Download - Sarde a Beccafico

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Corso di formazione blended “The taste of language”

16 Febbraio – 3 Aprile 2012

ITC “Pio la Torre” – IPSSAR “P.Piazza”

Gruppo di lavoroManager: Dott Rosario Leone

Coordinamento scientifico: Nina Raineri

Coordinamento tecnico: Massimo Valentino

Esperto Scienza dell’Alimentazione L2: Sara Baldassano

Esperto Inglese e.learning: Maria Calandra

Amministratori Forumlive: Paola Lerza e Ada Giammarinaro

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The taste of language

By “The economist group ”

• A. M. Daniela Sortino – U.S.R. Ufficio XV - Palermo

• Ninfa Randazzo – I.C.S. “E. Armaforte” - Altofonte

• Rosaria Schimmenti – Secondary school “Cosmo Guastella” - Misilmeri

• Antonina Marino – Secondary school “Cosmo Guastella” - Misilmeri

• Tiziana Calà – Secondary school “Cosmo Guastella” – Misilmeri

• Salvatore Grippi – Secondary high school “P. Borsellino” - Palermo • Daniela Micalizzi – Secondary high school “P. Borsellino” - Palermo

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"Sarde a beccafico", the unique Sicilian sardine rolls

This is a typical Sicilian dish made of fresh sardines filled with our traditional ingredients: breadcrumbs, olive oil, pine nuts and raisins. Beccafico. In  ancient times Sicilian Nobles used to hunt and eat them. They said that their  meat was nice and tender so they were eating them with all the guts. The poor people having more sardines than birds started to cook them adding some lemon and orange juice to the filling, to mitigate the strong smell and taste of the fish.

The “sarde a beccafico” are part of the traditional cuisine of Palermo, which uses a few simple ingredients. They are readily available that rely on sea and land, the two main components of Sicily ... then there would also be the sun, well, we also find that in this dish, concentrated in the lemon juice that is fondamental ...

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Ingredients and preparation for 4 people:

• 500 gr fresh sardines• 200 gr fresh breadcrumbs• 5 tablespoons olive oil• 1onion• 1 tablespoon sugar• 50 gr raisins• 50 gr pine nuts• Juice and zest of one lemon (or if preferred

half lemon and half orange)• 20-22 bay leaves• Salt q.b.• Freshly ground black pepper q.b

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Per preparare le sarde a beccafico, accendi il forno a 200°. Pulisci rimuovendo squame, lische, la testa e le interiora delle sardine. Lava via il sangue e apri il ventre con cura senza schiacciare la parte posteriore del pesce (1-2). Metti in una  padella 4 cucchiai di olio e il pangrattato (3),

To prepare the sardines a beccafico, turn the oven to 200 °. Clean, removing scale, bone, the head and the interiors of the sardines. Rinse away the bloode and open the belly careffully, without crushing the back of the fish. (1-2). Put in a pan 4 tablespoons of olive oil and bread crumbs (3),

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quindi fallo dorare a fuoco dolce (4), mescolando continuamente e stando attenti a non bruciarlo, poi mettilo in una terrina.

Trita il prezzemolo (5) e le sarde salate (6).

then let it brown on low heat (4), stirring constantly and being careful not to burn it, then place in a bowl.

Chop the parsley (5) and salted

anchovies (6).

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Aggiungi al pangrattato i pinoli, l'uvetta, il prezzemolo, ( le acciughe dissalate e tritate), lo zucchero sciolto nel succo di un limone il sale e il pepe secondo il tuo gusto (7-8). Con un cucchiaio di legno amalgama bene tutti gli ingredienti (9).

Add to breadcrumbs pine nuts, raisins, the parsley, and chopped salted anchovies, sugar dissolved in the juice of one lemmon, salt and pepper according to your taste (7-8). With a wooden spoon, mix all ingredients well (9).

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Disponi questo composto sulle sarde (10) (in modo che la pelle resti all’esterno), arrotolale su se stesse cominciando dalla parte della testa (11), cosicché la coda resti all’esterno; ungi una teglia con dell'olio (12)

Have this compound on sardines (10) (so that the skin remains outside), roll them up on themselves beginning with the part of the head (11), so that the tail remains outside; anoint a pan with oil (12 )

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adagiale a mano a mano ben ravvicinate nella teglia (13-14), ponendo tra una  e l’altra una (o mezza) foglia di alloro (15)

e fette di cipolla

ay them close together hand in hand in a pan greased with olive oil (13-14), with between one and another one (or half) bay leaf (15) and slice of onion.

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Quando avrai finito di disporle nella teglia, cospargile col composto di pangrattato rimasto (16) e irrorale con un composto formato da questi ingredienti rimasti: olio, succo d’arancia e/o succo di limone e zucchero (17). Inforna le sarde a beccafico a forno caldo per circa 20-25 minuti. Tradizionalmente le sarde a beccafico non si mangiano appena tolte dal forno; la teglia va lasciata coperta per mezz’ora e solo allora si servono in tavola.

When finished place them in the pan, sprinkle with the mixture of breadcrumbs left (16) and sprinkle with a mixture composed of these ingredients were: oil, orange juice and/or lemmon juice and sugar (17). Bake the “Sarde a beccafico” in a hot oven for about 20-25 minutes. Traditionally, the “sarde a beccafico” can not eat just removed from the oven, the pan should be left covered for half an hour, and only then you are on the table.