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Dottorando: Ciro Fusco Ciclo: XXXII

Curriculum: Infrastrutture Tutore: Prof.ssa Paola Di Mascio

Cotutore: Prof.ssa Mara Lombardi

Argomento della ricerca: L’incremento della sicurezza nelle gallerie stradali attraverso

l’ottimizzazione dei sistemi elettrici ed elettronici


Ricerca di Dottorato

1 – Acquisizione di conoscenze propedeutiche integrative (contenuti appresi mediante frequenza

di corsi, studio individuale, approfondimento del proprio bagaglio culturale, etc.).

Le conoscenze di base sull’argomento della ricerca si fondono anche su una pluriennale esperienza

professionale nel campo della progettazione e realizzazione di impianti elettrici ed elettronici, sia in

ambito civile che industriale. Tali conoscenze si estendono alle applicazioni impiantistiche in

ambienti particolari, come appunto quelli a maggior rischio in caso di incendio (ambienti MARCI).

Il bagaglio culturale è rappresentato anche da studi individuali pregressi sulla sensoristica e su

alcune apparecchiature elettroniche nell’ambito dei dispositivi di videosorveglianza evoluta e dei

sistemi di controllo remoto a radio frequenza.

Durante il primo anno di ricerca le conoscenze pregresse sono state aggiornate alla luce delle

recenti disposizioni legislative e normative, inerenti allo specifico ambiente di galleria (vedasi

bibliografia). Lo stato dell’arte è stato poi integrato con ricerche pratiche, realizzate attraverso la

collaborazione di alcune aziende operanti nel settore elettrico elettronico ed informatico.

2 – Ricerca bibliografica svolta (raccolta ed analisi di letteratura scientifica, con individuazione

delle pubblicazioni maggiormente significative ai fini della ricerca proposta, per le quali si

presenta in allegato una sintesi commentata).

La ricerca bibliografica è stata realizzata a largo spettro, al fine di ottenere una visione d’insieme

sugli aspetti rilevanti per la sicurezza in galleria, sia in condizioni ordinarie che di emergenza. A tal

proposito si prevede la realizzazione di una Review sull’argomento che risulterà essere di maggior


I principali argomenti che hanno guidato le prime fasi della ricerca sono stati:

• Illuminazione di sicurezza, permanente e di rinforzo

• Rilevamento dei livelli dell’illuminamento

• Efficacia dei sistemi di segnalazione e informazione in condizioni ordinarie e di emergenza

• Comportamento umano

• Localizzazione e navigazione indoor

• Valutazione del rischio

La bibliografia estesa è desumibile dall’allegato A1, di seguito si riporta un elenco sintetico:


1. Directive 2004/54/EC - Minimum safety requirements for tunnels in the Trans-European

Road Network (This Directive was implemented in Italy with D. Lgs. 264/2006)

2. Directive 2008/96/EC - Road infrastructure safety management (This Directive was

implemented in Italy with D. Lgs. 35/2011)

3. Regulation UE 305/2011 - Construction Products Regulation, or CPR (This Regualtion was

implemented in Italy with D. Lgs. 106/2017)

4. Directive 2014/35/EU - Harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the

making available on the market of electrical equipment designed for use within certain

voltage limits

5. D.P.R. 151/2011 - Regolamento recante semplificazione della disciplina dei procedimenti

relativi alla prevenzione incendi….

6. Decreto 14 settembre 2011 - Norme di illuminazione delle gallerie stradali

Norme tecnice e linee guida:

7. Guida ANAS 2009 – Linee Guida per la progettazione della sicurezza nelle Gallerie Stradali

secondo la normativa vigente

8. EN IEC 61508:2010 - Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic

safety-related systems

9. CEI 64-20:2015 Impianti elettrici nelle gallerie stradali

10. CEI 64-8:2012 - Impianti elettrici utilizzatori a tensione nominale non superiore a 1000 V in

corrente alternata e a 1500 V in corrente continua

11. CEI 99-4:2014 - Guida per l'esecuzione di cabine elettriche MT/BT del cliente/utente finale

12. CEI 20-45:2003 - Cavi isolati con mescola elastomerica, resistenti al fuoco, non propaganti

l'incendio, senza alogeni (LSOH) con tensione nominale U0/U di 0,6/1 kV

13. EN 50200:2015 - Method of test for resistance to fire of unprotected small cables for use in

emergency circuits

14. EN 50362:2003 - Method of test for resistance to fire of larger unprotected power and

control cables for use in emergency circuits

15. IEC 60331:2009 - Tests for electric cables under fire conditions - Circuit integrity

16. UNI 11095:2011 - Luce e illuminazione - Illuminazione delle gallerie stradali

17. UNI EN 16276:2013 - Illuminazione di evacuazione nelle gallerie stradali

18. UNI 11248:2016 - Illuminazione stradale - Selezione delle categorie illuminotecniche

19. UNI EN 13501:2016 - Classificazione al fuoco dei prodotti e degli elementi da costruzione

Ricerche scientifiche (citazioni formato ABNT):

Illuminazione di sicurezza, permanente e di rinforzo

20. RONCHI, E; et al. A Virtual Reality Experiment on Flashing Lights at Emergency Exit

Portals for Road Tunnel Evacuation. Fire Technology. 3, 623, 2016. ISSN: 0015-2684

21. PARISE, G; MARTIRANO, L; PARISE, L. The Energetic Impact of the Lighting System in

the Road Tunnels. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Country of Publication:

USA., 52, 2, 1175-1183, Mar. 1, 2016.

22. MORETTI, L; CANTISANI, G; DI MASCIO, P. Management of road tunnels: Construction,

maintenance and lighting costs. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology

incorporating Trenchless Technology Research. 51, 84-89, Jan. 1, 2016. ISSN: 0886-7798.

23. Ferdinando, S; et al. Management Optimization of the Luminous Flux Regulation of a

Lighting System in Road Tunnels. A First Approach to the Exertion of Predictive Control

Systems. Sustainability, Vol 8, Iss 11, p 1092 (2016). 11, 1092, 2016. ISSN: 2071-1050.

24. MORETTI, L; CANTISANI, G; DI MASCIO; CARO S. Technical and economic

evaluation of lighting and pavement in Italian road tunnels – 2017

25. PARISE, G; et al. The Electrical Systems of Roadway Tunnels: Safety Design and

Ecomanagement. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Country of Publication:

USA., 51, 2, 1920-1927, Mar. 1, 2015.

26. Ferdinando, S; et al. Energy Optimization of Road Tunnel Lighting Systems. Sustainability,

Vol 7, Iss 7, Pp 9664-9680 (2015). 7, 9664, 2015. ISSN: 2071-1050.

27. SHARPE, H; et al. Laser Guided Evacuation System. United States, North America, 2011.

Rilevazione illuminamento per immagini

28. CARNI, D; et al. A smart control to operate the lighting system in the road tunnels. : 2013

IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced

Computing Systems (IDAACS). Place of Publication: Piscataway, NJ, USA; Berlin,

Germany. Country of Publication: USA., 2, Jan. 1, 2013. ISSN: 9781479914265

29. CATTINI, S; ROVATI, L. Low-Cost Imaging Photometer and Calibration Method for Road

Tunnel Lighting. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. Country of

Publication: USA., 61, 5, 1181-1192, May 1, 2012.

30. GREFFIER, F; et al. An automatic system for measuring road and tunnel lighting

performance. France, Europe, 2015.

Valutazione e gestione del rischio 31. CHATZIMICHAILIDOU, MM; DOKAS, IM. RiskSOAP: Introducing and applying a

methodology of risk self-awareness in road tunnel safety. Accident Analysis and Prevention.

90, 118-127, May 1, 2016. ISSN: 0001-4575.

32. KAZARAS, K; KIRYTOPOULOS, K. Challenges for current quantitative risk assessment

(QRA) models to describe explicitly the road tunnel safety level. Journal of Risk Research.

17, 8, 953-968, Sept. 2014. ISSN: 13669877.

33. KIRYTOPOULOS, K; et al. Embedding the human factor in road tunnel risk analysis.

Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 92, Loss Prevention 2013, 329-337, July 1,

2014. ISSN: 0957-5820.

Comportamento umano

34. DOMENICHINI, L; et al. Influence of the lighting system on the driver's behavior in road

tunnels: A driving simulator study. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security. 1-23, July

18, 2016. ISSN: 19439970.

35. MANSER, M; HANCOCK, P. The influence of perceptual speed regulation on speed

perception, choice, and control: Tunnel wall characteristics and influences. Accident

Analysis and Prevention. 39, 69-78, Jan. 1, 2007. ISSN: 0001-4575.

Navigazione Indoor 36. (brevetto) Mendelson, Ehud. US Patent: 8,836,580. Filed: May 08, 2006. Issued: September

16, 2014. , Database: USPTO Patent Grants

37. (brevetto) Patent Application: 13/764572. Filed: February 11, 2013. Published: August 14,

2014. Database: USPTO Patent Applications

38. (brevetto) Patent Application: 12/932811. Filed: March 07, 2011. Published: January 15,

2015. Database: USPTO Patent Applications

39. CASTILLO-CARA, M; et al. Ray: Smart Indoor/Outdoor Routes for the Blind Using

Bluetooth 4.0 BLE. Procedia Computer Science. Country of Publication: Netherlands., 83,

690-694, Jan. 1, 2016.

40. SHEINKER, A; et al. A method for indoor navigation based on magnetic beacons using

smartphones and tablets. Measurement. 81, 197-209, Mar. 1, 2016. ISSN: 0263-2241.

41. DELFA, G; et al. Performance analysis of visualmarkers for indoor navigation systems.

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering. Country of Publication:

Germany., 17, 8, 730-740, Aug. 1, 2016.

42. Yingying, G; et al. Accurate indoor localization based on crowd sensing. Wireless

Communications and Mobile Computing. Country of Publication: USA., 16, 17, 2852-2868,

Dec. 10, 2016.

43. MA, H; et al. iLost - Bluetooth Indoor Navigation System. 2016

44. HSU, H; et al. Indoor localization and navigation using smartphone sensory data. Annals of

Operations Research. 1-18, Jan. 18, 2017. ISSN: 15729338.

45. KAPOOR, R; et al. Indoor navigation using distributed ultrasonic beacons. 17th Australian

International Aerospace Congress: AIAC 2017. Melbourne, Vic., 551, 2017. ISSN: 978-1-


46. Project SAFE ME (System and actions for vehicles and transportation hubs to support

disaster mitigation and evacuation), UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE,

United Kingdom, Project reference: 234027

3 – Resoconto dello stato delle conoscenze relative alla tematica di ricerca (breve sintesi del

quadro scientifico di riferimento, in relazione alla tematica proposta: conoscenze consolidate e

spunti per approfondimenti).

Come accennato al punto 2, durante una buona parte del primo anno, la ricerca si è occupata di

studiare lo stato dell’arte di diversi sistemi impiantistici presenti in galleria, in un ottica d’insieme

mirata ad individuare eventuali carenze e soluzioni.

Nell’allegato A2 si riporta un diagramma a blocchi che illustra i punti di interesse, le criticità

rilevate e i possibili sviluppi. Ad esempio, a livello di alcuni sistemi esistenti sono emerse delle

criticità relative all’integrità funzionale di determinati circuiti di sicurezza, in relazione ad eventi

come l’incendio e l’urto veicolare.

Si ritiene che anche la gestione dell’emergenza, in caso di eventi incidentali, possa essere

migliorata; a tal proposito l’interesse è stato rivolto ai sistemi di localizzazione e navigazione indoor,

i quali potrebbero essere in grado di portare un significativo contributo alla riduzione del rischio in

condizioni degradate e di emergenza, ad esempio come supporto durante le delicate fasi dell’esodo

e del soccorso.

Nonostante la presenza di una discreta documentazione tecnica e scientifica, si ritiene che il quadro

di riferimento possa essere ulteriormente sviluppato, in particolare se si adotta un approccio olistico

in grado di ottimizzare l’affidabilità complessiva dei sistemi, chiamati ad operare in un ambiente

così particolare e critico come quello di galleria.

4 – Ricognizione delle attività in corso presso centri di ricerca nazionali ed internazionali (inquadramento delle tendenze evolutive nello specifico ambito di ricerca, per quanto noto).

Non sono state eseguite attività presso centri di ricerca accreditati, ma sono stati instaurati contatti e

realizzati incontri tecnico-scientifici presso aziende operanti nel settore elettrico, elettronico ed

informatico, al fine di meglio comprendere lo stato dell’arte e le tendenze evolutive nell’ambito di

interesse della ricerca. Di seguito si riportano, in ordine alfabetico, le principali aziende contattate:

Alfacod S.r.l. - Via Cicogna 83 - S. Lazzaro di Savena (Bologna)

Blueup S.r.l.s - Loc. Belvedere, Ingresso 2 - 53034 Colle Val d'Elsa (Siena)

C.T. Elettronica S.r.l. – Via Caduti di Nassiriya 5B - 50021 Barberino Val d’Elsa (Firenze)

GiPStech S.r.l. - Uni Calabria, P.zza Vermicelli - 87036 Rende (Cosenza)

Woertz - Hofackerstrasse 47, Postfach 948 - 4132 Muttenz (CH)

Al riguardo degli studi sulla localizzazione e navigazione indoor si è potuto constatare che questi

sono molto recenti e ancora in via di sviluppo, inoltre le applicazioni esistenti sono prevalentemente

indirizzate agli ambienti ordinari, con finalità raramente dedicate alla sicurezza. Il tema è comunque

molto sentito e, a tal proposito, si segnala una ricerca internazionale (riportata in bibliografia)

denominata progetto SAFE ME. Si tratta di un articolato progetto dedicato alla gestione delle

emergenze che ingloba anche aspetti di localizzazione indoor. Il progetto è molto ambizioso e ha

portato alla luce anche due sperimentazioni pilota, una delle quali nel tunnel Colle Capretto vicino

Perugia. Il sistema SAFE ME verrà ulteriormente approfondito nelle prossime fasi della presente

ricerca, ma dalle prime impressioni emerge un’architettura ammirevole, ma notevolmente

complessa che la espone a criticità affidabilistiche, così come sembrerebbe emergere dai primi test.

5 – Definizione della Ricerca di Dottorato (formulazione del Tema per la Tesi finale, con

precisazione di: finalità, metodologia, fasi e tempi delle attività previste).

La ricerca è finalizzata ad aumentare la sicurezza in galleria attraverso il miglioramento

dell’impiantistica esistente e lo studio di applicazioni innovative. Si ritiene che al momento il tema

può essere identificato con la seguente dicitura: “L’incremento della sicurezza nelle gallerie stradali

attraverso l’ottimizzazione dei sistemi elettrici ed elettronici”.

Allo stato attuale si ritiene utile continuare a studiare e sviluppare gli argomenti illustrati

nell’allegato A2, con particolare riguardo ai sistemi di localizzazione e navigazione indoor e

all’affidabilità dei circuiti e sistemi di sicurezza. Al riguardo della localizzazione indoor, si ritiene

particolarmente interessante approfondire la tecnologia Bluetooth Low Energy, eventualmente

ibridizzandola con altre tecnologie di supporto.

Di seguito si riporta il consuntivo e le attività previste per i prossimi due anni:

I anno

(consuntivo) II anno III anno


1 Ricerca bibliografica

2 Aggiornamento delle conoscenze sui sistemi elettrici ed

elettronici presenti in galleria

3 Studi sull’illuminazione di esodo presente in alcune gallerie

della rete autostradale ligure

4 Individuazione delle carenze e prime ipotesi di miglioramento 5 Individuazione preliminare di applicazioni innovative

6 Studi preliminari sulle tecnologie di localizzazione e

navigazione indoor


Contatti e incontri tecnici con alcune aziende del settore per

approfondire le tematiche di interesse e individuare possibili

sviluppi di ricerca

8 Attività di formazione presso enti esterni 9 Attività di formazione presso Sapienza


Approfondimento delle conoscenze sulle tecnologie di

navigazione indoor e applicabilità in galleria: Wi-Fi,

Bluetooth Low Energy, Inerziale, Geomagnetica, Ibrida.

Eventuali simulazioni e test pratici.


Approfondimento delle conoscenze sulle tecnologie per la

realizzazione dei circuiti/sistemi di sicurezza e applicabilità in


12 Realizzazione di Review sulle tematiche di primario interesse

13 Sviluppo e/o miglioramento di uno o più sistemi in base ai

risultati ottenuti ai punti 10 e 11

14 Realizzazione di un modello per la valutazione del rischio

connesso con l’impiantistica di galleria

15 Analisi e calibrazione dei risultati 16 Stesura tesi finale e divulgazione dei risultati

ALLEGATI: Relazione di dettaglio (eventuale) sullo stato delle conoscenze e proposta di ricerca,

bibliografia commentata, eventuali pubblicazioni.

Al termine della presente scheda si riportano i seguenti allegati:

A1: Bibliografia estesa, con breve descrizione dei documenti acquisiti e analizzati

A2: Diagramma a blocchi, illustrante i punti di interesse, le criticità rilevate e i possibili



Attività di collaborazione e supporto; formazione ed acquisizione di capacità evolute

1 – Partecipazione alle attività di didattica presso la struttura di afferenza (attività seminariale,

supporto alla didattica frontale, preparazione di materiale didattico, collaborazione per

ricevimento studenti, collaborazione allo svolgimento di tesi di laurea e stages).

Preparazione di materiale didattico (slide) sul Rischio Elettrico.

Sono state svolte le seguenti attività di formazione come docente:

n° 4 ore di docenza sulla Valutazione del Rischio e sul Rischio Elettrico nel corso RSPP,

modulo C, presso Sapienza Università di Roma.

Sono in preparazione altre attività formative e di supporto alla didattica.

2 – Attività di formazione (soggiorni presso strutture di didattica e ricerca in Italia e all’estero,

corsi curriculari o speciali frequentati, partecipazione a seminari, convegni, workshop, etc.).

Sono state svolte le seguenti attività di formazione come docente:

n° 2 ore di docenza sull’Analisi del Rischio Quantitativa Probabilizzata (ARQP) presso

l’Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Genova

n° 106 ore di docenza in materia di Salute e Sicurezza sul Lavoro per i seguenti enti di


- F.V. S.r.l. - Fondazione Vibracci - Via Casaregis 30/6 - 16129 Genova

- SIGE S.r.l. - Servizi Industriali Genova - Via Castel Morrone 15H - 16161 Genova

3 – Collaborazione a studi, ricerche, programmi strutturati (contributi in PRIN, ricerche di

Facoltà e di Ateneo, convenzioni, etc., con inquadramento del programma e specificazione

dell’attività prestata).

Non si sono svolte attività con le specifiche indicate al punto 3.


Bibliografia estesa, con breve descrizione dei documenti acquisiti e analizzati:


1. Directive 2004/54/EC - Minimum safety requirements for tunnels in the Trans-European

Road Network (This Directive was implemented in Italy with D. Lgs. 264/2006)

This Directive aims at ensuring a minimum level of safety for road users in tunnels in the Trans-

European Road Network by the prevention of critical events that may endanger human life, the

environment and tunnel installations, as well as by the provision of protection in case of accidents.

It shall apply to all tunnels in the Trans-European Road Network with lengths of over 500 m, whether

they are in operation, under construction or at the design stage.

2. Directive 2008/96/EC - Road infrastructure safety management (This Directive was

implemented in Italy with D. Lgs. 35/2011)

This Directive requires the establishment and implementation of procedures relating to road safety

impact assessments, road safety audits, the management of road network safety and safety inspections by

the Member States.

This Directive shall apply to roads which are part of the trans-European road network, whether they are

at the design stage, under construction or in operation.

Member States may also apply the provisions of this Directive, as a set of good practices, to national

road transport infrastructure, not included in the trans-European road network, that was constructed

using Community funding in whole or in part.

This Directive shall not apply to road tunnels covered by Directive 2004/54/EC.

3. Regulation UE 305/2011 - Construction Products Regulation, or CPR (This Regualtion was

implemented in Italy with D. Lgs. 106/2017)

The EU regulation is designed to simplify and clarify the existing framework for the placing on the

market of construction products.

Provisions of the new EU Regulation seek to:

- Clarify the affixing of CE marking to construction products.

- Introduce the need to issue a declaration of performance as a basis for CE marking.

- Define clear rules for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) systems

applicable to construction products (former Attestation of Conformity AoC).

- Define the role and responsibilities of manufacturers, distributors, importers, notified bodies, technical

assessment bodies, market surveillance and Member States' authorities as regards the application of this

- EU regulation.

- Introduce simplified procedures enabling cost reductions for businesses, especially SMEs.

- Provide a clear framework for the harmonised technical specifications (harmonised standards and

European Assessment Documents).

4. Directive 2014/35/EU - Harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the

making available on the market of electrical equipment designed for use within certain

voltage limits

The purpose of this Directive is to ensure that electrical equipment on the market fulfils the requirements

providing for a high level of protection of health and safety of persons, and of domestic animals and

property, while guaranteeing the functioning of the internal market.

This Directive shall apply to electrical equipment designed for use with a voltage rating of between 50

and 1000 V for alternating current and between 75 and 1500 V for direct current, other than the

equipment and phenomena listed in Annex II.

5. D.P.R. 151/2011 – Regolamento recante semplificazione della disciplina dei procedimenti

relativi alla prevenzione incendi….

6. Decreto 14 settembre 2011 – Norme di illuminazione delle galllerie stradali

Norme tecnice e linee guida:

7. Guida ANAS 2009 – Linee Guida per la progettazione della sicurezza nelle Gallerie Stradali

secondo la normativa vigente

8. EN IEC 61508:2010 - Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic

safety-related systems

IEC 61508-1:2010 covers those aspects to be considered when electrical/electronic/programmable

electronic (E/E/PE) systems are used to carry out safety functions. A major objective of this standard is

to facilitate the development of product and application sector international standards by the technical

committees responsible for the product or application sector. This will allow all the relevant factors,

associated with the product or application, to be fully taken into account and thereby meet the specific

needs of users of the product and the application sector. A second objective of this standard is to enable

the development of E/E/PE safety-related systems where product or application sector international

standards do not exist.

9. CEI 64-20:2015 Impianti elettrici nelle gallerie stradali

La presente Norma ha lo scopo di fornire i criteri da seguire per la progettazione, la realizzazione e la

verifica degli impianti elettrici nelle gallerie stradali.

La presente Norma si applica agli impianti elettrici delle gallerie stradali soggette o non soggette al

controllo di prevenzione incendi.

Questa Norma non si applica alle gallerie stradali in fase di scavo, alle gallerie ad uso esclusivamente

militare e alle gallerie minerarie.

10. CEI 64-8:2012 - Impianti elettrici utilizzatori a tensione nominale non superiore a 1000 V in

corrente alternata e a 1500 V in corrente continua

11. CEI 99-4:2014 - Guida per l'esecuzione di cabine elettriche MT/BT del cliente/utente finale

12. CEI 20-45:2003 - Cavi isolati con mescola elastomerica, resistenti al fuoco, non propaganti

l'incendio, senza alogeni (LSOH) con tensione nominale U0/U di 0,6/1 kV

Caratteristica peculiare dei cavi previsti dalla presente Norma è la resistenza al fuoco, cioè l’attitudine

a prestare il servizio richiesto per un determinato periodo di tempo anche quando le fiamme sviluppate

dall’incendio in cui sono coinvolti, abbiano modificato, carbonizzato o distrutto i materiali organici che,

in condizioni di normalità, ne costituiscono l’isolamento, i riempitivi e la guaina.

13. EN 50200:2015 - Method of test for resistance to fire of unprotected small cables for use in

emergency circuits

14. EN 50362:2003 - Method of test for resistance to fire of larger unprotected power and

control cables for use in emergency circuits

15. IEC 60331:2009 - Tests for electric cables under fire conditions - Circuit integrity

Specifies the test apparatus and procedure and gives the performance requirements, including

recommended flame application times, for low voltage power cables of rated voltage up to and including

0,6/1,0 kV and control cables with a rated voltage which are required to maintain circuit integrity when

subject to fire and mechanical shock under specified conditions. It is intended for use when testing

cables of greater than 20 mm overall diameter.

16. UNI 11095:2011 - Luce e illuminazione - Illuminazione delle gallerie stradali

La norma specifica i requisiti illuminotecnici dell'impianto di illuminazione di una galleria stradale, al

fine di assicurare al conducente di un veicolo, sia di giorno sia di notte, l'entrata, l'attraversamento e

l'uscita dal tratto coperto a velocità almeno pari al limite di velocità locale, con un grado di sicurezza

non inferiore a quello presente nei tratti di strada di cui fa parte la galleria, in condizioni adeguate di

comfort visivo.

17. UNI EN 16276:2013 - Illuminazione di evacuazione nelle gallerie stradali

La norma si riferisce all’illuminazione di evacuazione nelle gallerie stradali ed autostradali di

lunghezza maggiore di 500 m e con un traffico medio giornaliero su base annua maggiore di 500 veicoli,

al fine di facilitare l'allontanamento degli utenti della galleria in situazioni di pericolosità che possono

manifestarsi, per esempio, in caso di incendio.

18. UNI 11248:2016 - Illuminazione stradale - Selezione delle categorie illuminotecniche

La norma individua le prestazioni illuminotecniche degli impianti di illuminazione atte a contribuire, per

quanto di pertinenza, alla sicurezza degli utenti della strada

19. UNI EN 13501:2016 - Classificazione al fuoco dei prodotti e degli elementi da costruzione

Ricerche scientifiche di interesse:

(citazioni formato ABNT)

Illuminazione di sicurezza, permanente e di rinforzo

20. RONCHI, E; et al. A Virtual Reality Experiment on Flashing Lights at Emergency Exit

Portals for Road Tunnel Evacuation. Fire Technology. 3, 623, 2016. ISSN: 0015-2684

A virtual reality (VR) experiment with 96 participants was carried out to provide recommendations on

the design of flashing lights at emergency exit portals for road tunnel emergency evacuation. The

experiment was carried out in a Cave Automatic Virtual Environment laboratory. A set of variables was

investigated, namely (1) colour of flashing lights, (2) flashing rate, (3) type of light source, (4) number

and layout of the lights on the portal. Participants were immersed in a VR road tunnel emergency

evacuation scenario and they were then asked to rank different portal designs using a questionnaire

based on the Theory of Affordances. Results show that green or white flashing lights perform better than

blue lights. A flashing rate of 1 and 4 Hz performed better than a flashing rate of 0.25 Hz. A light

emitting diode light source performed better than single and double strobe lights. The three layouts of

the lights under consideration performed similarly.

21. PARISE, G; MARTIRANO, L; PARISE, L. The Energetic Impact of the Lighting System in

the Road Tunnels. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Country of Publication:

USA., 52, 2, 1175-1183, Mar. 1, 2016.

The quantity of artificial light necessary in a road tunnel depends on the external luminance, the climatic

conditions, the road surface wet or dry, the traffic speed, and the related safe driver stopping distance.

The design of the lighting system takes into account these parameters, assuming critical conditions. This

may result in very high electrical power demand. The authors, based on the experience acquired as a

result of some designs made for Italian motorway tunnels, suggest a practical method to estimate the

load demand and the annual energy cost for the proposed lighting system. It highlights the impact of the

presence of a control system able to improve the safety and comfort for the drivers, avoiding the excesses

of luminance and mitigating the energetic cost. The control has to operate and tune automatically the

luminous flux emitted by the lighting system according to actual conditions given by the input signals of

the external luminance, the climatic condition, and the traffic intensity.

22. MORETTI, L; CANTISANI, G; DI MASCIO, P. Management of road tunnels: Construction,

maintenance and lighting costs. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology

incorporating Trenchless Technology Research. 51, 84-89, Jan. 1, 2016. ISSN: 0886-7798.

LCCA to compare construction, maintenance, and lighting costs needed to manage a highway tunnel.

LED lighting system to maximize energy saving and road safety.

Construction, maintenance road pavement costs and lighting costs during the service life of tunnel.

Lighting costs related to concrete and asphalt tunnel pavement.

This paper presents a life cycle cost analysis, which compares construction, maintenance, and lighting

costs needed to manage a highway tunnel. As regards the decision making process, it often considers

only construction costs. Instead even maintenance and lighting, especially related to road tunnels, cause

important cash flows. Therefore, both construction and managing costs have to be planned, in order to

assess the cheapest solution. The lighting system of a road tunnel must guarantee the visual guidance for

users moving at design speed and without hazardous actions. In this case study, the authors designed the

pavement according to Italian standards and the lighting system according to Italian and European

technical rules (UNI and UNI EN standards). They used LED technologies to maximize energy saving

and road safety. The examined case study shows the importance of the surface pavement material, since

it may contribute to the inter-reflected light and reduce electric energy consumption.

23. Ferdinando, S; et al. Management Optimization of the Luminous Flux Regulation of a

Lighting System in Road Tunnels. A First Approach to the Exertion of Predictive Control

Systems. Sustainability, Vol 8, Iss 11, p 1092 (2016). 11, 1092, 2016. ISSN: 2071-1050.

Lighting very long road tunnels implies a high consumption of electrical energy since it requires a

proper illumination during the whole day. In particular, in the daytime, the illuminance levels right at

the tunnel entrance threshold and exit zones must be higher than those characterizing the inside of the

tunnel; in this way, the eye of the driver is able to adapt and be safe while passing from a high natural

illumination of the outside to the lighting conditions characterizing the inside of the tunnel. However this

causes a high energy demand. Therefore, this case study investigates whether it is possible to minimize

the energy demand through the exertion of an automatic new control system regulating the luminous

fluxes of artificial sources (guaranteeing the parameters set by the regulation) with respect to the

variation of the natural light characterizing the outside. The innovative control systems must be

characterized by high reliability levels in order to guarantee conditions which are not dangerous to the

driver if an outage occurs and minimize their maintenance costs. To carry out this type of study, the

software DIALux was used to simulate a tunnel with a dimming system (with lamps characterized by a

high luminous efficiency) regulated by a pre-programmed logic control system (with high Mean Time

Between Failure (MTBF) values). The savings obtained enabled the amortization of the solution here

suggested in a time interval that makes it an advantageous choice economically speaking.

24. MORETTI, L; CANTISANI, G; DI MASCIO; CARO S. Technical and economic

evaluation of lighting and pavement in Italian road tunnels – 2017

This work computes and compares the life cycle costs of two different road tunnel pavements and their

corresponding lighting systems. The study evaluated rigid and flexible pavements during life periods of

20 and 30 years for different traffic conditions and for tunnel lengths between 750 m to 2000 m. The

design of the pavements and lightening systems, and their corresponding maintenance strategies,

followed the requirements stated in current Italian standards. This information was used to estimate the

net present values of the construction and maintenance costs for both the pavements and the tunnel

lighting systems, using official unit prices valid in Italy. The results showed that for tunnels equal or

shorter than 1000 m, the option of using a concrete pavement offered a better economic and tecnica

solution from the initial year of service in comparison to the flexible structure. For tunnels equal or

longer than 1200 m, the discounted costs related to concrete pavements were slightly higher than those

obtained for the asphalt pavement. However, due to the low pavement maintenance and lightening

system costs, the concrete pavement reaches a break-even point in these cases after a few years of

service. The results also suggest that the expected traffic level in the tunnel has a neglectable impact in

the economic analyses, independently of the type of pavement or tunnel length. This study demonstrates

that the quantification of the life cycle costs related with the selection of the road type is an efficient

practice to support decision-making processes during the design stage of a tunnel structure.

25. PARISE, G; et al. The Electrical Systems of Roadway Tunnels: Safety Design and

Ecomanagement. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Country of Publication:

USA., 51, 2, 1920-1927, Mar. 1, 2015.

This paper discusses the design criteria for the electrical systems of roadway tunnels with particular

regard to the safety in the daily operation and in the case of fire events. It proposes a fit distribution

system and an adaptive criterion for the support lighting system in order to minimize costs and energy

impact. Electric systems of roadway tunnels need sophisticated architecture to allow the presence of

extensively distributed loads and more stringent installation requirements due to the presence of fire

hazard. Mechanical and electrical design criteria must be based on equipment qualification categories

(EQCs), which are characterized by thermal inherent resistance and environmental parameters. Design

criteria must include variable configurations to simplify installation, allow flexible operation, and

optimize the cost-benefit ratio. A special power distribution, herein defined as “brush distribution,” and

a temperature zone classification are proposed for road tunnels with a higher risk in the case of a fire

event. Therefore, this paper suggests as design parameters the temperature exposure levels

characterizing the thermal demand in each zones and the EQCs in order to choose the equipment with

adequate thermal resistance.

26. Ferdinando, S; et al. Energy Optimization of Road Tunnel Lighting Systems. Sustainability,

Vol 7, Iss 7, Pp 9664-9680 (2015). 7, 9664, 2015. ISSN: 2071-1050.

A road tunnel is an enclosed and covered infrastructure for the vehicular traffic. Its lighting system

provides 24 h of artificial sources only, with a higher amount of electric power used during the day. Due

to safety reasons, when there is natural lighting outside the tunnel, the lighting levels in the stretches

right after the entrance and before the exit must be high, in order to guide the driver’s eye towards the

middle of the tunnel where the luminance must guarantee safe driving, avoid any over-dimensioning of

the lighting systems, and produce energy savings. Such effects can be reached not only through the

technological advances in the field of artificial lighting sources with high luminous efficiency, but also

through new materials for road paving characterized by a higher reflection coefficient than other

ordinary asphalts. This case study examines different technical scenarios, analyzing and comparing

possible energy and economic savings. Traditional solutions are thus compared with scenarios

suggesting the solutions previously mentioned. Special asphalts are interesting from an economic point

of view, whereas the high costs of LED sources nowadays represent an obstacle for their implementation

27. SHARPE, H; et al. Laser Guided Evacuation System. United States, North America, 2011.

The intent of this project is to provide an improved evacuation system for buildings, homes, and other

structures under the events of an emergency. The system will incorporate a traveling laser light shown

upon the wall, thus providing guidance for the quickest and safest route out of the building. This system

will include technology that allows it to communicate with other units in a way such that all paths of

egress will have a laser guiding to the same exit location. Other means of system integration are

included which will allow the unit to work with existing alarm systems.

Rilevazione illuminamento per immagini

28. CARNI, D; et al. A smart control to operate the lighting system in the road tunnels. : 2013

IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced

Computing Systems (IDAACS). Place of Publication: Piscataway, NJ, USA; Berlin,

Germany. Country of Publication: USA., 2, Jan. 1, 2013. ISSN: 9781479914265

The external luminance, the climatic conditions as limpid sky or haze, the road surface wet or dry, the

traffic speed and the related safe driver stopping distance, strongly influence the quantity of artificial

support light necessary at the entrance of the tunnel. The design of the support lighting system in the

road tunnel takes into account the critical conditions for these parameters that determine very high

demand of electric power. With the aims to improve the safety and comfort for the drivers, avoiding the

excesses of luminance and mitigating the cost and the energetic impact, in the paper is proposed a smart

control able to operate and tune automatically the luminous flux emitted by the lighting system

according to the input signals of the external luminance, the climatic condition and the traffic intensity.

29. CATTINI, S; ROVATI, L. Low-Cost Imaging Photometer and Calibration Method for Road

Tunnel Lighting. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. Country of

Publication: USA., 61, 5, 1181-1192, May 1, 2012.

A camera-based measuring instrument for road tunnels lighting is proposed. The system is aimed at

estimating the veiling luminance as it will be perceived by a driver approaching the tunnel, thus

allowing the estimation of the optimum luminance level of tunnel entrances, hence increasing the

driver's safety. The proposed measuring instrument and the relative calibration method are based on a

low-cost commercial grade camera and a reference standard, respectively.

30. GREFFIER, F; et al. An automatic system for measuring road and tunnel lighting

performance. France, Europe, 2015.

Various problems in different domains are related to the operation of the Human Visual System (HVS).

This is notably the case when considering the driver's visual perception, and road safety in general. That

is why several standards of road equipments are directly derived from human visual abilities and

especially in road and tunnel lighting installations design. This paper introduces an automatic system

for measuring road and tunnel lighting performance. The proposed device is based on an embedded

camera recording of photometric and colorimetric images

Valutazione e gestione del rischio

31. CHATZIMICHAILIDOU, MM; DOKAS, IM. RiskSOAP: Introducing and applying a

methodology of risk self-awareness in road tunnel safety. Accident Analysis and Prevention.

90, 118-127, May 1, 2016. ISSN: 0001-4575.

Inherent system capability to be aware of the threats and vulnerabilities; RiskSOAP.•STPA systems-

theoretic hazard analysis applied to road tunnel safety.•Composition of road tunnels as regards their

risk SA and safety.•EU Directives addressed safety concerns; still room for improvements.•RiskSOAP,

selection criterion between system designs.•RiskSOAP, decision-making tool to benefit design options

and improvements.

Complex socio-technical systems, such as road tunnels, can be designed and developed with more or less

elements that can either positively or negatively affect the capability of their agents to recognise

imminent threats or vulnerabilities that possibly lead to accidents. This capability is called risk Situation

Awareness (SA) provision. Having as a motive the introduction of better tools for designing and

developing systems that are self-aware of their vulnerabilities and react to prevent accidents and losses,

this paper introduces the Risk Situation Awareness Provision (RiskSOAP) methodology to the field of

road tunnel safety, as a means to measure this capability in this kind of systems. The main objective is to

test the soundness and the applicability of RiskSOAP to infrastructure, which is advanced in terms of

technology, human integration, and minimum number of safety requirements imposed by international

bodies. RiskSOAP is applied to a specific road tunnel in Greece and the accompanying indicator is

calculated twice, once for the tunnel design as defined by updated European safety standards and once

for the ‘as-is’ tunnel composition, which complies with the necessary safety requirements, but calls for

enhancing safety according to what EU and PIARC further suggest. The derived values indicate the

extent to which each tunnel version is capable of comprehending its threats and vulnerabilities based on

its elements. The former tunnel version seems to be more enhanced both in terms of it risk awareness

capability and safety as well. Another interesting finding is that despite the advanced tunnel safety

specifications, there is still room for enriching the safe design and maintenance of the road tunnel.

32. KAZARAS, K; KIRYTOPOULOS, K. Challenges for current quantitative risk assessment

(QRA) models to describe explicitly the road tunnel safety level. Journal of Risk Research.

17, 8, 953-968, Sept. 2014. ISSN: 13669877.

The number of road tunnels in Europe has increased rapidly over the last years. Nevertheless, this

increasing number is raising upfront an endogenous problem, which is the severity of accidents that may

occur. After the spate of tunnel fires in Europe over the past decade, the European Commission

embarked upon a major review of road tunnel safety and launched the Directive 2004/54/EC that sets

minimum safety requirements and suggests, apart from the measures imposed based on tunnel

characteristics, the implementation of a risk assessment in several cases. As a result, many risk

assessment methods have been proposed worldwide, most of them based on quantitative risk assessment

(QRA) models. Although QRAs are helpful to address physical aspects and facilities of the

infrastructures, current approaches in the road tunnel field have several challenges to meet in order to

provide decision-makers with the overall risk picture. Taking into account that QRAs are progressively

becoming the selected method to manage tunnel safety and risk, this paper’s purpose is twofold. On the

one hand, it aims to inform safety managers and engineers about items which are not adequately

handled by current road tunnel QRA models. On the other hand, it aims to suggest potential areas in

which improvements should be made. Taking into consideration the challenges and the limitations

discussed herein, this paper concludes that QRA models should not be the single criterion for the safety

assessment process of these critical infrastructures.

33. KIRYTOPOULOS, K; et al. Embedding the human factor in road tunnel risk analysis.

Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 92, Loss Prevention 2013, 329-337, July 1,

2014. ISSN: 0957-5820.

Human factor is crucial in road tunnel risk analysis.

Current QRA models struggle to take human factor into account.

Fuzzy system proposed here, increases the robustness of QRAs.

More robust QRAs offer a risk picture closer to reality.

The paper is focusing on road tunnel safety and builds upon the Directive 2004/54/EC launched by the

European Commission; the latter sets basic requirements and suggests the implementation of risk

assessment in several tunnel cases apart from technical measures imposed on the basis of tunnel

structural and operational characteristics. Since the EU Directive does not indicate the method for

performing risk assessment, a wide range of methods have been proposed, most of them based on

quantitative risk assessment (QRA). Although the majority of current road tunnel QRAs assess physical

aspects of the tunnel system and consider several hazards concerning the transportation of dangerous

goods through a tunnel, they do not take into account, sufficiently, several organizational and human-

related factors that can greatly affect the overall safety level of these critical infrastructures. To cope

with this limitation this paper proposes a fuzzy logic system based on CREAM method for human

reliability analysis (Hollnagel, 1998) in order to provide more sophisticated estimations of the tunnel

operator's performance in safety critical situations. It is deduced that a human reliability analysis

component to analyze operator performance, like the fuzzy system proposed here, is important for risk

analysts. Consideration of organizational and human factors will enhance risk analysts’ studies and

highlight the uncertainty related to human performance variability.

Comportamento umano

34. DOMENICHINI, L; et al. Influence of the lighting system on the driver's behavior in road

tunnels: A driving simulator study. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security. 1-23, July

18, 2016. ISSN: 19439970.

The tunnel lighting system is an important factor affecting driving safety, but it also represents the most

expensive operative cost of a tunnel. Conventional tunnel lighting systems have been progressively

replaced by LED lighting systems. This technology is spreading fast because of its low energy

consumption and the high durability combined with low maintenance requirement. Aim of this research

was to assess, by means of driving simulator experimentation, the impact of the LED lighting system on

traffic safety. The driver performance approaching inside and exiting LED lighted tunnels was analyzed

and compared to the behavior maintained in tunnels illuminated with a traditional system, in normal and

in critical conditions. Thirty-one young participants drove through two different virtual scenarios while

data on their speed, lateral position, and reaction in front of a sudden obstacle in the carriageway were

collected. A statistically significant difference was revealed as a function of the type of lighting;

simulated LED lights often induced a better driving behavior under some aspects. The motorists were

able to perceive in advance the critical situation and the consequent maneuvers were carried out in a

more effective way. Moreover, drivers kept better their lateral trajectory control in transition areas.

35. MANSER, M; HANCOCK, P. The influence of perceptual speed regulation on speed

perception, choice, and control: Tunnel wall characteristics and influences. Accident

Analysis and Prevention. 39, 69-78, Jan. 1, 2007. ISSN: 0001-4575.

The present work sought to determine if the type of visual pattern and presence of texture applied to

transportation tunnel walls differentially affected driving performance. Choice of speed and speed

control were measured with 32 participants who drove through a simulated transportation tunnel

environment. Participants experienced three visual patterns consisting of vertical segments that

decreased, increased, and remained a constant width throughout the length of the tunnel. Participants

also drove a baseline control condition in which no visual pattern was present. Each of these conditions

was presented either with or without a homogenous texture. When compared to the baseline condition,

results indicated drivers gradually decreased speed when exposed to the decreasing width visual pattern

and increased speed with the increasing width visual pattern. The presence of texture served to attenuate

overall driving speed. Results suggest drivers’ perception of speed and their subsequent response to such

perceptions were modified by the visual pattern and texture expressed on the tunnel wall. The evident

speed control opportunities afforded to the traffic engineer are discussed.

Navigazione Indoor

36. (brevetto) Mendelson, Ehud. US Patent: 8,836,580. Filed: May 08, 2006. Issued: September

16, 2014. , Database: USPTO Patent Grants

The navigation system method described herein could guide people around urban environments, detect

guide and navigate them to destinations, add-on to the portable phone. We have focused on the task of

detecting and navigating even in situations in which Global Positioning Systems (GPS) cannot provide

this information, such as when the person is indoors or in crowded urban areas where there is no line of

site to the GPS satellites. The information will be received directly from RF sensors and will display on

the existing cellular phone as Bluetooth application.

37. (brevetto) Patent Application: 13/764572. Filed: February 11, 2013. Published: August 14,

2014. Database: USPTO Patent Applications

Low energy location beacons provide a robust indoor navigation solution that is potentially accessible to

anyone with a cell phone.

38. (brevetto) Patent Application: 12/932811. Filed: March 07, 2011. Published: January 15,

2015. Database: USPTO Patent Applications

A precise navigation system utilizing a fleet of deployed RF beacons and an associated application. The

RF beacons are installed in known locations about a predefined facility area. The RF beacons emit

either a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi beacon signal. An RF beacon identifier is encoded into the beacon signal.

The location of the beacon is determined by using the beacon identifier in conjunction with a beacon

location index. The location can be used to determine a location of the receiving mobile device, initiating

conveyance of information associated with merchants in the proximate area, assistance for parking, etc.

The system can be employed to assist in emergency conditions, obtaining road sign information, and

other applications where RF beacons can transmit specific location based services and information.

39. CASTILLO-CARA, M; et al. Ray: Smart Indoor/Outdoor Routes for the Blind Using

Bluetooth 4.0 BLE. Procedia Computer Science. Country of Publication: Netherlands., 83,

690-694, Jan. 1, 2016.

This work describes the implementation of a cost-effective assistive mobile application aiming to

improve the quality of life of visually impaired people. Taking into account the architectural adaptations

being done in many cities around the world, such as tactile sidewalks, the mobile application provides

support to guide the visually impaired through outdoor/indoor spaces making use of various navigation

technologies. The actual development of the application presented herein has been done taking into

account that the safety of the end user will very much depend on the robustness, accuracy and timeliness

of the information to be provided. Furthermore, we have based our development on open source code: a

must for applications to be adapted to the cultural and social characteristics of urban areas across the


40. SHEINKER, A; et al. A method for indoor navigation based on magnetic beacons using

smartphones and tablets. Measurement. 81, 197-209, Mar. 1, 2016. ISSN: 0263-2241.

Outdoor navigation using GPS receivers installed in various types of consumer electronics devices,

especially smartphones and tablet computers has become very common. However, indoor navigation can

be problematic as GPS signals are blocked by ceilings and building walls and accuracy is on the order

of building dimensions. In present work we propose using an array of magnetic beacons for localizing a

receiver equipped with a magnetic sensor. A smartphone or a tablet computer with an internal

magnetometer can be employed as a receiver. Exploiting smartphones and tablets for indoor navigation

is a great advantage when considering convenience, simplicity and low cost. The navigation area is

covered by magnetic beacons deployed in known locations. Each beacon generates an AC magnetic field

with a unique signature enabling the receiver to distinguish between beacons. The signature may feature

a specific single frequency tone, a combination of frequencies, or any other modulated signal. A software

application running on the receiver enables self-localization by means of detection and identification of

the nearest beacon. A system prototype has been developed and used to test the proposed method in field

conditions. Experimental results show successful localization, which paves the way for a full scale

development of an effective indoor navigation system. The good results together with simple

implementation make the proposed method attractive for a wide range of indoor localization

applications, including: pedestrian and robot navigation, inbuilding rescue missions, vision impaired

assistance, and location aware services, just to mention a few.

41. DELFA, G; et al. Performance analysis of visualmarkers for indoor navigation systems.

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering. Country of Publication:

Germany., 17, 8, 730-740, Aug. 1, 2016.

The massive diffusion of smartphones, the growing interest in wearable devices and the Internet of

Things, and the exponential rise of location based services (LBSs) have made the problem of localization

and navigation inside buildings one of the most important technological challenges of recent years.

Indoor positioning systems have a huge market in the retail sector and contextual advertising; in

addition, they can be fundamental to increasing the quality of life for citizens if deployed inside public

buildings such as hospitals, airports, and museums. Sometimes, in emergency situations, they can make

the difference between life and death. Various approaches have been proposed in the literature. Recently,

thanks to the high performance of smartphones' cameras, marker-less and marker-based computer

vision approaches have been investigated. In a previous paper, we proposed a technique for indoor

localization and navigation using both Bluetooth low energy (BLE) and a 2D visual marker system

deployed into the floor. In this paper, we presented a qualitative performance evaluation of three 2D

visual markers, Vuforia, ArUco marker, and AprilTag, which are suitable for real-time applications. Our

analysis focused on specific case study of visual markers placed onto the tiles, to improve the efficiency

of our indoor localization and navigation approach by choosing the best visual marker system.

42. Yingying, G; et al. Accurate indoor localization based on crowd sensing. Wireless

Communications and Mobile Computing. Country of Publication: USA., 16, 17, 2852-2868,

Dec. 10, 2016.

Indoor localization is an important primitive that can enable many ubiquitous computing applications.

This paper improves the scheme of landmark and inertial navigation through crowd sensing. The

location of landmark can calibrate the position of users, and accurate localization can optimize the

landmark's location in turn. In this work, we define landmarks as certain characteristic structures with

iBeacons. To tackle the challenge of low efficiency of a landmark, we combine Bluetooth signals and

sensor readings to reflect the distinctive signature of a landmark and then design a method for a reliable

detection of a landmark. Moreover, we investigate the calibration bias of a landmark to ensure the

calibration accuracy. For improving the accuracy of inertial navigation, we personalize the step length

model and correct the user's heading with the aid of crowd sensing. We have built an indoor localization

system integrating the above modules and an indoor floor map, which can be further improved with

more users using our system. We demonstrate for the first time a meter-level indoor localization system

that is self-improving, user adaptive, and easy to deploy. Extensive experiments on users with mobile

devices, with over 37 subjects walking over an aggregate distance of over 30 km, were carried out.

Evaluation results show that our system can achieve a mean accuracy of 2 m initially and 1 m with the

calibration of landmarks in a 39 m × 21 m testing area. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

43. MA, H; et al. iLost - Bluetooth Indoor Navigation System. 2016

44. HSU, H; et al. Indoor localization and navigation using smartphone sensory data. Annals of

Operations Research. 1-18, Jan. 18, 2017. ISSN: 15729338.

45. KAPOOR, R; et al. Indoor navigation using distributed ultrasonic beacons. 17th Australian

International Aerospace Congress: AIAC 2017. Melbourne, Vic., 551, 2017. ISSN: 978-1-


This paper presents a novel multilateration based sensor grid, using 40 KHz ultrasonic transducers for

indoor positioning. Based on time-of-flight of incoming ultrasonic signals, position of autonomous

vehicle is calculated. This allows for conducting silent or covert operations. Multilateration theory and

algorithm are first described. Laboratory experiments were performed using an array of transmitters set

up on the ceiling and the sensor system was tested for position accuracy. Experimental results show the

prototype system to have a 1- sigma position error of about 16 cm. This research work lays down

foundations for future development of ultrasonic navigation sensors for micro Unmanned Aerial

Vehicles (UAVs) in indoor environments.

46. Project SAFE ME (System and actions for vehicles and transportation hubs to support

disaster mitigation and evacuation), UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE,

United Kingdom, Project reference: 234027

SAVE ME aimed to develop a system that detected disaster events in public transport terminals / vehicles

and critical infrastructures (i.e. tunnels and bridges) and supports quick and optimal mass evacuation

guidance, to save the lives of the general public and the rescuers, giving particular emphasis to the most

vulnerable travellers. The focus group are all passengers, including older people, the disabled, children,

and, in general the most vulnerable traveller groups. The project was successful in developing such a

system and trialling the technology in two major pilot sites - the Colle Capretto Road Tunnel near

Perugia, Italy, and Monument metro station, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.

Environmental sensing is provided using a wireless sensor network (WSN) solution. The information is

collected by a network of sensor and is transmitted to the central system, the DSS. Sensor nodes were

distributed in the demo sites (tunnel and metro) and use a specialised protocol to transmit the


During the project, nine lab tests and two real pilots have been conducted. The former were meant to test

and evaluate the single elements of the system, while the latter were planned to test the overall system.

The pilot trials in the Colle Capretto road tunnel involved 40 travellers, 20 rescuers, 5 infrastructure

operators and 4 road police operators. Despite some technical issues which occurred during the trials,

the final perception of the SAVE ME system was, in general, a positive one

Ciro Fusco

DICEA Sapienza Università di Roma

Titolo: L’incremento della sicurezza nelle gallerie stradali attraverso l’ottimizzazione dei sistemi elettrici ed elettronici

Argomento: Schema dell’attività di ricerca (aggiornamento ottobre 2017)

Identificativo: CF/32/11042/T1 Pagina: 1di1

Data: ottobre 2017

Committente: ///

Attività e luogo di esecuzione: ///

Sistema Galleria – Impianti

Gestione evoluta dell’illuminazione

di rinforzo

Affidabilità ed efficacia dell’illuminazione e

segnalazione delle vie di esodo

Efficienza ed efficacia dell’illuminazione di


Studio dei sistemi di rilevamento dei livelli di

Illuminamento e di traffico

Studio dei sistemi di informazione al

conducente sulle condizioni in galleria

In sinergia con gli studi sulle

pavimentazioni ad alta resa luminosa

Affidabilità delle condutture elettriche

Integrità funzionale in caso di incendio e

urto veicolare

Comportamento umano e sistemi tecnologici

In condizioni ordinarie, per la prevenzione

degli incidenti

In condizioni incidentali, per la gestione dinamica

delle emergenze

L’incremento della sicurezza nelle gallerie stradali attraverso l’ottimizzazione dei sistemi elettrici ed elettronici

Studio dei sistemi esistenti per individuare

eventuali criticità e possibili soluzioni

Studio dei sistemi esistenti per individuare eventuali

criticità e possibili soluzioni

Valutazione e gestione del rischio

Sistemi di protezione dall’urto veicolare delle condutture esposte

Protezione dalle sovracorrenti anche a monte di ciascuna derivazione

Eventuale utilizzo di corpi illuminanti autoalimentati ad elevate prestazioni

Controllo remoto dei corpi illuminanti (es. RS485 o RF) per l’indicazione del verso di esodo, anche con eventuali sistemi a proiezione laser

Miglioramento dei sistemi di illuminazione LED per ridurre i fenomeni di ab-bagliamento durante la guida in condizioni ordinarie

Utilizzo di cablaggi ad elevata integrità funzionale in caso di incendio (es. tecnologie a cavo piatto) con eventuale integrazione di sistemi innovativi (es. beacons)

In alcuni casi, l’illuminazione di esodo, in particolare nell’adeguamento di gallerie esistenti, presenta criticità e caren-ze: esposizione delle condutture agli urti veicolari, protezioni elettriche migliorabili, assenza dell’indicazione dinamica del verso di esodo, fenomeni di abbagliamento e scarso utilizzo di tecnologie evolute.

Carenza di metodologie di valutazione del rischio del sistema galleria-impianti, in particolare in condi-zioni di emergenza

Carenza di sistemi evoluti per la gestione delle e-

mergenze, in particolare per l’esodo, in base alla posizione e alle caratteristiche dell’incidente

Individuazione e sviluppo di:

Metodologie di valutazione del rischio con approccio RAMS, studiate per l’impiantistica di galleria

Sistema di localizzazione indoor per la guida delle persone all’esodo (Beacons, Geoma-gnetico, Wi-Fi, Inerziale, Ibrido)

Si ritiene interessante approfondire i seguenti temi:

sistemi di controllo dell’illuminazione di rinforzo, tenendo conto anche degli aspetti legati alla reale visione umana, alle condizioni del traffico e alle situazioni di pre-emergenza ed emergenza

sistemi evoluti di video analisi

sistemi di informazione in relazione al comportamento uma-no


Illuminazione permanente