Curriculum Vitae - · Tafuri A, De Felice L, Mascolo MG, Valentini T, Petrucci MT,...

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Curriculum Vitae


Indirizzo UOC Ematologia, 8°p blocco centrale

Azienda Ospedaliera Sant’Andrea Via di Grottarossa 035/1039 00189 Roma

Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Molecolare, Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia “Sapienza” Università di Roma

Telefono +39-06.3377.5113

Mobile 339-2145880

Fax +39-06.3377.5939


Nazionalità italiana

Data di nascita 10/06/1955

Settore Scientifico/Assistenziale Area 06/D3 – Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia Specialista in EMATOLOGIA Specialista in MEDICINA INTERNA


DIRETTORE UOC Ematologia, Azienda Ospedale Sant’Andrea,

Università "Sapienza" di Roma


PROFESSORE ASSOCIATO di Ematologia, Facoltà di Medicina e

Chirurgia, Università "Sapienza" di Roma, Dipartimento di

Biotecnologie Cellulari ed Ematologia, Ematologia.


RESPONSABILE Laboratorio di Ricerca "Cell kinetics and

applied proteomics", Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e

Molecolare, Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia, Università

"Sapienza" di Roma


COORDINATORE del Corso di Patologia Integrata IV, Corso di

laurea magistrale in Medicina e Chirurgia, canale "B",

"Sapienza", Università di Roma, Insegnamento di

EMATOLOGIA (2004-oggi)



SCIENZE EMATOLOGICHE Dipartimento di Medicina

Molecolare, Università "Sapienza" di Roma (2004-oggi).

Tutor e Docente - TRONCO COMUNE Specialistico II anno e


l'insegnamento di “Meccanismi fisiopatogenetici delle

emopatie” I Scuola di Specializzazione in Ematologia,

Università "Sapienza" di Roma

Docente PROFESSIONI SANITARIE, Insegnamento di

Ematologia, Corso di Laurea Infermieristica, I facoltà di

Medicina e Chirurgia, Sede ASL Viterbo (2004-oggi).


2005-oggi: PROFESSORE ASSOCIATO di Ematologia,

Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Cellulari ed Ematologia,

Ematologia, Università "Sapienza" di Roma

2002-2004: RICERCATORE, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie

Cellulari ed Ematologia, Ematologia, Università "Sapienza" di


1990-2001: FUNZIONARIO TECNICO cat. D, area tecnica-

scientifica, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Cellulari ed

Ematologia, Ematologia, Università "Sapienza" di Roma

1987-1990: RESEARCH FELLOW, Leukemia Cell Biology

Laboratory (Prof. M. Andreeff), Leukemia Section, Division of

Hematologic Oncology, Department of Medicine, MEMORIAL


1990-1991: VISITING SCIENTIST, University of Texas,

Experimental Hematology and Leukemia Section, MD


1983-1990: BORSISTA CNR, Settore Tecniche Ematologiche,

Unità Operativa Ematologia Prof. Mandelli, Università

"Sapienza" di Roma

1982: BORSISTA presso Istituto di Ricerca Farmacologica

Mario Negri di Milano, Laboratorio Emostasi e Trombosi,

Dott.ssa Maria Benedetta Donati.


2008-2013: RESPONSABILE UOS DH Ematologico (UOC Pronto

Soccorso e Accettazione Ematologica); Azienda Policlinico

Umberto I, Università "Sapienza" di Roma.

2002-2008: DIRIGENTE Medico di I livello, Ematologia, Unità

Operativa SS CHD17, Responsabile Prime Visite/Accettazione

Adulti - Ematologia, Azienda Policlinico Umberto I, Università

"Sapienza" di Roma

1991-2002: DIRIGENTE Medico di I livello, Ematologia, Unità

Operativa SS CHD17 “Pronto Soccorso/Accettazione/Ospedale

Diurno Ematologico”, Azienda Policlinico Umberto I,

Università "Sapienza" di Roma

1983-1987: BORSISTA C.N.R. Settore TECNICHE

EMATOLOGICHE, Unità Operativa Ematologia Prof. Mandelli,

Università "Sapienza" di Roma

1983: ASSISTENTE di ruolo, Divisione di EMATOLOGIA, Osp. S.

Felice a Cancello, USL 16, Caserta

1981-1982: UFFICIALE MEDICO di, Scuola di Sanità

Militare di Firenze ed 89° Btg. FT. Salerno

1980: TIROCINANTE in EMATOLOGIA, Sezione Ematologia,

Istituto dei Tumori "Fondazione Pascale", Napoli

1987-1990: Research Associate, Memorial Sloan-Kettering

Cancer Center, NY, NY: Leukemia Department: Laboratory of

Cell kinetics: Prof. Michael Andreeff,

1991: VISITING SCIENTIST, MD Anderson Cancer Center,

University of Texas, Experimental Hematology and Leukemia

Section, Prof. Michael Andreeff

Titoli di Studio 1973-79: Laurea in MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA cum laude, II

Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli studi di Napoli

1979-1984: Specializzazione in MEDICINA INTERNA, II Facoltà

di Medicina e Chirurgia,Università degli studi di Napoli

1984-1987: Specializzazione in EMATOLOGIA GENERALE,

CLINICA E DI LABORATORIO cum laude, I scuola, Università

"Sapienza" di Roma

Training 1980: TIROCINANTE in EMATOLOGIA, Sezione Ematologia,

Istituto dei Tumori "Fondazione Pascale", Napoli


Ematologia,II Facoltà di Medicina, Università di Napoli

1983-1987: BORSISTA C.N.R. Settore TECNICHE

EMATOLOGICHE, Unità Operativa Ematologia Prof. Mandelli,

Università "Sapienza" di Roma


CLINICA e di LABORATORIO, Ematologia, Università "Sapienza"

di Roma

1987-1990: RESEARCH Associate, Leukemia Cell Biology

Laboratory (Prof. M. Andreeff), Leukemia Section, Division of

Hematologic Oncology, Department of Medicine, MEMORIAL


1990-1991: VISITING SCIENTIST, University of Texas,

Experimental Hematology and Leukemia Section, MD


INTERESSI SCIENTIFICI: Attività clinica e di ricerca traslazionale nel campo delle neoplasie onco-ematologiche, Meccanismi di resistenza ai chemioterapici, regolazione del ciclo cellulare e della apoptosi, cell signaling, proteomica applicata alle oncoemopatie, terapie molecolari mirate, identificazione di nuovi farmaci e validazione pre-clinica di molecole sperimentali ad attività onco-ematologica.


Visiting Scientist: Prof. Michael Andreeff, M.D. Anderson

Cancer Center, Department of Leukemia, University of Texas,

US (2000-oggi)

ADVISORY BOARDS: Annals of Hematology -Editorial Board


Domanda di Brevetto Nazionale Italiana per invenzione


PREMI PER TITOLI E CONCORSI 2010: Manifestazione Sapienza Ricerca, Ricerche di Eccellenza:

Macroarea 6. Aberrant proliferative and apoptotic cell signals

in human hematological malignancies: preclinical therapeutic

studies by targeted molecular inhibitors

1988-1989: Borsa di studio per l'estero dell'Associazione

Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC), Memorial Sloan-

Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA.

1983-1990: Borsa di studio Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche,

Settore Tecniche Ematologiche, Università di ROMA.

1982: Borsa di studio dell’Istituto di Ricerca Farmacologica

Mario Negri, MILANO.


2010-2011: Finanziamento PRIN, Responsabile Unità

Operativa Progetto Strategie innovative per l'ottimizzazione

della terapia della leucemia mieloide acuta

2008-2009: Finanziamento PRIN, Responsabile Unità

Operativa Progetto "Segnali di trasduzione intracellulari e

regolatori dell'apoptosi in popolazioni staminali di Leucemia

Mieloide Cronica: valutazione pre-clinica di terapie mirate

2009 e 2011: Finanziamento "Sapienza" Grandi e Medie

Attrezzature Scientifiche: Reverse phase Protein Array: una

nuova metodologia per la valutazione dei profili proteomici in

popolazioni staminali normali e neoplastiche

2006-08: Finanziamento PRIN, Responsabile Unità Operativa

Progetto "Anti-apoptotic signalling in MM and MGUS: pre-

clinical investigation of small molecules as therapeutic

targeting approach"

2004-08: Finanziamento AIRC, Co-investigator progetto

“Preclinical development of MEK inhibition-based therapeutic

strategies for acute leukemias”

2004-2011: Assegnatario di Finanziamenti di Facoltà ed

Ateneo Federato, Università "La Sapienza" di Roma

1999-2000: Finanziamento PRIN: Programma di ricerca

interuniversitario “Mieloma multiplo: nuove acquisizioni

biologiche e loro implicazioni terapeutiche”

1998: Progetti finalizzati 1% - Ministero della Sanità. ISS. Le

neoplasie ematopoietiche: bioterapie staminali innovative e

modelli tumorigenici. “Controllo della proliferazione di

progenitori emopoietici normali e leucemici. Studi pre-clinici

ed applicazioni terapeutiche”.

1994 e 1995: Finanziamento Fondazione Cenci

Bolognetti"Cytokines, cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases:

interactions on proliferative mechanisms of normal and

neoplastic hematopoietic cells.

1994: Finanziamento AIRC, Progetto "Studio della funzione

della MDR1 nelle Leucemie Acute Infantili"


1. Tafuri A, Andreeff M (1990). Kinetic rationale for cytokine induced recruitment of myeloblastic

leukemia followed by cycle-specific chemotherapy in vitro. LEUKEMIA, vol. 4, p. 826-834 2. Tafuri A, Meyers J, Lee BJ, Andreeff M. DNA and RNA flow cytometric study in multiple

myeloma. Clinical correlations. Cancer. 1991 Jan 15;67(2):449-54. 3. Bettelheim P, Valent P, Andreeff M, Tafuri A, Haimi J, Gorischek C, Muhm M, Sillaber C,

Haas O, Vieder L, Shulz G, Speiser W, Geissler K, Kier P, Hinterberger W, Lechner K. (1991). RhGM-CSF in combination with standard induction chemotherapy in de novo acute myeloid leukemia.. BLOOD, vol. 77, p. 700-707

4. Warrel RP, Frankel SR, Miller WH, Scheinberg DA, Itri LM, Hittelman WN, Vyas R, Andreeff M, Tafuri A, Jakubowski A, Gabrilobe J, Gordon MS, Dmitrovsky E (1991). Differentiation therapy of acute promyelocytic leukemia using all-trans retinoic acid. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, vol. 324, p. 1385-1393.

5. Gazzola MV, Collins NH, Tafuri A, Keever CA. (1992). Recombinant Interleukin-3 induces interleukin-2 receptor expression on early my myeloid cells in normal human bone marrow.. EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOLOGY, vol. 20, p. 201-208.

6. Lemoli RM, Tafuri A, Strife A, Andreeff M, Clarkson BD, Gulati SC (1992). Proliferation of human hematopoietic progenitors in long-term bone marrow cultures in gas permeable plastic bags is enhanced by colony-stimulating factors. EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOLOGY, vol. 20, p. 569-575.

7. Tafuri A, De Felice L, Mascolo MG, Valentini T, Petrucci MT, Petti MC (1993). Effects of mast cell growth factor on Ara-C mediated acute myeloid leukemia cell killing.. STEM CELLS, vol. 11 (suppl 2), p. 88-92.

8. Valent P, Sillaber CH, Geissler K, Andreeff M, Tafuri A, Vieder L, Schulz G, Lechner K, Bettelheim P. (1993). Combination treatment of acute myeloblastic leukemia with rh GM-CSF and standard induction chemotherapy.. CANCER INVESTIGATION, vol. 11, p. 229-234.

9. Tafuri A, Lemoli RM, Chen R, Gulati SC, Clarkson BD, Andreeff M (1994). Combination of hematopoietic growth factors containing IL-3 induce Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cell Sensitization to cycle specific and cycle non-specific drugs. LEUKEMIA, vol. 8 (5), p. 749-757.

10. Tafuri A, Sommaggio A, Burba L, Albergoni MP, Petrucci MT, Mascolo MG, Testi AM, Basso G. (1995). Prognostic value of rhodamine-efflux and MDR-1/P-170 expression in childhood acute leukemia.. LEUKEMIA RESEARCH, vol. 19, p. 927-931.

11. Tafuri A, De Felice L, Petrucci MT, Mascolo MG, Ricciardi MR, Ciliberti C, Martelli MP, Petti MC. (1995). Multidrug resistance expression and proliferative studies in poor risk acute myeloid leukemia treated with the FLAG (G-CSF plus fludarabine and Ara-C) regimen. CYTOKINES AND MOLECULAR THERAPY, vol. 4, p. 1-7.

12. Tafuri A, De Felice L, Goodacre A, Fenu S, Petrucci MT, Valentini T, Alimena G, Petti MC, Meloni G, Mandelli F, Andreeff M. (1995). Interleukin-3 priming in acute myeloid leukaemia patients . BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY, vol. Volume 91, p. 234-244.

13. Jakubowski A, Gordon M, Tafuri A, Schuster S, Andreeff M, Shieh JH, Vincent M, Gabrilove J. (1995). A pilot study of the biological and therapeutic effects of the granulocy¬te colony-stimulating factor in patients with acute non-lymphocytic leukemia.. LEUKEMIA, vol. 11, p. 1799-1804

14. Petrucci MT, De Felice L, Ricciardi MR, Ariola C, Mascolo MG, Fenu S, Tafuri A. (1996). Stem cell factor and PIXY-321 in acute lymphoblastic leukemia: in vitro study on proliferative effects and apoptosis. CYTOKINES AND MOLECULAR THERAPY, vol. 2, p. 225-230.

15. Aglietta M, De Vincentiis A, Lamata L, Lanza F, Lemoli RM, Menichella G, Tafuri A, Zanon P and Tura S. (1996). Peripheral blood stem cells in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: biology and clinical application. HAEMATOLOGICA, vol. 81, p. 77-92,

16. Lemoli RM, Fortuna A, Tafuri A, Fogli M, Amabile M, Grande A, Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Bonsi L, Bagnara G, Visani G, Martinelli G, Ferrari S, Tura S (1996). Interleukin-9 stimulates the proliferation of human myeloid leukemic cells. BLOOD, vol. 87, p. 3852-3859.

17. Lemoli RM, Fortuna A, Tafuri A, Grande A, Amabile M, Martinelli G, Ferrari S, Tura S. (1997). Interleukin-9 in human myeloid leukemia cells.. LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA, vol. 2, p. 563-573.

18. Lemoli RM, Tafuri A, Fortuna A, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Catani L, Rondelli D, Fogli M, Leopardi G, Ariola C, Tura S (1997). Cycling status of CD34+ cells mobilized into peripheral blood of healthy donors by recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. BLOOD, vol. 89, p. 1189-1196.

19. Fimia GF, Gottifredi V, Bellei B, Ricciardi MR, Tafuri A, Amati P, Maione R (1998). The activity of differentiation factors induces apoptosis in polyomavirus large-T expressing myoblasts. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, vol. 9, p. 1449-1463.

20. Lemoli RM, Tafuri A, Fortuna A, Catani L, Rondelli D, Ratta M, Tura S. (1998). Biological characterization of CD34+ cells mobilized into peripheral blood. BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION, vol. 22, p. 47-50.

21. Tafuri A, Lemoli RM, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Fogli M, Bonsi L, Ariola C, Strippoli P, Gregorj C, Petti MC, Tura S, Mandelli F, Bagnara GP (1999). Thrombopoietin and interleukin-11 have different modulatory effects on cell cycle and programmed cell death in primary acute myeloid leukemia cells. EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOLOGY, vol. 27, p. 1255-1263.

22. Girmenia C, Latagliata R, Tosti S, Morano G, Celesti F, Coppola L, Spadea A, Breccia M, Battistini R, Tafuri A, Cimino G, Mandelli F, and Alimena G. (1999). Outpatient management of acute promyelocytic leukemia after consolidation chemotherapy. LEUKEMIA, vol. 4, p. 514-517.

23. Girmenia C, Alimena G, Latagliata R, Morano G, Celesti F, Coppola L, Spadea A, Tosti S, Mecarocci S, D’Elia G, Tafuri A, Cimino G, Mandelli F. (1999). Out-patient management of acute myeloid leukemia after consolidation chemotherapy. Role of a hematologic emergency unit. . HAEMATOLOGICA, vol. 84, p. 814-819.

24. De Felice L, Di Pucchio T, Mascolo MG, Agostini F, Breccia M, Guglielmi C, Ricciardi MR, Tafuri A, Screnci M, Mandelli F, Arcese W. Flt3LP3nduces the ex-vivo amplification of umbilical cord blood committed progenitors and early stem cells in short-term cultures. Br J Haematol. 1999 Jul;106(1):133-41.

25. Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Ariola C, Gregorj C, Ribersani M, Savino R, Ciliberto G, Tafuri A (1999). Cell cycle regulation and induction of apoptosis by IL-6 variants on the multiple myeloma cell line XG-1. ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY, vol. 78, p. 13-18.

26. Mecucci C, La Starza R, Negrini M, Sabbioni S, Crescenzi B, Leoni P, Di Raimondo F, Krampera M, Cimino G, Tafuri A, Cuneo A, Vitale A, Foà R. (2000). t(4;11)(q21;p15) translocation involving NUP98 and RAP1GDS1 genes. Characterisation of a new subset of T acute lymphoblastic leukemia. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY, vol. 109, p. 788-793.

27. Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Gregorj C, Ariola C, Mazzola F, Fogli M, Lemoli RM, Tafuri A (2000). Thrombopoietin, interleukiun-11, and early-acting megakaryocyte growth factors in human myeloid leukemia cells. LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA, vol. 40, p. 179-190.

28. Petrucci MT, Tafuri A, Mandelli F (2000). Ruolo della bioterapia nel mieloma multiplo. RECENTI PROGRESSI IN MEDICINA, vol. 91, p. 488-493.

29. Serrano J, Lo Coco F, Sprovieri T, Elia L, Vitale A, Gregorj C, Tafuri A, Sanchez J, Roman J, Torres A, Cimino G (2000). Myeloperoxidase gene expression in non infant pro-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia with or without ALL1/AF4 transcript. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY, vol. 111, p. 1065-1070.

30. Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Gregorj C, Ariola C, Lemoli RM, Fogli M, Mauro FR, Cerretti R, Foà R, Mandelli F, Tafuri A (2001). Reduced susceptibility to apoptosis correlates with kinetic quiescence in disease progression of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY, vol. 113, p. 391-399.

31. Petti MC, Pinazzi MB, Diverio D, Romano A, Petrucci MT, De Santis S, Meloni G, Tafuri A, Mandelli F. (2001). Prolonged molecular remission in advanced acute promyelocytic leukaemia after treatment with gentuzumab ozogamicin (MylotargTM CMA-676). BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY, vol. 115, p. 63-65.

32. Breccia M, Girmenia C, Mecarocci S, Cartoni C, Carmosino i, Tafuri A, Alimena G. (2001). Ogilvie’s syndrome in acute myeloid leukemia: pharmacological approach with neostigmine. ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY, vol. 80, p. 614-616.

33. Mancini M, Vegna ML, Castoldi GL, Mecucci C, Spirito F, Elia L, Tafuri A, Annino L, Pane F, Rege-Cambrin G, Gottardi M, Leoni P, Gallo E, Camera A, Luciano L, Specchia G, Torelli G, Sborgia M, Gabbas A, Tedeschi A, Della Starza I, Cascavilla N, Di Raimondo F, Mandelli F, Foà R. (2002). Partial deletions of long arm of chromosome 6: biologic and clinical implications in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia. LEUKEMIA, vol. 16, p. 2055-2061.

34. Tafuri A, Gregorj C, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Mancini M, Cimino G, Mecucci C, Tedeschi A, Fioritoni G, Ferrara F, Di Raimondo F, Gallo E, Liso V, Fabbiano F, Cascavilla N, Pizzolo G, Camera A, Pane F, Lanza F, Cilloni D, Annino L, Vitale A, Vegna ML, Vignetti M, Foà R, Mandelli F ON BEHALF OF THE GIMEMA GROUP. (2002). MDR1 protein expression is an independent predictor of complete remission in newly diagnosed adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia. BLOOD, vol. 100, p. 974-981.

35. Curti A, Tafuri A, Ricciardi MR, Tazzari P, Petrucci MT, Fogli M, Ratta M, Lapalombella R, Ferri E, Tura S, Baccarani M, Lemoli RM. (2002). Interleukin-11 induces proliferation of human T cells and its activity is associated with downregulation of p27KIP1. HAEMATOLOGICA, vol. 87, p. 373-380.

36. Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Gregorj C, Ciapponi L, Savino R, Ciliberto G, Tafuri A. (2002). Effects of IL-6 variants in Multiple Myeloma: growth inhibition and induction of apoptosis in primary cells. LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA, vol. 43, p. 2369-2375.

37. Spirito FR, Mancini M, Derme V, Cimino G, Testi AM, Tafuri A, Vitale A, Foà R. (2003). Trisomy 13 in a patient with common acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Description of a case and review of the literature. CANCER GENETICS AND CYTOGENETICS, vol. 144, p. 69-72.

38. Petti MC, Tafuri A, Latagliata R, Aloe Spiriti MA, Montefusco E, Mancini M, Meloni G, Petrucci MT, Spadea A, Redi R, Alimena G, Mandelli F. (2003). High-dose hydroxyurea in the treatment of poor-risk myeloid leukemias. ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY, vol. 82(8), p. 476-480.

39. Lemoli RM, Bertolini F, Petrucci MT, Gregorj C, Ricciardi MR, Fogli M, Curti A, Rabascio C, Pandolfi S, Ferrari S, Foá R, Baccarani M, Tafuri A. (2003). Functional and kinetic characterization of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-primed CD34- human stem cells. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY, vol. 123, p. 720-729.

40. Foà R, Vitale A, Mancini M, Cuneo A, Mecucci C, Elia L, Lombardo R, Saglio G, Torelli G, Annino L, Specchia G, Damasio E, Recchia A, Di Raimondo F, Morra E, Volpe E, Tafuri A, Fazi P, Hunger SP, Mandelli F. (2003). E2A-PBX1 fusion in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia: biological and clinical features. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY, vol. 120, p. 484-487.

41. Lo Coco F, Cimino G, Breccia M, Noguera NI, Diverio D, Finolezzi E, Pogliani EM, Di Bona E, Micalizzi C, Kropp M, Venditti A, Tafuri A, Mandelli F. (2004). Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin (Mylotarg) as a single agent for moleculary relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia. BLOOD, vol. 104, p. 1995-1999.

42. Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Gregorj C, Martini V, Levi A, De Cuia MR, Latagliata R, Petti MC, Mandelli F, Foà R, Tafuri A. (2004). Apoptosis susceptibility and cell-cycle distribution in cells

from myelodysplastic syndrome patients: modulatory in-vitro effects of G-CSF and Interferon-alpha. LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA, vol. 45, p. 1437-1443.

43. Di Rocco A, Finolezzi E, Anaclerico B, Calabrese E, Levi A, Trasarti S, Tafuri A. (2005). Therapeutic advances in neoplastic hematology: target therapy anti-CD33. LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA, vol. 156, p. 183-186.

44. Milella M, Precupanu CM, Gregorj C, Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Kornblau SM, Tafuri A, Andreeff M (2005). Beyond single pathway inhibition: MEK inhibitors as a plattform for the development of pharmacological combinations ith synergistic antileukemic effects. CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN, vol. 11, p. 2779-2795.

45. Mancini M, Scappaticci D, Cimino G, Nanni M, Derme V, Elia L, Tafuri A, Vignetti M, Vitale A, Cuneo A, Castoldi G, Saglio G, Pane F, Mecucci C, Camera A, Specchia G, Tedeschi A, Di Raimondo F, Fioritoni G, Fabbiano F, Marmont F, Ferrara F, Cascavilla N, Todeschini G, Nobile F, Kropp MG, Leoni P, Tabilio A, Luppi M, Annino L, Mandelli F, Foà R. (2005). A comprehensive genetic classification of adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL): analysis of the GIMEMA 0496 protocol. BLOOD, vol. 105, p. 3434-3441.

46. Zeuner A, Pedini F, Signore M, Ruscio G, Messina C, Tafuri A, Girelli G, Peschle C, De Maria R. (2006). Increased death receptor resistance and FLIPshort expression in polycythemia vera erythroid precursor cells. BLOOD, vol. 107, p. 3495-3502, ISSN: 0006-4971.

47. Majore S, Milano F, Binni F, Stuppia L, Cerrone A, Tafuri A, De Bernardo C, Palka G, Grammatico P. (2006). Homozygous p.M172K mutation of the TFR2 gene in an Italian family with type 3 hereditary hemochromatosis and early onset iron overload. HAEMATOLOGICA, vol. 91, p. 91-93.

48. Quaresima M, Iacobelli S, Tempera S, Frattarelli N, Bizzoni L, Anaclerico B, Matturro A, Cucchi F, Tafuri A, Pulsoni A. (2006). Hairy cell leukemia: prognosis and treatment. LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA, vol. 157, p. 105-109.

49. Orsini E, Calabrese E, Maggio R, Pasquale A, Nanni M, Trasarti S, Tafuri A, Guarini A, Foa R. (2006). Circulating myeloid dendritic cell directly isolated from patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia are functional and carry the bcr-abl translocation. LEUKEMIA RESEARCH, vol. 30, p. 785-794.

50. Vitale A, Guarini A, Ariola C, Mancini M, Mecucci C, Cuneo A, Pane F, Saglio G, Cimino G, Tafuri A, Meloni G, Fabbiano F, Recchia A, Kropp MG, Krampera M, Cascavilla N, Ferrara F, Romano A, Mazza P, Fozza C, Paoloni F, Vignetti M, Foà R. (2006). Adult T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: biologic profile at presentation and correlation with response to induction treatement in patients enrolled in the GIMEMA LAL 0496 protocol. BLOOD, vol. 107, p. 473-479.

51. McCubrey JA, Steelman LS, Chappell WH, Abrams SL, Wong EWT, Chang F, Lehmann B, Terrian DM, Milella M, Tafuri A, Stivala F, Libra M, Basecke J, Evangelisti C, Martelli AM, Franklin RA (2007). Roles of Raf/MEK/ERK pathway in cell growth, malignant transformation and drug resistance. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR CELL RESEARCH, vol. 1773, p. 1263-1284.

52. Tortora G, Bianco R, Daniele G, Ciardiello F, McCubrey JA, Ricciardi MR, Ciuffreda L, Cognetti F, Tafuri A, Milella M (2007). Overcoming resistance to molecularly targeted anticancer therapies: Rational drug combinations based on EGFR and MAPK inhibition for solid tumours and haematologic malignancies. DRUG RESISTANCE UPDATES, vol. 10, p. 81-100.

53. Milella M, Konopleva M, Precupanu CM, Tabe Y, Ricciardi MR, Gregorj C, Collins SJ, Carter BZ, D'Angelo C, Petrucci MT, Foà R, Cognetti F, Tafuri A, Andreeff M. (2007). MEK blockade converts AML differentiating response to retinoids into extensive apoptosis. BLOOD, vol. 109, p. 2121-2129.

54. Gregorj C, Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Scerpa MC, De Cave F, Fazi P, Vignetti M, Vitale A, Mancini M, Cimino G, Palmieri S, Di Raimondo F, Specchia G, Fabbiano F, Cantore N, Mosna

F, Camera A, Luppi M, Annino L, Miraglia E, Fioritoni G, Ronco F, Meloni G, Mandelli F, Andreeff M, Milella M, Foà R, Tafuri A; GIMEMA Acute Leukemia Working Party. (2007). ERK1/2 phosphorylation is an independent predictor of complete remission in newly diagnosed adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia. BLOOD, vol. 109, p. 5473-5476.

55. Vannucchi AM, Antonioli E, Guglielmelli P, Rambaldi A, Barosi G, Marchioli R, Marfisi RM, Finazzi G, Guerini V, Fabris F, Randi ML, De Stefano V, Caberlon S, Tafuri A, Ruggeri M, Specchia G, Liso V, Rossi E, Pogliani E, Gugliotta L, Bosi A, Barbui T. (2007). Clinical profile of homozygous JAK2 617 V>F mutation in patients with polycytemia vera or essential thrombocythemia. BLOOD, vol. 110, p. 840-846, ISSN: 0006-4971.

56. McCubrey JA, Milella M, Tafuri A, Martelli AM, Lunghi P, Bonati A, Cervello M, Lee JT, Steelman LS. (2008). Targeting the Raf/MEK/ERK pathway with small molecule inhibitors. CURRENT OPINION IN INVESTIGATIONAL DRUGS, vol. 9, p. 614-630.

57. McCubrey JA, Steelman LS, Abrams SL, Bertrand FE, Ludwig DE, Bäsecke J, Libra M, Stivala F, Milella M, Tafuri A, Lunghi P, Bonati A, Martelli AM. (2008). Targeting survival cascades induced by activation of Ras/RafMEK/ERK, PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTOR and Jak/STAT pathway for effective leukemia therapy. LEUKEMIA, vol. 22, p. 708-782.

58. Falà F, Blalock WL, Tazzari PL, Cappellini A, Chiarini F, Martinelli G, Tafuri A, McCubrey JA, Cocco L, Martelli AM. (2008). Proapoptotic activity and chemosensitizing effect of the novel Akt inhibitor(2S)-1-(1H-Indol-3-yl)-3-[5-(3-methyl-2H-indazol-5-yl) pyridin-3-yl]oxypropan2-amine (A443654) in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY, vol. 74, p. 884-895.

59. Steelman LS, Abrams SL, Whelan J, Bertrand FE, Ludwig DE, Bäsecke J, Libra M, Stivala F, Milella M, Tafuri A, Lunghi P, Bonati A, Martelli AM, McCubrey JA. (2008). Contributions of the Raf/MEK/ERK, PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTOR and Jak/STAT pathways to leukemia. LEUKEMIA, vol. 22, p. 686-707.

60. McCubrey JA, Sokolosky ML, Lehmann BD, Taylor JR, Navolanic PM, Chappell WH, Abrams SL, Stadelman KM, Wong EW, Misaghian N, Horn S, Bäsecke J, Libra M, Stivala F, Ligresti G, Tafuri A, Milella M, Zarzycki M, Dzugaj A, Chiarini F, Evangelisti C, Martelli AM, Terrian DM, Franklin RA, Steelman LS. (2008). Alteration of Akt activity increases chemotherapeutic drug and hormonal resistance in breast cancer yet confers an achilles heel by sensitization to targeted therapy. Advances in Enzyme Regulation, vol. 48, p. 113-135.

61. Zeuner A, Pedini F, Francescangeli F, Signore M, Girelli G, Tafuri A, De Maria R (2008). Activity of the BH3 mimetic ABT-737 on polycythemia vera erythroid precursor cells.. BLOOD, vol. 113, p. 1522-1525.

62. Misaghian N, Ligresti G, Steelman LS, Bertrand FE, Bäsecke J, Libra M, Nicoletti F, Stivala F, Milella M, Tafuri A, Cervello M, Martelli AM, McCubrey JA. Targeting the leukemic stem cell: the Holy Grail of leukemia therapy.. Leukemia. 2009 Jan;23(1):25-42.

63. Del Giudice I, Pileri SA, Rossi M, Sabattini E, Campidelli C, Della Starza I, De Propris MS, Mancini F, Perrone MP, Gesuiti P, Armiento D, Quattrocchi L, Tafuri A, Amendola A, Mauro FR, Guarini A, Foà R. Histopathological and molecular features of persistent polyclonal B-cell lymphocytosis (PPBL) with progressive splenomegaly. Br J Haematol. 2009 Mar;144(5):726-31.

64. Breccia M, Cilloni D, Cannella L, Stefanizzi C, Tafuri A, Fama A, Santopietro M, Saglio G, Alimena G. Isolated molecular relapse in FIP1L1-PDGFRalpha hypereosinophilic syndrome after discontinuation and single weekly dose of imatinib: need of quantitative molecular procedures to modulate imatinib dose. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2009; 63:1161-3.

65. Zeuner, F. Pedini, F. Francescangeli, M. Signore, G. Girelli, A.Tafuri, R. De Maria Activity of the BH3 mimetic ABT-737 on polycythemia vera erythroid precursor cells. Blood. 2009; 113:1252-55.

66. Lemoli RM, Salvestrini V, Bianchi E, Bertolini F, Fogli M, Amabile M, Tafuri A, Salati S, Zini R, Testoni N, Rabascio C, Rossi L, Martin-Padura I, Castagnetti F, Marighetti P, Martinelli G,

Baccarani M, Ferrari S, Manfredini R. Molecular and functional analysis of the stem cell compartment of chronic myelogenous leukemia reveals the presence of a CD34- cell population with intrinsic resistance to imatinib. Blood. 2009 Oct 23.

67. McCubrey JA, Steelman LS, Abrams SL, Chappell WH, Russo S, Ove R, Milella M, Tafuri A, Lunghi P, Bonati A, Stivala F, Nicoletti F, Libra M, Martelli AM, Montalto G, Cervello M. Emerging Raf inhibitors. Expert Opin Emerg Drugs. 2009 Dec;14(4):633-48.

68. Ciuffreda L, Del Bufalo D, Desideri M, Di Sanza C, Stoppacciaro A, Ricciardi MR, Chiaretti S, Tavolaro S, Benassi B, Bellacosa A, Foà R, Tafuri A, Cognetti F, Anichini A, Zupi G, Milella M. Growth-inhibitory and antiangiogenic activity of the MEK inhibitor PD0325901 in malignant melanoma with or without BRAF mutations. Neoplasia. 2009 Aug;11(8):720-31.

69. McCubrey JA, Steelman LS, Abrams SL, Chappell WH, Russo S, Ove R, Milella M, Tafuri A, Lunghi P, Bonati A, Stivala F, Nicoletti F,Libra M, Martelli AM, Montalto G, Cervello M. Emerging MEK inhibitors. Expert Opin Emerg Drugs. 2010 Jun;15(2):203-23.

70. Fama A, Rago A, Gioiosa F, Marzano C, Latagliata R, Mammì C, Laganà C, D'Elia GM, Bizzoni L, Trasarti S, Ferretti A, Breccia M, Riggio O, Tafuri A. Budd-Chiari syndrome and splancnic vein thrombosis: masked myeloproliferative neoplasms and JAK2V617F. Clin Ter. 2010 Mar-Apr;161(2):169-71.

71. Steelman LS, Chappell WH, Abrams SL, Kempf RC, Long J, Laidler P, Mijatovic S, Maksimovic-Ivanic D, Stivala F, Mazzarino MC, Donia M, Fagone P, Malaponte G, Nicoletti F, Libra M, Milella M, Tafuri A, Bonati A, Bäsecke J, Cocco L, Evangelisti C, Martelli AM, Montalto G, Cervello M, McCubrey JA. Roles of the Raf/MEK/ERK and PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTOR pathways in controlling growth and sensitivity to therapy-implications for cancer and aging. Aging (Albany NY). 2011 Mar;3(3):192-222.

72. Chappell WH, Steelman LS, Long JM, Kempf RC, Abrams SL, Franklin RA, Bäsecke J, Stivala F, Donia M, Fagone P, Malaponte G, Mazzarino MC, Nicoletti F, Libra M, Maksimovic-Ivanic D, Mijatovic S, Montalto G, Cervello M, Laidler P, Milella M, Tafuri A, Bonati A, Evangelisti C, Cocco L, Martelli AM, McCubrey JA. Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK and PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTOR inhibitors: rationale and importance to inhibiting these pathways in human health. Oncotarget. 2011 Mar;2(3):135-64

73. Salvestrini V, Zini R, Rossi L, Gulinelli S, Manfredini R, Bianchi E, Piacibello W, Caione L, Migliardi G, Ricciardi MR, Tafuri A, Romano M, Salati S, Di Virgilio F, Ferrari S, Baccarani M, Ferrari D, Lemoli RM. Purinergic signaling inhibits human acute myeloblastic leukemia cell proliferation, migration and engraftment in immunodeficient mice. Blood.119(1):217-26; 2012.

74. Konopleva M, Milella M, Ruvolo P, Watts JC, Ricciardi MR, Korchin B, McQueen T, Bornmann W, Tsao T, Bergamo P, Mak DH, Chen W, McCubrey J, Tafuri A, Andreeff M. MEK/ERK Inhibition Enhances ABT-737-Induced Apoptosis of Leukemia Cells via Modulation of Mcl-1/Bim complex. Leukemia. 26(4):778-87; 2012

75. Ciuffreda L, Di Sanza C, Cesta Incani U, Eramo A, Desideri M, Biagioni F, Passeri D, Falcone I, Sette G, Bergamo P, Anichini A, Sabapathy K, McCubrey JA, Ricciardi MR, Tafuri A, Blandino G, Orlandi A, De Maria R, Cognetti F, Del Bufalo D, Milella M. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade controls phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) expression through multiple mechanisms. J Mol Med (Berl). 90(6):667-79; 2012

76. Ricciardi MR, Scerpa MC, Bergamo P, Ciuffreda L, Petrucci MT, Chiaretti S, Tavolaro S, Mascolo MG, Abrams SL, Steelman L, Tsao T, Marchetti A, Konopleva K, Del Bufalo D, Cognetti C, Foà R, Andreeff M, McCubrey JA, Tafuri A, Milella M. Therapeutic Potential of the MEK Inhibitor in Acute Myelogenous Leukemia: Rationale for ‘vertical’ and ‘lateral’ combination strategies. J Mol Med (Berl). 90(10):1133-44; 2012

77. McCubrey JA, Steelman LS, Chappell WH, Abrams SL, Montalto G, Cervello M, Nicoletti F, Fagone P, Malaponte G, Mazzarino MC, Candido S, Libra M, Bäsecke J, Mijatovic S, Maksimovic-Ivanic D, Milella M, Tafuri A, Cocco L, Evangelisti C, Chiarini F, Martelli AM.

Mutations and deregulation of Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK and PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTOR cascades which alter therapy response. Oncotarget. 2012 Sep;3(9):954-87. Review.

78. McCubrey JA, Steelman LS, Chappell WH, Abrams SL, Franklin RA, Montalto G, Cervello M, Libra M, Candido S, Malaponte G, Mazzarino MC, Fagone P, Nicoletti F, Bäsecke J, Mijatovic S, Maksimovic-Ivanic D, Milella M, Tafuri A, Chiarini F, Evangelisti C, Cocco L, Martelli AM. Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK and PI3K/PTEN/Akt/mTOR cascade inhibitors: how mutations can result in therapy resistance and how to overcome resistance. Oncotarget. 2012 Oct;3(10):1068-111. Review.

79. Chappell WH, Abrams SL, Franklin RA, LaHair MM, Montalto G, Cervello M, Martelli AM, Nicoletti F, Candido S, Libra M, Polesel J, Talamini R, Milella M, Tafuri A, Steelman LS, McCubrey JA. Ectopic NGAL expression can alter sensitivity of breast cancer cells to EGFR, Bcl-2, CaM-K inhibitors and the plant natural product berberine. Cell Cycle. 2012 Dec 1;11(23):4447-61.

80. McCubrey JA, Steelman LS, Chappell WH, Sun L, Davis NM, Abrams SL, Franklin RA, Cocco L, Evangelisti C, Chiarini F, Martelli AM, Libra M, Candido S, Ligresti G, Malaponte G, Mazzarino MC, Fagone P, Donia M, Nicoletti F, Polesel J, Talamini R, Bäsecke J, Mijatovic S, Maksimovic-Ivanic D, Michele M, Tafuri A, Dulińska-Litewka J, Laidler P, D'Assoro AB, Drobot L, Umezawa D, Montalto G, Cervello M, Demidenko ZN. Advances in targeting signal transduction pathways. Oncotarget. 2012 Dec;3(12):1505-21. Review.

81. Cagliuso M, Conti V, Trasarti S, Lombardi L, Riminucci M, Perez M, Turriziani O, Falasca F, Nanni M, Tafuri A, Mezzaroma I. Splenic marginal zone lymphoma in a HIV-1 infected patient: evidence favouring a pathogenetic role of HIV-1 itself in the lymphomagenesis. Infection. 2013 Feb;41(1):255-8.

82. Hricik T, Federici G, Zeuner A, Alimena G, Tafuri A, Tirelli V, Varricchio L, Masiello F, Ciaffoni F, Vaglio S, Petricoin EF, Girelli G, Levine RL, Migliaccio AR. Transcriptomic and phospho-proteomic analyzes of erythroblasts expanded in vitro from normal donors and from patients with polycythemia vera. Am J Hematol. 2013 Sep;88(9):723-9.

83. Torti L, Teofili L, Capodimonti S, Nuzzolo ER, Iachininoto MG, Massini G, Coluzzi S, Tafuri A, Fiorin F, Girelli G, Zini G, Larocca LM.Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α(Pro-582-Ser) polymorphism prevents iron deprivation in healthy blood donors. Blood Transfus. 2013 Oct;11(4):553-7.


1. Tafuri A., Andreeff M. (1990). Recruitment therapy in acute myeloblastic leukemia: a different approach to improuve leukemia treatment. In: -. Cytokines in Hemopoiesis, Oncology, and AIDS. p. 107-113, Berlin Heidelberg:Freund et al. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.

2. Tafuri A. and Andreeff M. (1990). Kinetic modulation of hematologic malignancies by cytokines: approach to overcome cytokinetic resistance.. In: -. Hematological growth factor in clinical application. vol. 24, p. 381-399, New York :Mertelsmann R. and Herrmann F.; Marcel Dekker, New York

3. Andreeff M, Tafuri A, Hegewisch-Becker S. (1990). Colony stimulating factors (rhG-CSF, rhGM-CSF, rhIL-3 and BCGF) recruit myeloblastic and lymphoblastic leukemic cells and enhance the cytotoxic effects of cytosine-arabinoside. . In: -. Haematology and Blood Transfusion . vol. 33, p. 747-762, Berlin-Heidelberg; :Buechner T, Schellong G, Hiddemann W, and Ritter J; Springer-Verlag.

4. Andreeff M, Tafuri A, Bettelheim P, Valent P, Estey E, Lemoli R, Goodacre A, Clarkson B, Mandelli F, Deisseroth A. (1992). Cytokinetic resistance in acute leukemia: recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, granulocyt macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin-3 and stem cell factor affects in vitro and clinical trials with granulocyte

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5. Cornaglia-Ferraris P, Tafuri A. (1994). Peptidi e proteine ricombinanti in oncologia: principi biotecnologici, farmacologici e terapeutici. In: -. Peptidi e proteine ricombinanti in oncologia. Edi-ermes

6. Andreeff M, Drach J, Zhao S, Consoli U, Escudier S, Sanchez-Williams G, Liu Y, Goodacre A, Drach D, Dunne C, Tafuri A, Estey E, Deisseroth A. (1994). Cell kinetic, molecular and clinical analysis of growth factor sensi¬tization of myeloid leukemia.. In: -. Hemopoietic growth factors, Oncogenes and Cytokines in clinical hematology. p. 112-136, Basel, Karger

7. Tafuri A. (1996). Uso dei fattori di crescita in ematologia: quando e per chi ? In: Grandangolo, Collana di Ematologia.

8. Tafuri A. (1996). Caratterizzazione cinetica delle cellule staminali CD34+ nelle leucemie acute. . In: -. Un passo avanti nella terapia delle leucemie acute mieloidi e del mielo¬ma multiplo: impiego delle PBSC e dei fattori di crescita. Ediz. Dompe' Biotec

9. Sommaggio A, Ricciardi MR, Maurillo L, Spinelli M, Basso G, Tafuri A. (1997). Prognostic value of activity of Rhodamine-Efflux in pediatric leukemia. DRUG RESISTANCE IN LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA II, Book Series: ADVANCES IN BLOOD DISORDERS Vol 3: 367-373.

10. Tafuri A, Petrucci MT, Mascolo MG, Ciliberti C, Ricciardi MR, De Felice L. (1997). Preclinical evaluation of GM-CSF/IL-3 fusion protein (PIXY-321) in acute myeloid leukemia. In Prognostic Factors and treatment strategies 465-471. Buchner et al. (Eds) Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

11. Tafuri A, Mandelli F (1997). Hematopoiesis and growth factors in neoplastic elderly patients.. In: International J. of Radiological Science . p. 37-41

12. Petrucci MT, Tafuri A, Mandelli F. (2000). Ruolo della bioterapia nel mieloma multiplo. In: -. Recenti Progressi in Medicina. vol. 91, p. 488-493

13. Mandelli F, Lo Coco F, Martelli M, Petrucci MT, Tafuri A. (2001). Terapie mediche non citotossiche in oncoematologia. In: -. Ann Ital Med Int . vol. 16, p. 1-9

14. Petti MC, Martelli MP, Tosti S, De Felice L, Valentini T, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT, Mandelli F. (1997). Poor risk acute myelogenous leukemia patients undergoing the fludarabine-cytosine arabinoside-filgrastime regimen: multidrug resistance expression, granulocyte colony-stimulating priming activity and clinical response.. In: -. Prognostic factors and treatment strategies . p. 846-851, Berlin Heidelberg :Buchner et al (Eds). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

15. Tafuri A., Milella M, Iacovelli S, De Cave F, Gregorj C, Bergamo P, Miele A, Licchetta R, Konopleva MY, McCubrey JA, Martelli AM, Foà R, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR. Aberrant proliferative and apoptotic pathways in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL): molecular therapies to overcome chemo-resistance, in the book "Novel Aspects in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia" edited by Stefan Faderl, ISBN 978-953-307-753-6, InTech, November 11, 2011

16. Tafuri A. con la collaborazione di Ricciardi MR. Proliferazione e ciclo cellulare nelle emopatie maligne: marcatori biologici per terapie innovatie molecolari. Ematologia di Mandelli a cura di G. Avvisti. PICCIN 2013


1. Tafuri A, Ricciardi MR, Lemoli RM, Fortuna A, Bonsi L, Strippoli PL, Ariola C, Mazzola F, Petrucci MT, Mandelli F., Bagnara GP (1996). Megakaryocyte growth development factor (MGDF) proliferative effects on acute myeloid leukemic cells.. In: SIES Discutiamone insieme. Firenze, Italia, Febbraio 1996

2. Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Ariola C, Gregorj C, Savino R, Ciliberto G, Tafuri A. (1998). IL-6 receptor super-antagonists. . In: -. CANCER RESEARCH, THERAPY & CONTROL, vol. 6, p. 227-229, ISSN: 1064-0525

3. De Felice L, Di Pucchio T, Breccia M, Agostini F, Mascolo MG, Guglielmi C, Ricciardi MR, Screnci M, Tafuri A, Carmini D, Arcese W. (1998). Flt3L enhances the early stem cell compartment after ex vivo amplification of umbilical cord blood CD34+ cells.. In: -. BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION, vol. 22, p. 66-67, ISSN: 0268-3369


1. Tafuri and M. Andreeff: Kinetic effects of cytokines in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and its application in recruitment therapy. Cytometry suppl 4:29 (176), 1990.

2. Godfrey, E. Espiritu, P. Maslak, A. Tafuri, M. Andreeff: Ki67 expression and acridine-orange (AO) cell cycle analysis in leukemia. Cytometry suppl 4:97 (575) 1990.

3. Tafuri, E. Estey, P. Valent, P. Bettelheim, L. Godfrey, R. Chen, A. Redner, A. Deisseroth, M. Andreeff. Cell kinetic effects in vivo of rhGM-CSF as pre-induction treatment in acute myeloblastic leukemia. Blood 76:663a, 1990

4. SR Frankel, DA Scheinberg, WH Milller, E Dmitrovsky, A. Jakubowski, J Gabrilove, A. Tafuri, M. Andreeff, S. Jhanwar, M. Gordon, RP Warrell Differentiation therapy of acute promyelocytic leukemia with all trans retinoic acid. Proceedings of ASCO 10 (760) 1991

5. Tafuri, D. Collins, R. Lukas, F. Mandelli, M. Andreeff. Cytokine receptor determination by flow cytometry in normal and malignant hematopoietic cells. Proceedings of ASCO 10 (777) 1991 SI

6. Andreeff, A. Tafuri, A. Goodacre, S. Escudier, M. Leahy, J. Drach, C. Reading, D. Collins, E. Estey, A. Deisseroth. Leukemia cell sensitization with cytokines in vitro and in vivo: cellular and molecular mechanisms. Hematologica 76:4 (122) 1991

7. Tafuri, L. De Felice, MC Petti, A. Spadea, P. Fazi, T. Valentini, MT. Petrucci, M. Andreeff, F. Mandelli. In vivo and in vitro cell kinetic effect of rhGM-CSF in the combined cytokine-chemotherapy treatment of acute myeloblastic leukemia. Haematologica 76:4 (128) 1991

8. Tafuri, RM Lemoli, R. Chen, SC Gulati, BD, Clarkson Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor priming of myeloblastic leukemia: correlations with cytotoxicity of cycle and non cycle-specific drugs. Haematologica 76:4 (303) 1991

9. Tafuri, L. De Felice, T. Valentini, MT. Petrucci, MC. Petti, C. De Gregoris, AM. Testi, M. Rolla, M. Andreeff, F. Mandelli. In vivo and in vitro cell kinetic effects of rhGM-CSF in combined cytokine-chemotherapy treatment of acute myeloblastic leukemia. Blood 78:10 (1687) 1991.

10. Tafuri, L. De Felice, MT Petrucci, T. Valentini, G. Meloni, A. Goodacre, S. Amadori, M. Andreeff, F. Meloni. Combined interleukin-3/chemotherapy treatmaent of acute myeloblastic leukemia: in vivo and in vitro studies. Blood 78:10 (1711) 1991

11. Andreeff M, Tafuri A, Estey E, Drach J, Goodacre A, Zhao S, Zhang W, Sanchez-Williams G, Escudier S, Reading C, Estrov Z, Plunkett W, Mandelli F, Deisseroth A. The use of GM-CSF and interleukin-3 in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia. Annals of Hematology 64: (S10) 1992

12. Tafuri A, De Felice L, Meloni G, De Gregoris G, Fenu S, Goodacre A, Cedrone M, Guglielmi G, Burgio VL, Petrucci MT, Valentini T, Amadori S, Andreeff M, Mandelli F. Interleukin-3/chemotherapy treatment of acute myeloid leukemia: in vivo and in vitro studies. Proceedings of AACR 33:(1385) 1992

13. Andreeff, E. Estey, A. Tafuri, C. Reading, Z. Estrov, J. Drach, S. Escudier, A. Goodacre, S. Zhao, W. Zhang, W. Plunkett, F. Mandelli. Interleukin-3/chemotherapy combinations in acute myeloblastic leukemia. Proceedings of ASCO 11:(901) 1992 SI

14. De Felice, A. Tafuri, T. Valentini, MC. Petti, F. Mandelli. In vitro detection of cycling clonogenic cells resistant to Ara-C: correlations with clinical response in AML patients. Blood 80:10 (92) 1992

15. Andreeff, J. Drach, A. Tafuri, E. Estey, S. Escudier, G. Sanchez Williams, C. Dunne, A. Goodacre, M. Peireira-Lealy, S. Zhao, S. Kornblau, H. Kantarjian, F. Mandelli, W. Plunkett, A. Deisseroth. Interleukin-3 before and during idarubicin/ara-C in acute myeloblastic leukemia: phase I clinical trial and laboratory study. Blood 80:10 (435) 1992

16. Tafuri, L. De Felice, MT. Petrucci, MG. Mascolo, T. Valentini, S. Fenu, MC. Petti, M. Andreeff, F. Mandelli. Kinetic changes and correlation to clinical response in AML patients treated with and without GM-CSF prior to chemotherapy. Blood 80:10 (1143) 1992

17. Tafuri A, De Felice L, Mascolo MG, Valentini T, Petti MC, Mandelli F. Effects of Mast Cell Growth Factor and PIXY 321 on Ara-C mediated Acute leukemia cell killing. Proceedings of AACR 34:(1259) 1993.

18. Tafuri, MT. Petrucci, MG. Mascolo, L. Burba, R. Stocchi, F. Mandelli. Flow cytometric and molecular techniques in hematologic neoplastic disease: detection of kinetic and multidrug resistance. Eur. J Histochemistry 37: 2s 46, 1993 SI

19. Tafuri, MT. Petrucci, MG. Mascolo, F. Mandelli. Cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases in human normal T-lymphocytes during cell cycle progression and in human hemopoietic malignant cells. Blood 82:10 (421) 1993

20. Tafuri, L. De Felice, MG. Mascolo, T. Valentini, MT. Petrucci, R. Stocchi, F. Mandelli. Stem cell factor in combination with GM-CSF/IL-3 fusion protein PIXY-321 induces the best proliferative stimulus for acute myeloid leukemia cells and enhances in vitro Ara-C cytotoxicity. Blood 82:10 (2005) 1993

21. MT. Petrucci, A. Tafuri, MG. Mascolo, L. De Felice, L. Burba, L. Annino, L. Moleti, S. Amadori, F. Mandelli. Effects of interleukin-7, stem cell factor and GM-CSF/IL-7 fusion protein on survival and proliferation of acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Blood 82:10 (1999) 1993

22. De Felice, A. Tafuri, T. Valentini, C. Ciliberti, G. Avvisati, F. Mandelli. In vitro identification of AML patients resistant to Ara-C and growth factor induced selective enhancement of cytotoxic effects only in sensitive cases. Blood 82:10 (2133) 1993

23. Petrucci MT, Mascolo MG, Ricciardi MR, Tafuri A, Mandelli F. Mechanism of cell cycle control in normal and malignant hemopoiesis: cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases. Haematologica, 3rd Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Hematology, Udine-Grado, September 22-24,(Abs 99), 1994.

24. Tafuri A, Petrucci MT, Burba L, Stocchi R, Mascolo MG, Ricciardi MR, Guglielmi C, Pontis P, Ferrari A, Amadori S, Mandelli F. Reduction of Rhodamine-123 Efflux by MDR modulators and detection of MDR1 gene expression in acute leukemia: prognostic implications. Haematologica, 3rd Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Hematology, Udine-Grado, September 22-24,(Abs 50),1994.

25. Tafuri A, Petrucci MT, Mascolo MG, Ricciardi MR, Mandelli F. Induction of proliferation and differentiation in normal and neoplastic hemopoiesis. XI Riunione Nazionale di Citometria; Orvieto 8-12 Ottobre 1994. Periodico del Gruppo Italiano di Citometria 3:2,1994.

26. Petrucci MT, Mascolo MG, Ricciardi MR, Amadori S, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. Aberrant expression of cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases in acute leukemia patients. Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology. Blood 84: 40a; 149, 1994.

27. Tafuri A, Petrucci MT, Burba L, Ricciardi MR, Stocchi R, Mascolo MG, Guglielmi C, Avvisati G, Annino L, Testi AM, Mandelli F. Modulation of Rhodamine-123 Efflux by cyclosporin a in acute leukemia: Prognostic implications. Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology. Blood 84: 47a; 175,1994.

28. Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Mascolo MG, Tafuri A. GF receptors expression and cell proliferation kinetic changes in AML patients treated with GM-CSF priming: clinical correlation. 35° National Congress of the Italian Society of Hematology, Pavia-Cernobbio, September 10-13, 1995.

29. Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Mascolo MG, Tafuri A. Evaluation of GF receptors expression by biotynylated cytokines in AML patients treated with GM-CSF priming: correlation between S-phase changes and clinical response. Atti 12° Riunione Nazionale Gruppo Italiano di Citometria, (GIC), Sant’Agnello di Sorrento, 18-20 ottobre 1995.

30. Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Ciapponi L, Sporeno E, Ciliberto G, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. In vitro activity of two IL-6 receptor super-antagonists on Multiple Myeloma cells. V International Workshop on Multiple Myeloma, La Baule, France 1995.

31. Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Savino R, Sporeno E, Ciliberto G, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. In vitro activity of IL-6 receptor super-antagonists on multiple myeloma cells. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts) 86: 61a; 232, 1995.

32. Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Savino R, Sporeno E, Ciliberto G, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. In vitro activity of IL-6 receptor super-antagonists on multiple myeloma cells. The XVIII Congress of the International Society for Analytical Cytology. Rimini, Italy, 13-18 April 1996. Cytometry. Supplement : the journal of the Society for Analytical Cytology. 01/02/1996; 8:17-151.

33. Petrucci MT, Ariola C, Ricciardi MR, Mascolo MG, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. Aberrant expression of cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases in acute leukemia patients. The XVIII Congress of the International Society for Analytical Cytology. Rimini, Italy, 13-18 April 1996. Cytometry. Supplement : the journal of the Society for Analytical Cytology. 01/02/1996; 8:17-151.

34. Tafuri A, Ricciardi MR, Lemoli RM, Fortuna A, Bonsi L, Strippoli PL, Ariola C, Mazzola F, Petrucci MT, Mandelli F, Bagnara GP. Megakaryocyte growth development factor (MGDF) proliferative effects on acute myeloid leukemic cells. SIES Discutiamone insieme, Firenze Febbraio 1996

35. Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Ariola C, Redi R, De Felice L, Latagliata R, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. Tools to detect apoptosis in hemopoietic neoplastic diseases: role in myelodysplastic syndromes. Haematologica, IV Congress of Italian Society of Experimental Hematology, Roma, November 6-8,(117) 1996

36. Ariola C, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Gregory C, Petti MC, Meloni G, Testi AM, Galletti PG, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. Chemotherapy-Resistance modifiers in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia patients selected for functional expression of multidrug resistance. Haematologica, IV Congress of Italian Society of Experimental Hematology, Roma, November 6-8,(123) 1996

37. Tafuri A, Ricciardi MR, Lemoli RM, Fortuna A, Bonsi L, Strippoli PL, Ariola C, Mazzola F, Petrucci MT, Mandelli F, GP Bagnara. Thrombopoietin proliferative effects on acute myeloid leukemia cells. Haematologica, IV Congress of Italian Society of Experimental Hematology, Roma, November 6-8,(70) 1996

38. Petrucci MT, Ariola C, Ricciardi MR, Pisegna S, Fimia GM, Annino L, Lo Coco F, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. Molecular control of cell cycle in normal and neoplastic hemopoiesis: p16, CDK4 and Rb showed common tumorigenesis pattern in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Haematologica, IV Congress of Italian Society of Experimental Hematology, Roma, November 6-8,(60) 1996

39. De Felice L, Di Pucchio T, Breccia M, Carmini D, Guglielmi C, Mascolo MG, Ricciardi MR, Screnci M, Tafuri A, Arcese W. Persistence of the early hemopoietic stem cells after in vitro amplification of Umbilical Cord Blood CD34+ cells. Haematologica, IV Congress of Italian Society of Experimental Hematology, Roma, November 6-8,(174) 1996

40. Fortuna A, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Catani L, Rondelli D, Fogli M, Leopardi G, Ariola C, Tura S, Lemoli RM. Peripheral blood CD 34+ from healthy donors mobilized by recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor for allogeneic transplantation, show

the same frequency of colony-forming unit cells (CFU-C) and long-term culture initiating cells (LTC-IC) of bone marrow CD 34+ cells. Whereas they differ in cell-cycle distribution, apoptosis and in-vitro responsiveness to colony-stimulating factors. Haematologica, IV Congress of Italian Society of Experimental Hematology, Roma, November 6-8,(225) 1996

41. Tafuri A, Ricciardi MR, Lemoli RM, Fortuna A, Bonsi L, Strippoli PL, Ariola C, Mazzola F, Petrucci MT, Mandelli F, Bagnara GP. Thrombopoietin proliferative effects on acute myeloid leukemia cells. Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology. Blood 88, 123b, 3219;1996

42. Petrucci MT, Ariola C, Ricciardi MR, Pisegna S, Fimia GM, Annino L, Lo Coco F, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. Molecular control of cell cycle in normal and neoplastic hemopoiesis: p16, CDK4 and Rb showed a common tumorigenesis pattern in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology. Blood 88, 120b, 3206;1996

43. Lemoli RM, Tafuri A, Fortuna A, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Catani L, Rondelli D, Fogli M, Leopardi G, Ariola C, Tura S. Cycling status of CD34+ cells mobilized into peripheral blood of healthy donors by recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF). Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology. Blood 88, 103b, 3138;1996

44. De Felice L, Di Pucchio T, Breccia M, Carmini D, Guglielmi C, Mascolo MG, Ricciardi MR, Screnci M, Tafuri A, Arcese W. Persistence of the early hemopoietic stem cells after in vitro amplification of umbilical cord blood CD34+ cells. Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology. Blood 88, 603a, 2402;1996

45. De Felice L, Di Pucchio T, Agostini F, Breccia M, Carmini D, Guglielmi C, Mascolo MG, Ricciardi MR, Screnci M, Tafuri A, Arcese W. Persistence of the early hemopoietic stem cells compartment after ex vivo amplification of umbilical cord blood CD34+ cells with cytokine combinations including FLT3L. 23° Annual Meeting EBMT, Aix-les-Bains, France, March 23-27, Bone Marrow Transplantation 19, Sup 1 (O604) 1997

46. Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Ariola C, Gregorj C, Latagliata R, Petti MC, Tafuri A. CD34+ cells in myelodysplastic syndromes with lower percentage of blasts are characterized by high spontaneous rate of apoptosis. IV International Symposium on Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Barcelona, Spain, April 24-27. Leukemia Research S27 (102) 1997

47. De Felice L, Di Pucchio T, Breccia M, Agostini F, Guglielmi C, Mascolo MG, Ricciardi MR, Screnci M, Tafuri A, Carmini D, Arcese W. Flt3L enhances the early stem cells compartment after ex vivo amplification of umbilical cord blood CD34+ cells. 2nd Eurocord Transplant Concerted Action Workshop, Annecy, France, May 8-11, 1997

48. Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Ariola C, Gregorj C, Savino R, Ciliberto G, Tafuri A. IL-6 receptor super-antagonists. VI International Workshop on Multiple Myeloma, Boston June 14-18, 1997

49. Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Ariola C, Gregorj C, Latagliata R, Petti MC, Tafuri A. Higher spontaneous rate of apoptosis characterizes myelodysplastic syndromes at lower risk of leukemic evolution. 36° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Ematologia, Catania-Naxos Taormina 2-5 Ottobre 1997. Abstract C015

50. Di Pucchio T, Mascolo MG, Breccia M, Agostini F, Guglielmi C, Ricciardi MR, Screnci M, Dominioni F, Tafuri A, Carmini D, Arcese W, De Felice L. Effetto dell’flt3L sull’amplificazione delle cellule staminali emopoietiche da sangue di cordone ombelicale. 36° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Ematologia, Catania-Naxos Taormina 2-5 Ottobre 1997. Abstract C021

51. Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Ariola C, Gregorj C, Mazzola F, Latagliata R, Petti MC, Tafuri A. High levels of apoptosis characterize RAEB and are lost during leukemic transformation. Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology. Blood 90, 520a, 2317; 1997.

52. Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Ariola C, Gregorj C, Ciapponi L, Savino R, Ciliberto G, Tafuri A. IL-6 Mutants inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells of patients characterized by high levels of soluble IL-6 receptor. Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology. Blood 90, 351a, 1565; 1997.

53. Ariola C, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Gregorj C, Breccia M, De Cuia MR, Vegna ML, Petti MC, Tafuri A. Multidrug Resistance (MDR1) in “younger” adult de novo Acute Myeloid Leukemia patients: low frequency of expression and lack of unfavorable prognostic value. Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology. Blood 90, 180a, 798; 1997.

54. Gregorj C, Petrucci MT, Ariola C, Ricciardi MR, Mercurio C, Dominguez JE, Draetta G, Tafuri A. Expression and proteasome-dependent degradation of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 in leukemias. American Society of Hematology. Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology. Blood 90, 51a, 215; 1997.

55. Petrucci MT, Gregorj C, Ariola C, Ricciardi MR, Mercurio C, Dominguez JE, Draetta G, Tafuri A. Expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 in leukemias. ISH-EHA Combined Haematology Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4-8 July. Br J Haematol 102, 29 (P-0111) 1998.

56. Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Ariola C, Gregorj C, Latagliata R, Petti MC, Tafuri A. High levels of apoptosis characterize RAEB and are lost during leukemic transformation. ISH-EHA Combined Haematology Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4-8 July. Br J Haematol 102, 282 (O-1127) 1998.

57. Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Ariola C, Gregorj C, Mazzola F, Traisci D, Foà R, Mauro FR, Tafuri A. Stable disease in chronic lymphocytic leukemias is associated with enhanced levels of apoptosis. V CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI EMATOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE. Siena, 23-24-25 settembre 1998.

58. Petrucci MT, Gregorj C, Lemoli RM, Ariola C, Ricciardi MR, Fogli M, Draetta G, Tafuri A. Molecular control of normal and neoplastic hemopoiesis: role of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27. V CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI EMATOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE. Siena, 23-24-25 settembre 1998.

59. Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Gregorj C, Ariola C, Mazzola F, Traisci D, Foà R, Mauro FR, Tafuri A. Disease progression in B-CLL is associated with reduced levels of apoptosis and enhanced p27 expression. Blood 92, 633a,2612; 1998.

60. Tafuri A, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Ariola C, Gregorj C, Mazzola F. Leucemie linfoidi acute dell’adulto: Fattori di crescita. XXII Corso Nazionale di Aggiornamento in Ematologia Clinica. Roma 9-11 Novembre; 1998

61. Tafuri A, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Ariola C, Gregorj C, Mazzola F. Ci sono controindicazioni all’uso del G-CSF nelle mobilizzazioni di PBSC autologhe in oncoematologia? Workshop: La mobilizzazione delle cellule staminali emopoietiche: un problema già risolto? Bologna 3 Maggio; 1999.

62. Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Gregorj C, Ariola C, Mazzola F, Traisci D, Mauro FR, Foa R, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. Apoptosis is a prognostic factor for disease progression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. EHA Haematologica 84, 26 (PO-0109); 1999.

63. Ricciardi MR, Gregorj C, Petrucci MT, Ariola C, Cerretti R, Mauro FR, Foa R, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. Stable disease in chronic lymphocytic leukemia is characterized by p27 overexpression and a higher susceptibility to enter apoptosis. 37th Congress of the Italian Society of Hematology, September 26-29, Torino, Italy. Haematologica 84, suppl. number 9, (P230); 1999.

64. Gregorj C, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Fogli M, Curti A, Tura S, Mandelli F, Lemoli RM, Tafuri A. Opposite regulation of p27 in bone marrow and G-CSF mobilized peripheral blood CD34+ cells. Blood 94, 270a,1203; 1999.

65. Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Gregorj C, Ariola C, Lemoli RM, Fogli M, Mauro FR, Cerretti R, Foà R, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. Susceptibility to apoptosis and p27KIP1 expression in stable and progressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Haematologica Vol.85, Suppl. n.9 (P28) 2000.

66. Gregorj C, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Fogli M, Curti A, Mazzola F, Ariola C, Lemoli RM, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. Differential regulation of p27 and cyclins between bone marrow and mobilized peripheral blood CD34+ cells. Haematologica Vol.85, Suppl. n.9 (P15) 2000.

67. Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Gregorj C, Palumbo G, Del Bianco P, Cartoni C, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. Thalidomide effects on apoptosis in multiple myeloma: ex-vivo and in vitro study. Blood 96, 366a, 1581; 2000.

68. Ricciardi MR, Gregorj C, Palumbo G, Del Bianco P, Cartoni C, Mandelli F, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT. Multiple myeloma: Thalidomide effects on apoptosis. Haematologica Vol.86, Suppl. n.10, C104 (P57) 2001.

69. Gregorj C, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Annino L, Depaoli L, Sica S, Filardi N, Miraglia E, Ferrero D, Vitale A, Vegna ML, Vignetti M, Foà R, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. MRD1/P-gp expression predicts achievement of remission in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients. Haematologica Vol.86, Suppl. n.10, C007 (P11) 2001.

70. Tafuri A, De Felice L, Mascolo MG, Ricciardi MR, Agostini F, Petrucci MT, Gregorj C, Latagliata R, Petti MC, Della Bitta R, Aloe Spiriti MA. Prodtaglandine E1 and erythropoietin on primary cells from myelodysplastic patients: divergent apoptotic effects between low and high risk patients. First International Congress Myeloproliferative disease and Myelodysplastic Syndromes. New York 18-20 October 2001

71. Tafuri A, Gregorj C, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Sborgia N, Tedeschi A, Di Raimondo F, Mirto S, Liso V, Kropp MG, Ferrara F, Carella AM, Gallo E, Nobile F, Pizzolo G, Annino L, Vitale A, Vignetti M, Foà R, Mandelli F for the GIMEMA Cooperative Group, ROME, Italy. MRD1/P-gp, MRP1 and LRP expression: frequency and prognostic role in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients uniformly treated according to the GIMEMA 0496 protocol. Blood (2001) 98, 459a.

72. Petrucci MT, Gregorj C, Ricciardi MR, Mancini M, Cimino G, Mecucci C, Tedeschi A, Fioritoni G, Ferrara F, Di Raimondo F, Gallo E, Liso V, Fabbiano F, Cascavilla N, Pizzolo G, Camera A, Pane F, Lanza F, Cilloni D, Annino L, Vitale A, Vegna ML, Vignetti M, Foà R, Mandelli F and Tafuri A for the GIMEMA Cooperative Group, Rome, Italy. MDR1/P-gp expression predicts achievement of remission in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients treated according to the GIMEMA 0496 protocol. The Hematology Journal Vol. 3, Sup.1, 2002.

73. Lemoli RM, Fogli M, Gregorj C, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Testoni N, Amabile M, Mazzola F, Foà R, Baccarani R, Mandelli F and Tafuri A. Kinetic features of Lin-/CD34- and Lin-/CD34+ stem cells from normal donors and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients. Haematologica, vol.87, sup.1; 2002.

74. Gregorj C, Petrucci MT, De Cave F, Scerpa MC, Precupanu C, Vitale A, Ricciardi MR, Cimino G, Mancini M, Vignetti M, Milella M, Andreeff M, Foà R, Tafuri A. Expression and role of extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1/2 (ERK) and p21CIP-1/WAF1 in primary adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Blood (2003) 102, 382a.

75. Petrucci MT, Gregorj C, Ricciardi MR,, Camera A, Cascavilla N, Ferrara F, Gallo E, Lanza F, Pizzolo G, Vitale A, Vegna ML, Vignetti M, Foà R, Mandelli F, Tafuri A. MDR1/P-GP expression predict achievement of remission in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients treated according to the GIMEMA 0496 protocol (for the GIMEMA cooperative study group. The Hematol. Jour. 3, suppl. 1, (0726) 2003.

76. Milella M, Konopleva M, Tabe Y, Precupanu C, Gregorj C, Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Cognetti F, Tafuri A, Andreeff M. MEK blockade converts AML differentiating response to retinoic acid (RA) into extensive apoptosis: involvement of bcl-2modulation and ROS accumulation. EJC 2, suppl. 2, 107, 2004.

77. Milella M, Konopleva M, Precupanu C, Ricciardi MR, Gregorj C, Tabe Y, Carter BZ, Cognetti F, Tafuri A, Andreeff M. MEK blockade converts AML differentiating response to retinoic acid (RA) into extensive apoptosis: involvement of bcl-2modulation and ROS accumulation. 18th Meeting European Association Cancer Research, Innsbruck 3-6 July, 2004.

78. Gregorj C, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT, Scerpa MC, De Cave F, Ricciardi MR, Vitale A, Paoloni F, Foà R Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP) in Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients. Blood (2004) 104, 525a.

79. Milella M, Precupanu C, Konopleva M, Ricciardi MR, Tabe Y, Gregorj C, Carter BZ, Petrucci MT, Cognetti F, Tafuri A, Andreeff M. MEK blockade converts AML differentiating response to retinoic acid (RA) into extensive apoptosis: involvement of bcl-2 modulation and ROS accumulation. Annals of Oncology 16, suppl 7, 34-35; 2005.

80. Ricciardi MR, Ciuffreda L, Scerpa MC, Gervasoni J, De Cave F, Gregorj C, Petrucci MT, Chiaretti S, Foà R, Andreeff M, Tafuri A, Cognetti F, Zupi G, Milella M. Effective targeting of MEK/ERK signalling by the novel small-molecule inhibitor, PD0325901, in hematopoietic and solid tumors. 47th Annual meeting of the Italian Cancer Society, Padova-Abano Terme, 2-5 Ottobre, 2005.

81. Ricciardi MR, Scerpa MC, Ciuffreda L, Chiaretti S, Tavolaro S, Gervasoni J, De Cave F, Gregorj C, Petrucci MT, Cognetti F, Andreeff M, Zupi G, Foà R, Tafuri A, Milella M. Effective Targeting of MEK/ERK Signalling at Nanomolar Concentrations by the Novel Small Molecule Inhibitor PD0325901 in Hematopoietic and Solid Tumors. Blood (2005); 106, 942a.

82. Gregorj C, Petrucci MT, Scerpa MC, Ricciardi MR, De Cave F, Gervasoni J, Vignetti M, Gubbiotti S, Ariola C, Specchia G, Chiarenza A, Ferrara F, Fabbiano F, Camera A, Fioritoni G, Miraglia E, Annino L, Mosna F, Cantore N, Luppi M, Nobile F, Leone G, Depaoli L, Peta A, Martelli MA, Majolino I, Montanaro M, Milella M, Meloni G, Foà R, Tafuri A. Role of extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1/2 (ERK) on complete remission achievement of primary adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients enrolled in the GIMEMA protocol LAL 2000: in vitro activity of the MEK inhibitor PD98059. Blood (2005) 106, 251a

83. Gregorj C, Petrucci MT, De Cave F, Scerpa MC, Ricciardi MR, Gervasoni J, Iannitto ML, Vignetti M, Fazi P, Vitale A, Meloni G, Liso V, Di Raimondo F, Ferrara F, Fabbiano F, Camera A, Fioritoni G, Miraglia E, Annino L, Cascavilla N, Marmont F, Mazza P, Perbellini O, Cantore N, Luppi M, Nobile F, Sica S, Salvi F, Foà R, Tafuri A. Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP) expression affects event-free survival in Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients uniformly treated according to the GIMEMA LAL 2000 protocol. Blood (2005) 106, 252a.

84. Gregorj C, De Cave F, Ricciardi MR, Scerpa MC, Precupanu CM, Gervasoni J, Iannitto ML, Fazi P, Gubbiotti S, Specchia G, Cupri A, Ferrara F, Mondello F, Rinaldi C, Fioritoni G, Cascavilla N, Miraglia E, Annino L, Audisio E, Mazza P, Peta A, D’Arco AM, Bigatti C, Tedeschi A, Foà R, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT. The methylation status of p21 is not relevant in Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients. Blood (2005) 106, 217b.

85. Tafuri A, Gregorj C, Petrucci MT, Scerpa MC, De Cave F, Ricciardi MR, Gervasoni J, Di Rocco A, Vitale A, Paoloni F, Foà R Unfavorable prognostic role of BCRP/MRP1 co-expression in Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients. Hematologica the hematology journal (2005) 90(S2), 12.

86. Petrucci MT, De Cave F, Gregorj C, Ricciardi MR, Scerpa MC, Specchia G, Cupri A, Ferrara F, Mondello F, Rinaldi C, Fioritoni G, Cascavilla N, Miraglia E, Foà R and Tafuri A. Role of p21 in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients: methylation status and protein expression. Hematologica the hematology journal (2006) 91 (S1) 243.

87. Gregorj C, De Cave F, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Scerpa MC, Vignetti M, Vitale A, Meloni G, Liso V, Di Raimondo F, Ferrara F, Fabbiano F, Camera A, Fioritoni G, Miraglia E, Annino L, Cascavilla N, Marmont F, Mazza P, Perbellini O, Cartore N, Luppi M, Nobile F, Sica S, Salvi F, Mandelli F, Foà R and Tafuri A. Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP) expression affect event-free survival in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients. Hematologica the hematology journal (2006) 91 (S3) CO-056

88. Gregorj C, Ricciardi MR, Petrucci MT, Scerpa MC, De Cave F, Fazi P, Vignetti M, Vitale A, Mancini M, Cimino G, Palmieri S, Di Raimondo F, Specchia G, Fabbiano F, Cantore N, Mosna F, Camera A, Luppi M, Annino L, Miraglia E, Fioritoni G, Ronco F, Meloni G, Andreeff M, Milella M, Mandelli F, Foà R and Tafuri A. ERK1/2 phosphorylation in adult acute

lymphoblastic leukemia patients: prognostic role and in vitro effects of MEK inhibition. Hematologica the hematology journal (2006) 91 (S3) CO-055.

89. Ricciardi MR, Scerpa MC, Ciuffreda L, Chiaretti S, Tavolaro S, Gervasoni J, De Cave F, Gregorj C, Petrucci MT, Cognetti F, Andreeff M, Zupi G, Foà R, Tafuri A, Milella M. Effective targeting of MEK/ERK signalling by the highly selective small molecule inhibitor of MEK, PD0325901, in hematopoietic and solid tumors. Hematologica the hematology journal (2006) 91 (S3) PO-128.

90. Milella M, Ricciardi MR, Gregorj C, Abrams S, Steelman L, Chiaretti S, Cognetti F, Foà R, McCubrey J, Tafuri A. Anti-leukemic activity of the novel MEK inhibitor PD0325901. EJC Supplements (2006) 4:abstr. n. 566.

91. Milella M, Ricciardi MR, Gregorj C, De Cave F, Abrams SL, Steelman LS, Chiaretti S, Konopleva M, Petrucci MT, Cognetti F, Foa R, Andreeff M, McCubrey J, Tafuri A. Molecular and Functional Effects of the Novel MEK Inhibitor PD0325901 in Preclinical Models of Human Leukemias. Blood (2006) 108, 79a.

92. Gregorj C, De Cave F, Petrucci MT, Ricciardi MR, Scerpa MC, Santinelli S, Liso V, Giustolisi R, Camera A, Gallo E, Ferrara F, Nobile F, Cascavilla N, Fabbiano F, Leone G, Perbellini O, Mazza P, Annino L, Galieni P, Miraglia E, Martelli M, Torelli G, Cantore N, Peta A, D'Arco AM, Tedeschi A, Fioritoni G, Cuneo A, Brugiatelli M, Gaidano G, Visani G, Majolino I, Nieddu R, Boccadoro M, Capussela E, Vitale A, Meloni G, Fazi P, Vignetti M, Foa R and Tafuri A. Protein Expression and Methylation Status of the CKI p21, p15 and p16 in Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Patients: Prognostic Implications. Blood (2006) 108, 522°

93. Tafuri A, Ricciardi MR, Gregorj C, De Cave F, Santinelli S, Bergamo P, Decandia S, Vitale A, Petrucci MT, Milella M, Foà R. Effective cell killing of primary acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells by the Bcl-2 antagonist ABT-737. Haematologica/the Hematology journal 2007; 92[suppl. 1]:abstract n. 0015.

94. Ricciardi MR, Milella M, Scerpa MC, Gregorj C, De Cave F, Abrams SL, Steelman LS, Chiaretti S, Konopleva M, Petrucci MT, Cognetti F, Foà R, Andreeff M, McCubrey J, Tafuri A. Targeting the RAF/MEK/ERK signaling pathway by the novel MEK inhibitor PD0325901: molecular and functional effects in pre-clinical leukemia models Haematologica/the Hematology journal 2007; 92[suppl. 1]:abstract n. 0747.

95. Ricciardi MR, Gregorj C, De Cave F, Calabrese E, Santinelli S, Federico V, Bergamo P, Milella M, Foà R, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT. Pro-apoptotic activity of the BCL-2 inhibitor ABT-737 on primary multiple myeloma samples. Haematologica/the Hematology journal 2007; 92[suppl. 2]:abstract n. PO-523.

96. Mascolo MG, Torelli GF, Ricciardi MR, De Propris MS, Milano F, Lucarelli B, Valle V, Iannella E, Arleo E, Iori AP, Tafuri A, Guarini A, Foà R. Natural killer cells expanded under good manufacturing practice condition exert lytic activity against acuta myeloid leukemia blasts. Haematologica/the Hematology journal 2007; 92[suppl. 3]:abstract n. PO-104.

97. Ricciardi MR, Gregorj C, De Cave F, Bergamo P, Decandia S, Santinelli S, Vitale A, Petrucci MT, Milella M, Foà R, Tafuri A. The Bcl-2 antagonist ABT-737 is highly effective on primary acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Blood 2007; 110: 53a

98. Milella M, Chiaretti S, Ricciardi MR, Tavolaro S, Ciuffreda L, Benassi B, Bellacosa A, Peluso G, Bergamo P, McCubrey JA, Cognetti F, Zupi G, Foà R, Tafuri A. Comparative gene profiling of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and malignant melanoma (MEL) cell lines exposed to the MEK inhibitor PD0325901 reveals common effectors of the MEK/ERK kinase module. Blood 2007; 110: 1017a

99. De Cave F, Petrucci MT, Gregorj C, Ricciardi MR, Decandia S, Bergamo P, Santinelli S, Vitale A, Specchia G, Di Raimondo F, Camera A, Gallo E, Ferrara F, Nobile F, Cascavilla N, Fabbiano F, Leone G, Perbellini O, Mazza P, Annino L, Galieni P, Miraglia E, Meloni G, Fazi P, Vignetti M, Foà R and Tafuri A. Protein expression of p15 and p21 plays an unfavorable

prognostic role in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients independently of their gene promoter methylation status. Blood 2007; 110: 824a

100. Ricciardi MR, Calabrese E, De Cave F, Santinelli S, Bergamo P, Decandia S, Gregorj C, Federico V, Milella M, Foà R, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT. Functional effects of the Bcl-2/Bcl-xL inhibitor ABT-737 on primary cells from smoldering multiple myeloma. Blood 2007; 110: 269b.

101. Ciuffreda L, Di Sanza C, Del Bufalo D, Fabi A, Mottolese M, Desideri M, Triscuoglio D, Bergamo P, Ricciardi MR, Tafuri A, Cognetti F, Zupi G, Milella M. Erk activation and PTEN loss are functionally related to Trastuzumam (T) resistance in her-2 overexpressing breast cancer (BC). 50th Annual meeting of the Italian Cancer Society, Napoli, 6-9 Ottobre, 2008.

102. Milella M, Ricciardi MR, Bergamo P, Petrucci MT, Chiaretti S, Tavolato S, Ciuffreda L, Decandia S, Libotte F, Del Bufalo D, Cognetti F, Foà R, Tafuri A. Preclinical development of Mek inhibitor (MEK-1)-Based Therapeutic strategies in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). 50th Annual meeting of the Italian Cancer Society, Napoli, 6-9 Ottobre, 2008.

103. Ricciardi MR, Bergamo P, Chiaretti S, Scerpa MC, Tavolaro S, Petrucci MT, Gervasoni J, Ciuffreda L, Decandia S, Libotte F, Abrams S, Steelman L, Konopleva M, Cognetti F, Foà R, Andreeff M, McCubrey J, Tafuri A, Milella M. Preclinical development of MEK inhibition-based therapeutic strategies in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Haematologica/the Hematology journal 2008; 93[suppl. 2]: P122.

104. Ricciardi MR, Libotte F, Calabrese E, Bergamo P, Santinelli S, Decandia S, Federico V, Foà R, Tafuri A, Milella M, Petrucci MT. Simultaneous inhibition of the Raf/MEK/ERK and Bcl-2 pathways results in strikingly synergistic induction of apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells. Haematologica/the Hematology journal 2008; 93[suppl. 2]: P185.

105. Decandia S, Ricciardi MR, Santinelli S, De Cave F, Gregorj C, Bergamo P, Libotte F, Vitale A, Petrucci MT, Milella M, Foà R, Tafuri A. The Bcl-2 antagonist ABT-737 is highly effective on primary acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Haematologica/the Hematology journal 2008; 93[suppl. 2]: P109.

106. Libotte F, Ricciardi MR, Calabrese E, Santinelli S, Bergamo P, Decandia S, De Cave F, Gregorj C, Federico V, Milella M, Foà R, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT. Functional effects of the bcl-2/bcl-xl inhibitor abt-737 on primary cells from smoldering and symptomatic multiple myeloma. Haematologica/the Hematology journal 2008; 93[suppl. 2]: P195.

107. Milella M, Ricciardi MR, Bergamo P, Scerpa MC, Gervasoni J, Petrucci MT, Chiaretti S, Tavolaro S, Ciuffreda L, Decandia S, Libotte F, Abrams SL, Steelman LS, Konopleva M, Cognetti F, Foa R, Andreeff M, McCubrey JA, Tafuri A. Development of Mek inhibition (MEK-I)-Based Therapeutic Strategies in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2008; 112: 860a.

108. Ricciardi MR, Milella M, Libotte F, Calabrese E, Bergamo P, Santinelli S, Decandia S, De Benedictis C, Levi A, Foà R, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT. Synergistic Induction of Apoptosis in Multiple Myeloma Cells by Simultaneous Inhibition of the Raf/MEK/ERK and BCL-2 Pathways. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2008; 112: 5161b.

109. Ricciardi MR, Decandia S, Santinelli S, Gregorj C, De Cave F, Scerpa MC, Bergamo P, Libotte F, De Benedictis C, Vitale A, Petrucci MT, Konopleva M, Andreeff M, Milella M, Foa R, Tafuri A Multiple Strategies Based on MEK, mTOR and BCL-2 Signal Transduction Inhibition in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2008; 112: 5034b.

110. Libotte F, Ricciardi MR, Calabrese E, De Benedictis C, Santinelli S, Bergamo P, Decandia S, Levi A, Mohamad AF, Federico V, Milella M, Foà R, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT. BCL-2/BCL-XL Inhibition in Smoldering Multiple Myeloma CD138+ Cells: Functional Effects and Protein Expression Levels. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2008; 112: 5159b.

111. Ricciardi MR, Milella M, De Benedictis C, Bergamo P, Decandia S, Santinelli S, Levi A, Mohamad AF, Foà R, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT. MEK/ERK and Mevalonate phatways inhibition in

Multiple Myeloma. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma, IMW Abstract Book, vol 9, suppl 1, February 2009, abstr. n. 267.

112. De Benedictis C, Ricciardi MR, Milella M, Calabrese E, Libotte F, Bergamo P, Santinelli S, Decandia S, Levi A, Gentilini F, Foà R, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT. Target-Related therapeutic strategies in Myeloma Multiple. Haematologica/the Hematology journal, 2009; 94 [suppl 4]: C024.

113. Decandia S, Ricciardi MR, Santinelli S, Bergamo P, De Cave F, De Benedictis C, Vitale A, Petrucci MT, Milella M, Foà R, Tafuri A. Combined Bcl-2 and m-TOR signal transduction inhibition in acute Lymphoblastic leukemia. Haematologica/the Hematology journal, 2009; 94 [suppl 4]: C104.

114. Breccia M, Fama A, Latagliata R, Mammì C, Tafuri A, D’Elia GM, Rago A, Cannella L, Stefanizzi C, Carmosino I, Santopietro M, Alimena G. Long-term outcomes and clinical relevance of JAK2V617F mutation in young Polycythemia Vera patients aged loss than 50 years. Haematologica/the Hematology journal, 2009; 94 [suppl 4]: P225.

115. Fama A, Rago A, Gioiosa F, Marzano C, Latagliata R, Mammì C, Laganà C, D’Elia GM, Bizzoni L, Trasarti S, Ferretti A, Breccia M, Alimena G, Foà R, Riggio O, Tafuri A. JAK2V617F mutation in Budd-Chiari syndrome and non-cirrhotic extra-hepatic portal vein obstruction. Haematologica/the Hematology journal, 2009; 94 [suppl 4]: P229.

116. Ricciardi MR, Tsao T, Abrams S.L, Bergamo P, Steelman L.S, Decandia S, Felicioni L, Ciufrreda L, Di Sanza C, Marchetti A, Cognetti F, McCubrey J, Konopleva M, Andreff M, Tafuri A, Milella M. Parallel signalling through PI3K/AKT/mTOR mediates resistance to MEK inhibition in preclinical model of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML): synergistic effect of combined MEK and mTOR inhibition. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2009; 114: abstract n.594.

117. Ricciardi MR, Decandia S, Bergamo P, De Benedictis C, Vitale A, Testi AM, Fei J, Petrucci MT, Milella M, Foà R, Tafuri A. Preclinical study to sensitize Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia primary cells by combined mTOR and Bcl-2 inhibition with CCI-779 and ABT-737. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2009; 114: abstract n.985.

118. Ricciardi MR, Calabrese E, Milella M, Bergamo P, Decandia S, De Benedictis C, Foà R, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT. Preclinical approach to sensitize Multiple Myeloma cells: combination of MEK inhibitor PD0325901 with ABT-737 or Mevinolin. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2009; 114: abstract n.1842.

119. Konopleva M, Milella M, Watts J.C, Ricciardi MR, Korchin B, Tsao T, Bergamo P, Mak D.H, Decandia S, McCubrey J, Tafuri A, Andreff M. Simultaneous targeting of Bcl-2/Bcl-Xl and MEK/ERK results in highly synergistic induction of apoptosis in Human AML, both in vitro and in vivo. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2009; 114: abstract n.2757.

120. Ciuffreda L, Di Sanza C, Desideri M, Ricciardi MR, Cesta Incani U, Tafuri A, Cognetti F, Zupi G, Del Bufalo D, Milella M. Effect of a novel cross-talk mechanism on the RAF/MEK/ERK and PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathways in melanoma: Role of ERK-mediated suppression of PTEN expression. J Clin Oncol 28:7s, 2010 (suppl; abstr 8574).

121. Ricciardi MR, Calabrese E, Milella M, Bergamo P, Levi A, De Benedictis C, Foà R, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT. Pre-clinical approach of multiple signal transduction pathways inhibition in multiple myeloma. Haematologica 2010; 95[suppl.2]:141, abs. 0349.

122. Iacovelli S, Ricciardi MR, Decandia S, Bergamo P, Miele A, Vitale A, Testi AM, Petrucci MT, Milella M, Foà R, Tafuri A. Combined Bcl-2 and mTOR inhibition in acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Haematologica 2010; 95[suppl.2]:2, abs. 0004.

123. Milella M, Ricciardi MR, Bergamo P, Ciuffreda L, Di Sanza C, Cesta Incani U, Cognetti F, Tafuri A. Methodological approaches and preclinical models to bring a drug from the bench to the bedside. Haematologica/The haematology journal 2010; 95[suppl.3]:S014

124. Ricciardi MR, Milella M, Bergamo P, Calabrese E, Levi A, Gentilini F, Foà R, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT. The MEK inhibitor PD0325901 potentiates the activity of statins in multiple myeloma cells. Haematologica/The haematology journal 2010; 95[suppl.3]:S044, C-037.

125. Salvestrini V, Rossi L, Manfredini R, Ferrari D, Zini R, Bianchi E, Gulinelli S, Piacibello W, Caione L, Migliardi G, Ricciardi MR, Tafuri A, Di Virgilio F, Baccarani M, Lemoli RM. Purinergic signaling inhibits human acute myeloblastic leukemia cell proliferation, migration and engraftment in immunodeficient mice. Haematologica/The haematology journal 2010; 95[suppl.3]:S060, C-074.

126. Ricciardi MR, Russo S, Reverberi M, Iacovelli S, Bergamo P, Scarpari M, Petrucci MT, Milella M, Foà R, Fabbri AA, Fanelli C, Tafuri A. In vitro cytotoxic activity of bioactive fungal metabolites on leukemic cells. Haematologica/The haematology journal 2010; 95[suppl.3]:S144, P-182.

127. Iacovelli S, Ricciardi MR, Miele A, Bergamo P, Licchetta R, Vitale A, Testi AM, Petrucci MT, Milella M, Foà R, Tafuri A. Bcl-2 and mTOR as Effective Targets for Molecular Therapy of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts) Nov 2010; 116: 3228.

128. Ricciardi MR, Licchetta R, Bergamo P, Iacovelli S, Miele S, Petrucci MT, Milella M, Pisano C, Tafuri A. Novel Histone Deacetilase (HDAC) Inhibitors: In Vitro Effects on Leukemic Cells. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2010; 116: 4946.

129. Montanaro M, Latagliata R, Montefusco E, Cedrone M, Villivà N, Cotroneo E, Rago A, Spirito F, De Muro M, Breccia M, Anaclerico B, Porrini R, Pessina G, Felici S, Trapè G, Tafuri A , Mazzucconi MG, Cimino G, Majolino I, Avvisati G, Lo Coco F, Andriani A. A Retrospective Epidemiological Analysis of 1572 Cases of Ph1- Myeloprolypherative Neoplasms (MPNs) From 9 Centers In the Latium: Preliminary Results. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2010; 116: 5065.

130. Breccia M, Finsinger, Latagliata R, Cannella L, Loglisci G, Nanni M, Santopietro M, Salaroli A, Tafuri A, Alimena G. Myelodysplastic Syndrome Patients Younger Than 50 Years: Epidemiological Data and Clinical Features. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2010; 116: 4976.

131. Ricciardi MR, Milella M, Bergamo P, Licchetta R, Levi A, Foà R, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT. Potential therapeutic relevance of simultaneous MEK/ERK and Mevalonate pathway inhibition in multiple myeloma. Haematologica/The haematology journal 2011; 96[suppl.1]:S113, P-277.

132. Iacovelli S, Ricciardi MR, Miele A, Bergamo P, Grimaldi R, Licchetta R, Vitale A, Testi A, Petrucci MT, Milella M, Foà R, Tafuri A. Combined inhibition of the Bcl-2 and mTOR pathways: in vitro pro-apoptotic effects in Acute Lymphoyd Leukemia. Haematologica/The haematology journal 2011; 96[suppl.3]:S044, C-095.

133. Iacovelli S, Ricciardi MR, Bergamo P, Rinaldo C, Licchetta R, Allegretti M, Mirabilii S, Vitale A, Testi A, Petrucci MT, Milella M, Foà R, Tafuri A. mTOR and Bcl-2 Combined Inhibition: Synergistic Effects in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Cells on Proliferation and Apoptosis, Through Mcl-1 Down-regulation. 24° Convegno Annuale dell’Associazione Italiana Colture Cellulari (ONLUS-AICC) Rome, Italy November 21-23 2011

134. Iacovelli S, Ricciardi MR, Bergamo P, Rinaldo C, Licchetta R, Vitale A, Testi A, Petrucci MT, Konopleva M, Milella M, Foà R, Tafuri A. Pre Clinical mTOR-Inhibition of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Cells Synergizes with Pro-Apoptotic Target Therapy Through Mcl-1 Down-Regulation. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2011; 118: 3581.

135. Breccia M, Federico V, Loglisci G, Latagliata R, Santopietro M, Salaroli A, Serrao A, Colafigli G, Tafuri A, Alimena G. MDS-Specific Comorbidity Index (MDS-CI) Identifies Overall Survival Differences in Myelodysplastic Syndrome Patients. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2011; 118: 3793.

136. Latagliata R, Cedrone M, Villivà N, De Gregoris C, Breccia M, Spadea A, De Muro M, Tafuri A, Anaclerico B, Felici S, D'Andrea M, Montefusco E, Abruzzese E, Spirito F, Leonetti Crescenzi S, Recine U, Mazzucconi MG, Annino L, Cimino G, Avvisati G, Petti MC, Alimena

G, Montanaro M, Andriani A. Clinical Follow-up of Patients with Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Presenting Skin Ulcers During Treatment with Hydroxyurea. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2011; 118: 5157.

137. Latagliata R, Tafuri A, Spadea A, Ferretti A, Diverio D, Breccia M, D'Andrea M, Andriani A, Montanaro M, Cedrone M, Montefusco E, Rago A, Olimpieri OM, Bagnato A, Biondo F, Vozella F, Cantonetti M, Petti MC, Alimena G. Clinical Features of Idiopathic Erythrocytosis Compared to Polycythemia Vera JAK-2 V617F Positive and Negative Patients. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2011; 118: 5172.

138. Ricciardi MR, Licchetta R, Libotte F, Calabrese E, Santinelli S, Bergamo P, Levi A, Milella M, Foà R, Tafuri A, Petrucci MT. The Bcl-2 protein family in the progression of multiple myeloma: constitutive expression, proapoptotic effects of the Bcl-2/Bcl-xl inhibitor ABT-737 and clinical correlations. Haematologica/The haematology journal 2011; 97[suppl.2]: PO-158

139. Iacovelli S, Ricciardi MR, Allegretti M, Bergamo P, Petrucci MT, Licchetta R, Mirabilii S, Nicolai R, Peluso G, Foà R, Tafuri A. Reprogramming Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia cell metabolism by inhibition of Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase 1a (CPT1a) protein. Haematologica/The haematology journal 2011; 97[suppl.2]: PO-012

140. Licchetta R, Ricciardi MR, Bergamo P, Mirabilii S, Iacovelli S, Allegretti M, Petrucci MT, Milella M, Pisano C, Tafuri A. Novel Histone Deacetilase (HDAC) inhibitors: in vitro effects on leukemic cells . Haematologica/The haematology journal 2012; 97[suppl.2]:PO-014

141. Mirabilii S, Ricciardi MR, Bergamo P, Petrucci MT, Licchetta R, Iacovelli S, Allegretti M, Nicolai R, Peluso G, Foà R, Alimena G, Tafuri A. Targeting the leukemia cell metabolism by the Carnitinepalmitoyltransferase1a (CPT1a) inhibition: functional pre-clinical effects in Acute Myeloid Leukemias. Haematologica/The haematology journal 2012; 97[suppl.2]:PO-103

142. Ricciardi MR, Salvestrini V, Licchetta R, Mirabilii S, Petrucci MT, Rossi L, Allegretti M, Salati S, Castagnetti F, Rosti G, Alimena G, Manfredini R, Lemoli RM, Tafuri A. Proteomic Signature of CD34+ Cells From Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts) 2012 120: Abstract 3733

143. Mirabilii S, Ricciardi MR, Allegretti M, Licchetta R, Iacovelli S, Bergamo P, Petrucci MT, Nicolai R, Peluso G, Foà R, Alimena G, Tafuri A. Targeting Metabolic Pathways for Leukemia Treatment Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts) 2012 120: Abstract 137

144. Hricik T, McKenney AS, Levine RL, Federici G, Zeuner A, Petricoin EF, Tafuri A, Alimena G, Tirelli V, Masiello F, Ciaffoni F, and Migliaccio ARF. Transcriptosome and Phospho-Proteomic Analyses of Erythroblasts Expanded in Vitro From Normal Donors (ND) and From Patients with Polycythemia Vera (PV). Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2012; 120: 2860.

145. Volpicelli P, Latagliata R, Breccia M, Vozella F, Finsinger P, Carmosino I, Loglisci G, Santopietro M, Salaroli Ao, Diverio D, Mancini M, Tafuri A, Alimena G. Incidence of Late Chronic Anemia in Newly Diagnosed Patients with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Responsive to Imatinib. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2012; 120: 3769.

146. Latagliata R, Montanaro M, Cedrone M, Villivà N, Porrini R, Spirito F, Rago A, Leonetti Crescenzi S, Spadea A, De Muro M, Cotroneo E, Breccia M, Baldacci E, De Gregoris C, Anaclerico B, Felici S, Ruscio C, Di Giandomenico J, Franceschini L, Pessina G, Cimino G, Montefusco E, Tafuri A, Avvisati G, Majolino I, Mazzucconi MG, Alimena G, Andriani A. The Role of Previous Thrombotic Events in Patients with Essential Thrombocythemia: The Earlier theWorse? Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2012; 120: 5062.

147. Ricciardi MR, Salvestrini V, Forcato M, Licchetta R, Mirabilii S, Rossi L, Allegretti M, Salati S, Castagnetti F, Rosti G, Alimena G, Manfredini R, Bicciato S, Lemoli RM, Tafuri A. Proteomic Signature of CD34+ Progenitors From Chronic-Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. 44° Congresso Società Italiana di Ematologia 20-23 Ottobre 2013, Verona: Poster n. PO319.

148. Allegretti M, Ricciardi MR, Licchetta R, Mirabilii S, Vincenzi M, Foà R, Tafuri A. PI3K inhibition by BKM120 on Acute Myeloid Leukemia: a preclinical study. 44° Congresso Società Italiana di Ematologia 20-23 Ottobre 2013, Verona: Poster n. PO222.

149. Licchetta R, Ricciardi MR, Mirabilii S, Allegretti M, Vincenzi M, Giannini G, Pisano C, Vesci L, Tafuri A. Novel Histone Deacetilase (HDAC) inhibitors: in vitro effects on leukemic cells. 44° Congresso Società Italiana di Ematologia 20-23 Ottobre 2013, Verona: Poster n. PO223.

150. Mirabilii S, Ricciardi MR, Allegretti M, Licchetta R, Vincenzi M, Nicolai R, Foà R, Tafuri A. Fatty Acid Oxidation and Metabolic Targeting of Leukemia Cells by the CPT1 Inhibitor ST1326. 44° Congresso Società Italiana di Ematologia 20-23 Ottobre 2013, Verona: Poster n. PO224.

151. Ricciardi MR, Salvestrini V, Forcato M, Licchetta R, Mirabilii S, Rossi L, Allegretti M, Vincenzi M, Salati S, Castagnetti F, Rosti G, Alimena G, Manfredini R, Bicciato S, Lemoli RM, Tafuri A. Proteomic Profile Of CD34+ Cells From Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients and From Normal Donors. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts) 2013, 122: Abstract 2712

152. Allegretti M, Ricciardi MR, Vincenzi M, Licchetta R, Mirabilii S, Amadori S, Foà R, Tafuri A. The Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase Inhibitor BKM120 Impairs Proliferation and Induces Pro-apoptotic Effects in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts) 2013, 122: Abstract 4222

153. Zeuner A, Federici G, Contavalli P, Petricoin EF, Tirelli V, Masiello F, Girelli G, Alimena G, Tafuri A, Migliaccio G, Migliaccio ARF. Differential Modulation Of cKIT Signaling By CD63 Dictates The Magnitude Of Response To Stem Cell Factor Of Erythroblasts From Adult Blood, Cord Blood and Polycythemia Vera. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts) 2013, 122: Abstract 2850

154. Latagliata R, Carmosino I, Vozella F, Volpicelli P, Loglisci G, Santopietro M, Salaroli A, Romano A, Montagna C, Roberto A, Serrao A, Diverio D, Nanni M, Mancini M, Tafuri A, Breccia M, Alimena G. Exclusion Criteria In The Dasision and Enestnd Trials: Which Could Their Impact Be On The Front-Line Treatment Of a “Real-life” Patient Population With Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia? Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts) 2013, 122: Abstract 4002

155. Mirabilii S, Ricciardi MR, Allegretti M, Licchetta R, Vincenzi M, Nicolai R, Foà R, Tafuri A. Modulation Of The Glycolytic Metabolism In Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts) 2013, 122: Abstract 5045.

Data febbraio 2014 Agostino Tafuri