Zodiaco accademico - terzo anniversario

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    First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009,www.lulu.com/astrology. Copyright 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved.

    No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercialpurposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.



    Copyright 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://www.lulu.com/astrology


    Vari zodiaci storici precedono l'evento dello zodiaco accademico. Alcuni ancora in uso

    come G1, P e X, altri rimangono cimeli d'un passato zodiacale. Quali dunque gli zodiaci

    del passato recente? Alcuni come N1, M, N2, P1, E, P2 rimangono pubblicati, altri

    restano sperimentali.


    1 G sta per galattico.

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    Lo zodiaco X vende come pubblicazione il primo agosto 2005 con la storica introduzione

    del allora decimo pianeta Eris. Eris e lo X zodiaco compiono tre anni con pi di sei

    gigabytes di materiale pubblicato. Lo X zodiaco lo zodiaco pi documentato nella



    Lo zodiaco che precede quello accademico lo P zodiaco, ovvero lo zodiaco di Plutone.

    Come si sa2, ogni pianeta viaggia per lo suo proprio zodiaco3 planetario dedicato.

    Siccome Plutone era un pianeta ai tempi della riformazione zodiacale4, definiva uno

    zodiaco tutto proprio. Varie pubblicazioni espandono sulle generazioni di Plutone in

    Coma Berenices, Bootes o Eridanus5. La generazione Bootes6 volle mostrare disprezzo

    verso quella di Coma7 Berenices, mostrandolo anche con una capigliatura alla militare.


    2 Vedi come introduzionePlanetocentric Astrology.

    3 Vedi lo zodiaco di Venere, quello mercuriale , nonch lo scientifico lunare. Le pubblicazioni sono

    disponibili in lingua inglese.

    4 La riformazione zodiacale essenzialmente avvenne in pochi minuti, ma per formularla occorsero anni.

    5 Eridano, il fiume Po celeste. Eridano finge anche da ascendente nell'epoca presente, uno dei 16.

    6 Quella punk; non duro' troppo.

    7 Coma significa appunto capigliatura.

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    L'evento dello zodiaco accademico8 avvenne verso il mezzo del mese d'agosto 2006.

    Precisamente un anno dopo, Palden Dorje indirizzo' il pianeta con l'entrata di Venere 9

    nella costellazione zodiacale d'Idra10. Il pianeta era pronto per la lunga meditazione del

    avatar, l'ottobre apocalittico del 2011 e l'entrata d'Urano in Cetus nell'anno 2012.


    La riformazione zodiacale influenzo' anche quella dell'ascendente. Oggi sapiamo quali

    ascendenti escono ad est e quali purtroppo no. Ariete non esce ad est in questo periodo. Il

    ci comporta che un ascendente arietino oggi non esiste affatto. La ragione sta nella legge

    della precessione. In breve, ecco gli ascendenti che non escono ad est.

    The ascendant set was measured at east. There are 16 ascendants rising at east for the present epoch. The

    ascendant set was of course measured for different epochs with the appropriate results published, as there

    are 88 ascendants in a precession cycle. At the present epoch, the following zodiacal constellations do not

    rise at east: Scutum11 , Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aries, Auriga12 , Gemini, Cancer,

    Crater13, Corvus and Libra.Taurus is rising at east for only five minutes in a daily cycle. In the next

    cycle, Venus will rise in Pegasus at east, thus announcing the new aeon.

    8 Per ragioni storico - geografiche anche stato denominato lozodiacone veneto.

    9 Vedi anche su 2002 AW197 in Idra.

    10 Hydra, la pi lunga costellazione zodiacale.

    11 Scutum e una delle 22 costellazioni zodiacali.

    12 Idem, vedi luna in Auriga, Moon in Auriga.

    13 Crater, Corvus e Sextans sono tre costellazioni zodiacali speciali a groppa di Hydra.

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    Klaudio Zic

    Copyright 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

    Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.

    This copyrighted material has been previously published as available fromhttp://www.lulu.com/astrology

    First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009, www.lulu.com/astrology. Copyright 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights

    Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, forcommercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author.



    Copyright 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://www.lulu.com/astrology


    The Academic Zodiac14 is a complete zodiacal system as based on astronomy, that

    includes all the possible challenges that our civilization is bound to meet at the end of the

    Age of Cetus III and through the Age of Pegasus. In other words, it has been written for

    the upcoming Age of Aquarius and beyond. The Academic Zodiac penetrates every facet

    of our civilization in an effort to encompass racial initiation. By strictly following the

    astronomic norms, it accounts for its biblical validity as much as being an upgrade of

    Brahma's incipient zodiacal work.

    14 As concern planet Earth, the Academic Zodiac forms a set of 22 IAU constellations.

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    A set of 88 constellations forms the complete ascendant set. Sets for every epoch have

    been measured and published, including the present set consisting of 16 eastern

    constellations. Today we know which constellations, zodiacal or not, are not rising at east

    for this epoch, as no one can e.g. point at east and say Aries is rising. Aries simply is

    not there. Enlisted as follows are the zodiacal constellations that are notrising at east for

    the current epoch.

    The ascendant set was measured at east. There are 16 ascendants rising at east for the present epoch. The

    ascendant set was of course measured for different epochs with the appropriate results published, as there

    are 88 ascendants in a precession cycle. At the present epoch, the following zodiacal constellations do not

    rise at east: Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Crater,

    Corvus and Libra.Taurus is rising at east for only five minutes in a daily cycle. In the next cycle,

    Venus will rise in Pegasus at east, thus announcing the new aeon.


    The first fully scientific zodiac in human history is three years old in August 2009.

    Traditionally, true mind is forgotten by the age of three in a human being, but that is notthe case with our zodiac; the Academic Zodiac being perfectly aligned with the event of

    Palden Dorje and the year 2012. What are the zodiacal news after three years of

    navigation? Three years is a long time that spawned 1500 zodiacal publications (sic) as

    covering every facet of the zodiac.


    In the course of zodiacal reformation, every planet received its own dedicated zodiac. We

    ventured into outer space in determining all local zodiacs for the solar system we are in.

    Planetocentric Astrology has become the state of art in horoscope analysis. The

    Academic Zodiac was tested through secondary angular direction, with additional

    delineation as added for the new dwarf planets and centaurs such as 2007 OR10 and 2007

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    JG43. The universal Cartesian house system has become the standard environment for any

    zodiacal analysis. Zodiacal design improved in defining zodiacal offset up to level six 15.


    What remains documented of the historical zodiacs? The M, P1, E, P2, G, N1, X and

    finally N2 zodiac were all documented and published, while others will remain

    experimental. The X zodiac remains the most documented zodiac in human history with

    more than 6 GB of material. It has been successfully sold for the first time as early as

    August 1st 2005 within an early publication dedicated to Eris.

    Klaudio Zic

    The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright 1995 - 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

    Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.This copyrighted material has been previously published as available fromhttp://www.lulu.com/astrology

    gioved 11 giugno 2009 19.04.42 CET DST Venezia, Italia

    15 There are namely two to six signs of zodiacal offset, when the real skies are compared to popular


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