Inclusive Leader 

Post on 26-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Inclusive Leader 

Inclusive LeaderUn inclusione efficace succedere quando noi valutiamo allo stesso tempo le differenze e le similitudini degli altri.

Inclusione(def): Azione o stato di esser einclusi o include altri allinterno di gruppi o strutture.

Ricerche condotte alla Catalyst dicono che quando uomini e donne si sentono inclusi nei loro posti di lavoro, sono pi incline a fare due cose: Innovare e a giocare di squadra.

Alla Catalyst stato sviluppato il metodo E.A.C.H.Empowerment: Permettere alle persone di fare le cose a modo loro.Accountability: Tenere le persone responsabili per le loro azioniCourage: Aiutare le persone a mettere gli interessi del gruppo sopra I loro.Humility: Incoraggiore la connessione tra le persone, spingendo ognuno a imparare dallaltro e dimostra vunnerabilit e fiducia.

Lezioni:C una grande lezione La leadership sopravallutata. Si, stato il ragazzo senza maglia il primo ad iniziare, e lui si prender tutti I meriti, ma stat oil primo follower che ha trasformato un pazzo isolato in un leader Se davvero tinteresa far partire un movimento, abbi il coraggio di seguire, e mostra agli altri come farlo - Derek Silvers

"The thing about leadership, the question about leadership, it's hard to think about any role that you have in a company--any role, administrative assistant, all the way up the CEO--where you don't have to turn on leadership at some point in the day. There's a whole bunch of times in a day where I'm a follower.There's a lot of times when I'm the leader. And overall, on balance, I think I follow a little bit more than I lead. So this idea that what does it take to be a leader? It's not a person. There's not--like the CEO is the leader of the company. I think that's a pretty burdensome conversation to have-- one person, 140,000 people. I expect every single person in our 140,000-person company at some point in time in the day, when it's their time, when their skills, when their opinions, when their expertise actually is called on, that they actually step up and take charge. And that's what leadership is about. - Ursula Burns, Chairman & CEO, Xerox Corporation (2013)

Leadership:La leadership riguarda influenzare gli altri per ottenere un obbiettivo commune. Spesso, la leadership non complicate come noi pensiamo. Tutti quanti possiamo guidare gli altri indipendemente se ne abbiamo o meno lautorit. Non importa dove ti trovi nella tua cariera, o in quale situazione o posizione, tu puoi fare da guida. Infondo la leadership spesso richiede azioni semplici che tutti possono fare come supportare una nuova idea, chiedere una domanda difficile che nessun altro sta chiedendo o aver la volont di distinguersi tra la folla. I followers sono anchessi dei leader. il primo follower che trasforma un pazzo solitario in un leader. Follwers sono leader a tutti gli effetti, leader inclusivo fanno spazio per gli altri, seguendoli.

Leadership inclusivaLa leadership inclusiva ha un effetto positive su tutti non importa se sei un uomo o una donna, giovane o vecchio, di una razza particolare, coloro o nazionalit. Tutti quanti possiamo essere dei leader e tutti quanti traiamo benefici dallinclusione. I leader inclusivi, danno valore a i diversi talenti e esperienze delle persone allinterno dei loro team o persone che influenzano. Inoltre evitano di stereotipare o allienare i membri dei loro team.Quando la leadership inclusiva efficace, le persone sono pi propense ad andare oltre il dovere, suggerire nuove idee e far in modo che il lavoro venga completato.

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Week 2: Unconscious Bias

Unconscious biases are these automatic associations we make about people, or groups of people.They're based on our upbringing, our family, culture, society, but what's interesting about unconscious biases is that we don't control them, and we're not aware of them.

Stereotype - Take 51. Stereotypes are generalisations about people or things. They can be positive or negative, accurate or inaccurate. Social stereotypes are generalizations we make to differentiate categories or groups of people. Like unconscious biases, stereotypes are mental shortcuts. We use stereotypes to anticipate and respond to these differences in people from the outset - rather than having to figure them out from scratch in each interaction. In other words, we rely on stereotypes because they help us save time and energy.2. Stereotype can be misleading because unlike generalisations we make about things or even animals, our generalisations about people are much more likely to miss the mark. People are extremely complex and their behaviour is often highly variable from situation to situation. Stereotypes lead us to make inappropiriate generalisations that misrepresent reality.3. Since stereotypes are often applied automatically, we can arrive quickly at perceptions or judgments about individuals. The trouble comes when we accept that those perceptions have a solid basis in fact because we are unaware of the role that stereotypes have played in creating them.4. Stereotype can cause us to unintentionally respond to people in ways that elicit from them behaviours that confirm our stereotypes.5. Inclusive leaders are aware that stereotypes/and unconscious bias) happen in themselves and others and look fro ways to educate, role model, and put in place structures that lessen the impact of them on others.


Take 5 - Otherness1. Everyone can be an other.2. Otherness is about being different because you have characteristics that set you apart from the dominant group or groups in a given context. Unlike uniqueness, which is often valued by the group, otherness is often used to devalue people3. In many organizations, characteristics of the dominant group (the group that has decision-making power and in_uence), such as maleness, become normativethe default. Larry Page of Google is described simply as co-founder/CEO. But Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook is described as a 30-year old CEO. Meanwhile, Ursula Burns of Xerox is described as a female CEOin fact, a female African-American CEO, and Indra Nooyi of PepsiCo is often introduced as a successful woman CEO of Indian origin. On the up side, women taking care of patients in medical settings are called nurses, while men doing the same thing are often referred to as male nurses.4. The common association of the dominant group with the position means that we only feel the need to specify group membership when it is non-dominant; that is, we only specify it when it is the other group. Moreover, the association of the dominant group with the position reinforces the belief that those holding that position are or should be from that group.5. Inclusive leaders are aware of otherness and the impact it can have on individuals. Inclusive leaders not only can empathize with feelings of otherness, but are also willing to explore those feelings in themselves and let that experience inform them as leaders and in_fuencers. The EACH frameworks Courage and Humility leadership attributes are especially relevant to Otherness. Humility ensures that inclusive leaders are open to learning from others, and Courage helps them step out of their comfort zones in both understanding different people and role modelling the importance of doing so.

Challenge:Over the next few days, look at the world with wide-open eyes and find an instance of unconscious bias or stereotyping. It could be anythingan advertisement, a job posting, a product, an interaction at work or at home.

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Week 3: Inclusive Leadershipwe're going to talk about the EACH method, and how you can use EACH--Empowerment, Accountability, Courage, and Humility.

At Catalyst, what we found was that when managers, the managers that demonstrated the EACHbehaviors. Every time a manager did that, their direct reports--women and men--were more likely to feel included. And when women and men are more likely to feel included, they're also more likely to do two things--innovate and be a team player.

Empowerment"You enable direct reports to develop and excel"we found was that folks that rated their managers high on empowerment were really talking about very simple things.As a manager, you should be willing to share information with your direct reports.Every time you give them an assignment or a task, the idea is to get the job well done.And how can you, as a manager, support your team members to do that job well? Empowerment is really also about investing in your team.

Each of those team members on your team, as a leader, it's your job and your responsibilityto invest in their development and their advancement. And then, finally--this is actually a really good one--empowerment, every time you empower your direct reports, you're also encouraging them to think out of the box. You're encouraging them to not "group think."Everybody on your team does not have to think the same way. They can think about their own ideas and be comfortable presenting their own ideas.

Accountability"You demostrate confidence in direct reports by holding them responsable for performance they can control

Culture of accountability is all about results, about impact. What we say, its just very simple. See it. Own it. Solve it. And do it. - Gulen Bengi, Brand Champion.

Accountability is very closely tied to employees feeling valued at work, and let me tell you how.When a manager has assigned you with a task--and it doesn't even have to be a manager.

Holding people that you're working with, as a leader or in your personal situation, accountable for the task or the assignment that they have, and the way in which they get work done.

Courage"You put personal interests aside to achieve what needs to be done; you act on convictions and principles even when it requires personal risk-taking"It really is about inspiring trust.And whether you're a manager or a leader,or even your personal situation with your friendsand family, any relationship that you have or will have,trust is such a critical part of that.And for me, courage is so directly tied to trust,and it's so important.

We often think of courage and we thinkof firefighters or a heroic story coming out of it.It really doesn't have to be that.Courage is a very simple, small thing.It's about, as a leader, letting people know where you stand,who you are, demonstrating your true feelings to your staff.Or even extending that to your personal situation.And really being true to who you are and letting peopleknow who you are.That's demonstrating courage.And in a workplace situation, I would extend that argument,and maybe think about courage in a waythat it's taking one for the team.

humility"You admit mistakes; you accept and learn from criticism and different points of view; you seek contributions of others to overcome limitations"

"Because what's critical to being an effective leader in this environment is that you have to be willing to relinquish power. And it's not just humility in creating space for others to contribute," says Bock, "it's intellectual humility. Without humility, you aren't able to learn." - Laszlo Bock, chief talent officer at Google.

It really is about being comfortable, sharing your limitations and weaknesses with people around you. It's also about learning from criticism.e had talked about empowerment, and how you're encouragingyour direct reports or people that youwork with to share their ideas, different ideas and opinionsand bring back to the table and express them.Humility is learning from those ideas.It's really encouraging people to bring their different ideasto the table, expressing them.And you as a manager or a leader learning from those ideas,and valuing those ideas.And in the process of doing that,you're actually valuing people that you're working with.

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