Registrazione del Tribunale di Milano n° 375 del … La seconda è che in questo...

2009 / 04 # 04 4,00 Registrazione del Tribunale di Milano n° 375 del 12/06/2007 NUMERO SPECIALE SPECIAL ISSUE BY INNOVATION DAY III V VE ER R S SO O U UN N N NU UO O V VO O S SI I S ST TE EM MA A: : S SI I C CU U R RO O, , F F I I N NA AN NZ Z I I A AB B I I L L E E, , S SO OS ST T E EN NI I B B I I L L E E T TO O W WA AR RD DS S A A N NE EW W S S Y YS ST TE E M M: : S S E E C CU U R RE E, , F FI I N NA A N NC CI I A A B BL L E E , , S S U US S T TA AI I N NA A B BL L E E PROFESSIONE PROFESSION La Governance d’impresa in tempo di crisi Governing businesses in times of crisis NUMERO SPECIALE SPECIAL ISSUE BY INNOVATION DAY III V VE ER R S SO O U UN N N NU UO OV VO O S SI I S ST T E EM MA A: : S SI I C CU UR R O O, , F F I I N NA AN NZ ZI I A AB B I I L L E E, , S S O OS ST TE E N NI I B B I I L L E E T TO O W WA A R RD DS S A A N NE E W W S SY YS S T TE E M M: : S S E EC CU U R RE E, , F FI I N NA AN NC CI I A A B BL L E E, , S SU U S ST TA A I I N NA AB B L LE E PROFESSIONE PROFESSION La Governance d’impresa in tempo di crisi Governing businesses in times of crisis NUMERO SPECIALE SPECIAL ISSUE BY INNOVATION DAY III V VE ER RS SO O U U N N N NU U O OV VO O S SI I S ST TE E M MA A: : S SI I C CU UR RO O , , F F I I N NA AN NZ Z I I A AB BI I L LE E, , S SO O S ST TE EN NI I B BI I L LE E T TO OW WA A R RD D S S A A N NE E W W S SY YS ST T E EM M: : S SE E C CU UR RE E , , F F I I N NA A N NC CI I A AB B L LE E , , S SU US S T TA A I I N NA A B BL L E E PROFESSIONE PROFESSION La Governance d’impresa in tempo di crisi Governing businesses in times of crisis ISSN 1973-705X Enrico Rainero & Partners Editore

Transcript of Registrazione del Tribunale di Milano n° 375 del … La seconda è che in questo...

Page 1: Registrazione del Tribunale di Milano n° 375 del … La seconda è che in questo cam - biamento il settore Hr, snodo d'in - contro fra impresa e persone, occupa un

2009 / 04 # 04

€ 4,00

Registrazione del Tribunale di Milano n° 375 del 12/06/2007



PROFESSIONE PROFESSIONLa Governance d’impresa in tempo di crisiGoverning businesses in times of crisis



PROFESSIONE PROFESSIONLa Governance d’impresa in tempo di crisiGoverning businesses in times of crisis



PROFESSIONE PROFESSIONLa Governance d’impresa in tempo di crisiGoverning businesses in times of crisis

ISSN 1973-705X

Enrico Rainero & Partners Editore

Page 2: Registrazione del Tribunale di Milano n° 375 del … La seconda è che in questo cam - biamento il settore Hr, snodo d'in - contro fra impresa e persone, occupa un

For Epson today, technology is a concrete expres-sion of innovation when it succeeds in offeringnew answers in terms of efficiency and saving

from both an economic and an environmental point ofview. “The economy that is good for ecology”. This isEpson’s objective: to realise products that are capable ofreducing their impact on the environment to a minimumand to bring about significant improvements in terms ofperformance and of economic suitability.Today, it is easy to hear people talking about ecologyand Green IT, and it would be easy to think that alsoEpson wishes to ride this wave. In reality, however,Epson began to make what we can define a “businesschoice” in the 1970s, long before the topic became ofplanetary interest, with more than 20 years of anticipa-

tion on the Kyoto Conference in 1997. And by way ofdemonstration that the commitments that Epsonassumed in the past have been realised, and even priorto the established expiration date, it is enough to citetwo among the many objectives attained: eliminationof CFC, which was decided in 1988 and achieved inonly 4 years (i.e. a year and a half before the pre-established date), and the total elimination of leadfrom the welding of products, which was achieved in2003, three years earlier than what was required bythe European regulations.Whoever, like Epson, has been committed for so manyyears to reducing the environmental impact of its ownactivities knows that this process is a long one, ademanding and also costly one, in addition to never hav-

ing been concluded. In fact, this is ajourney that is the function of a veryprecise business strategy, whichtranslates into the development andadopting of technologies, design andrealisation of products. Epson’s mis-sion to develop products with a lowenvironmental impact, high energysavings and high efficiency, thebeginning of inkjet proprietary tech-nology, passes from the scanner andarrives as far as video projectors.But it has been above all with inkjettechnology that Epson has launcheda challenge to the office world, withproducts that cut both costs andconsumptions in decisive manner,and so giving a better translation tothe words: “the economy is good forecology”. Up until now, when agroup printer was needed in theoffice to connect up with Internet, alaser was considered. The Epsonchallenge was to invert the paradigmby proposing two immediate advan-tages: a 95% reduction in energyconsumption and a reduction in thecost per copy of up to 70%, as com-pared with a laser offering a similarperformance. But why is inkjet tech-nology so limited in consumption?

Il prossimo Congresso nazionale Aidp a Torino invita le azien-de a una riflessione propositiva in termini di sicurezza,ambiente, etica. Argomenti di stringente attualità, relatori

come portatori di esperienza: in questo spirito si apriranno aTorino, il 22 e 23 maggio, i lavori del trentottesimo Congressonazionale Aidp (Associazione Italiana per la Direzione delPersonale). La scelta di temi come "sicurezza, ambiente ed eticasociale" è di per sè significativa. Anche il prestigio e la compe-tenza dei professionisti e delle personalità che interverranno èeloquente, ma c'è di più. Attiva come associazione di categoriadal 1960, sensibile a ogni aspetto delle problematiche aziendali,forte di 3000 soci nelle organizzazioni significative del nostroPaese, Aidp vuole proporre una riflessione innovativa sul signi-ficato del fare impresa oggi, non più rimandabile dopo l'attua-le crisi economica.

Nonostante l'apertura delle grandi aziende al concetto diCorporate Social Responsability e la nascita del CSRmanager come figura strategica, alle spalle di tante

vicende incresciose e del crollo dei mercati si riconosce uno stilegestionale carente in termini di corret-tezza sociale. Per costruire un futuromigliore conviene ammettere, con onestaautocritica, che il concetto di etica è statofinora affrontato più come una questionedi immagine e filantropia che non come

linea di condotta nel business. Contraddizione naturale,visto che investire in RSI comporta costi che sembranocompromettere la competitività.Da qui, due considerazioni in cui Aidp crede fermamente.La prima è che i tempi sono maturi per rivedere il merca-to con una scala di valori che ponga sullo stesso piano ilvantaggio sociale e quello economi-co. La seconda è che in questo cam-biamento il settore Hr, snodo d'in-contro fra impresa e persone, occupaun ruolo chiave al servizio di tutti.Per questo desideriamo promuovereuna cultura della responsabilità che,partendo da selezione, formazione,sviluppo e definizione di obiettivi,arrivi a coinvolgere l'intera organiz-zazione.Per attivare il circolo virtuo-so del "vantaggio per tutti" bisognadunque che la RSI aumenti la com-petitività dell'impresa sul mercato eche investire in questa direzioneincrementi l'attrattiva di prodotti eservizi. Se è vero che oggi il pubbli-co è maturo per premiare i valori etici, anche a frontedi prezzi di mercato più elevati, diventano però indi-spensabili i sistemi normativi, di monitoraggio, di con-trollo a garanzia della trasparenza e della correttezzadell'azienda. E' un processo complesso, che richiederà dimutare parametri di valutazione all'interno di ruoli, pro-cessi e strutture aziendali, per conquistare visibilità eticae instaurare un nuovo rapporto di fiducia con le personeinterne ed esterne all'impresa. A Torino ci confronteremosu questi temi con relatori del calibro di Aldo FumagalliRomano, presidente della Commissione per lo SviluppoSostenibile di Confindustria, Don Luigi Ciotti, fondato-re del Gruppo Abele e di Libera-Associazioni contro lemafie, Raffaele Guariniello, Procuratore aggiunto delTribunale di Torino. Tutto il mondo aziendale è invita-to a raggiungerci a Torino o sul nostro sito,, per iniziare insieme un processo di trasfor-mazione responsabile. �

Più responsabilità sociale,più vantaggio d'impresa

Il settore RisorseUmane come snodo strategico fra l'azienda e le persone

Roberto Savini ZangrandiPresidente AIDP


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More social responsibility, more business advantages

AIDP’s upcoming national conference in Turin offers anoccasion for companies to reflect proactively on safety,the environment, and ethics.

Heartbreakingly current topics and speakers conveyingtheir experience: this is how we will be inaugurating the38th national AIDP (Italian Association for Personnel

Management) conference in Turin,May 22nd and 23rd. Our choice oftopics -- safety, the environment, andsocial ethics – is in and of itself sig-nificant. Likewise, the prestige andcompetency of the professionals andcelebrities who will be speaking issimilarly eloquent, but there’s more.AIDP, an association that is active inits field since 1960, that is sensitiveto every facet of companies’ prob-lems, that counts 3000 membersfrom among Italy’s most importantbusinesses, wishes to propose aninnovative reflection upon what itmeans to do business nowadays, areflection which cannot wait untilthe current economic crisis is over.

Despite the opening up of large companies to the ideaof corporate social responsibility and the birth of theCSR manager as a strategic position, looking back inhindsight on so many unpleasant events and on thecollapse of the stock markets, we actually see a man-agement style completely lacking in social correctness.In order to build a better future we need to admit, witha healthy dose of sincere self-criticism, that the con-cept of ‘ethics’ up until now has been dealt with mere-ly in terms of public image, or as philanthropy, ratherthan as a way of conducting business. This seems aninnate contradiction, given that investing in sociallyresponsible initiatives means expenses which appar-ently compromise competitivity. At this point I’d like to bring up two matters in whichAIDP firmly believes. First off, we believe that the timeis ripe for re-examining the market according to a scaleof values that places the social advantage on the samepar as the economic one. The second point is that tobring about this change the HR field, being as it is a hubconnecting a company and its people, has a key role,which it can place at the service of everyone. That iswhy we wish to advocate an organizational culture of

‘accountability’, of ‘responsibility’, which, starting at hir-ing and winding through training, development, and goaldefinition, will eventually engage the whole company.In order to jump start this ‘win-win’ cycle, CSR has toincrease the company’s competitivity on the market. Notonly, investing in CSR has to mean increasing the attrac-tiveness of the company’s products and services. If it’strue that nowadays the public is mature enough toreward ethical behavior, even when this means a highermarket price, having regulations and monitoring inplace, as well as supervisory systems that guarantee acompany’s transparency and rectitude, is indispensable. This is a complex process that will require companies tochange their evaluation parameters regarding roles,processes and business systems in order to promote ethicvisibility, and in order to establish a new relationship oftrust between the people who are inside and those whoare outside the company.In Turin we will be discussing these topics with suchtop speakers as Aldo Fumagalli Romano, the presidentof Confindustria’s Commission for SustainableDevelopment, Don Luigi Ciotti, the founder of GruppoAbele and of Libera (associations against the mafia),and Raffaele Guariniello, the deputy Public Prosecutorfor the Turin Courts. The whole business world is invit-ed to join us in Turin, or to visit our website,, to embark on this process of responsibletransformation together. �

AIDP (Italian Association for Personnel Management( is a non-profit, apolitical association,established in 1960, and which today is 3000 membersstrong. AIDP gathers together all of those in Italy whowork in directing, managing, or consulting in the area ofHR, whether in the private or public sector, as well asthose scholars who deal with issues related to the relationship between ‘Work and People’.

The HR domain as a strategic

hub connecting a company

and its people

Roberto Savini ZangrandiPresident AIDP


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