Download - Chiamate... · La Commissione inizia i lavori ricordando i criteri generali di ... Conferenze e lezioni come professore invitato 26 ... Partecipazione come relatore a ...

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Commissione Chiamate dirette del personale docente FFO 2017 Verbale riunione del 26.06.2017, ore 16.00 Il Presidente ricorda che il Senato Accademico, nella seduta del 13.06.2017, ha deliberato di dare mandato alla Commissione - istituita con propria delibera n. 192/16 del 14.06.2016 e n. 264/16 dell’08.11.2016, e costituita dal Prof. Renato Masiani, Pro-Rettore Vicario in qualità di Presidente e dai Proff.ri Paolo Mataloni, Sergio Fucile, Giorgio De Toma, Claudia Ciancaglini e Mauro Rota di verificare, prima dell’inoltro al MIUR delle proposte di chiamata diretta pervenute, il possesso da parte dei candidati dei requisiti ANVUR, nonché di valutare le ulteriori eventuali proposte di chiamata diretta che perverranno entro l’11 luglio 2017, le cui risultanze saranno sottoposte all’esame del Senato Accademico e del Consiglio di Amministrazione rispettivamente nelle sedute dell’11.07.2017 e del 18.07.2017. La Commissione riunitasi in data 26/06/2017 alle ore 16, presso l’ufficio del Prorettore Vicario, ha preso visione dei curricula, della documentazione allegata, riguardanti le proposte di chiamata diretta pervenute. Alla riunione partecipa, in qualità di segretario verbalizzante, la Dott.ssa De Martino. La Commissione inizia i lavori ricordando i criteri generali di valutazione e i requisiti richiesti ai candidati nonché le finalità dell’istituto delle chiamate dirette che ha come obiettivo, tra l’altro, la possibilità di acquisire docenti stabilmente impegnati all’estero in attività di ricerca o di insegnamento a livello universitario in posizioni di livello pari a quelle del bando, oppure vincitori di progetti di ricerca internazionali di alta qualificazione di durata almeno triennale. La Commissione esamina in primo luogo le candidature di coloro che sono stabilmente impegnati all’estero e dopo ampia ed approfondita discussione, valutati i CV, le posizioni attualmente ricoperte e le abilitazioni nazionali conseguite, esprime unanimemente parere favorevole in ordine alle seguenti proposte di chiamata diretta perfettamente rispondenti ai requisiti, anche ai fini di potenziare la dimensione internazionale della ricerca e della formazione del nostro Ateneo: Tabella A Nominativo Ruolo Dipartimento proponente S.S.D.

LUCIOLI Francesco RTD B Studi greco-latini, italiani, scenico musicali


MAZZONI Giuliana PO Psicologia Dinamica e Clinica M-PSI/01

TARTAGLIA Gian Gaetano PO Biologia e Biotecnologie “C. Darwin” BIO/10

La Commissione ritiene, invece, di non dover accogliere la proposta di chiamata del Prof. Antonio Genova in quanto non sussiste equivalenza piena tra la sua posizione accademica attualmente ricoperta all’estero e quella di RTD B, secondo le tabelle di corrispondenza tra posizioni accademiche italiane ed estere previste dal DM 1 settembre 2016 n. 662.

La Commissione esamina quindi le candidature dei vincitori di progetti di ricerca di alta qualificazione, alla luce del DM n. 963 del 28.12.2015 “Identificazione dei Programmi di ricerca di alta qualificazione, finanziati dall’Unione Europea o dal Ministero dell’istruzione,

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dell’università e della ricerca di cui all’art. 1, comma 9, della Legge n. 230/2005 e successive modificazioni” ed esprime parere favorevole in ordine alla seguente proposta anche in quanto perfettamente rispondente ai requisiti Tabella B Nominativo Ruolo Dipartimento proponente S.S.D.

WABNIZ Stefan PO Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni


La Commissione ritiene di non poter accogliere la proposta di chiamata diretta del Prof. Enrico Tronci in quanto i Programmi di ricerca dei quali il docente è risultato vincitore, pur rilevanti sotto il profilo scientifico, non rientrano tra quelli previsti dall’attuale DM n. 963/2015. Il sopracitato DM, infatti, ha abrogato espressamente il precedente DM n. 276/2011 che invece prevedeva che i vincitori dei Progetti di cui è Coordinatore il Prof. Tronci potessero essere destinatari di chiamata diretta.

La Commissione esamina quindi la candidatura di ulteriori due proposte di chiamata diretta per vincitori del Bando di cui al DM n. 230 del 27 novembre 2009 “Programma per giovani ricercatori Rita Levi Montalcini” ed esprime parere pienamente favorevole in ordine alle proposte in quanto rispondenti ai requisiti.

Tabella C

Nominativo Ruolo Dipartimento proponente S.S.D.

ADORISIO Chiara PA Filosofia M-FIL/03

SANTONICOLA Maria Gabriella


Ingegneria Chimica Materiali Ambiente


La Commissione, infine, raccomanda che per le future proposte di chiamata diretta, ad eccezione delle chiamate di docenti stabilmente impegnati all’estero, venga richiesto, quale requisito, anche il possesso dell’Abilitazione scientifica Nazionale.

La riunione termina alle ore 17.40. Il presente verbale è letto ed approvato seduta stante.

Il Segretario Dott.ssa Giuliana De Martino

Il Presidente Prof. Renato Masiani

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Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum

Chiara Adorisio (Sapienza, Università di Roma)

Residenza: Via Antonio Tempesta, 239, 00176, Roma recapiti telefonici: 06-2147393; 340-9279277 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Posizione attuale

Da 07/2011 Ricercatore a tempo determinato, vincitore del programma MIUR-Rita Levi Montalcini per il rientro dei cervelli, presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sapienza – Università di Roma

Posizioni precedenti

06/2010 – 11/2011 Senior Research Fellow della Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittemberg, Halle (Saale)

10/2009 – 12/2010 Professore a contratto presso Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittemberg, Halle (Saale)

09/2007 – 09/2009 „Research fellow“ (con due post-doc fellowships di un anno ciascuna) presso Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

10/2005 – 06/2007 Professore a contratto presso Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittemberg, Halle (Saale)

Istruzione e formazione

24/06/2005 „Dottore di ricerca“ (Ph.D.) in Filosofia, Sapienza Università di Roma

Tesi di Dottorato: Leo Strauss lettore di Hermann Cohen. Dalla filosofia moderna al ritorno agli antichi

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04/12/2000 „Laurea“ (M.A.) in Filosofia, Sapienza – Università di Roma

Tesi di laurea: Legge e Filosofia. Leo Strauss sul rapporto tra fede e ragione nell’età medievale e moderna

Partecipazione a progetti di ricerca

a.a. 2015/2016 Partecipazione al progetto triennale ERC (European Research Council) „Memophi“ (Medieval Philosophy in Modern History of Philosophy/, coordinato da prof. Catherine König-Pralong, Facoltà di Filosofia, Università di Friburgo

a.a. 2015 Partecipazione al Progetto di Ricerca d’Ateneo coordinato dalla Prof. Orietta Ombrosi: „Ebraismo al femminile. Percorsi di intellettuali ebree del Novecento“, Sapienza – Università di Roma

Da 03/2009 a 05/2013 Partecipazione al progetto DFG-Netzwerk „Sprachdenken und politische Theorie. Jüdisch-deutsche Beiträge zur Kultur- und Sozialtheorie der Moderne“, Max-Weber-Kolleg, Università di Erfurt

a.a. 2008/2009 e a.a. 2009/2010

Partecipazione al progetto PRIN del MIUR (Ministero della Ricerca e dell’Università dello Stato italiano) sulla filosofia ebraica coordinato dal Prof. Irene Kajon, Sapienza – Università di Roma

14/02/2004 – 14/05/2004

Soggiorno di ricerca presso Hermann-Cohen-Archiv, Università di Zurigo, finanziato dal dottorato in filosofia presso Sapienza – Università di Roma

Attività d’insegnamento

Da 02/2015 a oggi Titolare di corsi per la Laurea triennale (L) e per la Laurea magistrale (LM) di Antropologia Filosofica III su:

• a.a. 2015/2016 Conformità e dissenso nel pensiero di Leo Strauss

• a.a. 2016/2017 Ernest Cassirer: il saggio sull’uomo e la costruzione simbolica della realtà

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19/02/2015 Seminario nell’ambito del dottorato di ricerca in Filosofia coordinato dal Porf. Piergiorgio Donatelli, presso Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sapienza – Università di Roma, su: Filosofia politica come filosofia prima.

Da 10/2012 a 02/2015 Titolare di corsi per la Laurea triennale (L) di Storia della filosofia morale, tra l’altro sui seguenti temi:

• a.a. 2012/13 Hermann Cohen: etica, filosofia e ideale sociale.

• a.a. 2013/14 Legge e Filosofia in alcune interpretazioni della filosofia socratica: Hermann Cohen, Leo Strauss, Hannah Arendt.

• a.a. 2014/15 Interpretazioni nella filosofia ebraica della tirannide antica e moderna

10/2011-02/2012 Modulo per il corso di Antropologia Filosofica I (LM), Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sapienza – Università di Roma

• a.a. 2011/2012 Hermann Cohen, Religione della ragione dalle fonti dell’ebraismo

Da 10/2005 a 11/2009 Corsi (L) presso il Seminario di Jewish Studies della Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg sui seguenti temi:

• a.a. 2005/06 Politische Philosophie aus jüdischen Quellen: Hermann Cohens Einfluss auf Leo Strauss

• a.a. 2006/07 Die Rezeption Spinozas durch jüdische Denker im Deutschland der Weimarer Republik

• a.a. 2007/08 Philosophie und Theologie in Spinozas Theologisch-politischem Traktat

• a.a. 2008/09 Orientalismus und die Juden

Conferenze e lezioni come professore invitato

26/04/2016 e 29/03/2017

Conferenze per il Corso di Laurea magistrale (LM) in Scienze per la Pace, cooperazione internazionale e trasformazione dei conflitti, Facoltà di Scienze politiche, Università di Pisa, sul tema:

• L’Orientalismo e la storiografia filosofica ebraico tedesca dell’Ottocento

08/05/2015 e 09/05/2015

Lezioni nell’ambito del gruppo di ricerca ERC (European Research Council) „Memophi“ (Medieval Philosophy in Modern History of Philosophy), coordinato dal Prof. Catherine König-Prahlong, Università di Friburgo, Freiburg i. B.

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15/06/2015 Lezioni nell’ambito del seminario del dottorato in Filosofia coordinato dal Prof. Steven Harvey, Università di Bar Ilan, Tel Aviv, sul tema:

• The History of Jewish Philosophy at the beginning of the 19th century: A debate between Salomon Munk and Heinrich Ritter.


Conferenza per il Master di “Jewish and General History” presso la Hebrew University di Gerusalemme sul tema:

• “A Bridge between Life and Knowledge”: Philosophy, Science and Judaism in the Work of Salomon Munk (1803-1867).

Partecipazione come relatore a convegni internazionali

19/03/2017 – 23/03/2017

The XIth International Carlebach Conference, Wissenschaft des Judentums: Judaism and The Science of Judaism-200 Years Academic Thought on Religion, Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv

20/02/2017 – 23/02/2017

La congiunzione e nell’opera di Franz Rosenzweig: Io e l’Altro, filosofia e teologia, tempo e redenzione, ebraismo e cristianesimo, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sapienza – Università di Roma, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Centro Bibliografico – UCEI, e Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, Roma

11/02/2017 Convegno su Maschera e Psicoterapia, Isola di San Servolo, Venezia. Relazione su: Il problema del volto e della maschera nella filosofia ebraica del Novecento: riflessioni su Lévinas e l’esteriorità.

03/11/2016 – 05/11/2016

Humboldt-Kolleg: Zwischen Orient und Europa. Orientalismus in der deutsch-jüdischen Kultur im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, Villa Sciarra, Roma.

28/04/2016 – 30/04/2016

“Outsiders” and “Forerunners”: Modern Reason and Historiographical Births of Medieval Philosophy, conferenza finanziata da European Research Council (ERC), Albert-Ludwig-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg i. B.

16/02/2016 – 17/02/2016

Ebraismo al femminile. Percorsi di intellettuali ebree del Novecento, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sapienza – Università di Roma, Roma

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20/07/2014 – 24/07/2014

10th Congress EAJS (European Association of Jewish Studies), Université Sorbonne, Parigi

04/09/2013 – 07/09/2013

“Studying arabic philosophy. Meaning, limits and challenges of a modern discipline”. First Conference (Alexander von Humboldt Kolleg) on the Historiography of Arabic-Islamic Philosophy, organized by J.B. Brenet and O. Lizzini, Institut du Monde Arabe-Université Paris I, Université Sorbonne, Parigi

05/05/2013 – 07/05/2013

On the Intersection between Philosophy of Language and Political Theory: German-Jewish Thought between 18th and 20th Century, Van Leer Institute e Tel Aviv University, Gerusalemme e Tel Aviv

23/07/2012 – 26/07/2012

“Wissenschaft des Judentums in Europe: Comparative Perspective”, 12th EAJS Summer Colloquium, Oxford

25/05/2012 Workshop: Esodo 3:14. Interpretazioni nel pensiero ebraico tedesco (Ex 3,14, Auslegungen im deutsch-jüdischen Denken), Sapienza – Università di Roma

06/02/2011 Nachwuchstagung des Verbandes der Judaisten, Wittenberg

09/12/2010 – 10/12/2010

“Erzeugung” and “Korrelation” – The Question of Language in the Philosophy of Religion Following Hermann Cohen, Workshop presso Van Leer Institute, Gerusalemme

09/02/2010 Christian Hebraism and Yiddishism until 1900, International Conference, Università di Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale)

30/09/2009 – 01/10/2009

Essere tra. Identità ed esperienze di confine, Workshop, Sapienza – Università di Roma

28/06/2009 „Islamische und jüdische (Religions)philosophie im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert“, Sommer-Symposium, Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg and Leopold-Zunz-Center for Jewish Studies, Halle (Saale)

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05/11/2008 – 07/11/2008

The Cultural and Scientific Context of “Jüdisches Sprachdenken” in the18th and 19th Centuries. From Moses Mendelssohn to Hermann Cohen, Van Leer Institut Jerusalem.

24/06/2005 – 27/06/2005

Jüdische Kultur und politische Ethik im Umkreis Hermann Cohens, organizzato presso Coswig (Anhalt) da Hermann-Cohen-Gesellschaft e Università di Zurigo.

Organizzazione di convegni internazionali

03/11/2016 – 06/11/2016

Humboldt-Kolleg – Zwischen Orient und Europa. Orientalismus in der deutsch-jüdischen Kultur im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, presso Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, Villa Sciarra, Roma

Collaborazione nell’organizzazione di convegni internazionali

20/02/2017 – 23/02/2017

La congiunzione e nell’opera di Franz Rosenzweig: Io e l’Altro, filosofia e teologia, tempo e redenzione, ebraismo e cristianesimo, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sapienza Università di Roma, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Centro Bibliografico – UCEI, Lungotevere Sanzio 5 e Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, Roma

13/01/2011 –15/01/2011

“Jewish Roots of Europe: From Sabbatian Messianism to Reflection on Shoah”, Convegno internazionale, Sapienza – Università di Roma

24/05/2006 – 27/05/2006

Visage et Infini. Analisi fenomenologiche e fonti ebraiche in Emmanuel Lévinas, Facoltà di Filosofia, Sapienza – Università di Roma

17/02/2003 – 19/02/2003

The Unity of Consciousness and the Uniqueness of God in Hermann Cohen’s Philosophy, Facoltà di Filosofia, Sapienza – Università di Roma


01/07/2016 Grant della Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung per l’organizzazione del convegno internazionale: Humboldt-Kolleg – Zwischen Orient und Europa. Orientalismus in der deutsch-jüdischen Kultur im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, 3-6 novembre, Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, Villa Sciarra, Roma; in collaborazione con Prof. Lorella Bosco, Università di Bari

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a.a. 2011/2012 Grant Marie Curie del MIUR (Programma Rita Levi Montalcini) per la ricerca su: La ‚Wissenschaft des Judentums’ a Parigi: Trascrizione e pubblicazione del carteggio inedito di Salomon Munk (1803–1867) orientalista ebreo-tedesco e storico della filosofia ebraica.

01/01/2006 Grant della Rothschild Foundation Europe per la pubblicazione di: Leo Strauss lettore di Hermann Cohen. Dalla Filosofia moderna al ritorno agli antichi, Giuntina, Firenze 2007.

Attività di „reviewer“ anonimo

EJJS (European Journal of Jewish Studies)

MEDAON (Magazin für jüdisches Leben in Forschung und Bildung)



• Dialectic of Separation. Philosophy and Judaism in the Work of Salomon Munk, Academic Studies Press, Boston 2017, ISBN 978-1-61811-600-0 (hardback); ISBN 978-1-61811-601-7 (electronic).

• Leo Strauss lettore di Hermann Cohen. Dalla filosofia moderna al ritorno agli antichi, La Giuntina, Firenze 2007, ISBN 978-88-8057-296-1.

Volumi in curatela • Zwischen Orient und Europa. Orientalismus in der deutsch-jüdischen Kultur im 19. und 20.

Jahrhundert, Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, Tübingen (volume in preparazione, pubblicazione prevista in autunno 2017).

Articoli con peer review e saggi in volumi • History of Philosophy vs. Orientalism. Salomon Munk and the Historiography of

Medieval Arabic and Jewish Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century, in: Zwischen Orient und Europa. Orientalismus in der deutsch-jüdischen Kultur im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, Tübingen (volume in preparazione, pubblicazione prevista per l’autunno 2017).

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• Leo Strauss, l’orientalismo e la storia della filosofia ebraica ed islamica medievale, in: La Cultura. Rivista di filosofia, letteratura e storia, Il Mulino, (articolo in fase di double blind review, pubblicazione prevista nel numero di settembre 2017).

• Précurseur et Outsider. Le “retour” de Maïmonide dans l’historiographie philosophique et en philosophie aux XIXe et XXe siècles, in: “Outsiders” and "Forerunners". Modern Reason and Historiographical Births of Medieval Philosophy, Catherine König-Pralong (ed.), LECTIO Series, (Turnhout: Brepols), p. 1-14, (in stampa).

• Leo Strauss on the Problem of the History of Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy, in: Studying Arabic Philosophy. Meaning, limits and challenges of a modern discipline, Olga Lizzini/Jean Baptiste Brenet (eds.), Vrin, Paris (in stampa).

• Il problema del volto e della maschera: riflessioni su Lévinas e l’esteriorità, in: Atti del convegno su Maschera e Psicoterapia, Isola di San Servolo, Venezia, 11 febbraio 2017, a cura di Antonino Urso e Alejandro Crosthwaite, ed. Anicia, Roma 2017, p. 143-149, ISBN: 978886709.

• Leo Strauss: Filosofia politica come filosofia prima, in: Plato Redivivus. Scritti sulla relaziome tra etica e metafisica,(a cura di I. Kajon), Lithos, Roma 2017, p. 163-177, ISBN 978-88-99581-30-5.

• “Senza tener conto del genere”: la storia quasi dimenticata di Regina Jonas, in: Ebraismo al femminile, Giuntina, Firenze 2017 (in stampa).

• The Science of Judaism and Women. A Reconstruction of Regina Jonas’s Life and Work, in: Quest. Issue in Contemporary Jewish History/Journal of Fondazione CDEC (in stampa).

• Jewish Philosophy, Science of Judaism and Philology in Salomon Munk and Samuel David Luzzatto's Letters Exchange, in: EJJS (European Journal of Jewish Studies), BRILL, Boston-Leiden, , vol. 11 (2017), 1, p. 1-15, DOI 10.1163/1872471X-12341299.

• Between Language, Philosophy and Politics: Salomon Munk, the ›Wissenschaft des Judentums‹ and the Oriental Studies in Paris, in: Language as Bridge and Border. Linguistic, Cultural, and Political Constellations in 18th to 20th Century German-Jewish Thought, ed. by Sabine Sander, Hentrich & Hentrich, Berlin 2015, p. 71-82, ISBN 978-3-95565-113-8.

• The “Seal of the Guide”. Hermann Cohen on Salomon Munk’s Translation of Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed, published in: Naharaim. Zeitschrift für deutsch-jüdische Literatur und Kulturgeschichte, W. De Gruyter, vol. 6, Issue 2 (June 2013), pp. 195-207, ISSN (Online) 1862-9156, ISSN (Print) 1862-9148, DOI:

• “Wissenschaft des Judentums” e critica del misticismo in Salomon Munk e Samuel David Luzzatto, published in: Giacobbe e l’angelo. Figure ebraiche alle radici della modernità europea, Lithos, Roma 2012, pp. 129-148, ISBN 978-88-97414-26-1.

• The Debate between Salomon Munk and Heinrich Ritter on Medieval Jewish and Arabic Philosophy, published in: EJJS (European Journal of Jewish Studies), BRILL, vol.

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6, Issue 1 (2012), pp. 169-182. ISSN: 1025-9996, Online ISSN: 1872-471X DOI: 10.1163/187247112X637605.

• Tra tradizione e "scienza del giudaismo": Salomon Munk (1803-1867), in: Identità di confine, hrsg. von Irene Kajon, Lithos, Rom 2010, p. 137-147, ISBN 978-88-89604-90-8.

• Jewish Philosophy or “Philosophy among the Jews”? Salomon Munk and the reception of Judeo-Arabic texts in the 19th Century, in: Naharaim - Zeitschrift fur deutsch-judische Literatur und Kulturgeschichte, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York 2009, p. 91-101, ISSN (Online) 1862-9156, ISSN (Print) 1862-9148, DOI

• Filosofia politica e fenomenologia, [Introduction to and Translation of Leo Strauss: Philosophy as Rigourous Science and Political Philosophy/Filosofia come scienza rigorosa e filosofia politica], co-autore Francesco saverio Trincia, in: Micromega-Almanacco di filosofia, 2008, p. 151-168.

• Politische Philosophie als philosophia prima: Leo Strauss' Transformation von Hermann Cohens philosophischem Projekt, in: Links: rivista di letteratura e cultura tedesca = Links. Zeitschrift fur deutsche Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali Fabrizio Serra Editore, VII, Pisa – Roma 2007, p. 97-104, DOI 10.1400/94926

• Philosophy of Religion or Political Philosophy? The Debate between Leo Strauss and Julius Guttmann. In: EJJS (European Journal of Jewish Studies,) Nr. 1, 2007, pp. 135-155. DOI 10.1163/187247107780557263 , ISSN: 1025-9996 E-ISSN: 1872-471X

• Il problema dell’intersoggettività in Hermann Cohen, in: Homo homini magister. Educazione e politica nel pensiero dialogico del Novecento, ed. Lithos, Roma 2006, p. 1-16, ISBN 88-89604-18-2.

• Hermann Cohen su Spinoza: dal ‘panteismo monoteistico’ all’antipanteismo, in: Man and God in Hermann Cohen’s Philosophy, a cura di G. Gigliotti, I. Kajon e A. Poma, Biblioteca dell’“Archivio di filosofia”, CEDAM, Padova 2003, p. 277-293. Also published in: Archivio di filosofia, 2003; 71 (1-3), p. 277-293, rispettivamente ISBN (Electronic) 8813250614 e ISSN 0004-0088.

Recensioni (selezione) • AA.VV., Adolphe Franck. Philosophe juif, spiritualiste et libéral dans la France du

XIXe siècle, sous la direction de J.-P. Rothschild et J. Grondeux, Bibliothèque de l’École des hautes études sciences religieuses, vol. 153, Turnhhout: Brepols 2012, in: Quest. Issue in Contemporary Jewish History / Journal of Fondazione CDEC, Issue 7, 2014.

• Irene Kajon, Ebraismo Laico. La sua storia e il suo senso oggi, Cittadella editrice, Assisi 2012, 191 p. , in: La Cultura. Rivista di filosofia, letteratura e storia, Il Mulino, n. 3, 2012, pp. 340-344.

• Myriam Bienenstock, Cohen face à Rosenzweig. Débat sur la pensée allemande, Vrin, Paris 2009, p. 249, in: Iyyun, The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 60, January 2011, p. 99-102.

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• Pier Cesare Ioly Zorattini (ed. by), Percorsi di storia ebraica. Atti del convegno internazionale Cividale del Friuli-Gorizia, 7/9 settembre 2004, Udine, FORUM Editrice 2005 (AISG Testi e Studi, 15), p. 464, in: La Rassegna mensile di Israel, vol. LXXII, n. 2, maggio-agosto 2006, p. 167-172.

• Hebraic Political Studies, Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2005, Jerusalem: Shalem Press, 136 p. In: EAJS Newsletter, Nr. 17, Autumn 2005, p. 75-79.

• H. Meier, Leo Strauss. Gesammelte Schriften, Band 3, Hobbes’ politische Wissenschaft und zugehörige Schriften-Briefe, J.B. Metzler Verlag, Stuttgart-Weimar 2001, p. XXXVIII + 799, in: Materia giudaica. Rivista dell’associazione italiana per lo studio del giudaismo, VII/1 (2002), La Giuntina, Firenze, p. 206-7.

Competenze linguistiche • Lingue moderne: Italiano (madrelingua), inglese, tedesco, francese, ebraico • Lingue antiche: Greco, latino, ebraico biblico (in corso di apprendimento) Memberships Membro delle seguenti Associazioni scientifiche: EAJS (European Association for Jewish Studies), AISG (Associazione italiana per lo studio del giudaismo), HCG (Hermann Cohen Gesellschaft), IRG (Internationale Rosenzweig-Gesellschaft e.V.), Freudekreis Leopold-Zunz-Zentrum e. V.

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Telefono: (+353)831819539

Cellulare: (+39)3386565907

E.mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Nazionalità: Italiana

Luogo di nascita: Roma

Data di nascita: 20/05/1983


Letteratura e cultura italiana di età umanistico-rinascimentale

Relazioni tra letteratura e arti visive

Letteratura neo-latina

Etica e condotta in età moderna

Scritture di e per donne

Poesia epica e cavalleresca

Roma nel Rinascimento

Storia del teatro rinascimentale e gesuitico

Letteratura satirica del XVIII secolo

ATTUALE POSIZIONE ACCADEMICA 1 settembre 2016- presente

University College Dublin School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Italian Studies (titolo equipollente a quello di Ricercatore universitario di tipo B)

PRECEDENTI POSIZIONI ACCADEMICHE 1 gennaio 2016- 30 giugno 2016

Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies, Innsbruck Research Fellow Titolo del progetto di ricerca: From Practice to Theory: Unknown Theoretical Proses on Theatre by Jesuit Bernardino Stefonio

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1 luglio 2014- 30 giugno 2015 1 ottobre 2012- 31 marzo 2014 e 1 aprile 2014- 30 giugno 2014

Villa I Tatti – The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies Jean-François Malle Fellow Titolo del progetto di ricerca: Reading Ariosto in Early Modern Italy: Orlando furioso’s Reception in Conduct Literature for Women

University of Cambridge Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, Department of Italian Cambridge (UK) Research Associate per il progetto: “Conduct Literature for and about Women in Italy, 1400-1900”

ISTRUZIONE 2008-2011 2005-2008 2002-2005 1997-2002

Sapienza – Università di Roma

Dottorato di Ricerca in “Italianistica” – 05/06/2012 Tesi: Amore punito e disarmato. Parola e immagine dal mondo classico al XVIII secolo Supervisor: Prof.ssa Rosanna Alhaique Pettinelli Co-supervisor: Prof. Renzo Bragantini

Tesi vincitrice del Premio Tesi di dottorato 2013, bandito da Sapienza Università Editrice, 20 settembre 2013

Sapienza – Università di Roma Laurea specialistica in “Lingua e cultura italiana” – 23/04/2008 110 e lode/110 Tesi: Jacopo Sadoleto e la cultura umanistica Supervisor: Prof. Rosanna Alhaique Pettinelli Co-supervisor: Prof.ssa Giulia Natali Tesi vincitrice del Premio per i migliori laureati specialistici/magistrali delle Facoltà di Filosofia, Lettere e filosofia, Scienze umanistiche e Studi orientali, bandito dalla Fondazione Roma Sapienza, 15/06/2011.

Sapienza – Università di Roma Laurea triennale in “Studi Italiani” – 16/12/2005 110 e lode/110 Tesi: Per una letteratura “commune”. Il Viridario di Giovanni Filoteo Achillini Supervisor: Prof. Rosanna Alhaique Pettinelli Liceo Classico Dante Alighieri – Rome 100/100

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UCD Seed Funding Scheme - Dissemination and Outputs

Highly Ranked.

Award funding to the value of €1,610.00

FELLOWSHIPS E BORSE DI STUDIO Gennaio 2016 Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies, Innsbruck Research Fellowhip Luglio 2014 Villa I Tatti – The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies Jean-François Malle Fellowship


Aprile 2016 The Lila Wallace – Reader’s Digest Lecture Program Premio internazionale per l’organizzazione di seminari e conferenze dedicate al Rinascimento italiano. Settembre 2013 Sapienza Università Editrice Premio per la miglior tesi di dottorato discussa nell’anno accademico 2012-2013: il premio consiste in un contratto di pubblicazione con Sapienza Università Editrice. Giugno 2011 Fondazione Sapienza Premio per la migliore tesi di laurea magistrale discussa nella Facoltà di Lettere negli anni accademici 2008-2010: il premio consiste in un support economico per la pubblicazione della tesi (€ 1.000.00).

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1. Il dibattito sulle donne in Italia nel tardo Cinquecento. Una ritrovata polemica padovana [accettato per pubblicazione: Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2018 (Women and Gender in Italy (1500-1900) / Donne e gender in Italia (1500-1900))]

2. Jacopo Sadoleto umanista e poeta, con l’edizione dei carmi tradotti da E. Spangenberg Yanes, Roma, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2014 (RR inedita, 61), pp. 154 (ISBN 88-85913-81-3) [rec. G. VAGNI, Aevum, 90-3 (2016), pp. 178-180; G. COMIATI , La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXIX-2 (2015), pp. 477-479].

3. Amore punito e disarmato. Parola e immagine da Petrarca all’Arcadia, Roma, Sapienza Università Editrice, 2013 (Studi e ricerche, 9), pp. 348 (ISBN 978-88-98533-09-1) [rec. A. ROSSINI, Renaissance and Reformation, 37-3 (2014), pp. 303-304; G. COMIATI , La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXVIII-2 (2014), pp. 591-593; M.L. DOGLIO, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2014, p. 175].


4. A. VALIER, Instituzione d’ogni stato lodevole delle donne cristiane and Ricordi [...] lasciati alle monache nella sua visitazione fatta l’anno del Santissimo Giubileo 1575, edited by F. LUCIOLI, Cambridge, MHRA, 2015 (MHRA Critical Texts, 43), pp. 172 (ISBN 978-1-78188-101-9). [rec. M. ORSI, Annali d’Italianistica, 34 (2016), pp. 566-567; M.T. RICCI, Renaissance Quarterly, LXIX-3 (2016), pp. 1021-1023].

5. G. DATI, Aedificatio Romae, a cura di F. LUCIOLI, Roma, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2012 (RR inedita, 54), pp. 100 (ISBN 88-85913-78-3). [rec. C. CASSIANI, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXVIII-1 (2014), pp. 199-200; M.L. DOGLIO, Giornale storico della letteratura italiana, a. CXXXI, vol. CXCI, fasc. 635 (2014), p. 472].

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6. Dalle Regole del Fortunio a una grammatica ‘dell’utente’, 1516-2016: grammatiche, cultura e società in Italia e in Europa, edited by H. SANSON and F. LUCIOLI, special issue of The Italianist, 36, 3 (2016).

7. Conduct Literature for and about Women in Italy: Prescribing and Describing Life, edited by H. SANSON and F. LUCIOLI, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2016 (Women and Gender in Italy (1500-1900) / Donne e gender in Italia (1500-1900), 1), pp. 437 (ISBN 978-2-406-05916-5).

8. Giulio Piccini (Jarro) tra Risorgimento e Grande Guerra (1849-1915), a cura di F. LUCIOLI, Pisa, ETS, 2016 (MOD, La modernità letteraria, 55), pp. 264 (ISBN 978-884674469-2).

9. Cum fide amicitia. Per Rosanna Alhaique Pettinelli, a cura di S. BENEDETTI, F. LUCIOLI, P. PETTERUTI PELLEGRINO, Roma, Bulzoni, 2015 (Studi (e testi) italiani, 27), pp. 633 (ISBN 978-88-6897-003-1). [rec. G. LAURENTI, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2016, pp. 132-136].

10. Il discorso morale nella letteratura italiana. Tipologie e funzioni, a cura di V. GUARNA, F. LUCIOLI, P.G. RIGA, numero monografico di Studi (e testi) italiani, 27 (2011), pp. 232. [rec. M.C. FIGORILLI, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXVII-1 (2013), pp. 224-227].


11. Introduzione. 500 anni di grammatica e grammatiche dell’italiano (with H. Sanson), in Dalle Regole del Fortunio a una grammatica ‘dell’utente’, 1516-2016: grammatiche, cultura e società in Italia e in Europa, edited by H. SANSON and F. LUCIOLI, special issue of The Italianist, 36, 3 (2016), pp. 355-358.

12. Premessa (con S. Benedetti e P. Petteruti Pellegrino), in Cum fide amicitia. Per Rosanna Alhaique Pettinelli, a cura di S. BENEDETTI, F. LUCIOLI, P. PETTERUTI

PELLEGRINO, Roma, Bulzoni, 2015, pp. 11-12. 13. Introduction, in A. VALIER, Instituzione d’ogni stato lodevole delle donne

cristiane and Ricordi [...] lasciati alle monache nella sua visitazione fatta l’anno del Santissimo Giubileo 1575, edited by F. LUCIOLI, Cambridge, MHRA, 2015, pp. 1-41.

14. Historia e descriptio nell’Aedificatio Romae di Giuliano Dati, in G. DATI , Aedificatio Romae, a cura di F. LUCIOLI, Roma, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2012, pp. 5-26.

15. Introduzione (with V. Guarna e P.G. Riga), in Il discorso morale nella letteratura italiana. Tipologie e funzioni, a cura di V. GUARNA, F. LUCIOLI, P.G. RIGA, numero monografico di Studi (e testi) italiani 27 (2011), pp. 9-11.

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16. ‘Bernardo e Torquato Tasso e un inedito dialogo gesuitico «De tragoedia»’, Studi tassiani, submitted [8.901 parole].

17. ‘Temi spirituali nel romanzo post-ariostesco: il caso dell’Agrippina di Pietro Maria Franco (1533)’, Archivio italiano per la storia della pietà, c.d.s. (2018) [9.265 parole].

18. ‘Riscrittura come esegesi: Laura Terracina lettrice ed interprete dell’Orlando furioso’, in Ludovico Ariosto: 500° anniversario dell’Orlando furioso, hrsg. von C. RIVOLETTI und K. NONNENMACHER, special issue of Romanische Studien, c.d.s. (2017) [6.338 parole].

19. ‘“Sperimentate le lunghezze e durezze delle grammatiche delle lingue scolastiche”: the Fabbrica del parlare and the Grammatica toscanalatina by Michele Giannetti (1651)’, in Dalle Regole del Fortunio a una grammatica ‘dell’utente’, 1516-2016: grammatiche, cultura e società in Italia e in Europa, edited by H. SANSON and F. LUCIOLI, special issue of The Italianist, 36, 3 (2016), pp. 414-428.

20. ‘Sulle raccolte di rime spirituali di Cristoforo Scanello, detto il Cieco da Forlì’, in Bibbia in poesia, a cura di R. ALHAIQUE PETTINELLI, R. MORACE, P. PETTERUTI PELLEGRINO, U. VIGNUZZI, numero monografico di Studi (e testi) italiani, 35 (2015), pp. 103-120.

21. ‘I consigli di un maestro di provincia. Morale e palinodia nei carmi “in Catonis praecepta de moribus” di Prospero Acrimato’, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2015, pp. 93-104.

22. ‘“Un secolo nel quale nel quale non si pensava che all’amore”: Notes on Some Sources for L’istrione by Jarro (Giulio Piccini)’, Romance Studies, 33, 3 (2015), pp. 120-130.

23. ‘Regine a Venezia nel Cinquecento: Bona Sforza in un’epistola di Agostino Valier e qualche osservazione sulle descrizioni di ingressi trionfali’, Filologia e Critica, 39,1 (2014), pp. 73-96.

24. ‘Due lettere “sopra la cicisbeatura” (e un episodio singolare della fortuna di Giuseppe Baretti tra Italia e Inghilterra)’, Giornale storico della letteratura italiana, vol. CXCI, 633 (2014), pp. 57-81.

25. ‘Poesia e profezia nello Staurostichon di Giovan Francesco Pico della Mirandola’, Archivio italiano per la storia della pietà, XXV (2013), pp. 275-301.

26. ‘Gregorio Cortese tra Prassitele e Parrasio. Un inedito epigramma sulla statua del Cupido dormiente’, in Recuperi testuali tra Quattro e Cinquecento, a cura di I. PANTANI e E. RUSSO, numero monografico di Studi (e testi) italiani 30 (2012), pp. 51-68. [rec. A.M. SURIANI, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXVIII-1 (2014), pp. 207-210].

27. ‘Scrittura e riscrittura nella poesia di Jacopo Durandi’, Atti e memorie dell’Arcadia, n.s., 1 (2012), pp. 187-217.

28. ‘Amore alla forca. Una giostra nell’Innamoramento di Ruggeretto di Panfilo de’ Renaldini’, Rivista di Letteratura Italiana, XXX-1 (2012), pp. 9-27.

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[rec. A. CAROCCI, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXVII-1 (2013), pp. 197-198]

29. ‘Con freno e con misura. Per un’iconografia dell’Etica’, in Il discorso morale nella letteratura italiana. Tipologie e funzioni, a cura di V. GUARNA, F. LUCIOLI, P.G. RIGA, numero monografico di Studi (e testi) italiani 27 (2011), pp. 57-74. [rec. M.C. FIGORILLI, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXVII-1 (2013), pp. 224-227].

30. ‘In margine a una recente edizione degli Emblemi di Alciato’, Filologia e Critica, XXXV-1 (2010), pp. 109-116.

31. ‘“D’ogni cortese amor nimico vero”. Della (s)fortuna di Anteros nel Rinascimento’, Lettere Italiane, LXII-3 (2010), pp. 395-422.

32. ‘“Amor vuol fede”. Un motto nella Firenze laurenziana’, in «Tout est dit». Teoria, problemi, fenomeni della riscrittura, a cura di R. BRAGANTINI, numero monografico di Studi (e testi) italiani, 26 (2010), pp. 113-132.

33. ‘Le odi di Paolo Nomentano. Un’inedita silloge poetica nella Roma di Leone X’, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2009, pp. 343-362.

34. ‘La realtà dell’illusione. Sul Don Chisciotte di Maurizio Scaparro’, l’Abaco, 4-7 (2005-2008), pp. 301-315.

35. ‘La Phoenix nel Viridario. Fortuna letteraria di un trattato di mnemotecnica’, Lettere Italiane, LIX-2 (2007), pp. 262-280.

36. ‘Scritture metropolitane. I giovani (si) raccontano’, Lingua Italiana d’Oggi, III (2006), pp. 239-247.

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37. La lirica petrarchistica, in Il contributo italiano alla storia del pensiero. Letteratura, dir. G. FERRONI, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, c.d.s. (2017) [5.000 parole].

38. Ludovico Ariosto (con C. RIVOLETTI), in Il contributo italiano alla storia del pensiero. Letteratura, dir. G. FERRONI, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, c.d.s. (2017) [30.000 parole].

39. ‘Notes on the ekphrasis of Love asleep’, in Épigrammes et tableaux: un dialogue entre poétique et peinture (XVe-XVIIe siècle), edited by A. SMEESTERS, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, c.d.s. (2017) [5.453 parole].

40. ‘Defining Italian Identity Through Latin: Strategies of Construction of a National Canon of Neo-Latin Poets’, in Constructing Identities in Renaissance Italy, edited by P. GONZÁLEZ TORNEL and B. MAXSON, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, c.d.s. (2017) [8.633 parole].

41. ‘L’anatomia del cuore e del cervello delle donne: descrizione, prescrizione e ironia nel XVIII secolo’, in Conduct Literature for and about Women in Italy: Prescribing and Describing Life, edited by H. SANSON and F. LUCIOLI, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2016, pp. 243-264.

42. ‘“Il vero è, sovente, nella vita, così inverosimile”: uso delle fonti nei romanzi storico-giudiziari di Jarro’, in Giulio Piccini (Jarro) tra Risorgimento e Grande Guerra (1849-1915), a cura di F. LUCIOLI, Pisa, ETS, 2016, pp. 137-155.

43. ‘“Le donne illustri del Furioso” e un emulatore dell’Ariosto alla corte di Urbino’, in Cum fide amicitia. Per Rosanna Alhaique Pettinelli, a cura di S. BENEDETTI, F. LUCIOLI, P. PETTERUTI PELLEGRINO, Roma, Bulzoni, 2015, pp. 301-313.

44. ‘Bibliografia degli scritti di Rosanna Alhaique Pettinelli’, and ‘Indice dei nomi’, in Cum fide amicitia. Per Rosanna Alhaique Pettinelli, a cura di S. BENEDETTI, F. LUCIOLI, P. PETTERUTI PELLEGRINO, Roma, Bulzoni, 2015, pp. 575-633.

45. ‘ Intorno all’Accademia del Viridario’, in Le virtuose adunanze. La cultura accademica tra XVI e XVIII secolo, a cura di C. GURRERI e I. BIANCHI , prefazione di G. FERRONI, introduzione di G.M. ANSELMI, Avellino, Edizioni Sinestesie, 2014, pp. 237-248.

46. ‘“Forma inimica pudoris”. Le Prolusiones Academicae de stylo poetico di Famiano Strada’, in Latin Poetry Out Loud, edited by L. ISEBAERT and A. SMEESTERS, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2013, pp. 131-147.

47. ‘Parola e immagine nel Rerum Sacrarum Liber di Lorenzo Gambara’, in Visibile teologia. Il libro sacro figurato tra Cinquecento e Seicento, a cura di E. ARDISSINO

e E. SELMI , introduzione di G. MAZZOTTA, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2012, pp. 163-177. [rec. S. GIAZZON, Filologia & Critica, XXXVIII-2 (2013), pp. 310-317: 313].

48. ‘Jacopo Sadoleto e la teoria della poesia tra Cinquecento e Seicento’, in Testo e metodo. Prospettive teoriche sulla letteratura italiana, a cura di D. MONTICELLI e L. TAVERNA, Tallinn, TLU Press, 2011, pp. 49-85. [rec. C. CORFIATI, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2011, pp. 198-200].

49. ‘Tra Dante e Ariosto. Varietas e contaminatio nel Viridario di Giovanni Filoteo Achillini’, in La terra di Babele. Saggi sul plurilinguismo nella cultura italiana, a cura di D. BRANCATO e M. RUCCOLO, Mineola-Ottawa, Legas, 2011, pp. 83-98.

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50. ‘«Darsi non meno a ogni essercitio di cavaleria, che delle lettere». La giostra bresciana del 20 maggio 1548’, in Alli spiriti nobili et gentili. Fortunato Martinengo, un gentiluomo del Rinascimento fra arti, lettere e musica. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi (Brescia, Venezia, 20-22 ottobre 2016), a cura di M. BIZZARINI e E. SELMI , Brescia, Morcelliana, c.d.s. (2017) [7.316 parole].

51. ‘Di alcune cronache della cerimonia del possesso leonino’, in Leone X. Finanza, mecenatismo, cultura. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi (Roma, 2-4 novembre 2015), a cura di F. CANTATORE, C. CASETTI BRACH, A. ESPOSITO, F. FROVA, D. GALLAVOTTI CAVALLERO , P. PIACENTINI, F. PIPERNO, C. RANIERI, 2 voll., Roma, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2016, vol. I, pp. 193-216.

52. ‘Citazioni ariostesche e poesia cavalleresca nelle lettere di Claudio Tolomei’, in Archilet. Per uno studio delle corrispondenze letterarie di età moderna. Atti del seminario internazionale di studio (Bergamo, 11-12 dicembre 2014), a cura di C.

CARMINATI , P. PROCACCIOLI, E. RUSSO, C. VIOLA , Verona, Edizioni QuiEdit, 2016, pp. 163-178.

53. ‘Croci e segni della passione. Un episodio singolare nella Germania di primo Cinquecento’, in La Croce. Un simbolo attraverso i tempi e le culture. Atti del Convegno delle Scienze Umanistiche nell’ambito della Pastorale Universitaria (Roma, Lumsa_Eur_Sapienza, 5-6 marzo 2012, a cura di I. BECHERUCCI e P. MARTINO, Roma, Edizioni Studium, 2013, pp. 109-122.

54. ‘L’eco di Poliziano nella Laude delle donne bolognese di Claudio Tolomei’, in La letteratura degli Italiani 3. Gli Italiani della letteratura. Atti del XV Congresso nazionale dell’Associazione degli Italianisti Italiani (ADI, Torino, 14-17 settembre 2011), a cura di C. ALLASIA , M. MASOERO, L. NAY , Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2012, in cd-rom, pp. 1795-1805.

55. ‘Il paradosso dell’ekphrasis. Celio Calcagnini e il Laocoonte di Jacopo Sadoleto’, in La letteratura degli Italiani. 2 Rotte, confini, passaggi. Atti delle sessioni parallele del Convegno Internazionale ADI (Genova, 15-18 settembre 2010),

56. ‘Girolamo Ruscelli e l’Apologia della Continuazione di Orlando Furioso di Sigismondo Paolucci Filogenio’, in La letteratura degli Italiani. 1 Centri e periferie. Atti del XIII Congresso nazionale dell’Associazione degli Italianisti Italiani (ADI, Pugnochiuso, 16-19 settembre 2009), a cura di D. COFANO e S. VALERIO, Foggia, Edizioni del Rosone, 2011, in cd-rom.

57. ‘“Oracula Christi” e “dictata sacro verba Helicone” nella poesia di Jacopo Sadoleto’, in Metafore di un pontificato. Giulio II (1503 – 1513). Atti del Convegno Internazionale di studi (Roma, 2-4 dicembre 2008), a cura di F.

CANTATORE, M. CHIABÒ, P. FARENGA, M. GARGANO, A. MORISI, A. MODIGLIANI , F. PIPERNO, Roma, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2010, pp. 251-278.

58. ‘Sulle tracce della Phoenix di Pietro da Ravenna’, in Cultura Italiana e Geografie d’Europa. Atti del XIX Congresso Internazionale AISLLI (Trieste – Capodistria – Padova – Pola, 19-25 settembre 2006), a cura di B.M. DA RIF, Trieste, Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2009, cd-rom, pp. 146-149.

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59. Scala, Alessandra, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, in preparazione. (2017).

60. Ekphrasis, in Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, ed. by M. SGARBI, Dordrecht, Springer, c.d.s. (2017) [650 parole].

61. Sandei, Ludovico, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, c.d.s. (2017) [1.826 parole].

62. Sadoleto, Iacopo, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, c.d.s. (2017) [3.742 parole]

63. Sadoleto, Paolo, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, c.d.s. (2017) [1.557 parole].

64. Ridolfi, Lucantonio, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, c.d.s. (2017) [2.978 parole].

65. Rocchi, Pompeo, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, c.d.s. (2017) [1.539 parole].

66. Roncalli, Giovanni Domenico, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, c.d.s. (2017) [1.563 parole].

67. Romei, Annibale, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, c.d.s. (2017) [1.881 parole].

68. Paolo Cortesi, in Autografi dei letterati italiani. Il Cinquecento, a cura di M. MOTOLESE, P. PROCACCIOLI, E. RUSSO, consulenza paleografica di A. CIARALLI , Roma, Salerno, c.d.s. (2017) [1.465 parole].

69. Lilio Gregorio Giraldi, in Autografi dei letterati italiani. Il Cinquecento, a cura di M. MOTOLESE, P. PROCACCIOLI, E. RUSSO, consulenza paleografica di A. CIARALLI , Roma, Salerno, c.d.s. (2017) [2.228 parole].

70. Valier, Agostino, in Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, ed. by M. SGARBI, Dordrecht, Springer, 2016:

71. Un’amatriciana “alla (a)matriciana”, in Peccati di lingua. Le 100 parole del gusto italiano, a cura di M. ARCANGELI, Soveria Mannelli, Rubettino, 2015, pp. 17-19.

72. Brigidini. I dolcetti delle feste dal convento alla piazza, in Peccati di lingua. Le 100 parole del gusto italiano, a cura di M. ARCANGELI, Soveria Mannelli, Rubettino, 2015, pp. 44-46.

73. La pasta alla carbonara. Una squisitezza targata (forse) USA, in Peccati di lingua. Le 100 parole del gusto italiano, a cura di M. ARCANGELI, Soveria Mannelli, Rubettino, 2015, pp. 75-79.

74. Dal riso al risotto: una storia centenaria, in Peccati di lingua. Le 100 parole del gusto italiano, a cura di M. ARCANGELI, Soveria Mannelli, Rubettino, 2015, pp. 263-266.

75. A ognuno la sua trippa, in Peccati di lingua. Le 100 parole del gusto italiano, a cura di M. ARCANGELI, Soveria Mannelli, Rubettino, 2015, pp. 345-349.

76. Pacini, Antonio, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, vol. 80 (2014), pp. 137-139.

77. Orsi, Roberto, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, vol. 79 (2013), pp. 610-612.

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78. Navarro, Emanuele (o Emmanuele), conte della Miraglia, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, vol. 78 (2013), pp. 45-47.

79. Autofiction, in Treccani. Il libro dell’anno 2011, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, 2011, p. 262.

80. Cloud computing, in Treccani. Il libro dell’anno 2011, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, 2011, p. 404.

81. Microblogging, in Treccani. Il libro dell’anno 2011, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, 2011, p. 405.

82. New Realism, in Treccani. Il libro dell’anno 2011, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, 2011, p. 263.

83. Realtà aumentata, in Treccani. Il libro dell’anno 2011, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, 2011, p. 405.

84. Twittare, in Treccani. Il libro dell’anno 2011, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, 2011, p. 405.

85. Armistizio, in Itabolario, dir. M. ARCANGELI, Roma, Carocci, 2011, pp. 179-180.

86. Breccia, in Itabolario, dir. M. ARCANGELI, Roma, Carocci, 2011, pp. 38-40. 87. Cabaret (con M. Arcangeli), in Itabolario, dir. M. ARCANGELI, Roma,

Carocci, 2011, pp. 148-149. 88. Chic, in Itabolario, dir. M. ARCANGELI, Roma, Carocci, 2011, pp. 44-45. 89. Concilio, in Itabolario, dir. M. ARCANGELI, Roma, Carocci, 2011, pp. 220-

222. 90. Metropolitana, in Itabolario, dir. M. ARCANGELI, Roma, Carocci, 2011, pp.

200-201. 91. Psicanalisi (con M. Arcangeli), in Itabolario, dir. M. ARCANGELI, Roma,

Carocci, 2011, pp. 196-197. 92. Questione romana, in Itabolario, dir. M. ARCANGELI, Roma, Carocci, 2011,

pp. 151-152. 93. Sciopero, in Itabolario, dir. M. ARCANGELI, Roma, Carocci, 2011, pp. 106-

107. 94. Tango, in Itabolario, dir. M. ARCANGELI, Roma, Carocci, 2011, pp. 115-117. 95. Walkman, in Itabolario, dir. M. ARCANGELI, Roma, Carocci, 2011, pp. 250-



96. Le scritture dell’ira. Voci e modi dell’invettiva nella letteratura italiana. Atti di convegno. Roma, Fondazione Marco Besso, 16 aprile 2015, a cura di G. CRIMI e C. SPILA, Roma, Roma TrE-Press, 2016, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2016, pp. 216-218.

97. P. BAKER, Italian Renaissance Humanism in the Mirror, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2016, pp. 76-77.

98. L. BLASUCCI, Sulla struttura metrica del «Furioso» e altri studi ariosteschi, Firenze, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2014, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXIX-2 (2015), pp. 468-469.

99. C. MONGIAT FARINA , Questione di lingua. L’ideologia del dibattito sull’italiano nel Cinquecento, Ravenna, Longo, 2014, La rassegna della letteratura italiana,

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CXIX-2 (2015), pp. 479-480. 100. Gender in Early Modern Rome, edited by J.L. HAIRSTON, in «I Tatti Studies

in the Italian Renaissance», 17, 1 (Spring 2014), pp. 35-201, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2015, pp. 270-271.

101. Le sorti d’Orlando. Illustrazioni e riscritture del Furioso, a cura di D. CARACCIOLO e M. ROSSI, Lucca, Maria Pacini Fazzi, 2013, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXIX-1 (2015), pp. 173-175.

102. Pietro Bembo e le arti, a cura di G. BELTRAMINI , H. BURNS, D. GASPAROTTO, Venezia, Marsilio, 2013, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXIX-1 (2015), pp. 155-156.

103. P. GIOVIO, Notable Men and Women of Our Time, edited and translated by K. Gouwens, Cambridge (Mass.)-London, Harvard University Press, 2013, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXIX-1 (2015), pp. 152-153.

104. The Poems and Letters of Tullia d’Aragona and Others, A Bilingual Edition edited and translated by J.L. HAIRSTON, Toronto, Iter Inc.-Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2014, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2014, pp. 193-195.

105. Medieval and Renaissance Lactations: Images, Rhetorics, Practices, edited by J.G. SPERLING, Farnham, Ashgate, 2013, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2014, pp. 178-179.

106. F. MUSARRA, «L’antiqua damigella». Dell’ironia nell’«Orlando furioso», prefazione di G. Ferroni, Firenze, Cesati, 2013, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXVIII-2 (2014), pp. 593-594.

107. X. VON TIPPELSKIRCH, Sotto controllo. Letture femminili in Italia nella prima età moderna, Roma, Viella, 2011, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXVII-2 (2013), pp. 617-618.

108. G. PALUMBO , Le porte della storia. L’età moderna attraverso antiporte e frontespizi figurati, Roma, Viella, 2012, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXVII-2 (2013), pp. 616-617.

109. O. NICCOLI, Vedere con gli occhi del cuore. Alle origini del potere delle immagini, Roma-Bari, Editori Laterza, 2011, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXVII-2 (2013), pp. 614-616.

110. La parola e l’immagine. Studi in onore di Gianni Venturi, a cura di M. ARIANI, A. BRUNI, A. DOLFI, A. GAREFFI, 2 voll., Firenze, Olschki, 2011, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXVII-1 (2013), pp. 216-218.

111. J. KINGSLEY-SMITH , Cupid in Early Modern Literature and Culture, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXVII-1 (2013), pp. 212-213.

112. C. LERI, «La voce dello Spiro». Salmi in Italia tra Cinquecento e Settecento, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2011, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXVII-1 (2013), pp. 207-208.

113. C. BIANCA , Da Firenze a Roma: Francesco Albertini, in «Letteratura e arte», 9 (2011), pp. 59-70, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2012, pp. 68-70.

114. G. BALDISSONE, Il nome e l’immagine di Lucrezia Borgia tra le Rime di Vittoria Colonna, in Studi di onomastica e critica letteraria offerti a Davide De Camilli, a cura di M.G. Arcamone, D. Bremer, B. Porcelli, Pisa-Roma, Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2010, pp. 57-68, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2012, pp. 66-67.

115. R. ALHAIQUE PETTINELLI, Bonorum atque eruditorum cohors. Bonorum

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atque eruditorum cohors: cultura letteraria e pietas nella Roma umanistico-rinascimentale, Roma, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2011, Filologia & Critica, XXXVII-1 (2012), pp. 164-167.

116. «Tra mille carte vive ancora». Ricezione del Furioso tra immagini e parole, edited by L. BOLZONI, S. PEZZINI E G. RIZZARELLI , Lucca, Maria Pacini Fazzi, 2010, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXVI-1 (2012), pp. 183-185.

117. C. CHIUMMO , «Sì grande Apelle, e non minore Apollo»: il ‘non sense’ del Bronzino manierista in Nominativi fritti e mappamondi, Il nonsense nella letteratura italiana, edited by G. ANTONELLI, C. CHIUMMO , Rome, Salerno, 2009, pp. 93-124, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXVI-1 (2012), pp. 205-206.

118. M. FIRPO, Storie di immagini, immagini di storia. Studi di iconografia cinquecentesca, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2010, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXV-2 (2011), pp. 517-518.

119. L. BOLZONI, Il cuore di cristallo. Ragionamenti d’amore, poesia e ritratto nel Rinascimento, Torino, Einaudi, 2010, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXV-2 (2011), pp. 513-514.

120. Rime sacre tra Cinquecento e Seicento, edited by M.L. DOGLIO, C. DELCORNO, Bologna, il Mulino, 2007, in La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXV-2 (2011), pp. 508-509.

121. M. LARGAIOLLI , Addendum calmetiano: un testimone ritrovato del «Breve compendio sopra Ovidio de Arte Amandi» (Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersitecka, viii 2 membr.). Con un’edizione dei versi recuperati, in «Filologia italiana», 7 (2010), pp. 57-80, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2011, p. 198.

122. J. NASSICHUK, Éloge et déliberation dans une silve de Giovanni Flaminio adressée á Léon X, in Camenae, 2 (2007),, Roma nel Rinascimento 2010, pp. 130-131.

123. «Collettanee» in morte di Serafino Aquilano, edited by A. BOLOGNA, Lucca, LIM Editrice, 2009, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXV-1 (2010), pp. 178-182.

124. L. BRAIDA , Libri di lettere. Le raccolte epistolari del Cinquecento tra inquietudini religiose e “buon volgare”, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2009, La rassegna della letteratura italiana, CXV-1 (2010), pp. 188-190.

125. S. BENZI, Le forme dell’aria. Metrica, retorica e logica in Metastasio, Lucca, Pacini Fazzi, 2005, Studi Linguistici Italiani, vol. XXXII (XI della III serie), fasc. II (2008), pp. 310-312.

126. G. F. ACHILLINI , Annotationi della volgar lingua, edited by C. GIOVANARDI , withi C. DI FELICE, Pescara, Libreria dell’Università Editrice, 2005, l’Abaco, 4-7 (2005-2008), pp. 488-491.

127. J. CANAVAGGIO , Don Chisciotte dal libro al mito. Quattro secoli di erranza, presentazione di F. RICO, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2006, l’Abaco, 4-7 (2005-2008), pp. 524-527.

RECENSIONI SU RIVISTE ONLINE 128. F. SUITNER, I Promessi Sposi, un’idea di romanzo, Roma, Carocci editore,

2012: 129. L: MENEGHELLO, L’apprenditato. Nuove carte 2004-2007, introduction by

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R. Chiaberge, Milano, Rizzoli, 2012: 130. M. DARDANO, Stili provvisori. La lingua nella narrativa italiana d’oggi,

Roma, Carocci, 2010: 131. G. CAROFIGLIO, La manomissione delle parole, Milano, Rizzoli, 2010: 132. La terribile storia di Nerone raccontata da Andrea Giardina, drawings by

E. LUZZATI , Roma-Bari, Edizioni Laterza, 2010: 133. R. LORETELLI, L’invenzione del romanzo. Dall’oralità alla lettura

silenziosa, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2010: 134. L. SERIANNI, L’ora d’italiano. Scuola e materie umanistiche, Roma-Bari,

Laterza, 2010: 135. G.L. BECCARIA, Il mare in un imbuto. Dove va la lingua italiana, Torino,

Einaudi, 2010: 136. E. SCALFARI, Per l’alto mare aperto, Torino, Einaudi, 2010: 137. B. MORTARA GARAVELLI , Il parlar figurato. Manualetto di figure

retoriche, Roma-Bari, Editori Laterza, 2010: 138. More than 400 theatre reviews on


University College Dublin, School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Coordinator and lecturer of undergraduate courses: ITAL 20200: Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio: The Three Crowns of Italian Literature Abstract: Introduction to Italian medieval culture, reading of Dante’s Inferno, Petrarch’s Canzoniere, Boccaccio’s Decameron (selected cantos, poems and tales) ITAL 30260: Renaissance Politics and Ethics Abstract: Introduction to Italian Renaissance, reading of Machiavelli’s Il principe, and Castiglione’s Il libro del Cortegiano Coordinator and lecturer of postgraduate courses: ITAL 40330: Italian Chivalric Poetry Abstract: Introduction to Italian Chivalric Poetry, reading of

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selected cantos from Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando furioso Lecturer in modules coordinated by other colleagues: SSL 10020: Shaping Europe Lectures on Renaissance Manners Abstract: Introduction to Renaissance books of manners and conduct literature, reading of selected parts of Castiglione’s Il libro del Cortegiano, Della Casa’s Galateo, Guazzo’s La civil conversazione

ITAL 30070: Italian Language 3A

Abstract: Grammar and conversation module

ITAL 30080: Italian Language 3B

Abstract: Grammar and conversation module

University of Cambridge, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, Department of Italian

Lecturer and Supervisor of undergraduate courses: Part I – ITA3/IT1: Texts and Contexts (first year) Paper: “Machiavelli’s Il principe” Abstract: Introduction to Niccolò Machiavelli, 16th-century Florence, Renaissance Italy, Early modern politics and etichs; analysis of Il principe, its genesis, structure and reception. Part II – IT5: Italian Identitis: Place, Language, and Culture (second year) Paper: “Urbino: Castiglione’s Il libro del Cortegiano (1528)” Abstract: Introduction to Baldassar Castiglione, 16th-century Italian courts, Early modern conduct literature; anaysis of Il libro del Cortegiano, its genesis, structure and reception. Paper: “Venice: Goldoni’s theatre” Abstract: Introduction to Carlo Goldoni, 18th-century Venice and Italian Enlightenment; history of Italian theatre, from the Commedia dell’arte to Goldoni’s riforma; analysis of four plays. Part II – IT8: Italian Culture, from 1500 to 1650 (fourth year)

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Paper: “La questione della lingua” Abstract: Introduction to the topic and its main characters (Baldassar Castiglione, Pietro Bembo, Gian Giorgio Trissino, Leonardo Salviati, Accademia della Crusca); analysis of the different linguistic perspectives. Paper: Chivalric poetry: Ariosto’s Orlando furioso Abstract: Introduction to Ludovico Ariosto, and epic and chivalric poetry in Italy; analisys of Orlando furioso, its genesis, structure and reception.

Paper: Renaissance comedy

Abstract: Introduction to Italian theatre, from the classical world to the commedia dell’arte, and to the reception of Aristotle’s Poetics in 16th-century Italy; analysis of four plays in both vernacular and dialect (by Bibbiena, Ariosto, Machiavelli, Ruzante).

Sapienza – University of Rome, Department of Greek, Latin and Italian Studies Tutor per student di laurea triennale e specialistica: a) “Letteratura e lingua: studi italiani ed europei” (Ord. 270 and 509) b)“Lettere moderne: studi italiani” (Ord. 270 and 509) c) “Letteratura, musica e spettacolo” (Ord. 509)


University College Dublin, School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Modules coordinator (ITAL 20200; ITAL 30260; ITAL 40330) University of Cambridge, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, Department of Italian

a) Exam setting: Part IA, Part IB, Part II b) Assessor for Examinations at Part IB and Part II c) Supervisor for undergraduate papers d) Supervisor for undergraduate Optional Dissertations e) Module coordinator (Part II – IT8: Italian Culture, from 1500 to 1650), 2013-2014

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ALTRE ESPERIENZE ACCADEMICHE 1 October 2012- 30 June 2014

Clare College - Cambridge

Assistant College Lecturer in Italian

ESPERIENZE DI LAVORO NON ACCADEMICHE 2011-2012 2011-2012 2010 2010-2011 2008 2007-2008

Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Revisione dell’opera Grammatica, dir. R. ANTONELLI, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, 2012.

Zanichelli editore Responsabilità della revisione dell’opera Grande dizionario dei Sinonimi e Contrari, dir. G. PITTANO, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2013. Società Dante Alighieri Preparazione di test di italiano per student stranieri. Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Revisione dell’opera Enciclopedia dell’Italiano, dir. R. SIMONE, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, 2011. Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Revisione dell’opera Neologismi, dir. G. ADAMO, V. DELLA

VALLE , Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, 2008. Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Revisione dell’opera Vocabolario Italiano Treccani, dir. A. DURO, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, 2008.


1. Panel Forms of Parody in Early Modern Italy, Society for Italian Studies Biannal Conference (University of Hull, 27-30 June 2017).

2. Seminar The Fortunes of the Orlando Furioso, 1516-2016 (Clare College, Cambridge, 18 November 2016), with H. SANSON.

3. Panel The “Spin-offs” of the Orlando furioso, Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting (Boston, 31 March-2 April 2016), with P. UGOLINI (panel sponsored by Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies).

4. International conference Dalle Regole del Fortunio a una grammatica ‘dell’utente’, 1516-2016: grammatiche, cultura e società in Italia e in Europa (University of Cambridge, 10 December 2015), with H. SANSON.

5. Panel Rediscovered Voices and New Interpretations of the Querelle des femmes in

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Early Modern Italy, in SIS, Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference (University of Oxford, 28-30 September 2015), with H. SANSON.

6. Panel Pietro Bembo’s Wor(l)ds: Literature, Linguistics and Philology, in Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting (Berlin, 26-28 March 2015), with V. GUARNA and P.G. RIGA (panel sponsored by Roma nel Rinascimento).

7. International conference Conduct Literature for and about Women in Italy, 1470-1900: Prescribing and Describing Life (University of Cambridge, 20-21 March 2014), with H. SANSON.

8. Panel Conduct Literature Texts for and About Women in Early Modern Italy: Between Description and Prescription, in Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting (New York, 19-20 March 2014), with H. SANSON.

9. Panel Conduct Literature for and about Women in Italy, in International Conference of the ‘Associazione degli Italianisti Italiani’ I cantieri dell’italianistica. Ricerca, didattica e organizzazione agli inizi del XXI secolo (Rome, 18-21 September 2013), with H. SANSON.

10. Panel Conduct Literature for and about Women in Italy, 1470-1900: Prescribing and Describing Life, in SIS, Society for Italian Studies Biennal Conference (University of Durham, 9-11 July 2013), with H. SANSON.

11. Conference Reti letterarie. Forme e storie di sodalitas (Sapienza, University of Rome, 4-5 luglio 2011), with G. FANTINI , C. PRINCIOTTA, P.G. RIGA.

12. Conference Tipologie e funzioni del discorso morale nella letteratura italiana (Sapienza, University of Rome, 17-18 giugno 2010), with V. GUARNA and P.G. RIGA.


1. The Fortunes of the Orlando Furioso, 1516-2016, Cambridge University Library (7 November-3 December 2016), with H. SANSON.

2. 500 years of Italian Grammars, Cambridge University Library (12 November-11 December 2015), with H. SANSON.

3. Conduct Books for and about Women in Italy, Cambridge University Library (11

February-23 March 2014) , with L. HOSKER and H. SANSON.


1. ‘The Debate about Women in Counter-Reformation Italy: New Texts and Perspectives’, School Research Forum, University College Dublin (21 February 2017).

2. ‘La defensa de la mujer y el bienestar de la Res Publica’, International Conference Res Publica. La comunidad y el individuo en el Renacimiento (Valencia, Museo de Bellas Artes, 25-26 November 2016).

3. ‘The Fortunes of the Orlando Furioso in Literature’, Seminar The Fortunes of the Orlando Furioso, 1516-2016 (Clare College, Cambridge, 18 November 2016).

4. ‘Tra “travestimento” e “glosa”: le tramutazioni ariostesche’, International Conference Ariosto lettore, Ariosto riletto. Modelli e riscritture dell’Orlando

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furioso (Università di Parma, 10-11 November 2016). 5. ‘“Per darsi non meno a ogni essercitio di cavaleria, che delle lettere”: Fortunato

Martinengo e la giostra bresciana del 20 maggio 1548’, International Conference “Alli spiriti nobili et gentili”. Fortunato Martinengo, un gentiluomo del Rinascimento fra arti, lettere e musica (Brescia-Venezia, 20-22 October 2016).

6. ‘“E l’Ariosto di tutte le donne parlando ...”: l’Orlando furioso e l’esemplarità femminile’, Journée d’étude Les 500 ans du Roland furieux de l’Arioste. Modernité, perspective et mise à distance (Université de Picardie, Amiens, 5 juillet 2016).

7. ‘From Practice to Theory: Bernardino Stefonio’s De Tragoedia’, Ringvorlesung Neulateinische Literatur: Aktueller Forschungsdiskurs, Universität Innsbruck (22 June 2016).

8. ‘Structure and Reception of Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando furioso’, two invited lectures at the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest (25 and 27 April 2016); sponsored by The Lila Wallace – Reader’s Digest Lecture Program.

9. ‘Between the Academia Romana and the Collegio Romano: Bernardino Stefonio’s Theory of Tragedy’, invited seminar at the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, in collaboration with the HECE, the research group on Humanism in East Central Europe (26 April 2016); sponsored by The Lila Wallace – Reader’s Digest Lecture Program.

10. ‘Ariosto Latine redditus’, International Conference The Influence of Vernacular Discourses on Neo-Latin Literature (Innsbruck, 21-23 April 2016).

11. ‘“Sperimentate le lunghezze e durezze delle grammatiche delle lingue scolastiche”: “costruzione” and “significazione” in the Fabbrica del parlare by Michele Giannetti (1651)’, International Conference 500 Years of Italian Grammar(s), Culture, and Society in Italy and Europe: From Fortunio’s Regole (1516) to the present (University of Cambridge, 10 December 2015).

12. ‘Trionfi (letterari) di Leone X’, International Conference Leone X: finanza, mecenatismo, cultura (Rome, 2-4 November 2015).

13. ‘Lettura del canto XLIII: Rinaldo e il nappo’, Conference La forza della poesia (V edizione), Ludovico Ariosto (Frascati, 4-8 May 2015).

14. ‘Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando furioso in Early Modern Italian Texts for and about Women’, Villa I Tatti Fellows Seminars (Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance, 11 December 2014).

15. ‘Tra serio e faceto. I carmi in Catonis praecepta de moribus di Prospero Acrimato’, Seminar Verso il futuro: continuità e prospettive di ricerca (Rome, Istituto Storico per il Medioevo, 2 December 2014).

16. ‘The Advice of a Master: A Reading of Prospero Acrimato’s Pareneticum Carmen In Catonis Praecepta De Moribus’, International Conference Using, misusing, and abusing Latin in the Early Modern Period (University of Warwick, 25-26 April 2014).

17. ‘Agostino Valier’s Del modo di vivere delle vergini che si chiamano demesse: A Different Perspective on Unmarried Women’, International Conference Conduct Literature for and about Women in Italy, 1470-1900: Prescribing and Describing Life (University of Cambridge, 20-21 March 2014).

18. ‘Sulle raccolte di rime spirituali di Cristoforo Scanello, detto il Cieco da Forlì’, Conference La Bibbia in poesia. Volgarizzamenti dei Salmi e poesia religiosa in età moderna (Sapienza University of Rome, 20-21 February 2014).

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19. ‘The ekfrasis of the Sleeping Cupid in an unknown epigram by Gregorio Cortese’, Colloque international Epigrammes et tableaux: Un dialogue entre poésie et peinture (15e-17e siècle) (Louvain-la-Neuve, 10-11 October 2013).

20. ‘An Unknown Epigram on the Statue of the Sleeping Cupid’, invited seminar at the Cambridge Society For Neo-Latin Studies (CSNLS) Seminars (Old Library, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, 23 May 2013).

21. ‘Giovanfrancesco Pico e lo Staurostichos, heroicum carmen de mysteriis Dominicae Crucis nuper in Germaniam delapsis’, International Conference Iconografia e simbologia della croce (Sapienza, University of Rome, 9 March 2012).

22. ‘I dubbi sulla lingua nell’epoca di internet: per una grammatica dalla parte dell’utente’, Conference Per una politica della lingua (Vittoriale degli Italiani, Gardone Riviera, 2 March 2012).

23. ‘Intorno all’accademia del Viridario’, International Conference Le virtuose adunanze. La cultura accademica tra XVI e XVII secolo (Latina, 16-17 February 2012).

24. ‘Giovanni Filoteo Achillini e la Phoenix di Pietro da Ravenna’, International Conference Arti e pratiche della memoria (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 15-16 December 2011).

25. ‘Cataloghi di letterati nella Roma di primo Cinquecento’, Conference Reti letterarie. Forme e storie di sodalitas (Sapienza University of Rome, 4-5 July 2011).

26. ‘Con freno e con misura. Per un’iconografia dell’Etica’, Conference Tipologie e funzioni del discorso morale nella letteratura italiana (Sapienza University of Rome, 17-18 June 2010).

27. Presentation of A. Alciato, Il libro degli Emblemi secondo le edizioni del 1531 e del 1534, edited by M. Gabriele, Milano, Adelphi, 2009 (Sapienza University of Rome, 15 April 2010).

28. ‘Inizio e fine di un epistolario ciceroniano’, International Conference Prospettive teoriche sull’incipit e l’explicit. Le soglie intratestuali e extratestuali nella letteratura italiana e francese (Tallinna Ülikool, Tallinn, 16-17 October 2009).

29. ‘«Amor vuol fede». Un motto nella Firenze laurenziana’, Conference «Tout est dit». Teoria, problemi, fenomeni della riscrittura (Sapienza University of Rome, 17-18 June 2009).

30. Presentation (with C. Montagnani) of I. Pantani, L’amoroso Messer Giusto da Valmontone. Un protagonista della lirica italiana del XV secolo, Roma, Salerno, 2006, and Giusto de’ Conti di Valmontone. Un protagonista della poesia italiana del ’400, Atti del I Convegno nazionale di studi (Valmontone, 5-6 ottobre 2006), edited by I. Pantani, Roma, Bulzoni, 2008 (Sapienza University of Rome, 5 February 2009).

31. ‘“Oracula Christi” e “dictata sacro verba Helicone” nella poesia di Jacopo Sadoleto’, International Conference Metafore di un pontificato. Giulio II (1503 – 1513) (Rome, 2-4 December 2008).

32. ‘Jacopo Sadoleto e la teoria della poesia tra Cinquecento e Seicento’, International Conference Prospettive teoriche sulla letteratura italiana (Tallinna Ülikool, Tallinn, 17-18 March 2008).

33. ‘Erudizione in ottava rima. Forme e fonti del Viridario di Giovanni Filoteo Achillini’, International Conference Scientifica-mente: The Symbiosis of Literature

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and Science in Italian Culture (Chicago, 25 February 2006). 34. ‘Fra Dante e Ariosto. Varietas e contaminatio nel Viridario di Giovanni Filoteo

Achillini’, International Conference Plurilinguismo and Experimentation in Italian Culture (Toronto, 29-30 April 2005).


1. The Orlando Furioso in Disguise, Society for Italian Studies Biannal Conference (University of Hull, 27-30 June 2017).

2. Defining the Italian Neo-Latin Canon: The Delitiae CC Italorum Poetarum, Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting (Chicago, 29 March-1 April 2017).

3. ‘An Unknown “Spin-off” of the Furioso: The Agolante affatato by Pier Matteo Antonelli’, Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting (Boston, 31 March-2 April 2016).

4. ‘Una ritrovata polemica padovana di fine Cinquecento’, Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference (University of Oxford, 28-30 September 2015).

5. ‘Collections of Verses on the Death of Pietro Bembo’, Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting (Berlin, 26-28 March 2015).

6. ‘History and fortune of Agostino Valier’s conduct literature for women’, Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting (New York, 27-29 March 2014).

7. ‘«Delle Croniche legi el Suplimento». Uso delle fonti nell’Aedificatio Romae di Giuliano Dati’, International Conference Early Modern Rome 2: 1341-1667 (California University in Rome, 10-12 October 2013).

8. ‘Amore e amicizia in Italia nel XVIII secolo. Due lettere “sopra la cicisbeatura”’, International Conference of the ‘Associazione degli Italianisti Italiani’ I cantieri dell’italianistica. Ricerca, didattica e organizzazione agli inizi del XXI secolo (Sapienza University of Rome, 18-21 September 2013).

9. ‘Two Letters “sopra la cicisbeatura”’, Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference (University of Durham, 8-11 July 2013).

10. ‘L’eco di Poliziano nella Laude delle donne bolognese di Claudio Tolomei’, International Conference of the ‘Associazione degli Italianisti Italiani’ La letteratura degli Italiani. III Gli italiani della letteratura (University of Turin, 14-17 September 2011).

11. ‘Il paradosso dell’ekfrasis. Celio Calcagnini e il Laocoonte di Jacopo Sadoleto’, International Conference of the ‘Associazione degli Italianisti Italiani’ La letteratura degli Italiani. II Rotte, confini, passaggi (University of Genua, 15-18 September 2010).

12. ‘Girolamo Ruscelli e l’Apologia della Continuazione di Orlando Furioso di Sigismondo Paolucci Filogenio’, International Conference of the ‘Associazione degli Italianisti Italiani’ La letteratura degli Italiani. I Centri e periferie (Pugnochiuso, 16-19 September 2009).

13. ‘Sulle tracce della Phoenix di Pietro da Ravenna’, International Conference of the AISLLI Association Cultura Italiana e Geografie d’Europa (Universities of Trieste – Capodistria – Padua – Pola, 19-25 September 2006).

14. ‘“Teatralization” of a Genre: The Don Chisciotte Adapted by Maurizio Scaparro’,

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6th Annual Graduate Humanities Forum Conference on Word and Image: Visual dialogues (Philadelphia, 16-17 February 2006).


• Membro del comitato editoriale della rivista internazionale Women language

Literature in Italy (gennaio 2017-presente). • Membro del comitato editoriale della collana Women and Gender in Italy (1500-1900)

/ Donne e gender in Italia (1500-1900), Paris, Classiques Garnier (gennaio 2016-presente).

• Peer-reviewer per le seguenti riviste internazionali: Archivio Italiano per la Storia della Pietà; L’Ellisse; RR Roma nel Rinascimento (2016-presente)

• Collaborazione continuata e continuativa per la stesura di schede bibliografiche per la sezione Cinquecento della rivista internazionale La rassegna della letteratura italiana (2010-presente).

• Membro del comitato editoriale della rivista internazionale LId’O – Lingua Italiana d’Oggi, Roma, Bulzoni (2007-presente).


• Collaboratore al progetto Archilet. Reti Epistolari. Archivio delle corrispondenze

letterarie di età moderna (secoli XVI-XVII): • Collaboratore al progetto Autografi dei letterati italiani. Il Cinquecento, a cura di M.

MOTOLESE, P. PROCACCIOLI, E. RUSSO, consulenza paleografica di A. CIARALLI , Roma, Salerno.

• Membro del comitato scientifico del gruppo di ricerca • Membro del comitato scientifico del gruppo di ricerca

AFFILIAZIONE AD ASSOCIAZIONI DEL SETTORE Su invito: • UCD Foundation for Italian Studies (settembre 2016-presente) • UCD Humanities Institute (novembre 2016-presente) • Cinquecento plurale (gennaio 2016- presente). • Roma nel Rinascimento (maggio 2011- presente).

Altre: • Renaissance Society of America (gennaio 2013- presente). • Society for Italian Studies (gennaio 2013- presente). • Associazione degli Italianisti (settembre 2009- presente).

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• Vincitore del Premio Campiello Giovani 2004 con il racconto Kabriolando nel nulla published in I Ragazzi del Campiello 9, Venezia, Marsilio, 2004.

• Finalista del Premio Campiello Giovani 2002 con il racconto Frammenti d’infanzia published in I Ragazzi del Campiello 7, Venezia, Marsilio, 2002.

• Finalista del Premio Campiello Giovani 2001 con il racconto Una storia qualsiasi published in I Ragazzi del Campiello 6, Venezia, Marsilio, 2001.

• Vincitore del premio Subway-letteratura 2004 con il racconto (Pre)testi publicato e distribuito da Subway-letteratura

• Vincitore del primo premio per giovani autori “24° Premio nazionale di poesia e narrativa a favore della Associazione Libro Parlato”, 2003.

• Vincitore del premio ULI (Unione Lettori Italiani) 2001 per recensione letteraria.


• Italiane (nativo) • Inglese (fluente) • Francese (Delf B1) • Tedesco (Start Deutsch 1 Zertificat) • Latino • Greco


• Office • X-press • HTML

Dublino, maggio 2017

Francesco Lucioli

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Curriculum Vitae (June 2017)


Researcher unique identifiers: ORCID 0000-0002-2736-8580 / Researcher ID E-6355-2010 Nationality: Italian Date of birth: March 20, 1973 Work address: Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Chemical Materials and

Environmental Engineering (DICMA), Via del Castro Laurenziano 7, 00161 Rome, Italy

E-mail: [email protected] URL for web site: EDUCATION

09/2000 – 11/2006 PhD in Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware, USA Title of Dissertation: Molecular self-assembly and interactions in solutions of membrane proteins and surfactants. PhD Advisors: Prof. Eric W. Kaler and Prof. Abraham M. Lenhoff.

07/1999 – 06/2000 Post-Graduate Courses in Chemical Engineering and Interface/Surface Science, Department of Chemical Engineering, The City College of New York (CUNY), USA

11/1992 – 05/1999 Laurea (BS/MS) in Chemical Engineering (110/110 cum laude), Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy


08/2012 – 07/2018 Assistant Professor (RTD art.1 comma 14 L. 230/05 funded by MIUR “Rita Levi Montalcini” Programme) of Materials Science and Technology, with National Habilitation as Associate Professor (S.C. 09/D1) Department of Chemical Materials and Environmental Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

04/2011 – Present Guest Member, Group of Materials Science and Technology of Polymers, University of Twente and MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, The Netherlands


04/2011 – 08/2012 Team Leader, Italian Institute of Technology, Center for Advanced Biomaterials for Healthcare, Italy

04/2009 – 03/2011 Researcher (Onderzoeker equivalent to RTD-A)1, Group of Materials Science and Technology of Polymers, University of Twente and MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, The Netherlands

01/2007 – 03/2009 Postdoctoral Fellow (2007) + Scientist (Wissenschaftlicher equivalent to RTD-A)1, Department of Materials Research, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany

09/2000 – 11/2006 Graduate Research Assistant (Doctoral Candidate), Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware, USA

07/1999 – 06/2000 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering, The City College of New York (CUNY), USA

08/1998 – 02/1999 Research Assistant (Visiting Scholar), Department of Chemical Engineering, The City College of New York (CUNY), USA


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2012 – 2018 Researcher Fellowship (3+3 years) funded under MIUR “Rita Levi Montalcini” Programme (call 2009), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

2009 – 2011 Researcher Fellowship (2 years) funded under EU FP7 Programme (Project title: ASMENA - Functional assays for membrane protein on nanostructured supports), University of Twente, The Netherlands.

2007 Postdoctoral Fellowship (1 year) for Advanced Training of the Max Planck Society, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany

2001 – 2004 PhD Fellowship funded under NASA – Microgravity Research Program (Project title: Surfactant structures guide membrane protein crystallization), University of Delaware, USA.

2000 International Teaching Training Fellowship, English Language Institute, University of Delaware, USA

1999 – 2000 Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship, The City University of New York, USA

1998 – 2000 Research Assistant Fellowships funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) (Project title: Coalescence and phase separation during spinodal decomposition of solvent mixtures far from the critical point), The City College of New York (CUNY), USA


2017 – 2022 NASA – Solar System Exploration Research Program (call 2016). Project title: Radiation Effects on Volatiles and Exploration of Asteroids and Lunar Surfaces (REVEALS). Coordinator: Prof. Thomas Orlando (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA). Role: International Partner

2012 – 2015 Research Grant (€ 77500) funded under MIUR “Rita Levi Montalcini” Programme (call 2009), Italy. Project title: Novel bio-based sensors integrated in polymer composite materials for monitoring radiation damage in space environment. Role: PI

2016 University Research Grant (Medium Project Scheme, € 10000), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Project title: Design and fabrication of miniaturized devices based on hybrid graphene/DNA nanomaterials for monitoring UV-C radiation. Role: PI

2014 University Research Grant (Medium Project Scheme, € 10000), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Project title: Nanostructured multi-layered flexible films on Mylar substrate for spacecraft applications. Role: co-PI

2013 University Research Grant (Medium Project Scheme, € 8500), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Project title: Engineering of bioactive nanoporous surfaces using stimulus-responsive polymer brushes for applications in biotechnology. Role: PI


2011 Best Workshop Lecture Award, NWO Scientific Meeting “Dutch Polymer Days”, The Netherlands, March 14-15, 2011

2005 Selection (highly competitive) and Travel Award for the National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering, Argonne National Laboratory, USA, August 14-28, 2005

2003 “Robert Pigford” Teaching Assistant Award, Faculty of Engineering, University of Delaware, USA


2014 – Pres. Lecturer, Non-Metallic Materials and Surfaces for Biomedical Use, LM in Biomedical Engineering (6 cfu, 40 students), Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

2012 – 2015 Lecturer, Biomaterials and Pathology of Biomaterials, LM in Medical Biotechnology (2 cfu, 30 students), Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

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2009 – 2010 Invited seminars, Master in Composites and Nanotechnology for Aerospace, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

2009 – 2010 Teaching Assistant, Polymer Lab Course (master level), Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Twente, The Netherlands

2001 – 2003 Teaching Assistant, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (graduate level) and Colloid Science and Engineering (undergraduate/graduate level), Faculty of Engineering, University of Delaware, USA

Additional teaching activities:

2016 BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) Instructor, Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

2003 – 2005 MathCounts Instructor, Faculty of Engineering, University of Delaware, USA (Program in collaboration with local schools to promote the interest of students in

mathematics, science and engineering) SUPERVISED THESES

1. Martina Pittori, “Graphene-based sensors with supported lipid membranes for biomedical applications”, PhD in Electrical Materials and Nanotechnology Engineering (EMNE), Sapienza University of Rome and CNR-IMM Bologna (Italy), in progress

2. Elisa Toto, “Nanomaterial-based biosensors for monitoring and evaluating exposure to UV radiation”, PhD in Electrical Materials and Nanotechnology Engineering (EMNE), Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), in progress

3. Marialaura Clausi, “Multifunctional composite coatings on flexible membranes for astronautical applications”, PhD in Aeronautical and Space Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), in progress (co-tutor)

4. Flavia Sansone, “Polyurethane-based nanocomposite coatings by spin coating as bioactive substrates for protein electrochemical processes”, MS in Biomedical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), in progress

5. Angelo Grosso, “Supramolecular hydrogel materials for drug delivery applications”, MS in Biomedical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), in progress

6. Maria Palombi, “Carbon-based nanocomposite materials for biomedical applications”, MS in Biomedical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), in progress

7. Fabiana Milza, “Nanocomposite materials and structures: radiation effects and perspectives for human life in space”, MS in Astronautical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), in progress (co-tutor)

8. Maria Cecilia Mancini, “UV-sensitive nanocomposite films for structural monitoring in space environment”, MS in Space and Astronautical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), January 2017 (co-tutor)

9. Ludovica Tarquini, “Analysis of the curing process of nanocomposite materials based on silicone elastomers and graphene/DNA hybrids for biomedical use”, BS in Clinical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), December 2015

10. Maria Teresa De Angelis, “Stimuli-responsive hydrogels based on supramolecular polymers for gene delivery systems: electrochemical and thermal characterizations”, MS in Biomedical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), October 2015 (won scholarship for postgraduate research abroad – University of Twente, NL)

11. Elisa Toto, “Engineering and characterization of nanostructured composite materials based on graphene/DNA particles and flexible polymer matrix for biomedical applications”, MS in Biomedical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), October 2015

12. Marialaura Clausi, “Analytical and experimental study of the fabrication process of nanostructured films on Mylar substrate by spin coating”, MS in Astronautical Engineering, Sapienza University of

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Rome (Italy), October 2015 (co-tutor) (won scholarship for postgraduate research abroad – University of California Davis, USA)

13. Mariassunta Picciani, “Fabrication and characterization of novel UV radiation biosensors containing carbon-based nanostructured materials”, MS in Biomedical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), March 2015

14. Lorenzo Marconi, “Silica-reinforced composite materials by resin transfer molding for radome structures”, MS in Astronautical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome and CSM SpA (Italy), February 2015 (co-tutor)

15. Eleonora Lilli, “In situ patterning of axonal guidance cues by FluidFM technique”, MS in Medical Biotechnology, Sapienza University of Rome and ETH Zurich (Switzerland), January 2015 (won scholarship for thesis abroad – ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

16. Marta Gina Coscia, “Graphene/DNA nanostructured films for a bio-inspired sensing of UV radiation effects”, MS in Biomedical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), January 2015 (won scholarship for postgraduate research abroad – University of Bristol, UK)

17. Martina Pittori, “Design and fabrication of graphene-based sensors with supported lipid membranes for biomedical applications”, MS in Biomedical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome and CNR-IMM Bologna (Italy), July 2014 (won “Premio Branca” for best thesis in Biomedical Engineering at Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome)

18. Antonio Paciello, “Novel polymeric materials and bioconjugation strategies for biomedical platforms”, PhD in Materials and Structures Engineering, University of Naples Federico II and IIT@CRIB (Italy), May 2014 (IIT supervisor 2011-2013)

19. G. Wilhelmina de Groot, “Smart polymer brushes in nanopores: towards controlled molecular transport through pore-spanning biomembranes”, PhD in Macromolecular Nanotechnology, University of Twente (The Netherlands), December 2013 (assistant-promoter)

20. Anna Meszyńska, “Polymer-grafted platforms for functional supported lipid membranes”, MS in Chemical Technology, Gdansk University of Technology (Poland), June 2010 (co-tutor) (Erasmus student at University of Twente, awarded for best MS thesis by Chemical Faculty of Gdansk University of Technology)

21. Mark A. Yocum II, “Solution properties of alkyl monoglucosides with polyethylene glycol and their relation with membrane protein crystallization”, BS in Chemical Engineering (with distinction), University of Delaware (USA), Spring 2006 (daily supervisor)


2014 – Pres. Member of Doctoral Board, PhD Course in Electrical Materials and Nanotechnology Engineering (EMNE), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy (deputy member for A.A. 2014/2015 and 2015/2016, full member for A.A. 2016/2017 and 2017/2018)

2013 – Pres. Member of Didactic Board, BS/MS Courses in Clinical and Biomedical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

2014 – Pres. Member of Graduate Committee of MS/BS students (5 MS in Biomedical Engineering, 1 MS in Medical Biotechnology, 1 MS in Astronautical Engineering, 1 BS in Clinical Engineering), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

May 2016 Member of Graduate Committee, Filip Karasiewicz, MEng in Aeronautics Engineering, Imperial College London, UK.

Dec 2013 Member of PhD Committee, G. Wilhelmina de Groot, PhD in Macromolecular Nanotechnology, University of Twente, The Netherlands.


2017 – Pres. Co-Editor for Research Topic “Challenges in Nanomaterials Characterization”, Frontiers in Chemistry, in progress

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2016 Expert Evaluator for European Commission - Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Actions (LEIT-NMBP, call 2016)

2015 Expert Evaluator for French National Research Agency (ANR) - Appel à projet Nanomatériaux et nanotechnologies pour les produits du futur (call 2015)

2014 – Pres. Member of Editorial Board of Frontiers in Materials (Review Editor, Specialty Section: Colloidal Materials and Interfaces)

2010 – Pres. Invited reviewer for publications in Advanced Materials (Wiley, IF 18.960), Advanced Functional Materials (Wiley, IF 11.382), Chemistry of Materials (ACS, IF 9.407), ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (ACS, IF 7.145), Langmuir (ACS, IF 3.993), Nanoscale (RSC, IF 7.760), Chemical Communications (RSC, IF 6.567), Soft Matter (RSC, IF 3.798), RSC Advances (RSC, IF 3.289), Electrochimica Acta (Elsevier, IF 4.803), European Polymer Journal (Elsevier, IF 3.485), Materials Chemistry and Physics (Elsevier, IF 2.101), Frontiers in Materials


Prof. G. Julius Vancso, Chair of Materials Science and Technology of Polymers, MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, The Netherlands (Synthesis and characterization by AFM of stimuli-responsive polymer materials for biomedical applications)

Prof. Valeria La Saponara, Full Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California Davis, USA (Carbon-based nanomaterials for health structural monitoring)

Prof. Erik Reimhult, Director of Institute of Biologically Inspired Materials, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria (Bioactive multi-functional platforms for protein screening)

Dr. Sameer Rahatekar, Lecturer, Enhanced Composites and Structures Centre, Cranfield University, UK (Cellulose-based polymers for engineering and biomedical use)

Dr. Tomaso Zambelli, Group Leader, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (Cell-active platforms with nanoscale resolution)


American Chemical Society (2005 - ), Neutron Scattering Society of America (2005 - ), National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology (INSTM) (2013 - ), Materials Research Society (2014 - ), IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (2015 - )



(June 5, 2017) ANVUR thresholds

Associate Professor S.C. 09/D1 Articles/Notes/Reviews (2012 – 2017) 12 11 Citations (2007 – 2017) 221 155 H-index (2007 – 2017) 8 8 Total Citations (Scopus/WOS Databases): 299 (self-citations 15%) Total IF: 101.08 (average IF per article: 4.40, all articles in Q1 journals for year of publication) H-index: 9


1. A. Paciello, A. M. Cusano, E. Vaselli, M.G. Santonicola, “Superior binding and pH-responsive release of functional plasmid DNA from self-assembled polyethyleneimine hydrogels”, in preparation

                                                            2 IF from Journal Citation Reports for year of publication (IF in 2015 used for years 2016 and 2017)

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2. E. Toto, M. Clausi, V. La Saponara, S. Laurenzi, M.G. Santonicola, “Graphene-based nanocomposite films for monitoring UV radiation effects on space-grade laminates”, in preparation

3. E. Vaselli, M.G. Santonicola, “Surface-initiated synthesis of sulfobetaine polymer brushes and characterization by imaging ellipsometry”, Special Issue on Polymer Brushes (invited), Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects, submitted

4. M. G. Coscia, J. Bhardwaj, N. Singh, M.G. Santonicola, R. Richardson, V. K. Thakur, S. Rahatekar, “Manufacturing and characterization of regenerated cellulose/curcumin sustainable fibers spun from environmentally benign solvents”, Industrial Crops and Products (IF 3.449), under revision

5. M. Clausi, M.G. Santonicola, L. Schirone, S. Laurenzi, “Analysis of ultraviolet exposure effects on the surface properties of epoxy/graphene nanocomposite films on Mylar substrate”, Acta Astronautica (IF 1.095), 134, 307-313, 2017 [times cited: 0]

6. S. Botti, A. Rufoloni, S. Laurenzi, S. Gay, T. Rindzevicius, M. Stenbæk Schmidt, M.G. Santonicola, “DNA self-assembly on graphene surface studied by SERS mapping”, Carbon (IF 6.198), 109, pp. 363-372, 2016 [times cited: 1]

7. M. Clausi, M.G. Santonicola, S. Laurenzi, “Fabrication of carbon-based nanocomposite films by spin-coating process: an experimental and modeling study of the film thickness”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing (IF 3.719), 88, pp. 86-97, 2016 [times cited: 2]

8. A. Paciello, M.G. Santonicola, “Supramolecular polycationic hydrogels with high swelling capacity prepared by partial methacrylation of polyethyleneimine”, RSC Advances (IF 3.289), 5(108), pp. 88866-88875, 2015 [times cited: 0]

9. S. Botti, S. Laurenzi, L. Mezi, A. Rufoloni, M.G. Santonicola, “Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy characterisation of functionalised multi-walled carbon nanotubes”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (IF 4.449), 17(33), pp. 21373-21380, 2015 [times cited: 5]

10. A. Paciello, M.G. Santonicola, “A supramolecular two-photon-active hydrogel platform for direct bioconjugation under near-infrared radiation”, Journal of Materials Chemistry B (IF 4.872), 3(7), pp. 1313-1320, 2015 [times cited: 2]

11. G. W. de Groot, S. Demarche, M.G. Santonicola, L. Tiefenauer, G. J. Vancso, “Smart polymer brush nanostructures guide the self-assembly of pore-spanning lipid bilayers with integrated membrane proteins”, Nanoscale (IF 7.394), 6(4), pp. 2228-2237, 2014 [times cited: 19]

12. A. Paciello, A. M. Cusano, M.G. Santonicola, “Bioactive and photoactive PEI hydrogels as platforms for biomolecule immobilization”, European Cells and Materials (IF 4.887), 26(Suppl. 6), 52, 2013 [times cited: 2]

13. E. Vaselli, M.G. Santonicola, “Zwitterionic polymer brushes as dynamic cell-active interfaces: synthesis and characterization by imaging ellipsometry”, European Cells and Materials (IF 4.887), 26(Suppl. 6), 41, 2013 [times cited: 0]

14. G. W. de Groot, M.G. Santonicola, K. Sugihara, T. Zambelli, E. Reimhult, J. Vörös, G. J. Vancso, “Switching transport through nanopores with pH-responsive polymer brushes for controlled ion permeability”, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (IF 5.900), 5(4), pp. 1400-1407, 2013 [times cited: 34]

15. P. Schön, E. Kutnyanszky, B. ten Donkelaar, M.G. Santonicola, T. Tecim, N. Aldred, A. S. Clare, G. J. Vancso, “Probing biofouling resistant polymer brush surfaces by atomic force microscopy based force spectroscopy”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (IF 4.287), 102, pp. 923-930, 2013 [times cited: 9]

16. M.G. Santonicola, M. Memesa, A. Meszyńska, Y. Ma, G. J. Vancso, “Surface-Grafted Zwitterionic Polymers as Platforms for Functional Supported Phospholipid Membranes”, Soft Matter (IF 3.909), 8(5), pp. 1556-1562, 2012 [times cited: 21]

17. C. L. Bianco, C. S. Schneider, M. Santonicola, A. M. Lenhoff, E. W. Kaler, “Effects of urea on the microstructure and phase behavior of aqueous solutions of polyoxyethylene surfactants”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research (IF 2.237), 50(1), pp. 85-96, 2011 [times cited: 8]

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18. M.G. Santonicola, G. W. de Groot, M. Memesa, A. Meszyńska, G. J. Vancso, “Reversible pH-Controlled Switching of Poly(methacrylic acid) Grafts for Functional Biointerfaces”, Langmuir (IF 4.269), 26(22), pp. 17513-17519, 2010 [times cited: 31]

19. M.G. Santonicola, G. W. de Groot, M. Memesa, G. J. Vancso, “Responsive Polymer Brushes: Functional Platforms for Membrane Protein Assays”, European Cells and Materials (IF 9.650), 20(Suppl. 3), 222, 2010 [times cited: 0]

20. C. Nowak, M.G. Santonicola, D. Schach, J. Zhu, R. B. Gennis, S. Ferguson-Miller, D. Baurecht, D. Walz, W. Knoll, R. L. Naumann, “Conformational Transitions and Molecular Hysteresis of Cytochrome c Oxidase: Varying the Redox State by Electronic Wiring”, Soft Matter (IF 4.457), 6(21), pp. 5523-5532, 2010 [times cited: 17]

21. M. G. Friedrich, M. A. Plum, M.G. Santonicola, V. U. Kirste, W. Knoll, B. Ludwig, R. L. Naumann, “In-situ Monitoring of the Catalytic Activity of Cytochrome c Oxidase in a Biomimetic Architecture”, Biophysical Journal (IF 4.683), 95(3), pp. 1500-1510, 2008 [times cited: 21]

22. M.G. Santonicola, A. M. Lenhoff, E. W. Kaler, “Binding of Alkyl Polyglucoside Surfactants to Bacteriorhodopsin and its Relation to Protein Stability”, Biophysical Journal (IF 4.683), 94(9), pp. 3647-3658, 2008 [times cited: 17]

23. M.G. Santonicola, M. A. Yocum II, A. M. Lenhoff, E. W. Kaler, “Self-Assembly of Medium-Chain Alkyl Monoglucosides in Ammonium Sulfate Solutions with Poly(ethylene glycol)”, Langmuir (IF 4.009), 23(10), pp. 5358-5366, 2007 [times cited: 5]

24. G. Santonicola, E. W. Kaler, “Mixtures of n-Octyl--D-glucoside and Triethylene Glycol Mono-n-octyl Ether: Phase Behavior and Micellar Structure near the Liquid-Liquid Phase Boundary”, Langmuir (IF 3.705), 21(22), pp. 9955-9963, 2005 [times cited: 9]

25. F. P. Hubbard, G. Santonicola, E. W. Kaler, N. L. Abbott, “Small Angle Neutron Scattering from Mixtures of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate and a Cationic, Bolaform Surfactant Containing Azobenzene”, Langmuir (IF 3.705), 21(14), pp. 6131-6136, 2005 [times cited: 42]

26. G. Santonicola, R. Mauri, R. Shinnar, “Phase separation of initially inhomogeneous liquid mixtures”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research (IF 1.351), 40(8), pp. 2004-2010, 2001 [times cited: 27]


1. E. Toto, M. G. Coscia, M.G. Santonicola, “Biocompatible nanocomposites with multifunctional properties: integration of DNA-decorated graphene with silicone-based matrix”, Proceeding of 25th Annual International Conference on Composites/Nanoengineering – ICCE-25, accepted

2. E. Toto, M. C. Mancini, S. Laurenzi, M.G. Santonicola, “Ultraviolet-Sensing Surfaces Based on Hybrid Nanocomposites for Radiation Monitoring Systems”, Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace – MetroAeroSpace 2017, accepted

3. M. Clausi, S. Laurenzi, V. La Saponara, M.G. Santonicola, “Multifunctional Sensors for UV and Mechanical Damage Detection of Aerospace Structures”, Proceedings of 67th International Astronautical Congress - IAC 2016, pp. 1-6, 2016 [times cited: 0]

4. M. Clausi, M. Sirilli, M.G. Santonicola, S. Laurenzi, “UV-C effects on carbon nanostructured films fabricated on Mylar substrate”, Proceedings of 67th International Astronautical Congress - IAC 2016, pp. 1-6, 2016 [times cited: 0]

5. F. Milza, M.G. Santonicola, S. Laurenzi, “Nanocomposite materials and structures: new perspectives for human life in space”, Proceedings of 67th International Astronautical Congress - IAC 2016, pp. 1-5, 2016 [times cited: 0]

6. M. Pittori, M.G. Santonicola, L. Ortolani, D. Gentili, V. Morandi, R. Rizzoli, “Graphene-lipids interaction: towards the fabrication of a novel sensor for biomedical uses”, Proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, IEEE-NANO 2015, pp. 850-853, 2016 [times cited: 0]

7. M. Clausi, M.G. Santonicola, S. Laurenzi, “Steady-Shear Rheological Properties of Graphene-Reinforced Epoxy Resin for Manufacturing of Aerospace Composite Films”, AIP Conference

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Proceedings, 8th International Conference on “Times of Polymers and Composites: from Aerospace to Nanotechnology”, vol. 1736, pp. 020024-1 – 020024-4, 2016 [times cited: 1]

8. M.G. Santonicola, M. G. Coscia, M. Sirilli, S. Laurenzi, “Nanomaterial-based biosensors for a real-time detection of biological damage by UV light”, Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, vol. 2015, pp. 4391-4394, 2015 [times cited: 3]

9. M.G. Santonicola, M. G. Coscia, S. Botti, S. Laurenzi, “Graphene/DNA Nanostructured Films for Bioinspired Sensing of UV Radiation Effects”, Proceedings of 65th International Astronautical Congress – IAC 2014, vol. 9, pp. 6313-6317, 2014 [times cited: 5]

10. S. Laurenzi, S. Botti, A. Rufoloni, M.G. Santonicola, “Fracture mechanisms in epoxy composites reinforced with carbon nanotubes”, Procedia Engineering, vol. 88, pp. 157-164, 2014 [times cited: 2]

11. M.G. Santonicola, S. Laurenzi, P. M. Schön, “Self-Assembled Carbon Nanotube-DNA Hybrids at the Nanoscale: Morphological and Conductive Properties Probed by Atomic Force Microscopy”, in Nanotubes and Related Nanostructures – 2014, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, vol.1700, pp. 47-52, 2014 [times cited: 3]

12. S. Laurenzi, M. Sirilli, M. Pinna, M.G. Santonicola, “DNA-Assisted Dispersion of Multi-Walled CNTs in Epoxy Polymer Matrix”, in Nanotubes and Related Nanostructures – 2014, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, vol. 1700, pp. 103-108, 2014 [times cited: 5]

13. M.G. Santonicola, S. Laurenzi, M. Marchetti, “DNA-Based Sensors Integrated in Composite Polymeric Materials for Monitoring Radiation Damage in Space Environment”, Proceedings of 61st International Astronautical Congress – IAC 2010, vol. 13, pp. 10938-10940, 2010 [times cited: 8]


1. M.G. Santonicola, “Label-free biosensing platforms based on graphene/DNA interfaces”, Book Chapter in “Graphene Bioelectronics”, Ed. A. Tiwari, Advanced Nanomaterials Series, Elsevier, submitted

2. S. Laurenzi, M.G. Santonicola, “Impact response of advanced composite structures reinforced by carbon nanoparticles”, Book Chapter in “Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials and Structures”, Eds. V. Lopresto, A. Langella, S. Abrate, Elsevier, pp. 217-235, 2017


1. M. Santonicola, “Molecular Self-Assembly and Interactions in Solutions of Membrane Proteins and Surfactants”, Doctoral Dissertation, ProQuest Information and Learning Company, Ann Arbor (MI), USA, pp. 1-248, 2007 (ISBN 9781109861747)


(60+ presentations at international/national conferences and symposia, presenting author underlined)

1. E. Toto, M. C. Mancini, S. Laurenzi, M.G. Santonicola, “Ultraviolet-Sensing Surfaces Based on Hybrid Nanocomposites for Radiation Monitoring Systems”, 4th IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace – MetroAeroSpace 2017, Padua, Italy, June 21-23, 2017 (accepted)

2. M. Pittori, L. Ortolani, D. Gentili, P. Ruani, A. Kovtun, A. Liscio, V. Morandi, R. Rizzoli, M.G. Santonicola, “Improve by surface treatments of the interaction between CVD-graphene and supported lipid bilayer for novel electrochemical biosensors”, Graphene 2017, Barcelona, Spain, March 28-31, 2017

3. M. Clausi, M.G. Santonicola, V. La Saponara, S. Laurenzi, “Multifunctional Sensors for UV and Mechanical Damage Detection of Aerospace Structures”, 67th International Astronautical Congress - IAC 2016, Guadalajara, Mexico, September 26-30, 2016

4. F. Milza, G. Santonicola, S. Laurenzi, “Nanocomposite materials and structures: new perspectives for human life in space”, 67th International Astronautical Congress - IAC 2016, Guadalajara, Mexico, September 26-30, 2016

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5. M. Pittori, L. Ortolani, D. Gentili, V. Morandi, R. Rizzoli, M.G. Santonicola, “Novel electrochemical biosensors based on a biomimetic graphene-lipid bilayer interface”, 2016 E-MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit (Symposium B: Bioinspired and biointegrated materials as frontiers nanomaterials VI), Warsaw, Poland, September 19-22, 2016

6. M.G. Santonicola, “Self-assembling biomaterials from supramolecular hydrogels and their applications in controlled delivery systems”, EMN Meeting on Materials Chemistry, Budapest, Hungary, September 9-13, 2016 (invited)

7. S. Botti, A. Rufoloni, S. Gay, S. Laurenzi, T. Rindzevicius, M.S. Schmidt, M.G. Santonicola, “SERS and Raman studies of UV-Induced Modification of Graphene/DNA Interface”, 18 Convegno Italiano delle Tecnologie Fotoniche – FOTONICA 2016, Rome, Italy, June 6-8, 2016

8. E. Toto, S. Laurenzi, A. Simone, M.G. Santonicola, “Flexible nanostructured composites with graphene/DNA hybrids as multifunctional substrates for biomedical applications”, International Conference on Graphene and related Materials, Paestum, Italy, May 23-27, 2016

9. M. T. De Angelis, A. Paciello, M.G. Santonicola, “Electrochemical characterization of intelligent hydrogel materials with double-responsive behavior for in vitro release of DNA”, 2016 E-MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit (Symposium Q: Smart biointerfaces for functional biomaterials), Lille, France, May 2-6, 2016

10. S. Botti, S. Gay, S. Laurenzi, T. Rindzevicius, M.S. Schmidt, A. Rufoloni, M.G. Santonicola, “DNA wrapping around MWNTs and graphene: a SERS study”, 2nd Bilateral Indo-Italian Workshop Nanoscale Excitations in Emergent Materials - NEEM 2015, Rome, Italy, October 12-14, 2015

11. M. Pittori, L. Ortolani, D. Gentili, V. Morandi, R. Rizzoli, M.G. Santonicola, “Synthesis of smooth graphene surfaces by CVD for electrochemical biosensors with supported lipid membranes”, GraphITA 2015, Bologna, Italy, September 14-18, 2015

12. M.G. Santonicola, M. G. Coscia, M. Sirilli, S. Laurenzi, “Nanomaterial-based biosensors for a real-time detection of biological damage by UV light”, 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milan, Italy, August 25-29, 2015

13. E. Toto, M. G. Coscia, M.G. Santonicola, “Conductive and flexible materials containing graphene-DNA hybrids for cell culture applications”, 6th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials, Aveiro, Portugal, July 20-22, 2015

14. S. Laurenzi, M.G. Santonicola, A. Simone, S. Materazzi, “Bridging nano- to macro-mechanical properties of an aerospace-grade mono-component epoxy reinforced with carbon nanotubes”, 18th International Conference on Composite Structures, Lisbon, Portugal, June 15-18, 2015

15. M.G. Santonicola, A. Paciello, “Multi-responsive hydrogels self-assembled from methacrylated PEI: rational synthesis and applications in the biomedical field”, Gordon Research Conference on Self-Assembly and Supramolecular Chemistry, Barga (Lucca), Italy, May 17-22, 2015

16. M.G. Santonicola, M. G. Coscia, S. Botti, S. Laurenzi, “Graphene/DNA Nanostructured Films for Bioinspired Sensing of UV Radiation Effects”, 65th International Astronautical Congress – IAC 2014, Toronto, Canada, September 29 - October 3, 2014

17. M.G. Santonicola, A. Paciello, “Photo-Responsive Polyethylenimine Hydrogels for Microfabrication of Cell-Active Platforms”, 2014 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco (CA), USA, April 21-25, 2014

18. M.G. Santonicola, S. Laurenzi, P. M. Schön, “Self-Assembled Carbon Nanotube-DNA Hybrids at the Nanoscale: Morphological and Conductive Properties Probed by Atomic Force Microscopy”, 2014 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco (CA), USA, April 21-25, 2014

19. M.G. Santonicola, A. Paciello, E. Vaselli, “Engineering supramolecular hydrogels from branched polyethylenimine for biomedical applications”, IX Convegno Nazionale INSTM sulla Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali, Bari, Italy, June 30-July 3, 2013

20. M.G. Santonicola, G. W. de Groot, G. J. Vancso, “Grafting responsive polymer brushes from nanoporous substrates for multifunctional protein assays”, Third International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, Sorrento, Italy, March 3-7, 2013

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21. M.G. Santonicola, S. Laurenzi, M. Sirilli, A. Simone, “Hybrid DNA/carbon nanotube materials for sensing applications”, Third International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, Sorrento, Italy, March 3-7, 2013

22. M.G. Santonicola, G. W. de Groot, G. J. Vancso, “Switchable interfaces with responsive polymer brushes for membrane protein assays”, Gordon Research Conference on Biointerface Science, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, May 20-25, 2012

23. P. Schön, E. Kutnyanszky, B. ten Donkelaar, M.G. Santonicola, T. Tecim, N. Aldred, A. S. Clare, G. J. Vancso, “Biofouling in seawater from a molecular perspective”, Seeing at the Nanoscale 2011, Santa Barbara at UCSB (CA), USA, July 19-22, 2011

24. M.G. Santonicola, M. Memesa, A. Meszyńska, Y. Ma, G. J. Vancso, “Functional supported biomembranes on surface-grafted polymer architectures”, ESF-EMBO Symposium on Biological Surfaces and Interfaces, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, June 26 - July 1, 2011

25. M.G. Santonicola, M. Memesa, A. Meszyńska, Y. Ma, G. J. Vancso, “Surface-Grafted Zwitterionic Polymers as Support for Stable and Functional Biomembranes”, NWO Scientific Meeting “Dutch Polymer Days” 2011, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, March 14-15, 2011

26. M.G. Santonicola, M. Memesa, G. W. de Groot, A. Meszyńska, G. J. Vancso, “Functional Assays for Membrane Protein on Polymer-Grafted Nanoporous Supports”, Netherlands MicroNano Conference ‘10, Enschede, The Netherlands, November 17-18, 2010

27. M.G. Santonicola, G. W. de Groot, M. Memesa, G. J. Vancso, “Responsive Polymer Brushes: Functional Platforms for Membrane Protein Assays”, 3rd International NanoBio Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, August 24-27, 2010

28. M.G. Santonicola, J. Zhu, R. B. Gennis, W. Knoll, R. L. Naumann, “Catalytic Activity of Cytochrome c Oxidase in a Biomimetic Surface Platform Investigated by Spectro-Electrochemistry”, ESF-EMBO Symposium on Biological Surfaces and Interfaces, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, June 27 - July 2, 2009

29. M.G. Santonicola, E. W. Kaler, A. M. Lenhoff, “From Surfactant Binding to Understanding Stability of Membrane Proteins”, 232nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco (CA), USA, September 10-14, 2006

30. M.G. Santonicola, E. W. Kaler, A. M. Lenhoff, “Interactions of Membrane Proteins with Surfactants: Insights into Binding and Stability”, 20th Annual Symposium of the Protein Society, San Diego (CA), USA, August 5-9, 2006

31. M.G. Santonicola, E. W. Kaler, A. M. Lenhoff, “Controlling Micellar Structure for Membrane Protein Crystallization”, Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry of Supramolecules and Assemblies, Waterville (ME), USA, June 12-17, 2005

32. M.G. Santonicola, M. A. Yocum II, A. M. Lenhoff, E. W. Kaler, “Phase Behavior of Short Chain Alkyl Monoglucosides in Solutions with PEG and Ammonium Sulfate”, 229th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego (CA), USA, March 13-17, 2005

33. M.G. Santonicola, A. M. Lenhoff, E. W. Kaler, “Phase Behavior and Microstructure of Surfactant Mixtures and their Role in Membrane Protein Crystallization”, Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, Chicago (IL), USA, July 17-22, 2004


1. “Anti-fouling surfaces based on polymer brushes for water purification”, 19th AIMAT Summer School “Emerging Innovations in Materials and Technology”, Ischia, Italy, July 18, 2013

2. “Responsive Polymer Brushes for Functional Biointerfaces”, Italian Institute of Technology, Center for Advanced Biomaterials for Health Care, Italy, November 25, 2010

3. “Bio-Functionalized Materials and their Use in Sensing Applications for Earth and Space”, Master in Composites and Nanotechnology for Aerospace, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, May 27, 2010

4. “The Protein-Tethered Lipid Bilayer as Biomimetic Platform for Functional Assays of Membrane Proteins”, Twente-Tsinghua Workshop on Molecular Materials, Enschede, The Netherlands, October 9, 2009

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5. “Biofunctionalized Nanostructured Supports for Applications in Biosensing and More”, Master in Composites and Nanotechnology for Aerospace, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, May 21, 2009

6. “The Protein-Tethered Bilayer Lipid Membrane as Platform for Spectro-Electrochemistry of Membrane Proteins”, Department of Materials Science and Technology of Polymers, University of Twente, The Netherlands, March 6, 2009

7. “Spectro-electrochemistry of Redox Proteins and its Application in Biosensors”, Summer School of the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Hirschegg, Austria, September 2-7, 2007

8. “Membrane Protein Crystallization in Mixtures of Nonionic Surfactants”, Winter Research Review, University of Delaware, Newark (DE), USA, January 28, 2004

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I graduated at the University La Sapienza in the academic year 1999-2000 with a thesis on

mathematical modeling of neurons (Physics department). Between 2001 and 2005, I carried out

my doctoral studies at the University of Zurich CH (Biochemistry department) focusing on the

folding and misfolding of proteins associated with neurodegenerative disorders. As an associate

researcher, I worked at the University of Cambridge UK (Chemistry and Genetics departments)

under the supervision of Chris Dobson and Michele Vendruscolo. In the period 2005-2010, I

participated in several computational and experimental studies on amyloidosis. I am life member

of the Clare Hall College in Cambridge UK since 2011.

At present, I lead a research group at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona.

My group is composed of 4 post-doctoral researchers, 6 doctoral students and 2 technicians. The

doctoral and post-doctoral researches hold highly competitive fellowships from Marie Curie,

Ministry of Science and La Caixa bank. In 2013, I have been awarded an ERC starting grant for

the studies on the role of coding and non-coding transcripts in regulation of amyloid genes. Since

2014, I am tenured as ICREA professor of Life and Medical Sciences.

My main goal is to achieve a better understanding of cellular phenomena and produce science in

service of human health. I am highly motivated to consolidate my academic profile in first-rate

biological institutes, where multidisciplinary collaborations are encouraged.


•!I received ~3500 citations (~2500 in the last 5 years; total of >70 papers). With respect to the

productivity and impact factor of my published work, my h-index is 31 (my i10-index is 52). Since

May 2010, my group published > 40 articles with the CRG affiliation (33 since 2012; I am the

corresponding author in >75% of all my publications). My name appears in the list of top Italian

scientists in the Biomedical area

•!In October 2012, I was awarded an ERC starting grant to study amyloid diseases (RIBOMYLOME),

which led to >25 publications in highly influential journals such as Nature Methods, Genome

Biology, Cell Reports, Nucleic Acids Research, Bioinformatics and RNA to cite some.

•!I am recipient of a H2020 grant on personalized medicine (awarded in 2017) and Wellcome Trust

(the UK agency made an exception to allow my participation as non-UK researcher).

•!Since 2011 I secured >3 millions of euros for my research.


•!In 2016, I built a section of Frontiers in Biomolecular Science called Ribonucleoprotein Networks

( to interface two rapidly growing fields: transcriptomics and proteomics.

•!In 2015 I started a collaboration with Dr MJ Marti’ at the Hospital Clinic (Barcelona) on projects

related to the discovery of biomarkers for Parkinson’s disease and Multiple System Atrophy.

•!My work is exploited by the tech-transfer office: The catRAPID algorithm developed in my group

for prediction of protein-RNA interactions has been licensed in 2016 ( New

tools are becoming licensed in the next weeks.


•!Since 2012 I supervise 6 Post-docs; 9 PhD students and 5 MSc supported by Marie Curie

Program, Leonardo da Vinci program, La Caixa, Interpod EU co-fund, Women in Science

fellowships, Severo Ochoa and Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Three of the researchers

that I have directly supervised are in the process of establishing their own groups. All my doctoral

students have continued in their academic path obtaining post-doctoral positions in prestigious

laboratories. I co-supervise doctoral students in France and Italy and host 1-2 Erasmus students a


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•!In 2016, I wrote a book on Biotechnology for the layman ( now available in 5


7/&$%&0 The Zyggregator method for protein aggregation was patented by University of

Cambridge (No PCT/GB2008/051055; post-doctoral work) and a related

algorithm, PAGE was licensed under academic and commercial licenses

(University of Zurich, Technology Opportunity Ref. No. UZ-08/314; doctoral



Since 2014 ICREA Professor (permanent position)

Life and Medical Sciences, Catalan Institution for Advanced Research

Highly competitive position: maximum of 2 professorships are awarded every 2

years in Life and Medical Sciences (

Since 2014 Affiliated with the BSC - CRG - IRB Program in Computational Biology

Since 2010 Group Leader

Bioinformatics and Genomics, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Spain

In my group, Gene Function and Evolution, the research is highly

interdisciplinary, involves a number of international collaborators and focuses on

structural biology and the uncharted territory of non-coding RNAs involved in

transcriptional and translational regulation (e.g., X-chromosome inactivation) as

well as human disorders (e.g., Parkinson’s disease). We aim to identify regulatory

mechanisms controlling protein production and contributing to cell homeostasis.

2007 – 2010 Clare Hall Research Fellow

Genetics, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Supervisors: Prof. C. Dobson and Prof. M. Vendruscolo

2005 – 2010 Assistant researcher

Chemistry, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Supervisors: Prof. C. Dobson and Prof. M. Vendruscolo

During my post-doctoral studies, I developed a series of models to predict

aspects of protein folding, chaperone interactions and aggregation under a

variety of environmental conditions and I directly participated in their

experimental validation. From 2008 to 2010, I was associated with the

Department of Genetics, where I worked on projects that involved the rational

design and the in vivo testing of neurotoxins in a D. melanogaster model of

Alzheimer’s disease.

2001 – 2006 PhD – top score

Structural Biology, Biochemistry, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Supervisor: Prof. A. Caflisch (Biochemistry Department)

Motivated by the interaction with Prof. A. Tramontano (Biochemistry

Department, Rome, Sapienza, Italy), I moved to the field of structural biology.

During my PhD studies, I worked on folding, misfolding and aggregation of

proteins involved in Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s and Prion diseases. As part of my

formal training, I attended courses of Organic Chemistry, Biology, NMR

spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography.

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1996 – 2000 MSc – top score

Statistical Mechanics, Physics, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy

Supervisor: Prof. B. Tirozzi (Mathematics Department)

In my undergraduate studies I developed models to predict the firing patterns of

single neurons. I proposed a formula for the optimal control of signals, trajectories

and velocities of eye movements.

During these years, I started to be strongly interested in protein folding and

structural biology topics, which led me to apply to a PhD in the very same field.


Postdoctoral Fellows:

Dr. Benedetta Bolognesi

Dr. Teresa Botta-Orfila

Dr. Natalia Sanchez

Dr. Stefanie Marti

Technicians: Dr. Elias Bechara

Dr. Iona Gelabert

Doctoral Students: Fernando Cid

Riccardo delli Ponti

Alexandros Armaos

Alessandro Dasti (from June 2016)

Nieves de Lorenzo (previously technician)

Maria Carla Antonelli (from November 2016)

Petr Klus (graduated in July 2016)

Davide Cirillo (graduated in April 2016)

Domenica Marchese (graduated in November 2016)

Relevant Collaborations Ben Lehner, CRG Barcelona (yeast granules); Annalisa Pastore Kings College London UK

(RNA-binding proteins), Mitch Guttmann, Caltech US (long non-coding RNA); Maria Jose’

Marti’, Hospital Clinic Barcelona, Spain (Multiple System Atrophy); Ellen Gelpi, Institut

d'investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer, Barcelona, Spain (amyloid deposits); Ulrich

Hartl, Max Planck Institute, Munich, Germany (chaperones and protein aggregation); Peter St.

George Hyslop, Genetics Department, University of Cambridge, UK (Amyotrophic Lateral

Sclerosis); Ina Vorberg, German Centrum for Neurodegenerative, Bonn, Germany (Prions),

Oxana V. Galzitskaya, Institute of Protein Research, Moscow, Russia (homo-repeats).


Committees. Member of the CRG Postdoctoral, Tech transfer, HR excellence committees.

Teaching. Undergraduate and graduate lectures for University Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and

practical courses including doctoral classes at Scuola Normale Superiore (Italy).

I am the main organizer of the Structural Biology Seminars at the Parc de Recerca

Biomèdica de Barcelona

Diffusion. I wrote a book on Biotechnology for the layman (published by international

press). Press releases and commentaries on our work can be found at


Algorithms from my lab are licensed by the CRG Technology Transfer office and my institute is

currently considering the opportunity of creating a spin-off on RNA aptamers generation.

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Since 2017 Faculty of 1000 member, section Structural Biology Modelling and Simulation

Since 2016 Chief editor of the section Ribonucleoprotein Networks for Frontiers in

Molecular Biosciences

Since 2014 Editorial board member of Frontiers in Molecular

Biosciences; PeerJ; Translational Genetics and Genomics; Current Updates in


Since 2011 Clare Hall Life Member (University of Cambridge, UK)

Since 2010 Reviewer for Nature, Nature Methods, Cell Reports, Trends in Biochemical

Sciences, PLoS Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Nucleic Acids Research,

JACS, Molecular Biosystems, Gene, Molecular Biology and Evolution, FEBS and


Since 2010 I reviewed > 10 grants for ERC and national agencies in Spain, Austria, France,

Switzerland, Belgium, Israel, Sweden, Slovakia and Argentina.

2005- 2010 Consultant for the companies Zyentia and Lonza Biologics.


2016. Speaker at Gordon Conference (Diableret, Switzerland); visitor at Max Planck

Institute, MPI Genetics (Berlin, Germany), German Centrum for

Neurodegenerative diseases DZNE (Bonn, Germany) and EMBL (P. Avner’s lab;

Monterotondo, Italy)

2015. Scientific mentor at the RNA society meeting (Madison, US); speaker at Tel Aviv

University (Tel Aviv, Israel); visitor at the Centre for Integrative Biology (Trento,


2014. Collaboration at INSERM (C. Brun’s lab; Marseille, France)

2013. Collaboration with Institute of Neurosciences (R. Meki’s lab; Paris, France);

Speaker at the RNA society meeting (Davos, Switzerland); collaboration with

Max Perutz Laboratories (Zagrovic’s lab, Vienna; Austria)

2012. Visitor at the University of Pavia (V. Bellotti’s lab; Italy); Speaker at the Institute

for Protein Research, Osaka University (Japan)

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Additional fellowships (0.75 millions of euros): Marie Curie Program (x2), Leonardo da Vinci program (x2), La Caixa (x1), Women in Science (x2),

Severo Ochoa (x2), Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (x2) and ICREA (2014).

Tech transfer: 70000 euros for catRAPID licensing.

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Since May 2010 I lead a computational laboratory that integrates experimental approaches to investigate

molecular interactions and their implications for cell function. My group studies structural and physico-

chemical properties of proteins (see also section Ongoing Research Projects). The research lines of the

laboratory expand those followed during my studies in Cambridge (amyloid aggregation with M. Vendruscolo

and C. Dobson) and Zurich (protein misfolding with A. Caflisch) and established the prominence of my group.

Press releases and commentaries on our work are at

Protein folding and solubility

Many proteins unrelated in sequence and structure can misfold and aggregate, and widespread aggregation

can occur in living systems under stress or aging. A crucial question is why only certain proteins appear to

aggregate in vivo, whereas others do not. Using computational methods1,2

, we identified the proteins

most vulnerable to aggregation as those whose cellular concentrations are high relative to their

solubilities. We find that these supersaturated proteins represent a metastable subproteome involved in

pathological aggregation during stress and aging and are overrepresented in biochemical processes

associated with neurodegenerative disorders. Thus, the simultaneous analysis of abundance and solubility

can rationalize the diverse cellular pathologies linked to neurodegenerative diseases and aging.

Using coil/disorder, hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity, β-sheet and α-helix propensities, we also built a

predictor of protein solubility3. Our method allows proteome-wide predictions, identification of soluble

fragments within each sequences and exhaustive single-point mutation analysis.

Ribonucleoprotein granules

Together with B. Lehner (CRG), we recently found that structural disorder, nucleic acid binding propensity

and amino acid patterns such as arginine-glycine and phenylalanine-glycine are key features of granule-

forming proteins4. We developed a computational approach, catGRANULE, to identify RNA-binding

proteins (RBPs) assembling into granules and we validated our predictions using state-of-the-art techniques

such as advanced microscopy and Fluorescence Recovery After Photo-bleaching FRAP.

One important result of our studies is that over-expression of granule-forming RBPs results in

formation of foci that are toxic to the cell. Indeed, the RNAs trapped in the granules cannot be translated,

which decreases cell viability. Moreover, RBPs localized to foci are not available for other interactions,

causing impairment of homeostasis.

In collaboration with P. Hyslop (Cambridge, UK) we investigated the relationship between formation of

ribonucleoprotein granules and pathology5. We proposed a model in which low-complexity domains of

Fused in Sarcoma FUS drive its physiologically reversible assembly into membrane-free, liquid droplet

and hydrogel-like structures that occur in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Supported by a Wellcome trust

grant, we are currently investigating the impact of disease-related mutations in the conversion from granular

to amyloid state.

&Classification of protein, DNA and RNA features

Discovery of RNA-binding regions in proteins. Recently, around 2000 proteins have been reported to have

RNA-binding ability, although only 500 RBPs are currently annotated in the databases. Most of the newly

discovered RBPs do not harbor canonical RNA-binding domains but interact with transcripts through

regions that can be detected with the catRAPID signature6 algorithm. catRAPID signature identifies RNA-

binding regions by considering physico-chemical properties of polypeptide chains without requiring

sequence alignments. Through our predictions, we identified a novel KH domain in the N-terminus of


Automated model generation for protein classification. The cleverMachine algorithm analyses two or more

groups of protein sequences to identify combinations of physico-chemical properties that differentiate

them8. The algorithm creates protein signatures for each of the proteins, utilizing a large set of features -

both experimentally derived and statistically derived from other tools' outputs. We applied the

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cleverMachine to predict secondary structure properties, solubility, chaperone requirements and RNA-

binding abilities. Using cross-validation and independent datasets, we reproduced experimental findings

with great accuracy providing models that can be used for future investigations. We also studied the

occurrence of homo-repeats in H. sapiens and characterized their properties, including structural disorder

and RNA-binding ability9. We also developed a new approach to provide accurate classifications of

physico-chemical features and annotations of biological processes, molecular functions and cellular

components, which is extremely useful for the discovery and characterization of trends in protein datasets10


RNA secondary structure profiles. We recently developed the Computational Recognition of Secondary

Structure (CROSS) approach to generate high-throughput predictions of RNA structures based on sequence

information only11

. Trained on Selective 2’-Hydroxyl Acylation analyzed by Primer Extension (SHAPE;

Mouse and HIV transcriptomes) and Parallel Analysis of RNA Structure (PARS; Human and Yeast

transcriptomes) as well as high-quality NMR/X-ray structures (PDB database), CROSS predicts the

structural profile (single- and double-stranded state) of a transcript at single-nucleotide resolution

and without sequence restrictions. CROSS was also integrated in thermodynamic approaches such as

RNAstructure and Vienna to predict secondary structure achieving an Area Under the ROC curve of 0.85

when tested on crystal structures.

Regulatory motifs in DNA and RNA sequences. The large amount of data produced by high-throughput

sequencing poses new computational challenges. We built the SeAMotE approach12

to provide a robust

analysis of high-throughput sequence sets, a motif search based on pattern occurrences and an easy-to-use

web-server interface. SeAMotE is a fast, accurate and flexible algorithm for the identification of sequence

patterns involved in protein-DNA and protein-RNA recognition.


Protein interactomes of non-coding RNAs

We recently developed the Global Score algorithm to predict ribonucleoprotein interactions using

physico-chemical properties of protein and RNA sequences13

. Global Score exploits the catRAPID

method to identify interacting protein-RNA pairs through Van der Waals, hydrogen bonding and secondary

structure calculations14

. Differently from catRAPID, Global Score predicts the binding propensity through

fragmentation of both poly-peptide and poly-nucleotide chains, which allows predictions for long

transcripts (> 1000 nt). We calibrated Global Score on RNA-binding protein (RBPs) interactions with

untranslated regions (UTRs) and tested the calculations on > 10000 protein-RNA pairs. We also

carried out experiments to reveal RBPs interactions with XIST non-coding RNA (18000 nt), achieving

accuracies > 0.80. The validation was performed using enhanced CrossLinking ImmunoPrecipitation

eCLIP, which is the latest development to characterize physical contacts of RBPs with RNAs.

Our results are in great agreement with previous calculations performed with the catRAPID15

approach to

investigate interactions between individual regions of XIST and a number of epigenetic modifiers as well

as transcription and splicing factors including SUZ12, EZH2, YY1, SAF-A, SFRS1 and SATB16

. Overall,

our work represents the first theoretical effort to predict protein interactions with long non-coding


We also developed a platform (licensed by the CRG tech-transfer) to allow fast calculation of

ribonucleoprotein interactions in Caenorhabditis elegans, Danio rerio, Drosophila melanogaster, Homo

sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Xenopus tropicalis15

. The

algorithm computes the interaction between a molecule (protein/transcript) and the reference library

(transcriptome/proteome) in model organisms. In addition to the interaction propensities and strength, the

method allows detection of RNA-binding regions in proteins and recognition motifs in RNA molecules.

The method has been validated on PAR-CLIP data and predicts associations with high significance.

Unravelling transcriptional and post-transcriptional networks

Transcriptional networks. Recent chromatin immunoprecipitation and high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-

seq) experiments have provided genome-wide details of transcription factors binding sites, revealing

important information on transcription factors activities in human cells. Although bioinformatics analyses

are useful to identify DNA motifs associated with individual transcription factors, the complexity of

regulatory networks requires advanced methods to capture cell-specific interactions with DNA regions. We

found that information on protein-protein interaction networks substantially improves the ability to

classify transcription factors binding sites. Our results are in agreement with previous statistical analyses

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reporting that regulatory motifs of co-factors are significantly enriched in proximity of transcription factors

binding sites. The most innovative aspect of our work is that it introduces a cell-specific view of

transcription factors networks, which opens up the way for efficient and effective manipulation of cellular

processes. Our findings are of great practical relevance to a number of research lines, from engineering

expression of genes to somatic stem cell reprogramming.

Post-transcriptional networks. By interacting with their targets, RBPs regulate a number of cellular

processes, including synthesis, folding, translocation, assembly and clearance of RNAs. We investigated

the tissue-specific expression patterns of > 1000 human RNA-binding RBPs and their RNA partners. We

discover that RNA-RBP pairs for which the catRAPID algorithm predicts high interaction

propensities have correlated expression patterns17

. Remarkably, we found a strong enrichment of

functions related to cell-cycle control among the positively correlated patterns and those for survival,

growth and differentiation among negatively correlated patterns. What makes these results additionally

interesting is the finding that over 90% of genes in both categories are listed in the annotated gene index of

the Cancer Genome Anatomy Project run by the National Cancer Institute. Thus, our study opens up the

way for investigation of post-transcriptional mechanisms involved in human disorders.

RNA-binding proteins and Neurodegeneration

We investigated ribonucleoprotein interactions linked to inherited intellectual disability, amyotrophic

lateral sclerosis, Creutzfeuld-Jakob, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s diseases18

. We specifically focused on

RNA interactions with fragile X mental retardation protein FMRP, protein sequestration caused by CGG

repeats, noncoding transcripts regulated by TAR DNA-binding protein 43 TDP-43 and iron-mediated

expression of amyloid precursor protein APP and α-synuclein. Our results are in striking agreement with

experimental evidence and provide new insights in processes associated with neuronal function and


Moreover, we predicted that a number of proteins are able to interact with their messenger RNAs19

. These

autogenous associations are important regulatory mechanisms controlling gene expression at the

translational level. Using the catRAPID approach, we identified binding sites in well-known cases such as

thymidylate synthase, tumor suppressor P53, synaptotagmin-1, serine/ariginine-rich splicing factor 2, heat

shock 70 kDa, ribonucleic particle-specific U1A and ribosomal protein S13. A large-scale analysis of

biological pathways revealed that amyloid and structurally disordered proteins have strong

propensity to interact with cognate RNAs. As a tight anti-correlation exists between RNA expression

levels and aggregation rates of corresponding proteins, our latest results suggest that autogenous

interactions might reduce the aggregation potential of proteins by controlling expression via feedback


We also performed a large-scale analysis of physico-chemical properties on human genes to understand

which specific features differentiate classes of diseases and discovered that structural disorder strongly

differentiates cancer types and central nervous diseases. Based on this phenomenological observation, we

also reported a tight correlation between structural disorder and age of onset of neurodegenerative diseases.


1. Agostini, F., Vendruscolo, M. & Tartaglia, G. G. Sequence-Based Prediction of Protein Solubility. J. Mol. Biol. (2011). doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2011.12.005

2. Ciryam, P., Tartaglia, G. G., Morimoto, R. I., Dobson, C. M. & Vendruscolo, M. Widespread aggregation and neurodegenerative diseases are associated with supersaturated proteins. Cell Rep. 5, 781–790 (2013).

3. Agostini, F., Cirillo, D., Livi, C. M., Ponti, R. D. & Tartaglia, G. G. ccSOL omics: a webserver for large-scale prediction of endogenous and heterologous solubility in E. coli. Bioinformatics btu420 (2014).


4. Bolognesi, B. et al. A Concentration-Dependent Liquid Phase Separation Can Cause Toxicity upon Increased Protein Expression. Cell Rep. 16, 222–231 (2016).

5. Murakami, T. et al. ALS/FTD Mutation-Induced Phase Transition of FUS Liquid Droplets and Reversible Hydrogels into Irreversible Hydrogels Impairs RNP Granule Function. Neuron 88, 678–690 (2015).

6. Livi, C. M., Klus, P., Delli Ponti, R. & Tartaglia, G. G. catRAPID signature: identification of ribonucleoproteins and RNA-binding regions. Bioinforma. Oxf. Engl. (2015). doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv629

7. Johnson, R., Noble, W., Tartaglia, G. G. & Buckley, N. J. Neurodegeneration as an RNA disorder. Prog. Neurobiol. 99, 293–315 (2012).

8. Klus, P. et al. The cleverSuite approach for protein characterization: predictions of structural properties, solubility, chaperone requirements and RNA-binding abilities. Bioinforma. Oxf. Engl. 30, 1601–1608 (2014).

9. Lobanov, M. Y., Klus, P., Sokolovsky, I. V., Tartaglia, G. G. & Galzitskaya, O. V. Non-random distribution of homo-repeats: links with biological functions and human diseases. Sci. Rep. 6, 26941 (2016).

10. Klus, P., Ponti, R. D., Livi, C. M. & Tartaglia, G. G. Protein aggregation, structural disorder and RNA-binding ability: a new approach for physico-chemical and gene ontology classification of multiple datasets. BMC Genomics

16, 1071 (2015).

11. Delli Ponti, R., Marti, S., Armaos, A. & Tartaglia, G. G. A high-throughput approach to profile RNA structure. Nucleic Acids Res. (2016). doi:10.1093/nar/gkw1094

12. Agostini, F., Cirillo, D., Ponti, R. D. & Tartaglia, G. G. SeAMotE: a method for high-throughput motif discovery in nucleic acid sequences. BMC Genomics 15, 925 (2014).

13. Cirillo, D. et al. Quantitative predictions of protein interactions with long noncoding RNAs. Nat. Methods 14, 5–6 (2017).

14. Bellucci, M., Agostini, F., Masin, M. & Tartaglia, G. G. Predicting protein associations with long noncoding RNAs. Nat. Methods 8, 444–445 (2011).

15. Agostini, F. et al. catRAPID omics: a web server for large-scale prediction of protein-RNA interactions. Bioinforma. Oxf. Engl. 29, 2928–2930 (2013).

16. Agostini, F., Cirillo, D., Bolognesi, B. & Tartaglia, G. G. X-inactivation: quantitative predictions of protein interactions in the Xist network. Nucleic Acids Res. 41, e31 (2013).

17. Cirillo, D. et al. Constitutive patterns of gene expression regulated by RNA-binding proteins. Genome Biol. 15, R13 (2014).

18. Cirillo, D. et al. Neurodegenerative diseases: Quantitative predictions of protein-RNA interactions. RNA N. Y. N 19, 129–140 (2013).

19. Zanzoni, A. et al. Principles of self-organization in biological pathways: a hypothesis on the autogenous association of alpha-synuclein. Nucleic Acids Res. 41, 9987–9998 (2013).

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Publications since 2012 (** most relevant publications)

Group members are written in italics


•! Ciryam P, Lambert-Smith IA, Bean DM, Freer R, Cid F, Tartaglia GG et al. Spinal motor neuron

protein supersaturation patterns are associated with inclusion body formation in ALS. Proc Natl Acad

Sci U S A. 2017 Apr 10. pii: 201613854. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1613854114

•! Cirillo D, Blanco M, Armaos A, Buness

A, Avner

P, Guttman

M, Cerase

A and Tartaglia GG.

Quantitiative predicitons of protein interactions with long non-coding RNAs. Nat Methods. 2017 Jan

1;14(1):5-6. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.4100 [impact factor: 25]. **

•! Riccardo Delli Ponti, Stefanie Marti, Alexandros Armaos, Tartaglia GG. A High-throughput approach

to profile RNA structure, Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Nov 28. pii: gkw1094 [impact factor: 9]. **

•! Botta Orfila T. Tartaglia GG, Michalon A. Molecular pathophysiology of fragile X-associated

tremor/ataxia syndrome and perspectives for drug development. Cerebellum 2016 Oct;15(5):599-610.

doi: 10.1007/s12311-016-0800-2

•! Tartaglia GG. The Grand Challenge of Characterizing Ribonucleoprotein Networks. Frontiers in

Molecular Biosciences Front. Mol. Biosci., 09 June 2016 Front Mol Biosci. 2016 Jun 9;3:24. doi:


•! Bolognesi B, Lorenzo Gotor N, Dhar Riddhiman Cirillo D, Baldrighi M, Tartaglia GG (corresponding

author), Lehner B. Dosage sensitivity caused by increased protein concentration triggering a liquid

phase separation. Cell Reports 16, 1–10, June 28, 2016 [impact factor: 8.5] **

•! Lobanov MY, Klus P, Sokolovsky IV, Tartaglia GG (corresponding author), Galzitskaya OV. Non-

random distribution of homo-repeats: links with biological functions and human diseases.Sci Rep. 2016

Jun 3;6:26941. doi: 10.1038/srep26941 [impact factor: 5.5]

•! Marchese D, Sanchez de Groot N, Lorenzo Gotor N, Livi CM, Tartaglia GG. Advances in the

characterization of RNA-binding proteins. RNA Wiley 2016 Nov;7(6):793-810. doi:

10.1002/wrna.1378. Epub 2016 Aug 8

•! Klus P, Ponti RD, Livi CM, Tartaglia GG. Protein aggregation, structural disorder and RNA-binding

ability: a new approach for physico-chemical and gene ontology classification of multiple datasets.

BMC Genomics. 2015 Dec 16;16:1071. doi: 10.1186/s12864-015-2280-z. [impact factor: 4.0]

•! Murakami T, Qamar S, Lin JQ, Schierle GS, Rees E, Michel CH, […] Tartaglia GG [...], St George-

Hyslop P. ALS/FTD Mutation-Induced Phase Transition of FUS Liquid Droplets and Reversible

Hydrogels into Irreversible Hydrogels Impairs RNP Granule Function. Neuron. 2015 Nov

18;88(4):678-90. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2015.10.030 [impact factor: 15]

•! Livi CM, Klus P, Delli Ponti R, Tartaglia GG. catRAPID signature: identification of

ribonucleoproteins and RNA-binding regions. Bioinformatics. 2016 Mar 1;32(5):773-5. doi:

10.1093/bioinformatics/btv629. [5-years impact factor:8]

•! Klus P, Cirillo D, Botta Orfila T, Tartaglia GG. Neurodegeneration and Cancer: Where the Disorder

Prevails. Sci Rep. 2015 Oct 23;5:15390. doi: 10.1038/srep15390. [impact factor: 5.5]

•! Marchese D, Livi CM, Tartaglia GG. A Computational Approach for the Discovery of Protein-RNA

Networks. Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1358:29-39. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3067-8_2.

•! Cirillo D, Botta-Orfila T, Tartaglia GG. By the company they keep: interaction networks define the

binding ability of transcription factors. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Jun 18. pii: gkv607. [impact factor:


•! Porcari R, Proukakis C, Waudby CA, Bolognesi B, Mangione PP, Paton JF, Mullin S, Cabrita LD, Penco

A, Relini A, Verona G, Vendruscolo M, Stoppini M, Tartaglia GG, Camilloni C, Christodoulou J,

Schapira AH, Bellotti V. The H50Q mutation induces a 10-fold decrease in the solubility of α-synuclein.

J Biol Chem. 2015 Jan 23;290(4):2395-404. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.610527. Epub 2014 Dec 10.

•! Agostini F, Cirillo D, Ponti RD, Tartaglia GG. SeAMotE: a method for high-throughput motif

discovery in nucleic acid sequences. BMC Genomics. 2014 Oct 23;15:925. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-

15-925. [impact factor: 4.0]

•! Agostini F, Cirillo D, Livi CM, Delli Ponti R, Tartaglia GG. ccSOL omics: a webserver for solubility

prediction of endogenous and heterologous expression in Escherichia coli. Bioinformatics. 2014 Oct

15;30(20):2975-7. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu420 [5-years impact factor:8]

•! Ciryam P, Tartaglia GG, Morimoto R, Dobson C, Vendruscolo M. Widespread aggregation and

neurodegenerative diseases are associated with supersaturated proteins. Cell Reports 2013 Nov

14;5(3):781-90. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2013.09.043. Epub 2013 Oct 31 [I have been supervising the PhD

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project of Ciryam]

•! Cirillo D, Marchese D, Agostini F, Livi CM, Botta-Orfila T, Tartaglia GG. Constitutive patterns of

gene expression regulated by RNA-binding proteins. Genome Biol. 2014 Jan 2;15(1):R13. [impact

factor: 10.288] **

•! Fu B, Sahakyan A, Camilloni C, Tartaglia GG, Paci E, Caflisch A, Vendruscolo M and Cavalli A.

ALMOST: An all atom molecular simulation toolkit for protein structure determination. J Comput

Chem. 2014 Mar 27. doi: 10.1002/jcc.23588.

•! Cirillo D, Agostini F, Livi CM and Tartaglia GG. Discovery of Protein-RNA Networks. Molecular

Biosystems 2014 in Mol Biosyst. 2014 Jul;10(7):1632-42. doi: 10.1039/c4mb00099d. [we obtained the

cover of the journal]

•! Klus P, Agostini F, Bolognesi B, Zanzoni A, Tartaglia GG. The cleverSuite Approach for Protein

Characterization: Predictions of Structural Properties, Solubility, Chaperone Requirements and RNA-

Binding Abilities. Bioinformatics. 2014 Jun 1;30(11):1601-8. PMID: 24493033 [5-years impact


•! Zanzoni A, Marchese D, Agostini F, Bolognesi B, Tartaglia GG. Principles of self-organization in

biological pathways. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Dec;41(22):9987-98. [impact factor: 9] **

•! Agostini F, Zanzoni A, Klus P, Marchese D, Cirillo D, Tartaglia GG. catRAPID omics: a web server

for large-scale predictions of protein-RNA interactions; Bioinformatics. 2013 Nov 15;29(22):2928-30.

doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt495. [5-years impact factor:8] **

•! Cirillo D, Agostini F, Klus P, Marchese D, Rodriguez S, Bolognesi B, Tartaglia GG.

Neurodegenerative diseases: quantitative predictions of protein-RNA interactions. RNA. 2013 Feb;

19(2): 129-40. [impact factor: 5.088]

•! Agostini F, Cirillo D, Bolognesi B, Tartaglia GG. X-inactivation: quantitative predictions of protein

interactions in the Xist network. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan 7;41(1):e31 doi: 10.1093/nar/gks968

[impact factor: 8.278]

•! Cirillo D, Agostini F, Tartaglia GG, Prediction of RNA-Protein interactions WIREs Computational

Molecular Science 2013. 3 (2) , 161-175. [impact factor 11]

•! Johnson R, Noble W, Tartaglia GG, Buckley NJ. Neurodegeneration as an RNA disorder. Prog

Neurobiol. 2012 Dec; 99(3):293-315. [impact factor: 9.035]

•! Roodveldt C, Andersson A, De Genst EJ, Labrador-Garrido A, Buell AK, Dobson CM, Tartaglia GG,

Vendruscolo M. A rationally designed six-residue swap generates comparability in the aggregation

behavior of α-synuclein and β-synuclein. Biochemistry. 2012 Nov 6;51(44):8771-8 [All the

experiments were designed in my laboratory and carried out in Seville].

Publications After Joining the CRG until 2012

The following articles arise from my PI work (2010-2012). Group members are written in italics:

•! Iglesias-Platas I, Martin-Trujillo A, Cirillo D, Court F, Guillaumet-Adkins A, Camprubi C, Bourchis

D, Hata K, Feil R, Tartaglia GG, Arnaud P, Monk D, Characterization of Novel Paternal ncRNAs at

the Plagl1 Locus, Including Hymai, Predicted to Interact with Regulators of Active Chromatin. PLoS

One. 2012;7(6):e38907. Epub 2012 Jun 19.

•! Calloni G, Chen T, Schermann SM, Chang H, Genevaux P, Agostini F, Tartaglia GG, Hayer-Hartl M

and Hartl FU. DnaK Functions as a Central Hub in the E. coli Chaperone Network. Cell Reports, March

8, 2012.

•! Agostini F, Vendruscolo M, Tartaglia GG. Sequence-based prediction of protein solubility. J Mol Biol.

2012 Aug 10;421(2-3):237-41. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2011.12.005. Epub 2011 Dec 9 [Joined project

involving one PhD student in my group] (corresponding author) [impact factor: 3.905]

•! Mossuto MF, Bolognesi B, Guixer B, Dhulesia A, Agostini F, Kumita JR, Tartaglia GG, Dumoulin M,

Dobson CM, Salvatella X. Disulfide bonds reduce the toxicity of the amyloid fibrils formed by an

extracellular protein. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2011 Jul 25;50(31):7048-51 [Part of calculations and

experiments were performed by members of my group].

•! Bellucci M, Agostini F, Masin M, Tartaglia GG. Predicting protein associations with long noncoding

RNAs. Nature Methods. 2011 Jun;8(6):444-5. [impact factor: 19.276] **

•! Tartaglia GG, Vendruscolo M. Proteome-level interplay between folding and aggregation propensities

of proteins. J Mol Biol. 2010 Oct 8;402(5):919-28 [I carried out this project with my former supervisor

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while setting my laboratory ] (corresponding author)

•! Roodveldt C, Andersson A, De Genst EJ, Labrador-Garrido A, Buell AK, Dobson CM, Tartaglia GG,

Vendruscolo M. A rationally designed six-residue swap generates comparability in the aggregation

behavior of α-synuclein and β-synuclein. Biochemistry. 2012 Nov 6;51(44):8771-8 [All the experiments

were designed in my laboratory and carried out in Seville].

• Murakami T, Yang SP, Xie L, Kawano T, Fu D, Mukai A, Bohm C, Chen F, Robertson J, Suzuki H,

Tartaglia GG, Vendruscolo M, Kaminski Schierle GS, Chan FT, Moloney A, Crowther D, Kaminski

CF, Zhen M, St George-Hyslop P. ALS mutations in FUS cause neuronal dysfunction and death in

Caenorhabditis elegans by a dominant gain-of-function mechanism. Hum Mol Genet. 2012 Jan

1;21(1):1-9. Epub 2011 Sep 23. [Collaboration with several groups in Cambridge, including M.


• Olzscha H, Schermann SM, Woerner AC, Pinkert S, Hecht MH, Tartaglia GG, Vendruscolo M, Hartl

M, Hartl FU, and Vabulas M Amyloid-like Aggregation Targets Metastable Proteins with Essential

Functions, Cell. 2011 Jan 7;144(1):67-78. [Collaboration with U. Hartl – This work is highly cited].

• Lee Y, Zhou T, Tartaglia GG, Vendruscolo M, Wilke CO. Translationally optimal codons associate

with aggregation-prone sites in proteins. Proteomics. 2010 Dec;10(23):4163-71

•! Speretta E, Jahn TR, Tartaglia GG, Favrin G, Barros TP, Imarisio S, Lomas DA, Luheshi LM,

Crowther DC, Dobson CM. Expression in drosophila of tandem amyloid β peptides provides insights

into links between aggregation and neurotoxicity. J Biol Chem. 2012 Jun 8;287(24):20748-54. doi:


•! Raimondi S, Guglielmi F, Giorgetti S, Di Gaetano S, Arciello A, Monti DM, Relini A, Nichino D,

Doglia SM, Natalello A, Pucci P, Mangione P, Obici L, Merlini G, Stoppini M, Robustelli P, Tartaglia

GG, Vendruscolo M, Dobson CM, Piccoli R, Bellotti V Effects of the known pathogenic mutations on

the aggregation pathway of the amyloidogenic peptide of apolipoprotein A-I. J Mol Biol. 2011 Apr

1;407(3):465-76. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2011.01.044. Epub 2011 Feb 4.

•! Szczepankiewicz O, Cabaleiro-Lago C, Tartaglia GG, Vendruscolo M, Hunter T, Hunter GJ, Nilsson

Interactions in the native state of monellin, which play a protective role against aggregation. Mol

Biosyst. 2011 Feb;7(2):521-32.

•! Brorsson AC, Bolognesi B, Tartaglia GG, Shammas SL, Favrin G, Watson I, Lomas DA, Chiti F,

Vendruscolo M, Dobson CM, Crowther DC, Luheshi LM. Intrinsic determinants of neurotoxic

aggregate formation by the amyloid beta peptide. Biophys J. 2010; 98(8):1677-84.

• Tartaglia GG, Dobson CM, Hartl FU, Vendruscolo M. Physicochemical determinants of chaperone

requirements. J Mol Biol. 2010 Jul 16;400(3):579-88.

•! Speretta E, Jahn TR, Tartaglia GG, Favrin G, Barros TP, Imarisio S, Lomas DA, Luheshi LM,

Crowther DC, Dobson CM. Expression in drosophila of tandem amyloid β peptides provides insights

into links between aggregation and neurotoxicity. J Biol Chem. 2012 Jun 8;287(24):20748-54

•! Baldwin AJ, Knowles TP, Tartaglia GG, Fitzpatrick AW, Devlin GL, Shammas SL, Waudby CA,

Mossuto MF, Meehan S, Gras SL, Christodoulou J, Anthony-Cahill SJ, Barker PD, Vendruscolo M,

Dobson CM. Metastability of native proteins and the phenomenon of amyloid formation. J Am Chem

Soc. 2011 Sep 14; 133(36):14160-3.

Publications Before Joining the CRG

The following articles arise from my post-doctoral work (2006-2010):

•! Tartaglia GG and Vendruscolo M. Correlation between mRNA expression levels and protein

aggregation propensities in subcellular localisations. 2009 Mol. BioSyst. 5 (12), 1873-1876. PMID:

19763336 (corresponding author)

•! Pechmann S, Levy ED, Tartaglia GG and Vendruscolo M, Design principles that regulate the

competition between functional and dysfunctional association of proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.

2009, 106, 10159-10164.

•! Routledge KE, Tartaglia GG, Platt GW, Vendruscolo M and Radford SE. Competition between intra-

molecular and inter-molecular interactions in anamyloid forming protein 2009, 389, 776-786.

•! Yanamandra K, Alexeyev O, Zamotin V, Svrivasva V, Shchucarev A, Brorrson A, Vogl T, Kayed R,

Wingsle G, Tartaglia GG, Dobson CM, Bergh A, Elgh F, Morozova-Roche L. A link between amyloid

deposition and prostate cancer. PLoS One. 2009, 4, e5562.

•! Buell AK, Tartaglia GG, Birkett NR, Waudby CA, Vendruscolo M, Salvatella X, Welland ME, Dobson

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CM, and Knowles TPJ Position dependent electrostatic protection against protein aggregation,

ChemBioChem. 2009, 10, 1309-1312.

•! Tartaglia GG, Pechmann S, Dobson CM, Vendruscolo M. A Relationship between mRNA Expression

Levels and Protein Solubility in E. coli. J Mol Biol. 2009, 388, 381-389.

•! Hamada D, Tanaka T, Tartaglia GG, Pawar A, Vendruscolo M, Kawamura M, Tamura A, Tanaka N,

Dobson CM. Competition between folding, native-state dimerisation and amyloid aggregation in beta-

lactoglobulin. J Mol Biol. 2009, 386, 878-980.

•! Calamai M, Tartaglia GG, Vendruscolo M, Chiti F, Dobson CM. Mutational Analysis of the

Aggregation-Prone and Disaggregation-Prone Regions of Acylphosphatase. J Mol Biol. 2009, 387, 965

•! Vendruscolo M and Tartaglia GG. Towards quantitative predictions in cell biology using chemical

properties of proteins, Molecular BioSystems 2008, 4, 1170 - 1175 (corresponding author).

•! Tartaglia GG, Vendruscolo M. The Zyggregator method for predicting protein aggregation

propensities. Chem Soc Rev. 2008, 37, 1395-1401 (corresponding author).

•! Tartaglia GG, Pawar AP, Campioni S, Dobson CM, Chiti F, Vendruscolo M. Prediction of aggregation-

prone regions in structured proteins. J Mol Biol. 2008, 380, 425-436. [This work is highly cited] **

•! Rivers RC, Kumita J, Tartaglia GG, Dedmon M, Vendruscolo M, Dobson CM, Christodoulu J,

Molecular determinants of the aggregation behaviour of alpha and beta-synuclein, Protein Science 2008,

17, 887-898.

•! Luheshi LM, Tartaglia GG, Brorsson AC, Pawar AP, Watson IE, Chiti F, Vendruscolo M, Lomas DA,

Dobson CM, Crowther DC Systematic In Vivo Analysis of the Intrinsic Determinants of Amyloid beta

Pathogenicity PLoS Biology 2007, 5, 2493-2500.

•! Monsellier E, Ramazzotti M, Polverino de Laureto P, Tartaglia GG, Taddei N, Fontana A, Vendruscolo

M, Chiti F. The distribution of residues in a polypeptide sequence is a determinant of aggregation

optimized by evolution. Biophys. J. 2007 93, 4382-4391.

•! Meehan S, Knowles TP, Baldwin AJ, Smith JF, Squires AM, Clements P, Treweek TM, Ecroyd H,

Tartaglia GG, Vendruscolo M, Macphee CE, Dobson CM, Carver JA. Characterisation of amyloid

fibril formation by small heat-shock chaperone proteins human alphaA-, alphaB- and R120G alpha B-

crystallins. J Mol Biol. 2007, 372, 470-484.

•! Meinhardt J, Tartaglia GG, Pawar A, Christopeit T, Hortschansky P, Schroeckh V, Dobson CM,

Vendruscolo M, Fandrich M. Similarities in the thermodynamics and kinetics of aggregation of disease-

related Abeta(1-40) peptides. Protein Sci. 2007, 16, 1214-1222.

•! Tartaglia GG, Pechmann S, Dobson CM, Vendruscolo M. Life on the edge: a link between gene

expression levels and aggregation rates of human proteins. Trends Biochem Sci. 2007, 32, 204-206. **

•! Tartaglia GG, Cavalli A, Vendruscolo M. Prediction of local structural stabilities of proteins from their

amino acid sequences. Structure 2007, 15, 139-143.

Publications arising from PhD work

The following articles arise from my doctoral work (2001-2005):

•! Tartaglia GG, Cavalli A, Pellarin R, Caflisch A. The role of aromaticity, exposed surface, and dipole

moment in determining protein aggregation rates. Protein Sci. 2004, 13, 1939-1941.

•! Tartaglia GG, Pellarin R, Cavalli A, Caflisch A. Organism complexity anti-correlates with proteomic

beta-aggregation propensity. Protein Sci. 2005, 14, 2735-2740. (corresponding author)

•! Tartaglia GG, Cavalli A, Pellarin R, Caflisch A. Prediction of aggregation rate and aggregation-prone

segments in polypeptide sequences. Protein Sci. 2005, 14, 2723-2734.

•! Tartaglia GG, Caflisch A. Computational analysis of the S. cerevisiae proteome reveals the function

and cellular localization of the least and most amyloidogenic proteins. Proteins 2007, 68, 273-278

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Curriculum vitae


First name, Family name: Stefan Wabnitz

Researcher unique identifiers: ResearcherID: J-5578-2013; Orchid ID:; Scopus Author ID: 7005398377

Date of birth: 17.10.1958, married, two children (2007, 2012)

Nationality: Italian and German; URL for web site:


2007 – 2017 Full Professor

Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia, Italy

PREVIOUS POSITIONS 2003 – 2007 Full Professor Physics Department, University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France 2001 – 2003 Manager of Advanced Technology Xtera Inc., Allen, Texas, USA 1999 – 2001 Senior Engineer Alcatel Research and Innovation Labs, Marcoussis, France 1996 – 2001 Full Professor Physics Department, University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France 1985 – 1996 Senior Engineer Ugo Bordoni Foundation, Rome, Italy

EDUCATION 1988 PhD: Electromagnetic Fields, Italian Ministry of Education, Italy 1983 Master of Science: Electrical Engineering Department, California Institute of Technology,

USA 1982 Laurea in Electronics Engineering: Engineering Faculty, University of Rome I “La

Sapienza”, Italy FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS 2011 Visiting Professorship, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, USA 2009 Fellow of the Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, USA, “For extensive and

significant contributions to the field of nonlinear photonic devices and soliton communications”

2004,2006 Visiting Fellowships, Mathematics Department, University of Arizona, USA 2003 Scientific Fellowship, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA 1995 Visiting Fellowship, Department of Physics, F. Schiller University, Germany 1994 Philip Morris Prize on the «Information superhighway» 1994 Visiting Fellowship, Department of Mathematics, University of New Mexico, USA 1994 Visiting Fellowship, Ecole Polytechnique, France 1986-1990 Visiting Fellowships, Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona, USA 1983 Moisè Ascoli Prize from the Italian Association of Electrical Engineers, Italy

1982 Teaching Assistantship, California Institute of Technology, USA


Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia, Italy 1996 – 2007 5 Postdocs/ 7 PhD/ 6 Master Students

Department of Physics, University of Bourgogne, France TEACHING ACTIVITIES 2007 – 2017 Full Professor – Electromagnetic Fields, Optical Communications, Microwave

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Engineering, University of Brescia, Italy 1996 – 2007 Full Professor – Statistical Physics, Optics and Lasers, Optical Communications,

Numerical Methods for Physics, Physics Department, University of Bourgogne, France ORGANISATION OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS – see also page 3 2016 Program Chair, Nonlinear Photonics, Sydney, Australia, 200 participants 2016 General Chair, CLEO Focus Meeting on fundamental photonics for future

telecommunications, Dusseldorf, 50 participants, Germany 2015 General Chair, Lake Como Advanced School on Spatiotemporal Complexity in Nonlinear

Optics, Centro A. Volta, Como, Italy, 60 participants 2013 General Chair, International workshop on spatio-temporal complexity in optical fibers,

Centro A. Volta, Como, Italy, 60 participants INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES 2007-2017 Faculty Member, University of Brescia, Italy 2014-2017 Associated Member, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica of National Research Council (CNR) 2009-2017 Member of Organizing Committee, PhD program: “Technology for health”, University of

Brescia, Italy 2012-2017 Member of the Executive Committee of the Italian Chapter, IEEE Photonics Society COMMISSIONS OF TRUST 2007-2017 Deputy Editor, “Optical Fiber Technology”, Elsevier 2015-2017 Group of Expert Evaluators (GEV) member for area 09: Industrial and information

engineering; evaluation of research quality (VQR) in Italy for years 2011-2014 2007-2017 Evaluator, European FP7 and Horizon 2020 ICT R&D projects on photonic technologies 2014-2015 Selection Committee member of independent researcher starting grant programme (SIR) of

the Italian Ministry of the University and Research for ERC area PE2 2014-2017 Associate Editor of “Annals of Telecommunications”, Springer 2014-2017 Editorial Board member, “International Journal of Optics”, Hindawi 2014-2017 Editorial Board member, “Fibers”, MDPI 2014-2016 Evaluator, ERC starting and consolidator grants 2012-2017 Evaluator, ANR, France; Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique, Belgium 2011-2015 Evaluator, Austrian Science Fund, Austria; Foundation for Polish Science, Poland 2013-2015 Evaluator, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; A. von Humboldt-Stiftung Foundation,

Germany MEMBERSHIPS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES Since 1991 Fellow Member, Optical Society of America Since 2002 Senior Member, IEEE Photonics Society MAJOR COLLABORATIONS

A. Barthélémy, V. Couderc and A. Tonello, Theory and experiments on the nonlinear optics in multimode fibers, XLIM, University of Limoges, France G. Millot, B. Kibler, C. Finot, P. Grelu, Experiments on nonlinear optics in multimode fibers, Laboratoire ICB, University of Bourgogne, France D.V. Churkin, Fiber lasers and advanced measurement techniques, Physics Department, Novosibirsk State University, Russia L. Wright, and F. Wise, Nonlinear optics in multimode fibers, Physics Dept., Cornell University, USA F. Poli, F., A. Cucinotta, A., and S. Selleri, Active multimode fiber modeling, Information Engineering Dept., University of Parma, Italy Y. Jaouen, Modeling and experiments on the nonlinear Fourier transform technique for high-capacity fiber optic coherent transmission systems, Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France E. Pincemin, Modeling and experiments on the nonlinear Fourier transform technique for high-capacity fiber optic coherent transmission systems, Orange Labs, Lannion, France

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Ten years track-record

- Authored or co-authored more than 300 papers on international refereed journals, and more than 350 papers at international conferences, schools and workshops, including more than 80 invited presentations, and 21 book chapters. - Citations: Google Scholar: h-Index=53, citations: 10709; Scopus h-Index=41, citations: 6912; Web of Science h-index=44, citations: 7398; articles with citation data: 377; average citations per article: 20.

Citation metrics (Source: WOS, 19/4/2017) c1. Ten representative publications as main author and their number of citations (WOS) 1. K. Krupa, A. Tonello, A. Barthélémy, V. Couderc, B. M. Shalaby, A. Bendahmane, G. Millot, and S.

Wabnitz, “Observation of geometric parametric instability induced by the periodic spatial self-imaging of multimode waves,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 183901 (2016) (11 cites)

2. B. Frisquet, B. Kibler, Ph. Morin, F. Baronio, M. Conforti, G. Millot, and S. Wabnitz, “Optical dark rogue wave,” Scientific Reports 6, 20785 (2016) (10 cites)

3. A. Picozzi, G. Millot, and S. Wabnitz, “Nonlinear virtues of multimode fibre”, Nature Photonics 9, 289 (2015). (6 cites)

4. F. Baronio, M. Conforti, A. Degasperis, S. Lombardo, M. Onorato, and S. Wabnitz, “Vector rogue waves and baseband modulation instability in the defocusing regime,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 034101 (2014) (59 cites)

5. S. Wabnitz, “Optical turbulence in fiber lasers,” Optics Letters 15, 1055 (2014) (22 citations) 6. T. Hansson, D. Modotto, and S. Wabnitz, “Dynamics of the modulational instability in microresonator

frequency combs,” Physical Review A 88, 023819 (2013) (52 cites) 7. F. Baronio, A. Degasperis, M. Conforti, and S. Wabnitz, “Solutions of the vector nonlinear Schrödinger

equations: evidence for deterministic rogue waves,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 044102 (2012) (147 cites) 8. J. Fatome, S. Pitois, P. Morin, E. Assémat, D. Sugny, A. Picozzi, H-R. Jauslin, G. Millot, V.V. Kozlov,

and S. Wabnitz, “A universal optical all-fiber omnipolarizer,” Scientific Reports 2, 938 (2012) (26 cites)

9. V.V. Kozlov, J. Nuno, and S. Wabnitz, “Theory of lossless polarization attraction in telecommunication fibers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 28, 100 (2011) (41 cites)

10. C. Finot, B. Kibler, L. Provost, and S. Wabnitz, “Beneficial impact of wave-breaking for coherent continuum formation in normally dispersive nonlinear fibers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 25, 1938 (2008) (81 cites)

c2. Research monographs

S. Wabnitz and B. Eggleton, Eds, All-optical signal processing: data communication and storage applications, Springer Series: Progress in Optical Science & Photonics, ISBN-978-3-319-14991 (2014)

c3. Selection of invited presentations to peer-reviewed, internationally established conferences and international advanced schools1. Microresonator optical frequency combs, at Photonics integration: advanced materials, new technologies

and applications, International Summer School of Photonics, September 2016, Erice, Italy 2. Spatiotemporal nonlinear beam shaping, OSA Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference (LAOP),

August 2016, Medellin, Colombia 3. Theory of quadratic optical frequency combs, 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical

Networks (ICTON), July 2016, Trento, Italy 4. Spacetime dynamics of nonlinear multimode fibers, 17th International Conference “Laser Optics 2016”,

June 2016, Saint Petersburg, Russia 5. Stability of microresonator soliton frequency combs, Photonica 2015, August 2015, Belgrade, Serbia 6. Multicomponent rogue waves, PIERS 2015 in Prague, July 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 7. Spatiotemporal chaos and order in fiber lasers, International Conference on Optics, Photonics and

Photosciences, October 2014, Havana, Cuba 8. Optical turbulence and synchronisation in fiber lasers, European Optical Society Annual Meeting

(EOSAM) 2014, September 2014, Berlin, Germany

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9. Order and chaos in fiber lasers, SIAM Conference on nonlinear waves and coherent structures, August 2014, Cambridge, UK

10. Nonlinear dynamics of comb generation in optical microresonators, Photonics West, Symposium on Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XVI, February 2014, San Francisco, USA

11. Nonlinear dynamics of frequency combs and soliton generation in optical microcavities, Conference on Microresonator frequency combs and their applications, August 2014, Monte Verità, Switzerland.

12. Optical tsunami, The 3th international conference: Nonlinear Waves, Theory and Applications, June 2013, Bejing, China; Nonlinear dynamics of multiwave mixing in optical microcavities, ibidem

13. Nonlinear optics of partially polarized light, at Nonlinear Optics and Complexity, XIV course of the School on Complexity, Italy, November 2011, Erice, Italy

14. Dissipative and conservative attractors for short pulses in optical fiber systems, at Complex Phenomena in Nonlinear Physics, XII course of the School on Complexity, October 2009, Erice, Italy

c4. Organization of international conferences 1. General Chair, CLEO Focus Meeting at ECOC 2016, Dusseldorf, Germany 2. Program Chair, Nonlinear Photonics 2016, Sydney, Australia 3. TPC Member, Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, 2016, Vancouver,

Canada; 2015, Boston, USA 4. General Chair, Lake Como Advanced School on Spatiotemporal Complexity in Nonlinear Optics,

2015, Centro A. Volta, Como, Italy 5. Host, Optical Society of America Incubator on quantitative modelling of frequency comb sources,

2014, Washington, DC, USA 6. Organiser of mini-symposium on “Modeling of Optical Combs and Low-Noise Opto-Electronic

Sources”, SIAM Conference on nonlinear waves and coherent structures, 2014, Cambridge, UK 7. Subcommittee Chair, Nonlinear Photonics 2014, Barcelona, Spain 8. General Chair, International workshop on spatio-temporal complexity in optical fibers, 2013, Centro

A. Volta, Como, Italy 9. Subcommittee Chair, CLEO Europe-EQEC, 2011, 2013, Munich, Germany 10. Organiser of mini-symposium on “Optical wave attraction and turbulence”, SIAM Conference on

nonlinear waves and coherent structures, 2012, Seattle, USA 11. General Chair, Winter Topical Meeting on Specialty Fibers and Their Applications, 2011, IEEE

Photonics Society, Keystone, USA 12. TPC Member, International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics, 2010, Kazan, Russia 13. Organizing Committee, Complex Phenomena in Nonlinear Physics, International School on

Complexity XII Course, E. Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, 2009 14. Organiser of mini-symposium on “Optical solitons”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research

Symposium (PIERS) 2009, Moscow, Russia 15. General Chair, Winter Topical Meeting on Chip Scale Nonlinear Photonic Devices, 2008, IEEE

Lasers and Electro-optics Society, Sorrento, Italy 16. TPC Member, Nonlinear Photonics: 2012, Colorado Springs, USA; 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany;

2007, Quebec, Canada; New Concepts in Nonlinear Optics and Nonlinear Dynamics, CLEO/Europe-EQEC Focus Meeting, 2010 Torino, Italy; 2010 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, Shanghai, Cina; IEEE Lasers and Electrooptics Society Meeting, Montreal & Orlando, 2006 & 2007; CLEO Europe-EQEC, Munich, Germany, 2007, 2009; CLEO-QELS, Long Beach & Baltimore, USA, 2006 & 2007

c5. Awards 2009, Fellow of the Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, USA, “For extensive and significant contributions to the field of nonlinear photonic devices and soliton communications” c5. Major contributions to the early careers of excellent researchers I have been training in Brescia three outstanding postdocs on complex nonlinear optical wave propagation phenomena. All of them have substantially progressed their career: Matteo Conforti is now 1st class CNRS researcher in Lille, France; Tobias Hansson who is now researcher associate in INRS in Montreal, Canada; Victor Kozlov, who subsequently obtained associate professorship at Saint Petersburg University.