Elpidio quirino(1948 1953)

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Transcript of Elpidio quirino(1948 1953)


ELPIDIO QUIRINO BIOGRAPHYPRESIDENT (NON-U.S.) (1890–1956) Elpidio Quirino (1890–1956) was the second

president of the Independent Republic of the Philippines.

Born in 1890, Elpidio Quirino was elected to the Philippine Congress in 1919. He was part of the independence mission to Washington that freed the Philippines from American control in 1934. He then served as vice president under Manuel Roxas, becoming president upon Roxas' death in 1948. For six years, Quirino oversaw postwar reconstruction, but his administration suffered from corruption.


Elpidio Quirino was born on November 16, 1890, in the small city of Vigan, on Luzon Island in the Philippines. His father, Don Mariano Quirino, was a warden at a provincial Jail. His mother was Dona Gregoria Mendoza Rivera Quirino. Young Elpidio graduated from elementary school in nearby Caoayan. Advanced beyond his years, Elpidio became a barrio (rural village) teacher while studying at Vigan High School.

Elpidio Quirino moved to Manila and graduated from Manila High School in 1911 and then passed the civil service exam. He entered law school at the University of the Philippines, graduating in 1915, and served as secretary to Senate President Manuel Quezon, where he began his rise through the Philippine government. In 1919, he was elected to the Philippine House of Representatives. In 1925, he was elected to the Philippine Senate and was quickly given Senate committee appointments .

In 1931 Elpidio Quirino was reelected to the Senate, and in 1934 he served as a member of the Philippine Independence mission to Washington, D.C., helping secure the Tydings-McDuffie Act, which set the timetable for Philippine independence from the United States. Quirino was also one of the drafters of the Philippine constitution, which was approved in May 1935.

In April 1942, the Philippines were captured by Japanese imperial forces. Elpidio Quirino refused to join the Japanese-sponsored “puppet government” of Jose Laurel and instead went underground. He was captured by Japanese military police and imprisoned. His wife, son and two daughters were killed by Japanese forces as they fled their home during the Battle of Manila in early 1945.

After the war, Elpidio Quirino became the leader of the majority Liberal Party and president pro tempore of the Senate. Anticipating the country’s impending independence, elections were held in April 1946, and Manuel Roxas was elected president, with Quirino as vice president. When President Roxas unexpectedly died in April 1948, Quirino became president. When he took office, Quirino had two goals: reconstructing the nation and restoring the faith and confidence of the people. However, Quirino soon faced impeachment, instituted by members of the rival Nationalist Party. Charges ranged from nepotism to misappropriation of funds, but after several months, he was exonerated of all charges.

Elpidio Quirino was reelected president in November 1949, under suspicion of widespread election fraud and intimidation. As president, he attempted to improve social, economic and agrarian conditions. He also established relations with Western and Asian countries. Quirino’s administration faced a serious threat from the Communist-led Hukbalahap (Huk) movement. Quirino appointed Defense Secretary Ramon Magsaysay to suppress the insurrection. Although successful to a degree in these areas, Quirino failed to act aggressively in implementing many of the needed reforms. Further, Quirino was often justly accused by Filipino nationalists of placing American interests above Filipino ones. The Huk rebellion wasn’t suppressed until 1954, under Quirino’s successor Ramon Magsaysay.

Elpidio Quirino ran for reelection in 1953 despite his poor health. Defense Secretary Ramon Magsaysay angrily resigned over Quirino’s alleged corruption and Joined the opposition Nationalist Party. He would go on to defeat Quirino in the general election. Elpidio Quirino retired to private life and died of a heart attack in February 29, 1956.

ACHIEVEMENTS OF QUIRINO ; Supported the establishments of several industrial plants and projects at

strategic point all over the country, thereby mobilizing its economic resources and ushering in an era of industrialization. Burgos irrigation ProJect in Zambales Hydroelectric ProJect in Lanao Roads all over Mindanao The cement factory in Bacnotan and La Union Other new necessary industries which provided employment to

thousands Amnesty for the Huks

Quirino negotiated with Luis Taruc in Malacanang The result of this negotiation was granting Amnesty for the Huks .

Social Justice Program He established the Presidential Action Committee on Social

Amelioration (PACSA) This agency provided protection for Huk victims and to all those who

were caught fighting It also provided food, medicines, clothes, and jobs for the

unemployed. The U.S. would provide funds and technology while the Philippines would supply manpower.

Improvement of Economy Quirino launched an Economic Mobilization program to

industrialize the country and give more jobs to the Filipinos Built more irrigation systems and farm-to-market roads to

help the farmers. Labor relations also improved with him signing of the

Magna Carta of Labor and the Minimum Wage Law. Increased tarrif rates in order to earn more dollars.

Economic relations with the United States President Quirino and G. William Foster of the U.S. signed

the Quirino-Foster Agreement which implemented the recommendations of the Bell Mission.

Under this agreement, the U.S. and the Philippines would cooperate to develop the economy of the nation.

The U.S. would provide funds and technology while the Philippines would supply manpower.

Post-war reconstruction. General economic gains. Increased economic aid from the United

States. Restoration of peace and order. Total economic mobilization.

CONDITION OF THE PHILIPPINES ; When President Manuel Roxas died on April 15, 1948, Quirino succeeded

him as president of the republic. For his weakness in tolerating rampant graft and corruption in his party, permitting immorality in the armed forces, and neglecting the impoverished plight of the majority of Filipinos, he was very unpopular, and in 1953 he was defeated by Ramon Magsaysay.

After the war, Quirino was elected vice-president in 1946 election, consequently the second and last for the Commonwealth and first for the third republic. After the death of the incumbent president Manuel Roxas in 1948, he succeeded the presidency. In what was claimed to be a dishonest and fraudulent 1949 presidential election, he won the president’s office under Liberal Party ticket, defeating Nacionalista vie and former president José P. Laurel as well as fellow Liberalista and former senate president José Avelino.

PRIMARY PROBLEMS Poverty was present specifically by the starvation problems of the people

in the Mountain Province. Wages of people cannot compensate with the expenses of th people and the prices of the products due to inflation. Famrlands were also disturbed by locusts and plagues of rats which render crops and was useless for the farmers. Housing was a huge problem since the war destroyed several sites in the rural areas which cannot be renovated for future use. Unemployment was also evident because the Americans were gradually decreasing their business in the Philippines.

After his term, he retired to his new country home in Novaliches, Quezon City, where he died of a heart attack on February 29, 1956.