Domande Fatte Ad Un Candidato

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Transcript of Domande Fatte Ad Un Candidato

  • 8/17/2019 Domande Fatte Ad Un Candidato


    Daniele Queen King’s Lynn

    Parlami della tua esperienza

    Cosa fai al momento

    Quali sono le skills di un buon infermiere

    Se non sei d’accordo con la terapia che il dottore ha prescritto al paziente che cosa fai

    Come tratti le informazioni dei pazientiSe hai un paziente con la pressione bassa che fai (es: 40 su 82

    Cosa ti piace del tuo la!oro

    Cosa fai nel tempo libero

    Cosa pensi del posto per il "uale stai facendo il collo"uio e "uali difficolt# potresti incontrare

    Che reparto che preferisci

    Noemi e Yadira Cornwall

    Quali esperienze passate ti sono piaciute di piu e cosa hai imparato

    Se hai un paziente con stress che cosa fai

    Se hai un paziente che pian$e che cosa faiSe un paziente cade a terra pri!o di sensi che cosa fai

    Se hai un colle$a che nn ha i tuoi stessi !alori che cosa fai

    Cosa pensano di te i tuoi colle$hi o caposala

    Cosa fai per pre!enire le infezioni

    Cosa fai come infermieri per mantenere alti $li standard della %&C

    Se non sei d’accordo con la terapia che il dottore sta somministrando al paziente che cosa fai'

    Domande di Taunton

    hat are )our hobbies' hat do )ou like to do in )our free time'

    hich areas interest )ou the most'

    hich areas did )ou like the most durin$ the de$ree*studies'

    hich "ualities do )ou ha!e that can be $ood for the team +ork'

    here do )ou see )ourself in , )ears'

    -o )ou fell confidence to +rite an article in .n$lish'

    Fabio BornemounthParlami di te stesso e delle tue esperienze lavorative? Tell me something aboutyourself

    Quali skills dovrebbe avere un infermiere / Which skills should have good nurse

    Che signica team orking / What does team ork mean to you?

    dove ti vedi tra ! anni / Where do you see yourself in ve years?

    Quale area ti interessa / Which areas interested u the most?

    Cosa faresti se un tuo paziente reclama e/o diventa aggressivo / What do you do if apatinet """" or becoume nervuse?

    #n $altra domanda era sulla pressione bassa e sulla sicurezza

    Domande Federica Dorset

  • 8/17/2019 Domande Fatte Ad Un Candidato


    Parlami della tua esperienza la!orati!a

    Sce$li chi ha la priorit/ tra un medico che ti !uole parlare un paziente che chiama o "ualcuno al


    Cosa fai se un paziente perde un fo$lio nel corridoio

    Cosa capisci e fai nell’ assistenza clinica o se hai informazioni pri!ate

    Quali sono le $iuste azioni per uno che la!ora in una s"uadraQuali sono le tue abilit/

    a domanda del candidato: "uale 3 il rapporto infermiere*pz

    Domande Nuccio Yeovil

    cosa faccio se un paziente 3 ipoteso

    cosa faccio se !edo un infermiere comportarsi scorrettamente

    cosa controllo prima di somministrare una terapia

    cosa faccio se sba$lio dosa$$io

     perch !uoi la!orare al5 (nome dello ospedale

    Domande atte da Yeovil in base alle ris!oste di Nuccio6 -o!e !orresti la!orare ( che reparto

    2 Cosa do!resti fare e "uali sarebbero secondo te le mansioni in un reparto di chirur$ia

    7 Come ti comporteresti e cosa faresti se un tuo paziente !a incontro ad un infezione

    4 come pre!ieni le infezioni

    Domande "osetta Yeovil

    %o please tell us about you

    &nser '( ) am *" )$m +! *" ) live in""""" ) graduated"""""

    ) am really energetic and great comunicator" ) have a dynamic, creative and seriouspersonality"Working in the medical eld helped me build condence and taught me theimportance of patient care" ) believe i$m a positive person" )$m a team player" ) likediscussing ideas or e-ching points of vie ith other people and kno other peopleopinion".personalizzarlo il pi possibile e far capire la propria determinazione0(

    Come ti comporti se una tua collega si comporta male?Come ti comporti se sbagli il dosaggio di un farmaco?Come ti comporti se un paziente presenta diarrea?Quali sono le caratteristiche che deve avere un buon infermiere?Parlami della tua esperienza di tirocinio / lavorativa

    1omanda che il candodato ha posto alle esaminatrici'

    Could you list 2 factors/ 3ualities that make your care assistance better

    Domande Loren#o Yeovil and Kettering

    Come intervieni se un !a#iente ha la $% alta&

    -ipende dalla $ra!it/ dell’ipertensione dal tempo in cui si realizza il rialzo pressorio e dalle

    condizioni del paziente: un aumento brusco dei !alori pressori del paziente sono un se$no

    allarmante ancora pi allarmanti sono alterazioni dello stato di coscienza o presenza di dolore

    soprattutto al petto1

    9n caso di emer$enza ipertensi!a "uindi 3 d’obbli$o chiamare il medico !alutare lo stato di

  • 8/17/2019 Domande Fatte Ad Un Candidato


    coscienza del paziente a!!icinare il carrello delle emer$enze e monitorizzare i suoi parametri !itali

    e il suo .C "uindi assicurarsi un accesso !enoso possibilmente di $rosso calibro1 Qualora in!ece

    l’ipertensione non sia complicata da nessun se$no di s"uilibrio emodinamico o neurolo$ico allora

    occorre prima di tutto tran"uillizzare il paziente prima di a!!isare il medico poi procedere a un

    accertamento pi completo tramite un .C e una ri!alutazione continua delle sue condizioni e dei

     parametri !itali1 Si re$istra l’e!ento e si applicano inda$ini dia$nostiche e le !ariazioni terapeutiche prescritte dal medico1

    9t depends on the h)pertension importance on the time of pressure increase and on patient $eneral

    condition: a rapid increase of the ;lood Pressure is a dan$erous si$n more important are the

    consciousness alterations other neurolo$ical alterations and pain5especiall) in the head chest or

    addominal pain1

    So519n case of an inall) in each situation +e must record the e!ent and

    do the dia$nostic measures blood tests and the therapeutic !ariations prescribed b) the ph)sician1

    ?hen 9 ha!e to record the e!ent as clearl) as 9 can and as soon as possible +ith +hat happened the

    time patient !itals si$n and s)ntoms m) inter!ention the effect of m) inter!ention and the

    therapeutic !ariation prescribed b) the ph)sician5 after that 9 ha!e to administer the medication

    assess the effect and record it a$ain monitorin$ the bp more often

    .sami necessari:

    ec$ r@ torace ossimetria analisi urine azotemia*creatinina elettroliti $licemia emocromo1

    >armaci emer$nza:

    nitrati per !ia endo!enosa ace inibitori clonidina fentolamina labetalolo e i betabloccanti

    '( bassa&

    Anche "ui occorre distin$uere i casi di emer$enza dalle ipotensioni croniche o non immediatamente

     pericolose1 9n caso di un brusco calo pressorio un emorra$ia $ra!e un alterazione della coscienza o

    altri se$ni e sintomi di shock circolatorio 3 fondamentale chiamare il medico a!!icinare il carrello

    delle emer$enze monitorizzare il paziente e assicurarsi un accesso !enoso periferico prima che il

    collasso circolatorio lo renda impossibile1 9n caso di ipotensione cronica o comun"ue non pericolosa

    abbiamo il tempo per tran"uillizzare il paziente chieder$li come si sente posizionarlo in

    ?rendelembru$ a!!isare il medico monitorizzare il pz reperire un accesso !enoso effettuare unec$ e re$istrare l’e!ento1

    ?here is to make a difference bet+een the emer$encies and the chronic ipotension not immediatl)

    dan$erous1 9f there is a rapid pressure decrease a hu$e irst of all i tr) to talk him and i don’t mean t+o +ords before to call the ph)sician i mean to sit

  • 8/17/2019 Domande Fatte Ad Un Candidato


    do+n +ith him in his room or in another "uiet en!iorment and tr) to understand +hat is the

     problem that can be eas) or a serious problem the patient could be +orried about his condition or a

    sur$er)1 9 $i!e the patient all the informations he need about his concerns +ith a "uiet tone of !oice

    on a "uiet situation and5if there is need of help for an) other concern i can e!en call his relati!es

    or his care$i!er if the patient +ants1 At least if the ner!ousness is more serious than ho+ initiall)

    seemed i can call the help of a ps)cholo$ist and +arn the ph)sician then +hen the patient is calm irecord the e!ent1

    *e ci sono !i+ !ersone che necessitano di aiuto a ,uale !a#iente dai !riorit-&

    9 $i!e the priorit) to the patients +ith the +orst conditions like patients +ith one of the three !ital

    s)stem compromized5 circulator) respirator) or neurolo$ical i ha!e to do the primar) assessment

    to understand it so i +ill assess the consciousness the air+a)s the breathin$ and the circoulation1

    ?here are to consider the traumas and the risk of hidden traumas too especiall) cer!ical and cranic

    traumas1 Bnl) after the stabilization of all the patients i can proceede +ith the secondar) assessment

    to kno+ all i can about the patient condition more specific usin$ las$o+ Coma Scale for

    e@ample to e!alutate a coma1 9 ha!e to cooperate +ith the Ph)sician after usin$ a protocol (like theAPACiB2 Drine Butput ;lood Drea Sodium Potassium ;icarbonate ;ilirubin hite ;lood Cells

    Chronic diseases to do all the test and measure the se!ert) of disease1 Bb!iousl) if possible i $i!e

     priorit) to old people and children (pediatric patients because of their s)stemic fra$ilit)1 9n fact i

    use the .E tria$e method in an) situations1

     First of all i have to ensure that every patient is stable, if is my ward i should be aware of the

    condition of all the patient admitted, so i can immediatly organize my priority assessing the patients

    with the worst conditions and those dependent on nursing and monitoring them and next the others.

     After that it’s important to do the medications using the same method: Despite every therapy it’s

    important i have to do the essential medications first, to ensure the treatment of the intensive cares.

     t’s important to chec! the ventilations too and the wound dressings. "Another important thing it’s

    that even during with a lot off wor! to do we don’t have to sacrifice the policy for the prevention of

    the infections, the privacy or, generally, the healthcare safeness. 

    Come !revieni le ine#ioni&

    ?o pre!ent the infections i ha!e to act on the factors of the infection chain the patient the operators

    and the en!ironment1 9 ha!e to appl) all the e!idence based recomandations and the $uideFlines

     based on clinical e!idences1 >irst of all is important to +ash the hands bet+een a patient and the

    other and bet+een tecni"ues or clean and dirt) phases of the same procedure1 9 ha!e to +ear thePP. (Personal Protection ."uipment that are lo!es &ask Protecti!e .)e+ear Protecti!e

    Apparel rememberin$ that the $lo!es don’t replace the need of hand+ashin$1 %ot onl) i ha!e to

    educate the patients and his relati!es and to ensure that all the staff memebers respect the

     pre!ention protocols1 ?o ensure that the en!ironment it’s clean the !entilation $ears are clean and

    dail) checked as for the intra!enous lines and the medications1 9t’s important also to close off

    (isolate the patient affected b) spreadin$ infections1 9 ha!e to follo+ aseptic mo!es durin$ sterile

     procedures like urinar) catheterism air+a)s suction sur$ical +ound dressin$ and cleanin$

    mana$ment of the CC chan$in$ the drips intra!enous tubin$5eccetera1 9t’s also basic to

    administer the eradication therapies as prescripted b) the ph)sician in order to obtain the best of the

    effect b) the antibiotics1 9t’s important to use specific protocols based on the clinical e!idences and

    $uidelines for specific kind of infection like the CAFD?9s (Cathether Associated F Drinar) ?ract9nfections or the E?9s (Eespirator) ?ract 9nfections1

  • 8/17/2019 Domande Fatte Ad Un Candidato


    Come intervieni se un !a#iente !resenta i!oglicemia&

    9f the h)po$l)caemia is se!ere i call a ph)sician i check the state of the patient for pallor

    m)driasis increase of Eespirator) Eate and inall) i

    +ill record the e!ent and i +ill check the blood $lucose of the patient more often to pre!ent other

    h)po$l)caemic decreases1

    " a !atient alls out o bed what do u do&

    9 ha!e to call help first ne@t 9 asses the safeness of the area and immediatel) the patient condition:

    first of all 9 ha!e to ensure that patient is conscious check for an) inGuries especiall) fracture1 9t’s

    essential to asses for si$n of spinal cer!ical or limb fracture or head inGuries1 9 ha!e to +arn thedoctor and reassure the patient if he deem safe to mo!e the patient 9 can position it in a more

    comfortable position ma)be +ith the help of an hoist $i!in$ him an anal$esia first ma)be if

     prescripted b) the doctor 5and mo!e him in a chair or in the bed and check his !itals (;p pulse

    spo2 temp51

    After the stabilization of the patient condition 9 can in!esti$ate on the causes of the fall ask the

     patient and +itness ho+ the patient fall ho+ he felt Gust first the incident1 9 ensure the bell for call

    nurses for the future mobilisin$1 And finall) 9 record the e!ent and complete an incident form

    accurate +ith all the details and 9 check the form +ith the doctor1 %e@t 9 care for the medication if

    deemed necessar) b) the ph)sician1 9 ensure that all the staff it’s a+are for the e!ent and the falls

    risk about the patient1 9 inform the relati!es if the patient a$ree and 9 ensure that the patient kno+s

    the dan$erous of a fall51

  • 8/17/2019 Domande Fatte Ad Un Candidato


    be ensuring that it didn’t ail again& /ow would you get sta su!!ort&

    >irst of all 9 ha!e to find the causes of the failure after that me and the staff ha!e to set ne+ audits

    and +ork +ith man) sin$le steps to impro!e to$heter1 About the infections pre!ention the nurse

    ha!e to +ork basin$ on the clinical and practical e!idences1 e ha!e to start from the basic rules

    +ashin$ hands before an) procedures done in the ri$ht +a) bet+een an) patient and the ne@t e!en

     before to +ear $lo!es and bet+een a clean phase or a dirt) phase of a sin$le procedure1 e ha!e to+ear the PP. (personal protection e"uipment in order to protect the patient and oursel!es b)

    infections and inGuries1 So 9 +ill +ear $lo!es protection e)e+ear and apparel1 9 ha!e to follo+ all

    the specific aseptic mo!es durin$ the sterile procedures and to $uarantee a clean en!ironment1

    Dsin$ specific protocols for specific kind of infection too it’s essential and finall) +e ha!e to

     publish all the steps made and the audit results for all the staff or if there is a $reat result e!en for

    the international nursin$ communit)1

    /ow would you deal with a !atient who has C"DF or 34*%&

    9 ha!e to inform the patient about his condition and the risks linked to it ne@t 9 ha!e to set all the

     pre!ention measures to pre!ent the spreadin$ of the infection mo!e the patient in another room and

    usin$ all the pre!ention rules follo+in$ the pre!ention polic) as +earin$ the PP. follo+in$ the

    aseptic mo!es durin$ procedures in case of clostridium difficile infection the soap is moreefficacious than alcohol1 9 ha!e to perform a cleanin$ of an) shared medical e"uipment and inform

    all the staff about the condition of the patient bein$ a+are that e!en the domestic staff it’s a+are

    about the infection and the spreadin$ risk1

    9 ha!e to administer the eradication therap) as prescribed b) the ph)sician follo+ the times and the


    /ow do you deal with a conlict in the wor0!lace&

    9 ask to the people that are ar$uin$ or discussin$ to mo!e in a pri!ate and "uiet room in order to

    don’t hurt the healthcare en!ironment +ith their conflict ne@t 9 tr) to help them to sol!e the issue

    tr)in$ to listen both of them and let them speak +ithout bein$ Gud$emental1 9 inform the mana$er of 

    the +ard about the issue hopin$ that the solution of the problem can impro!e the healthcare ser!ice

    to the patient1

    /ow do you ensure your documentation meets the N3C standards or record 0ee!ing&

    &) records ha!e to be more accurate as possible 9 ha!e to +rite them as soon as possible after the

    e!ent e!er) note must be si$ned clear and timed1 >or e@ample before a medication or a treatment 9

    ha!e to +rite the results of an assessment and after the medication 9 ha!e to +rite +hat dru$ 9

    administer +hen +ith +hich route +hat dosa$e and the name of the patient after that 9 ha!e to

    assess the effect of the medication and +rite it ho+ much clearl) as 9 can1 9t’ is important in

    conclusion to keep safe the information about the patient and the healthcare1

    You are ta0ing u! a !ost in a new area. what do you thin0 should be included in the

    induction&?o meet the staff members first startin$ b) a preceptor e!entuall) then the structure the

    emer$encies protocols and the e"uipment of the +ard1 9t’s important to ha!e a resource to inform

    about the +ard polic) the $uidelines follo+ed and the documentation used1

    /ow would you ensure the sta develo!s !roessionally&

    ith trainin$ and stud)in$ first if there is a balance and a inte$ration bet+een the +ork and the

    $ro+th there is a professional de!elopin$1 hile there is a patient under m) care there is a person a

    stor) there are needs and fears and hopes but there are an opportunit) to learn too1 And +e can

    share all that +e learn from +orkin$ in re$ular meetin$s durin$ trainin$s stud)in$ and doin$


    /ow do you recogni#e !oor standards in the clinical area&

    ookin$ and listenin$ the patients and the families first1 ?he patient is the one +hi $i!es us

  • 8/17/2019 Domande Fatte Ad Un Candidato


    feedbaks to understand the "ualit) of our +ork a lot of complaints a lot of infections and a lot of

    complications are bad sin$s ob!iousl)1 ?here are to listen to the staff members too e!er) e)e it’s a

    ne+ point of !ie+ that can sho+s ne+ problems1 A bad morale and bad +ork en!ironment become a

     bad team+ork and a bad team+ork is detrimental and dan$erous for the patient1 And the patient see

    it hear it1

    " you were a !atient what would ,uality care eel li0e to you&9 +ould like to see smilin$ nurses or5better5 nurses that can $i!e me hope and for reach this

    tar$et the) ha!e to be professional to sho+s safeness and make me feel safe as patient1 9 +ould

    heal in a "uiet ambient +ith ri$ht rules and a clean en!ironment +here 9 can eat and drink in the

    ri$ht +a) and 9 can sleep +ell1 So as patient 9 +ould like to a nurse +ho reall) +orks to make me

    feel better and make me read) to $o home as soon as possible in safeness1 And in conclusion 9

    +ould like nurses that respect me and defend m) di$nit) and pri!ac) and can listen to me +hen 9

    ha!e somethin$ to sa)1

    /ow would you deal with a !atient who was u!set and worried about catching an hos!ital

    ac,uired inection&

    9 +ould $i!e him all the information about +hat +e do as healthcare staff to pre!ent infections in

    and out the healthcare en!ironment1 9 +ould sa) +hat 9’m doin$ e!er) time 9 do a proceduree@plainin$ +h) 9 uses $lo!es and +hat kind of hand+ashin$ 9 done first1

    You have administer the incorrect dosage. what will you do&

    9 +ould inform the doctor and the patience 9 assess the effect of the administration checkin$ for

    e!er) si$n of the effect of an hi$h dosa$e of the dru$1 9 check another time for the patient medical

    histor) and aller$ies the side effect and the interaction of the dru$ +ith other medications1 9 inform

    the patient that he ha!e the ri$ht to present an complaint form mean+hile 9 ha!e to monitor the

     patient status till the ph)sician deemed the situation safe1