PROGRAMMA DI LINGUA E CULTURA INGLESE Liceo · PDF fileUNIT 2 –The Puritan Age 1625-1660...

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Transcript of PROGRAMMA DI LINGUA E CULTURA INGLESE Liceo · PDF fileUNIT 2 –The Puritan Age 1625-1660...


Liceo Scientifico “Castelnuovo”


Insegnante: Letizia Gasperini

Destinatari: classe quarta I



Sono stati eseguiti esercizi relativi alle ultime quattro unità del testo English Plus, Upper

Intermediate B2 sui seguenti argomenti:

Defining and non-defining relative clauses

Uses of gerund and infinitive

Verbs followed by gerund and infinitive

The passive: statements, questions, transformations

Have/get something done

Articles and absence of articles

Emphasis: too/enough/so/such

Used to and would

Be/get used to


I testi in uso sono Wider Perspectives 1 and 2 , Loescher editore.

Ogni unità è stata introdotta dal punto di vista storico-sociale e letterario, fornendo appunti e

materiale integrativo agli studenti. La classe ha svolto esercizi sui brani letterari affrontati.


UNIT 2 –The Puritan Age 1625-1660

Charles I’s reign- The Civil War – Oliver Cromwell’s republic- The Puritan mind- Metaphysical


John Donne – Life and works – Wit- Unconventional poetry – Sensual and spiritual

imagery – The metaphysical conceit- Style -Songs and Sonnets

The Sun Rising

John Milton – Life and works- Milton’s literary life- Milton’s style

Paradise Lost – A religious epic poem – The universe of Paradise Lost –Satan: an instrument in

Dante and Milton – Style

Texts 1 and 2 from Paradise Lost

UNIT 3- The Restoration (1660-1714) and the Augustan Age (1714-1760)

The Restoration of the king- James II, The Glorious Revolution and political change- The

political parties- The Augustan Age: George I, Sir Walpole and the Jacobites- England under

George II- The social situation

The Royal Society- The Age of Reason- The reading public- London, clubs and coffee houses-

Journalism- The rise of the novel- The five great novelists of the century- Features of the


Daniel Defoe – Life and works – Structure of the novels – Characterisation- The new

middle-class hero – The individual and society – The style

Robinson Crusoe- plot- style- characters- An expression of European colonial aspirations- A

manifesto of economic individualism

Text 1 and 2 from Robinson Crusoe

Samuel Richardson – Life and works– Characterisation– The epistolary novel – The aim

of the book- Narrative technique

Pamela or Virtue Rewarded – Plot – Characters – Style and popularity

Text 1 from Pamela or Virtue Rewarded

Jonathan Swift – life and works – An Irish hero – A controversial writer- Swift’s targets

A Modest Proposal (extra text)

Gulliver’s Travels -The sources of the novel – The character of Gulliver –Swift’s satiric

technique – Levels of interpretation- Gulliver, the European

Text 1 from Gulliver’s Travels

Politicians Playing for Power (extra text)

Laurence Sterne – Life and works- The anti-novel- Sterne’s influence

Tristam Shandy – Plot – Influences – Narrative technique – Characters

Uncle Toby’s Hobby Horse (extra text)

From Wider Perspectives 2

UNIT 4- The Romantic Age 1760-1837

The years of Revolution- Britain and America –George III and William Pitt the Younger- The

American revolution- The French revolution- Industrial and Agricultural Revolution – The

Napoleonic wars- Adam Smith- Poverty and exploitation- Industrial society –Towards the age

of sensibility

The Pre-Romantic poets- The Sublime -The Gothic novel- The rise of American literature

Pre-Romantic literature

Thomas Gray – A transitional poet -Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard – Themes –

Meditative mood – A new sensibility

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (text 1, 2, 3 and 4)

William Blake – Life and works- His art- Imagination and the poet- Complementary

opposites –Blake’s interest in social problems – Style- Songs of Innocence and of


The Lamb

The Tyger

The Chimney Sweeper

Romantic literature

William Wordsworth – Life and works –Man and nature – The sense and memory -

Recollection in tranquillity – -The poet’s task and his style

Preface to Lyrical Ballads

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

My Heart Leaps Up

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Life and works – Imagination and fancy– The supernatural-

Importance of nature – The language, the style

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner – Content – Atmosphere and characters– Interpretations

The killing of the albatross –Death and Life-in-death –The Water Snakes

It Is an Ancient Mariner

Text 2 from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Percy Bysshe Shelley- style and main themes- Nature and Art in Shelley


John Keats –The substance of his poetry– The role of Imagination – Beauty: the central

theme of his poetry –Negative capability- Ode on a Grecian Urn

The novel

Mary Shelley –life and works- Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus – The origin of

the book- The Gothic novel- Plot – The influence of science – Literary influences - The

double – Themes

Text 1 from Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus

Jane Austen- life and works- society in Jane Austen’s time- A novel of manners- style

and tecniques- the novels’ setting and characters- Pride and Prejudice- themes and plot

Text 1 from Pride and Prejudice

The short-story

E. A. Poe – Tales of the Grotesque and the Arabesque- style and tecniques- the effect of

the short-story

The Black Cat

The Tell-tale Heart

Inoltre gli alunni hanno letto a scelta un romanzo del 1800 o un gruppo di short-stories per

intero in lingua originale.

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning)

Gli studenti hanno letto, riferito e discusso articoli di carattere scientifico e artistico in lingua



Due opere in lingua originale a scelta tra:

C. Dickens –David Copperfield

T. Hardy – Tess of the D’Ubervilles

R. L. Stevenson – The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

O. Wilde – The Importance of Being Earnest – The Picture of Dorian Gray

J. Joyce – Dubliners

V. Woolf – Mrs Dalloway

G. Orwell – Animal Farm

Huxley – Brave New World

T. Beckett – Waiting for Godot


Agli alunni con Debito Formativo in Lingua Inglese si richiede l’accurata revisione degli

argomenti relativi alla letteratura e alla lingua, con l’ausilio eventuale del testo

Forget-me-not 3, di P. Gorgerino e A. Pope, editore Edisco (B2 e B2+).

Per gli studenti:



La docente:

Prof. Letizia Gasperini

Firenze, 5.06.2017