Nutrizione, Immunità e infiammazione - Prof. Vincent Castronovo

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Nutrizione, Immunità e infiammazione - Prof. Vincent Castronovo

Immunità e





LIVELLO I Le barriere



LIVELLO III Immunità specifica



Le barriere

Prima linea di difesa, le barriere

naturali rappresentano un ostacolo

contro l’invasione degli intrusi.

Soltanto gli agenti patogeni sono in

grado di superarle.

Il non rispetto dell’integrità delle

barriere provoca l’ingresso nel

nostro organismo di agenti inerti

cioè macromolecole che saranno

considerate alla stregua di agenti

patogeni e diventeranno oggetto di

reazione da parte dei nostri sistemi


Le barriere


+/- 2 m2

Epitelio respiratorio

2 m2

Alveoli polmonari

130 m2



1000 m2








Il nemico è penetrato nel

nostro territorio!




Fattori solubili

La Guerra



I sistemi di difesa innati e

adattativi si sono sviluppati in

base al principio per cui solo i

veri nemici predatori sono in

grado di attraversare le barriere.

L’esercito di cellule difensive…

Un gruppo di globuli bianchi è chiamato granulociti o

leucociti polimorfonucleati (PMNs).

I Granulociti sono composti da 3 tipi di cellule identificate

come neutrofili, eosinofili e basofili in base alle

caratteristiche di colorazione con determinati agenti.

Queste cellule rivestono una particolare importanza ai fini

dell’eliminazione dall’organismo di batteri e parassiti.

Granulociti o leucociti

polimorfonucleati (PMN)


I macrofagi vengono attivati da una varietà di

stimoli diversi nel corso della risposta immunitaria.

Uno dei primi segnali di attivazione viene dalle


La fagocitosi stessa è un importante stimolo di


I macrofagi sono attivati anche dalle citochine

secrete dalle cellule T helper [IFN-gamma] e dai

mediatori della risposta infiammatoria oltre che da

diversi sottoprodotti batterici (come i LPS)



Le cellule NK ("Natural killers",

assassine naturali) rappresentano dal 5

al 16 % della popolazione totale dei

linfociti umani.

Fanno parte di una sottopopolazione di

linfociti, i LGL (Large Granular


Queste cellule assassine provengono

dalla differenziazione delle cellule

staminali linfoidi prodotte nel midollo



Agenti di comunicazione


Immunità innata

Immunità innata (naturale, aspecifica)

La risposta all’invasione ha bisogno di 3





Riconoscimento dei

microrganismi da parte del

sistema immunitario innato

Immunità innata

Cellule dendritiche




Immunità innata




Un gioco sempre uguale di recettori

invariati rispetto alle molecole dei batteri


Lipopolisaccaridi (LPS)



Acido lipoteicoico



Immunità innata

PAMPS: Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns

Percezione intrinseca di ciò che è

batterico, vale a dire ciò che è


Immunità innata

La tolleranza intrinseca al self

dell’immunità naturale è stata acquisita

dopo centinaia di milioni di anni di

evoluzione in seguito ai quali si sono

selezionati dei recettori capaci di

distinguere i sottoprodotti batterici e non

dai sottoprodotti del self…

Immunità innata


Repertorio antibatterico limitato

Nessun adattamento alle mutazioni batteriche

Nessuna percezione dei batteri intracellulari

Immunità innata

Immunità innata

I PAMPS sono riconosciuti da recettori sulla superficie delle

cellule del sistema immunitario innato, i PRMs e PRRs(

Pattern-Recognition molecole/recettori)

Recettori di endocitosi

Recettori del mannosio dei macrofagi

Proteine di secrezione


Recettore di segnalizzazione

La famiglia dei recettori TOLL (TLR)

Recettori TOLL:

Recettori dei PAMPS



Ricezione del segnale

Chinasi Agenti di comunicazione intracellulare

Enzimi che traducono l’informazione

proveniente dall’esterno per coordinare una

risposta cellulare appropriata.

Chinasi Cosa fanno?

Fattore trascrizionale

Capo controllo

dell’immunità e




Start Stop


di controllo















NF-kB Il maestro della guerra

I-kB Il maestro della pace



Gene A

Gene B

Gene C




Vie di

segnalizzazione Gene A

Gene B

Gene C




Gene A

Gene B

Gene C

Vie di





Gene A

Gene B

Gene C

Vie di



Induttori di NF-kB

Geni la cui trascrizione è sotto il controllo del NF-kB

NF-kB e infiammazione



IKK Chinasi che controlla l’infiammazione

IKK e attivazione del NF-kB


- Risposta immunitaria

- Infiammazioni

- Sopravvivenza allo stress (ossidoriduzioni, ionizzazioni,…)

- Traumi neurologici, morbo di Alzheimer,

morbo di Parkinson, tumori, artrite reumatoide.

NF-kB: Ruoli biologici

Sali d’oro

Corticoidi :

Aumento sintesi di Ik-B

e/o antagonismo diretto

di NF-kB

Le armi del nostro

sistema di difesa

Difese aspecifiche

I fattori solubili

Difese aspecifiche


La CRP è stata isolata da Tillett e Frances nel 1930 (Rockefeller University), nel siero di pazienti che presentavano uno stato infiammatorio acuto. Questa proteina reagiva al polisaccaride C del pneumococco. La CRP è un marcatore precoce, sensibile e specifico della reazione infiammatoria e aumenta proporzionalmente alla sua intensità. Compare nelle sei ore successive all’esordio dell’ infiammazione acuta. Il tasso aumenta ed è massimo dopo due giorni. In presenza di calcio, la CRP si lega specificamente ai residui di fosfocolina della parete dei batteri. La CRP attiva per questo tramite la via classica del complemento in assenza di anticorpi e opsonizza i leganti in previsione della loro fagocitosi.

Proteina C-reattiva

Proteina C-reattiva

Difesa aspecifica

La febbre


Il complemento

La fagocitosi


Oxygen Dependent Myeloperoxidase dependent reactions

H2O2 + O2- 2O2

- + 2H+

Superoxide dismutase

H2 O2 + Cl-

myeloperoxidase OCl

- + H2O

H2O + O2- 2 H2 O2


2OCL- + H2O 1O2

-+ Cl

-+ H2O

Produzione di radicali liberi

La reazione infiammatoria è un processo

fisiologico indispensabile alla sopravvivenza

del nostro organismo continuamente

esposto all’aggressione di organismi

batterici, agenti fisici e chimici …

L’infiammazione è il campo di

battaglia in cui le nostre difese

specifiche e aspecifiche

combattono il nemico.




LIVELLO I Le Barriere



LIVELLO III Immunità specifica

Immunità adattativa



• Là dove ha luogo la maggior parte

dell’azione evolutiva

• Dipende dal contatto tra le cellule ospiti e

gli antigeni (anticorps generation)

• Due categorie principali di risposte :

immunità umorale e immunità cellulare

Difesa specifica

Il sistema immunitario

Il sistema immunitario



Immunità adattativa

L’immunità adattativa

ricorre alle stesse armi

dell’immunità innata

Gli anticorpi


Antigene : Molecola estranea che provoca una reazione


Virus dell’influenza

Proteina di superficie



ANTIGENE > reazione immunitaria

Il timo

Il timo:

Una scuola

per i


I linfociti T

• 2 popolazioni principali

CD4+: Direttore d’orchestra della

risposta immunitaria adattativa

CD8+: Partecipano all’ immunità



• Circolazione permanente tra il sangue

e gli organi linfoidi secondari.

• Cellula T naive prima dell’incontro

con l’Ag specifico. Dopo l’incontro si

parla di cellula T effettrice armata.

• I LT naive circolano in permanenza tra gli organi linfatici

secondari all’incontro con l’Ag specifico

• LT CD4+ sono programmati per diventare cellule secretrici di

citochine e cellule memoria

• LT CD8+ sono programmati per diventare delle cellule

effettrici citotossiche (CTL CD8+) e delle cellule memoria

I linfociti T

I linfociti B completano la maturazione

diventando competenti nel midollo osseo

Linfociti B

Figure 9-1 part 1 of 2 La risposta immunitaria umorale è mediata da molecole di anticorpi secrete dalle plasmacellule.

L’antigene associato a una immunoglobulina di superficie è internalizzato, degradato in peptidi e presentato su un MHC di classe II.

Questo porta all’attivazione delle cellule T, risultando nella secrezione di citochine.

Linfociti B

Figure 9-5 part 2 of 2 Linfociti B

Figure 9-19 part 1 of 2

Proprietà e funzioni di diverse classi di immunoglobuline umane

Immunità specifica

Le risposte alle cellule B si

concentrano sui patogeni al di fuori

delle cellula; le risposte alle cellule

T si concentrano sui patogeni


Mucose e immunità

Immunità mucosale (tonsille, adenoidi, placche di Peyer, appendice, linfonodi mesenterici)

mucus no mucus here mucus

Un sistema immunitario a compartimenti che è, in un certo qual modo, separato dal SI sistemico

Transcytose des antigènes

Le cellule M facilitano l’assimilazione degli Ag

IgA Mucosale

• 2 sottoclassi nell’uomo

• IgA1- monomerica, IgA predominante nel siero

• IgA2- polimerica, si riscontra soprattutto nelle

secrezioni esterne.

• J-chain- richiesta per la formazione dell’IgA polimerica,

J-chain gko di topo- IgA monomerica ma è secreta.

• La perdita di 13 aa in una zona cerniera diminuisce la

suscettibilità dell’IgA2 alla divisione proteolitica.

L’IgA dimerico consiste in due monomeri di

IgA legati da una catena J. Le cellule B

individuali sono destinate alla secrezione di

IgA sia monomerica sia dimerica.

Le IgA polimereiche rappresentano l’immunità adattativa principale presente nell’intestino

Sistema Immunitario Comune alle Mucose (CMIS)

Tolleranza mucosale

• Induzione di un’assenza di risposta sistemica mediante

somministrazione di antigene i.n. o orale.

• L’idea: evitare lo sviluppo di allergie alimentari.

• Alto dosaggio unico, basse dosi multiple.

• Assenza di risposta sistemica– in presenza di risposta

mucosale alle IgA

• Un solo recettore di struttura data su

ciascuna cellula (e sulle sue cellule figlie).

• Una multitudine di recettori diversi a

livello della popolazione

Immunità adattativa

TCR : T cell receptor

BCR : B cell receptor

« Il » recettore specializzato delle

cellule dell’immunità adattativa

Immunità adattativa

Il suo legante : l’antigene

Fa fronte alla diversità dei batteri e

alle loro mutazioni mediante una

generazione aleatoria e continua di

nuovi recettori


Immunità adattativa

Immunità adattativa

Percezione analitica di sequenze

peptidiche ma nessuna percezione

intrinseca di ciò che è batterico

o meno, ostile o meno

Immunità adattativa

Percepisce i batteri intracellulari

grazie al sistema di campionamento e

di presentazione da parte delle

molecole del Complesso Maggiore di

Istocompatibilità (CMH)


Connessione immunità innata– immunità



Il supporto del SELF : il Complesso Maggiore

di Istocompatibilità (CMH, sistema HLA


CMH : Complexe Majeur d’Histocompatibilité = empreintes

digitales des cellules

Protéines servant de “présentoir” aux antigènes

TUTTE le cellule del corpo:

CMH di classe 1

1 1

Linfociti B e macrofagi :

CMH di classe 1 E di classe 2





Antigene + CMH 1 = risposta


Antigene + CMH 2 = risposta


Antigeni e Proteine del CMH

Rapporto fra CMH, tipo di linfocita e

reazione immunitaria scatenata

Ag presentato su CMH I

Linfociti T citotossici (o





Ag presentato su CMH


Linfociti T ausiliari (o


Linfociti B





Antigeni e proteine del CMH

Le molecole del CMH di Classe I permettono alle cellule T

CD8 di “sorvegliare” la presenza di patogeni nel citoplasma.

Le molecole CMH di Classe II permettono alle cellule T CD4

di “ sorvegliare ” la presenza di patogeni negli spazi

extracellulari e intravescicolari.

Patogeno CD4

Patogeno CD8

Panoramica della Risposta






Th1, Th2, TH17 e





Malattie Autoimmuni


Poliartrite reumatoide


Sclerosi a placche

Morbo di Crohn

Lupus eritematoso




Insieme di disordini immunitari che vanno da malattie molto

comuni come l’artrite reumatoide, la tiroidite di Hashimoto, il

morbo di Graves, l’aterosclerosi a patologie meno frequenti

come la sclerosi a placche, il diabete di tipo I, il lupus

eritematoso sistemico….

L’autoimmunità è la causa a monte di oltre 80 patologie

croniche che colpiscono il 20% circa della popolazione dei

paesi industrializzati.


Mimetismo antigenico

Artrite reumatoide

Tiroidite di




Tipo I


Sclerosi a placche








Attivazione del

Sistema immunitario

contro molecole

o organismi

non patogeni





E contro la flora


Allergie cutanee








Meccanismo d’azione biochimico

Influsso Na+




Fosfolipidi della

membrana cellulare







FANS: Antinfiammatori non steroidei

Nutrition and immunology: from the clinic to cellular biology and back again.

Chandra RK.

Proc Nutr Soc. 1999 Aug;58(3):681-3.

Diet and immunity have been known to be linked to each other for centuries. In the

last 30 years systematic studies have confirmed that nutrient deficiencies impair

immune response and lead to frequent severe infections resulting in increased

mortality, especially in children. Protein-energy malnutrition results in reduced

number and functions of T-cells, phagocytic cells and secretory immunoglobulin A

antibody response. In addition, levels of many complement components are

reduced. Similar findings have been reported for moderate deficiencies of individual

nutrients such as trace minerals and vitamins, particularly Zn, Fe, Se, vitamins A,

B6, C and E. For example, Zn deficiency is associated with profound impairment of

cell-mediated immunity such as lymphocyte stimulation response, decreased

CD4+:CD8+ cells, and decreased chemotaxis of phagocytes. In addition, the level

of thymulin, which is a Zn-dependent hormone, is markedly decreased. The use of

nutrient supplements, singly or in combination, stimulates immune response and

may result in fewer infections, particularly in the elderly, low-birth-weight infants

and malnourished critically-ill patients in hospitals. The interactions between

nutrition and the immune system are of clinical, practical and public health


Palmitate activates the NF-kappaB transcription factor and induces IL-6 and

TNFalpha expression in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Ajuwon KM, Spurlock ME.

J Nutr. 2005 Aug;135(8):1841-6.

Fatty acids and their metabolites regulate gene expression and immunological pathways.

Furthermore, obese individuals frequently have increased circulating fatty acid concentrations,

and localized inflammation in adipose tissue may facilitate the systemic inflammation associated

with the insulin resistance of obesity. Although palmitate induces inflammation (i.e., activates

proinflammatory pathways) in myotubes, the effects of fatty acids on inflammatory processes in

adipocytes have not been established. Therefore, we examined the potential for palmitate,

laurate, and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) to modulate inflammation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.

Palmitate, but not DHA or laurate, induced nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB)-driven luciferase

activity and interleukin-6 (IL-6) expression (P < 0.05). Inhibition of fatty acyl Co-A synthase

(FACS) with triacsin C suppressed palmitate-induced NF-kappaB activation (P < 0.05), but

caused an additive increase in palmitate-induced IL-6 expression (P < 0.05). Disrupting

mitogen-activated protein kinase/Erk kinase (MEK) and protein kinase C (PKC) activity with

U0126 and Bisindolylmaleimide (Bis), respectively, suppressed palmitate-induced IL-6

expression (P < 0.05), but had no effect on NF-kappaB reporter gene activity (P > 0.05).

However, the phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K) inhibitor, wortmannin, alone and additively with

palmitate, activated the NF-kappaB reporter gene and induced IL-6 expression (P < 0.05).

Palmitate also induced the mRNA expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) (P <

0.05), but the increase in mRNA abundance was not reflected in a greater protein concentration

in the media (P > 0.05). These data indicate that palmitate induces inflammation in adipocytes,

and that this is not a generalized effect of all SFA. Furthermore, PI3K may act constitutively to

suppress inflammation. Consequently, inhibition of this enzyme may promote and exacerbate

the inflammation in adipose tissue that is associated with obesity and insulin resistance.


• Ridurre il rischio di ingresso di antigeni non ostili

Digestione, Barriera intestinale

• Ridurre l’intensità della risposta infiammatoria

Equilibrio AA/EPA, Regolatori del NFKB

•Impedire l’accumulo di lesioni ossidative e da carbonili

inflitte ai tessuti attaccati • Antiossidanti

• Aumentare l’immunotolleranza:

Probiotici, Vitamina D

LIVELLO I Le barriere



LIVELLO III Immunità specifica

Medicina nutrizionale

Ripristinare le barriere

Tight junctions, leaky intestines, and pediatric diseases. Liu Z, Li N, Neu J.

Acta Paediatr. 2005 Apr;94(4):386-93.

BACKGROUND: Tight junctions (TJs) represent the major barrier

within the paracellular pathway between intestinal epithelial cells.

Disruption of TJs leads to intestinal hyperpermeability (the so-called

"leaky gut") and is implicated in the pathogenesis of several acute and

chronic pediatric disease entities that are likely to have their origin

during infancy. AIM: This review provides an overview of evidence

for the role of TJ breakdown in diseases such as systemic

inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), inflammatory bowel

disease, type 1 diabetes, allergies, asthma, and autism.

CONCLUSION: A better basic understanding of this structure might

lead to prevention or treatment of these diseases using nutritional or

other means.


Effect of glutamine on the intestinal permeability

changes induced by indomethacin in humans.

Hond ED, Peeters M, Hiele M, Bulteel V, Ghoos Y, Rutgeerts P.

Department of Gastroenterology, University Hospital Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 1999 May;13(5):679-85

BACKGROUND: Long-term non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) intake may

induce increased intestinal permeability, eventually resulting in enteropathy. Because

increased permeability might be related to cell damage resulting from energy depletion,

it was hypothesized that glutamine--the major energy source of the intestinal mucosal

cell--might prevent permeability changes. METHODS: The 6-h urinary excretion of 51Cr-

EDTA after an oral load of 51Cr-EDTA was used in this study as a measure for intestinal

permeability. Healthy volunteers underwent a series of permeability tests: (i) basal test;

(ii) test following NSAID (indomethacin); (iii) test following NSAID in combination with

glutamine and/or misoprostol. RESULTS: The NSAID induced increased permeability in

all volunteers. Pre-treatment with glutamine (3x7 g daily, 1 week before NSAID-dosing)

did not prevent the NSAID-induced increase in permeability. Multiple doses of glutamine

close in time to NSAID-dosing resulted in significantly lower permeability compared to

the NSAID without glutamine. Co-administration of misoprostol with the multiple-dose

scheme of glutamine resulted in a further reduction in the NSAID-induced increase in

permeability. CONCLUSIONS: Glutamine decreases the permeability changes caused

by NSAID-dosing when it is administered close in time, and misoprostol has a

synergistic effect.

Inflammation rather than nutritional depletion determines glutamine concentrations and

intestinal permeability.

Hulsewe KW, van der Hulst RW, van Acker BA, von Meyenfeldt MF, Soeters PB.

Clin Nutr. 2004 Oct;23(5):1209-16.

AIM: Nutritional depletion has been correlated with low plasma and mucosal glutamine

concentrations and with increased intestinal permeability. Since nutritional depletion often is

associated with (chronic) inflammatory stress, this study was designed to establish the influence of

depletion and inflammation on glutamine concentrations and gut barrier function. METHODS:

Anthropometric parameters were calculated from 26 patients who required artificial nutrition.

Glutamine concentrations in plasma and gut mucosa, gut permeability and mucosal morphology

were assessed. For determination of the degree of inflammation erythrocyte sedimentation rates

and (pre)albumin concentrations were measured. On the basis of these parameters patients were

divided into two groups having significant inflammatory stress or not. Similarly, a depleted and a

non-depleted group was formed based on percentage ideal body weight, fat-free mass index

(FFMI) and percentage weight loss. Glutamine concentrations, gut permeability and villus

morphology were compared between the groups. RESULTS: The presence of inflammatory activity

had significant negative effects on glutamine concentrations in contrast to the presence or absence

of nutritional depletion. Similarly, intestinal permeability increased during active inflammation but not

in depleted patients. FFMI but not inflammation was related to villus height. CONCLUSIONS: The

presence of inflammation significantly affects glutamine concentrations and gut permeability, in

contrast to the presence of depletion of body cell mass per se. On the other hand, villus

morphology is not influenced by changes in systemic inflammatory activity whereas nutritional

status possibly does affect villus height.








Probiotics in primary prevention of atopic disease: a

randomised placebo-controlled trial. Kalliomaki M, Salminen S, Arvilommi H, Kero P, Koskinen P, Isolauri E.

Lancet 2001 Apr 7;357(9262):1076-9

BACKGROUND: Reversal of the progressive increase in frequency of atopic disease

would be an important breakthrough for health care and wellbeing in western

societies. In the hygiene hypothesis this increase is attributed to reduced microbial

exposure in early life. Probiotics are cultures of potentially beneficial bacteria of the

healthy gut microflora. We assessed the effect on atopic disease of Lactobacillus GG

(which is safe at an early age and effective in treatment of allergic inflammation and

food allergy). METHODS: In a double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial we

gave Lactobacillus GG prenatally to mothers who had at least one first-degree

relative (or partner) with atopic eczema, allergic rhinitis, or asthma, and postnatally

for 6 months to their infants. Chronic recurring atopic eczema, which is the main sign

of atopic disease in the first years of life, was the primary endpoint. FINDINGS:

Atopic eczema was diagnosed in 46 of 132 (35%) children aged 2 years. Asthma was

diagnosed in six of these children and allergic rhinitis in one. The frequency of atopic

eczema in the probiotic group was half that of the placebo group (15/64 [23%]

vs31/68 [46%]; relative risk 0.51 [95% CI 0.32-0.84]). The number needed to treat

was 4.5 (95% CI 2.6-15.6). INTERPRETATIONS: Lactobacillus GG was effective in

prevention of early atopic disease in children at high risk. Thus, gut microflora might

be a hitherto unexplored source of natural immunomodulators and probiotics, for

prevention of atopic disease.

Il Lactobacillus GG si è dimostrato efficace nella prevenzione

dell’atopia precoce in bambini ad alto rischio. Pertanto la

microflora intestinale potrebbe rappresentare una fonte finora

inesplorata di immunomodulatori naturali e probiotici per la

prevenzione dell’atopia.

Oral probiotic control skin inflammation by acting on both effector and regulatory T cells.

Hacini-Rachinel F, Gheit H, Le Luduec JB, Dif F, Nancey S, Kaiserlian D. PLoS One. 2009;4(3):e4903. Probiotics are believed to alleviate allergic and inflammatory skin disorders, but their impact on pathogenic effector T cells remains poorly documented. Here we show that oral treatment with the probiotic bacteria L. casei (DN-114 001) alone alleviates antigen-specific skin inflammation mediated by either protein-specific CD4(+) T cells or hapten-specific CD8(+) T cells. In the model of CD8(+) T cell-mediated skin inflammation, which reproduces allergic contact dermatitis in human, inhibition of skin inflammation by L. casei is not due to impaired priming of hapten-specific IFNgamma-producing cytolytic CD8(+) effector T cells. Alternatively, L. casei treatment reduces the recruitment of CD8(+) effector T cells into the skin during the elicitation (i.e. symptomatic) phase of CHS. Inhibition of skin inflammation by L. casei requires MHC class II-restricted CD4(+) T cells but not CD1d-restricted NK-T cells. L casei treatment enhanced the frequency of FoxP3(+) Treg in the skin and increased the production of IL-10 by CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells in skin draining lymph nodes of hapten-sensitized mice. These data demonstrate that orally administered L. casei (DN-114 001) efficiently alleviate T cell-mediated skin inflammation without causing immune suppression, via mechanisms that include control of CD8(+) effector T cells and involve regulatory CD4(+) T cells. L. casei (DN-114 001) may thus represent a probiotic of potential interest for immunomodulation of T cell-mediated allergic skin diseases in human.

Anti-inflammatory effects of bifidobacteria

by inhibition of LPS-induced NF-kappaB

activation. Riedel CU, Foata F, Philippe D, Adolfsson O, Eikmanns BJ, Blum S.

Microbiology Department and Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, University

College Cork, Cork, Ireland.

World J Gastroenterol. 2006

AIM: Different strains of bifidobacteria were analysed for their effects on HT-29

intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) in in vitro models both of the non-inflamed and

inflamed intestinal epithelium. METHODS: A reporter gene system in HT-29

cells was used to measure levels of NF-kappaB activation after challenge with

bifidobacteria or after bacterial pre-treatment following LPS challenge. IL-8

protein and pro-inflammatory gene expression was investigated using normal

HT-29 cells. RESULTS: None of the bifidobacteria tested induced activation of

nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) indicating that bifidobacteria themselves

do not induce inflammatory events in IECs. However, six out of eight

bifidobacteria tested inhibited lipopolysaccharide- (LPS-) induced NF-kappaB

activation in a dose- and strain-dependent manner. In contrast, NF-kappaB

activation in response to challenge with tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-

alpha) was affected by none of the tested bifidobacteria, indicating that the

inhibitory effect of bifidobacteria is specific for LPS-induced inflammation in

IECs. As shown with two of the six inhibition-positive bifidobacteria, LPS-

induced inhibition of NF-kappaB activation was accompanied by a dose-

dependent decrease of interleukin 8 (IL-8) secretion and by lower mRNA levels

for IL-8, TNF-alpha, cyclooxygenase 2 (Cox-2), and intercellular adhesion

molecule 1 (ICAM-1). CONCLUSION: Some strains of bifidobacteria are

effective in inhibiting LPS-induced inflammation and thus might be appropriate

candidates for probiotic intervention in chronic intestinal inflammation.

Ripristinare gli equilibri

Medicina nutrizionale

Il rapporto fra gli

acidi grassi

Determina l’intensità

della reazione


L’intensità della reazione infiammatoria

è controllata dalle prostaglandine

e dai leucotrieni

Acidei grassi OMEGA-3

I nutrienti


per eccellenza

The role of fish oils in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Cleland LG, James MJ, Proudman SM.

Rheumatology Unit, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.

Drugs. 2003;63(9):845-53.

Fish oils are a rich source of omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC

PUFA). The specific fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, are

homologues of the n-6 fatty acid, arachidonic acid (AA). This chemistry provides for antagonism

by n-3 LC PUFA of AA metabolism to pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic n-6 eicosanoids, as

well as production of less active n-3 eicosanoids. In addition, n-3 LC PUFA can suppress

production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and cartilage degradative enzymes.In accordance with

the biochemical effects, beneficial anti-inflammatory effects of dietary fish oils have been

demonstrated in randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials in rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Also, fish oils have protective clinical effects in occlusive cardiovascular disease, for which

patients with RA are at increased risk.Implementation of the clinical use of anti-inflammatory

fish oil doses has been poor. Since fish oils do not provide industry with the opportunities for

substantial profit associated with patented prescription items, they have not received the

marketing inputs that underpin the adoption of usual pharmacotherapies. Accordingly, many

prescribers remain ignorant of their biochemistry, therapeutic effects, formulations, principles of

application and complementary dietary modifications. Evidence is presented that increased

uptake of this approach can be achieved using bulk fish oils. This approach has been used with

good compliance in RA patients. In addition, an index of n-3 nutrition can be used to provide

helpful feedback messages to patients and to monitor the attainment of target levels.Collectively,

these issues highlight the challenges in advancing the use of fish oil amid the complexities of

modern management of RA, with its emphasis on combination chemotherapy applied early.

Conformemente agli effetti biochimici si sono dimostrati effetti

antinfiammatori interessanti con gli oli di pesce alimentari in studi

randomizzati in doppio cieco verso placebo nell’artrite reumatoide

(RA). Gli oli di pesce dimostrano anche effetti clinici di protezione

nei confronti delle patologie cardiovascolari occlusive nel gruppo

di pazienti per i quali la RA rappresenta un maggior rischio.

L’applicazione dell’utilizzo clinico di dosi di oli di pesce

antinfiammatori è limitata. Nella misura in cui gli oli di pesce non

rappresentano per l’industria possibilità di profitti sostanziali del

tipo di quelli associati a prodotti brevettati e sottoposti a

prescrizione, non hanno ricevuto il contributo di marketing che

sostiene l’adozione delle consuete farmacoterapie. Di

conseguenza molti prescrittori restano all’oscuro della loro

biochimica, degli effetti terapeutici, di formulazioni, principi

d’applicazione e modifiche alimentari da associarvi.

Vitamina D

Vitamina D

Vitamina D

Vitamin D: its role and uses in immunology. Deluca HF, Cantorna MT.

FASEB J. 2001 Dec;15(14):2579-85.

In recent years there has been an effort to understand possible noncalcemic roles of

vitamin D, including its role in the immune system and, in particular, on T cell-

medicated immunity. Vitamin D receptor is found in significant concentrations in the

T lymphocyte and macrophage populations. However, its highest concentration is in

the immature immune cells of the thymus and the mature CD-8 T lymphocytes. The

significant role of vitamin D compounds as selective immunosuppressants is

illustrated by their ability to either prevent or markedly suppress animal models of

autoimmune disease. Results show that 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 can either prevent

or markedly suppress experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, rheumatoid

arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, type I diabetes, and inflammatory bowel

disease. In almost every case, the action of the vitamin D hormone requires that the

animals be maintained on a normal or high calcium diet. Possible mechanisms of

suppression of these autoimmune disorders by the vitamin D hormone have been

presented. The vitamin D hormone stimulates transforming growth factor TGFbeta-1

and interleukin 4 (IL-4) production, which in turn may suppress inflammatory T cell

activity. In support of this, the vitamin D hormone is unable to suppress a murine

model of the human disease multiple sclerosis in IL-4-deficient mice. The results

suggest an important role for vitamin D in autoimmune disorders and provide a fertile

and interesting area of research that may yield important new therapies.

D-hormone and the immune system. Cantorna MT, Mahon BD.

J Rheumatol Suppl. 2005 Sep;76:11-20.

D-hormone [1,25(OH)2 D3] is an important immune system regulator that has been

shown to inhibit development of autoimmune diseases including experimental

inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), multiple sclerosis (MS),

and type 1 diabetes. Paradoxically, other immune mediated diseases (experimental

asthma) and immunity to infectious organisms were not found to be affected by D-

hormone treatment. The effectiveness of D-hormone treatment of autoimmune

diseases is due to inhibition of the development and function of Th1 cells and the

induction of other Th cells including Th2 cells. We report results of microarray

analysis of colons from D-hormone treated mice with experimental IBD. Two hundred

thirty-nine genes were inhibited and 298 genes were upregulated in the colon by D-

hormone treatment of mice with IBD. Of interest was the D-hormone mediated

inhibition of 3 tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha, lipopolysaccharide-induced

TNF-alpha factor, and TNF receptor) related genes in the colon. It is likely that the

effectiveness of D-hormone treatment of experimental autoimmunity is due in part to

the inhibition of the TNF family of genes. D-hormone is a selective regulator of the

immune system, and the outcome of D-hormone treatment depends on the nature

(infectious disease, asthma, autoimmune disease, etc.) of the immune response.

Vitamin D: a natural inhibitor of multiple sclerosis. Hayes CE.

Proc Nutr Soc. 2000 Nov;59(4):531-5.

Inheriting genetic risk factors for multiple sclerosis (MS) is not sufficient to cause this demyelinating

disease of the central nervous system; exposure to environmental risk factors is also required. MS

may be preventable if these unidentified environmental factors can be avoided. MS prevalence

increases with decreasing solar radiation, suggesting that sunlight may be protective in MS. Since

the vitamin D endocrine system is exquisitely responsive to sunlight, and MS prevalence is highest

where environmental supplies of vitamin D are lowest, we have proposed that the hormone, 1, 25-

dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25-(OH)2D3), may protect genetically-susceptible individuals from

developing MS. Evidence consistent with this hypothesis comes not only from geographic studies,

but also genetic and biological studies. Over-representation of the vitamin D receptor gene b allele

was found in Japanese MS patients, suggesting it may confer MS susceptibility. Fish oil is an

excellent vitamin D source, and diets rich in fish may lower MS prevalence or severity. Vitamin D

deficiency afflicts most MS patients, as demonstrated by their low bone mass and high fracture

rates. However, the clearest evidence that vitamin D may be a natural inhibitor of MS comes from

experiments with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a model of MS. Treatment of

mice with 1,25-(OH)2D3 completely inhibited EAE induction and progression. The hormone

stimulated the synthesis of two anti-encephalitogenic cytokines, interleukin 4 and transforming

growth factor beta-1, and influenced inflammatory cell trafficking or apoptosis. If vitamin D is a

natural inhibitor of MS, providing supplemental vitamin D to individuals who are at risk for MS would

be advisable.

Vitamina D

Ripristinare l’ambiente

molecolare originale

Medicina nutrizionale


Le spezie possono bloccare

l’attivazione del NF-κB

Medicina nutrizionale

Spegnere il fuoco


MALATTIE AUTOIMMUNI Valutazione nutrizionale e funzionale

• Vitamina D

• Microbiota intestinale (Mou)

• Permeabilità intestinale ( IgG



• Profilo acidi grassi

• Indicatori stress ossidativo

• Difese antiossidanti