Download - Tijana Sonet

  • 7/29/2019 Tijana Sonet



    Gli occhi di ch'io parlai s caldamente,

    et le braccia et le mani et i piedi e 'l viso,151

    che m'avean s da me stesso diviso,

    et fatto singular da l'altra gente;

    le crespe chiome d'r puro lucente

    e 'l lampeggiar de l'angelico riso,che solean fare in terra un paradiso,

    poca polvere son, che nulla sente.

    Et io pur vivo, onde mi doglio et sdegno,

    rimaso senza 'l lume ch'amai tanto,

    in gran fortuna e 'n disarmato legno.

    Or sia qui fine al mio amoroso canto:

    secca la vena de l'usato ingegno, In gran fortuna. In gran tempesta.

    et la cetera mia rivolta in pianto. Gli Occhi Di Ch' Io Parlai

    Those eyes, 'neath which my passionate rapture rose,

    The arms, hands, feet, the beauty that erewhile

    Could my own soul from its own self beguile,

    And in a separate world of dreams enclose,

    The hair's bright tresses, full of golden glows,

    And the soft lightning of the angelic smile

    That changed this earth to some celestial isle,

    Are now but dust, poor dust, that nothing knows.

    And yet I live! Myself I grieve and scorn,

    Left dark without the light I loved in vain,

    Adrift in tempest on a bark forlorn;

    Dead is the source of all my amorous strain,

    Dry is the channel of my thoughts outworn,

    And my sad harp can sound but notes of pain.

    What is the "problem" stated in the first 8 lines? , ' , . 8 . naciniula "" odvojila od " zivota pojasanja". ,

    ponuo u "rajski ples". , , ,

    nagnali da hvali. 8. stihu, . ila njegovo da ga la esla u drgi

    zivot. , , da de ?


    In what sense is the problem "resolved" in the last 6 lines?

    The problem is somewhat resolved in that he decides he will no longer write love songs. But, it is deeper

    than that choice. Resolution is seen in his moving through the stages of grief. He seems to be straddling

    opkoraciti anger, manifested in this sense as self-contempt-, and acceptance. He is lost in a storm

    of emotions and grief when he declares No more love songs, then, I have done with such;. His self-contempt is shown with this line and with the next; My old skill now runs thin at each attempt,. We

    see hints of acceptance in his acknowledgement of tears. The impact of losing his light, this

    woman he loved so deeply, is his inability to write love songs. He grieves for her and can no longer find

    the words to express the love that he can no longer share with his beloved .

  • 7/29/2019 Tijana Sonet


    So what shift in attitude seems to occur in lines 8-9 of the sample (the end of the second "stanza"

    and the opening of the third)? 8-9

    In lines 1-8 he is talking about her. In line 9, he clearly shifts to talking about himself. In the opening of

    the poem, his life, actions, and behaviors were all resulting from her beauty and from his love for her.

    There is a sense of praise and of sadness. In the final six lines, he is talking about himself. The tone alsoshifts from praise and sadness to a self-directed sense of anger and loss. He grieves not only for her, but

    also for losing the ability to express love.

    Theme: What relationship among love, beauty, time, and mortality is depicted by this

    poem (the sample Italian sonnet)?

    While beauty may not see love, love always sees beauty. In this sonnet, we hear a womans beauty

    praised with the soaring language of love. Her gleaming hair is golden. She was like an

    angel with a glance that moved the world to dance. Was she really this beautiful? The reality is it

    doesnt matter. His eyes, looking through loves glasses, saw in her a beauty worthy of his praise and

    songs of love.

    Time, given a love this strong, changes two people into one. But, just as time deepens the love of one for

    another, it is also a road that marches without pause toward death. And when death takes away one of the

    two, time becomes a breeding ground for grief and anger and, perhaps, for eventual healing. And yet, in

    this sonnet, we sense that time will not heal all wounds. In losing his love, he can no longer write his

    love songs. It wasnt only his woman that died but a part of him also died. Death took away both his

    beloved and his sense of love, leaving behind anger and tears.

    Mette fine a parlare di quelle grazie

    e di quelle bellezze che gi non son pi.