SPM Trial 2009 Che (HLSel)

2009 SLJLlT 4541/1 Kimia Kcrtas 1 . : 1 ' ( ' r ' I . : ; ~ ' ; . l , ; , , ~ 1 1/. jam n.a.s..4t PtU lI.!U.1I IIl.U W*Af PEJABAT PELAJARAN DAERAH HULULANGAT PEPERIKSAAN PKRCUBAAN SIJIL PELAJARAN MALAYSIA 2009 KIMIA Kcrtas I Satu jam lima bclas minit .JANGAN BIJKA KERTAS SOALAN JNl SEHINGGA DlBERITAHU I. Katas so a/an ini ada/all da/am dwiha /wsa. 2. Soa/an di ba/zagian atas adal all da/am Bahasa Inggeris. Sou/all eli ba/wgian bawah ada/all yang sepudan cia/am Bahasa lvlelayu. 3. ea/on dikehendaki memhaca mak/umat cli /m/aman 2 . [Lihat scbclah Kcrtas soalan ini mcngandungi h"tlaman bcrcctak dan 2 halaman tidak bcrcctak. '-1541/1 2009 I-Iok C;pta Pcpbat Pelajaran Dacrah Iluiu Lan",,!, Selangor papercollection 

Transcript of SPM Trial 2009 Che (HLSel)

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Kcrtas 1

. : 1 ' ( ' r ' I . : ; ~ ' ; . l , ; , , ~11/. jam n.a.s..4t PtU lI.!U.1I D IIl.U W*Af







Kcrtas I

Satu jam lima bclas minit


I. Katas so a/an ini ada/all da/am dwiha/wsa.

2. Soa/an di ba/zagian atas adalall da/am Bahasa Inggeris. Sou/all eli

ba/wgian bawah ada/all yang sepudan cia/am Bahasa lvlelayu.

3. ea/on dikehendaki memhaca mak/umat cli /m/aman 2.

[Lihat scbclahKcrtas soalan ini mcngandungi h"tlaman bcrcctak

dan 2 halaman tidak bcrcctak.

'-1541/1 2009 I-Iok C;pta Pcpbat Pelajaran Dacrah Iluiu Lan",,!, Selangor


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SUl" l ' 2 454111


I. Kerlas soo/an in i mengandungi 50 s(Jalan.

2. .la-wah scmua .'loaIan.

3. JawuIJ dengal1 menghilamkan ruangan yang bellli pada kerlas/{]Wapaf/.

4. fiitamkan satu ruangan sahaja bag; seliap soalan

5. ,<"ekiranya (mda hendak menukarjawapan, padamkan londa yang teIah dihuat

Kemudion hilOmkanjmvapan }r'Wl;:, banI.

6. Rajah yOI1;:, mengiringi soalan tidak dilukis rnen;:,ikut skala keel/ali dinyatakan

7. Anda dihen(]rkan men;:,;:,unakan kalkulator saintifik yanK tidak boleh diprogrmn


1. This question paper consists 0/50 questions.

2. Answer all Ijllcstions.

3. Answer each question by blackenin;:, the correct space on the cms.vcr sheet

4. macken only one space/or each question.

5. [/you wish to change your annver, erase the blackened mark that y()U have mild!'

niCn hlacken the spaceft)]' the new onSWf:r

The diagrmlls in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless slated

7. You may usc a non-programnwhle scientific calculator.

4541/1 «:: 200'1 Hak c,;;[;, I ' c J 3 b ~ t I'clapmn Dacrah Iluiu L n n ~ a l . Scl,UlCor [f jhat sebclah]


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Which oCthe following substances can undergo sublimation when heated?

Amara hahan herikuf, yang manakah balch mengalami pemejalwapan apabilu


A Sulphur


B Iodine


~ : \ ; Glucose'-" '


D Sodium chloridc

Natrium klorida

2. Which ofthc following scientists and their contributions on the atomic theory is trw.;')

Amara berikul, yang manakah benar lcntang sa/ntis dan sumbangat1 lcrhar/ap leori


Scientist Atomic Theory

Smnli,\ Tcori Atom

A Neils Bohr Electrons move in shells around the nucleus

Fleklron hergerak di da/am pelala mengelilingi


B John Dalton Atom is a sphere of positive charge and

surrounded by elcerron

Atom ialah .vlera bereus po,\itijdan dike/dlngl

aleh eleklron

Ernest Rutherford Elements arc made up of tiny particles calkd


Unsur dibirw dar/pada zorah-zorah hal li S dikenali

D Joseph John Thomson Alpha particle is positively charged

Zarah alfa bereas jJo.l'iti[

4541/1 4) 2009 Ibk C'plo PCJub:., PduJaran Docrnh Iluiu Lan!"ut, Sdllngur [Lihat scbelah]



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SL:! IT 4 4541/l

:3 Diagram I shows the cooling curve of liquid X.

Rajah I menunjukkan lengkungpenyejukan bagi eecair X.Te:moeraturc/Jc

S u h ~ t Ie






Diagram 1

Rajah J

Which of [he following statements is [rut:

Am'ara pernyataan herikut. yang manakah benor

A Substance X exist as a liquid at t4


Bahan X wujud sebagai eceair pada l,;

.@ Substance X exists in the solid state at 1,1

Bahan X Hlujltd sebagai pcpeja/ pada 11

C The: melting point of substance X is 80°C

Takol lefmr bahan X ia/ah 8(fiC

D lleat is absorbed by the particles of X during the time interval t2 to t3

Hoba diserap oleh jirim-jirim X dalam jll/at masLi t2 kepada 13

4 Chcmical equation below represent of a reaction:

Persamaan kimia di bawah mewakili .\'ualu lindakhalas

4S<I 1/\ <D 20(),) !10k C'p,a Pcphal Pclapran [ ) a < f ~ , h Hull! I . a ~ g a t , Sclangor [Lihat sebelahJQI JI TT


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StJUT 4j411l

Value ora, b, C and d respectively

Nilai a, h, c dan d masing-masing ialah

A 2, 6, 3, 3

B 1,6,3,6

1, 9, 3, 3


5) Na ' ion and AI" ion havc same number of

f [Proton Number: Na 11, AI= 13]

JonNa' dan At!; mempunyai hilangan ycmg sarna

/Nombor Prolon' Na=ll, Al= 13/

A chargeJ

,, (


13 electron


@ neutron


0 proton I

' I


G ;\ small dU1l lunl of' iodine is placed into a [est tube and heated, Which statement

( ~ r L l e ' ! Sedikit Iwhlur iodin diletakkan ke dalam sehuah tabung uji dan dipanaskanPernyataan

manakah yang tit/uk benar?

A Thc distance between iodine particle increase

Jarak di antara zarah-zarah iodin berlamhah

H Purple colour vapour released

Gas herwarna ungu terbebas

c The density of iodine decreases

Kelllmpalan iodin semakin berkurcmgan

The force of attraction between the iodine panictc increases

[)aya tarikan di antara zarah-zarah iodin menjodi senwkin kuat

·1541/1 200') HJk Clpta Pquint Pdaja.-an Dactuh Hulu LUIIe;at. SclilngUf [Lihat scbclahl


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SUUT 6 tj)41/J

7 Which of the following is an electrolyte?

/!nfara yang herikul, yang manakoh merupakan elektrolit?

(9Silver nitrate solution

Lurutun argentum Ilitrat

13 Molten lead

Lebllran plumbum

C Pure ethanol


D glucose solution

Larutart g/ukosa -18 Which is thc correct half equation at t h C ( ~ ~ i n the extraction ofaluminiul1l from

\,-//aluminium oxide by electrolysis'?

Anturu selengllh persamaan yang herikU!, y(mg manakah hasi/ £Ii [Jnod datum

pengeksrraknn a/ummillm dori aluminium ok.\'iria dengan koeduh deklrolisis )

A AI'-!.--

c - - - - - ~ - - - _ Y AI

- . 11 A1 3' + 3c AI

/C) 20 2 _._-----::,....- O2 4cL/

D 0 2- ----;;... OJ -1- 2c

9 Propanoic acid is iJ weak acid because

ASld propanoik ada/ah asid ferrlah kPrana

i\ Aeid is an orgrmic acid

Adolah sejenis asid orgnnik

i3 Acid dissolves slightly in water

Asid me/and se/whagian da/am air

(. Acid is a weak conductor of electricity

/Isid ado/ah pengalir elektrik yang lemull

~ ) l Acid ionizes partially in water to produce a low concentration of hydrogen ions\ ___J

Asid mengiol1 separa da/am air menghasifkan kepekatan ian hidragen yang


4541! I (0200') Ibk ClI;LO PCJabat Pclapran Dacrah Iluiu Langal. Scla"gnr [I ,ihat scbclah ISl II IT


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10 Which of the following salts is insoluble in water?

Anlarn gornm heriku!, yang manakah tidal< lorot dalam air:)

/' Coppcr(lI) carbonate

Kupnml (If) karhona{

II Zinc sulphate

'Lmk sulfat

Jrf Lead(Il) chloride

Plumbum (ll) kloyida

IV Sodium cthanoatc

Nrllrium elanoat

I ' ' JW I and III only

} dan I I I sahaja

B [I and IV only

II dan 1V sahaja

C I, III and IV only

l, i f} dan TV sahaja

! ) I, l l, III and IV

f, fI , II I dan IV

11 Ammonia is converted to nitrogen monoxide in the presence of platinum at 900°C

through a proccs;; called

Ammonio dilu/wrkon kepada nifrogen nzonok;'ida dengan kehadiran platinum pada suhu

900°C mefa{u; proses yang dipanggil

Q Haber process

Proscs Ilabcr

I3 Ostwald process

Proses Ostlvald

C Conlact ProcessProses ",'('muh

D Saponification process

Proses Saponifikasi

4S41 !1 2009 llak C'pt" P",anat Pelapmn Dnemh I IlII" Lanr,ut, Sehmgor rLihat sebclah]


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SULJT 4 )'11 / l

l2 Which of the following statement is a characteristic of a catalyst?

Anlam pernyataan berikul, yang manakah ciri-cirl mangkin ?

(9 A catalyst will IOWLT the: activation energy ora reaction

Mrmgkin merendahkan fenago pengoktijon lindak halas

B I he physical state of a catalyst must be the same as the reactants,

Keadaanjizik mangkill adalah ,wnw dengan keadaan{izik bahan tim/uk hulas

C A catalyst may change chemically ancr n:adion

Mangkin holeh berubah seeara lumia selepos tindak bolas

D A catalyst is used in large amount only

/vfangkin digunakan harry'a da/am kuanliti yang besar

13 Diagram 2 shows an energy level diagram.

Rajah 2 w/oh gambol' rajah aros lenaga





Reaction path

Laham findakha/as

Diagram 2

Rajah 2

Which of the following is the activation energy')

An/oro yang beriklll, yang monakah lenoga pengaktifi:.m?

/\ m


c P

D q

lLihat scbelahJ


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SlJLlI 9 ·15-1111

14 Wh ich or the ro II owing is an unsaturated hydrocarbon?

/jnlara Jiang hcrikut, yang manakah hidrokor/Jon tok (cpu?

A Alkane


G /\.lkc!1e


( ' /\k;ohol

A Ikuhol

D Carhoxyl ic acid

Asic! karhoksilik

j 5 Which of' the following pair or general fOl'lllulw.; an d homulogue series is correct?

/If/(ura jJasangan Jbrrmda am dan siri homolog herikut, yang nJatiakah hetlll ?

Genenl} Formula Homologue series

Siri homologormula am

A AlkaneC"B 2n


B Alkene,,l12n!2

/llkena- ,

6 ) (',,11:>,,!101l Alcohol


Ester  Cnl hn+ 1


16 Which ol'the following is an oxidation process?

I1nlara yang henkut, yang manakah proses pengoksidaan:;

A Carbon dioxide loses oxygen

Karbon diuksida kehilangan oxygen

A nromine atom gains an electron

Satu atom bromin mellerlma saWelek(ron

c A chlorine molecule gains hydrogcn

Setu rnolekui klorin menerima hidrogen

J\ sodium atom loses an electron

Satu alom natrium kehilangan satu elck(ron

4541/1 20[)9 flak C.pta Pcjahat Pclapra;, Dacrah Hub l.al111al. Sela"eor lLihat sebelah]



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SULIT 10 454111

17" Bromine water

Air bromm

" Acidified potassium munganatc(VlI)

Kalium manganaf (Vll) berasid

.. Aciuiflcu potassium dichromate(VI)

Kalium dikrotnal (VI) berasid

Which of following is true abOllt th e substances?

Antara herikU!, yang manakah benar fenfang hahanbahan Icrsehuf ')

A Reducing agent

Agen penurzman

fj Oxidising agent

Agen penp;ok.sidaan

C Dehyuration agent

Agen pendehidrafan

D IIydration agent

Agen penghidrafan

1g \\ihm is lhe of (;xCJthcrmic reaction'?

Apukah tnoksud IIndak balas eksolermik?

A I Ieat is ahsorbedt;,(

Haba diserap

B The total energy ofthe reactants is more than th e total energy of the products

.fumlah ten(1ga bahan tindak bolas adalah lehih danjJadajumlah lenaga hasil

lindak holm

Ikat is rclea')cd

Ilaba dihebaskan

D The surrounding temperature decrease during the reaction

8uhu persekilaran menunm semasa (indak holasJ

4541/1 (I:) 20()9 Ilak C'pu, Pqi![)at l'c1apran Dacruh [lulu I,aneal, SciangOi [Lihat schclahJSULIT


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SUIJT 11 454111

/'..<--,CJ Which of following is true about the reaction and type of reaction?

Antarayang berikui, yang manalwh henar tentang tmdak halas danjems tindak balas)



D Rusting of iron lC

PengaT{'ftan hesi


Tindak balas

I Combustion of fuel

I P e m ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n hahan api

, Respiration


Decomposition of carbonate salts

Penguraian goram Iwrbonat

Type of Reaction

Jenis tindak balas

endotherm Ie






701)S . . d d' . ,treptomycm IS usc as a me IClnC to

.')'treptnmaisin digunakan dalam perubatan untuk

A relieve pain,x(

menguranglwn rasa sakit

reduce tension and anxiety.J

tr/!::ngllrcmgkan tekanan dan rasa cernas

C reduce fatigue


D treat intections caused by bacteria

mermvat jangkifan yang disebabkan oleh bakteria

21 Diagram 3 shows the atom symbols of four different clements

Rajah 3 menunjukkan empat simhol atom bagi unsur berlainan

'-J . J ? I


y >9z15

91/ .

Diagram 3

Rajah 3

454111 <0 20091lak Cipla Pejabat l'elajaran Daerah Buill Lang.t. Selangor [Lihat sebclah1


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\Vhich of the following pairs ofelcrnents have th e same number of valenee electrons in

their atoms'!

r . ~ . tara pasangan herikut, yang manakah mempunyai eleklrort valens yang ,I'oma)

W alld X


X an d Y

X dan Y

C Y and Z

Y dan Z

D Z and W

Zand W

22 Which of th e following gives the correct example of th e modern medicine?

Anwro yang henk111, yong monakah merupakan conloh yang betlll hagi uhat modcn:)

tviodcrn f£lcciicine Example

Uhat iV10den Conloh

A Antibiotics Paracctamol

AntihiOlik Paraselamol

B Analgesics Penicilin

Analgcsilc Penisilin

I\ntidepressant Amphetamine


f) Antipsychotics Codeine

Anflj)sikolik Kodeina

r23 Which of th e following is a llse of cobalt -00 isotope?

,1nlora yang berikul, yang manakah kegunaan isOIOp koba/t·6(P

Kill cancer cells

Membunuh sci-set kanser

n Getlerate electrical energy

Alenjana fenaga elektrik

Diagnose thyroid problems

lvfenge,wll penyakil tiroid

D Determine the age of th e fossil

.Menl'nl7lkon umur fosil

4541 II 4) 200') lIak C?ta Pc,abal PclaJaran Dacrah lIulu Lanc:lt, Sclangor [Lihat sebclahj<':1 II IT



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SlJUT 13 451111

24 Which of the /i.)l!owing represents the electron arrangement for the compound KCl 'J

Antara yang berikut, yang manalwh mewakili sU.l'unan eleklron hogi sebntian KCfJ

/ \


c j.


4 S4 1/1 1) 2009 Hak C'rta Pejabat 1'<:iajaran Dacron flulu I,aneat, Sciangor [Lihat scbclah j


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SlJLlT 14 45411J

o15 Diagram 4 shows a simple chemical cell.

Rafah 4 menufljukkun satu .I'd kirnia.

". I, '1'\


lron electrode ( l ~ - - · - _ c o p p e r electrodeElektrodferum

Elektrod kuprumfill =

\:...:::..:::...::.::...:::..:;...::..::':;;::1---- Electrolyte


Diagram 4

Rajah 4

Which (lIthe f()llowing substances in the cell will release electrons')

Antara hahan herikul, yang manaknh ukan membe/wskan elektron?

@ Iron


B Copper


C Hydroxide ions

[on hu/roksida

0 Copper ( II ) ions

[011 kuprufn ( [[ )



- f{

26 f) jagr l l l l l shows the electron arrangement of an ion formed from atom X,

Rafah 5 memil1fukkan susunan dektron haJ',i ion yong terhentuk daripada atom X.

Diagram 5

ROJah 5

Which ot"the following is true about atom X?

Antaru yang herikut, yang manakah belultentang atom x:)

454 1/ J {) 200') llak e'rL, P"Jabo, i 'cloprnn Dncrah 11"lu Langat, SeianG'" fLihat schelahl


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SULIT 15 4541/1

A Atom X has electron

Atom X menerima satu elektron


lWangan dektron hag! otom X ialah 8Electron arrangement of atom X is 2.7

Susunan elcktron atom X ialah 2.7

D X is an clement in Period 3 of the Periodic Table

X adalah unsur dari Kala 3 .!adual Berkala

What is empirical formula of 7, compound that contains 26.7% C, 2.2 % II, 71.) % 0'[

ApokahJormula empirik bagi sebatian Zyang mengandungi 26. 7%C, 2.2% fl , 71.1% ( ) ?

I Atomic Relative Mass: H = ] ,C =12, 0 =16]

fJisim Atorn Relatif' II 1, (>12, 0 = 16Ji./

: :

! .,

"Ar"" elBO


7: Zl. .



C2H4OI ,


D C2H20 '1

28 Table I shows {he nucleon number and proton number of two elements.The letters used

arc not the actual symbol ofthe elements.

Jadual1 menunjukkan nombor nukleon dan nombor proton dua unsurllurufyang

digunakarI bukan simbol sebenar unsur itu.

Atom number Proton number

Atom Nombor Pr%n._-_.

J 11 7 . I

M 17 1


Which of the following is tm e about J and M?

An/am yang berikut, yang manakah benar fenlang J don A1?

4541/1 :D 200'll lak Clpta Peplbat Pclapm,ll Dacrah llulu Langa!, Sclangor rLihat sebelahl


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SUUT 16 115,1 I / !

J\ Atomic si:w of J is larger than M

Saiz atom J lebih besar daripada M

n Both clements] and M arc metals JKedua-dua unsur.J dan ,II,{ adalah /ognm

Both clements] and M in the same group in the Periodic Table ofEJcmentsj

Kedua-dua unsur J dan M dalam kumpulan yon,!!. sarna do/am .!adual Berku/u


Elements J reacts with clement M to form a compound with the formula J/\'1?

Unsur J herlindak bolas dengan unsur M membentuk sehalicm denganformulo J\h

29 Table 2 shows the proton numbers of elements Q,R,T and U.

Jadua/ 2 menunjukkan nomhor proton I.lnSlJr-UnSllr Q, R T don lJ.

Element Proton number

Q /' 6 lI,

9 -"I16 ['


19 ')

Table 2


Which of the compounds has the highest melting roint ?

Antara sehatian berikut, yang manakah mempunyai takal lehuryang paling l inpy/)

A (uQT".

B QR,J (

/ f ,


D R2 L

4541/1 (1.) 2009 Hak Cipla P"jaba! PclaJa(an D . ~ r u h Hulu Laflgat, SelallgOi rLihat sebelah I


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---- - - -

Metal P -_·············_--+-+1

rogall7 P

Solution of P

SUUT 17 45:[ I ! I

30 Diagram 6 shows a voltaic cell

Rojah 6 menUlljukkClI1 seblloh sel volloil

- ~ t - - S o l t l t i o n of () sui


Diagram 6


\Vhieh of the following pairs or mctals produce the highest voltage'!

Al7lUru paS([lIgarl logulI! heriklll, yWlg l!wtwkoh ll!e'lgJwsilkutl vo/Wn terlinggi"J;--------- --_.

Mct:ll Q

~ _ ! : 2 f i ( l m P J!YfiE-'P1 QA




Mg eu

B Pb-- - - - .



D/- - - ~ - . ~ - - - - - -


] I Diagram 7 below shows the preparation or salt I.

Diagram 7 menllnjllkk(1!7 gormll Z

- - p r e C i P i t i l t ~ - - ~formed

" ~ ' f e l 1 d a k ( [ I 1 - - - - ~ • terbenlllk

Diagram 7

Rajoh 7

Salt Z is

Clarant ;;: ada/all

A copper (II) sulphate

kuprulIl (II) suI/Of

B zinc chloride

zink klorida

C barium nitrate

borillm nilrale

Residue of

sal t Z formed

iJak i gorum

;;: ferhenlllk

cry silver chloride

argentuIJI klorida

[Lihat sebelahJS! :


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32 Diagram 8 shows the body of the car is made of alloy T.

Rajah 8 menunjllkkan badan kereta yang chperbual doripw/o 010/ r

/\lloy T- - b - - - - · · . ~ ~ · · · AI0 I j '

What is alloy T? Diagram 8

RCljoh 8Apakah aloi T?

Q SteelKeluli

B Brass


C Bronze


D Duralul11 in


33 Diagram 9 shows the graph of volume of oxygen gas against time for decomposit inn

catalysed hydrogen peroxide.

/ Rojah 9 menunjukkan graf Is/padlt gas oksigen me/mvof] II/osa lin/11k pengllroion

hidrogen peroksida bermangkill

Volume of oxygen/dm}

lsipodu oksigen / dm;


1/ rime/min  T T.;L .'.,.

Afuso/rn in

Diagram 9

Rojoh 9

iT ,

4541/ J 2009 llak C.pra Pel"ba! l 'clapran Dacrah Ilu1u Lango!. Sclaneor fJ jlmt sebelJh Ic' r 11 t'


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SUI,IT 19 454111

Which of the following statement is true?

Antara penyataan berikut, yang manakah benar?

. Ct)· .. , .. 3 -1! \ Rate ofrCaC!lorot lme [2 IS VI j 12 dm m i n .

Kadar tindok balas pada masa T2 ialall VI / '1'2 dm]min':_

Ratc of reaction is maximum at time T.. /, /

Kadur findukbalas aduluh maksi(fla pada masa 1'4.

c Ratc of reaction decrease with time.

Kadar findak balas berkurangan dengan masa

D Rate of reaction is zero at time T • /

' /

Kadar tindak balas ialah sifur pac/a rnusu T/

34 An experiment is carried Ollt to study the rate of reaction bct\vccn marble chips in excess

of hydrochloric acid using different volumes and concentrations to produce carboll

dioxide gas.

Saru eksperimen telah dijalankan untuk mengkaji kadar tindak halos di untara kelUlat1

marm{Jr dalam asid hidroklorik berlebihan menggllnakan isipadu dan kepekaran yang

berlainan unfuk menghasilkan gas karhon cliaksida.

Experiment I lydrochloric acid

Ek.lperimen /lsid hidroklorik

o 0 / ) rT

454 1/1 © 2009 lluk C'pla ['''Jabal P.:Iaj,,,an OtlC'U" Hulu Laneat, Selall!luf [Lihat scbelah1


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SULIT 7.0 45·11/1

Which of the t()l\owing graphs describes the above experiments?

Antara grafherikut, yang manakah menerangkon tentang ebperimen di alas?

A Volume of earbon dioxidclem)

Isipadu gas karbon dioksida /ern'


- - . ~ - - - - - ~ ~ - - . - . - - - " - y


GVolume of carbon dioxide/em)

Isipadu gas karbon dioksida fern)





Volume of carbon dioxide/em}

lsipadu gas karbon dioksida /emJ




D Volume of carbon dioxide/em3

Isipadu gus kurbon dioksida femJ



454] II 02009 Hak Clpta I'cpbat PelajarJfl DOOlan J lulu Lan!'al, Selangor [Lihat sebdahJ


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SLJLJT 21 4541/1

Vi Diagram 10 shows the structural formula of carbon compound.

Rajah 10 menunjukkan struktur bagi suatu sehatian karbon,/ . ~ - ~ - ' . ~ " - ~ ' "


oIIC-O-\CH- CH, '. . 2 3


Diagram 10

Rajah 10

The compound is produced by the reaction hetween

&I i

))hatian ini terhasil danjmda tindak balas antarar

r( -.

ethanol and propan'oic acid

etano! dengan asid propanoik

B ethanol and butanoic acid

elanol dengan aSld blltanoik

C propanol and ethanoie acid

propanol dengan asid etanoik

D butanol and cthanoic acid

hutanol dengan asid etanoik

36 Diagram I I shows a voltaic cell.

Rajah 11 menunjllkk(Jr/ set va/tan.



t I



Copper (11) sulphate

Kuprwn (11) sulfatDiagram II

. ~ ( J A JRajah J1 -t

454111 2009110k Cipta Pephat l'elajaran Daerah Hultl 1.ane"t, Scloneor (Lihat scbclahJ


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SULIT 22 4541/1

Whieh of the following statement are true'?

Amara peryataan berikul , yang manakah ada/ah benar?

Oxidation occurs at zinc electrode

P e n g u k ~ i d a a n berlaku di elektrod zink

Reduction occurs at copper electrode

Penurunan berlaku di elektrod kuprum

Jf( Electrons flow from the zinc electrode to copper electrode

Electron mengalir daripada elektrod zink kepada elekfrud kuprum

IV The intensity of the blue colour of copper (1I) sulphate solution increases

Keamatan warna biru kuprum (II) sulfat meningkat

Q I, II and III only

B I, II and IV only

C I and IV only

D I, II, III and TV

®ThC manufaetu,e of sulphu"c acid in the Contact Pmec," iovolves in ,I" following steps.

Penghasilan asid sul{urik da/am Proses Sentuh melibat/wn lal1gkah-langkah herikut.


Which of the f ( ~ o w i n g shows the correct sequence of changes in oxidation numher of


Antara yang berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan urutan yang betul bagi pcrubahan

nombor pengoksidaan hagi sulfur?

r;;:; O------P + 2 ~ - - - - - - v - + 3 -------I> +4

13 0 ----v +2 ---i; ' +6 +6

D o -Y +4 ----Y +6 --y . +8

4541/1 10 2009 link Cip!a Pcjabat Pelajarun DHerah Hulu I.angat, Selangor lLihat scbelahJ,Ill IT


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SUIXI 23 ([541/l


38 Diagram 12 shmvs the set-up of the apparatus lIsed to electroplate an iron Spoon \vilh copper.

Rajah /2 menunjukketn slIsunan radas yang digunakcln IIl1luk menyadur slidu besi del/gun


Copper foil

Kepingon k1tprlllJlron spoon

Sudu /Jesi

Copper (II) sulphate solution

Larll/elf! kuprwn (11; sulfa/

Diagram 12


What is observed at the anode and cathode after 30 minutes'!

30 minif?pokah yang diperhalikun eli dUl l di ku/od

Anode Cathode


foi I becomes th ickcr . /

kllprum menjadi lebol

deposits formed

Enapan perang lerhenluk

Gas bubbles re leased

Ge/ernhung gas ter/Jebas

bubbles released 

Gelemhung gas terhe/ws

deposits formed

perang lerbentllk

deposits ti:mned

Enapan perang lerbelltuk

Copper foil becomes thinner V

Kepingwl kuprllm menjadi nipis

4541/1 2009 flak e'rl:. PCpbCll Pcbjnl:!n Doerch Iluiu Lln£lJt. S c l 3 n ~ u r [Lihat sene-Iah I



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SlJLlT 24 'l54 J IJ

3LJ The following equation shows the combustion of heptane, e ll C(" in excess oxygen.

Persamaan lindak bolas berikul memmjlJkkan pembokaran heplana, C;H1( " dolom

oksigell berfcbihan.

/} f \ ~ C d 1I

C 71I16 + J I O 2 .. - - - i > - 7CO 2 + 8l-hO , 1.'1.11 = -5512 kJ moll

The comhustion of heptane in excess oxygen releases J 378 kJ of energy.

What is thc mass of heptane used? IRelative atomic mass: II J ,C ~ - 1 2 1 . Pcmhakaran heptana dalam oksigen herlebihan membe/Joskan 1 378 kJ leno/!,o Iw/w

IJerapakahjisinl heplana yang digunakan? [Ji.l'im atom relmivp..· /1= f, C=, J21

(:::/\1' v /.41/

0 ,...-125.0 g' - . /


13 36.0 g

C 77.0 g ( " ~ 1 2 .-c_ _ _ _ "",·

D 88.0 g.i

M:::IJ,l.S40 The ionic formulae of clements X and Yare as follows:

Formula ion hagi unsur X dan Y ndal(]h seperli beriklll.·



Sehalian yang lcrben/uk daripada tindak halas anlara ion zmsur X dan ion UfiS/lr Y

The compound is fonned from the reaction of ions of clements X and Y has thc formula

ionic equatioDsreprcsents the reactions'?' ,-,"-", __ •• _ .. ____ , d-

mempunyaiformula X2YJ. Anlara persamaan ion berikul yang manakah mewakili linri(lk

balas ilu?

! \X 3 ; + y2 - ~ - . ~ X2Y]


- ~ - - - - ~ ~ 2X 3Y X2Y,

19/ 2XI! + 3 y 2 ~ - X2Y)1-

n 3XH + 2 y 2 ~ X2Y3

[Lihat scbelahJ

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SUUT 25 4541/1

4\ What is the volume of distilled water that should be added to 25.0 cmJ

of 0.5 mol drnJ

sulpburic acid to produce a solution of 0.1 mol dm-J


Apakah isipadu air suling yang perlu ditambahkan kepada 25.0 em) 0.5 mol dm.! asid

suljim'k unlu.k menghasilkan larutan dengan kepek.alan 0.1 mol dm- l?

A 75.0 em]

B 100 cm}


150.0 cm3

/ ~ I

42)Diagrarn 13 shows the graph of volume of oxygen gas released against time for theI ;

(_ / decomposition of potassium chlorate (V).

Rajah 13 menunjukkan graf isi padu gas o k ~ i g e n terhebas meirrwan masa bagi

penguraian kalium klorat (V).

Volume of oxygen/em3

Isipadu oksigenlem3


~ ~ ~ ~ - - i j ; , . -/



Diagram 13

Rajah 13I

Which of the following can be deduced from the graph?

Amara yang berikut • yang manakah dapat disimpulkan daripada graf)

The rate of gas released at time t2 is the highest

Kadar pembebasan gas pada t2 adalah paling linggi.

II The decomposition of potassium chlorate(V) reduces with time.

Penguraian kalium klorat {11 berkurang dengan masa.

The average rate of gas released for overall reaction is Viti em 3S-I

Kadar purata pembebasan gas keseluruhan ialah VI!1 em3 .'1-1

IV The rate of gas released at time is V/t2 emJ


Kadar pembebasan gas pada masa I ] ialah Vlt] cm3


4541/1 02009 Ilak Cipill Pcjabat PeI.jaran Dacrah !lulu Langnt. Sel!lI1gor [Lihat sebclahJ,


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SULIT 26 4'i41/1

A I and II only ';/

I dan II sahaja

R II and fI I only

II dan 111 sahaja, , , / ' \

#C 1 I, II nnd II I only

I, II dan 1fJ sahaja

D T, II, III and IV

I, II, III dan IV

43 The infonnation below shows the results of an experiment to determine the heat change

for the combustion of ethene.

Makilimal berikul menunjllkkan keplilusan bagi salll ehpcrimen untuk menenlllkllrl

perubahan habo bagi pembakaran elena.

Mass of cthcnc 0.35 g(

Jisim elena

IV O ~ l l C of water

Isipadu air

Initial temperature ofwatcr

Suhu awal air

Highest temperature of water

Suhu maksimum air

/hat is the hcat of combustion of cthcnc?

Berapakah haba pembakaran elena?

Fe { -- V')I /10.5 kJ.1:' V . /


R 2 \.0 kJ

C 168.0 kJ

D 840.0 kJ

4541/1 <D 2009 113k Clpla PCJabal Pelajaran Dae."h Iluiu Langal, Sdangor [Lihat scbclah1


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SULIT 27 11541/1

44 The equation represents the action of heat on calcium carbonate, CaCO].

Persamaan mewakili tindakan haba ke atas kalsium karbonal, ('aeo].

CaO + CO2

If0.2 mole of calcium carbonate is heated until no further change, what is the mass or

calcium oxide, CaO produced? [ Relative atomic mass:C 12, 0 = 16, Ca = 40 J

Jika 0.2 mol ka/shlnl karbonal dipanaskan sehingga rioda peruhahan, herapakahjlsim

kalsium oks ida, CaO yang terhasil? rJisim atom relati{C 12, 0 '" 16, Co "" 401

6,1 V A 5.6 g

U>/\ i1.2 g

C 16.8 g

D 22Ag

45 Diaf,,'Tam 14 shows the set-up of apparatus for a double decomposition reaction.

Rajah 14 menunjukkan suszman radas bagi tindakbalas penguraian ganda dlla " t )I j·)fJ£1 f.J! 7


LII f.)O'1; -{ /JC' z5 fJy -7 CVii0't ./

Calcium nitrate solution /

. I"( 'L Il,arutan kaisium nilrat c . i

Calcium sulphate

· : : : : : ~ 7 " : . d k a I S i U m sulfat./,*.:-L J



-::7>------ i i .>~ ' / I l' ~

Ocm 3 of O.2mol dm') ,. 1 ; If J"7:L-l- ~ o d i u m nitmt solutionsodium sulphate S O l u t i o ~ ~ J.arutan natrium mtrat


larUlan natriumsulfa{ 0.2 mol dm']

Diagram 14

Rajah 14

Which of the following statements arc true for the reaction above?

Antara pernyataan berikul, yang manakah benar bagi tindakbul(ls di alas?

[relative molecular mass C a S O ~ 136, Avogadro constant 6.02 x 1023

mn!,l ]

rJisim molekul relati/CaSOq 136, pema/ar Avogadro 6.0.? x 10 23mo [ l ,

454111 <02009 Hak Cipta PCJdbat Pdajaran D.crait Bulu Langa!, SClafl!;Or [Lihat scbclah]


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SULIT 23 4541!l

A 0.68 g calcium sulphate arc produced.

068 g kalsium SUlftll lerhasil.

GJ 0.02 mol sodium nitrate arc produc.ed.

0.02 mol natrium nitral terhasil

C 0.10 mol calcium nitrate arc used.

O. f amol kalsium nitrot dit,-rtmakan.

o 0.01 x 6.02 x 1023

sodium ions, Na+ arc used.

0,0 f x 6,02 x f 023 ion nmrium , Na! dig-unakan

46 Number 08 that contain 3'6 g o f : ~ ~ t r C : s equal to

Nombor atom yang mengandungi 36 g air adalah sama dengan

l Relative atomic mass: H= 1, C= 12, S= 32, 0= 16 ]

I Jisim alOm relalJ'(' H=1 , C= f2, 5'= 32,0= J6}

A 4 g hydrogen gas, H2.....-

r: /, . , ~ .

4 g gas hidrogen , 112

B 64 g oxygen gas, O2

I I( i ;' r


64 g gas oksigen, 02!.; I : i

C 64 g sulphur dioxide gas, SO]64 g gas sulfur dioksida./·;,(J2


88 g carbon dioxide gas, CO2

88 g gas karbon dioksida, C(h

47 Astatine is placed below iodine in Group 17 of the Periodic Table. This shows that

Astalin terletak di bawah iodin dalam Kumpulan f dalam Jadual 13erkala Unsur

in i menunjukkan bahawa

A astat ine is more reactive than iodine.

astatin lebih reaktifberbanding iodin

B astatine can displaced iodine from a solution of iodide ions,

a ~ t a t i n holeh menyesarkan iodin daripada larutan ion iodida,

astatine is more electronegative than iodine

astatin lebih elektronegatij'daripada iodin

astatine has a higher density than iodine

astatin lebih tumpat berbanding iodin.

4541/1 10 2009 Hak Cipta Pcjabat l'elaJarlln Dacrah !lulu Langat, Se!angor lLihat sebe!nhl



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SULlT 29 454111

r; C (; ii.

48 What is the concentration of the solution produced when 25 cm' 01'0.50 mol dm')

sulphuric acid is added to 25 cmJ

of I mol dm'] sulphuric acid?

Berapakah kepekatan larulan yang lerhasil daripada campuran 25 em} larulan asid

sulfitrik 0.5 mol dm'3 dengan 25 c,,/ larlltan asid sulfurik 1 mol dm'3 ?

(; ,i), ./

' ~ L r'7


0.0475 mol dm')

I3 0.475 mol dm'}

C 0.75 mol dm-3

D 0.90 mol dm"

49 When clay is heated with magnesim oxide, it produces a type of substance with very high

resistance to heal. This type of substance is used to make

Apabi/a tanah fiat dipanaskan bersama magnesium oksida, lerhasil sejenis bahor! yang

talum haba yang sangot tinggi ]Johon in! digunokrIn un/uk

; \ perovskite


B photochromic glass


conducting glass

kaca kondllktor

car engine block

hlok in/in kercta

4541/ J 02009 llak Cipta PCJubat Pclapran Dacrah !lulu !.angat, Sc!angor [Lihat sebelah]


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30 11541/1

50 Diagram 15 shows three iron nails which arc wrapped with mctals P, 0 and R and placed

in hot agar solution containing potassium hcxacyanofcrratc (Ill) solution.

RaJah 15 memmjukkan tiga paku yang dibalut clengan togam P, Q dan R dan dimusukkllil

ke dalam larulan agar-agar panas mengandungi larulan kalium heksasianoferat (111)

Iron +- P Iron + Q Iron -t R

Besi + P Besi + Q fksi + R

Diagram 15

Rajah 15

After two days, the results obtained are shown in the tabiL: below.

S'elepas dua hari, keputllsan yang diperofehi dilunjukkan di dolam jaduo/ dihaH'ah.

Arrange in decreasing order metals P, 0 and R bascd on the clcctropositivity of thc


Susunkan secara menurun logam P, Q dan R berdasarkan keelektropositiji:Jn logam.

A Q,R,P rR P,R,Q


.0, £1, R

D R, P, 0



454 J/I <D 20()') Hak C,pUl Pcjabat PeI"Jaran Dacrah !lulu Langal, SCiaJIgLH [Lihat scbclah]~ I a IT


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4541/ 2 Nama: ............ . Angka Giliran : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Kertas 2 Kelas : .............. \ ............... .


- ' - Y n · y 1 ; ~ ; ' N , - - c . J i ' E J . . I J > A l f t l J , J u . , u , : C A f R A l l i ! ! J l i j ~ J






Kcrtas 2

Dua jam tiga pUlllh minit


Tutlskat! nama, kelas dan angka gilirall unduKod Pemeriks(I

pC/da ruung([11 yang disediafwn.

Kerlas ::;oa/Ull ilJi adalah dalnl11 dwibailasCl.

3. Sew/an di halaman kiri adalall dalam Bahasa

SOli/an di halamal/ kanan ada/ah da/wil Bahasa Inggeris.

4. Calon dibellurkan menjmvab keselllruhall aUnt

.1'0[[1011 soma ada dolam bahaso

Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumal eli

ha/amall 2 atau halaman 3.








Kcrtas smdan midan

4541/2 2009 Ilak erTlla 1 \ ~ I ; l b c l Pclaja,an D:Jcr:Jh Hulu Ulflg:tt Se!;lngor [Lihat scbclah I


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SULlT :2


1. Kerlas soa/an ini mengandungi liga bahagian: Bahagian A, Bahagian B dan Bahagian C.

2. Jawab serouR soa/an da/am Uahagian A. Tillis jawapan bagi Bahagian A cia/am wang

Yang disediakan dalam kerlas :walan.

3. Jawab ."lulu s(wlan daripada Bahagian B dan sotu sua Ian daripad(/ Ballagiatr C.

Tuliskan jawapan bagi Bahagian B dan Bahagian C pada halaman bergaris di bahagian

akhir kertas .<;Galan ini. Jawab Bahagian B dan Bahagian C dengan terperinci. Am/a bo/eh

menggunakan persamaan, gambar rajah,jadua/. grafdan cara lain yang sesuai untuk

menjelaskanjawapan anda.

4. Tunjukkan kerja mengira, in i membantu anda mendapatlwn markah.

5. Sekiranya anda hendak membalalkan seslIalujawapan, buat garisan eli atasjawapan flu.

6. Rajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukis mengikul skala keeuali dinyatakan.

7. Markah yang diperulltukkan bagi 8ctiap soalan atau ceraian s(w/an dilunjukkan dalam


8. Masa yang dicadangkan untuk menjawab Bahagian A fa/ah 90 minil, Bahagian B fa/ah30 minit dan Hahagian C ialah 30 minil.

9. Anda dibenarkan meng},'1lnakan kalku/ator saintifik yang tidak bo/eh diprogramkan.

10. Serahkan semI/a kertas jawapan anda di akhir peperiksaan.

4541/2 2009l1ak Cipta Pcjahat Pelajardn Dacrdh !lull> Langal Sclangor fLihat schclah


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Sl:LlT :;


I. This question paper consists 0/three sections: Section A, Section H and Section C.

2. Answer all questions in Section A. Write your answers/or Section A in the space:,'

provided in the question paper.

3. An.nver one question/rom Section B and one question/rom Sedion C. Write your answers

for Section B and Section C in the lined pages althe end o/the queslion paper. An.vwcr

questions in Section B and Section C in detail. You may u:.e equation.v, diagrams, tables,

graphs aud any olher SUi/able method to explain your amwer.

4. 5'how your working in calculations, it may help you to get mario'.

5. IIyou wish to cancel any answer, neatly cros.\' out the answer.

6. The diagrams in the questions are nol drawn to scale unless slaled.

7. Marks a/locatedjor each question orparls there 0/are shown in brackets.

S. The time suggested to complete Section A is 90 minutes. Section B is 30 minutes and

Section C is 30 minutes.

9. YOIl may lise a non-programmable scientific calculalOr.

to. !land in all your answer sheets at the end o/the examination.

454112 "2009 Hale Cipta Pcjabat Pclajaran Dacrah Iluiu Langal Sclangor (Uhat schclab



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Section A

Ba/wgiall A

[60 marks]


Answer all questions in this section.

Jawab semlla solan da/am bahagian Inl.

!. Table 1 shows the electron arrangement of elements X and Y.

Jadual j menllnjllkkan susunal1 elektrol1 bagi unslir X dan Y.

- " ~ - " - - - - ---y_.._.__ .._._._-_._ ._--_ ._-- ,

Element Electron A.'rangement

Unsur SllSlll1an elektron

X 24

Y 2.X.l



(a) What is the proton number of clement X?

Apakah 110mbor protol1 bagi unsur

........... ............... .................... .

(l mark]

(b) (i) X is an isotope of an clement. What is meant by isotope?

X merllpakal1 isotop bagi sCllu 11I1Sur. Apakah yang dimakslIdkan dengan isolop?

.. h . q ~ r ... .. o t h ~ .. !C1.\'I:1.f ... { ! ~ ~ ~ . ~ f .....\ I " h ' . ~ h . J ~ t l e .. M . t f . v . e . ~ t ... / I ~ ~ t { ~ I ' l .. n ~ m k Y J l t ) ~ ....IlHn( pntl'ofl ! M 1 I 1 ~ . £ r · [1 mark]

(ii) X consists of several isotopes. Give an example.

X terdiri daripada beberapa isotop. Berika}1 satl! contoh.

....... , ...... ( ~ . ~ . ~ a ( l .... ................. , ............... , .................................... , .

[I mark]

(c) (i) Atom of clement Y has a nucleon number of 2.3. Calculate the number of neutrons in

atom Y.

Atom ul1sur Y mempunyai nombor nuk/eon 23. Hitung/mn bi/(/ngan nelltron bagi alom y,

h, .

[1 mark]

454112 e, 2009 Hak Cipta PC.I"bal Pebiaran Daerah Hlliu Llngal Selangor [Lihat scbclah


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(ii) Write the standard representation of atom Y.

Tuliskan simbol atom unsur Y.

.......Y. ....::.................................................................................... "..

[1 mark]

(iii) What is the physical state of ethanol at room temperature?

Apakah keadaan jizik etanol pada suhu bilik?

". JI4/.1Jd................. ......................................................... [1 mark]

(d) Ethanol is an organic compound. Its melting point is -117°C and its hoiling point is 78 uC .

Etanol lalah satu sebatian organik dengan takat lebur 117 tJC dan taka! didih 78 v('.

(ii) Draw the arrangement of particles of ethanol at 100°C.

Lukiskan susunan zarah elanol pada 100°(' .


0 r','-..J C)

[1 mark]

(iii) Stale how the movement of ethanol particles changes when heated from room

temperature to 100°C.

Nyatakan bagaimana pergerakan zarah-zarah etano/ berubah apabila dipanaskan dari

suhu hi/ik ke 100 0c.

., .. ~ ! ~ y ~ ... t { l l ~ . d m ...' . ~ .................................... , .................................. '.... , [J mark]

454112 (:) 2009 lIak Cipta I'ejaba! Pclajamn Daerdh !!u!u L a n ~ a ! Selangor lLihat schclah



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(iv) Sketch the graph of temperature against time when ethanol is heat cd from roomtemperature to 100 nC.

Lakarkan graJsulm melawan masa apabila etanol dipanoska/1 daripada slIhll hilik

ke JOO °c




~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ [2 marks!


2. Diagram 2.1 shows a packet of chilli sauce.

Uajah 2. J menulljllkkan sa/II pakel sos cili.

Ingredients:Bahan kandllngan :

Sugar, chillies, vinegar, salt, modi fled starch

61ft/a, cili, ellka, garam , kallji yang dillbahslI(li

DIAGRAM 2.1RlIjulr 2.1

According to the information given, answer the following questions.

Berdasarkal1 maklumat yang diberi, jawab .malar! berikut.

(a) (i) Namc one food additive used in the ehilli sauce,

Namakan saW bahan tambah makanan yang digunakan da/am .lOS cili,


,. ,r! . e J . ( ~ ( 1 , { ! ~ ~ .., ... . ' .. " .... ' .. , , , .. , .. , .... , .' .. , ....... ,. , , .. ' . , .... , . , . , ' ... ' . , . , , ..(I markJ

454111. t;. 20(19 Ilak Cipta I'cjabul (,cla,jaran {}.u:rah flulu L1ngal Sclangor !Lih:tt schcluh~ I I l . l T


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~ L L l T 7

(ii) Which ingredient is a flavouring agent ?Yang manakah bahan kandungan adalah agen perisa?

..... v.ln ~ 1 0 r . :............................................................................... . II markJ

(iii) Why is the modified starch used in the chilli sauce?

Mengapakah kanji diuhahsuai digunakan dalam .'lOS cUi ?

....),0... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J ... f.h. ... fr!} .. f : y . ~ ....~ ~ . I ~ A ~ . ~ J ~ .0.:.. t< .............................. .. [1 mark]

(b) Table 2 shows three types of modern medicine.

ladua/2 memmjukkan liga jenis ubat moden.

Type of medicine

.Jellis ubat





psychotherapeutic medicine



(i) Aspirin and paraeetamol are the examples of analgesics. Aspirin is not suitable to be

given to children. Give one reason.

Aspirin dan paracetamol adalah conloh ~ / b a l analgesik. Aspirin tidak sesuai diherikall

kepada kanak-kanak. Rerikan salu sebab

. .} ~ ~ ~ ~ J ! '

...iJ..~ . ~ ~ !

...~ ~ . ~ ! p

'". ' t L 1 t : ' : ~ ~ 0 ~

.. }!! . l . 4 ! ~ . 1

.. }t ... .~ ~ . l .

..~ h j . ) . d ......................

.. -( II markJ

(ii) A patient is treated with antibiotics must complete all the supply given by the doctor In

order to make sure that all the bacteria arc killed.

Seorang pesakit yang dirawat meng?,Unakan uhat antihiotik perlu menghahiskan semua

hekalan uhat yang diheri oleh doklor untuk memastikan semua bakteria lelah dihunuh.

What will happcn ifnot all the bacteria arc killed?

Apakah yang akan berlaku sekiranya adak semUQ bacteria dibunuh?

.. .1b.f<. J t1d.c ~ 1 0 . .....Vll.dJ. . l ~ ~ . 1 f 1 . ~ . ~ .... . :.; . . . . . ,............... \'. : ... . >

[I mark]

,154112 C 2009 1,lak Cip!H rejabat Pelajaran [)'dcmh !luiu bog"! Sdangor [Lihat scbclah



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(iii) Barbituratc is one example of psychotherapeutic medicine.

What is the side effect of this medicine?

BarbilUrat ada/all satu i/aripacia COl1lOh uhat psikoterojJu{ik

Apakah kesan sampingan dnripada pengambi/o/l ubat ilJi?

~ V / . i I Y l wdl l.tl5 SiII\1I.1IVlfol· .J., ., . . . . . , ......................... "., ......   ..... . " .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. ,.

(1 mark]

(c) Diagram 2.2 shows tw o structural fonnulae of cleaning agents.

Rajah 2.2 menunjukkal1 dua/ormula slrukiur bagi agen pencue/an,

Cleaning agent A Cleaning agent B

Agen pef/cuei A lIgen pencuci H


Rajah 2.2

(i) What type of cleaning agent is substance B?

Apaka/zjenis agen pencllci bagi bahan IF

· · ~ · r · : · · · · · , · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · [1 mark]

Oi) Which cleaning agcnt is more effective in acidic water 'J

Agen pellcud yang manakah lcbill herkesan da/am air herasid '!

( ,....., ., .. .' , c r f a w n ~ .. ,~ 1 ~ h f . . :11-. ,' . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , .... .

[J mark]

(iii) Vxrlain brielly why the cleaning agent slated in c (ii) is more effective in acidic water.

TerangkarI mengapa agen pcncuci yang dinyma/wn eli c (ii) I('hi h herkeson dalam air


[2 marks]


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3. Diagram 3 shows the apparatus set-up of a Daniell Cell.

Gambarajah J menunjukkan susunan radas bagi sci Daniel

----(j) -[

11 Yl.{\ , '111 I :r

\' i, 11 [ ;, (.,,) I: ; :i'l - (

Zinc electrode Copper 61ectrode

_ . Elektrod Zink. ~ l . - : :_. Uektrod kuprum

, I h 1 Porous potZmc su p at e so ullon -_- - -.. / - - - - PaSlI berlzan9,

Larutan zmk sulfat : = : - _ ~ : - .:- - - - - -_ .

Coppcr(fl) su,phate solutIOn

/,(lrutCi/1 kuprum(lf) sul/ell


Rajah 3

(a) (i) State the direction of the electron flow ill the cell.

Nyatakan arah aUran elektron yang herlaku da/am se l tersebut.

[1 mark1

(ii) Explain your answer in (a) (i),

.leiaskan ja>vapan anda di 1(a) (i).

h ( ~ 0 . J , ~ , .. ,7 . t ~ ~ " . , ~ I J " . t ! 1 P . r. t , ~ ~ ! t t D , f O d i h v f '" ~ f A , n..t ~ c . P R ~ ~ . : , . I ~ .. A ~ , . ,el ~ , ~ f ' ? 0 ~ f ! 1 . · I , ~ ~ / miIJ . Th(V(ivtl( VIl-H ...;ilt IHi (.(J flcgMI'J( tlYfI1 l')Pi1 in tl,{ (ell· [1 :nark]

(b) Why is the porous [lot used in the cell?

Nlengapakan set ini menggunakan pas!I herliallg?

...J.d ...MJ..., JL ,r1H.. j r i . ~ . { : , ........ ........._.,... ,' .._. "., ... ,...,.... ,., ......... '..,... ,',., ...... ,. [1 mark]

(c) (i) State the change in colour or copper (II) sulphate solution'!

Nyatakan perubahan vvarna yang fjer/aku pada larutew kuprmn (fJ) suijLa?

.... K ~ m k t w ..... ~ . n k h ~ . ~ . 1 . ~ .:..... ......."' ..... ,.,. "." .. ,., .......,... ,..."......,.,. "' ..,.. ,,','.""'" [I mark]

(ii) Explain your answer in 1 (c) (i)

.lelaskan jawapan anda eli 1(c) (i)

. , ~ W l ( t 1 H " , ... th.ll"., , v . m ~ . ~ j ~ , 1 . Q r .. ,1)1:. .. J{lfP.tY. . ~ J l . ) ~ . I , p h ,1:1,re.., ) . 6 1 . V I . t i ~ J ' (iM am

v \ ~ v ~ ~ n r a l x.. [I mark]

:54112 © 2009 Hak C'pta I'cjabat Pelajaran Dacrah lIulu Langa! Sdangor [Lihat schelah



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(iii) Write a half equation for the reaction at the copper electrode.

Tuliskan persamaan setengah yang berlaku pada eleklrod kuprum .

.............. ........ . f e . ~ .. .f..?f.. .:-::-?!e.......... ..................................................................... ..

[I m ~ ; r k l

(d) (i ) State one observation at the zine electrode.

Nyatakan sattt pemerhatian pada elektrod zink.

............1' ...... ~ k H w . J( .... : ~ ; ! ! .... h . < ~ . ~ . f ....# ! l ! l ~ . e . r . : .. [1 mark]

(ii) Write a half equation for the reaction at the zinc electrode.

Tuliskan persamaan setengah yang berlaku pada elektrod zink.

In -7 Ihli Z'-,, ....... .. , .................... ,

..... .......... , ...... ................... , ....... ..... , ..... ............. ... , ..... .... . , ... "...

~ ~ ~ '

[1 markl

(e) Your friend, Ali said that it would be better to use magnesium ribbon in magnesium sulphate

solution instead of zink plate in zinc sulphate solution.

State whether you agree with him and explain why.

Rakan anda, Ali menyatakan bahawan lebih baik menggunakan pita magnesium dalam

magnesium sulfat daripada kepingan zink dalam zink sulfat. Nyatakan sarna ada anda

bersetuju dengannya dan terangkan mengapa.


... ..{.. p ' « « ~ J . e . .... . 1 ~ ~ ' I . f ( } ~ i rlOn ..... 0 f....M?6 ~ r J j ~ f r ! .....I.n. .... .ike .... f J . ( d l l ? , ( h ( ~ . ! U l . I ............ . .......KV!P ......LL ... h ~ ~ h { v .... J ~ . M ... Jh1,L.:.................................................................................

[2 marks]

454112 q;) 2009 Hak Cipta Pcjabat Pclajaran Dacruh Hulu Langat Selangor [Lihat scbclah



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-- -------------------


A n



Table 4.1 shows the formulae of two compounds.

ladual4.1 mellunjukkanformula dua sebatian.

(a) Based on the Table 4.1

Berdasarkan Jadual 4. J

(i) Name e o m p o l l n ~ l A according to the TUPAC nomenclature.

Namakan sebattan A mengikut penamaan JUPAC.

.Jr.; ... ( ~ ' f . e / ~ ..O. ( . ' ~ c . ... l , ~ .................... · ............................................. .6; jodwm J ~ l p ~ a h · [1 mark]

(ii) Calculate the oxidation number of sulphur.

I-litungkan nombor pengoksidaan sulfur.

........ .tl.'f:. f .. ( - - : ~ ) ' : ? O : .................... , ............................................. .... ..

.1 t i - < ' ~ ;: :

0 .• • . . • • . . . I •. ·.,.Y .. .6",., ... ,.....; .1.'•. H1.( ... t J ~ i k t @ J . , ' ..IH'\fnb.{t. ... f . N!fhw ..f:-r. :1.1 .

[1 mark]

(b) Table 4,2 shows the equations of chemical reactions.

ladual 4,2 memmjukkan persamaan bagi tindak balas kimia .


Experiment Chcmical Reactions

Eksperimen Tindak balas Kimia

N aCl (aq) + Pb(NO))2 (.q) ---. 2NaNOJ(aq) + PbCh(aq)

I NaCI (nk) + Pb(NO]h (nk) ---. 2NaNOJ(ak) + PbCl2((lk)

I I NaOH (aq) + HCI(aq) - . aCl(Bq) + H2(aq)

NaOH (ak) + HCI (ak) ---. Nael(ak) + H](ak)


CuO(s) ---. MgO(s) + Cu(s)

Mg(p) + CuO(p) ----+ MgO(p) -I- Cu(P)


"._.. - - . ~ - -_.



454112 © 7.009 lIak Cipta I'cjabat Pclajaran Dacrah flulu Utneat Selanp,or [Lihat scbclah



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- -- -

- -- - - -- -


(i) Which of the chemical reactions in Table 4.2 shown is redox reactions.

A1anakah an tara tindak balos kimia yang diberikan dafam Jad!lal 4.2 mcrupo/wil tilldak

balas redoks?

l .......... .........................................................................................

[1 mark]

(i i) \Vhat is meant by redox reaction')

Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan tindak balos redoks'?

.. K4!Q1:, .. u : ( { 4 f ! ~ n.. ..t/.... Q t i l { f . t ~ ~ n ...Md .. . r ~ d i l . c : f ~ c I ( l .. .~ l 1 f f ~ h . J ... ) t ~ ~ I + . V I ~ ~ ( } I 4 J 0 I)

In u . r R ~ d ~ ~ ~ ' ................................,... ' .............................. .[I mark]

(c) Diagram 4 shows the sct up of the apparatus for an experiment to investigate e1ectroll transfer at

a distance.

Rajah 4 menunjukkan slisunan radas bagi salu eksperimen un/uk mengkaji pemindailan

elektron pac/a sualujarak.

Carbon rod

Rod karbon

. ~ m ~ ( I l ) sulphate solutlon

Larutan Ferum (II) sulfat




- ..... - -)'Z ---:- -';: :- --:;/=- ....._ ..-

Carbon rod

Rod karbon

Acidified potassium manganatc (VII)

Kalium manganat (VIIj berasid

Dilute sulphuric acid

Asic! s ! 1 1 f i / l ~ i k cair


Rajah 4

454112 qj 2009 Ilak Ciplc I'cjahill Pelnj"ran Daerah Iluiu l ~ l n g " t Sclangor (Lihat sebclah



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(i ) Name the reducing agent in the experiment.

Namakan agcn pcnurunan dalam cksperimen tersebut

........:........ f ~ ~ . ~ ..YJ ... ~ o n ) . : ............ ..................................................... . [1 mark]

(ii) State the type of reaction at cledrodc A. Give a reason for your answer.

Nyatakanjenis lindak bala.l'pada elektrod A. Berikan sehab bagijawapan anda .

.. :Oii.d ~ { I . Q n : . J.. J e / ~ J . 1 J .... .... ~ / I A ~ ~ ~ p. .. .~ l 1 r J . ~ . V ...DJ .. ! . ~ .. ) P . ~ ~ < ~ . ~ ~ ........... ..to

fe:3 t .[2 marks]

(iii) Write the half equation for the reaction at electrode A.

Tuliskan setengah persamaan bagi lindak hulas yang herlaku di elektrod A.

feLt -1 t ( ? t t e.

[1 rw'rk]

(\ir.·' '.




i \" ••


(d) A mixture of metal and metal oxide is heated strongly.

The observations are shown in Tahle 4.3.

Satu campuran logam dan logam ~ } k . l ' i d a dipanaskan dellgan kuat. Pemerhatian ada!ah seperti

eli JaduaI4.3.

A glow of

Baraanf - - - - - - ~ L - · - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - j

No change

A glow of light

Baraanks ida logam F:

D and oxide of metal B No change


Mixture Ohservation


No ch:m['"G and oxide of metal E

Tim/a) don oksicia r:



112 «) 2009 l!uk Cip!a I'cjabJt Pelajaran Dacrah llulu l.anga! Sclangor ILihat scbc!?b

SULf r


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(i) Arrange metals A, fl , C, D and E accordingly to dccrcusing rC;lctivity of the rnctuls

towards oxygen. '

SUSUII logam-IogamA, B.

C.D dan E


menurunkcreaktiJeJn !()gumlogam (ersebu( terhadap oksigen .

AJEtl?/L.- V ...;••••••••..•.•.••• " .••••••• , •..••.. 1.• .•. . . . . .• . . . . . . .• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , " . . . . . . . . . . , ... .

[J mark]

(ii) Predict whether a reaction will occur when a mixture of mctallJ and oxide of metal C is

heated strongly.

Ramalkan sama ada tindak balas akan berlaku jika campurall /o,!',am 1) chm oksida /ogam

C dipanaskan dengan wat.

........ h ... (f?1 ~ . I ~ . f ) ..... ? 4 - . ~ ~ . : ........ , ..... , [J mark]

5. Figure 5 shows the flow chart fOf the reaction of zinc nitrate solution

Rajah 5 menunjukkan carta aUr bag; andak balas yang dijalankan ke {lras lantlan

zink nitrat.

Reaction I

Zinc hydroxideinc nitrate solution Tindak balas I Zink hidroksiduarutan zink nitrat ..

+ ammoniCl solution

/arulfln ammonia

Reaction I + substance JTindak balas II Bahan J

Reaction III

Tindak balas III..

Zinc carbonate ISubstance K + gasL II-leatzink karbona! Bahan K + gas L '

dipanaskan : _ _______ .._. _.. _ ~ . _ .._J


Rajah 5

(a) Name all catio6s present in zinc nitrate solution

Namakan semua kation yang terdapat dalam larutan zink nitrat,

............! ~ ..... /:............ ,...... ,........... , ................ . I 1 markJ

454]12 e 2009 Hale Cipta Pejabal Pelajaran Dacrah Iluiu Langa! SdangOi fUhat scbclnh

<..;: r: J .' "


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(b) State the observation when zinc nitrate is mixed with ammonia solution in reaction I

Apakah yang dapat diperhatikan apabila lurutun zink nitrat dicumpur dengan lanttan

ammonia dalam Tindak balas I ?

.. Zin ( .. 1 ' u . 1 I : ~ t . { .. . J . ~ I ~ t ! ! n... . ... I . ~ .... 0 . , ! , ! ~ ~ . ' . 0 ... l . ~ I ~ . t I n.: .. .x ............ ...

[2 marks]

(c) (i) Suggest one substance for J

Cadallgkan satu bahan J .

. S ~ d l . l I t " 1 . Jav.haM.t. ..... /.[ 1 mark]

(ii) Write the ionic equation fO f reaction II

Tuliskan persamaan ion bag; Tilldak balas I I .

... .Zn. N . ~ : . > .. .t .l'f/A..f)J ... :-1 .... 1-.1}. f!!"b .. :l: ..N.f:i N ~ . y . .... ..1: .................. ..[ I mark]

(iii) State the method used to separate precipitate of zinc carbonate from the mixture in

reaction II.

Nyatakan kaedah yang digunakan untuk mengasingkan mendakan zink karhonat

daripada larutan campuran dalam Tindak balas II.

.. ...F1Ju. J ~ ~ ' ~ "J.. ..f.o" . f j n ( ~ ... l \ I ) I X . { ~ X t.. . ..fu c.w.rd ...Q(l.. . fhr..'!!I1{Y.. ..

rJ!,{V Ij ihmdllm w ~ 1 h wHtO' 61nd then e f v ~ t(f . [1 mark]

(d)(i) Name substance K

Namakan bahan K.

[ 1 mark]

(ii) State the colour of substance K while hot and eold

Nyatakan warna bahan K semasa panas dan semasa sCJuk .

... .....~ h f ~ .... h ~ . f ....,.LNh1ft ..wpm .... ~ Q J . d . : ... ...X' .................... . ( 1 mark]

(iii) Describe one chemieallest to verify the p,cscncc of gas L

fluraikan .wl l l ujian IInluk mengesahkah kehadir(Jn gas L

") .J,qN.... f h ~ ... ... .tQ .. . . I . 1 . m . ~ ... ~ ~ 1 f t .. I .. . ['.Me .. tf.rlfw ... ~ I ! .. ............ . .. .1lA/Q .... ~ I . I 1 . ~ ~ . ~ .. : ........................................................................ .


· ~ S 4 1 1 1 c009 Hak Cipta P"jabal Pdajaran Dac:rah lIu:" L3ngut Sclangor [Lihat schclah


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UUT 16

1,2 -dibromopropane


f' 'J'7 (I

/ r ".V' +)\1 fL 'i ',

,-f. l · PolipropcnePropeneropanol

PolipropenaropenaropanolIV I I

III P'YII-bromopropanc



Rajah 6

FIgure 6 shows a l10wchart of conversion of propene to scveral other substances.

Rajah 6 menunjukkan carta alir penukaran propena kepada beberapa sebatian fain.

(a) (i) Name the homologous series of propene.

Namakan siri homolog bagi propena .

......... .41 ~ . < M " . : .. , ............................................ , ...................... .[1 mark]

(ii) Dra'..\r the structural formula for propene.

LukisJhrmula slruklur bagi propena.



[1 markl

(b) Propene can undergo addition re,'ction (0 form 1,2 - dibwmopropallc and

1 bromopropanc.

Pr(;pcna boleh II1dakukan l inda/( /)(iias penamhaha17 memhentuk 1,2-dibroJnopropww

dan 1-hmmopropana.

State the rC<lgcnl needed for.

Nyatakon rcagel1 yang diperilikan IIntuk.

ILihat scbe!ah

s m , ~ i '


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(i) reaction I: ... b , ( ~ / t 1 . m . t ...!P.... ~ ~ . f ~ r . ........... . Tindak balas I:I II markl

or fl"b p . f ~ ¥It .(ii) reaction II : . . . . . . . I y ) ~ n ( ) ( \ ' l : ~ l ' ...... , , .. ,r- ..... , ... , . , . , •• , , •••••••••••

'<Tindak balas II :

[1 mark]

(e) Propene can undergo reaction II to fonn polypropcnc. Complete the chemical equation.by 

writing the structural fonnula ofpolypropene

Propena boleh menjalani perubahan II membentuk polipropena. Lcngkapkan pcrsumaan kimia

dengan menulisformulastrukturhagi polipropena.

(I >1

H II H /

( ;,I I I / I


1- c-'n c==c C- -H '"

\I ], ),

n~ I 1 1.../


Y II mark]

(d) Given are the structures of compounds A and B.

Diberikan struktur bagi sebatian A dan B.

;.r- 1;1,··, U,.I I I I I I I

1 11. 1)/ 1I 1 I l. I J,.,fr':::'-c C - -C - - ·H

I IH--C C--- C ="" C--II

I IH/ If' H

f r -C .. - I IA . , I

J ..y '


Name A and B.

Namakan A dan B .

A : .... ~ " ' . 1 2 . ~ . \.1 ,t . .' ..... i.. ..........., ... ..

B: .... / " . - : - . ~ ( ~ . ~ ) r t " O f 0 . ~ L ..................... ..

12 marks]

454112 ~ , : : 0 0 9 lIak Cwta I'cJabat I'clajaran f)acr,,1! Hulu Lmgat Sdangof ILiilat seheiah

' In . IT


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(e) Substance A burns with more

IRe!<ltive atomic mass: C 12; H

Sebatioll lerbakar /ebih

111/,1)1:;1111 atol l l

fUbj1M (f A

this statement.



Section BRa/wgillll B

r20 m ~ l T k s ] f20 IJ1wka/;j

Answer anyone question fi'om this section

./awab mana-mana sa t l l SOU/UII dariporla holingion fnl 1,\1)

(a) The knowledge of exothermic and endothennic reactions can be applied to produce hot packs alld

cold packs that we can usc in everyday life, SU:te one usc and typc oj rcnctiol1 of each pack,I ' ,

Pel1get([IW([1J mengenal tlnduk balas elisolermik dan elldo!enl1ik boleh dioplikusikull FUlfil/(

mengiJasilkon pck panas don pek yallg lo/a gllll([kall dul(//II kellidupon harlem NV1/wkoll

S(l{ZI dan jenis tindak hulas yang {crli[;o! rialalli ,I lase/JUI,

(b) [4/11arksJ




I r 

~ J ~ - -opper can _- . -_ i - -+-Water

-- ~ -. .: A /I 'Bekos kuprul71_ • -- ~ , J

Tripod stand

Lm11jJlI s'jJir itr:::::::!---H---- Spirit lamp

TUl7gku kaki tiga




Rajl!h 7

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•SlJLIT 19

Diagram 7 shows the set-up of the apparatus to determine the heat of combustion of ethanoL

9.20 g ethanol, C2HsOH is required to increase the temperature of 100ernJ orwater by 32°C.

[Relative'atomic mass: II , I ; C, l2 ; 0,16; specific heat of water 42Jg'l 'C t

density of water 1gem']] ( 1- 'y l 1 1; -f i

Rajah 7 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menentukan haba pembakaran cianjJCldu pernhakar!ln

cIano/. 9,20 g etanol, C 2H 50H digzmakan untuk mertaikkan suhu lOO ernJ

air sebaflyak 32"C

[Jisim atom relatlf: H, 1 , C, 12, 0, 16; mualan haha lentu air 4,2Jg1 I .

Kelllmp({tafl air 1gem '3]

(i ) State two precautionary steps that must be taken while carrying out the experiment.

Nyalakc1I1 dua langkah herjagajaga yang mesti diambil semasa menjalankarl eksperirnen


[2 marksl

(ii) Calculate the heat of combustion of ethanoL

Hilungkan haha pemhakaran hag! elanol r4 marks)

, I

(iii) Write the thermochemical equation for the reaction mentioncd in (a) (ii),

Tuliskan persamaan termokimia untuk tindak balas yang dinyalakan dalam (o)(ii).

[2 marks]

(c) Thc heat of combustion of methanol is 726kJmorl, Compare the heat oCcomhustion ofrncthanol

and ethanol. Explain the differencc of their heat of combustion.

JIaba pemhakaran metanal adalah 726kJmo{', Bandingkan haba pembakaran metal/of don

etanal, Terangkan perbezaalJ antara kedua-dua haba.nembakaran,• " '" ' , I ,'., ' [4 marks]

(d) Methanol ~ n d c t n a n o i ao' not'have isomers, Propanol has two isomers, Draw and name the

structures of the two isomers of propanol.

Metanol dan etano! lidak mempunyai isomer. Propanol mempunyai duo isomer. Lukis dan

namokan kedlla,dlli7 Slruktur isomer propanol tersehut.

[4 marks]

., ,

lLihat senclah


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(3) Group 1 clements react with cold water vigorously.

E/emen-elemen da/am kumpu/an 1 b<Jrtintiak halos cergas dcngan air.

(i ) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of one of the clements in group 1

with cold water.Tuliskan persomaan kimia seim/Jilng unruh: lindukhalus sCifah sal/l unsur kump1l/an 1

dengan air sejuk.,! .-1 [2 marks]

(i1) Which of the clements in Group 1 react most vigorously with cold water')

Explain your answer.

Unsur kumpulan 1 manakah hertindak halas paling cergas dengan air ,\'ejuk?

Terangkan mengapa.

j f4 marksl

(iii) How arc these metals kept in the laboratory? Give a rcason for your answer.

Bagainwnakah logam ini disimpan di makmal? Herikan schab bagi jawapan andLl..

[2 marks]

(b) Atom G has an electron arrangement or 2.8 .1, Determine the position of alom C; in the Periodic

Table of Elements. Explain your answer.

Susuflon eleklron bagi atom G adafah 2,8.1. Tentukczn kedudukan atom G cia/am jwhw/ Berka/a

Ullsur.Jelaskan jawapan anda

[4 marks]










Rajah 8

Atoms ofP and Q fonm an ionic compound whereaS Q and R form a covalent compound.

Based on the ahove statement, explain ho w these ionic and covalent compounds arc formed.

A tom P dan Qmembcrzluk sebatian ion monakala aWIll Q dan R memhentuk suiJaiia.Y/ kovalen.

Berciasarka/1 penl}'ataan di atas, je!askan bagaimana sebatioN ion dan seba/ian Iwva/ell



' ll/2 c i j ! } ~ ' I if'>- Cipla PCJ"b,,! Fc!a;aran Di'cni: ibiu L""pi SctilT1gcr r ~ ; : ~ L h ~ ~ [ s c t } ~ i a h [J; ' r ~ : '


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Section C

Bahagian C

[20 marksJ

{20 markahj

Answer anyone question from this section

Jawab mana-mana sa(u soalan daripada bahagian ini

9. An experiment was conducted to measure rate of reaction between zinc and dilute hydrochloric

acid. The volume of hydrogen gas produced is recorded at 30 seconds interval for 4 Y2 minutes.

The results collected arc shown in Table 9.

c')'alu eksperimen telah dijalankan untuk mengkaji kadar lindak balas di anlam zink dan asid

hidroklorik cairo Isipadu gas hidrogen ferhasil dicatatkan pada seta masa 30 sewl sehingga 4 1.

minil. Keputusan eksperimen ditunjukkan di Jadual 9.

Time (s)




(a) Based on the above reaction, what is meant by the rate of reaction?

Berdasarkan tindak balas di alas, apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan kadar tindak bales'?

[1 mark

(b) Based on the data in Table 9, draw a graph of volume of hydrogen gas collected againsltime.

iJerdasarkal1 maklumat dalam JadW·tl 9" lukiskan graj isipadu gas hidrogen yang

terkumpul melawan masa. c/ l :.,' I{ . .I' (

"-- - - -1 ' ,' ' ' '-, [4 mark/

(c) Based on the graph in 9 (b), caiculJtc

13erdasarkan grcifdi 9 (b),hitllllgkan

(i) average rate of reaction for thc !irst 2 minutes.

kadar tindak balas purata pada 2 minit yang pertama.

[2 mark

Oi) raie of reaction at the second minute.

kadar lindak halas pada mil/it yang kedua.

[3 mad

454112 «) 2009 Ililk Cipla P"juhat Pelajaran naerah Illlili [Mgat Sclangor [Lihat sene!:



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4541/2 C 2009 Hak Cipta Pcjabat l'c1ajaran Dacrah !lulu Langat Selaogor [Uhat scbclah



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(d) (i) Based on collision theory, explain how temperature affects the rate of reaction.

Berdasarkan leori perlanggaran, lerangkan bagaimanQ suhu mempengaruhi kadar

lindak balas.

[3 marks]

(i ) State three other factors that affect the rate of reaction between zinc and hydrochloric


Nyalakan tiga /aktor lain yang mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas an/ara zink dan asid


[3 marks]

(e) Food kept in the refrigerator lasts longer than food kept in a cupboard at room temperature.


Makanan yang disimpan di £lalam pet! sejuk lehih tahan lama daripada makanan yang

disimpan dalam almarl pada suhu bilik. lelaskan.[4 marks]

454112 10 2009 Hak Cipta Pejabat I'clajarall Dacrah !luiu Langat Sdangar [Lihat scbclah



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10. Aeroplane is made from an alloy of aluminium.

Kapallerbang diperhll(/1 daripada sejenis aloi bagi aluminium

(a) (i ) What is the name of this alloy?

Apakah nama aloi ini?

(ij) Besides aluminium, name another component in alloy mentioned in 10 (a) (i).

Selain daripada aluminium,namakan salu lagi komponen dalam aloi yang dinyalakan di

10 (a) (i).

( iii) Give a reason why pure aluminium is not suitable for building of aeroplanes?

Berikan saW scbab kenapa aluminium lulin adak seslwi unl1lk pembinaan kapal lerhang.

[3 marks]

(b)The copper \vire in an electric cable can be easily bent. A medal made of an alloy of

copper and tin canIlot be bent easily.

Dawai eleklrik kuprum boleh dibengkokkan dengan mudah lelapi sehuah pingal aloi

yang diperbuat daripada kuprum dan limah lidak mudah Ullluk dibengkokkan.

By using one suitahle example,descrihe a laboratory experiment to ~ h o w the hardness of the alloy

compared to its pure metal.

Explain the differcIlce in hardness of the metal and its alloy in terms of atomic


Dengan meng[.,'1makan satu conlOh yang sesuai huraikan eksperimen makmal untuk menunjukkan

sifal kekerasan aloi berbanding logam tulennya.

Terangkan perbezaan sifat kekerasan logam lulen itu dan aloi logam ilu dari segi susunan alom.

[10 marks]

(c) Emission of gaseous pollutant from vehicles and industries leads to the fonnation of acid rain.

Pelepasan gas-gas pencemaran dari kenderaan dall induslri menghasilkan hujan asid

(i) Write the chemical equation for the formation of acid rain.

Tuliskan persamaan kimia unlUk pembentukan hujan (lsid.

[2 marks]

(ii) Explain the effects of acid rain on the environment.

Terangkan kesan-kesan hujan asid terhadap alam sekilar.

[5 marksJ



454112 2009 flak C'pta PCJilbat I'cla.luan l J a ~ m h Hulu Lan gal Sclan gor [Lihat scbelah



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(JJ... • ... t"'",....

"- .


e:'J'" .,.",..."::".,. PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTS r ur: -m .....

"''''ag 1 l " ~ I .."" 18


y - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - t - - ~ - - ~ - . ~ : ~ + - ~ ~ ~ - . Te

I . . . . . . . .12$


, ! ~ ~ 210


"- Rb I Sr Pd , Ag , Cd I l/ 1

(g" 51 "-"-,,,, I!, " ' ~ , <-, . ' r ~ - . , . ... ..- If.." : <, . . . . ' """"'"g ~ ~ J5 ! e'i 06 -.01 103 tOG 108 t'1 1 lt5:; - ., ••--1" " 1-'-'--N' l 1 - - r l . . . - - r ~ - - · ~ · · · · i O - --u

. cS:.. I Sa , ~ : . .!!. . : ' ~ , 'co":.,. . , ~ " . j l : Ir!.. '''; e . . ~iH-4 13t 1HS l$t 1&-1 1M 1 lit:) I Ul I : t ~ tOJ le t .?t).( 2Gl

..,... \01" I, I .I" " !I ..

_L-____u_nn L ; ~ ~ e J

, • 1«>10';" MOf.ol!yl t ~ ~ ! - - - = - = - ·.. ----'- • r.ot "te{ d ~ t d

tJ ~ " N . o " " " " " , , '" " n Ie I --r---,-;- \ ~ - - - ; 1 1

...".,..... ,...... ..22.. ' . ~ I!L. Ho ~ ~ ; T ~ ~ i " ' ~ •l _ ~ ~ !UT ' Q . ~ '61 r1 6 ~ ! n , r:'5I

";:<, -=-+--: -: : --1-- '-;:;:-+--= ..=.:-i--' it' - ~ . ' 1 6 O " ' ~ ' -! ' i ; l ~ 11


........ s . . - ~ . Th Pa Am em Bk Cf Fm Md I No i l r : 

.. V r ~ ....."tl f''lo.'X/'RA !\ooMIo........ :. ... - [,......,. ... t : ~ . , 1.f«iill "'1.--.... 1 o:> Z,ll 214 217 242 141 2!l.t 4 S 1 ; r 11'.....




. ~ . '":2


n"g. 3


;; -4t:"":;(/ )

j:A... V "'P,,,,,,,,..."' lInil. f " S ~ & i ( ~.....

( ."""'-"""""_.JJ 2 ........ .......~ - ' !

1 ~ ~ - ~ J 1 - ~ - - r ~ 1 ~ 1  Be B ! C N 0 iF ! Ne<44 5  6  7  6  9  100 11 12 tIorn<\ 1 c . . - , H___ I f""""" I .....,

~ ~ I r ~ . · 1 II - ' - - ~ I ' - ~ - l ' - ~ - : - ~ - - t l Euno,II..~ - , el.tI"I_nn I $k.o.. I Ch'OriIt(l ""9""2 ~ _ , , - L - - - i 11 ';, Jt I l; i lH



U U n I , n I n uCo Ni Cu · Zn Ga Ge! As

c...w:U" ~ e I Ctlp";)k I l:1I'C i c - ~ ~ - . N ' ~ ~ i ' .4Q Sot 6.011 ---t n I} 'J 7l ,I " 'T I d



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Kertas 3


1Yz Jam

Kclas :


PlJAiU Pl!...UJ.UI mUJI I I ~ I . U I.M4AT





Salujam tiga puluh minit


I. Tuliskan nama dan tingkatan pada ruang yang


2. Kerlas soalan ini adalah da/am dwibahasa.

3. Soulan dalam Bahasa Inggeris mendahl/lui

soalan yang sepadal7 da/am Bahasa lvlelayu.

_ ~ ~ _ ~ I k ~ ~ ~ l m ~ a n p 1 e ~ e r ~ ~ _ 1 1 I Markah Markah

S I .oa an .i Penuh . Dlperoleh

- - - ' T ~ - ~ ~ - - - ~ + - - ' - - - - -4. Calon dibenarkan menjawab keseluruhon ( l lml I I • 33 I .

sebahagian soalan sama ada dalwfI Bahasa -- -- ------1-  l I -Inggeris alau Bahasa Ale/aYli.

2 17 1 '. Calon dikehendaki membaca nwklwnat eli

halaman belakang kertas soalan ini. e ~ U M L A H t- - , - - - - - :

__ ~ __ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ____ J

Kcrtas soc·dan ini n H ; n l ' . a l l d l l l 1 ~ i 9 ha!aman bercetak

dan 3 halaman tidal: bercctak.

[Lihat sebclah4541/3 2009 Hak Cipta Pejabal PelaJaran D:lerail I "dll Ltnrill Se!,"lgor SULIT


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A student carried out an experiment using two electrolytic celis, Cell A and

Cell B as shown in the diagram I. Cell A is set up using two carbon

electrodes, while Cell B is set up using two copper electrodes. Both cells arc

fillcd with 0.5 mol dm-) copper (II) SUlphate solution.

Seorang murid menjalankan satu eksperimen dengan meggunakan dua sci

elcktrolisis, sel A dan sel B scperti yang ditunjukkan dalan Rajah 1. Sel A

menunjukkan susunan radas dengan menggunakan dua elektrod karbon,

manakala sci B menunjukkan susunan radas dengan menggunakan dua

elektrod kuprum. Kedua-dua scI diisi dengan 0.5 mol dm-3


kuprum (If) sulfat.

, - - - - - - i l l ~ Measuring_t--

___Carbon electrodecylinderElektrod carbon



Copper (II)




kuprum (II)

sulfat,Cell A

ScI ACopper electrode

Elektrod kuprum

Cell BDiagram 1 Sel B

Rajah 1

In cell A, a colourless gas formed at electrode P is collected using a measuring

cylinder with downward displacement of water. Diagram 2 shows the readings

ofmeasuring cylinder at 30 seconds intervals,

Di sci A, gas tanpa warna terhasil pada elektrod P dikumpulkan dengan

menggunakan silinder penyukat dengan kaedah sesaran air ke bawah. Rajah 2

menunjukkanbacaai silinder penyukat bagi setiap 30 saat.

4541/3 «.J 2009 J lak Ci;>ta ('cjao"! Pclajaran Oilcrah Iluiu Langa! Sdangor [Lihat scbelah



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• 3I'orSULlT



2 4 

4 6 

Timelmasa: 0.0 s Timclmasa:30.0 s Timc/masa: 60.0 s

Initial reading: ), .2- 1st reading: 4.J 2nd

reading: 5,6t (I,·

bacaan awal bacaan pertama bacaan kedua

6 t=

=8 f---- 8


Time: 90.0 s Time: 120.0 s3


4 th d' ":tcad'mg:._ rea mg: L 0bacaarz ketiga bacaan keempat

Diagram 2Rajah 2

(a) Record the readings of the measuring cylinder in the spaces provided in theI (a)

diagram 2.

Nyatakan bacaan selinder penyukat di dalam ruang yang disediakan di

dalam rajah 2.

lie3 marks]

[3 markahJ l-

4541/3 0 2009 ~ I a k Cipta Pcjaball'clajaran Dacrah Hu:u Langat Selangor [Lihat scbelah



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l(b)I Ld2J



4 454113SULIT

(b) Construct a table to record the time taken and the readings of the measuring

cylinder for this experiment.

Bina satu jadual bagi merekod masa yang diambil dan bacaan silinder

penyukat bagi eksperimen ini.


[3 marks1

[3 markah}

(c) State one hypothesis based on the experiment.

Nyatakan salu hipotesis berdasarkan ebperimen ini.

....( ~ > : ~ . ~ ..... j ... ~ .. ~ . l j . ~ f 1 a L . . . ; ..... I ' . . . : . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

.••. ( I l l " 1 . ' ? l l ' l / ' " ".,11 0,1- ',S : j , [3 marks]~ \ J i [ t L· v /. y " I I I' • ". ,J , .\

"i): ' h,! I ; j {l/:/'IJ -'I f/l/3markahJ,I! 'i '


I, ! J 11 , ' /-1

. I I '1

4541/3 (l20091 lak Cipta Pejabal Pe!2jaran Dacrah Hulu langat Sclangor ILihat scbclah


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."ULIT 5 4541/3

(d) Based on the experiment, state:

Bcrdasarkan eksperimen inl, nyalakan:

(i) The manipulated variable

Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan

...Tht. J ~ r . L .. ... f l ( t i v . ( ) . d ~ ...0J.fd.. ... """""'" ............................

(ii) The responding variable

Pembolehubah bergerak halas

.... . .... r ~ l l . ~ ~ ....0 L . : . t h . ~ .... ~ . t N ! A V . J ~ 1.. ~ ~ ! ! ~ A ~ r . . : ... ..6 ............... .. \ J U C ; I " ~ ' . , \ t . ' A t , . <1\ pl ~ " i ' ' ' 'i:i'(' ' ; j ' ~ ) (


(iii) The constant variable

P e m b ( ) ~ e h u b a h dimalarkan

...Jhf. ... J ! . ( ! . t t . ~ . J v . ~ . t)Ofl ... .~ . .lPfptr ..~ ( ( I ) .. J ~ / p h / d { .. J . l 1 f ' ~ . ~ . : ...... .[3 marks]

(3 markahJ

(c) 0) State all the ions present In copper (II) sulphate solution.

Nyatakan semua ion yang lzadir dalam lamtan kuprum (11 )su(fat.

C»H SO,l- {-jf OH-............... ' t ' .. ·!f.··f ........ ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... .

[3 marks]

[3 markahJ

(ii) Classify the ions stated in (e)(i) that arc attracted to the electrode P and

Q in cell A.

Klasijikasikan ion-ion yang dinyatakan dalam (e)(i) yang tertarik ke

elektrod P dan Q di dalam sel A.

Ions attracted to electrode Ions attracted to electrode

yClng tertarik ke elektrod lon-iun yang tertarik ke elektrodp .

[3 marks]

f3 marknhJ

454 I13 ;e :OOO'! I !ak Cir1a Pcjabal PeI".pHan Oiler,," i lulu Sdaneor [Lihat schelah





1 C)(;---



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SULlT 454113's

(0 In cell A, a colourless gas is released at electrode p, State the inference

for this experiment.

Di dalam sel ;1, gas tanpa warna terhasil di etektrod p, ;\):atakar; inferens

bagi ehperimen ini,

I (f)- - - ~ - - - - - : " J ~ , f " . U i l Q ! A . i ~ , j m " , q ~ J " " .iY'[,Il", ( . t . ~ ! , ~ i I J ! . " , , ~ h v h " , .'If, , ,ot. J ~ ,

.. ~ / I ~ , ~ .. ,' 1 { o . ~ . I ~ , g , .. ,,q.l!n,t t,V: .. ,!Y!'. .:1,1"",;;, .. ,I:(,J, .. " .. ,,;': .:',!" ,', :'.. ,..

(bUfF 1',' i l f l1l 'n { , '" [3 marks]

WfiH I-I IJ I V h i l . ~ ;;'1 · n ~ J /3 markah}

' f ( ~ · Ii i J i ~ {:' . . ; /,.n-'

(g) Tn cell B, state one observation that can bc o b t a ; l ~ e d [or

Di dalam set H, nyarakan satll pemerhatian yang diperolehi bagi

(i) electrode R

elektrod R

... ~ , I ! ~ .. , . ~ ( @ ¥ 1 . ( , . , ~ , J ~ n . { r. ...

(i i) el ectrode S

elektrod S

" 0';/1 " . ~ ~ ! q t t 1 , ~ ... {h, ~ ~ , { r:., ./I (g) (iii) change in eolour of electrolyte

perubahan warna elektrolit

lliTI[3 marks]


(h) In cell A, calculate the volume, number or mole and mass of oxygen gas

reIGascd al time 120 seconds.

(I mol of gas occupies 24 drn) at room temperature and pressure)

(Relative atomic mass: 0 16)

Di dC/lam sel ;1, kirakan isipadu , bilangan mol dan jisim gas olC'iigen yang

terbebas pada masa J20 saat.

( I mol gas menepa!i 24 drn3

pada suhu dan tekanan hllik)

}Jisim atom relatif' () == 161 3 '

I>OJ - 1 0 Lfl1 V).w."" "; VvlIi l! 7' JAf f-I"I

:;. t?, I ~ ) ( ) l f ~ . }n o 4 ; 1 ' 1 ~ 'It \l·01 ;.. 2.2,

3.' ~ w . > l ~ r ~ t \ J t t l ( ~ J ( ':; 1':°- 1,t .-;' fr.! at!'. /

/ '~ ~ I J ; Yvl 1'1 r I ti\v,

! i',

it ..f :>0 i'1Mk X 32 ' Olt\1 '/.1,1, l3 marks] ".'

f3 markah)M . ~ 1 { -;. !:t:! _ i (c: -,. ~ ' t 1 ',).. - u ' " '

: 454113 v 2009 lIak Cipla Pcjahal Peiaj"r;m D a ~ r 3 h Iluiu L;wgat Seiangor [Lihat sebelahi, ,n r fT


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iULlT 7 4541/3 For

(i) In cell A, a brown solid is deposited at electrode Q, write thc half

equation [or the discharge of ion at electrode Q.

Di dalam sel A, pepejal perang terenap pada elektrod Q, tulis

persamaan setengah untuk ion yang didL<;cas pac/a e/ektrod Q.

C.., ; J" J marKS

13 markahj

(j) In cell B, hoth electrode Rand S arc weighed before the

experiment and reweigh at time 120 seconds. Predict the changes in mLlSS

for electrod Rand S at time 120 scconds. Statc the conclusion [o r this


/J i da/am sel 11, kedua-dua elektroi./ R dan S ditimbang sebeilim eksperimen

dan ditimbang s'emula selepas eksperimen pada masa 120 saat. Ramalkan

perubahan jisim untuk elektrod R dan S Nyatakan kesimpulan untuk

eksperimen ini

. . f r 1 { 4 J . ~ .. d.. J.\t({I:O.d{ .. .. .W.I!.I. .Atti(0.J.y.. ((nd .. , ~ . ' i H .. ~ . f .. tl(lJf'6J.i ,6-. ,.."

. ~ I ) ! ... , t 1 . ~ r t ~ ~ ~ l A 4 & i ~ ~ ! ( i ....~ I ~ , i j i j ~ : F ~ i ..'.tfltr.f·.... P l f f ~ ( t l 1 l - , - t y f . ( . o . f ~ ..e{((1I1Jde ,,'111 t l { { : J O I ~ . f l J . ' . f i 1 ~ 10(11 #ltd mure [3 marks]

lIMhlt1t8t1f1ve will };Ie JlJUi'IVf d1h{A. lr1{' [3 markahl

- \ .

ill· i : . " ; ( , } ; , i . i ; ( i4 j • At k ~ ! . J Cl.i.lir!!tj{ t-h,!{


;, I' J Jf

d !)\vtl iJ ("ih)i; I,v,';'I'

'l 1/\ \1 {V i hi

"} 1(I ", I,, i I , . •

'vl,.\ Jiq; "!


q ><llCfhJ, i) ! . t ! ~ i


454113 !Q 2009 lIak Clpla pcjahat l'c1ajaran Dacrah Hulu l.angat Sclangor [Lihat schclah


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2. Table helow shows the reaction of two different metal oxides with carhon.

Jadual di h{lHYlh menunjukkan tindak halos dua (}/csida loga!!? yang her/ainan

dengan karhon.

, - - - ' ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - - - " " - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - - - - . - , ~ ~ - -

MIxture I Aluminium oxide and carbon Iron (III) oxide and carbonCampuran powder

Be,,;i oksida dan serhuk ka,.hon

raint glowbservation


, powder

Alumin/urn okvida dan

Based on the situation above, plan a lahoratory experiment to determine the positIOn of

carbon in the reactivity series of metals.

Berdasarkan silUasi di atas, rancang satu eksperimen m.akmal un/uk menentulwn

kedudukan karbon dalam siri kereaktifan /ogam.

Your planning should include the following aspects.'

Perancangan am/a hendaklah mengandungi aspek-mpek berikul.'

(a) Aim of the experiment

Tujuan eksperimen

(h) Statement of the hypothesis

Pernyataan hipotesis

(c) All the variahles

Semua pembo/ehuhah

(d) List of substances and apparatus

Senarai bahfln dan radas

(e) Procedure of the experiment

Prosedur eksperimen

(I) Tahulation of data

Pel1Jadualan data

rJ7 marksJ

(17 markahJ



4541/3 200') Ib k Cpt" PClaba: Pd:tjaran Dacral: Iluiu I ~ m g a l Scl,ufior [Lihat sehelah



8/14/2019 SPM Trial 2009 Che (HLSel)

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/spm-trial-2009-che-hlsel 64/64

• 9



1. This question paper consists of two questions: Question 1 and Question 2 .

Kerlas soa/an ini mengandungi 2 soa/an: Soaian J dan Soaian 2.

2.. Answer all questions. Write your answers for Question 1 in the spaces provided in this

question paper.

Jawah semua soalan. Jawapan anda hagi Soalan 1 hendaklah dilulis dalam mang yang

disediakan dolam kerlas sewlan ini.

3. Write your answer for Q u e s t ~ o n 2 on the' helaian tamhahan . provided by invigilators. You

may usc equations, diagrams, tables, graphs and other suitable methods to explain your answer.


anc/a bagiSoalan

2 dalam he/aian tamhahanyang

dibeka/kan oleh pengawaspeperiksaan.. Anda ho/eh mengb'1.lnakan persamaan. rajah, jadual, gnif darz cam lain yang

sexuai unluk menjelaskan jawapan anda.

4. Show your working, it may help you to get marks.

Tunjukkan kerja mengira, ini memhantu anc/a mendapatkan markah.

5. The diagrams in the questions are not drawn to scale unless stated.

Rajah yang mengiringi so alan tidak eli/ukis men,l,>ikut skala kecuali dinyatakan.

6. The marks allocated for each question or sub-part of a question arc shown in brackets.

Markah yang dzj)eruntukkan bagi setiap soa/an atau ceraian soczlan ditunjukkan dalam


7. If you w ish to change your answer, cross ou t the answer that you have done. Then w ri te down

the new answer.

Jika anda hendak menukar jawapan. hatalkan jawapan yang telah dihuat. Kemudian tuliskan

jawapan yang baru.

8. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.

Anda dihenarkan menggunakan kalkulalor saintifikyang tidak holeh diprogramkan.

9. You arc advised to spend 45 minutes to answer Question 1 and 45 minutes for Question 2.
