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Controsenso 07/06/2014



7 Giugno 2014Basilicata

Il “Premio Pinocchio” alle classi 3A e 3B della scuola primaria Torraca - Bonaventura - Plesso “18 Agosto” Potenza

Gli alunni delle terze A e B della scuola primaria Torraca-Bonaventura

Plesso “18 Agosto di Poten-za sono i vincitori assoluti del Concorso Nazionale per le scuole sul tema “immagina il tuo angolo di parco” indetto dalla Fondazione Naziona-le Carlo Collodi che dal 1962 promuove la cultura dei bam-bini e per i bambini, partendo dal capolavoro letterario per la gioventù riconosciuto nel mon-do: Le Avventure di Pinocchio.Gli “invitati speciali “hanno ri-tirato il premio in occasione del “Compleanno di Pinocchio”che da 27 anni si festeggia a Collodi. Ai ragazzi delle scuole prima-rie e secondarie di primo grado di tutta Italia è stato chiesto di mandare idee, in qualsiasi for-ma grafi ca ed espressiva, su che cosa volessero per il par-co di Pinocchio, una struttura dedicata al celebre burattino.La giuria nominata dalla Fon-dazione non ha avuto dubbi: sono state le classi della scuola potentina, diretta dalla Preside Peppina Arlotto, a cogliere in pieno lo spirito del concorso. Non giostre “fantasmagori-che”, non “impianti funam-bulari “ma giochi semplici

per tutti i bambini del mondo. L’idea è appunto questa: cono-scere come giocano i bambini signifi ca entrare in contatto con un pezzetto della loro cultura e, inoltre, scoprire che fra i giochi ce ne sono di simili può aiuta-re ad intuire che nella diversità esiste anche qualcosa di comu-ne. E perché non trovare all’in-terno del parco di Collodi uno spazio che illustri alcuni giochi che si praticano nel mondo avendo sempre come protago-nista l’amatissimo Pinocchio? Le maestre Miriam Magarelli e Stella Imperatore hanno gui-dato gli alunni in questo spe-ciale viaggio nel gioco. Pren-dendo spunto dai racconti dei bambini di varie nazionalità presenti nelle classi, è stato rea-lizzato un book con disegni e fi -lastrocche che pongono Pinoc-chio al centro dei giochi di ogni latitudine: dalla Cina all’India, dalla Russia all’Inghilterra passando dal Giappone fi no in America uniti in un grande girotondo intorno a Collodi. Durante la cerimonia di pre-miazione, come non ha man-cato di assicurare il Presidente della Fondazione Collodi, Vin-cenzo Cappelletti, una parte del parco potrebbe accogliere

i giochi che le classi di Poten-za hanno illustrato e descritto, per farne un luogo dedicato a tutti i bambini del mondo.Ai vincitori e alle altre scuo-le selezionate sono stati con-segnati i diplomi e le biblio-teche di Pinocchio, pacchi di libri selezionati e offerti dalla Fondazione Collodi.Un ringraziamento speciale agli alunni della terza A e della terza B della Torraca Bonaventura:Lucio Albano, Aurora Ar-miento, Alessia Bitetto, Ma-rialuisa Bochicchio, Giacomo Bonavoglia, Alexia Botnaru, Emanuele Califano, Chiara Casamassima, Angelo Castel-litto, Giovanni Claps, Chiara Colangelo, Vanessa D’Andrea, Giovanni Del Corso, Elena Genzano, Stefania Gerar-di, Mirea Laviani, Domenico Martorano, Marzaui Waafa, Moshir Pour Parmida, Stefano Orrigo, Giandomenico Palmie-ri, Simone Salvia, Angela San-nino, Elvira Sannino, Mariari-ta Sannino, Sarr Shoar, Mattia Telesca, Massimo Trombet-ti, Viola Urciuoli, Domeni-co Valluzzi, Roberta Vasca.

Education in the EU Europa Accademicamente Unita, e non solo Europa monetaria

The European Union is from my own point of view one of the best

‘‘invention’’ of the century. Let me explain myself better, I am not going to delve into the economic aspect of it but the borderless one. The fact that borders are open for free movement of people from one country to another is a total sense of liberalism of the 25 member countries. We are lucky enough to avoid all the havocs of going through stressful immigration vetting before going from one country to the other. We move

within the whole member countries - except for those which did not sign the Schengen treaty - as if we are moving from Potenza to Milan. In other words, you can grab your passport or ID card, jump into the first available flight and walk into a long list of cities from Athens and Zurich. Then we have the various international and transnational projects on common grounds with the member countries such as: Erasmus, Comenius, Grundtvig etc. These projects allow students and teachers to move around and explore their new home, a home widened to allow for them to wander around without limit. A homes where they can challenge themselves with their age mates and colleagues. A home where swapping ideas and opinions are the best ways of enriching one another. Bringing down the borders is like bringing down the Berlin wall, it opens opportunities to our youths and our teachers to ‘‘steal’’ ideas and empower their own schools with best ideas taken from schools or universities visited abroad. It would eventually provide a

wider opportunity of mobility while looking for jobs. It is a proper enrichment of cultures, ways of life and eye opener to inventions and talent discovery without any limit. Taking into consideration that we already enjoy virtual lack of borders through the use of the social media such as web, internet, twitter, emails, skype and facebook to name but a few, going physically to a place and meeting age mates in their natural and social environment is just about the best freedom of communication any generation can ask for. You the Millennials are just enviously lucky to have these as an opportunity. And you should use it to its best. The next step for the European Union is to unite the syllabuses, the study programmes, of all the member countries in a single standardized one so that any student can move from one country’s classroom into another with a sense of didactical continuity in his or her studies. That would really be an European Union of Studies.


l a r r yade1@gma i l . com

We have an article written by one of our readers, let’s read it: New square”Giustino Fortunato” a

urbanistic novelty to follow..During 2006-2009 I was the councillor of the ‘’productive activities’’ of the town of Rionero in Vulture, we discussed on the new project of the square named “Giustino Fortunato”. As we all know, from historical point of view, it is the most important square in Rionero and it had a square form before the intervention. And the name reminds us of the figure of a famous local statesman”Giustino Fortunato”. For the first time, towards the end of 1800, he tried to tackle the unforgettable “Southern Italy’s social and economica problem” - problema meridionale - which still faces us till today. The idea would help Rionero grow turistically and aesthetically. I don’t share the negative opinions expressed against this construction which is yet to be completed. Many citizens say that the urbanistic memory of Rionero has been destroyed by the means of this refurbishment. And they even say that in the meantime it has lost every contact with our past. I don’t agree with them because the new flight of steps hasn’t produced nothing that can damage the values of the past. The square is made of several decreasing steps

and they face the public garden named “Villa Catena” which is lit in each part. It is wonderful to look at the square by night and I like it . Every community needs to change its face without losing the bonds with the past. Up till today, the project has not yet been completed because of lack of funds. We still need 4 milion euros to complete it .. , Therefore the works have been stopped. I think that when the project is completed, everybody will be able to appreciate its aesthetical qualities. So, wait and see. In the meantime each negative decision could be premature and mistaken. It is wrong to judge before seeing the project completed. I believe that all will go well for Rionero and that the town will be able to have a modern and confortable square for all its citizens. reconsider their Every innovation is not always received positively. So, we need patience before the new square can find a place in the hearts of all the citizens of Rionero. My regards to all the readers of Controsenso and I wish you all a nice day.

Avv. Giovanni Alfredo Chieppa