Carlo Splendore Ricerche Sull Aura Eng

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Transcript of Carlo Splendore Ricerche Sull Aura Eng

  • 8/18/2019 Carlo Splendore Ricerche Sull Aura Eng


    Carlo Splendore

    Researches on Human Aura

    Clairvoyant Investigation

    Simple Do-It-Yourself Devices

    Photo of the Aura by Digital Processfor Psycho-Physical Diagnosis


  • 8/18/2019 Carlo Splendore Ricerche Sull Aura Eng



    !"H#DS A$D I$S"R% !$"S #& I$'!S"I(A"I#$ )*+ C,AIR'#YA$" I$'!S"I(A"I#$.+ H#/ "# #0S!R'! "H! A%RA 0Y SP!CIA, D!'IC!S 1 "he %niversal !nergetic &ield 2 An !lusive !nergy 3 "he (lobules of 'itality 3 "he (lobules of 'itality "ransmit ,ife 4

    )+ D!'IC!S R!'!A,I$( "H! A%RA *5 "he !6periment of the Door *) "he (lass Pot *) 0ioradiometer on a Pivot * Construction Data * Experiment Protocol *1 Compact Form of the Bioradiometer on a Pivot *2 Auratester *3 Principle of Functioning *4 The Motion of the Index *7 Example of Oscillating Circuit for uratester .5 Auradetector .. The Construction .) !ome Experiments .1 Some "heory .3 Conclusion .3 "he Phase Aurameter .3 "he 'isuali8ation /ith the Computerised (as Discharge "echni9ue .4 (D' Images of a Sub:ect 0efore and After an Acupuncture "reatment ). "he Aura Survives After the Death of the 0ody ))


  • 8/18/2019 Carlo Splendore Ricerche Sull Aura Eng


    !"H#DS A$D I$S"R% !$"S #& I$'!S"I(A"I#$ccording to researchers of supra#sensi$le phenomena human $od% &ould emit radiation invisi$le at

    most people' $ut can $e perceived $%(

    1) Ps%chic *clairvo%ant+,

    ") Ordinar% people $% using special devices,-) using particular instruments

    !uch radiations &ould form a sort of cloud' a large aura egg around and inside our ph%sical $od%)It &ould seem that auras are not a prerogative onl% of human $eings since' in particular conditions'

    particular luminous emanation emitted even from cr%stals' magnets' metals' plants' and animals&ould have also $een o$served) .o&ever' human auras sho& remar/a$le changes according to thecircumstances in &hich the su$0ect is found' such as the state of its ps%cho#ph%sical health' mood orits feeling and emotions' as &ell as his aptitudes' mental tendenc% and aspirations) For this reason itseems plausi$le that something related to life essence has to $e added to a phenomenon that isessentiall% ph%sical and that' for the moment' traditional science is not a$le to define' %et) To this

    purpose the clairvo%ant does not hesitate to attri$ute to the human aura a ps%cho#ph%sic and spiritualnature)

    Figure 1 .uman aura as seen $% a clairvo%ant


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    *+ C,AIR'#YA$" I$'!S"I(A"I#$2aiting for an ade3uate scientific instrumentation that can allo& us to give an o$0ective idea of theaura structure and relia$le information a$out the nature of this energ% radiated from' there is nothingleft to do $ut to get to the sources related to ps%chics investigations and to their su$0ectiveevaluations) B% definition the clairvo%ant is simpl% a person has developed the facult% to perceive a

    higher octave of the possi$le vi$ration spectrum' that usuall% is precluded to ordinar% e%es' and that isa$le to perceive more than those having a more limited perception facult%)The experiments performed $% these particularl% gifted su$0ects have revealed the follo&ing

    properties related to the structure of the aura) The energetic human field consists of particles and has afluid movement' ver% similar to that of air or &ater currents) These particles are extremel% small' evensmaller than the atom) In ph%sics a group of particles charged &ith energ%' that are moving togetherforming a cloud ' is called plasma and is defined as the fourth state of the matter' an intermediate state

    $et&een matter and energ%) Man% of the energetic field properties of the human aura seem to indicatea possi$le fifth state of the matter' that some scientists call bioplasma ' that is intermediate $et&eeninanimate matter and ps%che)

    Figure " The emotional $od% of an ordinar%man as appears to the e%es of a clairvo%ant*after Man Visible and Invisible $% Charles4ead$eater+) The %ello& cone to the top of thehead reveals a particular development of themind) But this is a little $it dull %ello&' thatgives us his mind is addressed to&ardsmaterial ends &ith egoistic purposes) t oneside of the head &e can see a light $lue coneindicating a no$le religious feeling, on the

    other side' a $eam of crimson light tendingto&ards rose indicates love and devotions)The dirt% orange $ands indicate pride) The

    pale green reveals a particular adapta$ilit% andversatilit%, &here the green is tending to&ardsgre% a particular propensit% to astuteness isfound) n inclination for anger can $e foundin the scarlet $and' that is located in themiddle part of the aura)


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    .+ H#/ "# #0S!R'! "H! A%RA 0Y SP!CIA, D!'IC!SIn the $oo/ $% rthur Po&ell The Etheric Double and Allied Phenomena 1' the author dedicates a&hole chapter to the &or/ of 6) 7ilner on the use of proper coloured screens that &ould ma/e visi$lethe aura even to ordinar% e%es) .ere follo&ing an excerpt from this $oo/ is reported)89In the &or/ entitled the Human Atmosphere *1:11+ Dr 6) 7ilner presents his researches on the

    human aura $% coloured screens ) The general principles and the findings of 7ilner are summarised inthis chapter, for more details' particularl% on ho& to use the screens' the reader can refer to the a$overeferred $oo/)It is interesting to note 7ilner resolutel% states not having an% clairvo%ant faculties and neither havingread on the su$0ect of the aura' $efore having examined more than ;< diseased patients) .e assertsthat his methods are purel% ph%sics and that can $e successfull% applied $% an%one &ants to)The screens are made of thin and flat glass cells' containing colour of dic%anine in alcohol) Differentcolours are used according to the purpose one &ants to achieve' such as light or dark carmine, deepblue, green and yello )The operator loo/s at the light for half a minute' through a dar/ screen' hence loo/s at the patientthrough a light screen' coming in this &a% to perceive the aura) The use of the screens seem to &or/on the e%es first in a temporar% &a%' then permanentl%' in such a &a% the operator ends up $%

    perceiving the aura even &ithout the screen) Therefore it is suggested to use them &ith much caution'since the e%es can end up $% suffering)It is suggested to &or/ &ith a soft and diffused lighting' coming form onl% one source prefera$l%located $ehind the o$server( it is generall% enough to clearl% see the $od%) full $lac/ $ac/ground isgenerall% re3uired' even though for particular o$servations a &hite one is needed) The person undertesting must $e located far around -< centimetre from the $ac/ground' to avoid shades and otheroptical illusions)Independentl% from the coloured screens' to stud% the aura 7ilner used an other ingenious method'called $% him the method of complementar% colours) On a ver% &ell lighted and coloured strip' = cmx " cm of si>e' the o$server loo/s at his e%es from at least -< seconds to at most ;< seconds( this

    produces the effect to tire the e%es' and at the same time the e%es $ecome extraordinaril% sensi$le tothe perception of other colours)' Then' &hen the e%es are $ac/ to the patient' a strip of complementar%colour of the same si>e and form of the original one appears( this vie& lasts for some times) Then in

    practice one &ill find the colour changes of the aura can change the aspect of the complementar%colour strip) B% these tools' &hich the use of is repeated several times' it is possi$le to verif% man%things referred to the aura' that &ith the usual screens &ould pass uno$served) The colours used $%7ilner are the follo&ing(

    1) ?ello& of @am$oge, complementar% of $lue of Prussia") Blue of nt&erp, complementar% %ello& of @am$oge-) Carmine, complementar% clear emerald green5) Emerald green, complementar% carmine

    O$servations reveal that the aura presents three distinct parts' called $% 7ilner as follo&s(

    1) Etheric dou$le") Internal aura-) External aura

    The etheric dou$le' seen through the screens' has the appearance of a dar/ $and in immediate contact&ith the $od%' &hich exactl% reproduces the profile of, the &idth is ever%&here uniform and ingeneral ranges from 1 to = millimetres' according to the t%pe of person and also' for the same person'according to the variation of its general conditions, it is completel% transparent and slightl% striped'

    &ith ver% gentle rose lines' that seem to colour the interval amongst the stripes)

    1 Po&ell ) E)' The Etheric Double and Allied Phenomena ' Auest Boo/s' 1:;:


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    The internal aura starts from the external limit of the etheric dou$le' even though it seems that often ittouches the $od% itself) In general it presents a constant &idth ranging from 5 to centimetres'sometimes more narro& along the lim$s' and follo&s the $od% profile) It has a granular structure( thegrains are excessivel% fine and assume a striped appearance)The stripes are parallel' at right angle &ith respect to the $od%' &ith longer $undles in the middle' and

    shorter outside' &ith a rounded $order)The external aura starts from the $order of the internal aura and' contraril% to &hat happens for thislatter' the &idth is remar/a$l% var%ing) In general around the head it exceeds of 5 centimetres the

    plane determined $% the shoulders, on the lateral sides and on the $ac/ the &idth is around $et&een and 1< centimetres' and a little $it less $efore the $od% and it closel% follo&s its profile, sometimes itis a $it more narro& along the lim$s) The &idth around the arms is the same found around the legs'

    $ut in general it is larger around the hands and often it exceeds much the tip of the fingers) !ometimesa ver% light cloud much exceeding the external aura can $e noted, this has $een noted onl% in people&hose aura is extraordinaril% extended and it seems pro$a$le that this is the extension of the externalaura) 7ilner called this ultra#external aura)Plates' ra%s' and luminous currents radiating from different parts of the $od% have $een o$served,sometimes the% rapidl% appear and disappear' sometimes the% persist) The plates never seemcoloured' instead the ra%s generall% are not coloured' $ut sometimes are painted &ith differentcolours) In this latter case the aura usuall% $ecomes thic/er) In general %ou can find three differentt%pes of) For reasons that &e &ill see later on &e direct our attention on the ra%s of the third t%pe)This last t%pe of ra%s are pro0ected into the space' normall% from the surface of the $od%' and are moreliving than the external aura' going out until to its $order and even farther) The o$served ra%s areinvaria$l% straight and usuall% are perpendicular to the $od% surface) In addition to the ordinar% $lue#gre% colour' it has $een o$served that in these ra%s %ou can find even some red and %ello&) The pointthat the structure of these ra% is similar to that of the internal aura authorises to conclude the ra%s andthe external aura have a common origin from the $od% and as a conse3uence a ra%s is nothing elsethat the extension of a $undle of stripes of the internal aura)7ilner has also o$served that in similar conditions' even though &ith difficult%' he could perceive acloud or a $luish aura that enveloped the magnets' especiall% the poles, a %ello& aura around a cr%stalof uranium nitrate, a $luish aura around the poles of galvanic cells, around a &hatever conductorconnected to the poles' and also in the room $et&een t&o &ires each one connected to a pole and atthe same time connected to each other)

    thoroughl% stud% of the results o$tained $% 7ilner sho&s that the% agree ver% &ell &ith the resultso$tained $% the clairvo%ants) .o&ever' it seems that under certain aspects 7ilner has studied in agreater detail the structure of the aura and its aspects on the diseases)

    "he %niversal !nergetic &ield2e have seen that for a clairvo%ant the human $od% is essentiall% an emitting centre of energ% andsu$tle matter that are pro0ected far under the form of ra%s and corpuscles) It seems that the human

    $od% is surrounded $% a luminous atmosphere variousl% coloured &ith all the rain$o& colours'vi$rating' and crossed $% &aves that are propagating outside' &ith shapes and si>es al&a%s iridescent'since the% change according to the feeling and the thoughts of the su$0ect *figure "+)

    t this point it is legitimate as/ing &here this energ% stems from and &hat is its nature)To respond to these 3uestions &e must introduce the concept of !niversal Energetic "ield #!E"$ ) It isan energ% field &hich the most ancient cultures spea/ of' and that defined in different &a%s' eventhough in all the definitions the same $asic characteristics are all the time present) Prana in theEastern tradition is the universal cosmic energ% that envelopes the planet earth' flo&s in theatmosphere and in the human $od%' and carries on all the motive and vital activities( it is s%non%mousof vitalit%) .ere &e find man% of the properties of the odic energ% * eichen$ach+ and orgone energ%

    * eich+)


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    Dr 6) 2hite and Dr !tanle% 7rippne r " found out the follo&ing properties of EF( it permeates all theuniverse' living $eings and inanimate o$0ects' it flo&s in them and connects each other) The universalenerg% is regulated $% the la&s of the harmonic inductance and of the s%mpathetic resonance) EF is

    perfectl% organised in a series of geometrical points' isolated and pulsating points of light' spirals' plaitings of lines' spar/s' and accumulation) It is the opposite of the entrop%' or the slo& deca% that &e

    commonl% o$serve in the ph%sical &orld' the degrading of the shape and the $eginning of thedisorder) EF has an organising effect on the matter and $uilds#up the shape) In addition it is al aysassociated to some %orm o% consciousness )

    An !lusive !nergy89 t certain levels this energ% falls in the energ% forms &e are familiar &ith and presentscharacteristics &e can determine &ith standard scientific methods( $ut going deeper in its nature &efind out that it lies outside the usual criteria of the traditional science and evades an% scientificexplanation) - For instance it escapes to the principle of reproduci$ilit%) ital energ% has o&n la&s'that are still to $e discovered) The experimenter seems to find itself $efore intelligent s%stems thatrefuse to o$e% to fixed schemes' hence to the /no&n principles that regulates the interaction $et&eenmatter and energ% in the ph%sical &orld of the so#called inanimate matter ) If &e perform t&oexperiments &ith the same characteristics' one gives an expected results &hile the other one gives adisappointing outcome' or even null at all) One can deduce that &hoever is stud%ing this /ind of

    phenomena must $e trained so as to having to do &ith an issue does not follo& the investigationmethodologies of the traditional science) 2e must start to revie& our traditional scheme through&hich the aggregating states of the matter &ould $e solid' li3uid' and gaseous) To a clairvo%antinvestigation the follo&ing additional four states can arise' according to the ta$le pu$lished $% F) T)Peirce on the issue of Ma% 1::"' of Theosophist (

    Clairvo%ant investigation Ph%sicsE1 tomic ElectronE" !u$#atomic lfa particleE- !uper#etheric GeutronE5 Etheric tomic .

    The ph%sical atoms' or the elemental ph%sical particle E1' &ould not $e else than the product of the $uild#up of vital energ% *prana+' ever%&here presents in the earth atmosphere) nd the concentrationof prana remar/a$l% increases in presence of solar light) 2e can thin/ a$out the elemental ph%sical

    particle as a spheroid of elemental matter crossed $% spirals of moving energ%' going along the &all ofthe particles)

    "he (lobules of 'itality2hen the concentration of prana in the atmosphere further increases' some ph%sical atoms melt eachother giving a globule o% vitality' a glittering point of light &hich the vital force energeticall% $urstfrom) !o' cosmic vital energ% emanated $% the sun enter some ph%sical atoms of our atmospherema/ing them luminous) n atom so vitalised has the capacit% to attract six other elemental atomsgiving life to matter at su$#atomic level' according to the classification a$ove reported' and ta/es thename of glo$ule of vitalit% *figures - and -B+)These glo$ules can $e found in the atmosphere and can $e o$served &ith na/ed e%es &hen loo/ing atthe s/% in a sunn% morning' /eeping the e%es slightl% out of focus) .o&ever' it is possi$le to see them

    " 7rippner !tanle%' american ps%chologist and paraps%chologist' esearch Director at Maimonides Medical &enter of Broo/l%n andesearch Coordinator at the Humanistic Psychology Institute of !) Francisco) mongst his most important $oo/s &e find( The 'irlian

    Aura *1:H5+' Energies o% &onsciousness *1:H=+' and The (ealms o% Healing *1:H;+- fter Brennan


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    onl% indirectl% and onl% for a fraction of second since the% disappear 3uite soon' to appear again lateron)On the other hand these glo$ules are nothing else than atoms of matter at the second step ofaggregation *matter at su$#atomic level+ and hence the% can t $e directl% perceived $% ordinar% e%es).o&ever' for ver% short instants' as alread% said' &e can see them glo&ing)

    2e can find these glo$ules even in the helicoidal structure of ox%gen molecules) 2hen &e $reathe'&e are a$sor$ing also glo$ules of vitalit%' that are free and circulate in all the etheric $od%)

    Figure - The vital force transmits to the primitiveatom an additional life that gives it the capacit% to dra&

    other six atoms

    Figure -B Formation of a glo$ule of vitalit%

    "he (lobules of 'itality "ransmit ,ife2hen the glo$ules of vitalit% appear to the e%es of the clairvo%ant' the emotion that this feels is suchto $e upset) It is an unforgetta$le experience that leaves a mar/ on its ps%che) 2e can have an idea

    reading the telling of a ps%chic' 4anfranco Davito' clairvo%ant and author of the $oo/ Io %ui, sono e sar) *)It &as a &arn afternoon of 6une' and Davito &as la%ing do&n on the grass' on the $an/ of !tura river'Turin' Ital%' at the shades of some plants) .e &as half#asleep) 2ith the e%elids half#closed' he startedo$serving the ra%s of the sun that' filtering through the foliage' &ere going to disappear in the $ushes).e reports &hat he sa& in his $oo/ as follo&s( In those golden rays suddenly I sa hat I could notimagine+ It is di%%icult to e press hat I sa then and that I sa again other times+ It as therecurrence o% a phenomenon that convinced me that in the solar light a great number o% corpuscleshaving the most di%%erent shapes can e ist #%igure *$+ I sa the corpuscles a limited number o% times,above all hen it as not e pected+ The corpuscles seem to be o% crystals, and re%lect and re%ract thelight-They shine in the solar light by their o n virtues, ith a luminosity notably greater than the

    sun itsel%+ The pupil is da..led since the glo s are intermittent and une pected-I can con%irm thecorpuscles e isting in the light are something o% living, animate-I do not kno here all thesecorpuscles are coming %rom but I suppose they are generated by the sun-/hen the corpusclesappeared to my eyes, they paralysed, or better, nulli%ied any my emotiveness-+Those ho are close

    %riend o% mine a%%irm that I became since then less sociable, impenetrable, enigmatic, and %atalistmore than an oriental+

    5 Davito 4)' Io "ui, 0ono e 0ar) ' Edi>ioni igois' Torino' 1:=5

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    Figure 5 @lo$ules of vitalit% as the% appear to the e%es of the clairvo%ant) 89 They can be %ound in the atmosphere, channelled by the light o% the sun+ They re%lect and re%ract solar light,

    ith a luminosity greater than that o% the sun and seem to have an o n li%e++++ *after 4)Davito+)Through $reathing the% enter our $od% and are utilised from it) In a health% man' the glo$ulesof vitalit% that are not used are expelled on a straight line' in a direction perpendicular to thesurface of the $od% so giving aura a t%pical striping aspect)


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    )+ D!'IC!S R!'!A,I$( "H! A%RA2e &ant to sho& here an experience that can not allo& us to directl% visualise the aura' $ut put us inthe condition to deduce its presence)It is the so#called test o% the chandelier )

    thin n%lon &ire *diameter ed cellophane' that &e cano$tain from a sheet of cellophane used $% the florist to &rap the flo&ers) The same /ind of sheets canalso $e used for decoration or as gift paper)The% are sheets of cellophane that on a side sho&s a specular' gloss%' and often coloured surface' as it&as a light metalli>ed la%er *silver paper+) 2e call this small strip sensor ) It should $e suspendedthrough the &ire that is hanging from the chandelier' and fixed &ith a little adhesive tape in itsmiddle' in such as &a% the strip is hanged to the &ire assuming an hori>ontal direction) The n%lon&ire can $e found in field sports shops' $eing used as fishing line) 4et s proceed &ith our experiment'that &ill $e performed in - steps)1+ 4et s go out from the room and let the sensor to reach its rest position) fter some minutes &e can

    go $ac/' pa%ing attention not to create air movements' $oth to shut the door and to move insidethe room' and &e stand immo$ile at a$out " metre from the sensor) fter fe& seconds the sensor&ill move its e3uili$rium position aside' &ill rotate and orientate itself to&ards us' as it asmoved by invisible ires that start %rom our body *figure =+)

    Figure = sensor reveals the presence of a vital field radiating from the human $od%

    Go& &e can move ver% slo&l% along the &alls' tr%ing to maintain the same distance from the sensor)2e see that the sensor &ill follo& us' rotating and follo&ing our movements' and remaining all thetime pointed to&ards us) The fact our presence in the room caused the rotation of the sensor' evenmaintaining a distance of a$out " metre from it' means our $od% must have in some &a% modified thespace around us)In other &ords ever%thing happened as if the sensor &as induced to orientate itself to&ards us toarrange along the lines force of a field radiating from our $od%) In this &a% it $ehaved as a detector ofa vital field ;aura+ that surrounds the human body and radiates from it )"+ Our experience continues and &e can move to step ") 2e can replace the $oard located inside the

    small strip $% a part of a thin &ire harmonic steel *thic/

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    pole to the t&o ends of the &ire' &ithout $ringing them into contact &ith the &ire) Themagnetisation must not come for contact' $ut for induction) The &ire can $e fixed in the inside ofthe dou$le small strip of cellophane &ith some drops of glue) 2e should chec/ &ith a compass&hich of the t&o ends is the Gorth and mar/ it &ith a dash $% felt#tip pen *figure ;+)

    Figure ; !ensor for aura test

    -+ 4et s go no& to the third step) The small strip e3uipped &ith magnetic needle $ecomes no& a polarised sensor) If &e no& enter the room' follo&ing the same modalities and &e remainimmo$ile al&a%s at the same distance of a$out " metre' &e notice the sensor tend to move asidethe direction of the magnetic meridian to set along our direction $ut' this time' it can ma/e arotation of some degree onl% to then come $ac/ to the G direction) In this &a% it assumes an

    oscillator% movement' &ith a 3uite constant amplitude) It is evident the angle determined $% thesensor indicates an e3uili$rium position that the magnetic needle assumes $et&een the forceexerted $% the geomagnetic field and the force generated $% the $ioplasmic field that is radiating

    $% the human $od%) .o&ever' in order to ma/e some measurements &e need a graduated3uadrant) 2e can dra& on a paper sheet a circumference of diameter of a$out "< centimetre andthen' &ith the help of a goniometer' starting from the central >ero' &e divide the circumference int&o 3uadrants that' starting from >ero' extend one on the right and the other one on the left' tendegree $% ten degree) !ince rarel% the index reaches :ero &e mar/ the letter G'as the >ero of the 3uadrant should correspond to the Gorth) Once dra&n' the 3uadrant should $e

    cut and glued on a $oard) It &ill $e put on a small ta$le located $elo& the 3uadrant itself' in such a&a% to $e found at a distance of a$out 1#" centimetre $elo& the sensor *figure H and +)


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    Figure H The &ire Bioradiometer reveals the presence of a life force energ% field generated $% the human $od% andmeasured through the deviation angle of a magnetic needle from the direction of the magnetic meridian)

    Figure The deviation of the magnetised index reveals the presence of the o$server even at distance of 1)=#" metre)


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    Figure : Ta$le &ire Bioradiometer

    It is an arrangement that can $e su$se3uentl% transformed in a ta$le device *figure :+ that is calledire 1ioradiomater ' to $e distinguished from the moving 3uadrant Bioradiometer' conceived in the


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    "+ &e decide to close the opening of the pot $% a paper sheet, the sensor remain completel% inactiveand immo$ile) It does not experience an%more the external influence' neither at close range) This canmean t&o things(# the closed pot does not allo& the air to circulate and hence it is that' &ith its charge of ions' todetermine the rotation of the sensor,

    # the glass pot does not allo& the orgonic ra%s' emanated $% the aura' to pass through as instead ithappens for ultraviolet ra%s' that can pass through the 3uart> $ut not the glass)

    Figure 1< If the small $and *sensor+ is contained inside an open glass pot the rotations are la$oured *reduced innum$er and slo&+) If the opening of the pot is close the movements of the sensor do not occur an%more and it remains


    On the other hand' if it &as the glass to impede the motion of the sensor' this &ould not move neither&hen the pot is open) 2aiting for confirmations after other more selective experiments' &e $elieve thefirst h%pothesis is the most pro$a$le) In fact' for the same reason the otorgon does not &or/an%more &hen it is contained in a tan/) /e can deduce that the presence o% ions in the air can play a

    %undamental role in the %unctioning o% all the instruments so %ar used both %or the detection o% theorgonic ave and o% the bioplasmic energy )

    0ioradiometer on a Pivot

    Construction DataIf &e &ant to ma/e a $rief investigation on the $ioplasmic field emitted $% the human $od% *aura+'confining the stud% to 0ust have a rough idea on the radiation intensit% and the orientation of the lineforce of the field' &e can ma/e use of a simple and eas%#to#$uild device' &ith reduced dimensions' to

    $e used as a ta$le instrument) It consists of a &ood support &ith diameter of -#5 centimetre' e3uipped&ith a $ase' height a$out "< centimetre' on &hich a sexagesimal degrees graduated 3uadrant is fixed'dra&n on a $oard dis/ of diameter of "=#-< centimetre) rod of diameter of

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    long 1< centimetre) The tip of the pin is placed on a stud' in &hich a conical housing *$lind hole+ iso$tained' fixed on the end of the rod)

    Figure 11 # Bioradiometer on a pivot

    The small &ings can $e o$tained from a metalli>ed cellophane sheet *paper gift+ &ith height of 5centimetre' and length of 1< centimetre)

    Experiment Protocol The instrument must $e located on a ta$le' in the middle of a room' alone and %ar %rom metallic#%errous$ masses) To this purpose it has to $e said that some extenda$le ta$les are e3uipped' $elo& the

    plane' &ith an iron frame that man% often is provided &ith steel springs to ease the opening and theclosure) 2e esta$lished that this device $loc/s the frame of the magneti>ed steel &ire and reduces to aminimum the oscillation of the small &ings)Before to start the experiment &e must set at .ero the instrument ' that is o$tained rotating the3uadrant in such a &a% the Gorth' &hich is dra&n on it' can $e found $elo& the lo&er $order of the

    Gorth#oriented &ing) fter coming out of the room and closing the door $ehind us' &e &ait for themoving e3uipment ta/es its sta$le arrangement' &ith the &ings oriented in G#! direction)

    Go& &e open ver% slo&l% the door and enter the room ver% slo&l%' pa%ing attention not to create airmovements' $oth in closing the door and moving inside the room) Coming at a distance of a$out "

    metre from the instrument' &e arrange ourselves in a direction perpendicular to the arms of the small&ings' namel% along the E#2 direction) In a little &hile the pair of &ings start to oscillate) It issu$stantiall% an oscillation &hose amplitude is going to increase' until to reach "

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    2e are no& sit at 1=< centimetre from the instrument' along the direction E#2 and &e can note thatafter = minutes the index moves to -

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    Figure 11 2ings Bioradiometer on a pivot *compact version+

    Bioradiometer on pivot &ith &ings

    Bioradiometer on pivot &ith &ings *compact version+

    Auratester2e started from the chandelier experiment to get the &ire Bioradiometer' that is a 3uite simpleinstrument' that allo& us to get an idea' even rudimentar%' on the intensit% of the field forces emitted

    $% the human $od%) Go& &e can &or/ out an instrument &ith an index that reveals a periodic parameter' namel% the &ave that invests the instrument and that can $e detected through theoscillating movement of the index' $eing it the period of the &ave itself) It is the uratester)Essentiall% this device consists of an air flat condenser' &hose plates *t&o $oard dis/s coated &ithaluminium silver paper+ are located at a distance such to allo& the housing of the instrument index)The index' hanged to a thin n%lon &ire' moves on a graduated 3uadrant located in the lo&er dis/).o&ever the most important part' that is a novelt% for this instrument' is the #frame' made of $rasstin#&elded strips' located in the housing $et&een the t&o condenser dis/s) The index moves $et&eenthe longest si>es of this #frame' that is tightened $et&een the t&o condenser dis/s) 2hat is the


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    function of this frameL t this point a short digression recalling the scheme of the galvanometer isneeded)

    Principle of functioning

    Folding a conductor so as to form a rectangle around a magnetic needle located in the plane of theearth meridian and allo&ing a direct current to pass through' the needle deviates and tends to set alonga plane perpendicular to the &ire) Then' if &e coil the conductor several times around a rectangularframe &e get a multiplier effect) This is the principle on &hich the galvanometer ith moving needleis $ased *figure 1"+)

    Figure 1" !cheme of galvanometer &ith moving needle

    If &e connect the t&o ends of the coil to a condenser &e have an oscillating circuit) 2e can see no&ho& this t%pe of circuit $ehaves &hen su$mitted to an electric charge and &hat does it mean itsdenomination) The condenser' once charged $% a $atter%' tends to run do&n through the coil' $ut such

    discharge does not occur instantaneousl%) In fact' due to the inductance of the coil#&inding' thecurrent graduall% increases up to a maximum( the electrostatic energ% $et&een the t&o plates of thecondenser is transformed into electromagnetic energ%' that is going to accumulate in the spacesurrounding the coil) The inductance forces the current to continue going on along the same direction'even though graduall% reducing' so the condenser must charge in the opposite direction) The coilcontinues to allo& the current to pass along the same direction ma/ing the condenser plate negative&here previousl% &as positive) This &ill originate an other discharge in the opposite sign' that in theend &ill charge the condenser in the same &a% of the first charge' and so on *figure 1-+)

    Figure 1- !cheme to stimulate an oscillating circuit) The inverter 7 allo&s to connect the condenser C once to the

    $atter% B and once to the coil 4


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    In this &a% &e o$tain an alternate current' &ith a fre3uenc% that depends on the num$er of coils of thecoil#&inding' the geometric characteristics and the condenser capacit%) Due to the resistance of thecircuit at each oscillation the current intensit% is $ecoming smaller and smaller and the oscillation aregoing to go out) In this case &e are in the presence of dampened oscillations ) This situation occurssince the oscillating circuit ' in addition to the conductors resistance' even closed' radiates all the time

    an energy in the surrounding space under the %orm o% electromagnetic aves )In the case &e compensate the unavoida$le losses through a suppl% of electric energ%' &e canmaintain the amplitude of the oscillation' that then are $ecoming persistent )

    Go& &e can sa% that if in the oscillating circuit of our instrument *auratester+ persistent *or continue+&aves are generated this means that' at each oscillation' an alternate electromagnetic force is suppliedfrom the outside to the circuit itself' &ith the same fre3uenc% of the oscillating circuit' $eing thefre3uenc% depending on the value of the inductance and the condenser capacit%)The magnetic needle inserted inside the coil#&inding functions as index of the instrument) This index'through its oscillating motion' reveals the presence of a persistent oscillation and' hence' of a suppl%from the outside of an energ% &ave that invests the instrument) In this case the circuit is in resonance&ith the fre3uenc% of the induced emf)

    "he otion of the Inde6The index is su$0ect to an electrostatic field' generated $% the condenser and in &hich it is housed)The vector of this field has vertical direction) Besides the index' $eing formed $% a magnetised steel&ire' is the place of an electromagnetic field' &hose vector has hori>ontal direction)

    ccording to the Fleming la& *rule of the left hand+' &e have to add to the com$ination of these t&ovectors a third one' located perpendicularl% to the previous ones and a$le to impress to the index arotational motion' $eing la%ing on the hori>ontal plane) .o&ever' the index can t start rotating' $eingrecalled from the normal component of the magnetic force that constantl% acts on it) !o' it ends toassume an e3uili$rium position' that ho&ever is not static' $eing varia$le the electrostatic field' that isfunction of the field of the forces radiated $% the aura)In the case the things are arranged in such a &a% to drive' through an oscillating circuit connected tothe instrument' the motion of the index *as a$ove mentioned+ that assumes an oscillating motion'&hose period varies a little around an average recurrent value *i)e) 1-#1= seconds+)In the case the oscillating circuit is missing *for instance &hen the #frame is not connected to thecoil and to the condenser mounted in parallel+ the motion of the index &ould $e a$solutel% irregularand uncertain' still sho&ing a tendenc% to assume an oscillating movement)

    !6ample of #scillating Circuit for AuratesterThe inductance 4 of a coil &ith an iron nucleus' &ith diameter dN"= mm' length lN"< mm' num$er ofcoils GN;

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    can listen to the note o% our aura ) In addition the uratester' e3uipped &ith an oscillating circuit'reveals to us a periodic parameter' still not $eing supplied $% an% source of traditional electric energ%)

    All this makes us to suppose that the energy necessary %or the %unctioning o% the oscillating circuit is supplied %rom the outside and hence channelled %rom the radiating energy, ell visible to the eyes o%

    the clairvoyant, that has origin in the aura surrounding the physical body )

    In the case all the a$ove is right' seen that an oscillating circuit generates electromagnetic &aves'

    even though does not follo< the traditional rules+ radiates in the surrounding environment?In the follo&ing figures *dra&ings and photos+ are reported some models of uratester(


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    TE!TE OG PI OTIn the model !P1 the index is not hanged to a &ire' $ut is e3uipped &ith a pivot placed on an appropriate concave

    $earing) The magnetised steel &ire is folded four times' in the central part' at right angle in such a &a% the $ar%centre ofthe &hole moving e3uipment is located lo&er than the supporting point of the pivot) This is to give the index moresta$ilit% to overturning) The hori>ontal tract of the folded &ire is fixed to a $oard dis/) t the centre of this dis/ a tip of

    a needle is housed in the thic/ness of the dis/ and fixed &ith a drop of glue) The friction $et&een pivot and $earing isnot such to 0eopardi>e the functioning of the instrument' even though this is less read%) s a &hole the instrument ismore practical and less voluminous than the t%pe &ith &ire s)


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    AuradetectorThe presence of the aura emitted $% the human $od% can $e visualised $% means of a simpleinstrument that' in its external aspect' closel% recalls the cup anemometer) This device is used tomeasure the &ind velocit% and other gaseous currents) It is made of three or four arms ta/ing at theirends as much semi#spherical cups arranged in the same direction as the arms) The% are integral &ithan axis connected to a revolution counter) The device rotates al&a%s in the same direction since the

    pressure exerted $% the &ind on the concave surface of the cups is higher than that exerted on theconvex surface *figure 15+)

    Figure 15

    In our case the semi#spherical cups are replaced $% t&o or more semi#c%linder' $eing part of the samestructure' &here on the top a pin pivot is mounted) !uch pivot stands on a conical $earing' mounted


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    on the top of a vertical support' that can $e e3uipped &ith a device for the regulation of the height*telescopic 0oint+ *figure 1=+)

    Figure 1= uradetector

    The semi#c%lindrical surfaces are o$tained $% means of t&o *or more+ strips of cellophane each one&rapped on its o&n frame)

    The Construction"he frame of the shell ) The frame of each semi#c%linder *or shell+' that &ill $e &rapped &ith acellophane sheet' should $e $uilt &ith the help of a support on &hich the $rass &ire *thic/ness of es and the same shell shape can alter) This support can $e a

    $oard c%linder &ith diameter of cm' and length of 1

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    Figure 1; Frame of the shell

    "he supporting frame ) This arm is nothing else than an hori>ontal part of the supporting frame ofthe shells) In fact the% must $e a$le to rotate around a vertical support) .ence it is mandator% thateach shell is fixed to the frame allo&ing the rotation) It is a frame o$tained $% a $rass &ire *thic/nessof

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    Figure 1 ssem$l% of the shells frame to the supporting frame

    Once this arrangement has $een mounted on the support' &e pa% attention to chec/ its hori>ontalasset) t this point &e are read% for the experimentation *figure 1 and 1:+)

    Figure 1: uradetector Mod) D1

    Some Experiments4et s put the instrument on a ta$le and ma/e sure to enter the room in the dar/' e3uipped &ith aelectric torch) 4et s address a $eam of light on the ceiling) 2e can see the instrument on the ta$le'a$solutel% immo$ile) 4et s get closer and stop at a distance of a$out 1)= m from it) fter fe& secondsthe shells apparatus starts moving' oscillates a little and then starts rotating) In the case the shell &iththe concave reflecting surface is mounted on the left' the rotation is cloc/&ise) It is a ver% slo& $utconstant motion *1#" revolution per minutes+) It is li/e a ver% light air current invests the instrument)4et s address the $eam of light to&ards the instrument so as to completel% light it) 2e do not noticean% apprecia$le change) The slo& rotation movement is a$solutel% constant &ith a regularit% similar

    to that of a &atch)4et s s&itch on the light and get closer until to a distance of 1 metre from the instrument) 4et s stretchthe right arm &ith the open hand and stretched fingers in the direction of the instrument( &e notice


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    that the velocit% tends to increase) If &e sit at the ta$le on &hich the instrument is located' &e mustregulate the height of the support until the pair of shells is found at the level of the thorax)4et s put no& on the ta$le a geranium plant' at a distance of =< cm from the instrument) 2e can see'from our ne& site of o$servation' at a$out - m from the instrument' that the shells pair assume acompletel% unforeseea$le $ehaviour) It ma/es some cloc/&ise rounds' at velocit% of 1#1)= rounds per

    minute' then it stops and pauses for fe& seconds) Then it starts rotating again' sometimes invertingthe direction o% rotation )2e can screen the instrument putting it inside a semi#c%linder &ith diameter of -" cm' and height H<cm' o$tained from a dra&ing paper &hich t&o &ooden rods have $een applied to in order to stiffenthe vertical $orders *figure "

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    causes of spontaneous motion of the shell apparatus and hence to operate &ith closed doors and&indo&s and far from heat sources' so as to avoid an% possi$le convective motion of the environmentair)

    Some "heoryThe fact an electromagnetic &ave could exert a pressure on a surface exposed to it &as deduced viamathematics $% 6) C) Max&ell in 1 H1) 4ater on this thing &as experimentall% confirmed $% P)4e$ede& *1:ardous to formulate the h%pothesis the phenomena o$served &ith the

    help of the auradetector are ascri$a$le to those alread% &ell#/no&n in ph%sics' and attri$uta$le to asort of pressure of radiation exerted $% the vital energ% that &ould $e emanated $% living organism inthe surrounding space under the form of &aves)The a$ove reported experimental tests confirm &hat &e alread% found out &ith the otorgon and &iththe Orgonometer' a$out the existence of life energ% &aves *orgonic or $ioplasmic+ that propagate intothe space and give place to a series of phenomena' &hose innermost nature is currentl% st ill un/no&n)

    "he Phase Aurameterecent researches in $ioph%sics as &ell as improvements in the technologies applied to medicine'

    made possi$le the measurement at distance of the electromagnetic radiation of the human $od%)It is the case of the Phase urameter' a device patented on 1::< $% t&o ussian scientists' theengineer ?uri 7ravchen/o and the ph%sician Gicolai 7alashen/o)The applications of this instrument are several and range from the use as diagnostic tool to that for theevaluation of the therapeutic performance of healers and ps%chics' as &ell as that to find &ater)

    suall% this radiation emitted $% the human $od% is recorded as a noise' or a sum of fre3uenc% thatranges $et&een

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    Figure "1 uragrams o$tained &ith the Phase urameter

    "he 'isuali8ation /ith the Computerised (as Discharge "echni9ue!ince a$out a decade the ussian scientist 7ostantin 7orot/ov' teacher at the niversit% of !)Peters$urg' developed a special device that can $e used to virtuall% ma/e an% o$0ect' animate andinanimate' including stones' plants' and metals to shine, an% $iological $eing adds to this glare its

    peculiar characteristic' modif%ing the $rightness' dimension' and colour)It is the technolog% of the visualisation $% @as Discharge *@D + that 7orot/ov ela$orated startingfrom the &ell#/no&n 7irlian effect) In 1:-:' the ussian technician !em%on D) 7irlian' repairing aninstrument in a hospital' found out $% chance that a un/no&n luminescence' emitted from all living

    $eings and inanimate o$0ects and not caught from the human e%es' could $e photographed &ithout theuse of a camera' $ut simpl% ma/ing a high tension *from "

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    Figure "" Electro#photograph of a torn leaf

    Figure "- Finger of a healer at rest *left+ and during the process of emanation *right+

    .o&ever' the 7irlian effect is affected $% man% factors that can to modif% in a significant manner theluminous images reproduced on the photographic plates( the temperature and the humidit% of theenvironment and of the o$0ect' the shape and the distance of the electrodes' the t%pe of the

    photographic material used' the more or less tight contact amongst o$0ect' photographic plate' andelectrodes' and the potential difference and the fre3uenc% of the current supplied $% the electricgenerator' etc) In addition' the complexit% of the 7irlian image and the lac/ of $asis for statisticalevaluation and comparison made impossi$le to dra& definitive conclusions)

    ll this' together the lac/ of a accepta$le theoretical model led to an attitude of scepticism) Theresearches of 7orot/ov started from the results o$tained $% 7irlian and came to ne& results totall%autonomous) It has $een found that the hole body o% a person can be determined by a single %inger )

    s a conse3uence the energetic s%stem of the human $od% sho&s holographic properties) Through the


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    @D diagnostic the images of the fingers can $e a significant enough indication on the energeticcondition of the &hole $od%)The hard&are of the @D device allo&s to o$serve on the computer or T screen on#line @Dimages that can $e stored in the computer memor% *for image here &e mean the luminous andcoloured imprint left $% the finger on the electrode' figure "5+)

    Figure "5 Position of the finger axis respect to the instrument axis

    @D aura soft&are allo&s to create a print out of the aura image around the $od% starting from @Dimages of the fingers) Images related to the ten %ingers are needed in order to have a %ull picture o%the phenomenon *figure "=+)

    Figure "= !cheme of construction of the aura profile around the $od%

    The ela$oration is $ased on the diagnostic map that connects the regions of the fingers &ith the

    different s%stems and apparatus of the $od% *figure ";+)


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    Figure "H !creen of the @D processor soft&are

    ccording to this scheme is clear the aura represents some real components of the $iological field thesurrounds the human $od%) This image is lin/ed to the ps%cho#ph%sical conditions of the person and itis reproduci$le if the su$0ect is sta$le' &hile can change &hen therapies or negative influences are at&or/)

    (D' Images of a Sub:ect 0efore and After an Acupuncture "reatment

    Figure " Initial energetic condition


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    Figure ": The same su$0ect after -< minutes of acupuncture

    "he Aura Survives After the Death of the 0ody89Man% ph%sical#chemical processes that occur &hen one is d%ing are alread% /no&n) Thesechanges happen according to the gradual process of destruction and decomposition) The @D methodho&ever goes farther the classical $iochemical approach and can reveal some aspects of the energ%and its distri$ution in the $od%) .ence it $ecomes of great interest to found out &hat changes occurafter death) .ere &e provide some information on the transition $et&een life and death) The argument&as approached as follo&s 1)89The $od% is transported in the testing la$ and positioned in a particular &a%) The left hand &as puton the electrode' fixing it &ith a special instrument97irlian photos are ta/en to four fingers *thethum$ is excluded+ of the left hand at step of one hour each one' night and da%) !u$se3uentl%' the

    photos are processed in controlled conditions' storing them in the computer and determining someimportant parameters such as area' average intensit%' fractal coefficient' ect) .ence plots of these

    parameters against the time are dra&n) Curves related to -#; da%s are o$tained for each experimentand the results are compared as follo&s)

    classification of the death has $een done in order to $e a$le to evaluate the results( 1+ natural' peaceful death' caused $% the degeneration of the tissue, "+ violent death caused $% a road accident orcranium lesion, -+ unnatural death' as a results of tragic circumstances' such as suicide or homicide)The main characteristics of the three curves are as follo&s((roup * ) These curves sho& small $ut significant oscillations for a period of time of 1;#== hours'

    $efore decreasing to a constant level)(roup . ) These curves sho& pronounced pea/s) The oscillations decrease to a constant level a$outt&o da%s after death)(roup ) ) This group sho&s man% characteristics that ma/e it to $e distinguished from the other t&ogroups( high amplitude and duration of the oscillations, progressive reduction of the oscillations,nightl% pea/s' from : PM' of varia$le height and duration, remar/a$le decrease of amplitude at theend of the first da% and' in particular' at the end of the second da% *figure " +)89Based on these results &e can conclude that the energetic activit% of a person does not come to ahalt &ith the clinical death) In same cases it continues even 5 da%s after death' that is a period in&hich all the $iochemical processes characteristics of the life are ended and replaced &ith the= Excerpt from the $oo/ Aura and &onsciousness3 4e 0tage o% 0cienti%ic !nderstanding ' $% 7orot/ov 7)' 1:: )


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