Propulsione e Antigravità.pdf

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    Associazione Studiosi Scienze Eterodosse


    di Altra Scienzan.14

    Febbraio 2007

    Propulsione e Antigravit!co"e costruire un disco volante#$ parte

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    So""ario% AA.&&. ' Progetti $llustrati( )illia" F. *a"ilton $$$ An $nvestigation of +egative ,ravitational Propulsion%0 E"idio -aureti P++%% M.M.' ean' osep/ Pages revetto4% obert -. oo3 $nertial Propulsion Engine

    (7 o t/e stars b5 electro"agnetic propulsion74 , Space7( ,$ 6S 6P$6 P 6P -S6 E81 9avid roston A Possible propulsion "et/od for a F6 or future craft84 -arr5 Maurer Fl5ing olors

    :4 Franco Malgarini ondensatore 9ina"ico -aser;a5:( Peter Pan Sigaro &olante a propulsione100 M. .,.Polon5i P 6P -S$6+E E-E 6MA,+E $ A A 6S6S E+ A102 obert A. Patterson '

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    An Investigation of Negative Gravitational Propulsion

    By William F. Hamilton III

    Abstract: /e repeated observations of unconventional fl5ing ob ects in eart/Bsat"osp/ereC t/eir apparent abilit5 to nullif5 t/e gravitational and inertial forcesC t/ealleged recover5 of one or "ore of t/ese ob ects for stud5C and testi"on5 of reverseengineering t/e advanced flig/t tec/nolog5 of t/ese craft leads to speculation about t/e principles of gravitationalC electro'gravitationalC and "agneto'gravitational or in one;ord negative gravitational "et/ods of propulsion and /o; t/ese principles "a5 berediscovered. /is paper addresses t/e need for a ne; "odel of p/5sics t/at e=plainst/e interaction and coupling of electricC "agneticC and gravitational fieldsC a unifiedfield t/eor5 t/at can lead to engineering novel space'ti"e craft. Background: /e discoveries of p/5sicist o;nsend . ro;n in electro'gravitic p/eno"enaC and countless scientistsC engineersC and inventors ;/o /ave considered t/e proble" of gravit5 nullification as ;ell as inertial nullification for t/e purpose of propelling an ob ect of an5 "ass to unli"ited velocities /as been studied ande=pounded on b5 a gro;ing list of articles and boo3s. +e; discoveries in solid'state p/5sicsC fluid p/5sicsC ultra'cold do"ains of fluids and solids /ave all led to a gro;ingrealization t/at ne; brea3t/roug/ discoveries are on t/e i""ediate /orizon and acollation of all t/is infor"ation to;ard t/e application of repeatable e=peri"ent anddiscover5 "a5 lead to t/e develop"ent of ultra'fast fuel less space flig/t. Dark Energy: ecent discoveries in cos"olog5 t/at an anti'gravitational force e=istsin t/e universe t/at is causing t/e acceleration of e=pansion since a specificcos"ological ti"e in t/e /istor5 of t/e universe /as led to a searc/ for a ne; "5steriousfor" of energ5 t/at /as been given t/e na"e dark energy.Scientists /ave 3no;n since t/e 1:20s t/at t/e universe is e=pandingC and t/e5discovered in t/e last 5ear t/at t/e e=pansion is li3el5 to go on forever. $n recent

    "ont/sC /o;everC evidence /as e"erged to suggest t/at not onl5 ;ill t/e e=pansioncontinueC it ;ill accelerate. /e onl5 ;a5 to account for suc/ acceleration is t/ee=istence of a force to counteract t/e gravitational forces t/at ;ould stabilize or s/rin3t/e universe.

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    $n p/5sics and p/ilosop/5C aet/er ;as once believed to be a substance ;/ic/ filled all ofspace. Aristotle included it as a fift/ ele"ent on t/e principle t/at nature ab/orred avacuu". Aet/er ;as also called IQuintessence”. /e lu"iniferous aet/er of t/e better3no;n 1: t/ centur5 invocation ;as a concept /eld b5 so"e p/5sicists and ;as anatte"pt to reconcile electro"agnetic t/eor5 and +e;tonian p/5sics.1

    Einstein could so"eti"es spea3 as t/oug/ t/e aet/er ;as superfluous !Einstein 1:0@#and at ot/er ti"es sa5 space ;it/out aet/er is unt/in3able !Einstein 1:22#. /is ;asdueC of courseC to not starting ;it/ p/5sical ter"sK"atter its "otionC and itsinteractions !force#.

    Since t/e ;ide acceptance of t/e Special /eor5 of elativit5C scientists /ave generall5accepted t/e notion t/at t/e speed of lig/t in vacuo is t/e upper li"it of all "aterialspeeds. For t/is reasonC space travel greater t/an t/e speed of lig/t is usuall5 consideredunattainable e=cept t/roug/ special contrivanceC ;/ic/ is used to alter t/e properties oft/e space'ti"e continuu". $f t/e Special /eor5 of elativit5 is correctC t/e speed oflig/t in vacuo is t/e onl5 universal absolute. Anot/er ;a5 of stating t/is principle ist/at lig/t orC "ore precisel5C electro"agnetic ;aves /ave no preferred fra"e ofreference. 6ften cited in support of t/is principle is reference to t/e classic Mic/elson'Morle5 interfero"eter e=peri"ent. /is e=peri"ent ;as an atte"pt to "easure t/eeart/Bs "otion t/roug/ t/e /5pot/etical et/er at rest in space. /e negative result oft/is e=peri"ent ;as used to prove t/at EinsteinBs proposition t/at t/e speed of lig/t isnot altered b5 addition of velocities ;it/ lig/t'e"itting ob ects or t/at an et/er ;asnecessar5 for e=plaining t/e propagation of lig/t across e"pt5 space.

    Professor -aro Sc/atzer /as "ade t/is cogent state"ent regarding an et/er fra"eD

    I /ere /ave been a variet5 of t/eories to describe electro"agnetic ;aves !lig/t# ase=citations of so"e "ediu"C Guite in analog5 to sonic ;aves ;/ic/ propagate in t/e"ediu" air. /is /5pot/etical "ediu" ;as called t/e et/er and it ;as supposed to be atrest in t/e absolute space'ti"e fra"e. /at is ;/5 t/is fra"e is also called t/e et/erfra"e so"eti"es. Since t/e establis/"ent of t/e t/eor5 of special relativit5 it /as beco"e e=tre"el5 unpopular a"ong scientists to spea3 aboutHet/er . *o;everC ;e3no; toda5 t/at electro"agnetic ;aves are indeed e=citations of so"e "ediu" .*o;everC t/is "ediu" is not a solid or a liGuid in t/e classical senseC but it is governed b5 t/e la;s of Guantu" "ec/anics.

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    Morle5 eGuations /ave been used ;it/out realizing t/at t;o essential funda"ental p/eno"ena are "issing in t/e Mic/elson'Morle5 de"onstration. )e s/o; t/at t/evelocit5 of t/e "irror "ust be ta3en into account to calculate t/e angle of reflection oflig/t. sing t/e *u5gens principleC ;e see t/at t/e angle of reflection of lig/t on a"oving "irror is a function of t/e velocit5 of t/e "irror. /is /as been ignored in t/e

    Mic/elson'Morle5 calculation. AlsoC due to t/e transverse direction of t/e "ovingfra"eC lig/t does not enter in t/e instru"ent at :0 degrees as assu"ed in t/e Mic/elson'Morle5 e=peri"ent. )e ac3no;ledge t/atC t/e basic idea suggested b5 Mic/elson'Morle5 to test t/e variance of space'ti"eC using a co"parison bet;een t/e ti"es ta3en b5 lig/t to travel in t/e parallel direction ;it/ respect to a transverse direction is ver5attractive. *o;everC ;e s/o; /ere t/at t/e usual predictions are not validC because oft/ose t;o classical secondar5 p/eno"enaC ;/ic/ /ave not been ta3en into account.)/en t/ese overloo3ed p/eno"ena are ta3en into accountC ;e see t/at a null resultC int/e Mic/elson'Morle5 e=peri"entC is t/e natural conseGuenceC resulting fro" t/eassu"ption of an absolute fra"e of reference and ,alilean transfor"ations. 6n t/econtrar5C a s/ift of t/e interference fringes ;ould be reGuired in order to support

    EinsteinBs relativit5. /ereforeC for t/e last centur5C t/e relativit5 t/eor5 /as been basedon a "isleading calculation.H

    AlsoC t/e et/er drift e=peri"ents of 9a5ton Miller /ave received ne; attention andsee" to indicate a positive result for t/e e=istence of an et/er.9a5ton Miller s 1:%% paper in Reviews of Modern Physics details t/e positive resultsfro" over 20 5ears of e=peri"ental researc/ into t/e Guestion of et/er'driftC and re"ainsthe most definitive body of work on the subject of light beam interferometry. 6t/er positive et/er'detection e=peri"ents /ave been underta3enC suc/ as t/e ;or3 of Sagnac!1:1%# and Mic/elson and ,ale !1:2@#C docu"enting t/e e=istence in lig/t'speedvariations !cLv c'v#C but t/ese ;ere not adeGuatel5 constructed for detection of alarger cos"ological ether drift! of t/e Eart/ and Solar S5ste" "oving t/roug/ t/e bac3ground of space. 9a5ton Miller s ;or3 on et/er'drift ;as so constructedC /o;everCand 5ieldedconsistently positive results.

    /ere see"s to be a gro;ing preponderance of evidence t/at a space et/er "ediu"e=ists and t/at p/5sical t/eories on gravitationC inertiaC electro"agnetis"C and nuclearforces as ;ell as cos"ological t/eories ;ill need to ta3e account of t/ese. $t is even possible t/at an e=tensive revision of t/eoretical p/5sics ;ill be necessitated b5 t/esediscoveriesC bot/ old and ne;. $f a velocit5'dependent "ediu" suc/ as t/e et/er could be establis/ed b5 e=peri"entCt/en it could open t/e door to alternative e=planations to S and , regarding p/5sical p/eno"ena. $f t/is et/er is GuantizedC t/en ;e could e=plore t/e t/eoretical nature of aGuantu" et/er. $s gravit5 a result of so"e state of t/e Guantu" et/erN 9oes t/e Guantu" et/er e=plain inertiaN )/at does an electric or "agnetic field do tot/e state of t/e Guantu" et/erN Are "aterial particles so"e ;ave'state of t/e Guantu"et/erN an ;e unif5 p/5sical principles b5 considering a Guantu" et/erN A co"plete t/eor5 of t/e et/er /as been atte"pted but "an5 suc/ but t/ese t/eories lac3t/e s;eep and po;er of "odern "at/e"atical t/eories.

    A co"plete t/eor5 of t/e et/er ;ould not onl5 account for t/e origin of forcesC but t/e

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    origin of "atter and "ass. Past t/eorizing /as postulated t/e e=istence of circulatingflo;s in a /5drod5na"ic et/er t/at for" /ollo; or ring vortices t/at give rise toelectro"agnetic forces and constitute t/e ele"entar5 particles t/at "a3e'up t/e ato"icnature of t/e ;orld. E=peri"ents conducted on t/e alternating gradient s5nc/rotron;it/ colliding protons see" to indicate t/at protons be/ave li3e co"posite vortices as

    described b5 *el"/oltz and ot/ers in t/eir e=cellent treatises on /5drod5na"ics.

    $n 18:7C t/e Englis/ p/5sicist . . /o"son discovered t/e electron and proposed a"odel for t/e structure of t/e ato". /o"son 3ne; t/at electrons /ad a negative c/argeand t/oug/t t/at "atter "ust /ave a positive c/arge. *is "odel loo3ed li3e raisins stuc3on t/e surface of a lu"p of pudding. ut/erford t/oug/t t/at t/e negative electronsorbited a positive center in a "anner li3e t/e solar s5ste" ;/ere t/e planets orbit t/esun. o/r ca"e up ;it/ t/e first non'classical description of t/e electron in order toe=plain ;/5 electrons do not lose energ5 and spiral into t/e nucleus of t/e ato".Sc/rOdinger pictured t/e electron as a standing ;ave. P/5sicist Ma= orn turned t/e

    electron into a cloud of probabilit5. Modern Guantu" t/eor5 treats t/e electron as a point'particle ;it/ no specific structure or e=tension in space. /e "an5 versions of t/ene; String t/eories treat t/e electron as an e=tended 1'di"ensional string or loopC andso"e variations treat it as a 2'di"esional structure including a ring'li3e vorte=structure. -ord elvin ;as t/e first to propose a vorte= ring as a "odel for t/eelectron. /is see"s to be undergoing a revival in ne; proposals in string t/eor5C no;3no;n as M' /eor5. 6ne "ainstrea" p/5sicist ;/o is raising ;aves about et/er drift e=perie"ents and t/edetection of absolute "otion is eginald . a/ill of Flinders niversit5 in AdelaideC

    Australia. 6n t/is centenar5 anniversar5 of EinsteinBs Special /eor5 of elativit5!1:0@'200@#C /e /as ;ritten a critical revie; of EinsteinBs postulatesD

    I /e Einstein postulates assert an invariance of t/e propagation speed of lig/t invacuu" for an5 observerC and ;/ic/ a"ounts to a presu"ed absence of an5 preferredfra"e. /e postulates appear to be directl5 lin3ed to relativistic effects ;/ic/ e"ergefro" EinsteinBs"pecial #heory of Relativity! ;/ic/ is based upon t/e concept of a flatspace'ti"e ontolog5C and ;/ic/ t/en lead to t/e $eneral #heory of Relativity ;it/ itscurved space'ti"e "odel for gravit5. )/ile t/e relativistic effects are ;ell establis/ede=peri"entall5 it is no; 3no;n t/at nu"erous e=peri"entsC beginning ;it/ t/e

    Mic/elson'Morle5 e=peri"ent of 1887C /ave al;a5s s/o;n t/at t/e postulatest/e"selves are falseC na"el5 t/at t/ere is a detectable local preferred fra"e ofreference. /is critiGue briefl5 revie;s t/e e=peri"ental evidence regarding t/e failureof t/e postulates !of t/e Special /eor5 of elativit5#C and t/e i"plications forunderstanding of funda"ental p/5sicsC and in particular for our understanding ofgravit5QH

    +icola eslaC t/e prodigal genius and inventor of t/e 1:t/ and 20t/ centur5 "ade t/isstate"entD I%#here manifests itself in the fully developed being ! Man! a desire mysterious!inscrutable and irresistible& to imitate nature! to create! to work himself the wonders he

    perceives.... 'ong ago he recogni(ed that all perceptible matter comes from a primary

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    substance! or tenuity beyond conception! filling all space! the )kasha or luminiferousether! which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force! calling intoe*istence! in never ending cycles all things and phenomena. #he primary substance!thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity! becomes gross matter+ the force

    subsiding! the motion ceases and matter disappears! reverting to the primary


    esla opposed EinsteinBs ideas and no; /e "a5 be vindicated b5 ne; e=peri"entsCincluding one to be perfor"ed in t/e $nternational Space Station in 2007'2008 to detectt/e absolute "otion of t/e eart/ t/roug/ t/e aet/er.

    /e ne; popular notion of t/e aet/er is e"bodied in t/e concept of ?ero Point Energ5!?PE# and t/e ?ero Point Field !?PF#C /o;ever $ /ave ;ritten t/at $ believe ?PE is t/eactivit5 ;e detect in t/e Aet/er and not t/e Aet/er per se. M5 "odel of t/e Aet/er is of

    a superfluid substance t/at constitutes p/5sical space itself. According to arr5 . MingstC ,eneral elativit5Bs first postulate is t/at t/e source oft/e gravitational field is t/e stress'energ5 tensor of a perfect fluidC I H. I H containsfour non'zero co"ponents. /ese four co"ponents are t/e densit5 of t/e perfect fluidand t/e pressure of t/e perfect fluid in eac/ of t/e t/ree p/5sical a=es. A perfect fluid ingeneral relativit5 is defined as a fluid t/at /as no viscosit5 and no /eat conduction. /is basicall5 describes a superfluid. Frenc/ p/5sicist Ma5eul Ar"in on in /is ,ther #heory of $ravitation& -hy and ow/;ritesD I /e first point is t/atC in order t/at it does not bra3e t/e "otion of "aterial bodiesC t/e p/5sical vacuu" or I"icro'et/erH "ust be so"e 3ind of a perfect fluid. A Itrul5 perfectH fluid is free fro" an5 t/er"al effect t/at is necessaril5 bound to dissipationC/enceC as noted b5 o"ani C it "ust be perfectl5 continuous at an5 scale. $t is t/enc/aracterized b5 its pressure and its densit5C ;/ic/ are connected b5 t/e state eGuationCand b5 its velocit5. $t e=erts onl5 pressure forces. /ereforeC if one atte"pts tointroduce a perfectl5 fluid et/er Ifilling e"pt5 spaceHC t/en an5 interaction forces Iat adistanceHC t/us including gravit5C /ave to be ulti"atel5 e=plained as pressure forcesC and/ence as contact actions. As far as gravitation is concernedC t/is is Guite si"ple. $assu"e t/at ele"entar5 particles are e=tended ob ects. /e resultant of t/e pressureforces e=erted on a particle is Arc/i"edesB t/rustC t/at is proportional to t/e volu"e R&occupied b5 a given particle. $n order t/at t/is force be actuall5 proportional to t/e "assR" of t/e particleC it is /ence necessar5 and sufficient t/at t/e average densit5 inside agiven particleC t/us p T R">R& C be t/e sa"e for all particlesKat least at a given!"acroscopic# place and at a given ti"e. *o;everC since t/e gravitational attraction is afieldC t/e densit5 p "a5 also be a fieldC ;/ere t/e space'ti"e variabilit5 /as to co"efro" t/at of t/e pressure in t/e fluidC pe. $n factC as is suggested b5 t/e observedtrans"utations of ele"entar5 particles into different onesC $ assu"e t/at t/e particles

    t/e"selves are "ade of t/at "icroet/erD eac/ of t/e" s/ould be so"e 3ind of organizedflo; in t/is i"agined fluidKso"et/ing li3e a vorte=. ! /is is o"aniBs idea of aIconstitutive et/erH . $n t/at caseC t/e densit5 p ;ould be not/ing else t/an t/e localdensit5 in t/e fluidC e T e!pe#. nder t/ese assu"ptionsC t/e gravit5 acceleration isobtained as D g T Ugrad pe> e.H

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    space'ti"e dissolves into a net;or3 of loops t/at are /eld toget/er b5 3nots.So"e;/at li3e a c/ain'"ail coat used b5 3nig/ts of 5oreC space'ti"e rese"bles a fabricfas/ioned in four di"ensions fro" t/ese tin5 one'di"ensional loops and 3nots ofenerg5.

    /ese t/eories of t/e p/5sical vacuu" are based on t/eoretical ;or3 in Guantu" t/eor5and string t/eor5C but "a5 not necessaril5 be correct. /ere is roo" for ot/er "odelsincluding a /5drod5na"ic "odel as postulated /ere. Flo;ing ,ravit5 is based on a general /5pot/esis t/at space /as p/5sical properties t/atcan best be described as super fluidic. 5 postulating t/e superfluid nature of space proble"s in controlling gravit5 and inertia can be clearl5 approac/ed. +e;understandings in electro"agnetic p/eno"enaC nuclear and particle p/5sicsC cos"olog5Cand t/e basis of Guantu" "ec/anics "a5 be clarified ;it/ t/is s/ift of e"p/asis. )/at

    re"ains is to develop a "ore specific t/eor5 and a general t/eor5 t/at can "a3e predictions t/at are in accord ;it/ natural "easure"ents and observations and to devisee=peri"ents t/at can test t/e nature of t/e space "ediu".

    A (e" )odel o& the Atom:

    $n aet/er t/eor5C ele"entar5 particles are considered vortices. /e electron isconsidered to be eit/er a toroidal vorte= !a t/eor5 $ favor# or a sp/erical vorte=. /e proton and neutron are considered to be co"pound vortices co"posed of electron and positron vortices. /e vorte= circulation creates a void core ;/ic/ reduces aet/eric pressure to a null state and produces an in;ard'directed aet/eric static pressure fro"a"bient space ;/ic/ gives us gravitational and inertial force. /e d5na"ic rotation oft/e toroid produces an out;ard'directed d5na"ic pressure ;/ic/ gives us t/e electricfield ;/ile t/e circulation of t/e toroid produces an a=ial "agnetic field. /is is asi"plified version of a "odel ;/ic/ ;e ;ill use to visualize field propulsion in asaucer's/aped craft t/at utilizes t/is 3no;ledge to produce a gravitationall5'repulsiveforce for propulsion. Electron *ing +orte, )odel: $n 18:7C t/e Englis/ p/5sicist . . /o"son discoveredt/e electron and proposed a "odel for t/e structure of t/e ato". /o"son 3ne; t/atelectrons /ad a negative c/arge and t/oug/t t/at "atter "ust /ave a positive c/arge. *is"odel loo3ed li3e raisins stuc3 on t/e surface of a lu"p of pudding. ut/erfordt/oug/t t/at t/e negative electrons orbited a positive center in a "anner li3e t/e solars5ste" ;/ere t/e planets orbit t/e sun. o/r ca"e up ;it/ t/e first non'classicaldescription of t/e electron in order to e=plain ;/5 electrons do not lose energ5 andspiral into t/e nucleus of t/e ato". Sc/rOdinger pictured t/e electron as a standing;ave. P/5sicist Ma= orn turned t/e electron into a cloud of probabilit5. ModernGuantu" t/eor5 treats t/e electron as a point'particle ;it/ no specific structure ore=tension in space. /e "an5 versions of t/e ne; String t/eories treat t/e electron asan e=tended 1'di"ensional string or loopC and so"e variations treat it as a 2'di"esional

    structure including a ring'li3e vorte= structure. -ord elvin ;as t/e first to propose avorte= ring as a "odel for t/e electron. /is see"s to be undergoing a revival in ne; proposals in string t/eor5C no; 3no;n as M' /eor5.

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    /e purpose of t/is paper is to propose an et/er'vorte= "odel of t/e electron as arotating toroidal ring vorte= and a positron as a counter'rotating toroidal ring vorte= t/atis based on a s5nt/esis of various ot/er proposed "odels of particle p/5sics t/at "a5eventuall5 be integrated into a unified t/eor5.

    /e first atte"pt to construct a p/5sical "odel of an ato" ;as "ade b5 )illia"/o"son !later elevated to -ord elvin# in 18(7. /e "ost stri3ing propert5 of t/e

    ato" ;as its permanence .

    /o"pson ;rote t/e follo;ing on &orte= Ato"s 1

    IAfter noticing *el"/oltz s ad"irable discover5 of t/e la; of vorte= "otion in a perfect liGuid '' t/at isC in a fluid perfectl5 destitute of viscosit5 !or fluid friction# '' t/eaut/or said t/at t/is discover5 inevitabl5 suggests t/e idea t/at *el"/oltz s rings are t/eonl5 true ato"s. For t/e onl5 prete=t see"ing to ustif5 t/e "onstrous assu"ption ofinfinitel5 strong and infinitel5 rigid pieces of "atterC t/e e=istence of ;/ic/ is assertedas a probable /5pot/esis b5 so"e of t/e greatest "odern c/e"ists in t/eir ras/l5';orded introductor5 state"entsC is t/at urged b5 -ucretius and adopted b5 +e;ton ''t/at it see"s necessar5 to account for t/e unalterable distinguis/ing Gualities ofdifferent 3inds of "atter. ut *el"/oltz /as provided an absolutel5 unalterable Gualit5in t/e "otion of an5 portion of a perfect liGuid in ;/ic/ t/e peculiar "otion ;/ic/ /ecalls )irbelbe;egung /as been once created. /us an5 portion of a perfect liGuid;/ic/ /as )irbelbe;egung /as one reco""endation of -ucretius s ato"s '' infinitel5 perennial specific Gualit5. o generate or to destro5 )irbelbe;egung in a perfectfluid can onl5 be an act of creative po;er. -ucretius s ato" does not e=plain an5 of t/e properties of "atter ;it/out attributing t/e" to t/e ato" itself. /us t/e clas/ ofato"sC as it /as been ;ell calledC /as been invo3ed b5 /is "odern follo;ers to accountfor t/e elasticit5 of gases. Ever5 ot/er propert5 of "atter /as si"ilarl5 reGuired anassu"ption of specific forces pertaining to t/e ato". $t is eas5 !and as i"probable '' not"ore so# to assu"e ;/atever specific forces "a5 be reGuired in an5 portion of "atter;/ic/ possesses t/e )irbelbe;egungC as in a solid indivisible piece of "atterJ and/ence t/e -ucretius ato" /as no prima facie advantage over t/e *el"/oltz ato". A"agnificent displa5 of s"o3e'ringsC ;/ic/ /e recentl5 /ad t/e pleasure of ;itnessing inProfessor ait s lecture'roo"C di"inis/ed b5 one t/e nu"ber of assu"ptions reGuired toe=plain t/e properties of "atter on t/e /5pot/esis t/at all bodies are co"posed of vorte=ato"s in a perfect /o"ogeneous liGuid. ;o s"o3e'rings ;ere freGuentl5 seen to boundobliGuel5 fro" one anot/erC s/a3ing violentl5 fro" t/e effects of t/e s/oc3. /e result;as ver5 si"ilar to t/at observable in to large india'rubber rings stri3ing one anot/er int/e air. /e elasticit5 of eac/ s"o3e'ring see"ed no furt/er fro" perfection t/an "ig/t be e=pected in a solid india'rubber ring of t/e sa"e s/apeC fro" ;/at ;e 3no; of t/eviscosit5 of india'rubber. 6f course t/is 3inetic elasticit5 of for" is perfect elasticit5 forvorte= rings in a perfect liGuid. $t is at least as good a beginning as t/e clas/ of ato"saccount for t/e elasticit5 of gases. Probabl5 t/e beautiful investigations of 9. ernoulliC*erapat/C ouleC rOnigC lausiusC and Ma=;ellC on t/e various t/er"od5na"ic properties of gasesC "a5 /ave all t/e positive assu"ptions t/e5 /ave been obliged to"a3eC as to "utual forces bet;een t;o ato"s and 3inetic energ5 acGuired b5 individualato"s or "oleculesC satisfied b5 vorte= ringsC ;it/out reGuiring an5 ot/er propert5 in

    t/e "atter ;/ose "otion co"poses t/e" t/an inertia and inco"pressible occupation ofspace. A full "at/e"atical investigation of t/e "utual action bet;een t;o vorte= ringsof an5 given "agnitudes and velocities passing one anot/er in an5 t;o linesC so directedt/at t/e5 never co"e nearer one anot/er t/an a large "ultiple of t/e dia"eter of eit/erCis a perfectl5 solvable "at/e"atical proble"J and t/e novelt5 of t/e circu"stances

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    conte"plated presents difficulties of an e=citing c/aracter. $ts solution ;ill beco"e t/efoundation of t/e proposed ne; 3inetic t/eor5 of gases. /e possibilit5 of founding at/eor5 of elastic solids and liGuids on t/e d5na"ics of "ore closel5'pac3ed vorte=ato"s "a5 be reasonabl5 anticipated. $t "a5 be re"ar3ed in conne=ion ;it/ t/isanticipationC t/at t/e "ere title of an3ine s paper on Molecular &orticesC

    co""unicated to t/e o5al Societ5 of Edinburg/ in 184: and 18@0C ;as a "ostsuggestive step in p/5sical t/eor5.Hoda5C /o"psonBs vorte= ato" see"s li3e a Guaint piece of p/5sics /istor5 and t/e

    standard "odel of t/e electron assu"es t/e electron to be a point'li3e particle ;it/oute=tension in an5 di"ension. *o;everC it see"s t/at t/e properties of an electron aresuc/ t/at it is not reconciled b5 a point'li3e particle and for t/is reason string t/eor5 /as proposed t/at particles suc/ as t/e electron are e=tended ob ects called strings. )/et/ert/is is proven in t/e long run re"ains to be seen as t/ere /ave been fe; tests of stringt/eor5 to allo; us to believe t/at it is a description of t/e real ;orld. )it/ t/e negationof t/e et/er in "odern p/5sicsC albeit it "a5 be "a3ing a co"ebac3C t/e electron as astanding ;ave or vorte= in t/e et/ereal "ediu" /as generall5 been re ectedC but no;needs to be reconsidered.The Electron *ing )odel:

    Fro" Model of the ,lectron b5 P/.M. anarev. *ere is a table listing t/e properties of an electronD

    Particle S5"bol Anti' particleest "ass





    Electron e- e 0.@11 L1 0 0 Stable

    /e ring "odel of an electron is derived fro" an et/er vorte= flo;. /is vorte= creates

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    !analogous to guitar string vibration#C indeed elvin proved "at/e"aticall5 t/at lineardisturbances in a saturated %9 vorte= fluid !/e ter"ed a vorte= sponge# ;ould produce propagation of pure transverse ;aves identical to t/e eGuations and properties t/atdescribe t/e propagation of lig/t t/roug/ space. $t ;as t/is relations/ip as ;ell as "an5ot/ers t/at caused t/is /5pot/esis to be considered seriousl5. $t also is interesting to note

    t/at Ma=;ell used t/is conceptual "odel as t/e basis for /is derivation of t/e EMrelations/ips.H/onclusions:

    /ere is little doubt t/at t/e Aet/er /eor5 of Space is e=periencing a revival a"ongscientists especiall5 in t/e lig/t of furt/er e=peri"ents and discoveries. /e idea of auniversal substance'energ5 t/at lies at t/e root of all "aterial "anifestation is a"agnificent conception t/at conve5s to t/e "ind a unif5ing principle be/ind all p/5sical p/eno"ena. Paralleling t/is revival is t/e conco"itant reappraisal of particle vorte=t/eories. $t is possible t/at ;e ;ill see "an5 ne; develop"ents in t/e p/5sics of t/e21st centur5.0. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh C &ol. &$C 18(7C pp. :4'10@Jreprinted in Phil. Mag. &ol. WWW$&C 18(7C pp. 1@'24."Ether" or "Aether"?? /e ter" for t/e cos"ological "ediu"C used b5 t/osescientists of t/e 1800s and earl5 1:00s "ost engaged ;it/ t/e GuestionC ;as et/er;it/ an e . So"eti"e in t/e 1:@0sC t/e spelling ;as c/anged b5 et/er'critics to

    aet/er ;it/ an a . /is ;as done in part to re"ove confusion ;it/ t/e c/e"ical fluidet/er as used for anest/esiaC but "ostl5 t/e replace"ent appears to /ave beenunderta3en to relegate t/e et/er of space into ancient /istor5C as an unprovenspeculation si"ilar to Aristotelian ele"ents of fireC airC ;ater and eart/ . $ /ave usedt/e Aet/er spelling in t/e past "5selfC but no; believe t/is for" carries ;it/ it an

    assu"ed disproofC t/at t/e cos"ological "ediu" or energ5 in space does not e=ist.Since $ full5 accept t/e ;or3 of 9a5ton Miller as a proof of t/e e=istence of t/e et/erCuse of t/e ot/er ter" is no longer acceptable. onseGuentl5C until so"e better evidenceor argu"ent is put fort/C $ use t/e ter" used b5 roo3esC -odgeC Farada5C Mic/elsonCMoorle5C MillerC eslaC eic/ and even b5 EinsteinC spelled ;it/ an e Dether

    1F2 Dynamics:

    6ne of t/e funda"ental forces studied in aerod5na"ics is liftC or t/e force t/at 3eeps anairplane in t/e air. Airplanes fl5 because t/e5 pus/ air do;n. /e leading edge of anairplane ;ing is /ig/er t/an t/e trailing edge. All aircraft /ave ;ings or lifting bodiesor rotating blades as t/eir lift depends on t/e". F6s "a5 not /ave ;ings and "a5even /ave so"e unaerod5na"ic configuration. -ift is often e=plained using ernoulliBs principleC ;/ic/ relates an increase in t/e velocit5 of a flo; of fluid !suc/ as air# to adecrease in pressure and vice versa. /e air pressure on t/e upper side of an airplane;ing is lo;er t/an t/at on t/e lo;er side giving a resultant net force up;ard.Anot/er i"portant aspect of aerod5na"ics is t/e dragC or resistanceC acting on solid bodies "oving t/roug/ air. /e t/rust force developed b5 eit/er t/e et engine or t/e propellersC for e=a"pleC "ust overco"e t/e drag forces e=erted b5 t/e air flo;ing overt/e airplane. Strea"lining t/e bod5 can significantl5 reduce t/ese drag forces. For bodies t/at are not full5 strea"linedC t/e drag force increases appro=i"atel5 ;it/ t/e

    sGuare of t/e speed as t/e5 "ove rapidl5 t/roug/ t/e air. /e po;er reGuiredC fore=a"pleC to drive an auto"obile steadil5 at "ediu" or /ig/ speeds is pri"aril5absorbed in overco"ing air resistance.SupersonicsC an i"portant branc/ of aerod5na"icsC concerns p/eno"ena t/at arise

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    ;/en t/e velocit5 of a solid bod5 e=ceeds t/e speed of sound in t/e "ediu"C usuall5 airCin ;/ic/ it is traveling. /e speed of sound in t/e at"osp/ere varies ;it/ /u"idit5Cte"peratureC and pressure. ecause t/e speed of soundC being t/us variableC is a criticalfactor in aerod5na"ic eGuationsC a so'called Mac/ nu"berC na"ed after t/e Austrian p/5sicist and p/ilosop/er Ernst Mac/C ;/o pioneered t/e stud5 of ballisticsC represents

    it. /e Mac/ nu"ber is t/e speed of t/e pro ectile or aircraft ;it/ reference to t/ea"bient at"osp/ereC divided b5 t/e speed of sound in t/e sa"e "ediu" and under t/esa"e conditions. /us at sea levelC under standard conditions of /u"idit5 andte"peratureC a speed of about 1220 3">/ !about 7(0 "p/# represents a Mac/ nu"ber ofoneC t/at isC M'1. /e sa"e speed in t/e stratosp/ereC because of differences in densit5C pressureC and te"peratureC ;ould correspond to a Mac/ nu"ber of M'1.1(. 5designating speeds b5 Mac/ nu"berC rat/er t/an b5 3ilo"eters or "iles per /ourC a"ore accurate representation of t/e actual conditions encountered in flig/t can beobtained. Anot/er factorC long 3no;n to roc3et designersC is t/e direct influence of a"bientat"osp/eric pressures on t/e efficienc5 of t/e flig/t of planes in supersonic speedranges. /at isC t/e closer t/e surrounding "ediu" is to a perfect vacuu"C t/e "oreefficient is t/e po;er plant of t/e plane. educing t/e areaC or cross sectionC displacingat"osp/ereC can also increase t/e range of t/e supersonic plane. $ncreasing t/e ;eig/t b5 increasing t/e lengt/C but at t/e sa"e ti"e "a3ing t/e plane "ore slender andeGuipping it ;it/ a needle noseC are necessar5 features of design for planes operating int/e supersonic range in t/e at"osp/ere.,enerall5C F6s see" to bend t/e rules ;/en it co"es to aerod5na"ics. /e"aneuverabilit5 of discs seen in flig/t is suc/ t/at t/e F6 accelerates so Guic3l5 t/at itsee"s to overco"e an5 forces of drag t/at ;ould retard its "ove"ent. 9iscs /ave beenseen to "a3e :0'degree turns instantl5C and in so"e rare casesC instantl5 reverse t/eir

    direction of travel. )/en accelerating to speeds esti"ated to be supersonicC no s/oc3;ave see"s to be generated and no sonic boo" is /eard. So"e "aneuversacco"plis/ed b5 F6s ;ould place e=traordinar5 stress on t/e airfra"e if fl5ing li3econventional aircraft. o"ing in contact ;it/ t/e surrounding at"osp/ere at /ig/ ratesof acceleration ;ould c/allenge t/e structural integrit5 of t/e ve/icleC ;ould induceenor"ous drag and /eat t/e s3in of t/e craft to glo;ing te"peraturesC but per/aps t/e

    F6 does not co"e into direct contact ;it/ t/e at"osp/ereC but actuall5 repels t/eat"osp/eric boundar5 la5er surrounding its for". /is ;ould account for /o; t/e5 can"ove Guic3l5 ;it/out encountering air resistance and t/er"al stress. Structural integrit5 is a "a or factor in aircraft design and construction. +o productionairplane leaves t/e ground before undergoing e=tensive anal5sis of /o; it ;ill fl5C t/estresses it ;ill tolerate and its "a=i"u" safe capabilit5.Ever5 airplane is sub ect to structural stress. Stress acts on an airplane ;/et/er on t/eground or in flig/t. Stress is defined as a load applied to a unit area of "aterial. Stress produces a deflection or defor"ation in t/e "aterial called strain. Stress is al;a5sacco"panied b5 strain.

    urrent production general aviation aircraft are constructed of various "aterialsC t/e pri"ar5 being alu"inu" allo5s. ivetsC boltsC scre;s and special bonding ad/esives areused to /old t/e s/eet "etal in place. egardless of t/e "et/od of attac/"ent of t/e"aterialC ever5 part of t/e fuselage "ust carr5 a loadC or resist a stress placed on it.9esign of interior supporting and for"ing piecesC and t/e outside "etal s3in all /ave arole to pla5 in assuring an overall safe structure capable of ;it/standing e=pected loadsand stresses.Engineers carefull5 calculate t/e stress a particular part "ust ;it/stand. AlsoC t/e

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    forces "a5 also be presentC s/ear forces tr5 to rip t/e bolt in t;o. ,enerall5C s/earstrengt/ is less t/an tensile or co"pressive strengt/ in a particular "aterial.%1ending% is a co"bination of t;o forcesC co"pression and tension. 9uring bendingstressC t/e "aterial on t/e inside of t/e bend is co"pressed and t/e outside "aterial isstretc/ed in tension. An e=a"ple of t/is is t/e ,'loading an airplane structuree=periences during "aneuvering. 9uring an abrupt pull'upC t/e airplane s ;ing sparsC;ing s3in and fuselage undergo positive loading and t/e upper surfaces are sub ect toco"pressionC ;/ile t/e lo;er ;ing s3in e=periences tension loads. /ere are "an5ot/er areas of t/e airfra"e structure t/at e=perience bending forces during nor"al flig/t.An airplane structure in flig/t is sub ected to "an5 and var5ing stresses due to t/evar5ing loads t/at "a5 be i"posed. /e designer s proble" is tr5ing to anticipate t/e possible stresses t/at t/e structure ;ill /ave to endureC and to build it sufficientl5 strongto ;it/stand t/ese. /e proble" is co"plicated b5 t/e fact t/at an airplane structure"ust be lig/t as ;ell as strong. /e "anufacturer states upon certification t/at t/edesign "eets or e=ceeds all FA reGuire"ents for t/e categor5 of aircraft being

    produced. *o;everC /ard landingsC gust loads caused b5 e=tre"e turbulenceC perfor"ing aerobatic "aneuvers in a non'aerobatic airplaneC etcC. can affect t/eair;ort/iness of one or "ore "a or airfra"e asse"blies to t/e e=tent t/at t/e airplane isno longer air;ort/5. /is reiterates t/e necessit5 of operating t/e aircraft ;it/in t/eli"itations outlined b5 t/e "anufacturer. Ever5 flig/t i"poses loads and stresses on t/eaircraft. *o; carefull5 it is flo;nC t/ereforeC ;ill /ave an effect on t/e service life of itsasse"blies.$t is t/e F6Bs abilit5 to ;it/stand or def5 t/e nor"al loads and stresses of ourconventional aircraft t/at allo;s t/e" to fl5 in suc/ erratic "odes as zigzag flig/tCinstantaneous decelerationsC and instantaneous accelerations. /e t5pe of flig/t pattern"a3es a F6 stand out fro" t/e aerobatic perfor"ances of conventional aircraft.

    /is is onl5 a s"all part of a sub ect t/at could fill a te=tboo3. $t is b5 capturing t/esedetails of F6 flig/t d5na"ics for t/e record t/at adds ;eig/t to t/e evidence t/atunconventional fl5ing ob ects /ave been cavorting around t/e eart/ for decades.

    )agnetic Bubbles and 3u erca'itation:

    $f ;e consider space a "ediu" and t/at "ediu" is a particulate co"position of

    space itselfC si"ilar to aet/erC t/en ;e can "odel space propulsion s5ste"s based ont/at space'aet/er concept.

    /e "aterial of space is said to be filled ;it/ a frot/ of virtual particles. Per/apsC inadditionC t/ere are so"e lepton neutrino space'filling particles t/at constitute a/5drod5na"ic energ5 t/at e=erts pressure on "ass concentrations. $f t/ese particlesCreal or virtual nor"all5 flo; t/roug/ "atterC but encounter increasing resistance ;it/"ass densit5C ;e could attribute t/e force of gravit5 to t/is virtual particle pressure.-i3e;iseC suc/ a pressure "a5 be responsible for inertia.

    $ Guote fro" an article on supercavitationDI-atel5 t/ere /as been a resurgence of interest in a tec/nolog5 t/at allo;s naval;eapons and vessels to travel sub"erged at /undreds of "iles per /our. /e fastest

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    traditional undersea tec/nologies are li"ited to a "a=i"u" velocit5 of about 80 "iles per /our. /e tec/nolog5 t/at allo;s so"e undersea vessels to travel faster t/an t/espeed of sound in ;ater is called supercavitation. First e=plored in t/e 1:40sCsupercavitation e=ploits a loop/ole t/at allo;s under;ater travel ;it/ "ini"al drag.For "an5 5ears naval e=perts studied its parent fieldC cavitationC because of t/e

    proble"s t/at it brings about. 6nl5 recentl5 did researc/ers consider supercavitation asa ;a5 to build faster sub"arines and torpedoes.o understand supercavitationC first cavitation "ust be understood. )/en a fluid "oves

    rapidl5 around a bod5C t/e pressure in t/e flo; drops. /is pressure reduction over t/esurface of t/e bod5 is t/e sa"e effect t/at generates lift on airplane ;ings and givessailboats t/e abilit5 to "ove on t/e ;ater s surface ;it/ onl5 t/e ;ind to propel t/e".As t/e velocit5 increases and t/e pressure continues to dropC a point is reac/ed at ;/ic/t/e pressure in t/e flo; eGuals t/e vapor pressure of ;aterC ;/ereupon t/e fluidundergoes a p/ase c/ange and beco"es a gasD ;ater vapor.

    nder certain circu"stancesC especiall5 at s/arp edgesC t/e flo; can include attac/ed

    cavities of appro=i"atel5 constant pressure filled ;it/ ;ater vapor and air trailing be/ind. /is is called natural cavitation. +or"all5C cavitation is a condition to beavoided in fluid flo; s5ste"sC because it can distort ;ater flo; to rob pu"psC turbinesC/5drofoilsC and propellers of operational efficienc5. $t can also lead to violent s/oc3;aves !fro" rapid bubble collapse#C ;/ic/ cause pitting and erosion of "etal surfaces.$n supercavitationC t/e s"all gas bubbles produced b5 cavitation e=pand and co"bine tofor" one largeC stableC and predictable bubble around t/e supercavitating ob ect. /e bubble is longer t/an t/e ob ectC so onl5 t/e leading edge of t/e ob ect actuall5 contactsliGuid ;ater. /e rest of t/e ob ect is surrounded b5 lo;'pressure ;ater vaporCsignificantl5 lo;ering t/e drag on t/e supercavitating ob ect.

    A supercavit5 can also for" around a speciall5 designed pro ectile. /e 3e5 is creating azone of lo; pressure around t/e entire ob ect b5 carefull5 s/aping t/e nose and firingt/e pro ectile at a sufficientl5 /ig/ velocit5. At /ig/ velocit5 ;ater flo;s off t/e edge oft/e nose ;it/ a speed and angle t/at prevent it fro" ;rapping around t/e surface of t/e pro ectileC producing a lo;'pressure bubble around t/e ob ect. )it/ an appropriate noses/ape and a speed over 110 "iles per /ourC t/e entire pro ectile "a5 reside in a vaporcavit5.So"e esti"ates indicate t/at a supercavitating pro ectileC using roc3et propulsionC couldtravel at speeds in e=cess of 2%0 "iles per /our under;ater. IX altec/ ndergraduate esearc/ ournalC +ove"ber %0C 2001 J Scientific A"ericanC

    Ma5 2001J9eep Angel avitator Y +ote t/e analog5 of a spatial ocean or sea ;it/ an *26 ocean. reating a supercavit5around a sub"arine ;ould per"it rapid travel t/roug/ t/e "ediu".

    reating a supercavit5 in space fluid around a spacecraft ;ould also per"it rapid travelt/roug/ t/e vacuu" of space. /e supercavit5 envisioned "ig/t be created as anelectro'"agnetic bubble t/at repels space particles or drasticall5 reduces t/e densit5 oft/e space foa" so as to enable t/e spacecraft to ac/ieve /5perlig/t velocitiesC especiall5if b5 t/is action it /as a "easurable effect on reducing inertia.

    /e "agnetosp/eric plas"a propulsion envisioned b5 obert )inglee "a5 be one stepon t/e pat/ to;ard a true "agneto'gravitic propulsion s5ste".

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    /e "et/od "a3es use of t/e a"bient energ5 of t/e solar ;ind b5 couplingto t/e solar ;ind t/roug/ a large'scale !Z 10 3"# "agnetic bubble or "ini'"agnetosp/ere. /e "agnetosp/ere is produced b5 t/e in ection of plas"a on to t/e"agnetic field of a s"all ![ 1 "# dipole coil tet/ered to t/e spacecraft. $n t/is ;a5C it is possible for a spacecraft to attain unprecedented speeds for "ini"al energ5 and "assreGuire"ents. Since t/e "agnetic inflation is produced b5 electro"agnetic processesCt/e "aterial and deplo5"ent proble"s associated ;it/ t/e "ec/anical sails areeli"inated. Per/aps a "agnetic vorte= of e=tre"e po;er drives fl5ing saucers across our s3ies andt/roug/ space. $f suc/ a "agnetic vorte= could be focused to tunnel t/roug/ t/e space"ediu"C t/en $ believe /5perlig/t speeds are possible. -ifter tec/nolog5 "a5 de"onstrate t/e utilit5 of an *&'po;ered craftC but $ believe t/ateventuall5 ;e need a d5na"ic generator t/at ;ill produce t/e po;erful fields necessar5to propel an interstellar craft. Per/aps so"e e=peri"ents ;it/ rotating electric or"agnetic rings could be tried to test levitation effects. *e'erse Engineering:

    /e alleged recover5 of a fl5ing dis3 near os;ellC +e; Me=ico in ul5 1:47 /as

    spar3ed discussionsC opinionsC and reports t/at t/e .S. Ar"5 and Air Force studied t/ere"nants of t/e dis3C especiall5 t/e "et/ods and "odes of its propulsion ;it/ t/e intent

    of Ireverse engineeringH t/e advanced tec/nolog5 found in t/e alien craft.

    Alien astronautics is a sub ect predicated on t/e e=istence of intelligent alien life for"s;/ose evolution occurred on an e=traterrestrial ;orld and ;/o developed "eans totravel fro" t/eir ;orld to ot/er ;orlds in spacecraft. everse engineering is predicatedon t/e fact t/at ;e /ave acGuired alien /ard;are t/roug/ flig/t s5ste"s failure of analien spacecraft or t/roug/ co""unication and negotiation. everse engineering of"ec/anical parts reGuires e=traction of infor"ation about an instance of a particular partsufficient to replicate t/e part using appropriate fabrication tec/niGues.

    $n a letter to researc/er )illia" Stein"anC 9r. obert $. Sarbac/er ;/o ;as ;it/ t/e)as/ington $nstitute of ec/nolog5C confir"s t/at so"e of t/e scientists involved in t/estud5 of recovered fl5ing discs ;ere 9r. &annever us/C o/n von +eu"annC and 9r.

    obert 6ppen/ei"er. Stein"an also discovered t/at one of t/e scientists ;or3ing onsaucer tec/nolog5 fro" t/e earl5 da5s ;as 9r. Eric *enr5 )ang ;/o beca"e 9irectorof t/e 9epart"ent of Special StudiesC ;it/in t/e Structures 9ivisionC of t/e old )rig/tAir 9evelop"ent enterC near 9a5tonC 6/io. +e; tec/nolog5 suc/ as "orp/ing airplanes and carbon nanotubes "a5 be t/e result ofalien tec/nolog5 bac3'engineering studies conducted b5 t/e "ilitar5'industrial co"ple=in top secret unac3no;ledged special access progra"s. The Bi-Field Theory:

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    From a scientist: IThe primary propulsion system is electro-magnetic fluxdirectional positive force generating system The secondary propulsion system is aanti-gravity !using fluid plasma directional negative force generating system

    #emem$er% these are our terms The entire craft can $e a super conductor or a super

    capacitor depending on ho& the propulsion system is configured 'i(e I said% thesystem is extremely complicated )nless you understand the entire system% &hich &edon*t% you &on*t understand &hat I am saying The electrical system &or(s on avacuum vacated energy principle This system generates an unlimited amount of

    po&er The +isitors have determined that hydrogen has many more isotopes than &ethought , is one isotopes they harnessed and use as a catalyst inside the po&erdevice .

    )/at is a negative force generating s5ste"N

    /is ;as so"et/ing proposed a long ti"e ago b5 engineer -eonard ,. ra"p in tr5ingto e=plain fl5ing saucer propulsion ;/en /e alluded to t/e bi'field t/eor5C t/e , fieldand t/e field. *e sa5sC I6f t/e , field'propelled craft discussed earlier !t/e use of anartificiall5 created gravitational field#C ;e could sa5 t/at it ;as gravitationall5 "ovedtowards its point sourceC orC due to a decreased gravitational field strengt/ above itC it isrepelled b5 t/e \denserB space beneat/C and eit/er could be eGuall5 trueQof t/e 'field! epulsion Field# ve/icleC ;e "ig/t sa5 t/at ;as repulsivel5 "ovedaway fro" its pointsource orC due to t/eincreased gravitational field strengt/ belo; itC it is attracted to t/eless \denseB space aboveC and eit/er could be true..H -eonard goes on to propose t/at bot/ ,'field and 'fieldC one convertible into t/e ot/er are in use in F6s.

    Paul *illC retired and no; deceased +ASA scientist in /is e=cellent tec/nical anal5sisof F6s in /is boo3 2nconventional 3lying 4bjects considers t/at t/e F6 generates arepulsive field. *e sa5sC Iit is s/o;n t/at t/e F6 field is not of t/e static'electric orstatic'"agnetic t5pe. at/erC it appears to be a Guasi'static field of a negative'gravit5t5pe. /is is concluded because t/e data s/o;s t/at t/e F6 field repels all "assC not ust electricall5 c/arged or "agnetic "aterials.H *e also "entionsC li3e ra"pC before /i" t/at t/e field "ust /ave so"e degree of fieldfocusingC t/at it goes out predo"inantl5 in one direction in order to give control.

    /ese ideas no; invo3e a ne; idea in t/e field of cos"olog5 ter"eddark energy. 9ar3energ5 is t/oug/t to be s"oot/l5 distributed t/roug/out t/e universe. 9ar3 energ5 /as astrong negative pressure of t/e sa"e order as its energ5 densit5. 9ar3 energ5 interactsonl5 t/roug/ gravit5. 9ar3 energ5 produces arepulsive force and drives t/e e=pansion

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    of t/e universe.

    /e point to be "ade /ere is t/at t/e e=traterrestrial stars/ip engineers /ave /arnessed bot/ gravitation and repulsion as a "eans of traveling t/roug/ interplanetar5 andinterstellar space. Per/aps t/e5 /ave even been able to artificiall5 create a ;or"/oletunnel to distant parts of t/e gala=5 t/roug/ using t/eir control of gravitation and dar3energ5.

    To"nsend Bro"n4s Electrogra'itic /a acitors:

    Strange as it see"s it ;as during t/e 1:@0s t/at various aircraft co"panies startedresearc/ pro ects on t/e control of gravit5 and electro'gravitational propulsion. $t is possible t/at t/ese pro ects constituted so"e of t/e first reverse engineering pro ects one=traterrestrial propulsion s5ste"s.

    A"erican p/5sicist and inventorC . o;nsend ro;n discovered an effect of /ig/l5c/arged dis3's/aped capacitors. )/en t/e capacitors ;ere c/arged in e=cess of @0 &Ct/e5 ;ould /ave a tendenc5 to accelerate in t/e direction of t/e positive pole.Suspending a nu"ber of t/ese dis3 capacitors fro" a freel5 rotating carousel ;ouldcauseC ;/en c/argedC t/e entire asse"bl5 to rotate. /ese c/arged capacitors could alsolevitate.

    According to t/e Air Force Manual fro" )rig/t'Patterson AF on Electrogravitics ;e/ave t/is description on t/e /o"as o;nsend ro;n discover5.

    Electrogravitics "ig/t be described as a s5nt/esis of electrostatic energ5 used for propulsion ' eit/er vertical propulsion or /orizontal or bot/ ' and graviticsC or d5na"iccounterbar5C in ;/ic/ energ5 is also used to set up a local gravitational forceindependent of t/e eart/Bs.

    Electrostatic energ5 for propulsion /as been predicted as a possible "eans of propulsionin space ;/en t/e t/rust fro" a neutron "otor or ion "otor ;ould be sufficient in adragless environ"ent to produce astrono"ical velocities. ut t/e ion "otor is notstrictl5 a part of t/e science of electrograviticsC since bar5centric control in anelectrogravitics s5ste" is envisaged for a ve/icle operating ;it/in t/e eart/Bsenviron"ent and it is not seen initiall5 for space application. Probabl5 large scale space

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    operations ;ould /ave to a;ait t/e full develop"ent of electrogravitics to enable large pieces of eGuip"ent to be "oved out of t/e region of t/e eart/Bs strongest gravit5effects. SoC t/oug/ electrostatic "otors ;ere t/oug/t of in 1:2@C electrogravitics /ad its birt/ after t/e )arC ;/en o;nsend ro;n soug/t to i"prove on t/e various proposalst/at t/en e=isted for electrostatic "otors sufficientl5 to produce so"e visible

    "anifestation of sustained "otion. )/ereas earlier electrostatic tests ;ere essentiall5 pure researc/C ro;nBs rigs ;ere ai"ed fro" t/e outset at producing a fl5ing article. Asa private venture /e produced evidence of "otion using condensers in a couple ofsaucers suspended b5 ar"s rotating round a central to;er ;it/ input running do;n t/ear"s. /e "assive'3 situation ;as su""arized subseGuentl5 in a reportC Pro ect)inter/avenC in 1:@2. sing t/e data so"e conclusions ;ere arrived at t/at "ig/t bee=pected fro" ten or "ore 5ears of intensive develop"ent ' si"ilar to t/atC for instanceCapplied to t/e turbine engine. sing a nu"ber of assu"ptions as to t/e nature of gravit5Ct/e report postulated a saucer as t/e basis of a possible interceptor ;it/ Mac/ %capabilit5. reation of a local gravitational s5ste" ;ould confer upon t/e fig/ter t/es/arp'edged c/anges of direction t5pical of "otion in space.

    /e essence of electrogravitics t/rust is t/e use of a ver5 strong positive c/arge on oneside of t/e ve/icle and a negative on t/e ot/er. /e core of t/e "otor is a condenser andt/e abilit5 of t/e condenser to /old its c/arge !t/e 3'nu"ber# is t/e 5ardstic3 of perfor"ance. )it/ air as 1C current dielectrical "aterials can 5ield ( and use of bariu"alu"inate can raise t/is considerabl5C bariu" titaniu" o=ide !a ba3ed cera"ic# can offer(C000 and t/ere is pro"ise of %0C000C ;/ic/ ;ould be sufficient for supersonic speed.

    /e original ro;n rig produced %0 fps on a voltage of around @0C000 and a s"all

    a"ount of current in t/e "illia"p range. /ere ;as no detailed e=planation of gravit5 inPro ect )inter/avenC but it ;as assu"ed t/at particle dualis" in t/e subato"icstructure of gravit5 ;ould coincide in its effect ;it/ t/e issuing strea" of electronsfro" t/e electrostatic energ5 source to produce counterbar5. /e ro;n ;or3 probabl5re"ains a realistic approac/ to t/e practical realization of electrostatic propulsion andsustentation. )/atever "a5 be discovered b5 t/e ,ravit5 esearc/ Foundation of +e;

    oston a co"plete understanding and s5nt/etic reproduction of gravit5 is not essentialfor li"ited success. /e electrogravitics saucer can perfor" t/e function of a classiclifting surface ' it produces a pus/ing effect on t/e under surface and a suction effect ont/e upperC butC unli3e t/e airfoilC it does not reGuire a flo; of air to produce t/e effect.

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    /ontactees Descri tions: Man5 F6 contacteesC t/ose ;/o /ave clai"ed to /ave been ta3en p/5sicall5 aboard afl5ing saucerC describe /ig/'voltage electrostatic capacitorsC a "agnetic rotorC and acentral colu"n so"eti"es referred to as t/e "agnetic pole of t/e s/ip. /e5 also reportt/at ;/en t/e craft is in "otionC t/ere is no sensation of acceleration and 5etC t/eapparent gravit5 in t/e cabin see"s nor"al.

    /e description of t/e saucer see"s as if t/e alien visitors /ad "odeled t/eir craft on t/econstituents of an ato" ;it/ a central reversible "agnetic poleC a positive core ornucleus in t/e craftC and capacitive electrons ;/ic/ aid in directional control. All reportver5 /ig/ voltages are generated to produce a field around t/e craft allo;ing it to nullif5gravitational and inertial forces. *ere is a brief description given b5 contactee ,eorge Ada"s3i and reiterated b5 "an5ot/er contactees since t/enD

    I)it/in t/e craft t/ere ;as not a single dar3 corner. $ could not "a3e out ;/ere t/elig/t ;as co"ing fro". $t see"ed to per"eate ever5 cavit5 and corner ;it/ a soft pleasing glo;. /ere is no ;a5 of describing t/at lig/t e=actl5. $t ;as not ;/iteC nor;as it blueC nor ;as it e=actl5 an5 ot/er color t/at $ could na"e. $nsteadC it see"ed to

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    consist of a "ello; blend of all colorsC t/oug/ at ti"es $ fancied one or anot/er see"edto predo"inate.$ ;as so engrossed in tr5ing to solve t/is "5ster5C and at t/e sa"e ti"e to see andabsorb ever5 detail of t/is a"azing little craft t/at $ ;as Guite una;are ;e /ad ta3en offCalt/oug/ $ did suddenl5 register a slig/t feeling of "ove"ent. ut t/ere ;as nosensation of enor"ous accelerationC nor of c/anges in pressure and altitude as ;ould bet/e case in one of our planes going at /alf t/e speed. +or /ad ;e e=perienced an5 er3as ;e bro3e contact ;it/ t/e ground. $ /ad an i"pression of tre"endous solidit5 ands"oot/nessC ;it/ little "ore realization of "ove"ent t/an of t/e unnoticeable ourne5of t/e Eart/ itself as it revolves around t/e Sun at eig/teen and one'/alf "iles persecond. 6t/ers ;/o /ave been privileged to ride in t/ese Saucers also /ave been struc3 b5 t/e sa"e sensation of "ove"entKor rat/erC t/e al"ost total lac3 of it. ut t/e factisC ;it/ so "an5 ;onders cro;ding "5 consciousnessC it ;as onl5 laterC after $ ;as bac3on Eart/ revie;ing t/e nig/tBs e=periences in "5 o;n "indC t/at $ could begin to sortt/e" out.H

    The 3earl Disc: +e; e=peri"ents atte"pting to replicate t/e Searl 9isc and Searl Effect ,enerator!SE,# "a5 5et vindicate its inventor ;/o /as stuc3 b5 /is stor5 of develop"ent overt/e 5ears. $ believe t/e SE, "odels t/e ato" in t/at it uses self'i"pelled rollers t/at be/ave li3e electrons in orbit around t/e central plates. /e plates develop a positivec/arge ;/ile t/e rollers develop a negative c/arge. /e outer runner is "oving t/roug/an electro"agnetic field ;/ic/ tends to suppress dielectric brea3do;n and allo;s"egavoltages to develop surrounding t/e disc ;it/ a vacuu" la5er t/atC as t/e runnersac/ieve t/eir velocit5C produces a cooling effect around t/e discC and t/e ;/ole beco"esa superconductor t/at generates a po;erful electric field t/at decouples t/e disc fro"t/e eart/Bs gravit5.

    /e SE, consists of a basic drive unit called t/e ,5ro' ell !, # andC depending on t/eapplicationC is eit/er fitted ;it/ coils for generation of electricit5 or ;it/ a s/aft fortransfer of "ec/anical po;er. /e , can also be used as a /ig/ voltage source.Anot/er and i"portant Gualit5 of t/e , 1s its abilit5 to levitate.

    /e , can be considered as an electric "otor entirel5 consisting of per"anent"agnets in t/e s/ape of c5lindrical bars and annular rings.Figure 1 s/o;s t/e basic , in its si"plest for"C consisting of one stationar5 annularring's/aped "agnetC called t/e plateC and a nu"ber of "oving c5linder's/aped rodscalled runners.

    Figure 0 5

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    9uring operation eac/ runner is spinning about its a=is and is si"ultaneousl5 orbitingt/e plate in suc/ a "anner t/at a fi=ed point p on t/e curved runner surface traces out a;/ole nu"ber of c5cloids during one revolution round t/e plateC as s/o;n b5 t/e dottedlines in Figure 2.

    Figure $ 5

    Measure"ents /ave revealed t/at an electric potential difference is produced in t/eradial direction bet;een plate and runnersJ t/e plate being positivel5 c/arged and t/erunners negativel5 c/argedC as s/o;n in Figure 1.$n principleC no "ec/anical constraints are needed to 3eep t/e , toget/er since t/erunners are electro"agneticall5 coupled to t/e plate. *o;everC used as a torGue producing deviceC s/aft and casing "ust be fitted to transfer t/e po;er produced.Furt/er"oreC in applications ;/ere t/e generator is "ounted inside a fra"e;or3C t/erunners s/ould be "ade s/orter t/an t/e /eig/t of t/e plate to prevent t/e runners fro"catc/ing t/e fra"e or ot/er parts.)/en in operationC gaps are created b5 electro"agnetic interaction and centrifugalforces preventing "ec/anical and galvanic contact bet;een plate and runners andt/ereb5 reducing t/e friction to negligible values.

    /e e=peri"ents s/o;ed t/at t/e po;er output increases as t/e nu"ber of runnersincrease and to ac/ieve s"oot/ and even operation t/e ratio bet;een e=ternal platedia"eter 9p and runner dia"eter 9r s/ould be a positive integer greater t/an or eGual to12. /usD

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    !1# P>9r T + 12 !+ T 12C 1%C 14C ]c#

    /e e=peri"ents also indicated t/at t/e gaps 6 bet;een ad acent runners s/ould be onerunner dia"eter 9 as s/o;n in Figure 1.More co"ple= ,5ro' ells can be for"ed b5 adding furt/er plates and runners to t/e

    basic unit. Figure % illustrates a %'plate , consisting of t/ree sectionsC AC and .Eac/ section consists of one plate ;it/ corresponding runners.Searl s original idea ;as t/at free electrons in spinning "etal bodies "a5 /ave atendenc5 to "ove in t/e radial direction due to inertial forces. $f t/is /5pot/esis ;ascorrect t/en an electric potential difference s/ould develop bet;een t/e center and perip/er5 of a rotating s/aft and bet;een t/e inner edge and t/e ri" of a slip ring. *ealso /eld t/e vie; t/at t/e electro"otive force induced in spinning bodies due to t/eeart/ s "agnetic field could be used for generating electric energ5. Accordingl5C Searl sfirst series of e=peri"ents consisted of careful "easure"ents on fast rotating steel s/aftsand slip rings "ade of brass and indeed /e ;as able to s/o; t/e e=istence of a "inuteelectric voltage in t/e radial direction. $f t/is voltage ;as due to t/e inertial propertiesof t/e electrons or induced b5 t/e "agnetic field of t/e eart/ ;as never establis/ed.*o;everC it soon beca"e evident t/at t/is si"ple generator ;ould onl5 be practicall5useful if "eans could be found to increase t/e po;er output.In /onclusion:

    An aet/er'vorte= "odel of t/e ato" "a5 be useful in devising "eans of producing anegative gravitational or repulsive force. /e aet/er itself "a5 be t/e source of dar3energ5. /e vorte= core "a5 be a gate;a5 into ot/er di"ensions and ti"e travel. $t isone t/ing to replicate or reverse'engineer an Alien "ac/ineC but t/ere is no doubt t/att/ere are variations on gravit5 control and t;o "ain variations are supercapacitance andsuperconduction. $ favor t/e idea of generating /ig/'potential fields b5 rotating c/argesas in t/e spin of ele"entar5 particles and using t/ese "acro electrostatic fields for t/econtrol of gravitation and inertia.

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    re, Home 5 /atalog 5 6inks

    *obert 6. /ook: Inertial 7ro ulsion Engine

    )ar8orie *iley: +alle/o Independent Press 9$0 Feb 0 ; ?)eet *obert /ook@ *esident In'entor? *obert. /ook: ?The /on'ersion o& /entri&ugal Force Into 6inear Force and )otion? Da'id Doll@ et al 0 )nited Air 'ines Test 1enter 2 Process Engineering #eport D- Friday@ ; Feb. 0 < > ?)achine /hallenges (e"ton4s 6a" o& )otion? *obert /ook: 13 7atent C@ ;C@ ?De'ice &or /on'ersion o& /entri&ugal Force to 6inear Force and)otion?

    *obert /ook s Website: htt :!!""".re,!cooki !""".&

    The /ook Inertial 7ro ulsion Engine 9December 0 = 5

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    +alle/o Independent Press 9Friday@ February $0@ 0 ;

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    $ ;as bored C /e saidC s"iling at t/e "e"or5. /e5 ;erenBt teac/ing "e an5t/ing $ /adnBtalread5 learned fro" "5 dad. $t see"ed li3e a ;aste of ti"e.

    Eager to start ;or3ing ;it/ "ac/iner5C 5oung oo3 beca"e an apprentice printing press"aninsteadC ;or3ing for t/e old )alnut ree3 ernel. -ater /e ;or3ed as first press"an on t/e

    big 1@0'ton ,oss rbanite offset press in ,azette PressC a er3ele5 co""ercial printing press.

    oo3 is credited ;it/ eig/t separate inventions relating to /is printing press da5s. $t ;as agood introduction to \spin d5na"icsB C /e saidC a concept t/at /as fascinated "e ever since.

    oncerning oo3Bs recentl5 publis/ed boo3C /e 9eat/ of oc3etr5 C one Association"e"ber saidC 6ne c/apter begins ;it/ an e=planation of t/e principle be/ind oo3Bs $nertialPropulsion engine and so"e t/oug/ts on /o; our lives ;ill be c/anged ;/en t/e device is perfected and in production. Anot/er c/apter deals ;it/ t/e controvers5 t/at oo3Bs device/as stirred ''' it creates an internal force for propulsion and t/erefore refutes Sir $saac

    +e;tonBs la;s of "otionC particularl5 t/e t/ird one ;/ic/ /olds t/at t/ere is an eGual andopposite reaction. oo3 /as c/arged +e;tonBs la;s are incorrectC t/us c/allenging t/e entirefoundation of p/5sics and "ec/anicsC of /is device does ;or3.

    A ne;s release fro" /e o""unication Process in San Francisco statesD /e...XinventionY... apparentl5 contradicts +e;tonBs t/ird la; of "otionC and /e ! oo3# /as "et;it/ severe criticis" and disbelief fro" scientific and acade"ic establis/"ents. +evert/eless/e ! oo3# /as successfull5 built nu"erous ;or3ing "odels and is no; in t/e process of building a fl5ing ve/icle po;ered b5 t/e $P unit.

    oncerning t/e inventionC oo3 /i"self sa5sD /e roc3et ;as abandoned as a serious "eansof propulsion s/ortl5 after its invention b5 t/e /inese in 1214 A9. Alt/oug/ in recent 5earst/e roc3et /as been revived b5 t/e industrialized nations of t/e ;orldC t/e e=tre"el5 lo;efficiencies involved '' 2^ or less '' "a3e it a less't/an'satisfactor5 "et/od of travelCespeciall5 for outer space applications. learl5C of "an3ind ;is/es to "a3e significantadvance in t/e e=ploration of spaceC an alternative and "ore efficient "eans of propulsion"ust be developed.

    /e oo3 $nertial Propulsion ! $P# engine provides t/e ne; tec/nolog5 needed for a "a orstep for;ard in space e=ploration. /e $P engine is not a ne; energ5 sourceC but a tested and proven "et/od of converting oriolis and centrifugal forces into linear t/rust. /e result is areactionless propulsive s5ste" po;ered b5 conventional energ5 sources ;/ic/ is e=pected to5ield efficiencies in t/e range of 80'8@^ ;/en full5 perfected.

    ?The /on'ersion o& /entri&ugal Force Into 6inear Force and )otion?

    by *obert /ook

    _ears agoC Albert Einstein re"ar3edD

    )/en first stud5ing "ec/anicsC one /as t/e i"pression t/at ever5t/ing in t/is branc/ ofscience is si"pleC funda"ental and settled for all ti"e. 6ne ;ould /ardl5 suspect t/ee=istence of an i"portant clue ;/ic/ no one noticed for %00 5ears. /e neglected clue isconnected ;it/ one of t/e funda"ental concepts of "ec/anics ''' t/at of Mass.

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    And no;C ;it/ t/e discover5 of t/e $P engine "ec/anical principleC ;/ic/ /as beenfollo;ed b5 t/e successful de"onstration of "an5 $P engine protot5pesC anot/er neglectedclue in t/e field of "ec/anics /as been found ''' t/at of an internalC reactionless force ;/ic/can be produced b5 converting centrifugal force into a linear t/rust.

    Science in general /as considered centrifugal force a pseudo force incapable of affecting"otion to an5 great degree. ounded "otion is all centrifugal force ;as considered capableof producing. $ ;ill s/o; t/at a constant linear force can be produced b5 centrifugal force;/en properl5 controlled.

    $ ;ill li"it "5 co""ents on +e;tonian -a; to /is %rd la; of "otion regarding action andreaction because "5 ;or3 deals ;it/ reactionless force s5ste"s dee"ed un;or3able b5 t/is%rd la;.

    Background o& the E, eriments 5

    $n "5 earl5 e=peri"ents starting Februar5 1:(8C $ /ad originall5 started to searc/ for a ne;energ5 source based on a co"bination of forcesC i.e.C gravit5C "agnetis"C and centrifugalforce. An error $ "ade in design resulted in t/e discover5 of a ne; "et/od of propulsion andended !te"poraril5# "5 searc/ for a ne; energ5 source. /e earl5 s5ste" utilized a oriolisEffect to create t/e propulsive effectC but it ;as /ig/l5 inefficient !about 1^#.

    A reportC 9'71'77 dated 11'11'71 prepared b5 t/e engineering staff of nited Airlines estenter in San FranciscoC concluded t/at alt/oug/ /ig/l5 inefficientC t/e s5ste" nonet/eless

    ;or3ed in spite of +e;tonBs la;s. A series of accelero"eter tests co"pleted in late 9ece"ber1:72 b5 t/is sa"e group also proved t/e s5ste" ;as producing an internal forceC but alsos/o;ed poor efficienc5.

    After nu"erous atte"pts to i"prove t/e efficienc5 of t/at s5ste" ;/ic/ ;as granted SPatent ` %C(8%C707C $ decided in late 1:74 to loo3 for anot/er "ore efficient "et/od to createunidirectional force.

    /e series of tests concluded in a ('"ont/ span in 1:74 /ad given "e t/ree clues on /o; todo t/isC and t/e5 ;ereD

    1. /e s5ste" ;ould reGuire counter'rotating rotors.2. /e s5ste" ;ould reGuire a series of fle=ible drive s/afts for t/e rotors.%. A positive control for t/e inertia of t/e propellant "ass ;ould be needed.

    /e fourt/ and final clue ;ould be sound in +ove"ber of t/at 5ear. /is last clue dealt ;it/t/e splitting and transferal of t/e propellant "ass.

    Ho" the /I7 Works 5

    $n order to understand t/e reasons for t/e for"erl5 "entioned series of "ec/anical actionsC ;e"ust anal5ze t/e effects of unbalanced spinning rotors on ;/eels in effecting "otion.

    $f ;e build an unbalanced rotor rese"bling a one'bladed aircraft propeller !Fig. 1#C and spin it

    in a /orizontal planeC it ;ill tend to cause a g5rating force or a force in all directions in t/at/orizontal plane.

    Fig. 0: 1nbalanced *otor 5

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    $n order to control g5rationC ;e need counter'rotation and s5nc/ronizationC so if ;e ta3e t;ocounter'rotating unbalanced rotors and spin t/e" toget/er !Fig. 2#C t/e g5ration ;ill beco"ean oscillation or it could be called an alternating force si"ilar to A current.

    Fig. $: T"o 1nbalanced *otors 7roduce Alternating Force 5

    $f t/e unbalanced centrifugal force is plotted on a grap/C it ;ill s/o; a regular sine ;avee=actl5 as a single p/ase alternating current.

    $f ;e are to propel ;it/ t/is forceC ;e "ust rectif5 it b5 causing a "ultiple spin.

    /e "ultiple spin is needed in order to effect t/e energ5 state of t/e propellant "ass. /is

    a"ounts to an orbit and a spin for t/e propellant "ass./e reason for t/is is best s/o;n b5 anal5zing a 2'bladed /elicopter rotor.

    $f a /elicopter is not "oving t/roug/ t/e airC but is sitting on t/e ground ;it/ t/e rotorspinning at a /ig/ speedC and t/e blade tips are "oving at sa5 %00 "p/C t/is velocit5 ;illre"ain t/e sa"e relative to t/e environ"ent all around t/e circle of rotation. $f ;eC so"e ;a5Ccould cause t/e rotor tips to fl5 off at t/e : oBcloc3 and % oBcloc3 positions si"ultaneousl5Ct/en t/e tips ;ould leave in a tangent or straig/t line to t/e front and bac3 of t/e /elicopterand t/eir speed ;ould be %00 "p/ in t;o different or opposite directions. /eir "o"entu" orenerg5 state ;ould be identical ''' t/e sa"e a"ount of energ5 or resisting force ;ould bereGuired to stop t/e" individuall5. /eir energ5 state is t/e sa"e.$f t/e /elicopter is t/en flo;n for;ard at sa5 100 "p/C so"et/ing ver5 interesting /appens tot/e energ5 state of t/ese rotor tips ;/en t/e5 reac/ t/e : and % oBcloc3 positions. $f ;e vie;

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    t/e rotor fro" t/e top and see it rotating cloc3;iseC t/e follo;ing ;ill beco"e obvious ;/ent/e /elicopter is "oving at 100 "p/.

    1. /e rotor !A# at t/e : oBcloc3 position ;ill be "oving t/roug/ t/e air at 400 "p/ ;/ilerotor at t/e % oBcloc3 position ;ill "ove at 200 p/ t/roug/ t/e air !Pilots "ust consider t/e

    advance ratio of t/e \copter blades or it goes out of control.#.2. $f ;e no; release t/e rotor tips in t/ese sa"e positions !% and : oBcloc3#C tip A ;ill leave!in a tangent# at 400 "p/C and tip ;ill leave at 200 "p/. /e inertial state can bedeter"ined b5 t/e "o"entu" eGuationC Mo"entu" T M&.

    $tBs obvious t/at tip A ;it/ t;ice t/e velocit5 ;ill /ave 2 ti"es "ore energ5 and be in a/ig/er energ5 state t/an tip .

    /e point $ a" tr5ing to "a3e ver5 clear is t/at ;/en t/e center of rotation of 2 spinning"asses arranged in t/is fas/ion is "oved in a straig/t line !or in a circle li3e t/e upper ar" of

    t/e $P unit does#C t/e energ5 state of t/e t;o "asses ;ill be affectedJ one "ass ;ill increaseits energ5 stateC ;/ile t/e ot/er one decreases.

    /e rotor on t/e de"onstration "odel is set li3e a /elicopter rotor t/at spins in a vertical planeinstead of /orizontal and also orbits. /is is ;/at allo;s one /alf of t/e propellant "ass to betransferred ;/ile in a lo; energ5 state.

    The 2scillator (ucleus 5

    6nce t/e s"all rotor s/eds one /alf of its "assC t/e rotor goes te"poraril5 out of balance andin order to prevent negative force i"pulses fro" causing negative effects on t/e overalls5ste"C t/e rotor is allo;ed to oscillate and its oscillations are controlled b5 a built'in +uclearMass ;/ic/ actuall5 provides t/e centripetal force to "a3e t/e "assC still attac/ed to t/e s"allrotorC spin in t/e ideal fas/ion. A "otion li"iting slot as ;ell as a fle=ible drive s/aftco"plete t/e unit. Alt/oug/ one rotor unit ;or3s ;ell enoug/ to de"onstrate t/e ne; principleC t/e ideal configuration is a 12 rotor co"bination ;it/ units based at 120 degreeintervals. /is ;ill produce a constant force and ;ould /ave t/e potential for vertical lift.

    A 12 rotor s5ste" s/ould be read5 for testing b5 9ece"ber of 1:81.

    Endorsements 5

    All scientists and engineers !e=cept for2# /ave endorsed t/e $P principle after seeing t/e"odel.

    Prof. /ing Fong !for"er c/air"an of t/e P/5sics 9eptC 9avisC and Prof. 6f Solid StateP/5sics# /as anal5zed t/e s5ste" and esti"ates t/e energ5 efficienc5 potential at @%^ and a propulsion efficienc5 of :8^.

    Prof. 9ur;ard ac3son of alifornia State niversit5 at -os Angeles declares t/e s5ste" 6neof t/e 10 greatest inventions in /istor5 .

    ountless nu"bers of engineers /ave declared it t/e greatest invention in /istor5

    1nited Air 6ines Test /enter 7rocess Engineering *e ort

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    By Da'id Doll@ et al.

    Introduction 5

    6n :'10'71 obert oo3 broug/t to A- a device designed to convert centrifugal force into a

    linear t/rust. $n spite of being declared in violation of t/e la;s of "otion b5 t/e S Patent6fficeC oo3Bs crudel5'built rig "oved spas"odicall5 across t/e floor.

    /is report provides a d5na"ic anal5sis of oo3Bs "ec/anis". /e c5cle de"onstrated b5oo3eC as ;ell as t;o ot/er c5cles ;/ic/ offer perfor"ance i"prove"entsC are e=a"ined.

    /ook4s 7ro ulsion /ycle 5

    oo3 set up /is ;or3ing "odel so t/at t/e propellant "ass follo;ed t/e pat/ s/o;n in Figure%. Fro" point 1 to point 2 t/e propellant "ass is pinned against t/e end of t/e tract b5centrifugal force. /e t/rust seen in tis seg"ent is t/e co"ponent of centrifugal force in t/edirection of t/e cart "otion. /is t/rust isD!1#

    ;/ere "p is t/e propellant "assC R is one /alf t/e sliding distance of t/e trac3C- is t/e angular velocit5 of t/e rotorC and# is ti"e.

    9ue to oo3Bs positioning of t/e springC t/e propellant "ass spends "ore ti"e be/ind t/ecenter of rotation of t/e trac3 t/an for;ard of t/e center. /usC t/e net t/rust in seg"ent 1'2 isnegative.

    )/en t/e propellant "ass reac/ed point 2C t/e spring force overco"es t/e centrifugal forceCand t/e "ass accelerates do;n t/e tract to point %. 9uring t/is portion of t/e c5cle t/e s5ste"acts as a "ec/anical analogue to a roc3et. /e propellant "ass is accelerated in t/e aftdirection b t/e spring force and t/e resultant reaction produces a for;ard t/rust upon t/e cart.$n addition to t/is reaction force t/ere is oriolis force ;/ic/ is t/e inertial effect occurring;/en a "ass is constrained to "ove in a straig/t line across a rotating bod5. /e total t/rust in

    seg"ent 1'2 isD!2#

    )/ere 5 is t/e spring constantC and


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    mo is t/e "ass of t/e cart.

    At point % t/e propellant "ass stri3es t/e end of t/e cart producing a negative i"pulsive force.

    ;/ere delta t is t/e ti"e reGuired to stop t/e propellant "assC andD

    Fo T ' " p ;2

    9uring t/is seg"ent of t/e c5cle t/e propellant is stopped at t/e e=pense of t/e for;ard"o"entu" of t/e cart.

    /e resultant t/rust on t/e cart for t/e entire c5cle is s/o;n in Figure %. X+ot AvailableY

    A )odi&ication o& /ook4s /ycle 5

    A significant i"prove"ent in perfor"ance can be ac/ieved b5 using viscous da"ping to arrestt/e propellant "ass Xi.e.D Sorbot/ane Y. +ot onl5 can t/e large negative i"pulse be avoidedC but b5 dela5ing t/e travel of t/e "ass to t/e end of t/e trac3C t/e negative centrifugal forceco"ponent can be reduced.

    oo3Bs c5cle could also be i"proved b5 t/e use of a constant force rat/er t/an t/e variableforce to accelerate t/e propellant "ass. /is ;ould increase t/e t/rust during t/e e ectionstro3e b5 allo;ing t/e use of greater force and i"proving t/e ti"ing of t/e stro3e.

    1oncord Transcript 9/A=: Thursday $ December 0

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    At t/is stateC /is principle is illustrated in a s"all ;or3ing "odel '' built ;it/ /and tools ''t/at rese"bles so"e sort of surrealistic bic5cle.

    $t consists of an alu"inu" fra"eC a "otorC and four s"all rotors or carriers .

    /e rotors are /ollo; and t/e5 /ave ;eig/ts insideC ;/ic/ can slide bac3 and fort/. /e "otoroperates a ca" ;/ic/ pulls in springs attac/ed to t/e rotors.

    )/en t/e invention is startedC it po;ers t/e fra"e for;ard in a series of er3s because of t/reeactions outlined b5 oo3D

    /e spinning of a rotor ;/ic/ sends t/e ;eig/t to one endC ;/ic/ "ultiplies t/e force at t/atendJ

    As t/e ;eig/ted end of t/e rotor nears t/e /ig/ point of its for;ard spin t/e attac/ed string pulls it bac3. /is generates "ore resistance at t/e /ig/ pointC ;/ic/ results in "ore positive

    force t/ere./e negative centrifugal force created b5 t/e ;eig/ted end of t/e rotor in its bac3;ard spin is

    nullified b5 adding "ore rotorsC ;/ic/ are ti"ed so t/ere is a "ini"u" negative force.

    Sounds si"pleN +ot reall5C sa5s oo3C but it could be put into use no; if it ;erenBt for +e;ton.

    So"e engineers /ave interpreted +e;tonBs la; to sa5 t/at suc/ a "ec/anis" ;ill not ;or3!because t/e bac3;ard spin of t/e rotors presu"abl5 ;ould offset t/e for;ard spin# C oo3sa5s. 6t/ers sa5 not so.

    Several s"all "odels /ave alread5 been built to test t/e principle involved and t/e5 ;or3 Ct/e inventor adds.

    6ne "odel ;as de"onstrated at t/e niversit5 of Arizona but it ;asnBt endorsed because of +e;tonBs la; /e "odel ;or3ed but t/atBs besides t/e point.

    Anot/er "odel ;as recentl5 de"onstrated at t/e engineering depart"ent of nited Air -inesin San Francisco. /ere an engineer ;as given t/e ob of stud5ing t/e idea. *is conclusionD

    /e s5ste" ;ould ;or3 in outer space and "ig/t be a good substitute for /elicopter rotors Coo3 sa5s. /is engineer felt t/at t/is s5ste" did not violate +e;tonBs la;.

    oo3 also de"onstrated a "odel at +ASABs A"es esearc/ enter at Mt. &ie;C but sa5sengineers t/ere refused to believe t/at t/e "odel ;as reall5 propelling itself ;it/ centrifugalforce since t/e5 felt +e;tonBs la; ;as against it.

    -i3e all ne; and reall5 outstanding s5ste"sC t/is idea is being "et ;it/ s3epticis" and t/iscould dela5 its develop"ent and eventual use for several 5ears C oo3 notes.

    oo3C a bac/elor ;/o /as lived in oncord on and off for al"ost 20 5earsC sa5s /e /as ta3enti"e off fro" /is printing trade to ;or3 on /is s5ste" and to tr5 to pro"ote it.

    6ff and on for about t/e last t;o 5ears $Bve been conducting e=peri"ents in e=as !at arelativeBs /o"e# C oo3 sa5s. *e "oved to oncord t/e latest ti"e about si= "ont/s ago and/as been continuing ;or3 at t/e /o"e of friends.

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    /e inventor sa5s /e struc3 upon t/e idea for /is propulsion s5ste" accidentall5.

    $ ;as "ore or less ;or3ing on a "otor ''' a perpetual "otion e=peri"entC ust out ofcuriosit5 even t/oug/ t/atBs considered nutt5. $ "ade a "ista3e ;/ic/ put t/e "otor out of balance. /en $ realized it ;as foing to propel itself. $t ;as at t/at ti"e $ beca"e interested in

    t/is principle !centrifugal force#.After t/at accidental discover5C oo3 sa5s /e ca"e to 6a3land to see a patent attorne5C and a patent searc/ ;as conducted to see if so"eone /ad a si"ilar device.

    *e sa5s /e filed for a patent in April 1:(:C but it ;as refused on t/e grounds it ;as contrar5 tot/e la;s of "ec/anics !+e;tonBs t/ird la;#.

    After t/atC oo3 refilled according to a c/ange /e /ad "ade in t/e design !/e found /e /ad"ade a slig/t "ista3e in t/e original#. /at ;as in 6ctober of last 5earC and t/at application isstill pending.

    ig/t no; /e sa5s /e is in t/e process of contacting business and getting "edia coverage.

    $Bld li3e to see inventor )illia" -earC ;/oBs ;or3ing ;it/ a stea" turbine of cars C t/e localinventor sa5s. $B" loo3ing of so"eone to /elp "e develop "5 s5ste".

    /e "ost i"portant use of /is device ;ould be in carsC oo3 sa5sC since it could be /elpful incutting s"og.

    $t can be used on ust about an5t/ing t/at "oves C /e sa5sC noting t/at it could be po;eredeven b5 solar energ5 in space. All 5ou need is so"et/ing to cause t/e rotors to spin.

    $n an actual full'sized "otorC /e addsC t/ere ;ould /ave to be an 18'rotor "ec/anis" !t/erotors ;ould onl5 /ave to be 8 inc/es long eac/#.

    *e centrifugal force propulsion s5ste" is not oo3Bs invention '' /e sa5s itBs /is eig/t/.Practicall5 all of t/e rest dealt ;it/ t/e printing trade C /e sa5s. /e5Bve all ;or3ed. ut

    financiall5 spea3ingC t/e inventions ;ere too late since t/ose t5pes of presses ;ere ust aboutobsolete.

    oo3C ;/o /as a /ig/ sc/ool educationC sa5s /e is "ore or less self taug/t. $B" ust curious ''"ac/iner5 fascinates "eJ it ust co"es second nature to "e.

    /e inventor clai"s /is centrifugal force s5ste" reall5 does not oppose +e;tonBs la;. )/ent/e fra"e "ovesC t/atBs t/e reaction !in +e;tonBs principle#. /is s5ste" ust diverts t/ereaction.

    )ellC t/e5 doubted opernicus and Freud too...

    3toc(ton #ecord < 9 C%;=> Tues.@ 0$ Feb. 0 <

    ?(e"ton /hallenged? by une 6and

    $saac +e;tonBs t/ird la; of "otion "a5 ;ell /ave been contradicted Monda5 afternoon in

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    A contraption rese"bling a c/ildBs large'scale erector set "odelC described b5 its inventor asan internal propulsion deviceC passed its final test '' it "oved for;ard on al"ost frictionlessice.

    +e;tonBs la; sa5s t/at for ever5 action t/ere /as to be an eGual and opposite reactionC or to put it anot/er ;a5 '' for a bod5 to "ove it "ust be acted on b5 an outside source.

    +e;ton "ade a "ista3eC t/atBs all C said t/e inventorC ob oo3C %:C of PittsburgC ;/o"aintains t/e device ;ill revolutionize transportation.

    /e device is "ade of counter'rotating ca"s and gears resting on t/in blades t/at are po;ered b5 an electric "otorC but batter5 or even solar po;er could be usedC sa5s oo3.

    *e e=plained t/e contraption is propelled b5 t/e so'called p/anto" oriolis force trapped

    inside t/e rotors ;/ic/ results in t/e "otion despite t/e absence of friction.)ebster identifies t/e oriolis force as corresponding to t/e oriolis acceleration of a bod5eGual to t/e product of t/e "ass b5 t/e oriolis acceleration and responding as a result of t/eeart/Bs rotation for t/e deflection of pro ectiles and t/e "otion of t/e ;inds to t/e rig/t in t/enort/ern /e"isp/ere and to t/e left $ t/e sout/ern /e"isp/ere.

    S3eptics clai"ed t/e device ;ould ust sit t/ere and roc3 bac3 and fort/ if all friction ;ereeli"inatedC said oo3.

    $t "oved for;ard in s/ort spurts Monda5 afternoon at 6a3 Par3 $ce in3C /o;ever. oo3"aintains t/e e=peri"ental "odel can be i"proved to get a "ore constant force b5 "ore and a better co"bination of rotors.

    $ /ave definitel5 proven t/e principle is sound b5 doing all t/e tests t/at are reGuired. +o; $/ave to deter"ine t/e efficienc5 C /e e=plained.

    So"e of t/e tests included "ove"ent on an air cus/ion suspended fro" ropes and in a raftfloating in a s;i""ing pool.

    People sa5 it canBt ;or3 because it defies t/e la;s of nature C said t/e soft'spo3en and rat/ers/5 inventor ;/o ad"itted /e /as no for"al education.

    *e ;as a printer for about 18 5ears in t/e East a5 area and sa5s /e stu"bled on t/e idea fort/e contraption ;/en /e ;as e=peri"enting ;it/ a ne; energ5 source.

    $ "ade a "ista3e and ca"e up ;it/ t/is.

    oo3 /as been ;or3ing on t/e test "odel for about (n 5ears and /as invested so"e @0C000Caccording to an assistantC oel 9ic3ensonC 24C of Pittsburg.

    oo3 clai"s t/e device can be used to propel auto"obiles and could even "ove in space if

    solar po;er ;ere used.*e patented t/e device in 1:72 and t/e ne=t step is to eit/er raise capital to produce a ;or3ing"odel or to sell t/e idea to a "anufacturerC said 9ic3enson.

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    The Green 3heet 9 $ => Friday@ ; Feb. 0 <

    ?)achine /hallenges (e"ton4s 6a" o& )otion? by 3ue 3hoemaker

    An apparentl5 si"pleC 8@'pound device ;/ic/ ob oo3 of Pittsburg /as invented "a5 notrevolutionize transportation and aerospace industries overnig/t '' but t/en again "a5be it ;ill.

    oo3 /as spent t/e last si= 5ears and about @0C000 developing ;/at /e clai"s is arevolutionar5 ne; "et/od of propulsionC ;/ic/ defies scientific la;s of nature.

    9espite doubts ranging fro" s3epticis" to outrig/t disbelief on t/e part of scientists andengineers at A"es esearc/ enter and nited Air -inesC oo3 sa5s /is device in a "oresop/isticated for" ;ould be capable of solving t/e energ5 crisis and propelling an5 ve/icleC

    fro" bic5cles to space craft.asicall5C oo3Bs device consists of four rotors "ounted in t;o levels on a fra"e. Atop eac/

    rotor is a ;eig/t ;/ic/ slides bac3 and fort/ in a s/ort trac3.

    As t/e rotor turns for;ardC t/e ;eig/tC attac/ed b5 a spring to t/e fra"e of t/e "ac/ineC slidesfor;ardC er3ing t/e "ac/ine for;ard.

    As t/e rotor continues its revolution t/e ;eig/t slides bac3C but because t/e speed of t/e rotor/as been reduced t/e ;eig/t "oves bac3 ;it/ less force t/an it "oves for;ardC so alt/oug/t/e "ac/ine er3s bac3;ardC t/e bac3;ard er3 is ;ea3er t/an t/e for;ard er3 and t/e neteffect see"s to be a slig/t for;ard "ove"ent.

    /e for;ard t/rust is inter"ittentC occurring onl5 ;/en t/e ;eig/t slides for;ard once perrevolutionC but oo3 and /is assistantC oel 9ic3insonC are ;or3ing to i"prove it b5 "a3ingt/e for;ard t/rust continuous.

    oo3 ac3no;ledges t/e device /e is no; testing is a crude "odelC sort of li3e t/e )rig/t brot/ersB first plane C /e sa5s ;it/ a c/uc3le. Alt/oug/ rotor ovel"ent is no; ver5 slo;C /esa5s it and t/e speed of t/e "ac/ine could be increased 1C000 ti"es.

    )it/ t/e /elp of advanced /5draulics and ball bearingsC t/ere ;ould be /undreds of uses forit C /e sa5s.

    oo3 ;as testing t/e device at uc/anan Air Field in oncord )ednesda5 and planned tota3e it bac3 to A"es later in t/e ;ee3. Alt/oug/ it is currentl5 po;ered b5 electricit5C /e sa5sone of t/e deviceBs "ost revolutionar5 features is t/at it can run on an5 t5pe of po;erC fro"stea" to solar energ5.

    $n additionC /e clai"s t/e "ac/ine needs relativel5 little po;er to reac/ great speedsC ani"portant factor in ti"es of fuel s/ortage.

    /is for" of inertial propulsion could eventuall5 be t/e "ost ;idel5 used for" of propulsion. $t could outrun an5t/ing ;e /ave no; C /e predicts.

    And even of "ore scientific s