ollice

8/13/2019 filateli 2 24/79



ll>. l)(',sl;,'li:

lalii 1.1, Willi

CANADA;liil)(;l liulmv,

jral of value


mary, ll<78.


T.s of thu

ig aiticlo


with thon.. This was l ,.a„ly, in AMti,L;n„ish Co., N.S. Thnv, hnuvv.ronly SIX ivccivnl fi'oni IIiimv. Ih,.

|,„s|i„„si,.i. hml tlir samo stu.v as th.' o||i,.,.s-hc liii.l ivicivc'l them from the Hciiartiiiciit at ( Utawa in a lu'own roloiu'.

Afl.T ira.liii- this, 1 ,|o Mut ihiMJc IJiat any icasoMal.ic-niiii.l,., i„.,s..n williloiilit tlicir gi'iaiiiii'iii'ss.

Tho ])..partn.i,.nt at ( Htawa was wiitt.n t,. in n-ar,l (o tj,..,,,, l,„t n, „,,sto 1.0 rxinTtwl, knew nothm- of them whatsofvci'. No ,loiil,t if they lia.l l».,.nsi'i'ii tlu'y woiilil not havi' liccii allowed to Iip issucl to the [lulilic,

W(. ,lo not ,lony that liino ,lo,.s chan, ,.. th,. colour in stamps, hut withthoso wo .lo not think that it lia.l anything' to ,lo. A frirml of „l,rs inh.rm..,us that in looking ovr a lot of ,,1,1 L.ttcrs wlii.-h ]„. |,a,l tak.n out of a trunkami wh„_h ha,l not 1,,.,., o,H.m.,l f„r s,.v,.ral y,.ais, h,. foiwal amon,- thnn severalre«lsten.,l letters,,,,,,. w,th Ih,. Iwo Cent ,v,;isl,ati,„, stan,], ahaost a hiaek, all theotl„.,s l,av,„K t],e,r nonnal eolou,'. With ,|„,. e„nsi, ,,.ati„„ a„,l ,l,.f,,v„,,. to l„.it,T,)ml-es thai, myst'lf 1 hav,. no ,l,M,l,t in sayin- that it is my (in,, l„.li„f that th,,s,.Caniula Iwo ( .nt, hi„wn, ,'ej-istniti,,n stamps are a {enuine ,msp,Miit.

DoXAi.iiA. Kino.

The momhers havo not had an opportunity (,f exnminin- any of the speeimeiisreferre, to in M,.. Kind's pape,', so th,.y a„. nnahh' to f,Mve nn opinion ,ii,oii themAt the san,e time it shouM he atnte.l that copie.s of this stamp are frccpiently metwith showing ti'acos of oxi.lation ; some ehaiiKod completely to l.rowi, or even l,ln.kin colour. It seoma theref,irc prohahle that the specimens de.scrihed l.y Mr. Kin-may he refciTcl to the same eate^jory.



seems to hoineutal in


er received

nitoWN Twoiinincdiatcly

swered andceived fifty

iiowN Avhen

for them,I received

get two to

o the gum,re from

^fr. F. C.

mp, thisS. From

was also

in brown,tlioy were

was not the

changingl meanse genuinenot give a


to i,,ake



The stamp in shape is a large ohiong rectangular, printcl in lnm,-,ln>i<-f „|m nwhite wove ijajwr, and perforated 12. The design consists ,,f a straight lal„lof solid colour inscribed, in white block letters, oiFinAt.i.v; ab,,ve this arethe words POST ofhce (JAVAnA, in a curvcl line; ami below the label deauLETTER OFFICE, also in a ,M,rve, both inscriptions b,.ing in sn.all cohaired Romancajiitals. The rest of the design is compo.sed of eiigine-tuniing, with orname),ts ofa tref,,il I'haracter in the four corners. (Illn-ttmliim 'M<.)

Without exprcsseil value ; ,lark reil-liinwii.

liriiiail{.<.—i:\\K only information the .Society can give almut this stamp iscontained in an nrtielo in The Uulifax Phllatelid for DiTembn,-, 18,^7, which isrei)ro,liiced lioiv for thi' b, lit ,if those ,'ollect,,rs who „,ay not have seen' it.

THE 'OFFICIALLY SEALED DEAU LETTER OFFICE STAMP OF CANADA. While en,leavouring to afl'onl some information about tlios,. intcestin ai„l

handsomi. ailliesives (.manating only fro,,, the ])ea,I Letter Oflice at Ottawa 1 nMr,vtbeing unable to give all their history or ch,T,i,oIogy.


sai,l l,e,e ti,e winterhas gaine.l his kn,)wle,lge by observation and exporienco. Doubtless thee areothers who can speak of i„altei-s connected with tlies, stamps which the writerknows nothing of. In the first place they a,e scarce, very, which is to be accounte.lfor when we consnler the manner of their use. They are never foun.l on LocalI)ead Letters, regi.stered or nnregisteivd. What have been seen here have all comefrom the United Slates, aii,l always on returned dead registered letters. I di-Jcovere,lthe manner of their us,. ,p,ite accid,.,itally. A fricn.l who travels in Canada for aI nited States llriu show(.,l me a l,.tt(.r which l,a,l been n.turncd to his addre^^s inMichigan, a„,l which he had p,>sted in Canada for a Cana,lian aildress, an.l r<.<'ist >red •

8/13/2019 filateli 2 25/79

8/13/2019 filateli 2 26/79

viTccl tii piirty

iM'iiif,' opened tor Ollici' Ciowiiill tlicii K'lit (III

mill cxliiliitcd

nted in lirowii,


C. V. A.

; yullowish

The staini)


band iiiHcrilHMl

d tlie value iii

nn '3'J, 10.)

t tlie Hap is

in tint,

the cards of

ufi, or lilack

Groat liritain

niKLEs in

hv* merely

t.'AXAltA. 31


Issue I. May, 1875, to end 1881,

Ow vulur. On lij.lit Imir ami yell,,wisii.«|,it,; wove iiinvaleriimrkeil paper.Till' itiinip i.i inipie,M«ed at the ri-lit nide of the wrapper, ahout two and ii lialfinelies fnmi the top, I)e,si-u ; Diademed piolile of t,>iioeu Victoriii to ri«ht \\\M\11 hai-kKioMiid of horizontal liiic.i, eiielo.sud within lui oval l.aiid of solid colourcontained hetweeii two white liiicH, the inner one of whieli ha.s ornaments runninground the central oval. The liaiid is in.scrihed in Roman eapilals canaiia mistaokabove, and oNli cu.NT l.elnw. At citlier side, between the two iM.seri|.tioMs, arcHniall eircles eontainiiij,' a fancy Arabic numeral of Value, Altove and below thecircles are conventional ornaments, and beneath the bottom ones a small Maltesecross, ShajK) of stump, an uiirisht oval. The wrapjiers are xmiiim^d at the reverseside in a straight line ulon;,' the lop. The },'um used is brown or white in colour,and the ipiantity employed varies ^icatly in dillurcnt si.cciliiuna. Two sizes of tli


wiajiipers are known, {n/iix/niliuu 11.)

Ste A. i'i''„x.'> inchcu.

I C, dark blue.

tshe 11. 11x5 7WiM. (Kml 1881.)

1 c, blue (li(,'lit to (lark).

Varidij, With the stamp priiileil to left. (May, 187H,)

1 c, dark blue.

nriii'ir/.y.—Th- band with stami. to left is taken from T/tc Hij-di Edlliim ofM. Morns' Ca/al(HjHe, where the si.e is given as -. JO x 105 mm. This variety is

unknown to the members of the Society.

Issue II. 1882.

One value. On liyht buff, straw, or cream-coloured wove un vatcrniarkcd

paper. Si/;e, 11x5 inches, varying slightly in the dimensions. The stamp i.s

impressed in a similar position to that found on Issue I., and the design is aniodilication of the type of that issue. The principal alterations made are foundin the circles at the sides containing the numeral of value. These have now noornaments at the top ; while those at the bottom, with the Maltese cro,, arereplaced by other conventional ornaments of a diilerent pattern. The central ovalof the stamp has no ornaMients running round it. {I /I net ml ion 12.)

(a) Uii light huff paper. I (u) On straio paper.

1 c, pale blue.| i c, blue (shades). .

(c) On cream paper.

1 c, rdtraniariue (shade >).

Issue III. 1887.

One vuliw. (3n cream or straw wove un watermarked paper, of the samedimensions as the preceding issue. The design of the stamp is once again modilied.It is more like that found on th( wrapiier of Issue I., but there is no wavy linoround the interior of the oval, and the numeral of value in the circles has a whiteline at either side of the ligure. {lUuntratiun i:i.)

(a) On cream paper.

1 e., ultraniariiiu (shades).

(n) (Jn straw paper.

1 c, ultramarine (shades).

8/13/2019 filateli 2 27/79

V.\ V.l/>.l.

OFFICIAL WRAiPPER.on, , ./. >.mM.ilMK f thu wmpiH.c „f IsMu r., Hw A, will, ms,.n|,t,un

to thu Ui „f III.. Htaiii|. in thivc lin.M ;,,. f„ll„ws : Mist, imam, iikvkmk,CANADA, ill fmicy IfttiTM, with Llipitui illilii.lH; Ki.,..,li,|, WKKIIITH * .MKAriUltKHSKHVU'E, in tall thin Un„mii .:,|.italH; lUM, (>Jli''i'</ V,W»hi>; in italiu .L.tlcr-.Tln^rf I. an mnanimtal wavy lii„. l, 11.. lii«l an<l seciM, and h......i„1 aiM

lm.l liii.... Luwor .lown to loft i. tlu, w,.r,l to, fullowiul l.y tw„ nilcl «tiai;.hlIm..., tl„. l„,u.,iii „n.. liHiiK Hoin.Mvlmt .sl„„t.T lliun IIm- ull„.i'. ilHunill. llnsr tho a,l,l,VH« is tlio fnll„winj. nnti,,., Tl.i. l,aiM is to 1„. i,H,..l on ll.r Mair.styVH.TV.™ only, an.l havo no wiitin^ lln.n.on l.ut tlic naiiir aial a.l.hvM.At tlir top of tliu wiappiT the ciuivali'lit I'V.ilich tlans|ati,.n of th,. pir, ...lili.-

T'' '^ ' «iv . TlK. uhol,. of tl... kw'n.l iH ,„int.,l in hhu., of a lij^hl«

Mliaik' than the stamp. {lllH-<lntt ,m H.)

I c, ilaik MiU'.

lli>mi,U~T\w wiapp..|s of Issues I. and II. aro foiin.l with the sl.mip8ur.har«..(l aiross the ..fntiv with the wonl oi'I'Iciai, or hkuvicu, in hhi.kor l.lue ink. ,See the iviiiiiiks appen,le,| to Issu,. III. of the eliVeh.pes.

POST CARDS.Issue I, June(?), ipvi

n«. m/.... I.esi.,„.,l ,„„1 , ,, in te ,l l .y the IJlitish-Anielican liauk NoloCompany upon li^ht hull eanl; si>, .,^1.;, i„,|,.„, ^, t,,., , ,„.^ ^^^.^ ,.,^,^of IMscnptlon. I'llst, CANAMA fOHT eAKh, in Koma.l eapitrls; se..,,,, , TinsAnDKKss ONU- TO m winmcN ox rins .s,i„,, in l,loek h.tteis. Lowe. ,lown are

hire n>le,l lines, ,liminishi„^, in h.nj;th,an.l the lirst is hea.le.l l,y the word to in

aney .script tyi- Hetween the lin.. ami the frame at the bottom of the eani,the centre .. IlntLsh-Aiiieriean liai.k Xote Co., Montreal ami ( .ttawa, in small

^M.. The stamp I. „ the upper , „rner. l,e..i,n ; Diademed heu.l of (.M.een\.c*.na toM.d.t, upon .round of horizontal liiie.s, within a dotted circle, which issurrou.. .d hy an ornamental frame. The corners are lilkd in with horizontal

lies, and in the cc.,tre . each is a small tridohed (l.ure with three halls within atl.cle.


At he bottom of th.. stamp is a straight laliel of ,s„li,l colour, with roun 'I, .ns,.r, one ac.Nr, in H >n .apitals. The canl is comnlete.l 1,y „,en,,ncdnrned

;size, n x - ineh..s. Th.. iiis,.ription and the khel of L,,.

at the hottom of the stamp are in darker .olour than the rest of the design. TIk-canls an. separate, on th.. hy thin ....loured lines running the w ..,le lengthof the canls. (Il/un/ratiim H.)

1 c., pale t.) dc.'p hliic.

Isstib IL 1876.

Onovuhw. '. .;.a' .o is ; I., hut the inscripth.n at the )),jtt,.m .,f th.. car.lIS altered to .tk..

.|, ,..„, Dank Note C..., Monfval, and the cards ares..parated on . ., -,.,; I,, „hort lines .i . ,Ln,r at the centre of the shies of thecards. {IilustKi'i'n, W.)

1 c., pale to deep blue.


8/13/2019 filateli 2 28/79

with iiiMi rj|>ll<<n



in iiulii; .IcttiTH.

iiiiil ki'ciiikI mill

twd nili'd Mtriiinlit

cilllr llicxc Ii||l.'r4

mi III .Miiji'sly'H

mill iiililrcM.

(if tilt' jirciiMliii;,'

io, uf a lighter

with the sliinip

UVICK, ill Muck

Hunk Xntcail' twii liiu'N

si'i'iiiid, tiik

Liiwi'i ilciwii lire

woiil lo ill

nf till' raid,

Ottawa, in small

lii'ail of (jtiii'iii

cil'i:lr, which is

with liiirizontal

lialls wilhiii a

with ii.iiii 1 I

iiiili'tiMl liy Mil

lahcl of \ ,',1^

he dcsiii;n. Thi

e whole lciij,'tli

m of the card

till' cards aro

he silk's of tlio


iMue III. iHt January, 1877.


Oh.' r„h„: I »,'si;-ncd ami |aiMl,d l.v Ih,. l'anl.aiik Not..

^' •' •V • J^l ' ' ' ' '•'•; -iV . I.'„ •' iiHlii's. The iiLiription is in f„„rliricH at thi' top of the card, Kir, , ,sssu., x.^t i.m.i., in on,,- ntal Kmnan' l '';' ' '• ': '' ' '; 'l'i l. 'M'K ' KIN in italic Ijomaii capitals,f.mith, rm.: ahmukm omv, .Ve., in l,|oi U h'llers. Lower down ro, i,, fancyHcnpl type, mid three dnlled lines (or III Iilress, At III.' ceiilre of tile card at the' 'ttoiii, in small type, is ' llrilish-Ameiican Hank Note Co,, Moiilreal Theslaiiip is in the riyht nppei rner. Design.. T lesion resemhh's the s'tanip onIssiie T., l.nt Uie c.r. I coniainiii^; Ihe head is em losed hy a plain line. The corner. '' 'l.llcieiitly lllh'd in. and the lahel of v.dae is mm,, or.mmenled. The frame of^' ^' ' ' il''«' l f ll.ree-ipiarler disc.., will, lai'Ker orn; nis o| a dilleicntnature at the four corne,.; size, (;>, x 0;> inches. Ulhirhalim, ».\)

2 c., yelln«-.„.iv,n (diaile,.).

Issue IV. July (7), 1870.Ono vah. Similar in all le-pecls to the last is,sne, except nn roKards tlio

inscriptiiai and stamp. The inscription is in three lines, as follow,.- 1st union-.•..STALE UNiVKi,sKi...F., oach Word commencing; ^vilh a caiatal ; M

'ANADA r..sT ,'Ani,, In Hmnm. capital.s, ihe initial letter of .'a.'l. wonl l,..i„Jlu liH'Kcr typ.. than the rest; 3ril, tiik A.n.iirxs oni.v,' .Vc., (,, |,i„,k l,.t,„,,.Ihe stamp 1.S larf,'i'r, aMd ahove and helow the circlo .MintainiiiK th.' head are snr.ll

arched lahcls of ..olid colour, inscrihcd i'anada and iwr.'Ann rcpectivdv inKoiiian capitals. The l.ihel .'.mtaiiiii,„ the value is larger, and tli,' remainder ofthe design is dill'erint. (f/tiistm/inn Ki.)

i c, ycll(nv-.;i'ceii (shades).

Issue V. June, 1882.

One value. Imiaeased upon light huff card. Size,.T,V- x 2^% inclios. At thetop of the card is an archd scroll, inscrihed ian-ada post f'Ani., in coloured

Komaii ,'apitals; ami helow thi.s, in a straight line measuring -J'.' inche. tiikAimiUiSS TO nE WHITTEN ...v this si|,|.;, i,, Mock letters. The stamp, type i.f thaton the wraiMinr nf Issue II,, is phiccd iu the right upper corner. The ..ird iswithout flame. (If/iii/mfini, 47,)

1 c, ultram.irine («liailes),

' •- ''I' '( „ ).

Issue VI. 1888.

IIho r„h,o. I'rinted upon light hull card as la,4, hut the staini, is n'placed hy

Ione of the ..ame type as tlial found ..u the wrapper of I.s..ue I.

I c., Mae.

UomaH.-^.~nn. cud has m„ l,ee„ s,.ei. hy the Society. It is taken from the

third .supplement in M. Mo.'ii.s' Catahigue.

Issue VH 1888.

One ruluK Improased upon light Lull' caid, like the previous issue; hut thei^tanip IS similar in type to that found upon the wrapiiers of Issue III. The line ofdirection.-., TiiK Ani.iiKss to v.v. wiiitte.v ,..v this sidk, measures only 2? inches{I II Ml ml Ion 48.) ,,,/,, V

1 c, Mile (shnilcs),

8/13/2019 filateli 2 29/79



varictTorurot 7\ ''T\ ' '' ' '''' ' • ''' '^^ -'-'^ - thev

s z^ ^c:::'..

:;t %t''^^'-^^ t.. t.,,, of u. ...»

,.. 1 • ,; 7 ^ ^°^^ ^^^ ' I'lii™ f IAN-ADA POSTAGE. Tlip rci)Iv fimi

of tla.o canls ..s known to the Society, an.l their exi.sten<:c .i„... l.eel. .lenie.l.

REPLY PAID CARDS.Issue I. December 20th, 1882.

Oue vaJne. Precisely sin.ilnr to the sinj-lo card of Lssuo V, except that thecon half ha. the wonl nKP.v in block letters heneath the . r. 11 'x ..are fohlcd alon. the to,, and the design i. in,,re..e,l upon the f.r.t and third ^..1 c. + 1 c, slate-blue.

Issue II. 1885.

1 c. + 1 c, slato-bluc.

Issue in. 1888.

0«6 ««te Cori-esponding in all respects to Issue VII. of t ie single cards.

th'd lis''° '' ' '' '' '' ' '''^'^' '^ P--^^ 1- tl.e lir.t and

1 c. + 1 c, greenish-black.


r.JJ \^ ^ •' ', ' ^'''' ^ ''^' ^«''''«^« O^/^'- f i' otifyi-'S to the.?.m« the amval of a package liable to duty. A notice fonn is prh.ted at

Id l^lt^f ; ;^'' ''\r ^«i--« ' '' ^- - 1-ticulars to I inserted

Jiand. The face of the card has nothing whatever upon it.

Without expressed value. Black on buff.

i?«»«,-^-,s..-The cards of Issue V. are met with, with the stan.p surcharged« oPncA. or «Knv.CE, Ac. &c. ; but, as stated in the ren.arks after ^ssluTrhe envelopes, the surcharges are in no way official.

8/13/2019 filateli 2 30/79

(Icpcrilipil another

toi) of tlie slam})

Tli(> reply uanl

e stninp. Ni^itlier

e iieen deniuil.

NEW BRUNSWICK.except that tlio

scriilh The cardy

and thinl pages.

osseil in the left

the single cards


neath the scnili.

on the first and

notifying to the

printed at the

be inserted by

mp surcharged

r Issue 111. of



IST^^-o^'^^ '^''''^^'^*^^^

'' '' •'''''^'^ between 45'.')' and 48 5' N. lat., and G3'47','in.l-L^ 67° 5.3' W. long.

; it.q area is about 27,105 s-piare milo.s. It is connected withNova Scotia by a low isthmus. Xew Brunswick, in tlie early part of the last centurybelonged to the French, and M-as called by them \ew France. At the peace of1763 New lirunswiek, with the rest of Canada, was ceded by Franco to tJreatBritain, and was annexed to Nova Scotia until 1785, when it ^ras erected into aseparate colony. It was first colonized liy IJritish sulyccts in 1701, and in 1783 bydisbanded troops from Now England.

Wo learn from the following notice, wliiuh appeared in The Itoi/al Ocao/fr,published at Frcdericton, New Brunswick, on Septomber 10th, 1851, that theintroduction of postage stamps into this colony took place on September 6lhof that year

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. A SUPPLY of POSTAGE STAMPS lias been received from England, and will lie

on sale at this ollice on and after Friday next, the Gth Septemlwr. Tlicy areof the respective colours and values as under ; viz.


'^ 'e* . ... Three Pence.yellow . . . . Six Pence.

i'i '( . ... One Shilling.

Supplies will be innncdiately forwarded to all Postmasters throughnutthe Province, and through them to the Way Ollice Keepers, from whoni thePublic will he able to obtain them at cost prices in any quantities they mayre(iuire.

N.B.— The postage stamps should be adixed to the /cice, or directionBide of the Letter, at the right hand upper corner.

(Signeil) J. Howe, Postiimster-llenend.

General Post OFriei:, Sr. John, is/ SVplcmhn; IS.'il.''

Besides giving us the exact day the stamps came into use, the above notice is

interesting as proving which shade of the One Shilling was first issued. Onewouhl hardly rail any of the stamp.'* of this value j,hil,; as ollieially designate.l, Imtthe majority of tliem are a pinkish-mauve; ami these were undoubtedly the stampsreferred to in the notice, while the darker shades of mauve, or dull vhdct, are thoseof later printings.

8/13/2019 filateli 2 31/79


26 iVA'ir JiiirxswicK,

Tl,,. R.port of ,1,,. ]-nsl,nnstr,..(;,.,H.ral „f (;„,„, ] ritain for U'u imm<Mill, a l,s( „f Ih. Postal r,,t,.s of ||„.(;„l„„v in f,

'1 iMislai^c staiii)is. It say.-

'irn' at the time of the introduction

''In l-' -J^ an, LS51 measures wore- .sucvo...siv.Iy inlrn,h„e,l l„r theI'^tabhsliiiaait ol a low rate of iiostaj^e.

On r.ell(TS not exceclin- § oz. .. , ;j,|

Above A oz. and not exceeding' 1 t,z.



And ..0 on, 3.1. bcin,L; char-od lor every additional i oz.

There is ,,n additional el,ar,'e of M. (li currency () each on Lelter.s^ ;M,ve,.ed a. M. ,r„hn and iMvderieton, the only places where carriers

are cnijiloyed.

Newsiiaptrs are conveyed free.

On Books, &c., the charge i. as follows, prepayment bein,^ con.pnlsory :

For a sin-le volume, not exceeding i lb. in wei lit 7J,1

Above 4 lb. and not e.xceedin},' 1 lb.



j, g,,'

Above 1 lb. and not exceeding 2 lbs..


gs.' ea.'

And .so on, according to the English scale of weight.

Mr. John Howe lield (he position of Postmaster-General until May 3011. IS.IGMd,on an Act eamo into force which made the ollice a political one. Mr. Franci^M ll.ehm was then appointed in his place, and Mr. Howe became Postmaster of

<m June Ml,]

,s.,, ,

.nd was succeeded by .Mr. John Mercer Johnson, jun. The latterres.gne, on --^'' Jnd, IS.',,-^, w],en Mr. Charles Connell to,.k olli.;.. Mr. Connellvs..ned on May 19.1,, 18,i0, and was suc^ceeded by Mr. Jan.e.s Mr. AS1 hn.r was the Po.stn,aster of f.-rederieton during these and .several future years. Mr(Stephen J ,s the present Inspector of Post-oliices, and Mr. E. Willis the Post-mster at St. John As many eolleetor.s are aware, all three stan,ps of

the iirst i.ssuea c found cut „, two, d.agonally, and „,,ed for half their original values. ThoIhree lence is also known cut in half, parallel to one of the sides of the stamp;and tho S^ 1 enco ex.sts divided into four triangular pieces, each part hei,-:u ed as a T ree Halfpenny s,an,p, in conjunction witl, a whole Si.x Penn •, to nuak^up tb postal rae of 7^1. I have been unable to hn.l any olbeial' notice iny « Lo,„ a,a.,e autl.or,z,ng the use of any of these n.utilatod stau.p. ; l,ut

... n.terestn.gart,ch, pubhshed in ri,c PlulaHic R,.-or,l for October, 1880 eiearlyshows the rea,son for th.. bisection of the Three Pence. As the article pointsout no half ,spee,n,en of this value is known used by it.self, but, tho variety.s always found obht.Maled in connection with otl„.r Three Pennies or a Six P..nnvstan,p n,,. |,ape,Mhen goes on lo say the ],alf was used to n.ake upthe h.tter rale to Lngland, which was (id. ste.ling the >- ounce, eoual to T-d<M.rren,.y, or for letters forwanh. an the United States Jnd liritish I'acket, M.^te..l,„g, e,p,al to lOd. currency.

I have found out (hat the f,.,a„er rate was in

irf? '^.i^^'^''^' '' '- ' ^ '^ ' ' ' ' ''''> ' ^ ' - -' ^' ' l ' vi'ms to

that (latr. The latter rate came ii,to opcalion on January ls(, 1S57 l esid..s theletter rates to England, we learn from the following notice', published in Th. J^a/Oa,,ie for September Ifitl,, IS. ;;, that two „f the new rates on Pamphl.'ts...<'..tu,ned theren,, could only be made up by using half (he Three Pennv stanmwill, some of the other values.


8/13/2019 filateli 2 32/79

LS; )? fiiniislifs iis

of the iiitroduutioii

for tliu

. (i.l.

on LotU-rs

tlur carriers




:\riiy 3011,, ]85G,

ne. Sir. Francis

Postmaster of

ri'sii-ncl oWU-,:

jini. Tlu; latter

yir. Coniu'll

. Jfr. A. S.

uture year.s. Jfr.

-Willis the Post-

ofthe lirst issuevalues. Tlio

of the stani]);

each part being

Penny, to makeflieial notice in

.stamps; hut

1880, clearly

ai'ticle point.i

but the variety

or a Si.x ]'i>nny

to make upecjual to 7,1,1.

Piicket, 8,1.

r rat,' was in

ime previous to

Desiiles the

in T/ii> li'ii/aJ

on Pamphlet.s,

Penny stamp

.v/;ir isiiUNswnjK. , 27


On a,„l after tli,. first ,lay „r next the Inilowin- will be the rateson lamphL^ts sunt ln,m New Bruiiswiuk t,j tJreat liritain, viA llalilii.x ; vi^. :

For a I'a.ket, not e.veeedin;,' 4 oiniccs in wei-lif, ;j,l. Sterling, iA. Currency.For a I'a.'ket e.\cecilin- 4 ounces au,l not exceedin- half a pound, Ud

bterbn;,', 7*, . Currency.

For a I'acket e.xceclin- half a pound an.l not exceedin- one pound Ishterlnij,'. Is. ;id. Currency.

For a Packet exccclin- one jHjund an, not exceedin- one pouiul and ahall, is. („l. Stcrlin.i;, Is. liij.d. Currency.

For a Packet excce.lin- one pouu,l and a half an,l nut excce.lin- twopounds, is. Slerlin.L,', is. (i,l. Currency.

An,l .so on increasiuf. seven pence hallpenny Currency lor every additionalha pouml or Iracl.en of half pound. From the same ,lale printcl or

lieyulations of the Colonial iJook Post.

(Si-ncl) .1. Jr. Johnson, .Ir., I'o.lmader-Gciicml. r„;N|.:i Ai, I'.isT OrncK, F'roN, Uf/i ^pL, 1857. is no stipulation that th.. ab.v.. rates must n.^cessarily be pr,.pai,l an,lhave no ,„ubt fron. the Cdlowin, notice, which was published in th /y J,.lal Ln,.l. for October 1st, 18.59, that eorrespon,l,mce between the Unite,K.n,do,u an, all th,. North An„.rican Cd.mies was fre,p,e,dly forwar.led eiwholly or oidy partly prepai.l from both si,les.

NOVA SCOTIA, N1-:W BRUNSWICIv, AND NEWFOUNULANU Lettkus for Nova Scotia, New liruuswick, and Newlmn„llan,l, if p,.te,lu .pa..l, or n,su luaently prepaid, are now charged on ,leliverv w ,h a I neot (id. each m a.lditi.ju t,i the posta.-e.


A similar noti,.e ha.l pr,.viously appeare.l in th,. /'„./,,/,;,i,l, with reference

KlwanfMam;' ' '''' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ^ '^ ^ ^ l' '-

This a,l,lition of a lin,. ,d' Cnl. upon unpai.l or insuiliciently pr,.pai,I letterswo„l,l naturally cans.. sen,„.rs to be anxious to see their ..orr,.s,,on lem.o pre I ^an,pe,l, an,l eonse,,uently a ,,oo,l n,any n.or.. cut stan,ps wouhl be r,.,p,ir,.,l .f,,,^the appearance of tln.s notice, which no ,l,a,bt was publish,., in New Prunswickhe same as ,n th.s counf^ We sh,ud,l ,heref„re exp,.ct to ,in,l a ,r,.ater nund.rof l.,.lf Three Ponnys postmarlaM after (),.t,d„.r 1st, 18.-, ), than pr,.vi,M,sly t,. that

.late. As regar,ls the bisection of the ,Six P..ncc an,l On,. Shilling values there

.-,. no he san,e rai.on .IVfro ; but the varieties an- p,.,d,ably ,lue to one .r jl.rhapsboth of causes: („) The public the Three P,.neo was allow... t„


useil in this wa- ' . . . .se, m his way, may have ..onchule.l th,. two other .stamps nnVht b,.,l, ami n„t bavin, th,. value by tl.m tlu.y r..,pdr..,l ^t the m.u fmnufa, ur,.. ,t

out of e,th,.r the .Six Pen..c or On.. Shilli„,, (,,) Or it may l.'...U -nan. Post-o,li..os fell sh.a^t of Thr,.,. P,.nny au,l Six Pe m- stamp ,„

JJ.ue.lth,. halv..s .,f the two bio,,,,, ,,,,„„ ,„,„,,i,.„„„^. ,„„., ^^ ^;,„^,, ;


U e,u,n..l val,„. was ,„ain..d. AM,a„.v..r was the true cause of these vJinies



wh,.ther they emanat,.,l fr,iiu tl

olliee, th,.y were ,.|.rtainly allowe,

I an a,l.l no further inf


1 by tl

or wi.r,. issu,.,l in this state by the I'ost-ii. postal ollicials to frank

.M., \oinl that found in the articli

orination about the half Thre.. P,


e in 7V»' Philatrllr U.conl, I hi

my stamp sur(.harj;e.l

ive a Ireaily

8/13/2019 filateli 2 33/79


28 .VA'ir umwswicK.

...enUonnl, an.l th. p,,na.ks in . sMpplu-.H.Mtary pniHT in (1,. ,„,n,1,er of llmtjournal fo. January, 1887. I a,.... with ,1,,. ,.ndusion. the writer .

' all i,r„l,alMl,ty th. vanoty ... l,oj-u,s. At tl,.. .san.o tin,., [ho author.s,u|rl.«,.s„.erroru.l.on he says tho charge for delivering letler.s in the towns of

.e,loruton anil St. John m 18.^,7 was Id. oa.Ii, and not Ud It is true tlmI> report for that year .speaks of Id. as the\'u„rchar'ed hwc must hear .n nnnd that this is probaldy Id. sterling (all the other ratts beh.gquoted n. tns way), wlneh would therefore e,,ual 1^1. curreney, and Id. wouldmost hkely he given m the list as the nearest e.juivalent for IJd. curreney. A-ain

- --rk tha wh., the cents i.ssue took place in 1860 no stan.p was is;.,any heu. approadnng to the value of ]|.l. i. cpmlly applicable to the value Id.,

the n 1 f' f.'

tr.r ' ' '''' ^' ' ' ' ' ^' '^^' ^ '- -I »» ,uit

tnc em I (it the year 1803. '

The annexed notice is fcund in The Royal aa::dh for August 3rd, 1859 :

Post Office DEi'AnT.MENT,Fi;iiiii:i:icTOx, Gil, Jnhj, 1859.

.'ulo'led ' Sf° ^' '' ^' ' ° ''' K'=« ' ti »« i^ •q'^iiled, and tl, 3 following

Printed Bo,jks, Periodical Publications or Paiaphlct-s, .m.lor sixteenounces ,„ wc,gl,t, can be forwarded by P„.t in New ]lrun.«-ick at the rateot one ball penny ))cr oniice.

' IVinted M„.,ic will be allowed to pa,ss through Post in New Brunswickunder the .-.anic Itegulatioiis as Paiaphlels.

Pnnted Circulars, Catalogues, Hand Bills, and Prices Current postedm New runswck will be liable to a rate of one half penny ea rbtto the lollowmg Rcgiilat,ons ; viz. :j , ,i>.v-t

The Postage niast be prepaid.

si.1e. .^' ''

' . frv '/' .^' ' ,' '«'' '' ' ^''^' 1. open nt the end ors>de;

the word 'Ccula,-,' 'Ca.abg„e, IIa„d Bill,' or ' Current,' as thecase n,ay be, n,ust be written orprinted on the face of the Cover ; and eachPackage must weigh under half an ounce.

bv P,vt tV?' T f ':'

' ' » '- ' '^^^f''=< ' i ' into New P,-u„,swickby Post f o.n the L„,ted .States, Canada, Nova Scotia, or Piincc Edwa,xl

Island, w. 1 be subject to one half penny, to be collected on deliveryand must be taxed accordingly.^ *'-'y,

(Signed) Charles Cornell, i-.m.g.

The postage on the abo^•c, I think, have been pr..paid in „,onev untilth .sstto of the One Cent stan.p in May, 18C0; f.,r it is dillicult to see'h.,w ahalfpenny yah.e could have been i,„p,.ovise.l .,ut of the three st.unps then currentiMyn, tl,.. f,>d,,w,,,gM..,tice, take,, f,.on. nc /.V,,/./ ^Vav7/. f.,r Ja,u,,.ry 19lh, 18,' ^

1:; a ;;r:;:'i>;;r

'^ ^-' ^ ' '- - - -' '- '-' '-' ' ^ '- -^^-^ -•-^. -


From the 1st F..bra,ary next a Parckt,, not weighing over Two,« II be CO, v..y«l by ,„a,l between any of the Post-ollices in New BrunswickThey must be prepa„l at the following rates by P.,stage only :

For any weight not cxcecling 1 lb, .. . Is ,3.1

For any weight over 1 lb., and not exc....ding 2 lbs. '.

2s (J.I.'

(Signed) Charles Cosnell, ]'i>.'<tmusUr-( ciurut.

( exi.:„ai, Post 0,-f,ck, F, ,.:ii|.;„ie,0N, .;,nnmn/ VM, IS.Ii).

8/13/2019 filateli 2 34/79

minilior of tlmt

tlio writoi' cdiiicsi

c iloubt, uml tlmt

mc time tlic imtlior

m in tliu towns of

. It is truu tllG

mini clinrgoil, but

other rato« boiii^

y, and Id. wouldcurreiiiiy. Again,

stamp was issued

to the value Id.,

i.ssuod until (^uito

3rd, 1 859 :

Jiihj, 1S59.

l)3 following

nder .-iLxUrn

at the rate

w Brunswick

ent i)o,sted

each, subject

tlie end or

nt,' as the

; and ouch

Urunswicke Edwaixl

on delivery,

H, r.M.o.

in money until

to .see how a

then current,

ary 1 Dill, 1859,

arliest colony, to

o Pounds,


y :

s. ;}d.

s. Cd.




T have now exhausted all the new information I iiave colletted concerningthp

Postage Stamps of New Iiruu.^wick, and I have no further particulars to i.ssue.l in 18G0, beyond what we (ind mentioned further onin the Soei( ty's list ; neithe:- can 1 add anything to the liistory of the Five Cents Connell st^mp so carefully related in the paper rei.roduccd from The IMifaxrinhttdist. Th(. stamps of this Colony became obsolete on the 27th of May, 1867,upon the formation of the Dominion of Canada.


Issue L September 6th, 1851.

Three values. Engraved and printed in iaille-douce by Messrs. Perkins, Bacon,nnd Co., of London, on stoutish blue wove paper, varying in colour from deep

to pale blue ; yellowish gum, imperforate, De.'iign : In the centre, in an octagonal-shaped carimtcho, with engine-turned border, is the Royal Crown. Above, below,and on either side, is an eight-rayed star, containing the heraldic tlowers of theUnited Kingdom. The upper and lower have the rose, tliat on the left theshamrock, and that on the right the thistle, the rose in the lower star beinginverted. A curved white line surrounds the stars, the angles formed by which arcfilled in with floral or.iaments ; engine-turned background. Reticulated side labels,inscribed with n -ue of Colony in plain Roman capitals; postage in plain blockletters, and the value in various type. That on the Three Pence is in plain Romancapitals, and in block letters on the other two values. In the Six Pence boththe word POSTAGE and the value .show a line of colour down tlie centre of eachletter. Plain lozenge in each corner of the stamp, with coloured Arabic numeral ofvalue. Shape, lozenge. {lUiuitraHons 49, 50, 51.)

Upper left border, new; upjier right, DnirNswicK ; lower left border, THREE PENCE, SIX PEKCi:, « ONE SHILLING; loWcr right, POSTAGE.

3d., vermilion (shades).

6d., yellow, orange yellow ( „ ).

Is., lilac-maavo, violet ( „ ).

Vandiiin.—Thc Three Pence exists upon white paper, luit the variety is onlydue to the discharge of the blue colouring .natter ii'om the paper, as the stamp wasnever printed upon white. Each of the values is met with cut in two, and used ashalf the value of the .stamp .so mutilated. The Six Pence is also known divid(;dinto foi. triangular pieces, each (juarter being used, in conjunction with a wholeSix Pence, to make up the postal rate of 7-Jd. These bisected stamps were used toprepay the postage rate to the United Kingdom, which in 1857 was reduced to7-^d.

;and as there was no stamp of this value in use, recourse haa to be made to

these varieties. The Three Pence has b( en seen divided obliquely, and surcharged

in red L]-. The same surcharge is also said to exist in black. Neither of

two stamps has come under the notice of tlie Society ; but from curtain remarkscontained in two articles, which may be found in Tho Pliilatelie Record, vol. viii.

pp. 165 and 219, there can be little doubt that the su;charge is bogus.

Issue II. May 15th, 1860.

Five values. Engraved and printed in /nille-'/„nce by the Am( rieiin Dank NoteCompany, of New York, on white wove paper; brownish gum; machine

8/13/2019 filateli 2 35/79


30 .\E\V JJja'.WSUfcK.

IK'rforatcil IJ, Thrill ton rows of ten.

;^;|ti'v sluM-t „f ,..,.1, v.ha. a.nfmn. 100 .stun.,,., ammgc.l

Xota Co., x\ew Vo-k on tV^ •l' /n ,

™ ^ ' '' ' American liunk

w 1 ]' ''' ''• ' ' '' ^'' l' « 'toval.s in the lower with

.Aal,,.. nunu.ral of value. Curve. octagonal label helow, with V vt

;;:: ':rixii tr;;:: ei.;j tf iJ' : r :?', '-r^iill-fncc „f ( i„ v- / , ,'

'• ^ '' ^i^^-w— J>mden.ecl, nearly

lieneatli the ov.l' ^S Arabic iinmeraLs of value in white.

Mte,.l with.hite Kon,an capita., sli' ^1: ^Ul^t:^ i::^^^ S

^;::;o;;;e ' ,,^'i.r'^? ;,,«^::;f^'^« ^''

'; ^^•'^>; ''^tchin, an.i

Mn,l Twelve and a H,] P,' ' ? ' ° '' ' m:tansnlar for the One

i .^ ':'- ':' ' l'>''«''^ rectangnlar for the other threealues. (Illudmtwn a Tr. >3, 51. •>•>, .^fl.)






.'., lilac-l>rown, reddirth-niauve (slia.k's).T) c, br()n/, -reen

( )

11' c., soarli't-vonailiiin( )

12?, ('., Prussian Muu i \'

17 f., l.lack •

V If }•

Remarlcs, —Tit.

t... stan,p was never ,s.ue,. ,„ the public. In design, it is almost sin.iL TZ

8/13/2019 filateli 2 36/79

.\/:]\- niiuxswicK..stiiiiii)s, arranged

o inurgins of tlio

AmiTiciin ]Jank

nd tlio Fivo Centse Cent.— Railway

Konian capitals.

ower coniorB, withwith uunt in

with lino hatchod

1 )i;id('nn d, nearly

A horizontal lines,

Small .slantin-

with white Arabic

in white Ronninwo onter line.s of

l .slanting oval.s

.s of the .stamp

erals of vahio.

oval, lettered

)or, and larger

value in white.

n white Romanline.s of colour

of the Prince of

ujiright oval

ach corner, withbelow the oval,

hatching, andfor the One

the other three



me time a.s the

Coniiel], whoown portrait to


1888, which

efused to allow

time to obtain

The Connell

use, notwitlr

King's article

similar to the

Ten Ccnt-s, but the head nf Her Majesty is replaced by a full face portrait ofCharles Connell, and the nunnuais iu the span.jivls are Arabic, instead of inl^ype. The .stamp was pro.bieed by the Aiue,i,,,n l ank X,.te C pany, of \,.w\ork, printed in Vandyke-brown npo„ white wov.. paper, an,l perforated IJImiH.rforate eopi,.s exist, but these can be look,.,l „,„.n o„ly „,, proofs.{Ill list rut inn bi.)


Thi.s .stamp has probably been di.seu.s.scl more than any other stami. orser,es of stan.p.s, that have ever been i.ssued, and still a decision has nem''bearnved at as to whether they are ..says or whether any have ever done po a

T y\v^' ^ ' .'''' 1 .' ' * ' '^ t'^ ' ^ l''^'t > -ere in use, but only for a dav.The « ay the .stamp ongniated was this: Mr. Connell, then I'o.stmaster-Oeneral

of Xew l.rnn.swick, was author,.se,l by a Minute of Council in Decendjcr, 18.59to procure a new set of postage stamps,which the,. in currency renlemlnece,s.sary. liel.evu.g that this Minute gave him full po^'er and discretion as tdes,gn.s, etc he ordered the plates for the values wan'ted-Oue, F v , Ten, anTwelve and a Half Cents; and for the Five Cents had his oun por rait. The

^nt i n .

I' 've Cents, spok.i to some of his friends about then?, and of hisnt ntu n of gonig d<,wn to posterity thereon. This eame to the knowledge of the

the IS.SUO oefore it wa.s .sent out to postmasters for public use. As a matter ofcour-so they disapproved of Mr. Conuell's design for the Fiv,. Cents, and 1 wainstructed by he Counc 1 to .lestroy them, and order a new lot with t

em'-vthe (,)ueen. lli.s Jr. Connell would not do, and therefore rcvsigued. The FiveCents, brown, were destroyed, and .miy the other three values issiunl.

AT '^'ff'./^^''- <r' '' '''•'*'M''''ti'Ji'. '<- wrote a letter to the Hon. J H TManner.s.button, the Lieutenant-Governor of the Proviii.:e, giving his reasons

for esigning his olhce. He, however, .says that he ,lid not resig:;, on accountof the stamp affair, but he could

not agree with the Government ev-liciuliturc of public moneys, and because he said that his colleagues did not haveconh.lence enough in him t,o back him n,. on a small matter ; that i.s, the is.snin-'ot the iMvo Cents, brown. Through the kindness of a I have been enabled tosee the coinplete olheial correspondence, etc., belwc'eu Connell, the Governor, an,lConned in reference to this bnsines.s, and am giving them here. Several of theletters contain a large amount of matter irrelevant to the subject in .niestion, anddealing oiily with the political rea.soiis of Mr. Conuell's resignation, ami heseparts not being interesting to the philatelic reader are hdt out.

The correspondonce .starts with the letter of the to the Lieutenant-Governor after they had had the .lesigns submil(..,| to tli,.m.

^ -uanant

(Coi'Y Xo. 1.)

Memorandum of the E.\ccutive Council iu Conmiittee.

To iris E.'a'knqi the Hon. J. IF. T. Ma)nier.-<-SHltoii, Aent.-llw., dc, etc.

the OnoV-^nf'T y° '' ENcellenoy to ai,],rove of, and order t,.' be distributed,

1 t? P f ' ?'V? *' , ' ' ^ ''^'^ ' ^ '' f-'' ' r-' ' 'n ' «f mi>« procure,by the Po.stma.stcr.General, au,l we farther a.lvise Your Kv ell,..ncy to' order a

nf ?„ i;l'?f''^'«,^'' l',t° '; ' '• ' ^k, bearing tlie likcue.s.s ot the (^een, instcu.l

ot the iive Cent stamp already procured by Ur. Postmaster-General.

'(.Signed) S. L. TiLLKY. R Mitch kll.A. T. S.MiTH. Charles Waiters.

„,A 1 ,r ,„ W. II. STKEVE.S. OaVIUWaRK. 'Approved May 12, 18G0.


(Sgd.) J. II. T. Max.neus-Sutton.'

8/13/2019 filateli 2 37/79


33 ^'l:]\ BiwxtiWWK.

' (Copy No. 2.)

Letter from Mr. C. Cnnnell to tliu U.nt.-dovomor

Jiaa the honor of l.ei,,.- oi. Y ur Fx [1 v T ' ''' '1 ' ^' ' ' ' •«

Your ExcellLiicy.I'-xedluncy s lulvi.^eis, ii„ lue to iiihlrm,

the recent net of n.v o,l e,^ ,es n M >

>H'.-«n- on me, I , ..laye.l action; Imta crisis, iho want o [ik^ 'ul,. ,

/,^ <' V '>'t I.'.' l'Vo Kht inntler. to

I was anthonzea in t e a' I,''.,'' '

.r'''^' ^'' , 1''''' ' I'-li-Vfl

•ninntosof connci,(Decen:;,:r:';. ,^i;t::;s;::,.:t^llj' ''' ' ''^ • '' - «

Twelve IK IIal7SnU- '° '' ^ ^ ' ' «'-' ^ 1'^ '» ne, Five, Ten, and

'No. I. TELEcinAriiic DKsrATCH.TTtc Hon. Clmrlca Conndl, JFooihtod- —

i..nea'nnt i'S™l:ri:ra::^^: :^ t cni ;r '^---'r'-r

-nnot heI'i.n. Ilecan mtallriKht.

's in'''''^'


li' ',l-'-K' 'l'li

' The Hon. K L. Tilky,I°-

^' TELK.RArnic Despatch.

' Woodstock, 28<A ^;,n7, 18C0.'

^' *' -'''^' Charles 6'onnkl ELL.

'No. 3. Telegraphic De.spatch, 'Hon. Charles Coimell, JFooihlock,—

can :;Sr:J ^n^'KSSr :7in^ ^ir'-^- --^ '«- '«

'(Signed), S. L. TiLLEY.'

„ , ,

' No. 4. Telegraphic Despatch. Vftmcs Hale, Esq., FraJericton —


See Mr. TiUey. Let issue of stamp., he stayed till Wc,lnes<lay next.

• W00D.STOCK, 28ih April, iSflO. •^

^^''^>' Charles Connell.

'No. 5. TELEGRAPniC DESPATCH. • Tlie Hon. R L. Tillcy, Frederidon,-

^ .nade. Thought order .^Z^^^ ?^ a.i^^&'l r^

' Woodstock. 28.A, iscoV'' ^'

' '' ^'^^ ^' •' ^•= -

'No. 6. Telegraphic Despatch. ' The Hon. Charles Connell,—

possible ' '''*•

°'^ ^ '^ ^' «•> ''' ^-^ ''\ «»• John by Thursday next, if•'

Fredericton. 28<A April, I860.' '' ^^ ^- '^ '''^'•

'No, 7. TELEQRAPnic Despatch. '

The Hon. Charles Connell, Woodstock —until'Si 'onS

' ' ^ ''^ '' ^''' '>.l>«P''tieB onlered to retain ohl ones

• FREDEmcTON. 28?;, April, 1800.' ^

*'' '^ ^' ^^ ^^ ^^'''•

8/13/2019 filateli 2 38/79

o the ftdminis-that I Ijuve

nil to iidcln™

till sniiio tiiiio

action ; Ijut

nmttcrs toh I Ijclifvi'il

lif lolldwiiif,'

ve, Ten, and

p rannot lie


L. Tii.hKv.

w will nmkecalle<l in.


Iiere. Hale




I mayas soon as

ocure newNELt.

next, if


old onesHale.


Dkhpatik.'No. H. Ti;lk<iiiaimii(

'The Hon. Chorlen Cmmlt, ;ro»,/,,/„c/._

. ,n '

' ' '' , «='- '''* •' 'c l>roniise,l riill Council to consider claims. Voitr nreqcnconecessary 1 hursday evening «t furthest. (Si.„,a}, S. L Tm i.n 'St. John, Ma,j -Ud, 1800.'

fVnd' T''° '^ l'I'e' J, W'ls agreed upon, and disapproved of Mr. Connell'o FiveCents, brown; and the loll.nvinf,' is their re, onnacndVtion to the Lieut -Uoveruor:

' (Coi-y.)

'fo //,•., ExctUmnj thi Hon. J. A. T. Mmiwa-.^ultoH, Licut-aovernnr--

n„„ f ' ^\'''4''''''n^'1

'^•'^;;;'' V '>'* ''I'l'iove „f and order to he distributed theOne Cent, leu Cent, and Twelve and a Half C.Vnt postage, ,'„., 1he Postmaster-CJenera

; and we further advis,. your 10x,:cllencv o c r h'r a Fi vCent ,,OHt H.e Stan,,, to „• struck, tl„. likeness of the (.^.tln i, s , hd' 1 eI ive Cent »tan,p ali'eady procured by the I'ostnnuster-Ueneral.

'(Sigucd), S. L. Tirjjcv. P. JIiTciiErr,.A. J. Smith. Watteiw -J/,,;/ m, mo.'

^ '- • '' ''''''- '^' ^ \^'^«'^-

' (Copy.)

' Letter to Hon. Charles Council from the Provincial Secretary.

. v .' •^ '~:,' 'A'

directed by His Excellency the Lieut.-Oovernor to reouest vono dist,.,bute the One, Ten, and Twelve an.l a Ifa lf Cent postage stamps 'cuiby yo,,, and o direct yoj, to take the necessary steps to'l.ave stn> k' ol [ a FiveCent stamp, bearing the likeness of the Queen, for future distribution 'Ilmve.&c&c,

'••neITon.C.ConncU,,.c.-^' '^' S. L, Tillky.

' (Cory).

' Post Oiticr Drpartment, VMh Mai/, ISOO.

1 • m'^V^ ' i',' ''''''''r' / y ' '' ' ' i'llorming n,e that von have l„'e,tlesired by l„s Exce^ tl,e Licut.-Oon.raor to re,p,est tl,at I w m d lis ril, ,tehe One, fen, and Twelve and a Half Cent postage proc re b ,ue , ,1

to bvke stens to procuie a Five Cent sUuup Ibrlutu.e list',. I, , , V, 'winform his Excellency that I was autlioiiaed, by .Minuter of c'ou ,i in I), , ,, 1 1 .

last to procure a One, Five. Ten, an,l Twcdv,^,,,ll ,^[ f cv r, o<^^a /e sU

c'd^s^i^bi^^ir ^» - « - 0- iy

^ii-'iii- ^^this oe •:j::;;entt::?;?

'(Signed}, ' '' '' Charles CoNSELi,.

for distribution

• r/ic JTon. S. I. Tilley.


'Secretarv'.s Office, 17(/i Mar/, 1800.

*) i-.fl- '7^ , •' ''^

''f''' ;': '''' Excellency the Lieut.-Governnr you'r letter ofthe 15tl, mst rohative to the distribution of postage stamps, and I am directed tomlorm you that ne has referred it for the consideration of his Council.


' I have, &c., &c.,

••'mnon. C. ConncU. ^r.,,,.. -'

^ ' ' • ' ' S. L. TiLLEV.

Nn ' /„ l''y.^.^ frk.' '«-ever, that I cannot discover by that correspondence-it}J «7 ha' >t was the intention to withdraw from me that supnort in

MLri,^ Jot ;?c iSed\oP «' ^ ' ''''' ^''™^'' - thoriJiT'LTt,;;:

it is ';:^^z^:^ u LS^is^sr- '^ '''''' ' ^ '''''-' -^

will 'Cli'in ''il' .'}^*' * With certainty that the revenues of the Departmentwall be reduee<l by the recent action of the Government, as I made arnu^ei

8/13/2019 filateli 2 39/79



mithority l.,.|„„.in« tu ilu. ( lii.f ,, ^,i,„t ,

- '1 I mt Ihc l.-tlinmt.

iK. dn.m :;;;,:n wii'v' ti;;'' ;;?::; ;;,;,;: -' ' :'

^^' t, •'- - '

'- llie l)..p,.iH,u.iit.-^ 'imtinimna. m ,.l|„.,. w„i,M net W- lien.liHal

n.Mtim,e ^-.v to L , a, oil *,,,1 i

'y '^ ^ ' ^ 1 the iM.I>liV,

sul.nit t.. V , nr K^X^ ' 1 '.

' '' '^ '' >;•' ' ''•l' '' .opodfully h.-^-'to

1 llllVl', &c., &c.,foiiiifcteil tliiTcwilli.

(Copy No, a.)

Momor«n,liim ol ti.e Lieut.-U.neinor to Mr. Connell.

^' OovRiiNMKNr H..rHK, Fi.KMKnK-n.N, M„ / 19«,

'(«>K e'l), J. II. T. Mannkhs-Hltton. '

-^li: VhurliH Vimnrll, M.V.p ,i.f_-

(t'orv No. 4.)

Monioraiiihini lui tlie E.xeciitive Cniiiicil

• •.I/,,,, ,», .... ' ' •' U- T. M.»».-S,™,.

(Copy No. .'i.)

Memoraiuluni ,.f the Executive Cnincil in Committee. To His Excdlenaj tkc i ron. J . //. T. Mauna-.-Sulton, Lieut. .il.oernor, dr.

' May it plense ynur Excellency,—

>.r «:: s,,''s,;;;;:' :±,s':ST,;.'r.c;:r'ir ?' r'. •s '

8/13/2019 filateli 2 40/79



liiuiltd nr

iimlci' all

lie lieiiclifini

I I'r.'I tlint

111,, i.iililic,







iilioii i>(

accfili-s tohis (lath (if

crcil Ilia

ls Coiiiii I

y to layxcelleiicy

of Post-liy Mr.



-VAir /uiL'xauicK.

ftlruady |,rociiri.a liy the Piistiiia«ier-llciicral. in, iiotwitlistimdUKsiKiKil liy him, tliu rual

kt mndof

his iusij,'iiati(iii.

'Without filtering into thr diHcns-jon nf ihc powers of tin

• leliarlineiil.s, we .,l.,,erve thai wi; have im lU-Mtv to limit ore^jitimate a.itliorily of the I'o.stma.ter-aeneral, or of the head of any otlier imhlie

h ',;, • , ;' VVV .

>' ' '•-^•^ '' v l-n tl.i'< Mm'Htio„;we have „ot

iippioval ol the (loveriior 111 Council la re. iuiivd to the i.-aiie of I'oslaKe Slnuii.H.


liii>; the other rea.soti:f

illelc'llt lle,ld,-< ofImil or liri iimseiilM' Ihi

lear the likeiicsH of Her Maje.sty.

Wu rpnnol disc'rii how the Ifevtnue of the Olllce Deonrtment will li,.airected l.v the a 'n,n of the (Joverniuent ; that must .lejiend u,,o„ tl e e.vl' ,t f..dividual eorre«|io..d,n,e, aud we .1,. uot heliuvethat thete will be a sin-e letterleas written iii ceiisuiiueiiee of such action.

'AsM ' Coniiell lia.i obtained your Kxeelleiicy'rt iiermiHsion to ruihlisli hl,s

'(Signed;, CiiAULKS Ttsnta,.S. L. Tii.i.KY,

A. T. S.Mrni,

C'li.vfi. Watikiw,


W. II. Stkevk.s,

D. Wauk,P. MlXCllELL.'

(Cov\ No. 6.)

Memomnduui for the j<:xecntivc Council.

'Hia K.xcellency the Lieut.-Govenior Iiiui received the nienioraudurn of Hie

J'jxecutiye Council in Comuiittee, in which they submit tu his l^cell.ncv theirobservi'tiona on Mr. CoiiiieirH letter to lii.s Excellency of the tilth instant.

to ptlwSuid^doclit;™ '' ' ''• ' ' ' ^ ^ ^'' ' ''^ '-- 'i

-May -llna. I860.' ' ^ ' '^ ^^ ' ''' JI'^>'-^•^»«S^ o^••

(Copy No. 7.)

Meinoraiiduni for the E.xecutive Council.

'His Excellency the Lieut.-(5ovenior lays before the Executive Council ncopy ol a communication dated May lidlh, \m\ which his Excellency has ivceive.ll.'om Mr Charles Connell respectiu- his ivcent resiguatiou of his seat at theCouncil Board, and the ollne of Postmaster-General.

• /,... 2„rf. 18C0.'

' ' '^•'• • '^- '^I'^>-^- «'^-«^™lN.



rcd to

stampsof the

Councild orderStampsStjimpstamp

(C'i)i'v No. «.)

Letter from Mr. C. Connell to the Lieut.-Oovernor.

'To IIU Excdknaj the Hun. J. II. T. Manners-Sulto,,, Limt.- Governor, cVc d-c.

.i 'i^ J'r^ -^' , ^^ i '' f?«'« c t tliii 23i'l instant appears a ineinoran<lawithout date, signed by your Excellency's a.lvisers, and addressed to yourhxcelleucy in which is reviewed a correspondence, which I had the honour

to submit to your Excellency on the liJth instant. The subject-matter of thatcorrespondence must be discussed ut the proper time in another place ; but asthere are several points urged in the memoranda of your advisers calculated tocreate a lalso impression with reference to my reasons for resi.'nin mv place atthe Council Board, I am induced to trouble your Excellency with this rejoinder

8/13/2019 filateli 2 41/79


.VMM- Kx.rlNn.y ,„ i.«„„,i,, KivutVnl • : St '^, .*' '- l t,. i„lvi«.

Mr. Walk, «l,„ ucTf i-.v-cnt at a ?,., , '< '*'. '' ''•.Mry, ami t|,. |I„„.

^-1 I nn.l,l no, „it with l^a wC nd^l':;:'; ';':,;: :;/ '^ ' '' P^^'8lat

.imlKiMout. *' ^ J' uuc wui bu ublo to arrivu ut a correct

' I Iiiivc, &c. &c.,

' WouasiocK, aOM M,i /, 1S60.'' '^' ^'^'^ CUAllLKS CONNKLL.

((^'orv No. f).)

Mcmorand,,,,, .,f the Executive Com.cil i„ C.m.mittce'-To II, E.eellency,he Hon. J. H. T. Manncn-Huito,,, LiaU.- Governor. Jic.May It your Kxcellemy,—


rostnm.ster-tJ>.m.ral, intc.uled n a r. ,', .

• • ' '*-' ''' '^'• • '''t«

I the 2;}nl ultin,,.. ' '^ ' ' ^ comnuin.cHtion to your Excellency

yr ^^Z.XyirA^lir^\J::TT'^ ' ; '>,itte.l.othe .li«cu,s.Mon of t1,e r .iKu.iro his v'i

,?''''';',' '*= ''^ '•'-•«'^« ' vohltla- policy ,uul act. of hi. l.tte ea .

i ? o vJ r /en

' '''' ' ' ' '^'y

;- In our for,„er n>e,„oran,lun, we «,atod to your Excellency Ihat Mr. Connelll; Decinml l'o«t«l StaJ;,,., „„a t^Z^

Cent .t«.n,. until after iul'y ^;^ '^^^Z :^, cJl^fe, ''^ ^'-

our^ i-xtellLin.> will authorue the imUication o/ this

' (Signed) CiiAnLEs Fi.sHEK,



'CouM-ii CiiAMBKii, 5lh June, I860.'

A. T. Smith,David Wauk,C'lunLEs Watters,Peieu Mitchell.

(Copy No. lo.)

Me.noranduni for the Executive Council,

the 5u/ ;^UnMlrZ*^^m ve'r? 'T''''?/™'''^ '' '« «n.nran.lun,, datedtheir re,„e.t .-an^t^rJuhl^ri'ol-'.f^^'lSl^-'l ' -nlance witll

'Jiou; m, \m: ' (•'^'o' '-^'') J. n. t. MANNEns-SunoN.

8/13/2019 filateli 2 42/79

roonnn ofU) iiilviwi

I IllllHt

iivi tli«

(lie lloii.

i Ajiril,lll

k pluci',

may cnmoSliimte


my1 have


the yearcorrect




l) Into






l' ivo




A'A'ir liitrsswiuK. it

(Cdl'Y No, II.)

.MiiiiiiiiiMdiim liir the Executivi' Omiicll.

'TIir< ExiiUciii V the M.-{iMVcnini I.ivk 1»tnrc llie Kxiiiilivi' fonnril n ropy ' a 'iiitlHT iiimiiuili lalr.l .Inn,. I.Mh. iHdii, wlii.h His ICxcfllni.v ha.tri'cclvi'd liom Ml. V. Cuiniill, ri'H|Mr,liii;,f his leniit resif^imtioii of liin neat at theLoumil DiNird, mid ot ih.' olllic of I'uslmaMter-Uineral.

'(% •) .1. 11. T. Mannkiw-Suttox. 'June If./;,, iMiiO.'

(t'ol'Y No. li)

Lcttif ftum Mr. C. Coiinell to the Lt.-aovonior.

T //in KmlUncii n,: Ifmi. J. II. T. M,inii,rH-Siilton, /J.-dm., .te., cCc

'Sill, - Tlir lioviil (lii/.clli'of I III' (illi ill-. , ciiiil.unx a mi'moraiidiim iiilendcdii ( a rrply to my IiIUt of ih.' iimli nil. In vmir Kvicllniiv, in whicli vouradvi.icrs I'xiiilit ;i t;rialiin,\iiMv In iniinrv on Ihf mind of Vnnr Kxridlrniy'lliiitthe only iim-r of


of the olliiu of l''niTid w/n therclnsil of llic( ,,nniil toiiilvi.-.f your Kxi'idlciicy toorder tin- irtMiic of the Five (Vnt.Nlam|i.s. I have in my ]irevioiis leiliis to your Kxrellemy slale.1 s e of themany nasoiis foniiin;; the ha-Mi-; uf my coiiilnsion to ri'si^;'ii, mid to rejieat that1 Wii.s iiiit inllni'iiced in my ciniise alto^rlhei- hy tlir Htaiiip i|ni'Hlioii I consiilcrlliimcc.HNiry, that matler liieivly haviiij; luid the illecl of linii^;inn my JTevioiniiitiiilioii to ilH fiiHilmciit, foi'wKimr or later my ie-<ij,'nalioii must 1iave lieeiiteiiileiid. 1 will howivir say, that the nsa:,'e 1 did receive at the handn of my<ollviij,'nef(, in releiiiiie to the Htanqw, would have lieeii .sulliiieiit to caime HUchautiou a« I took upon the preiui.seH.

' The cnrrespondiiiiMi Iielween myself and the Provincial SeiTelarv, withn'fereiiee to the issue of the I'nsta^^e Siamps, laid liefrnv your Exeellcnry, eitherhas mil hail a earefiil pnusal, or tliey are iu ixuoiance of the iiieauiiiKconveyed by such coriespoiidenco.

' I wiLi first nulhorized to procure the slam)is, ami stated on the lloor ofthe House in Mairh liLst that 'I had (M'dered, and would receive in time forilistrilnition on the 1st of May, stamps of the ilcnomination of One, Fiye, Ten,mid Twelve and n Half Cent, in view of the introdiiclion of the decimal systemol

currency.' They arrived, and iireparalions for t he ir i ssue a t the apiminled timeWere made hy the Department, supjiusini; that any further orders were nmieces-Bary, until I received the tele;,'iam Irom ilie rrovineial Secrelary, and snlisci|iientiiiterlcreiice on the iiarts of your advisers, in what was a mere matter of detail,Iiecanie a]inareiit. An order to i.ssiie all Init Five Cent staniiis wan made, thussetting; aside my power and ri^;ht to conduct even a minor arraii f emenl of thel)epartment. After Iiaviii},' procured, liy the knowledge and conaeiit of thetiovernnieiil, staniiis of various denomimiiion.s, my position as head of a depart-ment was i^'iiored. Even if this wa.s the only cireumst;iiiee inlluenciiig me, mycourse was tlie only honouralde one to pursue,

' I have the Iioiiour to lie,

' Vonr E.xcelleiicy'.s moat obedient servant,

•Charles Connell.'

Tliis flnislics this most roinarkalile eonespnmlenee ami chnpter in the postalhistory of New I'ninswiek.

A careful reading ami consideration of tlie letters lierc given will .showthe inipossiliility of there ever linying been any of the Connell stamps iiseil topay the. jiostage of a letter, altliougli an inference to the eonlrary may be drawnfrom \iis. h and 9, being tlie letters uf the Kxeentive Council,' but this is due1 think to louse writing, or probably moaning that they were in the hands of thePost Ofllce Department for distribution. Against this we .see the telegrams toConnell forbiiMing the issue, three days before they were to start sending themto postmas'ters, and liis telegram to Hale, the Secretary of the Tost Olhee bepart-nient of N.J ., at Frederieton, forbidding him to send out any of the stamps. In

8/13/2019 filateli 2 43/79


. akin, of tho Cent iSu. of A^.w SI, ;:;;- 'i;:' '

' ' * f ^'''' » ->' 1-'' ^•' tl'


£ s.

25il. £ », ,1.

12 1525

() 37 15

31 1525

56 15

12 1025

37 10


(1 50

(i 525

31 5

31 5 56 5

£208 15

En^rraviiifr plate for Ten CentVtihtmn 2000 .sheets

Bngriui,,, ; plftte for Twelw & Ilulf Cent '•

I'rmtinj; 4000 sheets „ * '• ^ -hngraviiiK phite for Seventeen Cent

Prnitniff looo .sheetshngravinf; plate for Five CentI'ruitnif,' 5000 sliects


Issue III. May(?), 1863.

One mluc ].:nMravc.l an,l ,,rinte,l hy the American Bank Xuto Co of Vc.w

ue c,„,,,.of one hundred stanu-s, arranged in ten row.s of ten; and the n uf the engravers appears „, the margins of tlio sheet ])e.i.m Tl n .» . . Q„„, „ i,. „,. ,,„ o.„.;„, „„. .,t;; j;:t;, J r ;,::::;'1 pi.ghl oolo„.d ov.l. ,„ c„,|, e„,„„, ,,„„„|„i, ,j„,,|^,

. ° »l-

«.::n;;L;:r i^r* -•' -- « - - -S:


2 c, orange (shade,*).

8/13/2019 filateli 2 44/79


. ii.



VTEWFOUXDLAN] ) is nn isliiud situatcl between 4G' 37' and r,V 39' X. hit., and

• IN rri 35' and 59° 25' W. lonj,'., on tlie ncivth-east side of the fliilf of St. Lawrence.

The greatest length fnini north to soutli is 350 miles, and average hreadth about 130 ;

its estimated area i.s 40,200 square miles. The coast of Labrador, on the Continent,

is now inehided in the Colony. It comprises about 120,000 sciuare miles, but

has only 4211 inhabitants. The island was discovered by .lolni Cabot in 1497. It

was as early a.s 1500 frequented by the Portuguese, Spanish, and French, for its

fisheries. Sir Walter Raleigh and others, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth,

attempted to colonize thi.s island, but were not successful. In 1623, Sir G. Calvert,

afterwards Lord lialtimore, established himself in the part of the island,

and appointed his son Governor. In 1G34, a party of colonists were .sent over from

Ireland, and twenty years after some English colonists arrived, having emigrated liy

means of a Parliamentary grant. At the peace of Utrecht, in 1713, sul)se(piently

ratilied by the Treaty of Paris, the exclusive sovereignty of Newfoundland was ceded

to Great Pritain, subject to certain rights reserved to France, which are still in

(juestion between the two nations. As already mentioned, Newfoundland is now (1889)the only North American Colony not included within the Dominion of Canada.

Newfoundland has never possessed an Gllicial (iazette, but Government notices

a|)pcar in the newspaper T/ie Ihiijul Gazette awl Newfoundland Advertiser, published

at St. John's. The earliest file of this newspaper, with the exception of one or

two odd numbers, I have foimd in this country commences with the year 1875, so

I have been iniable to gain any jiarticulars about the stamps of this Colony from

that source. The Report of the Postmaster-General of Great liritain for 1857 1

have before quoted from tells us :

Inland Posts were established in 1852. In ISS. ? a reduced and \niiform

rate of postage for Letters was establislu'd, and anollier for liuoks.

On Letters not exceeding J oz. .... 3d.

Exceeding \ oz. anil not exceeding 1 oz. . . . Cd.

Above 1 oz. „ „ 1 J oz. . . . i)d.

And so on in proportion.

Newspapers are conveye<l free.

On Books the postage is about 2(1. per oz. up to ozs., exceeding that

weight, ;)cl. per oz. up to IG ozs., beyond wliicli weight they cannot 1)0 trans-

mitted through the po.sf.

Postage stamiis are not mentioned, so they had evidently not been introduced

into the Colony at the time the above pnrtic\dars were sent over; but 1857 is the

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Lpttrrs.I'lT ;../..

1 CUlll



year usually givoii as tliut in wliiili tho lirst Issuo took placo. Tlic inesent rates

of postage are as follows :

In St. John's ....Williin Col(iny . . . . . 3 cents ... Free.

Euroiie, United States, anil St. Pierre, Miijuelon 5 c en ts ... 1 cent.

South Ainei lea and West Indies . , . Scents ... 2 cents.

Mr. John Dclanoy was Postmastev-Gcnoral of the Colony in 1879, andMr. J. O. Krasor liohls that ollice at the present time.

I regret, a-i in the case of Canada, I am unable to give you copic.i of any of

the oflieial not ices of the issue of tho stamps of this Colony. I hope, however,

I may shortly be followed by other writers, who may have gieiiter faeilili(>s, and be

more successful in obtaining the desired informatiou than I have been.


Issue I. 1857.

Seven valuei^. Engraveil and printeil in iailhi-douco, by Messrs. Perkins, Dacon,

and Co., of London, on sloutish white wove paper; yellowish gum, im|ierforate.

Designs : The design of the Penny and Five Pence closely resembles that of

the first issue of New Brunswick, e.\cci)t that the crown in tho centre is printed

straight in ste ad o f obli(juely, and that there is a small oblong white label above

that containing the value, inscribed rosTAGii in small coloured block letters.

Numerals of value on white squares in each corner. Shape, s(piare. Tiiuee Pence.

—Heraldic flowers on a trilobed cartimehe in centre, on reticulated background.

Labels of solid colour at left, right, and at the bottom, inscribed in white Romancapitals. Lozenge-shaped blocks in the three corners, with coloured Arabic numeral

of value in small white circles. Shape, triangular. The Two Pence, Four Pence,

Six Pence, and One Silii.MNd are very similar in design, which consists of a bunchof heraldic llowers in a central circle on the Two Pence, Four Pence, .and OneShilling, and in an oval on the Six Pence. Tho central circle, or oval, is enframed

in a larger engine-turned oval, inscribed above with name of Colony in a curve of

white block letters. The remainder of tho design varies in detail for each value

but all h.ave the value in full in the bottom label, ami Arabic numerals of value

in the corners. Shape, upright rectangular. (Illustrations .59, GO, Gl, G2, G3, G4.)

Id., clincolate-brown, lake-brown (shades).

2d., orange (shades),

3d., green, yellow-green (shades).

4d., orange (shades).

.Id., chocolate-brown, lake-brown, verging on bistre (shades).

Gd., orange.

Is. „

Varidij. The Is., divided in half horizontally, has done duty for 6d.

BfiiiarJc'i. —A specimen of tho One Penny in the Vice-President's collection

is ))in-perforated, but no information is available as to the authenticity of this

stamp. Two sets may be ma lo of tho One Penny, Three Pence, and Five Pence.

The lirst is fomid on fairly thick white wove paper, and tho second on paper which

is thinner and more transparent. A close e -.amination will show that the two

papers are (piite ilillerent in texture. The pahr shades of the One Penny and

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Five Ponce, which npponrcd in 1803, aio immA on tlip tliiinior paper. All three

values arc apprceiahly smaller in sizi' than those printed on the thiekeri)aper, liut

whether this is due to shrinka,;,' ' of thc^ paper, or to the cn^i^raviny of a ni'w jila(e,

is doubtful. The same sliaile of •,'re(>n was used for the Threes Pence in botli S'>ts.

M. Jloeus catalo{,'nes the Si.K I'onee llalfiienny and Eiyht Ponce as issued with this

sot; but these two values are not known to the Society as oxistinj,' in the early

BJiado of orange. The stamps of this series iirinted in orange, and those of

the next set, arc frequently met with with the colour changed to brown or evenblack. These varieties are sini}ily dui' to oxidation.

Issue II. 1860 (?).

Six valuf.1. Consisting of the Two Penee, Four Pence, Six Pence, and the

One Shilling of the preceding issue, with two new values of Six Pence Halfpennyand Eight Penee added. The central designs of the-;e two latter are similar to thoseof the other stamps, but the minor details vary. The colour of the four first stampsis

elianged from orange to scarlet-vermilion. {Ilhistrntions 00, 02, 03, 64, 05, 00.)2il., Bcark't-vermilion (slight similes).

4'1( „ ).

«'l- „ „ ( „ ).

6i(I., scarlet vermilion (slight sliaucs).

«''•.. >, (

' „ ).

l-^->. ,. ( „ ).

Varkly. The 8(1. is fouuil cut in halt obliipiely, ami used as -td.

Issue III. 1862.

.%• viilacK. Siuiilav to those of the last issue, liut with the colour changed to

a dull lake. (Illuxfrafumx 00, 02, 03, 01, O.'), 06.)

2(1., dull lake (shades).

4'1. „ ( „ ).

6'»-., ( ., ).

6^(1., (lull lake (shades).

«''• » ( ,, ).

«• » ( ,, ).

TJpjHacfo. —The Eight Pence of this set, although printed, is said not to havebeen issued to the public. Several of the values are scarce used, but f(jrgcd

obliterations are not imcouimon, as well as copies jiostmarkcd by favour.

Issue IV. January, 1866.

Six calnen. Engraved and printed in fnille-ihiwc hy the American BankNote Co., of New York, on yellowish and white wove paptu' ; machine-perforated.

The sheet of the Two Cents (the only one seen by the Society) contains onehundred stamps in ton rows of ten. Designs :

Two Cents. Cod-fish swinnuing to left on shad^I ground of horizontal lines

within ri, oval band of solid colour, inscrilied in white Koman capitals

NEWFOUNDLAND abovc, TWO CENTS bclow, and two at e ither side. Urna-mental circles break the oval at each corner, and contain the Arabic numeral ofvahie on coloiired ground.

Five Cents. Seal on ico-floo, with icebergs in the background. Two curvedcoloured labels above —the first in.scribed five .') Fivi;, with an oval at each endwitli Arabic numeral of value; and the second, NEwi'ouxnr.Axn in white Koniiui

capitals. Straight laliel at the bottom of the stamp, with viduc in full in whiteKoman capitals and Arabic numeral at either end.

Ten Cents. Nearly full-faced portrait of the Prince of Wales in militaryuniforui looking to rigiit, on ground of horizontal lines, within a fancy ornameutalframe. Curved label above inscribed Newfoundland, and a similar one belowwith vahu' in full, all in white Roman capitals.

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Twelve Cents. iJiailciiicil prolilc of giiccu Victovin to left, on gromiil oflioi'izoiital linns, within an oval t,'art('r insciiboil with tho nniiio of the

Colony andvalue in full in white Roman capitals.

TiiiHTKEX Cents. S;,lioonei' sailing to ri;,'ht. Curved lahcl ahove with the name<if the Coliiiiy, ami straight label liehiw with value in full in white Komau eapitakOrnaments at si.les liroken hy eoloured ciicles, with white Araliie numerals of value.

TwENTV-Kouit Cents. Fiill-faeed diademed jiortrait uf (^)ueen Victoria onf-round of lines, within a white oetagonal frame. Scroll above withname of Cohmy and lalud lielo v with oents in white Human capitals. Oneither side (jf the word cents is a white-bordered oval with Arabic )unuerals

uf value on f,'i'ound uf hori/oiital lines. Side borders and a few ornamentseomi)lete the desi-n. Shapes: Oblong rectangular for the Two, Five, ami ThirteenCents ; upright rectangular for the other values. {lHustmt <m.t G7, 6 8, 0 9, 70, 71, 72.)

(a) Uh ycUoKifh paper. Perforated 12,

2 c, green (shades). 12 c., red (shailes).


c, brown ( „ ). 13 c, orange ( „ ).

lo c, black ( „ ). 21 c, Prussian-blue ( „ ).

(d) Oil n-hil,' jiapcr. J'erfuratcd 12.

2 c, green. I 12 c, red.

1(1 c, black. I 24 c, Prussian-blue.

(e) Uouletfed.

5 c, brown. '

I}i'mar/:i>.—T:hc 'atter variety is taken from T/ie Halifax Philafclint for July,1888, i)agv, 8:1. The '< ive Cents of this and also of i.ssue.s V. and VII. has l)e('ii

seen ncrforateil 1 1, no explanation is forthcoming of a kind of mystery whichaijpear.-' to over' .'a]g tuese specimens. There is .some doubt as to thc'r authenticity.

Issue V. 1868-70.

Four cahm. Engraved and printed in taillc-iloua: hy the American LankNotfi Co., of New York, on white wove paper ; machine perforated. Di-signs


One Cent, Threo-^uartor-facc portrait of the Printe of AVale.s in Highlandcostnme, looking to the right, on ground of wavy lines, within a shaded ovalframe inscribed below Newfoundland in white capitals, and abovewith the letters n. f. (Jver the npper portion of the oval is a scroll with valuein full in white Roman capitals, Araliic numeral of value in the two bottomcorner.s. Three and Six Cent.s. Prolile bust p(U'trait of Queen Victoria to right

in widow's weeds, on shaded background of horizontal lines within an archedframe. Two ou'ved labels above, inscribed respectively TimEE ( si.x ) and NEWFOUNDLAND. Curved label below with value in full, all in white Romancapitals. Scroll ornaments in each corner, the upper ones containing Arabicnumerals of valui and the lower ones small tive-rayed stars. Shape : Uprightrectangular. The Five Cents is the .same design as that of the preceding i.s.sue,

with the colour changed. (Ilhi^lratiuns 73, 71, 08.)

(a) Perforated 12.1 c, purplo-br(]\vn (shades). En<l 18G8. I ,') c, black (sliades). End 18G8.

3 c, vermilion ( „ ). July, 1H70.|

(i c., dull lake( „ ), July, 1870.

(II) Perforated l(i| (?). I (c) Itnuktted.

f> c, black.I

fl c, black.

Iit'mctr/iS.—'£\K' variety of the Five Cents, rouletted, is taken fnmi the .same

paper as that of the lU'evious i.s.sue. Neitlier of these stamps has come under thenotice of the .Siicietv.



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It is soinowliiit juMnilinr that iif'tci' iss\iiii,n ii stiiiiiii in l.sdil wilh |iiirlniit

of tliij I'riiicu uf Wales arrived at iiiaiilic«]i|,aiiuthor sIkiuKI liavc )wa'\\ issu^'il nearly

three yciirs later reiireseiitiiij,' him as a little lioy.

Issue VI. 1871-1873.

Tmi vaJms. In ISfay, 1871, a. new die was engraved fur the One Cent of 1S(;8.

The chief alteratioii.s noticeable are in the face df the Prince uf Wales, and Ihc

letters x. f., which arc^ closer to the scroll. On Ajiril 1st, 1873, the Three (Jeiils

of th( last i.ssue appenreil with its colonr chani ,' ed to hlue. The perforation of IkjUi

stiuiips is 12. {Illmtr-MiDiiK 7.'), 74.)

1 c, lilnc-browii (shades).|

;j c., Ijhio (shades).

Issue VII. 1876-1879.

Four valm:.i. Similar to the preceding values as regards designs, lait the stamjis

are ronletted. The Five Cents also has its colonr changed to hhie. The One Cent

is printed from the phite of the last issue, {lllaxirfitims 7.'), 67, 7t, OS.)

1 c., lilac-lirown (shades). End 1877.

2 c, green( „ ). End 187 ».

:i c., blue( „ ), End 1877.

f> I'., „ ( ,, ). End 187G.

Issue VIII. Early in 1880.

Fonr ndiies. Engraved and printed in lailliHhnici ly the Ih'itish-.Vnierican

Dank Xotc Company, of Montieal, on white wove paper; machine -perforated ll'.

The entire sheet of each value contains 100 stamps, arranged in ten rows of ten.

Thcsj stamps are imitations of those printed Ijy the American IJank NoteCompany. Dcsign.s ; Oxe Cent.— Three-quarter face portrait of the Prince of

Wales in Highland costnnic looking to right, on ground of horizontal linos, withininscribed oval. Ornamented circles in the upper corners, lettered respectively

n and f; ornamental numerals ofvalue

below.Two Crxts.— Cod fish on

background of horizontal lines ; curved i]iscribed labels idiove and below


ornamental scrolls in lower corners with numerals of value. Tiiiiee Cext,s.

Portrait of Queen in widow's weeds to right, on grouiul of horizontal lines;

curved label above, and straight laliel below, inscribed with white Roman capitals.

Circles in upper corners with numerals of value; side ornaments, resembling thighbones. Vive Cents.— Seal on ice-floe; curved label above, and straight label below,inscribed in white Roman capitals. Cindcs in lower corners wilh numerals of

value; ornamental border. Shapes, upright rectangular for the One and ThreeCents, oblong rectangular for the other two values. 1 1 hi it rat lorn 70, 77, 78, 70.


1 c., madder-brown, grey-brown (shades).

•2 c, yellow-green( „ ).

3 c, l,lue ( „ ).

> ^•... ( „ ).

Remarks.— T\w Two Cents was not issued until two or three years after theother values.

Issue IX. Early in 1888.

Six values. Engraved and [jrinted in taitte-'Iuuce by the Uritish -AmericanBank Note Co., of Montreal, on white wove paper

; yellowish gum ; niachinc-

perforatod 12. The entire sheet of the Ten Cents contains fifty stamps, arranged

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44 NK\\FiiUM>l.AM).

ill livi: vcilital Riws uf ton ; wliilu tlio.-ic of the otlu;r live viiluos aro cdinposoil ofuiu huiidiud stiuiiiis um;li, in ton rows of ton. Dosi^rns: IIalk Cent.— A plain

upi'iglit sliioM, with Liroiniil of liorizonliil linos, slimloil at eitlior .sido ; boars in thocontrc, tli( lioailof M Xi'wfouMillnnil do, ,' onclosod within a poarlod oirolo, surnmni'.oil)i,v a circular liand of solid colour, inscriliod in wliite Roman capitals with the iianiu

of tho Colony at tho top, and the vahio ii.m.f cknt at tho luilton), tho two last

words hoinj,' separated l.y a small uprij,'lit tablet, wiMi nnnid.Ml top and pearl border,containing' A in white Arabic^ nuniorals. Tun Ce.n-ts.— Urij,' in full Siiil, to rij,'lit

curved label uf solid colour above, inscribed with tho name of tho Colony; similarstraight label below with the vahu in full, both in-soriptions beinj,' in white Koniancapitals; small scroll-like orn.aments at either end of tho bottom label; circle ofsolid colour, with Arabic numerals of value at each side of tho stamp. .Scroll-like

ornanionts complete th( design, which is evidently copied to .some extent from thoThirteen Cents of Issue IV. Tho One Cent, Two, Throe, and Five Cents are llio

same designs as the preceding issue, but with the colours changed. Shapes ; Smallsipiarc for tho Half Cent, upright rectangular for the One and Throe Cents, oblongrectangular for the other three values. {Illudralium 80, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81.)

4 c., rose-red.

1 c, bright green.

2 c, orange.

3 e., brown.

5 c, dark blue.

Ill c, black.

POST CARDS.Issue I. April 1st, 1873.

Otic raliw. Designed and printed l)y the American ]Jank Xoto C o. , o f XowYork, upon niediuni white card; size, 4/^x2^ inches. The left upper cornercontains an irregular ui)right fancy label, with pendant. The label bears a large

capital coloured Koman letter N upon ground of coloured horizontal linos. Thopendant is broken in tho centre by an ornamental circle, containing tho word to

in coloured early Knglish characters. At the top of tho card, in the centre, is an

ornamental scroll, the loft end of which is wound round the right side of tho labeljust described. Tho scroll bears ewfoundlaxd in coloured fancy capitals.

Kelow the scroll there is a straight ornamental label, inscribed post cahu in

white fancy capitals, >ipon ground of coloured horizontal linos. IJoneatli tho labelis the aduress o.nlv to ue wuitten- on this side, in coloured .slanting cupitaks,

iu a straight lini; ; lower down tiiroo ruled linos for the address, etch one of whichis shorter than the one above it. Tho stamp is in the right upper corner of thocard, and is of the same type as the One Cent adhesive, issue 1871. The ground-work of tho card is lilled iu with innumerable intevlacod circles, and crossiu thesearo a number of s tra igh t lines which converge towards tho loft bottom corner.

The design of the card is completed by an ornamental border, with rounded corners.

The border is broken at the Ijottom, in the centre, by a small labial with rounded endsinscribed amehican bank note co., n.y., in white Roman cajiitals, and the cornerscontain large fancy white crosses. Size of border, i\ x 2^ inches. {Illuxfrafiun 82.)

1 c, groeli (.shades).

Issue II. June, 1879.

OiiB vahi . Designed and printed by the American Bank Note Co., of NewYork, upon thick white card. Size, 5^^^ x 3/(y inches. At tho top of tho card is

the inscription in three lines : 1st, Uitioursal Postal Union in coloured fancy lottei's,

the word Ui'lcersal being curved, with ornamental linos above and below; 2nd,

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newf()UM)i,.\m). tuuiiu-nkuvu, ill cdlc.mod .sliintiiig l)lui;k luUurri; :?iil, imihtCAUU, ill whiUi fiiiicy oiipituls on a culoiiroil oniiiinriit.' lalicl, tlui f,'r<)iiml (if

wliicliis fillod in witli liorizoiital lines. Luwiir (Iciwii tiircc nilud lines for tlu; addicss,each (.111^ iif wliicli is sH^liliy Ioh-ct than tlic one aluive it. The .stamp, wliioliis similar in type to liie Tliivo Cnits adiiesivu (Lssiie July, 1870), but with tlio

valiio changed to Two Ciiiits, is in tlio ri^'lit-npi)or corner. The design of tlio cardsis completed by a fancy hord('r, with liirf,'o ornaments at the four corners. Size,

;'i iyX

-i (j inches. Outside the border, at the bottcjin of t]i(^ card, and in the centre,is the name of the makeio in small coloured Roman capitals. {1 11 usl ration 83.)

2 c, vcrniilion-red.

Issue III. January (?), 1880.

Oiia value. Dusi.;ned and printed by the LritisliAmerican I'.ank Note Co.,of Jfontreal, upon mwlium light buff card. Size, 4^^ x 3 .^'^ inches. Tlio inscription,which is at the, top of the card, is in three lines : 1st, Uidmrsul PoHfal Uuiou, in

a curved line in coloured fancy letters; 2nd, Newfoundland thuue neuve, incoloured slanting block letteiv, nlao curved; 3rd, post cakd, in white fancyciij)itids on a coloured ornamental lal)el, with gronndwork composed of horizontallinos. Ijelow tlio label there aro three dotted l ines for the address, each on< ofwhich is shorter than the one above it. The stamp is in the right upper corner.Design: Three-quarter face portrait of t^ueen Victoria to left, in widow's weeds,resting ber bead upon lier right band, on ground of horizontal lines, within a p la incircular band, which is Idled in with fine linos. The circle is surrounded by .an

ornamental frame, principally filled in with vertical lines. At the bott(5m there is astraight label of solid colour, bearing the vahu^ two cents, in white Komancapitals. The design of the card is completed by a fancy border, measuring4i X 24 inches. Inside the frame, at the bottom of the card, in the centre, is thename of the designers, in small coloured letters. (Illustration 84.)


2 c, orange-vermilion (shades).

Issue IV. July, 1880.

One value. Designed and printed by the Bank NoteConii)any, of Montreal, upon medium light buff card; size, i'lx-i'a inehes. Thedesign is a somewhat poor copy of the first issued card. The scroll at the topwith the name of the Colony is a littlo altered, and tho word to is in differenttype, upon a groundwork formed of diagonal lines. The stamp is replaced by thetypo of the One Cent, adhesive, issue 1880, and the groundwork of the' cardconsists of interlaced circles and ovals only. Tho frame is altogether different, andthe name of the makew is placed outside tho bottom of it in the centre on anarrow label ; size of frame, 4i x 2iJ inches. (Illmtration 85.)

1 c, green (aliadcs).

Issue V. May (?), 1889.

One value. Issued provisionally, iiending a fresh 8upi)ly of Two Cents cards.It consists of tho One Cent card of the preceding issue, with tlio stampsurcharged across the centre in black 2 cents, with Arabic numeral and Romancapitals, two straight bars at the top obliterating tho original value, ami an Arabicnumeral 2 over the figure 1 at each bottom corner of the stamp.

2 c , bl ack surcharge, on 1 c, green.


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IMiELIMINARY I, JTES.hv e. d. liAcoN.

VrnVA SC(.)TIA is a |K.iiiiisiilii l.ctwcuii 43' .10' X. hit., niul OP f^T W. loiif.-.,

^connected with

Xew Dniiiswickliy

lui isthmus alidiit 11 miles wiilc. Itslenj,'th is iilxiut 300 miles, and its hreailth alMnit 100 at its widest, with nnieli

variation. The island of Cape Hieton, sejiarated hy the tint of, forms[lart of the provinee. It contains an area of 20,907 .scpiare miles, iihont oiie-lifth

part of whieh consists of lakes, rivers, and inlets of the .sea.

Nova Scotia was discovered l.y John Cahot in 1497 ; it was colonized hy theFrench in 1598, who gave it the name eif Acndvi. It was taken hy tiie English,and a grant of it made to Sir \V. Alexander liy James 1. in 10:27; and it was this

monarch who altered the name to Xova Scotia. In 1032 it was restored to Franco,with (^liiehec, hy tlie Treaty of Ht. Gennniii-cn-Laije, hnt a.gain ceded to England atthe Peace of Utrecht, in 1714. After the Peace of Aixda-Chapiaie, in 1748, asettlement of dishanded troops was formed there hy Lord Halifax, and the city

which now hears his name is the cajiital of the province. Ca|)c IJreton was notfinally taken from the French until 1758. From 1784 to 1819 it formed a separate


Thanks to Mr. Donald A. King' s persevering assiduity in hunting up official

notices, and other particulars connected with the stamps of this Colony, we havefrom liim what may he considered almost a complete history of their introductionand use. His papers are most interesting and valnahle, as they elucidate manypreviously ohscure jioints in regard to stamps, and I think the Society hasacted wisely in repulilishing them as they originally appeared in The llitli/ax

rhilatdist. Amongst other information Mr. King gives from the Report of thePostmaster-General of Xova Scotia for the year 1852 occurs this .sentence: Postagestamps valued at One Shilling, Six Pence, and Three Pence have heen procuredfrom Trclayney Saiuiders, Esi]., stationer, of London. Trelawney (as the nameshould be spelt) Saunders is given in Kelly's /'w/ Office London Direv.tonj of 1851as a mapseller, publisher, antl stationer, agent by appointment for the ordnancemaps and admiralty charts, i%c. &c. ; and his aihlress was 0, Charing Cross. Hoit was who evidently received the order from tlie Colony for a supply of postage

stamps, which he must have entrusted to Messrs. Perkins, liacon, and Co. to carry

out, as it was this latter firm who engraved the stamps.

Mr. King gives an extract from one of the Reports, which authorizes the

bi.section of the Three Pence to allow the prepayment of the 7^d. rate to England';

but the Report states distinctly the Three Penny stamp was alone to be used for

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tli:it piirposn. Ah in tlip case of .\,.w Ilimiswick, liiilli llip Six rSliilliiii' nio fdunil liiscctcil.

Tlii' Novii S

nnd ( liic

Inilia viinctii'M lire prnliolily iliii' In tlinHiuiic ciiiiscH lis tliiw I liuve -ivi'ii fni' tlir funiicv Colmiv. Tlif fi

found in the Kc]Miit of tli,. I'ostmiistci'-Gciii' of (livut l ril

11,1^- piirliculiirs


lin, iiiMiii>liPil ill \f<'u,

yivc lis the oiirly postiil rates of Novii Scotia


In 18J2 'ftl, '53, '54, ftiiil '50 nicamiroB were sncccssivfly uiloptiil loi Dnestalilishment nf a hw rate of ]M)sta.:,'i'.

On Lettern not cxcwdiiij^ \ oz. , ... :id.

Aliovf J nz. nnd not excci'diiif^ I oz. . ... (id.

Above I oz. and not excoodiii;,' l.H oz. . ... )d.

And so on in proportion.

Letters posted and delivered in tlie same town are cliarf^ed Id. only per Joz' New iimpers are loiiveyei 1 fri

Id. jier

On printed Cirenlars, I'rices Current, IlaieHiills, &c., tlie postaj^e is

Books, &,c.,are allowed to ]iass free of charge when not exceedinR 2 ozs.

in weit,'lit ; but above that weiyhl, and up to 18 o/s. (to which weij^ht theliook privilege is limited), the postage is Ad. per oz

Till rates to Eiif,dand on May 1st, ISriti, wi're-

Not above J oz. direct

Hitto, by I'liitid Slates and Rrilish I'ackct

Ditto, by I'liited States Packet

Tlie present Iiis] tor of I'ost-ollieoi is Jfr. C. ,T. :Maeiloiialil, and Ihlimps (if this Colony lieiaiih



Is. O.'d.

rostmaster at Halifax .Mr. H. W. lilaekade,-. Tlio st

obsolete on .May -.'rih, \X(\7, the dale of the formation '.f tir of Ci

liefore j,'ivin,i,' a detailed list of the stamps of Nova Scotia, the Society thinksit would be advisable to reproiluce here the excellent articles upon the stamps of

this Cohiny from the jien of I\rr. Donald A. Kin;,', which were published in

T/if Ilitllfax I'lillatcliiit for December, 1887, January and Deceiuljer, 1888.:Most of the information Mr. Kiiif,- f,'ives is entirely new to eolleetora, and hetraces hack the date of the issue from 1857, the year it has previously beenput down at in the catalo,;,'ue.s, to Seittomber 1st, 1851.

ISSUING or THE FlIiST POSTAOE STAMPS IN NOVA SCOTIA. In looking over any of the .standard stamp cutalogm.s, the reader will see that

till date for the issue of postage stamps in Nova Scotia is 1857, and New I'.runswickin 1851. It alivays seemed to me as very, coiisiileriiig the nearness of tlii'

two enuntries and tlui resemlilance in their (Jovernments, that Xova Scoti,. shouldhe so long beliind New Urunswick in issuing stamps.

I determined to turn the matter up on the first possible occasion, and see if

the dates were in reality correct.

On enquiring at the Provincial Secretary's oni('e in Halifax, 1 found that allre cor ds of the Nova Scot ian Pos t Ollice Department had, at the confeileratiouof tht Ih' North American provinces, been transferred to Ottawa. However,through the kindness of the ll.m. W. S. Fiidding, the Provincial Secretary, 1 foniKlin the legislative library the yearly reports of the Postmaster-General of theprovince for the years previous to confederation. Starting with 1857— the siippo.seddat( of issue— 1 found that postage stamps were regularly mentioned in all parts ofthe Departmental accounts.

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It waa tlic snmc in 1850, 1855, nml 1854. A porfon would iiii,'if,'inr from thewi»y tlui iiccnuiits n'iul tlmt Htiuii[w liml liii'ii iiscil for twi'iity yciiiH p.i'viimM.

Ill tlio Ucportfl iliitc'i .Imiimry 7lli, 1854 (bciiif,' tlic woik fur 185;i ) 1 foundan iU'in of inforiiuilion wliiuli is not ^iviMi iji luiy ciitiilot,'ii('. It i.s a.n follows


'Onk I'r.NNY pnstiij,'i'ptiini)isliaviiif,'rrr('iitly lii'rn rci'civid from Loud. m nmljiiit inlo circuliiliou Mv. now to 1h' liad in nearly cvfry I'osl-ollii'c in Nova Sculiu.

'Tliero arc at prcsiMit stamps for One SliiMiie,', Six Pence, 'I'lirec I'l'iiee, andOne Ponny ; and tlic> iimIjIIc Ijave tlnis every liuility all'oriled tlieiii to pri'pay tlieir

letters to any place to wliiili stamps tan free lliem. His Kxcellency's (i(]veirimentliavin},'at consideralile (jutlay i lit mil need into the cinmtry llie system of prepaymentliy stamps, it iMasnliji,,; of i^'ial illation tliat, the pulilical laij^i are lie^^iiinin^,' to feel

ami appreciate their convenience and advanta^'cs, a iiiiicli larj,'er amoimt having;been issued from my ollice during the past than the |iievioiis yi'ar, lieiiij^ anincrease of o ve r 2 5 pur cent., a.s will be seen by reference to Keiiurl I.'

ThuH finding,' that the Oiio I'oiniy had not been issued till .some time aftertlip (itlier values were, I then turned to the Report dated January i*nd, 1853 (bein^'

the re|iort for tlio year 185: ), in which lie s.iys


'Po8lftr;o stamns valued at One Sliilling, Six Pence, and Three Pence liavobeen jirocured from Trelayiiey Saumlers, Ksi|., stationer, of fjondiin, and siipjilied tofliationer.s, postmasters, merchant.s, iind others at a discount of 5 per cent, allowedon sums of £h and upwards. During the jiast year there have been issued tVommy ollice postage stamps to the value of £';i,')5 2s. Cd. This is a much smallercirculation than was antici]ialeil at the lime of their iiitrodiiCL....i into thepiovinccti, the public ^^eni'ially, I apiirehend, not yet clearly understanding', nor appreciatin;,' their advaiitai^es.

'Tliey are deposited with the Receiver-Oeneral for safe keciiiiif;, from whomI procure them when a siijiply is needed. Application has lx,'en made for OnePenny stamps, which are expected to arrive sluirtly.'

Tlion takino tlio Report for January 5th, 1852, I find amon^ the accountsof the Post (Mlico Dopartiuent foi' the ijuartor ending the 5tli January, 1852,the foUowiiii' issues


'By amount of postage stamps on hand , , ,

By amount due Heceiver-Ocneral for postage stampsConsisting of 3 penny to value ot . . £,52

» I. 6 „ „ . , 24„ „ 1 shilling „ . . 24'


Also in sanies Report aecounts for quarter endiiif; 5th October, 1851.

' By amount of postage stamps . ... £ paid to Hon. Jos. Howe, being amount remitted by liim

to Trclayney Saunders, Em(|., for poatjige stamps for

Nova Scotia . . . £221 Hs. 8d.'

Those extracts from Postmaster General's Reports and from Post (Xrico

Department Aceount.s will positively decide the question as to date of issue,

The Three Penny, Six Penny, and One Shilling wore, I should think, issuedto tin' ]niblic in the second quarter of 1851 ; and the One Penny were probaldy putout about the last part of 1853.

Ill the same Reports I also found the following:

' To remedy to some extent the serious inconvenience said to be experienced

by merchants ami others in consequence of there being no Seven and One Half-penny currency postage staiiqi, by which parties who feel desirous could thusjirepay their letters to Kngland, and not wishing to put the province to anyliiither expense in having ancilher 'die' prepared, I considered it expedient toallow half stamps to be used with those now in vise, to obvinto the want ofiKH'oiiiiiiiKlatioii comidained of; and a circular was iu;cordi ugly forwarded to mydiqiiilies, and a notice issuetl to the public, to the effect that letters could beprepaid to England by stamps by parties using a Six Pence or two Three Pennystamps together with halt a Three Penny stamp. The Three Penny stamp to becut diagonally, and the Half to bo equivalent to l^d. The Three Penny stampalone to be used for that purpose.'

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.\()V.\ SCOTIA. 40

Tlio Tlirno Ppniiy staniji I Inivc wwr seen cut mul iiscil in tlmt iiimiuh'I'.

Tliin (irilcr wim issunl iiftcr tln' rciluctidii df lln'imckct

[loHtii;; 'to Kiiyliiml Irmii

1 sllillillj,' to J |M'11I'I',

Miijiir JCviiiiH in liin Catnln^MU) niciitinnx Un: TIii'imi I'l'imy .H\ir('liiir;,'(Ml

'paid n UUNIH,' iiml also ovcrininti'il '5 ( KNTh.' This I tliiuk laii lii^ ciisiiy

cxpliiini'il, us will lie SIMM liy the fiilluwinK ; Ahoiit 1851 (I think, hut iiiii ncit siiiv)

an at,'n'(^niiMit was cntcivil intu lictwcrn the rustniastrisdcniMal (if JJuva .Scotia anilthi United Ktati's fur tliu <ixchaiii,'( of corivsiionilenec hctwecn theii' resiu'itivciiinnti'ics. It was a 'rci'd niinn tliat Iho poHtaj,' ' sliimlil Im 5 rents, the NovaScotian Throe IVnny sliiiiip to lie equal to that value.

All letters goiuH to the I'niteil Slates fnmi N'ova Scotia, west, to he staniiieil

on th( faee, whether they wcu'e paiil or not, liy the olliee which ilespaleheil the mailto the United States. The staniii which was used for that purjiose I'orrespondsin all particulars with the suiiposed surcharf,'es. This stiuii|iinj,' I have no doulilhas occasionally lieen done on the postaj,'( stamps, and thus those .so-talKid surchargeshave lieconie known.

All the eHort.s tlmt I made to find out who first propo.sed the introduction of

po.stago stamps in Xova Scotia wore in vain. lUit I presume, juilging from theaccounts of tho Post Ollicu Department, that the Hon. Joseph llowi' wasinstrumental in doing sc. This indeed was an net worthy of the lilieral andenlightened mind of one of Nuva Si'otia's greatest sons. DoNAr.n A. Kixo.

NOVA SCOTIA STAMPS. In the Dcc( nil)Li innnhor of this paper I had an article on the proper dntn of

issue of thi^ Pence stamps of Xova Scotia. In it I ventured to assert that they\V('r( issui^l in tlu' middle of 1S51. Since then, on further investigation, 1 havediscovennl the exact date of issuo. Tho proof is obtained in th:' foli.iwim;' extractfrom tho Chronicle of the ,30th of August, IS.Jl :


•Postage stanijis having liecn received from Knglatid, notice is hereliy giventhat stamps of Three Pence, Six Pence, and One Shilling can lie purclia,scif a t thi solliee on and after Mamhoj, ike \sl

(/«// nf Stpkmkr next. ' NoTK.— Postage stanijis before being used kIioiiM bo examiued to ascertain

that they will firmly adhere (as in the event of their falling <ill' the letters becomecharged with postage), they should then be placed on the front of tin' letter, lottl

upon tlie right hand aimer of the, Ujiper .sii/e. Should this direction not be attendedto, from the rapidity with which the duty nuist be perlbrmeil, letters which bearstamps will frcipicntly be taxed, while tint parlies receiving them will be put toninch trouble in obtaining n n'.Uun of the postaj;e inipio]ierly charged.

'In all cases of complaint, whether of any irregularitv, the covers of theletters (and contents in all practicable ciuses) must invariably be kejit and sent lothe post-olHoc as alfording the only means of investigating tlie complaint.

'A. WOODOATE, U.P.M.G. 'Geni-;ral Post Office, IlAi.rFAX, ^Imijiim^ 2ith, 1851.'

This will, I think, .settle tho matter as to tho [jroper date of issue.

While on this subject it would bo as well to give tho same information inregard to the Cent issuo of Xova Scotia, although tliero is no error in r c' ga rd t othe date of those as thoro is to tho lirst issuo. Tho extriR't following is taken frmn

tho Report of tho I'ostmaster-Gonoral of Nova Scotia for 18G0. He says :

' Postage stamps of a new design, and adapted to the decimal system, were

obtained, with the consent of the Uovernor in Cimncil, from the New YorkAmerican Bank Note Co., and circulated on the 1st of October last (I8(i0). Thedesi^;n, colour, and value of the stamps arc as follows : One Cent, black ; FiveCiait, blue ; Eight and a Half Cent, green ; Ten Cent, scarlet ; anil Twelve anda Half Cent, black.

'A supply of 19,000 sheets, or 1,000,000 stamps, equal in value to l.'52,ll(K)

dollars, been obtained from the above firm, costing for their manufacture andincideuUds 901.50 dollars.'

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flO N<n\\ sciiriA.

' It will Im MOPii Hint 1

valiio wan lint iHMucrl till N(iiiii< liiiii' iifii.i^ t|

licrc in 11(1 iiK'iiiinii imikI,. of tlic Twd ('cut Htniiip, Tl

tlmt tlic'ic was nil iihi' fur it imMI' iillliT st:illl|iM liiiil I

II, foi' il

iitii fii


Till' fniiilUill

at was lailnl tin' '(.'iiiiiily l'i,Mla;;ii Art '


II' ri'iiNiiii

fxtrart fnini ||i<. l'ciMtiiiaHt( r-( irlli'ml H Hi'


iii't i.H

lialili' lilt' til liiriy (nit that jmit nf tlic Art, liiwcl iliiiiii-,' tlii' lastHcusiim, ill ii'firi'iii'L' to llir I'ost-nlliii' rciliiciii tl ic |iii«laH« 111 twii c'l'iits nil a li'lter


jiiwlril ill a nullity I'lii; ililivi'iy williiii llif saiil <'iiiiiily, il was m'ii.«siii'v In prin'iiroi''>'li''t' 'laiap I'lii' llic |iii'|jayiiu'iit nf lliis |iarlii iilar ilass nf

I'ii'iiii Itiiiik

III. at.



Nnl,. (',), I

A|iiiliialiip|i was aiMnnlin;;ly wm'w. to tlic New V'mk Ama sii|i|ily, iiiiil . jiiiNi Nlii.f's wi'ii' iii'iiciiri'il at a un^t tn the Dc'iiarl

. , .1' .i.ii> . I. 1• 1

iliclllilill;,' llic, nt iiis il<


Tlic ii'iliiicil rate laiiic into o]H'riitii)ii nn ilir i itli Mav last, ami lias vicMclInr Ilic lii'sl live iiiniillis, ciii l i' i l ;)(i t |, Sc|it('iiilicr last (as lar as I liavi; licuii ciiaMcltn ..1 lean IVoiii (lie rctiiiiis in my i

,tl• '

'Sinn) a rcvcnin nf -iriO iln lais, a less iininiiiii,

lie saiiiuin iiiy niiiiiinn, than wniilil have liceu mili/.t'il iiinlui' tlie lii^liei niK' loi' Il


The followiiin list will ;,'ivo UH the precise ilate of all except the due I ciinv.

Of it 1 can ill. no niiiie tliaii j,'ivi' the year, ami ahoiit Hie proluihlc lime, ju.lyii'igfruiii the l'oslnia.Mtcr-( encral's Jicport. Tlie list is as follow

;l pence•' >,

I shilling

1 penny

1 cent

Issued 1st Seplenilicr, IHJI.

„ aliniii :iiil ipiarter, lH5;i.


Issiieil Isl Octnlicr, l.s(l(l.

'Those extracts will, I Ihii


mil Mav, 1803.

ink, linally settle the .lale of the staiiiji- of Xovi

DoXAMi \ Kixij.


The titlfi of this is no .louht stnrlliiif,', but it is true nevertheless. It i.s a.well-known fact m I'liilatdy that nearly every country has sonio .stamps, prnvisiomilor I'rror, tliat are not foiiml in calalo-ncs, hut whieii ai ncveitliele.s.s known to.'.'Cist, us the St . I'l erre .Mii|uelon I'.D., the liromen Afarkcn error, nn.l so in.Nova .Seotia we have the so-calleil surchar-es. In Fehruarv of this year Iicceive.l a parcel of oM ^ova Scotia stamps from a fricml 'in Port Hastiin'sCape I.roton, and anionn them 1 found three' Three Penny stamiis with .'To'in an oval printed on tliein. They had all been cut out of the envelopes'IiaviiiK il part of the paper as a mar-in, and as I had in writin- for tlimnspeeitieil tlie dates hetween which the Pence issues would he found nil thostamps had the respective dates of tho letters i.eueiltcl on tho hacks of themImmediately takni'; the three surcliar;,'cd stamps I returned tlioin, and asked if theenvelopes from which they were cut could Ije sent luc, and I was lucky eiimi'-h toKct them. I thou thouj,'ht 1 had a bonanza, a re^'ular surcharged stamp of NovaScotia, overlooking the fact that theri^ wore no other cancellation marks on thoniThe three letters had all been mailed from the same ollice, IJaildeck, within i mouth—January l.'Uh, 20tli, the third the day of Hie month docs not show, lt<t;0--anil alladdressed to tho same person. To make me i.miv sure of the fact of their beiiiKreally n surcharge, I saw in No. 304 of Lc T.ndn; Pusi,, .an illustration of one whichwas in the eollection of y\. do Ferrari, and which was precisely tlie .same as thethree I had. liciiig informed that the postmaster who is now at IJaddeck, was thesame as was there in 1 800, I decided to write him for information on the subject

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.VmI'.I xdiia. 01

iilM liihl ..III li,.w III,.,-,. s(aiii|,,-.,,iiii,. I,, |„. .iiirliiir

Wlli'll I iccivi., Ill,' f,,l|,,Hii|.^ illlHUVI-;

liiia-iiii' my ,Iis;i|.|H,iiitMiriit

' VI'I'I.K, N'.iVA.Si.lllA, J,,W/ltlM, INS^

I III ,1 I „.,.,, „n.. tl,„t «,,|.,.a,s „u .•MV,l,.|,..,s ..,i,:l,.,e.l, \Vill, .i,| ,u,y ..i,l,.r I

' ' (Sl(rMCll) itdllKlir Kl.Msl.Y.'

Til,. Mli.iiips n.|Vn.,.,l ti, in tlu, li.tlcr w,Mr iiii|.ivs,si„Ms fr,,,,, tj,,, „M |,;„„iM,UMi« Ml l„H .,|li..„ To ,„„l,.,.Ktm>,l til,. lall,.,. ,,a|.| „f ,l,is l,.u,.r ,1 ,,,„,,

n .St ... u„,l,.r..t,„„l Imt it was a n, ,. „f ||„, x,,, , s,.„tia (»,l l),.,,;,.i ,',,

mil iH n,.wof tim (Jana,|ia„) that a staii,,, ,sl„.„l,l „,.i |,„ ,a,„.,.||,.,| will,',.,. „nkoi. w,th .lat,. .sl,i,„,, l,„t with a ,.an,.,.ll,.r, s., tliat in .as,, th,. slam,. hI„.,i .1 , ,oir th., l-slmaik w,.i,l,| 1.,. ,.„ ,|„, ,.„v,.l„|„., an.l th,. ..ri;- ,, .,f th,. l,.tl,.,. ..oi,i,l il„ ,h,. f„„„,l Ihis ..f ..,n„.s.. ,.,„il,| „„t 1 „,„. if th,. postmark was on th,. sti 1.

T is r 'f' '' '' ^ |'';'Vt,< l'l • 'l,.aM,.,l, a,„l th,. sla us,.,l „.aiT 8 otln, „_f ,.,.„,s,., ,.x|,l,.,|,.,l th.. i.|,.a „f a simlia,.,,, \„t I„m^- afti.f this

wV Y'Tl 'T'' ' '' i' V l I ' 1' Im.l, whi,h was niiiil,., f,.,.M.

ij?.., sm.•ha,^^.,l ,.n ,.a..h ; l.iit, as in n.y own,., th,.ni was n,. ,.lh,.,.an.M. .I,.,n ,.n tli..i„ M,. Cmiils th,.,.ry is, that as th,i c,nT,.n,y was chai .,

tn .lul ars an, ,.,.nts m th,, l„.,,-„ni„g „f l,s,;o, an,l lliat as G.|. wus th.., a't<nly 10 c tha th.. i,„sl,„ast..r at Why..,„„,„a„l, put it ,11, tlic Six IVnnvstamps t„ Hh„w hat ,,. s„l,l tliLii, f„r ,hat pri.../ If' this was th.. .J\ si 1,1think n„,r., w,.,iM 1„. f„un,l, a,„l until th,.,, I will ,.,.ntini,e to hLJiov., tha 1.snirlmw, wa.s ..nly an a..,.i,h.ntal, althoii 'h in sunn,.,' .,f M,. Vruu^'n....'niiii.Mt I,,.,.,. ,H a liKnr.. liv,- al,.„,-si,i„ „f n,y own Th,-,... I>,.,.'uy stuap, ilinsli. 1


I s,.,.iiis, howvv..,., a s„,.,'ula,' ,„„„m,1,.,„.,. that his an,l shoiil.I .. „nil,.,l •

nm„„.... ,„ whi,.h llM.s,. stampH a,v likely to h. ih,,. oierprint.M is ihii : In U^hur. was a „,.w postal t,..,ity i„Ta„f,'..,l l,„n th- Tnil,., Stat.Ns a,„l Nova .S,utia

;; i ? ' ;;' ' ' ; •; f ^^''f'' '

was that tl,,. ,at.. sho„l.l h„ ;,,1. p.r o , , '

anil that all ,„vpa„l |,.tt,.,.s s,.„t hy Xova S,.„t.,a t,. Il.„ Unit,.,l Stat... si ,.11 1, ,0

ntk', ,1 -T u'' ' '' '1'' '' ^- ''''^'^ '»- » occasionali;

«tii,tk ..„ th,. stanip a..,.,.i..ntally, an,l w,.<ii,l thus ,„ako a surcha,-.;. I havi.

TuZ^vT ' ,' ' ;' '',

•' ''' the ,.,1,.,. of th.. pai.l sta.iip l,a.s°,ni.ssc.l thoII .;., l.;„..o stamp l.y ,.„ly a hiiu 1.v..„,ltli. Son.o uf tho «,„'. harg,.,s have ,,0iluuht <.,,.;inatc.l in tins inannc. ^

Tho i.,.nvisi..„al stanips of X„v, S,.„tia a.'o th. split ones, of whi, , onlyom value, the Ihiy.. IVnny, was anth.ui/.e.l t,. he so ns.'l, „n,l that u7l~ Wimrpos.,; v,z l,,all,,w the rat,. ,>f posta,,,. to (:, Ihutai,',, 71,1, t., he laL ,i ns e„„j^ oU.e Thive l'..,i,y was a„tl„.,.i....l l.y the JWma^ter-tiener «« uhi.s ,-.po.t for l,S,..i h,i says, 'To ,,.,i„.,ly to some extent th.- se,.io„,s i,„.onve„ .'m

se'.J'i'orjr ;;'''^ ' '' ^ ^ ' '^ '^ '-i- - ^ there n^;,

.tsi ,1 .,, 1

'' \';' ''''',''y 1 ^^'' ^ ^' 1' ' ''.V whieh parti..s who feel. es ,, HIS ,oul,l thus tli,.,r l,.tler. to E„,,r|a,„l, a„.l not wishing to put th.-province to any further expense

in having another ,//e prepar... , 1 co, s ile m,rw.,

''<.' .m„,o,lat,on e,.iiiplaii,e,l of; an.l n eireular was uce.,nli„.rlyorwar.le.l to ,i,y .l,.put,.,s, an.l a notice issiie.l to the pul.lie to the ..fleet hat

f couhl he prepa,. to Knglan.l hy stamps, l.y parties using a 8 x 1' ,,cea two Three Penny s an.p.. t..gether with M/ a Tin;. Penn,, Ma2 Ih^1 ree Penny sta„,p to be ..,,1 .liagonally, an.l the half to bo e.i,; valcnt o lUTho Throe Penny sta,„p alon.. to be use.l f,.r that puri.osc'

Of the auth,_„is.3,l split stamps I have met with live varieties. Th,. .Sixleiiny out d,ag..iially, ami nse.l as thrc.. pence; als., six Penny, but cut per-

8/13/2019 filateli 2 57/79


'i i

l)uii(lieularly, an oxtreniuly rare variety, which i.s the only one I have ever seeneut in tjjis manner. 1 liavc also seen three other varieties ; they are the TenCents, eut iliagonaily and used as Fivi; Cents, also cut jicrpendieularly and usedfor same; and tiie Five Cents, cut diagonally and usid for tlic county [jostagc oftwo cents.

Another variety I have found is an oddity ; it is a Six Penny cut, and usedfor wliat? Under it is writtiin in red jicucil '5 cTS.' I have two almost the same;the other has, however, only the figure 5 in red under the half stamji. The stampshave undoubtedly prepaid tlie letter, as tiie colour in which the ' 5 CTS.' is writtensiiows it, red lieing the paid colour. Tlicy probably originated at some small jmst-ollice out of stanijis, and who marked them in red us paid letters, and sent themiuul the money for stamps U) tlie )ie.\t post-ollice ; or they were given by some oneon the road to a mail courier (as was the jiractice then as now), with the money to])repay tiiem, and he marked them in red as prepaid, and had them stamped at thenearest jiost-ollice.

All the split stamps of Xc ,Scotia arc very rare, and should bo greatlyvalued liy coUcctcns. Oil' tlio original envelope they arc valueless, and I have beensorely disapiiointed more than once on receiving them in that condition. Whilo in

Nova Scotia we have not got those varieties of types in stamps which some othercountries have; still, wo can make up a number of interesting varieties whicii areiniknow-n to most collectors, and in nearly every case have never been mentionedin catalogues. Donald A. King.



To Alexandria




] c'l^;iuiii

China .

. 2

. 1

. 2

. 2

. 2

. 2








s. it.

To France . .23Oihraltar . .21Holland . .22Hong Kong. . 2 10

India . . . 2 10

Norway . .27

To Portugal .

Prussia .



Swuilen .

Turkey .













To AdelaideAiiti;,'ua




. 2. 1

. 2







To Brazil . . . 3 )

Cape Verd,,. . 2 10

Cape of Good Hope 2

To Chili


• 1






Tlie following figures s

Scotia in the lirsl four yc^ars.

low the increase in the sale

after their introduction, viz.

of postage stam] )S in Nova





Amount sold


* * •

£. 325

. 473

. 8 )8

. 1656










An increase of fivc hundred |ier cent. 'J'/ie Halifax Pin, vol. ii., page 7 •


Issue I. September 1st, 1851.

Tliive values. Engraved and printed in tai/lc-doucc by Slessrs. Perkins, Bacon,

and Co., of London, upon stoutish blue wove paper; yellowish gum, imperforate.

Design : Tiie design is almost exactly similar to that of the first issue of NewUrunswick, but the lower star contains a mayflower, the heraldic emblem of tlio

Colony, insteail of a rose inverted. The name of the Colony is in block type on

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all thrnc Viihms; postaok uiul tlic value in Kniiiiin capitals cm Uic Three rence,and Mock letters on the Six Pence ami Uue .Shilling. The wurd sixi'EXCE has

acoloured lino down the centre of each letter. Sliaiie, lozenge. (I/huftraliuns 8fi,

P . 88.) Ui)i)er left hurdcr, nova; ujiper right, scotia; lower left border, lUHBE PKNUE, six I'liXCB, ONE SlllLLI.NO

; luWer right, I'OBTAOE.

3il., lilue, dark Miie (shades).

Cd., dark green, yellow-green( „ ).

Is., liliic-iiiiiuve, dull viulut ( „ ).

All three stamps arc found cut in two and used for half the

dthough, as we see from Mr. King's paper, the Three Toncc wa.s


nnminal values,

alone luithorizcd to be mutilated in this manner.

liemurh. —The colour of the [)ai)cr varies considerably, from deep blue toalmost wliito.

All the surcharges catalogued on the stiimi)s of tl issue may be put down tooljliteratlons,

or as due to fraud. {Vi'h Iilr. King's pai is.)

Issue II. May lst(?), 1853.

One value. Engraved and printed in tail/e-ilonce by Messrs. Perkins, Bacon,and Co., ujron stoutish blue wove paper; yellowi.- i gum, imperforate. Design:Diademed almost full-face portrait of Quoon Victoria looking to left, within asingle plain-lined lozenge -shaped frame with engine-turned background. Thespandrels are filled in with arabesque ornamentation, in which four eight-rayedstars, that are cut in half l)y the lozenge-shapod frame, figure prominently. At thetop, bottom, and two sides there are narrow coloured bands, composed of diagonalcrcsscd linos, containing inscrijitions in plain Koman capitals. Plain scptarc blocksin the four corners, with coloured Romnu numeral of value. Shape, square.ijllmtration 89.)

T. NOVA. B. SCOTIA. R. POSTACIE. L. ONE PENNY —both tllC lattor

reading downwards.jj.^ reddish-brown (si ..des).

Remarks. —Specimens of this stamp are known upon white paper, but, like theThree Pence of New Prunswick, the var ie ty is only due to the discharge of theblue colouring matter from the paper.

This is the oidy stamp of Nova Scotia I^fr. King is unable to give tliv exactday of issue of. A note in IVie Philatelic Reconl, vol. x. page 48, states that thefirst supply was sent over to tlie Colony by JFcssrs. Perkins, Paeon, and Co. inApril, 1853 ; so the issue most likely took place on or about May 1st in that year.

Issue III October 1st, 1860.

Five mines. Engrave<l ami printeil liy the American Hank Xote Co., of XowYork, on yellowish or white wove paper; yellowish gum, machine-|ierforaled, 12.

Designs: One Cent and Five Cents.— Diademed profile of (^fiieen Victoria to left,

upon a backgrouiul of horizontal lines, crossed by diagonal lines behind the head,within a circle composed of a plain white and a fine coloured liiu', arched .scrolls <if

diagonal lines, cros.sed above and Ijclow, following the shape of the circle ; curvedlabels of solid colour in the centre of the scrolls on the Five Cents value only.

The scrolls of the One Cent and labels of the Five Cents are inscrilied, in whileRoman caiiitals, with the name of the Colony above and the value in words bidow.The remaimler of the design is completed by arabe.sciues and foliate iiiiiaiiicntation,


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64 A'Ol'A SCOT/A.



wliith ciRomiiasscs tlic two .scrolls mid the I'lrck . Eiciirr an'd a Half, Ten,iiiul Twelve and .. Haw Cents.— Dindoiiii'tl fiill-fute imrtniit of C,iucoii Victoiiii

on l),ii k};roim(l of liorizontiil and diii-onid ci'dssimI lines, -.vitlr'n an iiin'iglit oviil.

Vcrticallydined arched scrolls above and lielow, for the two lower values, inscribedwith the name of the Colony abov(^ and the value in words bolow in white Roniniicapitals. The Twelve and a Half Cents has the upper inscription upon a curvedlabel of .solid colour, placeil in the centre of the scroll. The lower inscription is inblock letters, upon a strai.^ht octagonal label of solid colour. The reuiaiiuler of thedesigns are tilled in with arabcstpics and foliate ornauu-ntation, which dill'er for eachof the thi-eo values. Shape, upright rectangidur. {UhtstralioHs <J0, 91, 92, 93, 94.)

'nova hcotia. 'one cent, five, eight & J, TEN, AND twelve & J CENTS.

(a) On ijdtowifh piqtcr.

1 c, black.

5 c, dark blue.

8Jc, yellow-green, dark

yellow-green1(1 c, vermilion.

12jc., black.

(li) On v:hite }iaper,

1 c, black.

5 c, dark blue.

8.\ c, yellow-green.U) c, vermilion,

12,J c, black.

Vane/i(S.—{A) The Fivi^ Cents is known oit in two diagonally, and used for

the County Postage of Two Cents.

2 c. (half 5 c), dark blue. '

(h) The Ten Cents exists cut; diagonally, and is also found cut perpendicularly,each half serving as Five Cents.

5 c, (half 10 c), vermilion.

Rvmarlif. —The bisected varieties :>re unknown to the Society, but they maybe found described in 'Sh: King's last paper.

Issue IV. May 11th, 1863.

One value. Engraved and printed by the American Bank Note Co., on whitewove paper; yellowish gum, machine-perforated 12. The design is exactly thesame as that of the One Cent of the last issue, excepting mo value. Shape,til)right rectangular. {Illustration 95.)

T. nova .scotia. b. two cents.

2 c, lilac, brownish-lilac (shades).

Remar]is.—^omc very dangerous and wcU-executei' '.'orgerics of this and theprevious set of stamps exist. They are quite as well ei.graved as the real stamps,and wore it not that the designs are of somewhat smallc dimensions, they wouldbe most difficult to detec t.

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mills island is situated bctwoou IG and 47° N. lat., and liptwcnn G2° and 04 W.A loHK. Its aroa is about 1,; ,S0,000 awes; it is aliout 140 miles lony, and 34 its

greatest breadth. It was discovered by Sebastian Cabot, 1497; it was first settledby the Frcncli, but was taken from them in 1 7r)8. It was annexed to Xova ScotiainyC3, but, on the petition of its i •',: mts, was constituted a sej.arate colony in1770. liyanAct passed in 1798, ame into operation 1st February, 1799,

tlie island received its present muv • .'rince Edward, Duke of Kent.

Tlie introduction of postage stami)s iiito tJK^ Colony took place on January 1st18G1, as tlie following notice from Tlw Roijal GazHh of that date, published :.t

Charlottetown, proves :

POSTAGE STAMPS. The Public are horel)y informed that stamps lor the i)repaymcnt of Lettersand Packets to be sent by the Post will, on the 1st January, 1801, be readyfor circulation. The decign, colour, and value of each class of stamps are asfollows ;

The Queen's Head, profile ijreen.Six .'ence

» )) » „ Whc, Three Pence.

j> » II I, ra\, Two Ponce.

The hlue. or ral stamp will lie received for payment of h.df the sum itindicates, if eut in two diagonally.

These stamps can be had at the Qeneral Po.«t Olfice, Charlottetown,and of all Postmasters on the island.

(Signed) L. C. Owen, Postmaater-fknenU.

Grneuai. Post Oitick, Vcnmber 20t i, 18G0.

Wo see from this notice the tirst i.ssue consisted of three stamps, forming fivevalues with the, two provisionals. Those first issued were evidently the Two Pernio,Three Ponce, and Six Pence, perforated 9, as they are tlie only values foundwith this large perforation. With regard to the two provisionals, Jlr. T. K.Tapling's collection contains a .speeimon of the Three Halfpenny, but I iiave never

seen the bisected Two Pence. The latter probalily could only be employedfor tho prepayment of book.s, S:v.., and conse(|uently the stamps woidd getdestroyed. It may be also this provisional was soon replace.l by the One Penny,orange-yellow, when there would bi' no further call for its The disappearanceof the variety, although in this case we know tho stamp was so U8e<l, naturallystrengtliens the suggestions I have thrown out .as regards the bisi'ction of theTwo Pence Halfpeiniy and Three Penny .stamps of CritLsh Cohuidiia for thepropnymout of newspaiiers.

8/13/2019 filateli 2 61/79 PinXCK KDWAllI) ISLAND.

\i '

1 mil uimlilc to f;ivr llic djitc of issue of Uic On,' I'eimy iiiid Nine I'ciicc, us I

IlilVC fdlllul IK) llli' iif llicsi' (,\V(l imps ill T/k' linljitl (lirrttr ; lm(, ||i,. fi||. [

liavc hull iiciTHs til is 11 very ilii'oiiiplclc mic, si'VI'I'mI yiMis ln'iiij,' iiiissiiif,' iiltcij^'rtliri'

friiill (hi- si'i'ii's. Till' Niiii' I'imut ninviiry sliiiiip, i;\\v.\\ \n (id. sli'iiiii;,', wascviilnit-ly issued Un- the invpayiiii'iit of h'llei's to Kii.ulaiid, as the .', oz. rate for

letteis lielweeii the two coiinlrieH at. tiint time was (id. slerliiifr. ](,.|(. let mi.remark that the eiineiiey of the island was apparently more depieeiateil than tJiat

of tlio other Nnitli Ameiican Colonies, where we have seen 7,',d. eiirreney was eipial

to Oil. sterliiif,'.

The next notice, taUeii from 7'//e Iti'ijal dwxlli' for Oetolier 'JUnd, IS(iS, shiiwsus the reason for the i.ssiie of the Four 'eiiiiy slaniii, whii'li came into use at

this date or shortly afterwiinlH.

NOTIOK. Ills llouortl ' T,ieiit('iiaiil-{ ovcninr in ('oiincil has heeii iileasi'il to apin-oveof the I'lilliiwiii;^' iiiiiililicaliniis in llie I'ostal Arraiit,'emeiit hetween llie I'liiled


this I.daiid; vi/. :

On unci al'ler llu' liisl ilay of Novoiiilier next, ilio (lostn 'e cm a singleLetter shall lie lAniu I'kni'K, it' prepaid at the mailiiiK ollieo, and Ten Dents(iipial to Si.\ Teiiee) it posted unpaid; and for other than sint,de Letters(he .siiilU eliai-Hci shall he made for each additional half oinic'e, or fiacticiii

(hereof. Letters for liritish Celninliia, California, and Oivj^on .shall heSi.\ I'enec', if jirepaid, jirr half ounce.

(Sij,'ned) Thomas ()\vi:n,

CKNKiiAi, I'dsr Okfic^k, r,>.lmn»l(r-anicml. Ch'town, p. K. Isi.ANMi, (ktulicr iXsl, I8(i8.

Mr. Thomas Owen heeunie I'ostinaster-Ceiieral on April ; Oth, IcSfl , in ])laco

of Mr. IVter Dos Ihisay, who .suec^eede.l Mr. L, C. Owen. Mr. .loliii AndrewMcDonald was appointed to the otlice on .laiuiary l.'idi, 18fi9, in -dace of Mr.Thomas ( (wen, deceased.

Till Riiijiil dwytli' for May -iTth,1870, contains the following:


On and alter the lirst ,)nne next, the postage on paid Letters for OrofttBritain will lie Tliroo IViiee slerlliiH per half oniicc, iiiatuad of Six I'uncesterliiij,', as at ]ireseiit,

(Signed) John A. McDonat.d, Pontma.ster-Cleneral.

tlrsi-.iiAi, I'osr Offic :, Cn'rowN, Maij 'lOlli, 1870.

And in the issue of Tin: Jini/al Qici'tti' of .hiiie 10th, 1870, this luitico ia

found :


r(istaf,'e on Letters for the Dominion of Canada, 3d. cy. each mto ; for HieI'iiKed S(ates, 4d. cy, : for (ireat liritiiiii, Ijd. ey.

Newspapers for Newfoiiiidland iind Indies, Id. Rt;,'. each ; lor

Australia, New Zealand, ke., 2d. stg. each. Newspap,ei-s for Great Untaiii,United Stales, and the Dominion of Canncla forwarded free.

(Signed) John A. Macdonald, Postmaster aeneral

Ueneiiai. Post Officb, CiiAitLoriF.TowN,

30M Miiy, 1870.

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Till' (irst of llirsc t.\Vi> linlins -/wv * us the ,ip|inixilii;il.' diid' ;inil ciiusc of issueof the Tliiw IVlUT sliM'liiiK

(\M. cuiTciwy), limwii sliiinp. It is possiMi' tl» sl;iiiipw;is not iviuly for issun on .Iiiiii' 1st, im Mr. TapliM;,''s cnllccMon containii a wijiy oftill- Nine I'lMUT cut in lialf ami used us I.Jd. This vancly is said to liavii Imcntaken oir a letter sent to Knglaud in 1,h70, so it is possilili' tliu Nine IViiee wasliiseclod and UHod provisionally proviotis to l lu ^ i ss ui of tlie lirown stamp. If thiswas so, and tlio iie.w stamp was not ready at (he alteration of the rale, the issueno doul.t took ))laee shortly afterwards. This Four I'enee llalfpenuy .siamp waseii^'raved Iiy (he ISritish Auieriiau liaidi N'ole Co., ,,( .\ ,,ul'c,d ,'ind Ollawa:the earlii'r .stamps of tlii Colony Immm- pmdii.ed hy Charles Whiliu- printer, ofIteaufort irou,se, Strand, London. It was this Mr. Whiting who sent in so manyes.siiys and .sn-^'estions to the ( ioveiiimenl jirevions to thi' inlrodnelion of postagestamps in (Ireat IJrilain. As e.ilhrtors know, many of these (h'si^,'ns are lieantiful

works of art compared with the mean cnKraviii^' ..f tja; stamps of I'rince KdwardIsland, hut perhaps tlii i)ric<' oll'cred for the .stamps al l|ii> ti they were ordered

had a },'ood deal to do with their poor workmanship.In 1.S71 an Act was pii.s.sed to eslahlish a decimal system of currency in the

l.sland, which came into operation on .lanuary Uh, 1S72. I nave found no noticein T/w ( a::>'/fi of the i.s.sue of the sil of stamps with tln^ values in cents, Imtif they were not issued on tlu,' .sanii diy as the al)ove Act lu^came law, theycanui into shortly afterwards. The stamps of this Colony wero withdiawnfrom u.seon.Iuly 1st, lS7:i-the date the Island w.'is admitted int<, the Dominionof Canada.


Issue L January Ist, 1861.

Five valucx. Litho-rajihed ( ) ami printed l.y .Mr. Cha.s. Vv'hiting, of London, uponnwdium white wove nnwatcrmarked pajn'r (that used for the

stamps issued hein;;yellowish in tone); white ,L;um. The I'ntire sheet of each value contains thirty.stamps arranf,'ed in six horizontal rows of five, (ixci'ptin;,' tht^ Two I'enee, which lia.t

si.xty in six horizontal rows of ten. Di'si^ns : The same diadiuimd prollle of IjluoenVictoria to left do^rs duty for all live .stamps, and the inscriptions an; ail in whiterMock h'ttcrs. The I'k.nnv lia,s tlio head niion a naiculaled hack^round,enclosed within a hand of .solid colour, whii'h touches the .sides of the stamp,and is curved at the four corners. The hand is in.scrihcd at the left top and ri^dit

side with the name of the Colony and the word ro.siAiiH, and at tiie hottoinwith the value in word.s. Tlu four corners of the stamp contain small conventionalornaments, and an outer line of eoh)ur completes tlu' desi-.i. Two I'unxh.— Thehead of Her Majesty rests upon a reticulated liackground of a dill'erent ])atterii

to that of the One Penny, and is endo.sed within a circular hand of .soli<l colour,inscrihed with the name of the Colony aliove and rosTACiP helow. Straight

lahid of .solid colour at the hottom of the standi, with the value in full. Thespandreks are filled in with reticulations of the .same palt(;rn as the One I'ei.ny

and th( design is completed hy a single out(>r coloured line. The Thpee Penckis precisely similar to the Two Pence, hut the (j uecn'.s head is contained withinan upright oval hand. The Six 1'ence is also similar to the Two Pence, oxci^ptingthat the hcml is enclose<l within an octagonal hand. The Xine Pence has HerMajesty's head npon a similar haekground to the One Penny, hut endo.sed withina rihhon-Iike haml of .solid colour, inscrihed with the nan f the Colony and the

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word posTAOE. Till' liiiiiil is imiiin^'cd iipdii at tlio liottom Iiy a hroa.l straight labelof solid colour, iiia(uil)ed in tlireu liiu.'s

nine pence cuRnENfv— equal to— sixpenceSTO., till first lino Iwinj,' curved. Conventional ornanionta in tlii' niipcr corners,and a plain outer line of colour conipletea tlio (lesif,Mi. Slia|)e, uprij,'lit i'ectanj,'ular.

The One Penny ami Xine Pence were not issued with the otlier three values,and did not eoine int.. use until the year 18G5. (Illustrations 9G, 97,'

98, 99, 100.)

(a) Perforated 0. (Janrary 1st, 18(51).

2d., dark rose (sliade.*).

3d., dark blue ( „ ),

6d., yellow-jjreen ( „ ).

run'efe,— Divided in two, iliaxonally, and used for half the values.

Id, (half 2d.), didl rose.

Ud. (half 3d.), .lark lihie.

(n) Itoukttal.

2d., dull rose.

(c) Perforated 11, ll.i, 12, and compound. (1HC5 ()

Id., brownish-yellow, oranye-yellow (shades).

2d., dull rose, canuine( ^, ).

3d., dark blue( „ ),

6d., yellow-green, hluish-greon( „ ).

<Jd., lihic( „ ).

T\meties.~(A) Divide' in tw, igonally, and used for hal f the vali.j.

; ,iialf 6d.), yellow-green.

4,Jd. (half 9d.), lilac.

(b) Imperforate, horizontally.

3d., dark blue.

(c) Imperforate, vertically.

9d., lilac.

(d) Imperforate.

Id., orange-yellow. I 3<l., <lark blue. i gd., lilac.

2d., dark rose.|

Gd., bluish-green.|

IiemarJM.—Th(i Two Pence, roulettod, is unknown to the Socief v. The varietyis descrii)ed in Tlie Halifax Philatelist for November, 1888, page 129. The writer.says the specimen seen was u.sed, and on part of the original envelope it has atine wide margin, and shows the roulette cuts plaiidy.

The imi)erforate stamps arc believed to be proofs, and not to have been issue.lin thi s state. A paper on the nunor arieties found in those stamps was publish.edin The Halifax Philatelist for Soptomlior, 1888. The author is Mr. David Lang,and the article a very interesting one. The following is a repr luction of it


VARIETIES OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND STAMPS. This province has the reputation of issuing

the worst-looking series of stampsdesign and e.Kooution of any of the Pritish North American provinces. Onexamniing thorn closely there are a number of varieties in the stamps of which Ipropose to give a short list of the most conspicuous. In the

One Penny, printed in sheets of thirty; six rows of five stamps each. Second rou; Jifth ^tamp: White Hue above '.\' in 'island' broken, tilled

With solid cohair lor ibout one-eighth inch.

Second row, sec, '? stamp : Full atop above ' L ' in ' island.' Sixth row, fifth stamp : No cross-bar to ' a ' in ' island.'

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Three Pence, printed in sheets of thirty; six rows of five stamps in each.

Fird row, second. itamp: V.-liito circle and coloured dot in centre before 'l-'HI rniNc'E.

Second row, fifth d„„qi : Full .stop between ' E ' and ' D ' in ' edwauu '

it lool'bi^'i;;:^,^;;:' ' '•'

''''* ''' • ' ^ •'' ' ' ' ••' '' '

Same .-itump: Full stop at the top bur of the last ' e' in 'three pence.'

top o^'d '''' '' ^ ' ' ' '^'' ^' '°'' f** ^ '= ^^AP .' 't Ij^i ;? in ft line with

/'(/(/( row, i/tird stamp : Full stop between ' r ' au(' ' o ' in ' rosTAOE.'

Nine Pence, printed in sheets of thirty; six rows of five stamps in each. Second row, fourth stamp: Two full stops, one above the other, after ' sk; '

inste'wfTl;T'\vf > f- \'\^ '^ ' ' ' ''' '-' ' ' ' '8™''' nrra''-' tly put thereinstead ot alter ' src ,,' winch 1ms none.

Two Pence, printed in sheets of one hundred ; ten rows of ten stamps in each.

Third row tenth stump: Part of 't' in 'wo' oft', niakin it look likeinverted i. Full stop before 't' in 'two.'

In the rl,l,,.r printing of the One IViiny a peculiarity exists wliicli sonicot our reivlers may liave in a eoiiiplete form ; tliat is, an outor line all around thestamp. 1 have four siieeimeus willi this line in tju^ golden yellow and yellow-brown shades, perftirated 12. Specimen No. 1 was the last .stamp in tlie row, andhas tile mai-inal part of the she.a attached to it. Tlie line is the full lengtli of theriglit Jiaiid side of the slamj), the perforation goiii^ ilircetly tlirough it. No. 2 hastlie line on left hand side and bottom, the full length and Avidth of stamis withtraces of it showing on perforation at tcp and right hand side. No. 3 has linosliowing ,n parts at left hand side and a;, bottom. No, 4 shows only at bottom.Ihe last two are of the yellow-brown shade.

This peculiarity may also be found in the Four I'cncc, but part s of the linoonly sliowmg. A peculiarity of the Foui Pence is that in the dianioiul, on eachsun ot the stani]) there is a small oval ornament, which h.xs in the diamond on theright Imiul side of the stamp a .small line to it at top and bottom, but on the ovalat the lett l)anu side none at all in any. The Cent issue with one exception is frcotrom those errors or secret marks, or whatever they may be. The one is in theilireo Cents, which are printed in sheets of one hundred, ten rows of ten stamiis ineadi. The seventh .stamp of the, third, liftli, seventh, and ninth rows ha:i atuil stop between 'riiixcE' and 'euwahu,' thus 'prixce. edwahi).' The varieti.'sin the 1 once is.suo mentioned above are, I think, .some kind of secret marks,altliougli they are not found in a re gular rotation as in the Three Cent, beiii-'ai'lutrarily scattered hero and there over each sheet, the varieties of each stampwhen they occur being precisely the .same, so that it is hardly in.ssible that such aseries of erroivs could be made unintentionally; but of this sonic one with moreknowloclge of the stamps may be able to speak.

David Lang.

and printed by Mr. Charles Whiting uponmedium /i-Ftiiyt^''^^'( (

:)aper; white gum. Tlic entire sheet consists of thirty

Issue II. 1st November, 1868 (7j.

One value. Vm<^\. \

white wove nnwatermarked paper ; white gum. Tlic entire sheet consists of thirtystamps arranged in six horizontal rows of live. Design; The same diademedprofile of Queen Victoria to left, as in the preceding issue, upon baskground ofhorizontal lines. Curved scrolls of solid colour at top and bottom of the stampthe upper inscribed ^vith the name of the Colony, and the lower with the valueill words.


IJeneath the top scroll a small curved label of solid colour inscribed POSTAGE. All the inscriptions are in white block letters. Fancy ornaments attlie sides of the stamp and a single outer line of colour eomnlete the desi-n.

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Rlmpo: Upii-ht rwtiin-uliir, luiifliinu-i.orfcratc.l 11, Hi, 12, and compound.{I /1 (ulnd ion 10 1.) ,, ,

Vnrktij. Imperforate. I'roljuljly prouf.

4d,, blnck.

Issue III. 1st June 1870(7).

Our value. Engraved and printed l)y tlic I'.ritiHh-Amcrican liank Note Co.,

of Moiitrcid and Ottawa, upon niedimn white wove unwaterniarhcd pa|)er; yelluwinli

gum, niiiehineperforated 12. Design: Diademed, nearly full face, portviit of

(Jueeii Victoria looking to left, upon background of horizontal lines, enclosedwithin an upright oval. Curved label of solid colour following the shape of theoval at the left, top, and riglit side, inscribed with the name of the Colony and theword post.voe in white Roman capitals. Araljesqucs in the lower cornerH,

surrounding a backgnnuul of cross-hatched lines. Tiu left contains 3d. hto., andthe right cv. 4|d. in white numerals and letters. The upper corners also contain

arabesques. Sliuiic, upriglit rectangular. (Dlunlmlinn 102.)

4Jil,, yellowish-brown (shades).

Issue IV. January 4th (?), 1872.

Sij- valiien. Lithographed (?) and printed by Mr. Charles Whiting, of London,upon medium white wove unwatermarked paper; yellowish or brown gum, nuichine-

pi.'rforated 12, 12J. The entire sheet of each value consists of one hundred stamps,

arranged in ten rows of ten. Designs : The same diademed profile of QueenVictoria to left is found upon all the stamps. One Cent. —The head rests upon abackground of horizontal linos, surrounded by a circular band of solid colour,

inscribed with the name of the Colony above and the word postage, below.Straight label of solid colo\ir at the bottom of the stamp, witli value in full.

Smallupright rectangular blocks of solid colour in tlic four corners, containing numeral of

value. Spandrels filled in wit'.i reticulations, and a plain outer lino of colour

completes the ilesign. Two Cents. —The head is upon a background of solid

colour, enclosed within a narrow upright oval l)and of reticulations. I'lain label of

solid colour surrounding the upper part of the oval, inscribed with the name of

the Colony and rosTAOE. Straight label of solid colour at the bottom of the

stamp, with value in full. Square blocks of solid colour in the four corners,

containing Arabic numeral <if value, Tlie remainder of the design is (lllod in withreticulations, with a border formed of a plain coloured line. Three Cento. Thehead of Her Majesty is upon a background of horizontal lines, enclosed within afancy trilobed band of reticulations, having over it a curved label of solid colourinscribed with the name of tlio Colony. Straiglit labels of solid colour at the topand bottom of t]ie stamp, the lower one extending (juito across. The ujipor bears

i'ostaoe and the Iwttom one the value in full. Small upright rectangular blocksin the epp ;i cf ,iiei s, containing Arabic numeral of value, The rest of the designconsists of rijti^.iiations and a border of a plain coloured line. Four Cents. Thehead rests upon a liackground of solid colo\ir, enclosed within a fancy-shapedoctagonal band of reticulations. Straight labels of solid colour at top and bottomof the stamp, the upper inscribed in two lines postage —prince edward island,and the lower with the value in words. Square bhicks of solid colour in the four

corners, containing Arabic numeral of value. The sides of the stamp are filled in

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with rotioulations, mid n plain milor c..|(,iiro(l lino cninplotns thn (lu.sign. Six Cents-Tim Q„oni,'.s hoa, is „„ a l,,wkKn.UM,l „f Imrizoiilal linon, oncl.«o,l within afaiicy-sli„,MMl h.xa^oiml l.Mn.l of ,rli,n,lalinMs. Two stn,i-ht laljuln of snlj, colourfit tlio top, mul „ similar on. at tl,o hntl of M„. stamp. TIm, i.ppor are inscrilKMl


posTAOE-niiNct: UDWArii. island, aiul the hotton. hears tlio value in wordsSiiuaro blocks of .soli<l <'ulour in tho upper cornprs, ami similar upriyht rmtan-ularones in tho lower, .contain the Arable numeral of value. Straight han(rs ofretieulationa at tho .siiles of tho stamp ami a border of a plain eoloureil linecomplete the design. Twelve CENia-IIead of Queen on l)aek-TOund .,f solidcolour, enclosed within a band of reticulations forming a twelve-sided figure.Curved plain label of solid colour above, and a similar straight label extending thowhole width of the stamp below. Tlu' upper is inscrihcd\vith tho name of theColony and postage, and tho lower with tho value in words. S,,uare blocks ofsolid colour in tho upper corners, with Araliic numerals of value. Tlie rest of thedesign is composed oi reticulations and

a border of a plain coloured line, Thoinscriptions on all the stamps are in white block letters, excepting the values' in thebottom labels of tho Two, Four, Six, and Twelve Cents, which are in Romancapitals. Shape, upright rcctangidar. {lllwtmUon^ 103, 101, 105, 10(>, 107, 108.)

1 c, orange-yellow (shades).

2 c, ultramarine ( „ ).

3 c., rose( „ ).

4 e., yellow-green ( „ ).

c, black( „ ).

12 c, bright mauve ( „ ).

Varieties.— (a) All the values may be found with dark brown gum, which hasstained the paper and given it a brownish hue. (ji) All tho values exist imperforatebut they are probably only proofs, (c) The Six Cents is known divided in two,each half serving as Three Cents

Rciiiad'.t.—A large stock of the stamps of each issue remained in the hands oftho postal authoritie.s at the time the Island boeamo incorporated in tho Dominionof Canada. Tho slock was disposal of in 1871- to a speculator, who has sincesupiilied the principal stamp dealers throughout the world.

Note by Md. T. K. Taplin-o, M.P.-In The Stamp Collector's Magazine, vol. x.

p. 105, will bo found an amended notice relating to the values constituting thoabove issue. Among thom is catalogued a Timi Cents on tho authority of' ' TheAmerican Journal of ritihdchj. Some discussion arose subsaiuently as to theauthenticity of this value, but the mystery attaching to it sooms never to have boonwholly cleared up. Very few specimens were seen, and these ajipear to have boonobtained by Ts\. l^loens from what ho considered a thoroughly satisfactory source,

l^rueh doubt has been thrown upon tho stamp by iMiglish writers ; but a few weekssince I was shown a specinien in Jlr. Pearson Hill's collection, which he told mehad been there over seventeen years. Mr. Hill's connection with our fionoral PostOffice enabled him to get nearly all his stamps direct from Foreign and ColonialGovernments, and his impression is that this stamp reached him in the same way.It is similar in design to the Three Pence of tho lirst issue, tjf which it is apparentlya cojiy, though the details are rather larger and the general a])poarance rougher. Itis a companion in style and execution to the issue of which it is supposed to forma part, and the perforation (machine 12) is identical. Tho colour is dull mauve.

8/13/2019 filateli 2 67/79


It is posrtibli- lliat tlio Htiimii was pi'r|)ai'(>il mul iii^viT issuiMl, tliouirh I'voii in thin

case Mr. Ilili mif,'lit i|iiitt^ well Imvt^ liiul a specimen sunt iiiiii with tlio othnn l>y the

Pl'iiU'u I'Mwiml IsIihkI (iovcniiiii'iit ; but if it was merely ii fraudulent siiec iilatimi it

sooiiiH Htran^e that > opies are, ami always have been, exeeedingly imeduiiiinn. i

venture no delinite opinion either one way or the otlior, and liope this short note

may ilriv an answer from some nue i|Malilied to speak with eertainty.

8/13/2019 filateli 2 68/79


^I^'CK tho CiitaloKUd wus priiilrd, tlic mrniljcrs (if the Cdiniiiittcc ciiIiiisIimI withO its iMililiciitioii liiivc liiid tlic (iiiiMiiUuiity i.f ( uiisultiiif,' Tliv Halifax I'lnlaliHdfor the current year (18S9), the mimbers of \vhii:h hiul licit previously been seenliy thi'iii.

Tlie Afiiy nuiulier coiitiiiiis a I'oiiy of a recontly-imlilisheil Ciiimdiiin postiil

iiotiic, referriiif; to eertain alterations in the rates, . 'e.; mil in Ui,. minihers for.laniiary

and Kclirnary Sh: Donald A. Kin;,' has (wo fmllier papers upon the stampsof Xova Seolia

; while the April number eontains a I'tter from a corrcspoiulent upontho bisected stamp of New IJrunswick. Tho Coiumittoo consider it advisiible toreproduce here all tho four articles mentioned, feeling sure their contents will Ik^ ofinterest to philatelists, and help tu add further to the cunipletcness of tho iiostal

history of each of tiie provinces.

CANADA. The Canada Two Cent Keiiistralion Stamp will .soon be a t hi nj ; of the past.

Tho following is the olliiial order in connection with it



' Changes in Postage Rates uxdeh AuTHoniiy of Post Office Act, 1889.

' The rate of postage upon Letters posted in Canada, addressed to plai'eswithin the iJoniiniiin or in the United States, will he three cents per ounceinstead of three cents per half ounce as heretofore.

'Upon drop Letters posted at an ollice from which Letters are delivered liyletter carrier, tlie postage rate will be two cents per ounce instead of one cent perhalf ounce. The rate of ^jostage up(,;i drop Letters, except in the cities, wherefree delivery by letter carrier has been established, will lie one cent per ounce.

'The fee for the registration of a Letter or other article of mail matter willbe five cents upon all c lasses of corresiiondeiice passing within the Dominion.For the present, and until further instructed, the registration fee may be prepaidby using the two cent registration stamps and postage stamps to make up theamount.

'Letters insutliciently prepaid will be charged double the deliciency asheretofore, provided at least u jiartial preiiayment has been made.

'Letters posted wholly unpaid will be sent to the Dead LettiT Ollice forreturn to the writer. ,< , j„„,. q_ HAaaART, Postmidcr-Gm^al.

'Post OKFiri; DErAnTMKNj, Ottawa, '8'/ May, 1880.'


(To tite Editor of * The Halifax Philatclis .')

'IHaving oxamincd your plate of Nova Scotia split stamps and oddities, I wouhl

like to mention a few notes on the split or provincial stamps of New Jirunswick.In tho catalogue list of tho Nova Scotia I'liilatolic Association I find that there arcbut two of those split or provisional stamps oll'erod, both Nova Scotia Six Poncecut dii^onally and used as Throe Pence, and not one split Ni^w I'.runswick.

To all appearances, and from what I can learn , I think there were very few of

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04 AnnF.NiM,

tlii'si- in'oviHiiiiml -liimiiM of Ni.\v ItiiiiiHwick \\m>A, mul lliorofoiv tlI I iiivc never seen liiil tliive nr fmir on tlit^ nri ;iMal I ii\ ' pi'M, mill


Hi.y lire Very nire.

liiill\my e,>ll..eli,.i. -II Ten (,'.

, vemiili New linmswi.k, , ,.( i,, |,„lf veiiieMlly, uml ,i....,lilrt IV I'lve tlelit hIiuii| n tl

iHCiit; Kvevniilidn, lieiii'' cni, ,/,

tlic Miipply (if Imv(. (Jeiil III

rif^iniil eiivelci|ie, ami is |inMliiiiiikei| 'SI, .Inlm,in«.sl..M, \,,v. tJ, IHOO.' I liave iilso lieahl of lliii Ten CenI,

seen any ho nueil.


iiiiliiinilhi iiis(eail of verlieiilly, Iml li.ive not\s the seeond isMii. of New Illiniswiek liisl, eaiiie into use in iHfiO, i

T en Cleiit, vermilion, siam|

iii|w ran sliort, ami llms sii;,'t,'e.sle(l the Hiijiitin- of tl


I iiave also liearil_of the Six I'eiiiiy staiiilis heiiij; eiil holli dy, aiiil iiseil as Three I'eniiv, lull Imve not


'Can any of my hrotlieren lint I

ia^'omtlly amiUseil,

etters to Australia in iNliO? I in the Dili of tl

olleetors tell what rale was eliarKeil for Ninj,'le orlis 1 all I reeeiveil fnNew Unmswiek an envelope wliieli had lieeii sent out to M ,„..„

lH(iO It was mailed iil Kiii-slun,, in May, IMOO, and wvnl'On the envelope, whieli is yellow, are a One Shilli\inee, yelli

IV total of lift


elhonrne, Australia, in

London.UK, violet, and one half of u Six

, ml in half (lia,','onally, ami presiiiiialily used as Three I'ein


ei'ii pence, ipiile ii lii;,'h rate I'cjr ii single I

l'( liny stamp is very liri^'ht, Imt the One SI

n\ makiiij{etler, as such | presume it to

would like to know if any of the reaih'rs .if 7V,e Halever seen any of the liij,'li vahii's thus'comhii


ill all cullect

iccupy a proiiiinent place tl

I tl

iillnii,' IS so whiil faded.ij'ii.i' i'/ii/aMM havi

ink they are very rarle rcpreM'Utalion of New Mr iinswic k sti


[The split stamps of Xew liruiiswiek aniiioiv so than any of the other I . .\. A. I'mvi

lumiuur, J'lirf Jcr-iit, N.y.

d(m)>t hut t ley are not

lie which did not do tlii s, as split stamps from I herJitter from Nova Scotiiv to Victoria w

Canada seems to ho thi onlyThe rate onmv verv scarci

we presuini) it wiva the siiiiiu from Now llrunswick.— 1'

IS one shilliiij^r and threepence.


From the ahove letter, wc imh therefore add the fi

the issue of May 15tli, 1800, on piv-.^ 31) of the Catalo-ue

Varic/y.—Thii Tun Cents ii

DiTcju of Thv llalifd.

llowiiij; at the holtom of

s known cut in two dia','oimlly, and also vertically.

c. (half 10 c), soarlet-vuniiiliun.





TllK postal service of the liritish-Aiuerican i)roviiices, until the year \m\, wasdirectly inder the control of the K,ifr|ish I'ost Ollice Departii.eiil. This, with theliiKh rate of posta-e, llie insiillicieiit mail accoiiiiiio,l,itioii, and the striic'eiit lawsagainst a private person carryin.i,' or delivering a Letter on tlii^ iiost voacj, was tliocause of innumerable .omplaints on the part of the Colonic, and gave the Eiifedish1 ost Oliice ollicials the IrouMi' of senilin^' out lont,' despatclios.

The Colonics cuinplaincd that the ICiit,'lish Post Otlic; took a lai^e aimaint ofrevenue .h^rived from the postal service, which the Colonies were not ahle l,i losoout of the country. The Kn-lish olli,.iaIs said that there was an annual deli.'it in

Nova Scotia aloiu of iiJ.OOO per aniuim. This state of tliin-s existed for yoar,sand every annual ivjiort of the I'ost OMice Commissioners which sx.xh laid on thetabic of th(- local Legis iture was full of complaitits under this head. To ive iispi.cimen from one of the reports of these Post Ollice Coniiiiissions, the followin.' ise.xtracted from their annual report for the year 1814 in Xova Hcotia. After speakingin favour of ,t large reduction in postal rates, they say: 'This, with tho use of no.ststamps trom dies authorized by the proper authorities, would render the transit ofl.etters_aiu 1 apers ) ss complicated, and give the relief rcpiired by the people.'

'To this no answer was returned till some time in 1H4.'), when a Ion despatcliwas received from the I'ostiiiaster-Geiieiul of Ureat Britain, Lord Loiis lalu, who

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ii of


Ml A.\, .Sn.tii IS „„.. wl,i,.|| I nii.iml , umimmiM y.Mir l„nWiii, (V,.,,,,,,,liilU'Mi.l, ll,,.,, Ouvniinr .,f \„v„ s,.„li„) t„ ..,,(,.11, in L I,.,,, . ,.

Ii,i| 1^1. 1,,. ,1.1., ..I.: ,; , ,

.''MM'II.IMI, IIH 1 raillKll hilt ('(lllhHCr

I'liih'. Kin..,ln,„ • Tl w will' .' ', l ' >' I ''* i II'

AH.lHIMriii.uii „f til 4„1 ,„r„i„ii„„|„linn ,,f |1„. |,|,,vii,n. . tlii. K,In. fax M Tn.n., l,v ,|,„ ,.„,„.|, rou.l, was a .li.i.M,,.,. .l' U- •

I .1 ,.I.'.

tli.H., ,

.M 1|,„ Mia, w.iv not all„w,.,| to .Irlivrr mail ,. I. way

f'liiia, AcwIiiiiiM aiK , am ', MaiLh tl.,. i.',„,i;.i. c , , , '

..<u,,, . ,, • , . ,. , 'll.M.IKAX, /l/.n7 2 .s7, lur.l.

m to taki (.Meet in Nuva Sculia, ami as I pcnvivc l,v ll„. I'r„vi ,l\' .

''i'pii™'; 'Ho.usn,,;i;,::;r;i;:,. ';:j;^-':;i ';^f;,,-::^^^^^^..^

,,„ ,„r i ,

I .^ « '•^t ^1 'I ro'|Misiti,at r,a- .-.,oihi nlnris ,',v mow „

S ™'i'Str':;;;r:;;::^:''' ^ -^^' ^''' ^ ti...,.enc., w,a,i,i .: ;:;;:;, t

Ihf LVf tirnf .•''ll',l,r',r'''''• '>'., ' 'l« l->r.lM,.Uu Lrtturs, or Uaters ..,c....,lii|.-

l^tn;:ll;:' nU,:i;;;i„ i;:,


^' ^'V i-' - •* f ti,.. «.ven;i

Ills Kx<H.||,.n,y w,m,I,| larlVr ''''' '' ' ''''• ' -V ' ^ '^ • • '

• uM 1'maa;:'i:;.];i:;,:inj;;;;'i; '::,,^:i';''-''^

n-^ ,.-,..•, <..i..-- a,™nK.a,.ents

... ti.: ;'l;t oili^^'ii^t;;;:,;;;;';:;;';:::;::^;,i;i,^;;r'

''^ '' i - --' - i'i''y

A .•n,,y „f tlu. .Icsi^-n nirntinn,.,l in tliis hlU-r is „n tl„. niai-iii „f t i.. I HI...

;:;iv Jiiko :r:a:'i?M:;;s,^'': :;,;:;,;;::'f;:;jt;' -^ SK-.'.;:;f ::};:.

,„, I ,1 Tin-. ; 1

' > '-^ l'' ';? lliat tliLTiMs not 111, V crown iir wivatli

..ini,(,.,i Lim'' i;; ; ,,;''' r7'f' - f' i';« 'i-i^c. was vo,y ,i„id. liko u, „.

i St. of :^^i,'',,?;'

•' ''''' - '^ ' l -* ° f- f -'« ^.r.. iu.r|„.mli..nlar

dr'nliir s1ii.,m'

' ''' ' ^ '' '''^'' « - '^« '' 'li-' ''^ ' i «U.a,l of

lVovh™'s; 'Sl'/T,wl''' •;' ' '•'^''>' « f»rtl' llian tho ollko of U,,,

8/13/2019 filateli 2 71/79




. £'.'),0()()

. £2,50(1

. £2,500iiiuuuiit be consiJercil too k.

previous, liad (lo.-i-ns [Wn siiliiiiitlod to him mid approved of, iind ordered theneuessnry stiun)« witlioul Ww, kiuiu-lud-o of tile

Postnmster-Oeneml. At the sametinu' he apparently had th<^ power to ileeide <m t he des i-u of the Xew lirunswickstamps, as may b,. inf.'ircd from the foUowiii;,' memorandum; or perhaps the stampsol holli Co (.nies were boii-ht tc«etli,.r for the sake of eecmomy. The memorandumIS tlatod .hiiy 8th, 1851, and is copivd from tlie same letter-book :


'Wheii Mr. Howe made the ap].h'(ation for stamps, it was proposed that,

nller the Inst siii.ply had anive.l, llie i^latus could have been sent out, andimpressions taken oil l,y en-raveis in Halifax. As Mr. Saunders, liowevcr, seemsto rqiort against tne iii„i)osili(in, I Haild Ik- to suf,'f,'est, for the consideration oftlie Oovernment, that £10,000 H-ortli of stamps for Nova Scotia, and a similaramount tor Ivew Brunswick; viz.—


6(1. . .

Is. . .'.


be rnrnislieil tor inime'liate use; or, should thisto dcjulile the above numbers.

' I would also recommend that 200 half-pound canisters of oblileratiii inkbe also provided— 1011 for the use of this province, and 100 for New Lrunswrck-aiid directions lor its use.

'(Si.-n.d) A W Mv. II. kkatin-o, ks.|., juhjm, ma.' ^ '

What amount of stamps was ordered couM not be found out, nor can anytrace of fnrtlicr orders be found until 18. )7, wlieii an application-letter was .sent tothe Proviueial Secretary, and which will be copied later on.

It was mentioned in above letter tliat a proposal was made that the plate.sshould be sent out, and stamps wanted could be printed from here. T'lis seems tobe the opinion anion- iihilalelists, as Mr. W. A. S. Westoby says in aletter to me of February (jtli, 1888, that h.^ was informed by the makers of tlio,,late.s--:Messrs. Perkins, IJacoii, and Co.— tliat the plates of the Xova Scotia andXew P.runswKdv stamps wen^ sent out liere on the .same day— Auj,'ust 6tli, IS-^l

On receipt of this, I wrote :\fr. F. M. Passow, wlio was cliief clerk of tlioAova Scotiaii Post Ollicc^ Departinent, to en(|uire whether the plates ever came here.He .said, '1 doubt if the plates were ever sent out to Halifax ; I never

saw them.'To make this positive, we find, in the letter to the Provincial Secretary abovereferred, indisputable evidence that the plates were in England in 1857. Theletter is as follows ;

'General Post Office, Halifax, 'Jnbj2iid, 1857.

'Sin,— The stock of pasta^je stamps procured from England some time a obelli ; nearly e.\liausted, I have the b.oiiour to reiiuest that yon will be oodenough to issue the necessary directions to Jlr. Stanford, No. 6, Charint Cross.London, lor a further demand ; viz.—

10,1)00 sheets of 3d. postage stamiis value £20,0002,'100 „ G.I. ',,

„ £10,000i.2''<i „ Is. „ „ i;io,ooo

Kach sheet to contain IGO labels of Tliree Penny, Si.K Pemiv, ,.ud One Sliillingstamp,s, making each sliei't of the value of £2, £4, and £8 respectively, and to bethe colour ol those alli.xed on the iiiargin.

' The last supply of stamps was furni.shed by Mr. Trelawney Saunders,who lias traiislerred his business toMr. Stanford. In applying for these posta-elabels, theretore, it will be neces-sary you .should furnish Mr. SUinford with your

authority to produce the key for opening th bo,\ containing the dies, which arenow ill the possession of the engravers, Messrs. Perkins, Bacon, and Petch, whoalso are in possession of a key fur the safe custody of the dies.

'It is particularly reipiestcd tliat the stamps mav be forwarded at as early a

period as possible, those remaining on liaiu' ', iiig not only nearly expended but

much injuicd. AVheii making the re(piisitioii, it would lie as well to caution theengravers not to pack the parcels toe; close ; for when they are strictly confinedthey ailhere, and become useless, as was the case with «orae of the iiackiu'es in thelast supply furnished.

' 1 have, &c. &c.

ixm 11 ^ ,. n, '(Signed) A. Woodgate.

'Tho Ho.v. C. U. TurrKi , M,D., ii.P.P., Ualifaic.'

8/13/2019 filateli 2 72/79


lsr.-w V '°>'?1 '. 't'' '>^f«' «<«»>1« (tl.o.^n of July 8tl>, 18M, anil July 2iul,

ve'io sent ™ ' ' '' ' ' '' '' ^'^ ^''' '1' ' l ' '* l'Pli«s

-shade of the Ono .Sh.lh,,^., ar. thr carli.r issu.. After ..xa>ninatio,. of anumber of spt'cuuciis of tli(^ t\V(j lower values on tl

Three Pence or yellow-gri^en Six Peiu:.From that date the li.ulit blue Three Pence andAt the time tlie last supiilies were sent tail, in 18:)7 soiPence and Six Penee were printed on an intensely b'hu


argees on the ori-nud cover, a dark blue

is sc'ldom fiamd after Xovembcr, 1857.irk 1,'reen Si.\- Pence is the rule.

ue sheets of the Threeiper, as I Imvi^, ,. ,,. 7,

-..- I.....VV.,. ,... „u luLi-useiy oiue paoer, as 1 lavi^ in mvcollection a Six Pence on this blue paper split aial used as Three Pence on originalcover, postmarked I unenburg, Dec. 7, 1859,' and an entire one on envelopefrom same place, 'l>eb. (date indistinct), 18G0/liliier pai)er than the ordinary dark shades of


The Three ]'ence is on a muchsame on lilue paper of the earlier

our specimens, and [

shades _. „ „.. ,,.,„issue. Of tli(> Six Pence on blue jiaper 1 have only seen f.

have examined a large number of that value


'«' '; l '' o'>e Three Peiic was on a white paper, which wastmteil blu( on lace by the ink, m' msulliciently-cleaned platesIS on a iiaper which shows a somewhat bluish shade in it.

D. A. Kixn.'

The Six Pence

DATE OF ISSUE OF THE ONE PENNY NOVA SCOTTA. WiiRE the exact date of issue <,f the Throe Pence, Six Pence, and One Shilli,,.Xova Scotia stamps has been discovered, that of the One Penny has only beenguessed at Having lately been fortunate enough to procure access to the letter-

nt. nb' T ^^ t;i'l^^''^t ' •' J'q'artmenf, I have l,een enabled to make thedate almost exact, as will be seen by the following letter of th., Postnu.ster-Oeneral

of .Nova feeotia, and copied from the lotterJ.ook of that Department:

' Halifax, M,ii/ I2th, 1853.

nf *9n(f l :.;;^ ^T'A ,;' ' r ' >' l'W'<t that I limy l,e furiiislicd with a RUiiply

Office ^


^ '^;:' 'l '

(amoun,i„, t„ £.00), for the use of the 'pU • Itece .e,:Gen.ral of Nor^a S^Jh ^'^ '^^ ^^ °°°''' ^^' P'>'('»'''><^r.General.

.Ut. o?i'''

^Y ;f T ? f'f '« <» « l' » y stamps in the IctterJiook, and thedate of issue shoiil.l I think, be taken from that application. In the le terJ.ookcontaining copies of letters to deputies, the (h.t re,|uisitio„ for One Penny stamps1.-. from the Postmaster of Amlierst, the answer to which, here given, is;


'Halifax, /h/)c 30//i, 1H53.' Sin,—

I beg to enclose herewith, agreeably to your request, iiosta.'e stamnsto the amount of £2 5s.; viz., one sheet of Throe Peiu'e an. six y lul els of OnePenny .lamps. A so a supply of the proper priatcl applications, ,„.' ul w i 1will thank you to tdl up au.l return to this oliice with the ackiiowleagmeiit lam.&c&c,

«.(,si„„„,) c. H H 'Postm/ster, Amherst.' ^ ' ^- ^i. Ji.

Amherst was then one of tlie largc'sl towns of this Province, outside of the

vTnn ;' •' r ,:V l;'f '. . •l''' ->-

' l i''^ l «' ' « »' •^' 11 se of this.

i e outsid.. Halifax. I he re.piisitions show that this was the usual number ofOne lenny stamps asked h.r, sometmn.s a little more, mid very oft,.n less ;n,lbeing used as they were for n merely town or drop postage, .accounts for' theirStillClLV,

D. A. Ki.N-G,

• The shoot of tho Ono Penny thorcforo 120 stamps, while those of the TlireePence, Six Pence, and One .Shilliag, as wo see from Mr. a. Woo.lgato's letter of July 2nd 18Wwore each oniposed of 100 stamps.>iuiy inu, is.)/.

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yi' s/:i^2^ji^>^i>.^


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8/13/2019 filateli 2 77/79


TQSs0*«wf^w*^*»C»*iT yClAlt II I

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